i'd like to live in this house please. kthx.
at work right now. it's 5pm. working until 8am. we're watching A Lot Like Love. mmmmashtonkutcher. i just love him. he's one of those guys that i'll see any movie he makes. he just makes everything more enjoyable. yeah he does. great soundtrack in that movie. there's a JET song! the song they didn't play ANY of the three times i saw them.
i don't know why i was thinking about that the other day. i was listening to that song and thought, "why didn't they play this when i saw them 3 times in 4 days?!"
great story, right? yep. it's literary gems like that that keep you coming back.
before we put on A Lot Like Love, we were watching The Notebook. just the end of it. BUT! i didn't realize that Eric from Entourage is in it! he plays Ryan Goslings friend, Finn! it was awesome! i looked up at the screen and it was E! ohhhh how i love Entourage.
The Notebook? eh. saw it once and it was enough.
have i talked about when babies sneeze it's the cutest thing ever? because there's a baby in the living room with me right now and he just sneezed twice. it's so freaking cute. he's about to be 4 months old. cutie!
although, not a cutie when he was screaming and crying while i was holding him a little while ago.
i keep going back and forth about wanting a baby. like, my own baby. obviously not right now or anytime soon. i don't know. lately i've been thinking i don't want any. and that's okay. and maybe that will change and maybe it won't.
but speaking of babies, a few nights ago i had a dream i had a baby with 12 fingers. 6 on each hand. weird, right? tried to look up what it could mean, but didn't get very far. and there was some mention of what an amazing piano player the baby could be. strange.
i've been watching season 2 of True Blood. i'm like, 6 episodes in. GREAT. yeah, so great. pretty gross. i'd say it's grosser than the first season. and maybe not as sexy either. i really like Eric. or, Erik. he's pretty funny, even when he's being horribly terrifying.
also, i've been super listening to 'Hey, Soul Sister' by Train. it's a great song. it's currently my new wedding song. if i ever get married.
also, i've been eating a lot of tofu! i like tofu whenever i have it, but i never know what to do with it when i buy it. but i've been making it my mission to experiment. so i've been MARINATING.
first night i marinated it in a peanut sauce that i bought. which turned out to be way too spicy. it said, "mildly spicy" on the jar. but, my lips were on fire. my tongue was on fire. my throat was on fire. it felt like an episode of Man v. Food when it's a spicy challenge. and he's like, "this is 75 times spicier than a jalapeno!" that's what it felt like. although, this is coming from a person who cannot handle ANY spicy. barely even the medium salsa.
but, i cooked up some cous cous and chickpeas to eat it with. and it was delish, except for the spicy. i ended up having to get some frozen mango out of the freezer and taking bites of the mango in between the bites of the spicy tofu. yeah, so maybe i'm a spice wimp.
anyways, the next day i tried to recreate the marinated tofu sandwich that i used to get at The Bridge Cafe at Hampshire College. turned out pretty good. let the tofu soak in soy sauce for about 15 minutes. not as salty as the sandwiches at the Bridge, so that was good.
and then last night, i marinated it for about 40 minutes in this fruity hawaiian marinade. grilled it up with some pineapple and then ate it with the leftover cous cous and chickpeas. delish!
so i bought more tofu at the grocery store today to try more experiments. i'm excited. i'm really good at making chocolate tofu cream pie. YUM. that's good.
HEY! the resident here asked me to print out the lyrics to the JET song that played in the movie!!! awesome! she also asked me to print out the lyrics to the Bon Jovi song that Ashton sings in the courtyard.
movie's over now. we were going to watch The Prince and Me, but instead she put in The Hot Chick. starring Rob Schneider. :/ we'll see how that is.
OKAY! tonight my plan is to watch more True Blood. there's nothing more patriotic then vampires and sex.
so, happy july 4th weekend! i like July 4th because it means i get an extra day off this month!! thanks, USA.
alright, have a great night friends. i'll talk to you all later!
AND IF YOU'RE IN MAINE THIS WEEKEND: please make note that Crash Kings are also in Maine. and I am not. also, She & Him are playing also. SON OF A GUN, they are live broadcasting the festival!
the Nateva Festival. Crash Kings played at 3:15 this afternoon. CRAP. i bet it'll be archived to watch later.
alright. have a great afternoon. evening. middle of the night. morning. everything!
03 July 2010
02 July 2010
FOLKS, IT HAPPENED. and it was glorious. glorious and fantastic and terrific and wonderful and amazing and lovely and perfect and so, so, sosososo freaking awesome.
what happened, you ask?
I KNOW - took him long enough. i have tweeted him many, many things. and TODAY he finally responded. was it everything i hoped for? YES. i mean, it wasn't the marriage proposal i secretly wanted - BUT IT WAS STILL GREAT.
let me explain.
FIRST OF ALL, we all know who Robert Schwartzman is because i sometimes never stop talking about how much i love him. BUT, just for a refresh:
- he is the lead singer of one of my fave bands, Rooney (the band that Crash Kings toured with, which is how i heard of CKs)
- he is JASON SCHWARTZMAN'S little brother. yes, THE Jason Schwartzman that i have been in love with for a very, very long time.
- he was the love interest in The Princess Diaries! (not the mean one, the nice one who she ends up with in the end.)
- his mom is Talia Shire from the Rocky movies. so, he's got all the Coppola family connections.
WHATEVER - he's in Rooney, which is the most important thing. and i'm seeing them THIS MONTH with HANSON!
so, the Rooney tour just started over on the west coast a few weeks ago, and Robert does tour video diaries every now and then. they're wonderful. like, really, really wonderful. but, he's been wearing this hat that says, 'Captain' that i'm totally jealous of. he's been wearing it all the time.

this is Robert wearing the hat. I WANT THAT HAT. because how long have i wanted to be a ship captain? yeah like, a long freaking time.
and he's been wearing it everywhere. so, i finally sent him a tweet that said,

(@rcschwartzman where'd you find your 'captain' hat?! i love all the appearances it's been making.)

(@Captain_Julie It's a secret!)
it's a secret!! he's such a cutie. and, you may notice, he's wearing the Captain hat in his tiny profile picture on Twitter. his profile picture used to be a pic of the KFC Double Down, which he is kind of obsessed with.
when they play Boston, i'm totally going to ask him again. i'll probs also tweet him that morning asking him to wear it. YEP.
ohhh it's so wonderful. i think our twitter names look great next to each other. :)
yep. great day. great moment. if you haven't heard the new Rooney cd, PLEASE check it out. it rocks. i know of TWO people who had never heard Rooney before, listened to the new cd, and are now total fans. yep. TWO PEOPLE.
alright. i had to share this incredible happening with you. i hope you all had wonderful moments today that equal the Schwartzman Tweet excitement.
have great nights! i'm going to watch more True Blood and probably eat something. i'm working saturday 3:30pm to 10pm. and then 10pm to 8am. but then again not until 10pm, so that's good.
take care! be well!
what happened, you ask?
I KNOW - took him long enough. i have tweeted him many, many things. and TODAY he finally responded. was it everything i hoped for? YES. i mean, it wasn't the marriage proposal i secretly wanted - BUT IT WAS STILL GREAT.
let me explain.
FIRST OF ALL, we all know who Robert Schwartzman is because i sometimes never stop talking about how much i love him. BUT, just for a refresh:
- he is the lead singer of one of my fave bands, Rooney (the band that Crash Kings toured with, which is how i heard of CKs)
- he is JASON SCHWARTZMAN'S little brother. yes, THE Jason Schwartzman that i have been in love with for a very, very long time.
- he was the love interest in The Princess Diaries! (not the mean one, the nice one who she ends up with in the end.)
- his mom is Talia Shire from the Rocky movies. so, he's got all the Coppola family connections.
WHATEVER - he's in Rooney, which is the most important thing. and i'm seeing them THIS MONTH with HANSON!
so, the Rooney tour just started over on the west coast a few weeks ago, and Robert does tour video diaries every now and then. they're wonderful. like, really, really wonderful. but, he's been wearing this hat that says, 'Captain' that i'm totally jealous of. he's been wearing it all the time.
this is Robert wearing the hat. I WANT THAT HAT. because how long have i wanted to be a ship captain? yeah like, a long freaking time.
and he's been wearing it everywhere. so, i finally sent him a tweet that said,
(@rcschwartzman where'd you find your 'captain' hat?! i love all the appearances it's been making.)
(@Captain_Julie It's a secret!)
it's a secret!! he's such a cutie. and, you may notice, he's wearing the Captain hat in his tiny profile picture on Twitter. his profile picture used to be a pic of the KFC Double Down, which he is kind of obsessed with.
when they play Boston, i'm totally going to ask him again. i'll probs also tweet him that morning asking him to wear it. YEP.
ohhh it's so wonderful. i think our twitter names look great next to each other. :)
yep. great day. great moment. if you haven't heard the new Rooney cd, PLEASE check it out. it rocks. i know of TWO people who had never heard Rooney before, listened to the new cd, and are now total fans. yep. TWO PEOPLE.
alright. i had to share this incredible happening with you. i hope you all had wonderful moments today that equal the Schwartzman Tweet excitement.
have great nights! i'm going to watch more True Blood and probably eat something. i'm working saturday 3:30pm to 10pm. and then 10pm to 8am. but then again not until 10pm, so that's good.
take care! be well!
01 July 2010
"so hold out your hands..."
i have 'Raincoat' stuck in my head because i just referenced it in a tweet i just sent to Ryan. and now i'm in a good mood!
i'm at work right now. does it seem like i never leave work? yeah, i've been getting that feeling too. and it seems that when i'm not working, i'm sleeping. i feel like for the past week i haven't been doing anything except passing the time before i have to work again. it's kind of a bummer, but then i remember that i don't have any money anyways, so i technically couldn't go out and "do" anything. most things cost money. and i'm working a lot, which will earn money.
today i worked until 8am. now i am working 3:30pm until 6pm. and then working again at 9pm. in the time between 6pm and 9pm (really 8:45pm) i have plans to :
1. go to the grocery store
2. take a bath
i really don't have any food. or, i have food, just not anything that you can put together to make a meal. last night i made pizza eggs. with an english muffin. it was kind of like, "well, you have eggs. and you have pizza sauce and cheese."
voila! pizza eggs!! it was kind of delicious. and this morning i again had eggs with toast. because that's kind of the only substantial thing i have.
so! i will go to the grocery store tonight. although, it's kind of one of those times when you go to the store and it's like, "what do i get that will be delicious, will last a while, and won't get boring?" it feels like i'm starting from scratch. because, for a while, i was trying to eat everything in the house so to use up what i had. but then like two days ago it got to the point where, i no longer had anything in the house.
SO. grocery store trip. i also need coffee. coconut coffee. i might also buy tofu.
last night was great. i watched SIX episodes of Bored to Death, the wonderful HBO show starring Jason Schwartzman. also Ted Danson and Zach Galifinackis. i totally just spelled his name however i wanted to. and i'm not going to look it up to see if it's right.
anyways - the show is terrific. really, really, so enjoyable. there were many times i laughed out loud. LOL'd as the kids would say. it makes me want to live in Brooklyn! it also makes me want to marry Jason Schwartzman. but, it doesn't take very much at all for me to want that. he's so lovely. and it just makes me so happy that him and Robert are brothers. and that they love making music together.
it also makes me happy that Coconut Records does the theme to Bored to Death. ooohhhhh Coconut Records. i have that sticker that i still have to put on my car. why do i keep forgetting?!
anyways, everyone should watch Bored to Death. i believe the first season is being released on DVD in September. and it was definitely picked up for season 2 because they're filming it right now! in Brooklyn!
so, i watch something like that and want to live in Brooklyn. i watched Valentine's Day and wanted to live in Los Angeles. i visit Boston and want to live there. so many places. so little money.
and it makes me ANNOYED that Crash Kings WILL BE IN MAINE this weekend and i won't be. and that the freaking tickets cost so much money. so lame. what person in Maine has $200 to spend on tickets, PLUS the cost of either camping or hotel?? LAME!
anyways, i'll see them on the 24th OF THIS MONTH! my mom is coming and she is soooo excited! Kara says she never stops talking about it. this makes me really happy. i can't wait either. i really hope Kara comes. and Jo! i really hope Jo is able to come. but if she doesn't, then it just means she's on a totally awesome roadtrip! which is still super fun.
hm. what else.
i watched a video this morning on how to do a 'blowout hairstyle' on yourself. yep. i did that. and it got me all excited that maybe i could actually figure out how to do it! but then after i was excited i was just disappointed because i've tried this many times and it never works. and i hate using a blow dryer. and i never brush my hair anyways, so i just get all confused.
remember when i linked to that Paper Tongues photo? that i can't stop looking at? of Jordan? my future boyfriend drummer? YEAH, well, since then, they have been posting pictures of all their new tattoos, and it's been great. yep. great. it sounded like someone from a local tattoo parlor came onto their bus and gave them all tattoos.
i was listening to my fave Paper Tongues song 'Get Higher' last night. ooohhhh i love it.
i love the ACOUSTIC VERSION. and i love the NORMAL VERSION. i love the lyric that goes, "the feeling of your skin, it's lovely."
i love how he says, 'lovely.' just like i love the lyric in the River City Extension song, 'Too Tired to Drink' that goes, "and i think the way that you laugh is just darling." i love how he says, 'darling!' i think it's so sweet.
there's another RCE lyric that i love because it's so sweet.
BUT, getting back to Paper Tongues real quick, i know i talk a lot about what the country will be like when i am president. and i believe i've mentioned before that i am going to change the national anthem to the Paper Tongues song, 'For the People.' and i just wanted to say, that i am probably still going to do that.
i think it would be so much more awesome. like, before every major event to just ROCK instead of just standing (or sitting, because it's not illegal) there.
and speaking of awesome countries....
HAPPY CANADA DAY! to one and all. half of my family lives in Canada and i am half Canadian. so, it's a celebration!
except, i'm not doing anything special. probably won't do anything special on the 4th either. except avoid fireworks at all costs. which is hard because last year they set them off from the mountain right behind my house. me and Ruby were kind of traumatized.
hmmm..... what else to tell you about?!
had to spray all the furniture last night with Lice killing spray. yep. definitely wasn't excited about that. makes your skin all creepy crawly. just like when we had the outbreak of bed bugs. i think that was worse, though. yeah, that was worse. i couldn't sleep during that time.
i didn't see any earwigs in the apartment yesterday, but killed 2 this morning. one was in Ruby Tuesday's water bowl! that made me really upset. she is afraid of them too.
basically the moral is that this house is an insect magnet. and i hate insects, so it's a rough time.
i wish i could think of that other River City Extension lyric that i love.
but, i've gotten a few very positive comments regarding Gogol Bordello, the headlining band that RCE is opening for at the Starland Ballroom in NJ on the 31st. so, i think i might really try and go. and also start listening to Gogol Bordello, because apparently everyone loves them!
last night during an episode of Bored to Death, they were talking about Russian literature and there was a reference to Gogol, which made me think of the band, which reminded me that i should start listening to them.
ANYWAYS - it's now time for me to leave. yay.
time to hit the grocery store! at probably the worst traffic time of the day! hooray! ah well.
hope everyone has a lovely night! talk to you all soon.
☀ ☼ ☸
(it's two suns and a ships wheel!)
i'm at work right now. does it seem like i never leave work? yeah, i've been getting that feeling too. and it seems that when i'm not working, i'm sleeping. i feel like for the past week i haven't been doing anything except passing the time before i have to work again. it's kind of a bummer, but then i remember that i don't have any money anyways, so i technically couldn't go out and "do" anything. most things cost money. and i'm working a lot, which will earn money.
today i worked until 8am. now i am working 3:30pm until 6pm. and then working again at 9pm. in the time between 6pm and 9pm (really 8:45pm) i have plans to :
1. go to the grocery store
2. take a bath
i really don't have any food. or, i have food, just not anything that you can put together to make a meal. last night i made pizza eggs. with an english muffin. it was kind of like, "well, you have eggs. and you have pizza sauce and cheese."
voila! pizza eggs!! it was kind of delicious. and this morning i again had eggs with toast. because that's kind of the only substantial thing i have.
so! i will go to the grocery store tonight. although, it's kind of one of those times when you go to the store and it's like, "what do i get that will be delicious, will last a while, and won't get boring?" it feels like i'm starting from scratch. because, for a while, i was trying to eat everything in the house so to use up what i had. but then like two days ago it got to the point where, i no longer had anything in the house.
SO. grocery store trip. i also need coffee. coconut coffee. i might also buy tofu.
last night was great. i watched SIX episodes of Bored to Death, the wonderful HBO show starring Jason Schwartzman. also Ted Danson and Zach Galifinackis. i totally just spelled his name however i wanted to. and i'm not going to look it up to see if it's right.
anyways - the show is terrific. really, really, so enjoyable. there were many times i laughed out loud. LOL'd as the kids would say. it makes me want to live in Brooklyn! it also makes me want to marry Jason Schwartzman. but, it doesn't take very much at all for me to want that. he's so lovely. and it just makes me so happy that him and Robert are brothers. and that they love making music together.
it also makes me happy that Coconut Records does the theme to Bored to Death. ooohhhhh Coconut Records. i have that sticker that i still have to put on my car. why do i keep forgetting?!
anyways, everyone should watch Bored to Death. i believe the first season is being released on DVD in September. and it was definitely picked up for season 2 because they're filming it right now! in Brooklyn!
so, i watch something like that and want to live in Brooklyn. i watched Valentine's Day and wanted to live in Los Angeles. i visit Boston and want to live there. so many places. so little money.
and it makes me ANNOYED that Crash Kings WILL BE IN MAINE this weekend and i won't be. and that the freaking tickets cost so much money. so lame. what person in Maine has $200 to spend on tickets, PLUS the cost of either camping or hotel?? LAME!
anyways, i'll see them on the 24th OF THIS MONTH! my mom is coming and she is soooo excited! Kara says she never stops talking about it. this makes me really happy. i can't wait either. i really hope Kara comes. and Jo! i really hope Jo is able to come. but if she doesn't, then it just means she's on a totally awesome roadtrip! which is still super fun.
hm. what else.
i watched a video this morning on how to do a 'blowout hairstyle' on yourself. yep. i did that. and it got me all excited that maybe i could actually figure out how to do it! but then after i was excited i was just disappointed because i've tried this many times and it never works. and i hate using a blow dryer. and i never brush my hair anyways, so i just get all confused.
remember when i linked to that Paper Tongues photo? that i can't stop looking at? of Jordan? my future boyfriend drummer? YEAH, well, since then, they have been posting pictures of all their new tattoos, and it's been great. yep. great. it sounded like someone from a local tattoo parlor came onto their bus and gave them all tattoos.
i was listening to my fave Paper Tongues song 'Get Higher' last night. ooohhhh i love it.
i love the ACOUSTIC VERSION. and i love the NORMAL VERSION. i love the lyric that goes, "the feeling of your skin, it's lovely."
i love how he says, 'lovely.' just like i love the lyric in the River City Extension song, 'Too Tired to Drink' that goes, "and i think the way that you laugh is just darling." i love how he says, 'darling!' i think it's so sweet.
there's another RCE lyric that i love because it's so sweet.
BUT, getting back to Paper Tongues real quick, i know i talk a lot about what the country will be like when i am president. and i believe i've mentioned before that i am going to change the national anthem to the Paper Tongues song, 'For the People.' and i just wanted to say, that i am probably still going to do that.
i think it would be so much more awesome. like, before every major event to just ROCK instead of just standing (or sitting, because it's not illegal) there.
and speaking of awesome countries....
HAPPY CANADA DAY! to one and all. half of my family lives in Canada and i am half Canadian. so, it's a celebration!
except, i'm not doing anything special. probably won't do anything special on the 4th either. except avoid fireworks at all costs. which is hard because last year they set them off from the mountain right behind my house. me and Ruby were kind of traumatized.
hmmm..... what else to tell you about?!
had to spray all the furniture last night with Lice killing spray. yep. definitely wasn't excited about that. makes your skin all creepy crawly. just like when we had the outbreak of bed bugs. i think that was worse, though. yeah, that was worse. i couldn't sleep during that time.
i didn't see any earwigs in the apartment yesterday, but killed 2 this morning. one was in Ruby Tuesday's water bowl! that made me really upset. she is afraid of them too.
basically the moral is that this house is an insect magnet. and i hate insects, so it's a rough time.
i wish i could think of that other River City Extension lyric that i love.
but, i've gotten a few very positive comments regarding Gogol Bordello, the headlining band that RCE is opening for at the Starland Ballroom in NJ on the 31st. so, i think i might really try and go. and also start listening to Gogol Bordello, because apparently everyone loves them!
last night during an episode of Bored to Death, they were talking about Russian literature and there was a reference to Gogol, which made me think of the band, which reminded me that i should start listening to them.
ANYWAYS - it's now time for me to leave. yay.
time to hit the grocery store! at probably the worst traffic time of the day! hooray! ah well.
hope everyone has a lovely night! talk to you all soon.
☀ ☼ ☸
(it's two suns and a ships wheel!)
29 June 2010
do you all understand how much i love Crash Kings? i hope you do. because it's a lot of love for that band.
do you also understand how much i love the television show JONAS? starring the Jonas Brothers? yes. i love it so much.
let me recap one of the most awesome things in the whole world.
i don't know if you know this, but the new season of JONAS recently premiered on the Disney channel. it's called, JONAS L.A. because they're spending the summer in Los Angeles. (normally they live in New Jersey.)
now, i do not have TV in my apartment, so i am unable to watch JONAS when it's actually on, but LUCKILY my good friends over at Netflix have made the show available in it's 'watch instantly' selection. you can watch the whole first season this way too. (i highly recommend it.)
last night Kara and i discovered that they will also be instantly viewing the second season, and are adding episodes as they air on tv. it's such an awesome feature. Thank You, Netflix.
ANYWAYS, so obviously, we watched the first 2 episodes that have aired so far. (they're fantastic.)
at the end of the first episode there was a little scene with Nick playing a guitar...
please take a look at these screencaps i have provided for you...

Now, to the average untrained eye these may seem like totally normal screencaps of a totally normal Nick, simply playing the guitar.
BUT TO THE CRASH KINGS TRAINED EYE you may see something totally different.....
i was watching the scene with Nick when suddenly i NOTICED SOMETHING and i exclaimed:
JULIE: OH MY GOD Tony has that shirt!!!!!
now please look at these pictures i have provided for you from when Crash Kings played The Mercury Lounge in NYC....

do you have any idea how excited this made me? you probably don't. i was so excited about this, i almost had trouble sleeping last night.
i was pretty excited i noticed the shirt on Nick, considering he was wearing a cardigan over it, and holding a guitar. AMAZING, right?! i believe the shirt says, 'SHOUT &BE HEARD.' nice. and it probably cost like, $100.
i bet i know what you're thinking now....
you're thinking something like.... "Nick and Tony should wear those shirts on the Bro Tour 2011!"
at least, that's what i'm thinking!!
BRO TOUR 2011:
with special guests
it will be the best thing ever.
we all know that Joe Jonas loves Crash Kings because of that time he tweeted for everyone to start listening to them. i wonder if NICK also loves CKs? i wonder if he is also fascinated with Tony's clothing and bought the shirt because he knew Tony had it. Nick does wear a lot of red plaid....
WOW. yep, i think this is amazing. and oh man, i was so excited. i still am.
i'm so good at noticing when people are wearing the same thing. just admit it - i am.
remember the feather necklace? i noticed that Kate Winslet and Bar Rafaeli had the same feather necklace that i later found out Leo DiCaprio bought both of them.
also, remember when i noticed that Steve Martin was wearing the same shirt in 'Baby Mama' that Stellan Skarsgard was wearing in 'Mamma Mia!'
oh boy, i couldn't wait to share this with you. i hope you're at least a tiny bit as excited as i am.
ALRIGHT! i don't really think it could get any better than this, so i'm going to go. should i tell Tony he has the same fashion sense as a 17 year old? hmm...
have a great night! i'll talk to everyone later :)
do you also understand how much i love the television show JONAS? starring the Jonas Brothers? yes. i love it so much.
let me recap one of the most awesome things in the whole world.
i don't know if you know this, but the new season of JONAS recently premiered on the Disney channel. it's called, JONAS L.A. because they're spending the summer in Los Angeles. (normally they live in New Jersey.)
now, i do not have TV in my apartment, so i am unable to watch JONAS when it's actually on, but LUCKILY my good friends over at Netflix have made the show available in it's 'watch instantly' selection. you can watch the whole first season this way too. (i highly recommend it.)
last night Kara and i discovered that they will also be instantly viewing the second season, and are adding episodes as they air on tv. it's such an awesome feature. Thank You, Netflix.
ANYWAYS, so obviously, we watched the first 2 episodes that have aired so far. (they're fantastic.)
at the end of the first episode there was a little scene with Nick playing a guitar...
please take a look at these screencaps i have provided for you...
Now, to the average untrained eye these may seem like totally normal screencaps of a totally normal Nick, simply playing the guitar.
BUT TO THE CRASH KINGS TRAINED EYE you may see something totally different.....
i was watching the scene with Nick when suddenly i NOTICED SOMETHING and i exclaimed:
JULIE: OH MY GOD Tony has that shirt!!!!!
now please look at these pictures i have provided for you from when Crash Kings played The Mercury Lounge in NYC....
do you have any idea how excited this made me? you probably don't. i was so excited about this, i almost had trouble sleeping last night.
i was pretty excited i noticed the shirt on Nick, considering he was wearing a cardigan over it, and holding a guitar. AMAZING, right?! i believe the shirt says, 'SHOUT &BE HEARD.' nice. and it probably cost like, $100.
i bet i know what you're thinking now....
you're thinking something like.... "Nick and Tony should wear those shirts on the Bro Tour 2011!"
at least, that's what i'm thinking!!
BRO TOUR 2011:
with special guests
it will be the best thing ever.
we all know that Joe Jonas loves Crash Kings because of that time he tweeted for everyone to start listening to them. i wonder if NICK also loves CKs? i wonder if he is also fascinated with Tony's clothing and bought the shirt because he knew Tony had it. Nick does wear a lot of red plaid....
WOW. yep, i think this is amazing. and oh man, i was so excited. i still am.
i'm so good at noticing when people are wearing the same thing. just admit it - i am.
remember the feather necklace? i noticed that Kate Winslet and Bar Rafaeli had the same feather necklace that i later found out Leo DiCaprio bought both of them.
also, remember when i noticed that Steve Martin was wearing the same shirt in 'Baby Mama' that Stellan Skarsgard was wearing in 'Mamma Mia!'
oh boy, i couldn't wait to share this with you. i hope you're at least a tiny bit as excited as i am.
ALRIGHT! i don't really think it could get any better than this, so i'm going to go. should i tell Tony he has the same fashion sense as a 17 year old? hmm...
have a great night! i'll talk to everyone later :)
days keep going by
wow i'm bored right now. woooowwwww so bored. i'm at work. it's 4:21pm. i've been here since noon. i'm here until 10. and then i'm 'on-call' until 8am. oh man it feels like i've been here a million hours.
i hadn't worked for three months, and now it feels like i never stop. it's harder too because i have to keep the baby monitor on all night, even when i'm in my apartment. so, that keeps me up. it makes 'intercom-type' monitor noises. and then when the baby wakes up, i wake up.
this morning, i got into bed at 2:45am. finally fell asleep around 4am. was awake from 5:30 - 6am. and then awake again from 7 - 8am. i was literally counting down the minutes until i could unplug the phone and shut off the monitor.
it's AMAZING how much better i sleep when i'm not working. like, i usually have no sense of anything when i'm asleep. but ever since i started working this job, i can DEFINITELY tell that i sleep better when i'm not on the clock. or, if i'm away from the house for a night.
watched Remember Me last night. the one with Robert Pattinson and Claire from Lost. and Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. i had heard from someone that they didn't like it, and from two others that they loved it. so - i was going in pretty neutral.
and i was kind of liking the movie all the way through. it was funny in parts. Robert Pattinson. ya know. but i was kind of thinking.... "what is this movie about?" like, it wasn't really going anywhere. kind of the same old story that we've all heard 1,000 times over.
i'm not going to tell you how it ends. but - i didn't like it. for a few reasons. it totally turned the movie into something i didn't want it to be, and didn't expect it to be. it seemed unnecessary and forced. dislike.
it was crazy. i kept thinking, "oh my god this isn't going to happen...this isn't going to happen." BUT YEP. it happened. you should see it and then tell me if you saw it coming.
i just didn't like it. sorry all you Remember Me fans.
but other than that... there's not much going on.
i'm getting really excited for all my concerts coming up. let's recap, shall we?
July 23 - Rooney and Hanson; Cape Cod, MA
July 24 - Crash Kings; Portsmouth, NH
July 31 - River City Extension; Sayreville, NJ (tentative)
Aug 3 - Crash Kings; Boston, MA
Aug 4 - Crash Kings; Providence, RI
Aug 5 - Crash Kings; Burlington, VT
Aug 8 - River City Extension; Boston, MA
if all these dates happen - it will be AWESOME. the RCE in NJ is tentative because i don't know if i'd have anyone to go with. they're opening for Gogol Bordello, which from my online research is a gypsy punk band. i bet it's pretty cool music. oohhhhh i love River City Extension.
i'm eating trail mix right now and it's great. i love eating the m & ms with the almonds :)
ok it's 5pm. GETTING CLOSER to the time where i can go home. but still keep working.
oh guess what?!?
KARA'S HERE!!!! for a visit until tomorrow! she arrived around 2pm! we hung out in the staff office for a while and now she's upstairs in my apartment taking a nap. wish i was doing the same!
ok. i think that's pretty much it.
John Tucker Must Die was playing in the living room. that ended, and Baby Mama just started. ohhhh Tina Fey you are wonderful.
OK. i think now that's it. i might start my logging for tonight so i can maybe head upstairs at 9 instead of 10.
i hope everyone is having a great day! and a great evening! and a great whenever you are reading this!!!
take care!!!!!
wow i'm bored right now. woooowwwww so bored. i'm at work. it's 4:21pm. i've been here since noon. i'm here until 10. and then i'm 'on-call' until 8am. oh man it feels like i've been here a million hours.
i hadn't worked for three months, and now it feels like i never stop. it's harder too because i have to keep the baby monitor on all night, even when i'm in my apartment. so, that keeps me up. it makes 'intercom-type' monitor noises. and then when the baby wakes up, i wake up.
this morning, i got into bed at 2:45am. finally fell asleep around 4am. was awake from 5:30 - 6am. and then awake again from 7 - 8am. i was literally counting down the minutes until i could unplug the phone and shut off the monitor.
it's AMAZING how much better i sleep when i'm not working. like, i usually have no sense of anything when i'm asleep. but ever since i started working this job, i can DEFINITELY tell that i sleep better when i'm not on the clock. or, if i'm away from the house for a night.
watched Remember Me last night. the one with Robert Pattinson and Claire from Lost. and Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. i had heard from someone that they didn't like it, and from two others that they loved it. so - i was going in pretty neutral.
and i was kind of liking the movie all the way through. it was funny in parts. Robert Pattinson. ya know. but i was kind of thinking.... "what is this movie about?" like, it wasn't really going anywhere. kind of the same old story that we've all heard 1,000 times over.
i'm not going to tell you how it ends. but - i didn't like it. for a few reasons. it totally turned the movie into something i didn't want it to be, and didn't expect it to be. it seemed unnecessary and forced. dislike.
it was crazy. i kept thinking, "oh my god this isn't going to happen...this isn't going to happen." BUT YEP. it happened. you should see it and then tell me if you saw it coming.
i just didn't like it. sorry all you Remember Me fans.
but other than that... there's not much going on.
i'm getting really excited for all my concerts coming up. let's recap, shall we?
July 23 - Rooney and Hanson; Cape Cod, MA
July 24 - Crash Kings; Portsmouth, NH
July 31 - River City Extension; Sayreville, NJ (tentative)
Aug 3 - Crash Kings; Boston, MA
Aug 4 - Crash Kings; Providence, RI
Aug 5 - Crash Kings; Burlington, VT
Aug 8 - River City Extension; Boston, MA
if all these dates happen - it will be AWESOME. the RCE in NJ is tentative because i don't know if i'd have anyone to go with. they're opening for Gogol Bordello, which from my online research is a gypsy punk band. i bet it's pretty cool music. oohhhhh i love River City Extension.
i'm eating trail mix right now and it's great. i love eating the m & ms with the almonds :)
ok it's 5pm. GETTING CLOSER to the time where i can go home. but still keep working.
oh guess what?!?
KARA'S HERE!!!! for a visit until tomorrow! she arrived around 2pm! we hung out in the staff office for a while and now she's upstairs in my apartment taking a nap. wish i was doing the same!
ok. i think that's pretty much it.
John Tucker Must Die was playing in the living room. that ended, and Baby Mama just started. ohhhh Tina Fey you are wonderful.
OK. i think now that's it. i might start my logging for tonight so i can maybe head upstairs at 9 instead of 10.
i hope everyone is having a great day! and a great evening! and a great whenever you are reading this!!!
take care!!!!!
28 June 2010
nice skin
i've had this photo open in one of my tabs for the past half an hour. i kept feeling guilty about looking at it so much, so i figured i'd just give in to the guilt and blog about it.
YES i'm using the blog as a confessional right now.
YES i've looked at that picture a lot.
that's Jordan from Paper Tongues. the rad hottie who plays drums.
THANK YOU, Paper Tongues.
YES i'm using the blog as a confessional right now.
YES i've looked at that picture a lot.
that's Jordan from Paper Tongues. the rad hottie who plays drums.
THANK YOU, Paper Tongues.
i learned that Ann Arbor, MI is known as "A²." since i've "been" in Ann Arbor on and off for the past week or so, i decided i should learn some things about it.
apparently it's super liberal! who knew!? Borders Books was founded there! great!
so, let me tell you about my day.
last night i stayed up until 1:30am. what was i doing? umm. well. ok, i'll just tell you. i spent almost two hours watching archived episodes of Robert Schwartzman's UStream videos. where he'll do a 'live chat' and answer questions, play songs, interview the new Rooney bassist, etc. it's kind of the best thing since the Rooney tour video diaries.
one of the reasons i love Rooney is because they are really great about connecting with their fans online.
so, the episode i watched was from the end of May. Robert was on his porch and he answered questions for an hour and a half! that's right. and i watched it all. yep. oh, it was so totally enjoyable.
he talked about in high school when him and Jason would carpool to school together. this made me excited. he also talked about filming The Princess Diaries! which made me excited too. and as always, he talked about his dog, Georgie. it was a great time.
the Crash Kings live chat that happened this morning!!! i can't believe i didn't blog to tell you about it. or did i? did i mention it? i can't remember. anyways, it was the first ever live video chat that the guys were doing.
it was starting at 2pm EST, so i set my alarm for 11:40, knowing that i would probably sleep through the alarm, but most likely wouldn't sleep past 2pm.
lo and behold, i slept through my alarm. didn't wake up until 2:20 EST. i literally JUMPED out of bed, ran to my computer and immediately started watching. i was super bummed i had missed the beginning.
it was only Mike and Jason! i was curious as to where Tony was. AND, Mike had this parrot crawling all over him. it was a pretty bird, i guess. her name was La Nina and she seemed to really like Mike. he would give her kisses. aw, it was kind of sweet, i guess.

Jason, Mike, La Nina.
the chat took place in Mike's backyard, which is lovely and tree covered. it was really cool to see the guys in a casual, not being formally interviewed atmosphere. Jason talked about playing drums barefoot. Mike talked about playing bass shirtless (and said "it would rule" if the Crash Queens shouted for him to take his shirt off. it was in response to Ryan saying that there would be Crash Queens at the North East shows asking for shirtlessness.) this made me giggle. Mike is so cute it's ridiculous.
so, where was Tony, you ask? ummm. he is currently in Michigan doing video edits for the 'You Got Me' video. Michigan? really? that's kind of a random place to be. Mike and Jason said he was there on Official Crash Kings business.
and then, Tony tweeted after the chat was over, saying he was in Ann Arbor doing video edits.
this made me VERY excited because for some strange reason, Twitter thinks I'M in Ann Arbor, too. such a random place, right? like, of all the random places that Twitter could think i'm in, it's Ann Arbor. and of all the random places for Tony to edit the music video, he's in Ann Arbor.
SO, my friends, I'm naming this the first official sign that Tony and i are soul mates. simple as that. ♥
and so since i've been researching the city this past week, i decided to recommend this ice cream place for Tony to go.

this place! they have Key Lime Pie frozen yogurt that i really want to try. i seriously already had this picture saved on my computer because i tweeted that i was there last week! this is for real.
yep. so, that's the news. who knew Ann Arbor would play such an important role in my life?! it's great. and if Tony and i have a daughter, we can name her Arbor. i like this plan.
speaking of life plans, i decided that i want to move to Venice, CA and live on one of the canals. yep, just like Ashton Kutcher's character in Valentine's Day. which i saw. and loved.
and so i went on craigslist (CEO from Ann Arbor) and found an apartment overlooking one of the canals. it's going for $3200 a month. so, i'd need a roommate. or like, 5 roommates. yeah, 5 roomies could work. it's only a 2 bedroom. we'd have to put up some room dividers, i guess. it says there's a storage area on the side of the house. that could work.
yep, this is what i do in my spare time. plan my fake life. i should write a series of books about how to procrastinate, and one of them would be a step-by-step guide to planning your fake life.
Using Your Procrastination Time Wisely
By, Julie Evans
Volume 1: Planning your fake life!
Volume 2: Planning your fake wedding!
Volume 3: Starting a blog!
yep. college kids would worship me. i think this is kind of funny. Using Your Procrastination Time Wisely. haha. people love series of books!
i have wedding venues picked out all across the world. it's true. it may be pathetic, but it's true. although, no venue in Ann Arbor. i should get on that.
this is what you get when your job in college was an overnight student lounge monitor. this is also what you get when your real-life job is an overnight supervisor.
basically i need to pick jobs that don't require me sitting online, planning my better life. because this is what i do. and then i get sad that my real-life isn't as great as my fake-life. and this is why i GET NOTHING PRODUCTIVE DONE EVER. this is also why i am 100% Pisces. i am daydreaming my life away.
anyways, i'll work on my Ann Arbor wedding. not saying we'll get married there. but, still. it's good to have a back-up plan.
SO. i'm doing anything today. i had a busy morning. i woke up at 7:25am because the electrician was here again. his name is Mike. i kind of have a crush on him after meeting him twice in the very early morning hours. he's a nice guy. and handy!
and then i got back into bed around 7:40am. and then about 5 minutes later, the baby started fussing on the baby monitor and i got a call from his mother asking if i could come downstairs to watch him while she slept.
i told her yes. so, then i went downstairs and got the baby. he was fussy because he had a little upset tummy. how do i know this? because he spit up everywhere! awesome. so then i had to change his clothes. and then he felt better, so i rocked him to sleep.
then i went back upstairs to my apartment and my dad was awake and suggested that we go out for breakfast, since i was now off shift. so we did! we went to the Stone Arch Bakey. holy crap it was sooo hott and muggy outside. it started raining because of it. groooossss. this bakery is right in town and makes delicious bread.
then we came home, and i went back to sleep. and then i almost missed the Crash Kings chat and now you're up to speed!!
it's been a good day. except i was doing dishes this afternoon and found two earwigs. UGH. remember last summer how they were EVERYWHERE?!?! like, sometimes i was killing as many as 7 a night. and they are so gross and creepy looking. i was not happy about finding them today.
i think Kara might come up to visit this week! i would really love that.
hm. okay. i think that's all for now. i might take a bath tonight. watch a movie. actually, i might eat something right now. i'm hungry.
OKAY! hope you are having a lovely, wonderful day! i will talk to you all sooonnnn!!!!!
ps: i totally rocked the symbols in this post. cool or uncool?
apparently it's super liberal! who knew!? Borders Books was founded there! great!
so, let me tell you about my day.
last night i stayed up until 1:30am. what was i doing? umm. well. ok, i'll just tell you. i spent almost two hours watching archived episodes of Robert Schwartzman's UStream videos. where he'll do a 'live chat' and answer questions, play songs, interview the new Rooney bassist, etc. it's kind of the best thing since the Rooney tour video diaries.
one of the reasons i love Rooney is because they are really great about connecting with their fans online.
so, the episode i watched was from the end of May. Robert was on his porch and he answered questions for an hour and a half! that's right. and i watched it all. yep. oh, it was so totally enjoyable.
he talked about in high school when him and Jason would carpool to school together. this made me excited. he also talked about filming The Princess Diaries! which made me excited too. and as always, he talked about his dog, Georgie. it was a great time.
the Crash Kings live chat that happened this morning!!! i can't believe i didn't blog to tell you about it. or did i? did i mention it? i can't remember. anyways, it was the first ever live video chat that the guys were doing.
it was starting at 2pm EST, so i set my alarm for 11:40, knowing that i would probably sleep through the alarm, but most likely wouldn't sleep past 2pm.
lo and behold, i slept through my alarm. didn't wake up until 2:20 EST. i literally JUMPED out of bed, ran to my computer and immediately started watching. i was super bummed i had missed the beginning.
it was only Mike and Jason! i was curious as to where Tony was. AND, Mike had this parrot crawling all over him. it was a pretty bird, i guess. her name was La Nina and she seemed to really like Mike. he would give her kisses. aw, it was kind of sweet, i guess.
Jason, Mike, La Nina.
the chat took place in Mike's backyard, which is lovely and tree covered. it was really cool to see the guys in a casual, not being formally interviewed atmosphere. Jason talked about playing drums barefoot. Mike talked about playing bass shirtless (and said "it would rule" if the Crash Queens shouted for him to take his shirt off. it was in response to Ryan saying that there would be Crash Queens at the North East shows asking for shirtlessness.) this made me giggle. Mike is so cute it's ridiculous.
so, where was Tony, you ask? ummm. he is currently in Michigan doing video edits for the 'You Got Me' video. Michigan? really? that's kind of a random place to be. Mike and Jason said he was there on Official Crash Kings business.
and then, Tony tweeted after the chat was over, saying he was in Ann Arbor doing video edits.
this made me VERY excited because for some strange reason, Twitter thinks I'M in Ann Arbor, too. such a random place, right? like, of all the random places that Twitter could think i'm in, it's Ann Arbor. and of all the random places for Tony to edit the music video, he's in Ann Arbor.
SO, my friends, I'm naming this the first official sign that Tony and i are soul mates. simple as that. ♥
and so since i've been researching the city this past week, i decided to recommend this ice cream place for Tony to go.
this place! they have Key Lime Pie frozen yogurt that i really want to try. i seriously already had this picture saved on my computer because i tweeted that i was there last week! this is for real.
yep. so, that's the news. who knew Ann Arbor would play such an important role in my life?! it's great. and if Tony and i have a daughter, we can name her Arbor. i like this plan.
speaking of life plans, i decided that i want to move to Venice, CA and live on one of the canals. yep, just like Ashton Kutcher's character in Valentine's Day. which i saw. and loved.
and so i went on craigslist (CEO from Ann Arbor) and found an apartment overlooking one of the canals. it's going for $3200 a month. so, i'd need a roommate. or like, 5 roommates. yeah, 5 roomies could work. it's only a 2 bedroom. we'd have to put up some room dividers, i guess. it says there's a storage area on the side of the house. that could work.
yep, this is what i do in my spare time. plan my fake life. i should write a series of books about how to procrastinate, and one of them would be a step-by-step guide to planning your fake life.
Using Your Procrastination Time Wisely
By, Julie Evans
Volume 1: Planning your fake life!
Volume 2: Planning your fake wedding!
Volume 3: Starting a blog!
yep. college kids would worship me. i think this is kind of funny. Using Your Procrastination Time Wisely. haha. people love series of books!
i have wedding venues picked out all across the world. it's true. it may be pathetic, but it's true. although, no venue in Ann Arbor. i should get on that.
this is what you get when your job in college was an overnight student lounge monitor. this is also what you get when your real-life job is an overnight supervisor.
basically i need to pick jobs that don't require me sitting online, planning my better life. because this is what i do. and then i get sad that my real-life isn't as great as my fake-life. and this is why i GET NOTHING PRODUCTIVE DONE EVER. this is also why i am 100% Pisces. i am daydreaming my life away.
anyways, i'll work on my Ann Arbor wedding. not saying we'll get married there. but, still. it's good to have a back-up plan.
SO. i'm doing anything today. i had a busy morning. i woke up at 7:25am because the electrician was here again. his name is Mike. i kind of have a crush on him after meeting him twice in the very early morning hours. he's a nice guy. and handy!
and then i got back into bed around 7:40am. and then about 5 minutes later, the baby started fussing on the baby monitor and i got a call from his mother asking if i could come downstairs to watch him while she slept.
i told her yes. so, then i went downstairs and got the baby. he was fussy because he had a little upset tummy. how do i know this? because he spit up everywhere! awesome. so then i had to change his clothes. and then he felt better, so i rocked him to sleep.
then i went back upstairs to my apartment and my dad was awake and suggested that we go out for breakfast, since i was now off shift. so we did! we went to the Stone Arch Bakey. holy crap it was sooo hott and muggy outside. it started raining because of it. groooossss. this bakery is right in town and makes delicious bread.
then we came home, and i went back to sleep. and then i almost missed the Crash Kings chat and now you're up to speed!!
it's been a good day. except i was doing dishes this afternoon and found two earwigs. UGH. remember last summer how they were EVERYWHERE?!?! like, sometimes i was killing as many as 7 a night. and they are so gross and creepy looking. i was not happy about finding them today.
i think Kara might come up to visit this week! i would really love that.
hm. okay. i think that's all for now. i might take a bath tonight. watch a movie. actually, i might eat something right now. i'm hungry.
OKAY! hope you are having a lovely, wonderful day! i will talk to you all sooonnnn!!!!!
ps: i totally rocked the symbols in this post. cool or uncool?
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