oh wait, it is! happy christmas, dear readers.
i'm just starting to feel like i'm crashing. i got into bed at 2:20am. fell asleep by 2:45. woke up at 7:20am. down to work at 8! and now it's 11am.
it's been a hectic morning. running around, helping to get the little girls ready so they could get out the door with their mother. breakfast and bathtime and getting dressed and carseats in the car. yikes. they looked so pretty in their christmas dresses.
so, they just left. the other resident is upstairs. i could take a nap right now.
i couldn't wait any longer last night and had to give Ruby Tuesday her new toy. it's this bird that you throw, and when it hits the ground it makes a chirping noise. OMG. she LOVES it. and it has a jingle bell on it. it was all over the house last night, chirping and jingling.
and Ruby finally discovered the open window above the sink that goes into the bathroom. she was sitting up there most of the night. and then again this morning. and when i went out into the kitchen to wash her bowls so i could give her some breakfast, her leopard print toy that she loves so much was in the sink. i laughed a lot. she carried it up onto the counter with her!!! aw she's so cute.
ok. i'm tired. it's 11:05am. 11 more hours of work today!! and then i can go home. and hopefully go to bed early.
at least the morning went by quickly. that's the part that i was worried about. once it hits afternoon, we'll have stuff to do.
mornings just go by so slow. because nobody should be awake. that's why. it should be sleeping time at least until 11am.
so, we're going to see Sherlock Holmes today. i'm looking forward to it. Jude. Robert. yeah, that's nice. i think the show is at like, 7. and we'll try and eat beforehand, i guess. she still wants pizza. and i still don't know if pizza places are open today. i guess we'll find out.
i made coffee this morning before i left my apartment. so that was nice. and then i made a bagel when i got downstairs. that was nice too. a never have bagels so it was a nice christmas treat.
i really hope i can go home tomorrow. it's supposed to be "ice pellets" all day. that's what it says on the weather website. i don't want to drive if it's bad weather. if i don't end up going home, i guess i'll call my boss tomorrow morning and tell her that i don't need the night off. i hope i can go home.
what else?
11:27am now.
so remember how yesterday i said that i "liked" Julian Casablancas? yeah. not true. i love him. i can't stop listening to this one song. 'Out of the Blue.' LOVE IT. "how can you be so perfect for me?" great lyric.
and, while i was reading about my new friend Julian, i learned that he is married to a girl named Juliet. isn't that perfect? Julian and Juliet Casablancas. it's like, the best. it's official - they have the most beautiful names ever. and they are expecting a baby next month! i am very excited for them. maybe it will be born on the same day as Ned's baby.
and last night at dinner, i was whistling the tune of a Julian Casablancas song to the little girls. and they loved it!!! they had the biggest smiles. i think it was more due to the act of whistling rather than the tune. (they both made kissy faces and started blowing. it was the cutest.)
but still! Julian Casablancas - babies love him. what a great personal slogan.
OK. we're going out for Chinese. i just tried calling the pizza place and there was no answer. chinese it is!!!
so, we're headed into Vermont. yum.
i'm sure i'll talk to you later. i still have 10 hours of work before my overnight 10 hours of work.
have a great day!!!
25 December 2009
24 December 2009
Snowed In
FINALLY. finally. fine. ah. lee.
Paste Magazine has named Hanson's Christmas record, Snowed In, THE BEST CHRISTMAS ALBUM EVER.
yes, i think it will be a merry christmas.
Paste Magazine has named Hanson's Christmas record, Snowed In, THE BEST CHRISTMAS ALBUM EVER.
yes, i think it will be a merry christmas.
this is my 300th post!!!!! hooray! congratulations to you and to me!!!! this is very exciting. 300. wow. since march. i believe the end of march. that's pretty good.
and in other news, i'm at work. it's currently 5:40pm. christmas eve. it's been a good day at work so far. although, i hear a screaming baby. she's not screaming anymore.
it's especially awesome at work tonight because Courtney's mom made a lot of delicious baked goodies. and i have eaten many of them. it's wonderful.
it might be Sherlock Holmes tomorrow.
i have a feeling tomorrow will be a long day. not like, a long and stressful day. just a loong day. you know?
ok. i took a break from blogging. 6:38 now. i'll talk to you later!
enjoy the evening.
coast to coast like butter and toast
i am so excited to talk to you today. i can't figure out why, because i don't really have anything to tell you. but i seem to always find something. so, let's go.
first of all, (i guess i do have something important), let me tell you about my new friend, Julian.
yes, that's right. Julian Casablancas and i have finally met. and i'm now following him on twitter, so it's official.
i came home from work last night at 10:30. sat down in my kitchen, and bought his cd on itunes for $5.99.
and i listened to it all the way through once. and i really liked it. and then i listened to it again all the way through. and i still really liked it.
and so let it be known that i am a Julian Casablancas fan. now he can stop following me around the internet.
but! i think i figured out WHY he was the number one search on Yahoo yesterday: he performed on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon!!!
AND!!! not only did he perform, but he performed the SNL Christmas song with Jimmy and special guest Horatio Sans!!!!!!
you know the skit where they wear red sweaters and hold musical instruments and be silly while singing the song? YEAH!!!!
and! he has a recording of the song, which i also bought and added to my Christmas playlist.
SO, what YOU MUST DO, is watch this video. because now that i've finally figured out who Julian Casablancas IS, and now that i know his songs and like his music, YOU must embrace this with me. and, come on, we all love the SNL christmas song.
Julian, Horatio, Jimmy and The Roots, "I Wish It Was Christmas Today."
i think he sounds like Rufus Wainwright. and he kind of looks like him too. and in the digital liner notes for the cd, he special thanks Drew Barrymore and Jason Schwartzman. so, that made me super happy.
OH! speaking of Schwartzman.
Happy Birthday Robert! today is Robert's birthday. christmas eve. he is 27 today. a glorious day for music.
two people wished me Merry Christmas today!
1. the postal worker who gave me my mail (not the ruggedly handsome one)
2. the man who held the door for me at the post office
i promise you - the people in the post office are the best. i have had so many good encounters there. it's a place of peace and happiness.
and then i had to go to JoAnn Fabrics. it was a semi-madhouse to be driving around. i had to park really far away. but it was okay, because i am in such a good mood today.
like this entire month. there has not been a bad day since december started. remember? i was so excited for it to begin. and then i have just been so happy and excited ever since.
it's currently 2:15pm. i watched an episode of True Blood this afternoon. because nothing says Merry Christmas like blood and sex.
man i did not want to get out of bed this morning. i set my alarm fro 10:15am. which is like, the middle of the night. and i kept hitting snooze until 11am. Ruby was right in my face for like, half an hour trying to get me up. she was a hungry girl. and i REALLY debated whether or not i wanted those Netflix.
but, in the end, something came over me and i jumped out of bed, got ready, and left.
and i got some wonderful things in the mail!
1. card from my mom for me and Ruby
2. card from Kerianne and Noel
3. present from Kerianne and Noel!!!!!
Kerianne sent me a wonderful gift of clip on earrings!!!! all her old ones!!!!! because she now has pierced ears!!!! so now i have some fantastic new earrings!!!!! i am very excited about this. i think i will wear a new pair to work tonight.
at 3:30pm today, in just 70 short minutes, i start my marathon 40.5 hours of work!! straight through!!!
3:30pm thursday until 8am on saturday.
i think Christmas day will be a very low-key day. possibly including chinese food and going to see a movie. and there are some people who want to come over and bring presents. i don't know who they are.
last night i was thinking about christmas. and how this is the second time in my life that i haven't been home. (last year i had to work too) and how it's just really one day. and i will have christmas this weekend with my family in maine. but, it will still be special, even though it's not happening on friday.
and yeah, i'll be spending christmas at work. but it will still be special.
i hope you have a wonderful day. wherever you are. however you celebrate. whoever you're with.
i had a bad headache last night. and it went away. and then i woke up with another bad headache. i think that was one of the reasons i didn't want to get up. i also had a sore throat again.
but the headache. man. not fun. i took some ibuprofen and it went away.
so! besides Julian Casablancas, there has been another celebrity popping up everywhere in my life.
Lizzy Caplan. aka Janis Ian from Mean Girls.
she is on Party Down, which i've been watching. and then! she shows up on True Blood!! i wasn't expecting that. she looks so different from Janis Ian, it's crazy.
i guess that's only two places i've found her. unlike Julian, who followed me everywhere. but still, it's funny.
AND NOW, i would like to leave you with a quote. something to think about this holiday season. it may brighten your day. it sure did mine. it's a beautiful, elegant quote and speaks to the very depths of my heart.
"I think the next part of my life, I'm just going to be incredibly hott and sexy. Kinda like that dude in the movie. George Clooney. I'll just be him for a while."
--Joe "Mr. Sexy" Fenstermaker
first of all, (i guess i do have something important), let me tell you about my new friend, Julian.
yes, that's right. Julian Casablancas and i have finally met. and i'm now following him on twitter, so it's official.
i came home from work last night at 10:30. sat down in my kitchen, and bought his cd on itunes for $5.99.
and i listened to it all the way through once. and i really liked it. and then i listened to it again all the way through. and i still really liked it.
and so let it be known that i am a Julian Casablancas fan. now he can stop following me around the internet.
but! i think i figured out WHY he was the number one search on Yahoo yesterday: he performed on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon!!!
AND!!! not only did he perform, but he performed the SNL Christmas song with Jimmy and special guest Horatio Sans!!!!!!
you know the skit where they wear red sweaters and hold musical instruments and be silly while singing the song? YEAH!!!!
and! he has a recording of the song, which i also bought and added to my Christmas playlist.
SO, what YOU MUST DO, is watch this video. because now that i've finally figured out who Julian Casablancas IS, and now that i know his songs and like his music, YOU must embrace this with me. and, come on, we all love the SNL christmas song.
Julian, Horatio, Jimmy and The Roots, "I Wish It Was Christmas Today."
i think he sounds like Rufus Wainwright. and he kind of looks like him too. and in the digital liner notes for the cd, he special thanks Drew Barrymore and Jason Schwartzman. so, that made me super happy.
OH! speaking of Schwartzman.
Happy Birthday Robert! today is Robert's birthday. christmas eve. he is 27 today. a glorious day for music.
two people wished me Merry Christmas today!
1. the postal worker who gave me my mail (not the ruggedly handsome one)
2. the man who held the door for me at the post office
i promise you - the people in the post office are the best. i have had so many good encounters there. it's a place of peace and happiness.
and then i had to go to JoAnn Fabrics. it was a semi-madhouse to be driving around. i had to park really far away. but it was okay, because i am in such a good mood today.
like this entire month. there has not been a bad day since december started. remember? i was so excited for it to begin. and then i have just been so happy and excited ever since.
it's currently 2:15pm. i watched an episode of True Blood this afternoon. because nothing says Merry Christmas like blood and sex.
man i did not want to get out of bed this morning. i set my alarm fro 10:15am. which is like, the middle of the night. and i kept hitting snooze until 11am. Ruby was right in my face for like, half an hour trying to get me up. she was a hungry girl. and i REALLY debated whether or not i wanted those Netflix.
but, in the end, something came over me and i jumped out of bed, got ready, and left.
and i got some wonderful things in the mail!
1. card from my mom for me and Ruby
2. card from Kerianne and Noel
3. present from Kerianne and Noel!!!!!
Kerianne sent me a wonderful gift of clip on earrings!!!! all her old ones!!!!! because she now has pierced ears!!!! so now i have some fantastic new earrings!!!!! i am very excited about this. i think i will wear a new pair to work tonight.
at 3:30pm today, in just 70 short minutes, i start my marathon 40.5 hours of work!! straight through!!!
3:30pm thursday until 8am on saturday.
i think Christmas day will be a very low-key day. possibly including chinese food and going to see a movie. and there are some people who want to come over and bring presents. i don't know who they are.
last night i was thinking about christmas. and how this is the second time in my life that i haven't been home. (last year i had to work too) and how it's just really one day. and i will have christmas this weekend with my family in maine. but, it will still be special, even though it's not happening on friday.
and yeah, i'll be spending christmas at work. but it will still be special.
i hope you have a wonderful day. wherever you are. however you celebrate. whoever you're with.
i had a bad headache last night. and it went away. and then i woke up with another bad headache. i think that was one of the reasons i didn't want to get up. i also had a sore throat again.
but the headache. man. not fun. i took some ibuprofen and it went away.
so! besides Julian Casablancas, there has been another celebrity popping up everywhere in my life.
Lizzy Caplan. aka Janis Ian from Mean Girls.
she is on Party Down, which i've been watching. and then! she shows up on True Blood!! i wasn't expecting that. she looks so different from Janis Ian, it's crazy.
i guess that's only two places i've found her. unlike Julian, who followed me everywhere. but still, it's funny.
AND NOW, i would like to leave you with a quote. something to think about this holiday season. it may brighten your day. it sure did mine. it's a beautiful, elegant quote and speaks to the very depths of my heart.
"I think the next part of my life, I'm just going to be incredibly hott and sexy. Kinda like that dude in the movie. George Clooney. I'll just be him for a while."
--Joe "Mr. Sexy" Fenstermaker
23 December 2009
um, best!!
i'm at work right now. things are super quiet. but, something awesome happened and i needed to tell you immediately.
so, i was taking care of the two little girls for a little bit until their childcare came. and, when i walked into the living room to check in with their mother before she left, the little one reached her arms out to me like she wanted me to hold her.
and even her mom said, "wow, she just reached out to you!"
yeah, it made me really happy.
and then, i was sitting in the rocking chair and the girls were playing on the ground, and the older one came over, threw herself onto my knee and said, "MY JULIE! THIS IS MY JULIE!!"
yep, the best.
and then i picked her up to sit on my lap, but the little one came over immediately and pulled herself up on my leg and wanted to be picked up too.
i'm just so popular. but, it was really sweet and made me very happy.
so, yeah.
to update you on my hair saga, i ended up straightening it with a straightening iron today. AND, i'm not gonna lie - it looks pretty awesome.
last night i caught up on some Private Practice. MAN. the episode where Addison and Sam are hiking and find the couple who have been in a car accident?!?! and on top of everything, the wife is pregnant and then goes into labor WHILE still trapped in the car!!!!!
wow. it was pretty incredible. like, drama-wise, and over-the-top-wise. everything was just so bloody. it was super intense, though.
and i learned that you should always go hiking with one of the world's best neonatal surgeons.
and then Addison and Sam made out afterwards!!!!! that was a long time coming. i kind of wish they would hook up. they're both so hott. especially Taye Diggs. oooo yes. that smile...
tonight i will either keep watching Private Practice, or Party Down. or heck, maybe both.
ugh. i forgot it was Big Chore night. i just had to make up the chart of big chores.
no baby tonight overnight. i am happy about that. hopefully i can get a good night's sleep. that way i can get up "early" to go to the post office. i also need to go to JoAnn's. are they open?
is Christmas Eve a holiday? are things closed, or do they close early? it's weird. christmas feels weird this year.
i was on Yahoo this afternoon reading about how Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon have been split up since summer!!! CAN'T believe it. and it made me sad. i liked them.
but, i always look to see what the top searches of the day are. guess who was number one?!?
1. Julian Casablancas
i swear this guy is following me around. it seems like in every odd place, there he is. so, i went to his website. saw this his cd is $5.99 on iTunes. also saw that he is coming to Boston on 8 January.
both of these things are interesting to me.
i MIGHT go home tonight and buy his cd. i feel like i have to force myself to love his music since he's following me around.
i did not buy concert tickets. he's playing at The Paradise. which i know i've been before, but can't remember if that was for Ben Kweller or Rooney and Ben Lee.
anyways, i read all about Julian Casablancas. his early life. his parents. how he formed The Strokes. and now about his solo project. it's great.
and so again, i call to you, my friends. does anyone listen to him? will i like it? do you like it??
i will make it my Christmas mission to listen to his cd and report back. YES! an assignment.
anyways. what else can i tell you?
i have to carry a microwave down to the basement tonight. we got a microwave as a christmas present.
Drew Barrymore's ex-boyfriend was in The Strokes, right? the.....drummer?
what else can i tell you?!
Craig Ferguson had his 1,000th episode last week. it was exciting. Jason Schwartzman was a guest. and also Kristen Bell.
my nose is stuffy again. it's a bummer. i still feel better than i had been, though.
i think we're going to go see a movie on Christmas day. i would see either Avatar or Up in the Air. or Sherlock Holmes.
man, it looks like Up in the Air is going to do pretty well this awards season.
i'm just rooting for Fantastic Mr. Fox all the way. best picture? yep. animated feature? sure. art direction? why not!
ok. enough now. i'm all out of words.
i'll talk to you later! have a great night.
sippin' on sunshine
hey guess what!? i think i might be getting better. as in, finally starting to get over this cold. i woke up this morning and my throat didn't hurt! and i've been awake for over an hour and it still doesn't hurt!
i'm still all stuffy and gross looking, though. and last night was the first time i took cold medicine and thought that it might have actually worked. because all the other times i have taken it, it didn't really seem to do anything.
but, today marks day 6 of this cold. day 6! of feeling crappy. with really no sign of improvement until just last night! that's rotten, ya know?
although, it's not like, a totally horrible cold where i can't do anything. it's more of an inconvenience cold. so that's good.
so. tonight starts my holiday work schedule. here goes:
wednesday: 3:30pm until 8am on thursday
thursday: 3:30pm until 8am on saturday
that's a long stretch. 3:30pm on thursday until 8am on saturday. i'm working straight through! all by myself!!
ah well.
the baby has been here the past two nights. monday night he was up four times! ugh.
but last night was nice.
yes! that's what i like, baby. to only get up twice, but to get paid for the whole night. yes please.
so, kara came to visit! she arrived on sunday night and left tuesday evening!!! we had the best sister time. did lots of great hanging out. finished watched season 2 of Veronica Mars. MAN. i still can't believe it. it's still a total shocker. there's really no way anyone would ever guess.
and again, i'm really appreciating the hottness of Dick Casablancas soooo much more this time around. man, he is good looking like a lot.
and i still can't believe how much Logan looks like the guy from Tally Hall. yellow tie. that's funny.
but yeah, we had a really good time.
monday night we got indian food and then watched The Darjeeling Limited. great combo. great food, great movie.
and kara LOVED my tree. she was so surprised that i had it. it looks so beautiful. it's only been knocked over once since the first time. i'm happy and impressed with Ruby's self control.
i've been trying this thing where i blow dry my hair straight.
because i got a new hair cut. last monday. kara and i went to Super Cuts. and, it's a great hair cut. probably one of my favorites. although, i can't really get it the way i want.
it's 2 inchs shorter. with lots of layers. and angles.
let me tell you - i looks freaking awesome when i walked out of the hair place. like, if i had gone to the Rooney concert looking like that, things might have ended up differently between me and Matt Winter. or Taylor. or Robert.
and then i went out and bought fancy hair stuff. like, mousse and spray. things i have no idea how to use. i even bought combs and a brush.
a BRUSH!!! let me tell you about the last time i owned a brush.....
i can't! because i can't remember. because i haven't brushed my hair in a really long time.
and now i bought this fancy thermal brush and my hair is all like, "um, what are you doing?" and it's not cooperating.
because, i've been trying to blow dry it with the round brush for maximum volume and hottness. and so far, i can't do it. i've watched many youtube videos to try and learn. but nope. i can't seem to get it right.
any tips? anybody know how to do this correctly?
it's like, coming out fairly straight. but, it just looks frizzy and fried.
so, i guess i'm out of ideas. i was pretty excited about this new hair cut because i thought it would inspire me to actually do stuff with my hair. and now i'm trying, and nothing is working. so, it's a bummer.
i have to be at work in an hour. and i'm eating leftover indian food and listening to the crash kings.
i really hope it's an easy night at work. it kind of should be. there will only be two residents. and one of them will be out for most of the night.
i meant to go to the post office tonight. i mean, this afternoon. but, i slept late instead.
are post offices open on christmas eve? probably closing at noon, right? UGH.
okay, tomorrow i'm getting two netflix. plus the one i have waiting for me. so tomorrow, i HAVE to go to the post office before noon. HAVE TO. i will make it my goal. that i have to reach.
are pizza places open on christmas? on christmas day it will just be me and one other resident and i asked her what she wanted to do and she said, "get lots of pizza."
i think i will see if she wants to go to the movies. and i will probably bring down lots of movies.
ugh it's just so early. 8am. who does things at 8am? 8am until 10pm. that is a long day, my friends.
so, how weird is this Brittany Murphy death? it's like, crazy, right? yeah. crazy. i couldn't believe it when i heard.
i JUST watched Riding in Cars with Boys and i also JUST watched Spun. and now it's really weird that she's dead.
i can't remember why i watched Riding in Cars with Boys. i just felt like it, i think. i hadn't seen it in a really long time. and i rented Spun because Jason Schwartzman is in it. him and Brittany Murphy are really sweet in that movie. even though it's about crystal meth.
but then! i was thinking about everything later on, and had TOTALLY FORGOTTEN that Brittany Murphy is in one of my favorite movies - Love and Other Disasters.
i love that movie. it's so funny and cool. and she has the BEST clothes in it. and then i was sad. that was the movie i watched last Christmas. everybody should see that movie. it's very good.
hm. alright. i have to get ready for work now. figure out something to do with my hair.
i'm actually feeling even better than i already was. i haven't had a stuffy nose in like, 20 minutes. good sign.
alright! have a great day.
man, since we're on recommending great things: the Crash Kings cd. the whole thing is so good. like, every song. great band. great cd. hear it.
MOVIE OF THE DAY: Love and Other Disasters.
CD OF THE DAY: Crash Kings, by Crash Kings
ok. enjoy your day. i'll talk to you later maybe? hopefully?
oh!! and one more thing:
BEST PART ABOUT TODAY: It's ELIZABETH'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! happy birthday dear friend. i miss you. i love you. i am looking at my "Poe" button and i love it. i hope you have a lovely day. <3
i'm still all stuffy and gross looking, though. and last night was the first time i took cold medicine and thought that it might have actually worked. because all the other times i have taken it, it didn't really seem to do anything.
but, today marks day 6 of this cold. day 6! of feeling crappy. with really no sign of improvement until just last night! that's rotten, ya know?
although, it's not like, a totally horrible cold where i can't do anything. it's more of an inconvenience cold. so that's good.
so. tonight starts my holiday work schedule. here goes:
wednesday: 3:30pm until 8am on thursday
thursday: 3:30pm until 8am on saturday
that's a long stretch. 3:30pm on thursday until 8am on saturday. i'm working straight through! all by myself!!
ah well.
the baby has been here the past two nights. monday night he was up four times! ugh.
but last night was nice.
yes! that's what i like, baby. to only get up twice, but to get paid for the whole night. yes please.
so, kara came to visit! she arrived on sunday night and left tuesday evening!!! we had the best sister time. did lots of great hanging out. finished watched season 2 of Veronica Mars. MAN. i still can't believe it. it's still a total shocker. there's really no way anyone would ever guess.
and again, i'm really appreciating the hottness of Dick Casablancas soooo much more this time around. man, he is good looking like a lot.
and i still can't believe how much Logan looks like the guy from Tally Hall. yellow tie. that's funny.
but yeah, we had a really good time.
monday night we got indian food and then watched The Darjeeling Limited. great combo. great food, great movie.
and kara LOVED my tree. she was so surprised that i had it. it looks so beautiful. it's only been knocked over once since the first time. i'm happy and impressed with Ruby's self control.
i've been trying this thing where i blow dry my hair straight.
because i got a new hair cut. last monday. kara and i went to Super Cuts. and, it's a great hair cut. probably one of my favorites. although, i can't really get it the way i want.
it's 2 inchs shorter. with lots of layers. and angles.
let me tell you - i looks freaking awesome when i walked out of the hair place. like, if i had gone to the Rooney concert looking like that, things might have ended up differently between me and Matt Winter. or Taylor. or Robert.
and then i went out and bought fancy hair stuff. like, mousse and spray. things i have no idea how to use. i even bought combs and a brush.
a BRUSH!!! let me tell you about the last time i owned a brush.....
i can't! because i can't remember. because i haven't brushed my hair in a really long time.
and now i bought this fancy thermal brush and my hair is all like, "um, what are you doing?" and it's not cooperating.
because, i've been trying to blow dry it with the round brush for maximum volume and hottness. and so far, i can't do it. i've watched many youtube videos to try and learn. but nope. i can't seem to get it right.
any tips? anybody know how to do this correctly?
it's like, coming out fairly straight. but, it just looks frizzy and fried.
so, i guess i'm out of ideas. i was pretty excited about this new hair cut because i thought it would inspire me to actually do stuff with my hair. and now i'm trying, and nothing is working. so, it's a bummer.
i have to be at work in an hour. and i'm eating leftover indian food and listening to the crash kings.
i really hope it's an easy night at work. it kind of should be. there will only be two residents. and one of them will be out for most of the night.
i meant to go to the post office tonight. i mean, this afternoon. but, i slept late instead.
are post offices open on christmas eve? probably closing at noon, right? UGH.
okay, tomorrow i'm getting two netflix. plus the one i have waiting for me. so tomorrow, i HAVE to go to the post office before noon. HAVE TO. i will make it my goal. that i have to reach.
are pizza places open on christmas? on christmas day it will just be me and one other resident and i asked her what she wanted to do and she said, "get lots of pizza."
i think i will see if she wants to go to the movies. and i will probably bring down lots of movies.
ugh it's just so early. 8am. who does things at 8am? 8am until 10pm. that is a long day, my friends.
so, how weird is this Brittany Murphy death? it's like, crazy, right? yeah. crazy. i couldn't believe it when i heard.
i JUST watched Riding in Cars with Boys and i also JUST watched Spun. and now it's really weird that she's dead.
i can't remember why i watched Riding in Cars with Boys. i just felt like it, i think. i hadn't seen it in a really long time. and i rented Spun because Jason Schwartzman is in it. him and Brittany Murphy are really sweet in that movie. even though it's about crystal meth.
but then! i was thinking about everything later on, and had TOTALLY FORGOTTEN that Brittany Murphy is in one of my favorite movies - Love and Other Disasters.
i love that movie. it's so funny and cool. and she has the BEST clothes in it. and then i was sad. that was the movie i watched last Christmas. everybody should see that movie. it's very good.
hm. alright. i have to get ready for work now. figure out something to do with my hair.
i'm actually feeling even better than i already was. i haven't had a stuffy nose in like, 20 minutes. good sign.
alright! have a great day.
man, since we're on recommending great things: the Crash Kings cd. the whole thing is so good. like, every song. great band. great cd. hear it.
MOVIE OF THE DAY: Love and Other Disasters.
CD OF THE DAY: Crash Kings, by Crash Kings
ok. enjoy your day. i'll talk to you later maybe? hopefully?
oh!! and one more thing:
BEST PART ABOUT TODAY: It's ELIZABETH'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! happy birthday dear friend. i miss you. i love you. i am looking at my "Poe" button and i love it. i hope you have a lovely day. <3
20 December 2009
so this is christmas!
ok hi. first of all:
KARA: The subject of the entry below this is a quote from Princess Diaries. Mia's next door neighbor who won an Emmy for tv show writing says it.
DAFE: I listened to the All Songs Considered podcast! Thanks for this info. It's very exciting to hear people talk about Coconut Records. And of course, I strongly encourage you to check it out. Just let me know if you want me to burn you a cd!
ok. i think those were all my messages to people.
now on for a great entry! you'll enjoy this one.
but first, some backstory:
SO. i received a lovely facebook message from my bestest friend Maria telling me that she had sent me something in the mail. i hadn't been to the post office because i was away last weekend, so i planned to go on wednesday.
i have THREE package slips in my mailbox! it was super exciting.
first package slip = netflix. (true blood)
second package slip = new jeans i ordered. (they're great!)
third package slip = HUGE FREAKING BOX FROM MARIA!!!!
it's seriously the biggest box in the world. and i can't even imagine what's inside. it's not too heavy, so it makes me even more curious.
and it was probably hilarious watching me try to get to my car. it took some thinking.
so i get it upstairs and i'm soooo excited. Ruby is so excited too. immediately she uses the box as a face scratcher.
i open the box and it's full of tissue paper. i begin to pull out the tissue paper and what is underneath????
a tiny christmas tree!!!!! and christmas decorations!!! AND chocolate!!!!!!!
and this is not your ordinary christmas tree - it's a SILVER christmas tree with BRIGHT GREEN decorations!!!!!!
no, it is not your ordinary christmas tree - it's the PERFECT christmas tree for me.
it was a very exciting time.
the only crap thing, was that the cord to plug in the tree is like, a foot long. and my apartment is the worst for outlets. so i needed to get out and buy an extension cord before the tree could be plugged in.
and last night, i went out and got the cord. and i came upstairs, made a christmas mix,*
*this was the other thing i wanted to ask. if anyone can find a recording of Happy Christmas by The Polyphonic Spree, please let me know. i can't find it on iTunes and there's a not so great one on youtube.
and then me and Ruby sat in the living room and we decorated the tree. and then came the big lighting. it was as grand a lighting as one could expect. comparable to the one in rockefeller center, i'm sure.
and then, we had a photo shoot. and so now, i present to you,

LOOK!!!! how pretty and perfect. this is without the flash.

this is with the flash. it looks like a different tree!

and the whole christmas scene.

close up of the awesome tree and my beautiful green seahorse ornament. which i totally love.

Ruby was very curious. and i made it my mission to get a good picture of her with the tree.

apparently the tree was delicious.

and the garland was a fun toy.

and her new favorite, the shiny green balls.

awwww, but look how sweet she is!!!!

this one is good. she's so pretty!

and this one is good too.

sleepy tuesday.


GREAT, right!??! i love it. i love it so much.
THANK YOU MARIA!!!!!!! you are the best ever. and i can't wait to see you next weekend.
also, in the last picture, in the messy background of my kitchen, see that blue window at the top?? THAT'S the window above the sink that i talk about. THAT is how the heat gets to my bedroom. the heat rises up through the window and sails back to the bedroom. the window goes to the bathroom though, which makes it a little strange.
alright. well, that's my christmas tree. and the lighting of the christmas tree. i was so excited.
and then i woke up during the night because i needed a drink of water and i went out, and the tree was in the middle of the living room and all the shiny green balls were everywhere.
so, i had to take the decorations off. apparently they can only be on during supervised times with Ruby Tuesday. she just loves playing with things!
i bought her a new christmas toy last night.
ok. i have to go to work now. i'm so excited.
no, not really. because i don't feel good and i have a sore throat.
ok. have a great night. if you don't have a tree, i give you permission to enjoy mine all you like. i know, it's pretty great.
alright! love you! miss you!!
talk to you soon.
KARA: The subject of the entry below this is a quote from Princess Diaries. Mia's next door neighbor who won an Emmy for tv show writing says it.
DAFE: I listened to the All Songs Considered podcast! Thanks for this info. It's very exciting to hear people talk about Coconut Records. And of course, I strongly encourage you to check it out. Just let me know if you want me to burn you a cd!
ok. i think those were all my messages to people.
now on for a great entry! you'll enjoy this one.
but first, some backstory:
SO. i received a lovely facebook message from my bestest friend Maria telling me that she had sent me something in the mail. i hadn't been to the post office because i was away last weekend, so i planned to go on wednesday.
i have THREE package slips in my mailbox! it was super exciting.
first package slip = netflix. (true blood)
second package slip = new jeans i ordered. (they're great!)
third package slip = HUGE FREAKING BOX FROM MARIA!!!!
it's seriously the biggest box in the world. and i can't even imagine what's inside. it's not too heavy, so it makes me even more curious.
and it was probably hilarious watching me try to get to my car. it took some thinking.
so i get it upstairs and i'm soooo excited. Ruby is so excited too. immediately she uses the box as a face scratcher.
i open the box and it's full of tissue paper. i begin to pull out the tissue paper and what is underneath????
a tiny christmas tree!!!!! and christmas decorations!!! AND chocolate!!!!!!!
and this is not your ordinary christmas tree - it's a SILVER christmas tree with BRIGHT GREEN decorations!!!!!!
no, it is not your ordinary christmas tree - it's the PERFECT christmas tree for me.
it was a very exciting time.
the only crap thing, was that the cord to plug in the tree is like, a foot long. and my apartment is the worst for outlets. so i needed to get out and buy an extension cord before the tree could be plugged in.
and last night, i went out and got the cord. and i came upstairs, made a christmas mix,*
*this was the other thing i wanted to ask. if anyone can find a recording of Happy Christmas by The Polyphonic Spree, please let me know. i can't find it on iTunes and there's a not so great one on youtube.
and then me and Ruby sat in the living room and we decorated the tree. and then came the big lighting. it was as grand a lighting as one could expect. comparable to the one in rockefeller center, i'm sure.
and then, we had a photo shoot. and so now, i present to you,
LOOK!!!! how pretty and perfect. this is without the flash.
this is with the flash. it looks like a different tree!

and the whole christmas scene.

close up of the awesome tree and my beautiful green seahorse ornament. which i totally love.

Ruby was very curious. and i made it my mission to get a good picture of her with the tree.
apparently the tree was delicious.

and the garland was a fun toy.
and her new favorite, the shiny green balls.
awwww, but look how sweet she is!!!!
this one is good. she's so pretty!

and this one is good too.

sleepy tuesday.
GREAT, right!??! i love it. i love it so much.
THANK YOU MARIA!!!!!!! you are the best ever. and i can't wait to see you next weekend.
also, in the last picture, in the messy background of my kitchen, see that blue window at the top?? THAT'S the window above the sink that i talk about. THAT is how the heat gets to my bedroom. the heat rises up through the window and sails back to the bedroom. the window goes to the bathroom though, which makes it a little strange.
alright. well, that's my christmas tree. and the lighting of the christmas tree. i was so excited.
and then i woke up during the night because i needed a drink of water and i went out, and the tree was in the middle of the living room and all the shiny green balls were everywhere.
so, i had to take the decorations off. apparently they can only be on during supervised times with Ruby Tuesday. she just loves playing with things!
i bought her a new christmas toy last night.
ok. i have to go to work now. i'm so excited.
no, not really. because i don't feel good and i have a sore throat.
ok. have a great night. if you don't have a tree, i give you permission to enjoy mine all you like. i know, it's pretty great.
alright! love you! miss you!!
talk to you soon.
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