1. i don't know if you remember this. but i do. a few weeks ago (just as i was starting season 2 of The O.C.) i went into Walgreen's and had an encounter with a boy who looked like Zach on The O.C. he played Summer's boyfriend.
i went in to walgreen's again tonight and saw him again!!!! and this time we talked for a while about my green hair...
WALGREEN'S BOY: I'm really diggin' the green in your hair.
JULIE: Hey, thanks!
WALGREEN'S BOY: Was it for St. Patrick's Day?
WALGREEN'S BOY: (laughs) Just cause you like it - that's awesome. Have you had it for a while?
JULIE: Kind of...I think I'll re-dye it soon, because it used to be way more teal.
WALGREEN'S BOY: (laughs) And now it's just....green...
JULIE: Yeah!
WALGREEN'S BOY: Well, it still looks awesome.
JULIE: Thanks.
(then i bought conditioner for color-treated hair)
WALGREEN'S BOY: Ah! This is what keeps the color in.
WALGREEN'S BOY: You don't dye the rest of it though, right?
JULIE: No, it's just for the green.
WALGREEN'S BOY: Well, it must work.
JULIE: It does!
WALGREEN'S BOY: Just try not to think about what chemicals it's leaving in your hair...
JULIE: Ahhh! I know.... you just can't think about it.
WALGREEN'S BOY: Well, have a great night.
JULIE: Thanks! You too.
um, how excited was i about this? very excited. this boy is super cute. and he TOTALLY looks like Zach from The O.C.
here is Zach:

what a cutie, right?!?!! RIGHT!
anyways. that was exciting.
2. BLOOD FEATHERS. if you'll be in NYC on 19 May and feel like checking out a good show: GO SEE BLOOD FEATHERS!!! they are performing at The Mercury Lounge with Apollo Sunshine!!! i don't know much (or...anything) by Apollo Sunshine, but i do know that some (or all?) of their members are from Andover, MA. and we all know what great musicians that town produces - so they must be good!
and this comes FULL CIRCLE because, speaking of great musicians from Andover, CRASH KINGS are performing at The Mercury Lounge on 23 May. and i'll be there! just a few nights after Blood Feathers! OH HOW i wish they were performing together again. i would enjoy seeing them play again.
BUT! we can all enjoy A FREE DOWNLOAD of one of their tracks! Blood Feathers, that is. great band. great music. and i meant to post this when the band posted it on their twitter - but here is a great video of them performing ANOTHER great song, 'Sweet Tea.'
so, please everyone check out those songs. and check out Blood Feathers if you're in the NYC area on 19 May. or, even if you're not in the area - dude, drive to see them!
(i just said 'dude' and i never say 'dude.' sorry if it was weird.)
but, i'm gonna send you the link to their site again (here it is) so that you can read more about these good looking guys. you can also find their tour schedule there so you can find a show near you. mostly shows in PA.
*and a note about driving to PA - don't take either the 202 or 206 during rush hour. i think those were the road names. and if you do - the directions will tell you that it will take like, 19 minutes when really it will take you an hour. SO PLAN ACCORDINGLY. you don't want to miss Blood Feathers if you're coming from the north.
i think that was an important message.
yeah alright!!!! that was an awesome piece about Blood Feathers. i think you would really like their music.
actually - i'm not done talking about Blood Feathers. i just realized that i've spent all this time talking about them - and we don't even know who they are!!! let's meet Blood Feathers:
hi guys! they are Blood Feathers.
if you're wondering what REAL Blood Feathers are - i just looked it up.
Blood Feathers (non-band): brand new feathers that come into a bird during the molting process. all birds get blood feathers! and no, you're bird won't bleed to death if one of these feathers breaks. BUT, if you're a bird owner, you should be prepared for this situation in case it happens.
if your bird breaks a blood feather: hold the bird down. you can use cornstarch to stop the bleeding!!! call your local avian vet!! if it's in the middle of the night and your vet isn't open (cockatiels are most likely to break blood feathers in the night because they are scared of the dark) then you must remove the blood feather yourself.
you will need hemostats or needle nose pliers. find the break in the blood feather. position the tool as close to the skin as possible and with a FIRM YANK, pull out the blood feather in the DIRECTION IT IS GROWING.
and then be sure to give your bird lots of love and attention!!!
but remember, blood feathers are simply just new feathers growing in. every feather needs a blood supply! once the feather has stopped growing, the feather follicle closes up and the blood supply inside the feather dries.
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!! i found this great information here. perhaps i just eased the mind of any blog reading bird owners who were nervous about all this talk of blood feathers.
SO NOW we know about Blood Feathers the great Philadelphia rock band!
AND WE ALSO know about blood feathers on a bird!
great. this blog is so educational.
and now knowing this information about what blood feathers are, it makes the Blood Feathers name less gross and more beautiful. just think about what it must be like to grow a feather. that sounds really cool. think about a feather growing out of your arm RIGHT NOW. whoa.
Jennifer Meyer Maguire should design special limited edition feather necklaces for the band. remember that feather necklace that both Bar Rafaeli and Kate Winslet were wearing? that were both a gift from Leo DiCaprio? that were designed by Jennifer Meyer Maguire? YEAH! there should be special Blood Feather Feather necklaces. maybe they would have red stones?
i like it. if this actually happens, i should get a free one. i don't think the whole feather should be red stones. maybe like, just one or two. yeah. i liiiike it. i will be a full 100% supporter of this idea.
if Blood Feathers teamed up with Jennifer Meyer they would be super famous. because all the celebs wear that jewelry! oh man. i need to make this happen.
does Blood Feathers have merch? let's see...THEY DO! and i actually really like that t-shirt! a lot. and that necklace would look super hott with the shirt.
the only thing i'm worried about are the prices.... that shirt costs $15 - which is a good, reasonable price for band merch. those necklaces probably cost like, $1500. and i don't think most people bring that much cash when they go see a band. hmm.
maybe it could be a shirt + necklace bundle! with a cd!
shirt + cd + necklace = $30!
what a steal! clearly i need to be head of the Blood Feathers Merch Street Team like, pronto.
wow. i thought i was done talking about Blood Feathers a long time ago. but then i just kept going! it went from promoting one of their free tracks to me offering to be head of their street team! yikes!
so, go back and get that free download. and watch that video on youtube.
AND THIS concludes the Blood Feathers portion of the program.
3. during this entry, Robert Schwartzman tweeted that he was currently broadcasting live on 'ustream.' so i had to take a break and go watch his broadcast. what a hottie. he talked about being excited for touring with HANSON.
omg. i think about that tour and i have to remind myself to keep breathing. have i said that before? i think so. and it still holds true. HANSON + ROONEY!!!! ooohhhhh man.
they're playing like, 20 miles south of Boston, though. lame. why not just play boston? eh, i'll still go. with kara! i convinced her to come.
ooohhhh i'm so excited. i'm really excited for the new Rooney record. 8 JUNE!!!!! i think? yes.
4. i thought i had other things to tell you about.
5. it's currently 11:05pm. i still have to eat supper. AND do folding of papers. for work tomorrow.
6. YES i have to work tomorrow. "work" but not actually get paid for it. ah well. such is a bad economy. and i have to get up early.
so, we're having this fundraiser for Hannah House on 22 May (i'll be at Earthfest!). it is an auction of chairs that have been painted by local artists. they are all really pretty and one of a kind! and so as advertising for this event, we are displaying a chair at two local businesses. and tomorrow my job is to bring the chair to these places and then go pick it up again.
AND! tonight in preparation - i went to iParty to get balloons!! to tie to the chair! to make it more festive. i got 7 balloons:
- orange
- hott pink
- red
- lime green
- purple
- yellow
- hmmmm i can't think of the last color.....
- OH! normal pink :)
so tomorrow morning i have to bring the chair, balloons and handouts to the Hanover Co-Op at 10am. pick it up at noontime. bring it over to the Lebanon Co-Op. pick it up at 4pm.
and while i'm waiting for the chair to be done advertising, i will go to three businesses and pick up donations for this fundraiser. 2 places in NH and one in VT. cool.
7. OH! i wanted to tell you that if you are reading this from the actual BLOG and not through facebook - you will notice that i have added a very important advertisement to the top of this page. a CRASH KINGS ON JIMMY KIMMEL advertisement.
MONDAY! 10 MAY! don't forget!!
i took that advertisement from the Crash Kings facebook page. it was in their 'sweepstakes' tab. which, made me amazed that they now have a sweepstakes tab. you can win tickets to the Kimmel taping on monday.
OR! you can watch from the comfort of your home. aahhhhhh the thought of Crash Kings being in my home really makes me happy.
OMG I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE THEM ON TV!!!! how awesome will it be?!?! so awesome.
OK. i feel this has been a good entry. i'm excited about the info i posted.
have a great weekend! a great saturday! i'll talk to you later :)
GOODNIGHT! be well! drive safe! take care!
<3, Julie
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