KARA: The subject of the entry below this is a quote from Princess Diaries. Mia's next door neighbor who won an Emmy for tv show writing says it.
DAFE: I listened to the All Songs Considered podcast! Thanks for this info. It's very exciting to hear people talk about Coconut Records. And of course, I strongly encourage you to check it out. Just let me know if you want me to burn you a cd!
ok. i think those were all my messages to people.
now on for a great entry! you'll enjoy this one.
but first, some backstory:
SO. i received a lovely facebook message from my bestest friend Maria telling me that she had sent me something in the mail. i hadn't been to the post office because i was away last weekend, so i planned to go on wednesday.
i have THREE package slips in my mailbox! it was super exciting.
first package slip = netflix. (true blood)
second package slip = new jeans i ordered. (they're great!)
third package slip = HUGE FREAKING BOX FROM MARIA!!!!
it's seriously the biggest box in the world. and i can't even imagine what's inside. it's not too heavy, so it makes me even more curious.
and it was probably hilarious watching me try to get to my car. it took some thinking.
so i get it upstairs and i'm soooo excited. Ruby is so excited too. immediately she uses the box as a face scratcher.
i open the box and it's full of tissue paper. i begin to pull out the tissue paper and what is underneath????
a tiny christmas tree!!!!! and christmas decorations!!! AND chocolate!!!!!!!
and this is not your ordinary christmas tree - it's a SILVER christmas tree with BRIGHT GREEN decorations!!!!!!
no, it is not your ordinary christmas tree - it's the PERFECT christmas tree for me.
it was a very exciting time.
the only crap thing, was that the cord to plug in the tree is like, a foot long. and my apartment is the worst for outlets. so i needed to get out and buy an extension cord before the tree could be plugged in.
and last night, i went out and got the cord. and i came upstairs, made a christmas mix,*
*this was the other thing i wanted to ask. if anyone can find a recording of Happy Christmas by The Polyphonic Spree, please let me know. i can't find it on iTunes and there's a not so great one on youtube.
and then me and Ruby sat in the living room and we decorated the tree. and then came the big lighting. it was as grand a lighting as one could expect. comparable to the one in rockefeller center, i'm sure.
and then, we had a photo shoot. and so now, i present to you,
LOOK!!!! how pretty and perfect. this is without the flash.
this is with the flash. it looks like a different tree!

and the whole christmas scene.

close up of the awesome tree and my beautiful green seahorse ornament. which i totally love.

Ruby was very curious. and i made it my mission to get a good picture of her with the tree.
apparently the tree was delicious.

and the garland was a fun toy.
and her new favorite, the shiny green balls.
awwww, but look how sweet she is!!!!
this one is good. she's so pretty!

and this one is good too.

sleepy tuesday.
GREAT, right!??! i love it. i love it so much.
THANK YOU MARIA!!!!!!! you are the best ever. and i can't wait to see you next weekend.
also, in the last picture, in the messy background of my kitchen, see that blue window at the top?? THAT'S the window above the sink that i talk about. THAT is how the heat gets to my bedroom. the heat rises up through the window and sails back to the bedroom. the window goes to the bathroom though, which makes it a little strange.
alright. well, that's my christmas tree. and the lighting of the christmas tree. i was so excited.
and then i woke up during the night because i needed a drink of water and i went out, and the tree was in the middle of the living room and all the shiny green balls were everywhere.
so, i had to take the decorations off. apparently they can only be on during supervised times with Ruby Tuesday. she just loves playing with things!
i bought her a new christmas toy last night.
ok. i have to go to work now. i'm so excited.
no, not really. because i don't feel good and i have a sore throat.
ok. have a great night. if you don't have a tree, i give you permission to enjoy mine all you like. i know, it's pretty great.
alright! love you! miss you!!
talk to you soon.
wow, the tree looks great!! love all the pics. i'm glad that Ruby Tuesday loves it so much too. can't wait to see you either!!! :D