soo...yeah. i have a sore throat. and it's annoying me.
i woke up on thursday with a sore throat, and then by thursday night it went away. same was true for friday. but today, it did not go away.
i've been drinking a lot of cold water. and a lot of tea. i drink a lot of cold water in the middle of the night when i wake up and realize, "aw man my throat hurts a lot!" so i go to the fridge and get my water and drink it.
(this is really interesting, isn't it?)
the past few nights i've gotten up at least three times in the night to drink cold water. and then it momentarily makes my throat feel better. and the tea usually helps too.
but last night was really annoying. i kept waking up because i had to sneeze. it was horrible. because it sucks when you wake up and immediately sneeze. it's like the most abrupt, awkward thing when you're so disoriented.
ugh. it sucked.
i am going to take some cold medicine before i go to bed tonight. i bought a new kind at walmart tonight. it's for sore throats too. that was the deciding factor.
i really wanted lasagna tonight. so after walmart i went to the grocery and bought a little frozen one. it was pretty good. and i have leftovers for like, three days! well, probably two. and then i curled up on the couch with Ruby and the lasagna and watched Party Down. on netflix. i really like that show. it's pretty funny. and there are lots of people from Veronica Mars. i know i've already talked about this.
ok. i'm tired. it's 2:23am. last night i slept for like, 11 hours. and there was one other night this week where i slept for 12 hours.
i had to buy tissues tonight because i am almost out, and i bought a fancy kind. like, a nice kind of tissue. usually i just buy shaw's brand. and i buy them because they come in pretty boxes. and because they are $1.
but tonight i got them at walmart and there was this three box pack of really funky, bright colors. and i got it. and i didn't totally look too close at it. and also my eyes were watery. because they've been really watery lately. and then i got home, and realized that one of the boxes has these cartoon monkeys on it. and i was like, "what?!" so now i have a tissue box with cartoon monkeys on it. i mean, they're cute, i guess. they're like, swinging from trees. eh. whatev.
i have great pictures to show you!!!!! not now, but hopefully before i go to work on sunday. i'm working 3:30-10pm. and then kara is coming to visit!!!!! i'm SUPER excited.
but also bummed because i have to be up for feedings with the baby. which i already don't want to do. uugghhh. and i'll have to have the monitor on allll night.
okay. i'm going to go to bed now. i'm pretty tired. yeah, really tired.
aw, my fave Crash Kings song just came on. funny that less than a week ago i had never heard their music, and now i can't stop listening to it. again, i highly recommend them. the best songs are:
- Come Away
- It's Only Wednesday
yeah. love those a lot.
ok now i'm going to bed. have a great sunday. ooooooo SUNDAY FUNDAY!!!!!
oh, i also wanted to mention this thing.
so, today is December 19. actually, i guess yesterday was december 19. Avatar was released yesterday. december 18. now, december 19 is the day we all know as the day Titanic was released in theaters.
strange?!?! that the two most recent James Cameron movies are released within one day of each other!?!? only like, 12 years apart.
i thought Avatar was being released on christmas. anyways. i just thought this was pretty amazing.
i really liked when Vince was in the James Cameron movie on Entourage. Aquaman! one of my favorite episodes was when all their moms came to the premiere. OH i miss Entourage.
okay. now i'm probably really going to bed. because now i'm really tired.
goodnight! have a great day. i'll talk to you soon.
19 December 2009
18 December 2009
is my amp too high?
ok. quickly now.
andrew came up today! so fun! we went to Salt Hill for lunch. it was packed! why was it so crowded? we couldn't figure it out. our table was next to these huge professional guys wearing suits and eating big burgers. we both had black bean and chicken quesadillas. they were delish. AND, we got Bulmers. or, Magners in the states. the irish hard cider that we drank non stop in irelnd!!!! ooooo it was so delicious and nostalgic. it made me think of Billy and his mom and his grandma.
then we went to go see Brothers. the Nat Port/Tobey Maguire/Emily's boyfriend Jake movie. it was pretty good. there wasn't much dialogue. and it was different than i expected. and i kept wondering throughout the whole movie what it would be like if it was the way i thought. i still can't decide if it would have been better or worse.
saw a trailer for Salt. that Angelina Jolie movie. i hadn't seen a trailer for it yet. i was surprised. it looked okay. she's all like,
ANGELINA: Do you have information that a Russian spy is going to kill the president?
GUY SHE'S INTERROGATING: Yes. I know the name.
ANGELINA: Tell me the name!!!!!
GUY SHE'S INTERROGATING: The name of the spy is.....Evelyn Salt.
ANGELINA: Haha, no. My name is Evelyn Salt.
GUY SHE'S INTERROGATING: Then you are the Russian spy.
then she books it down the hallway and has to dye her hair and everything because now everyone is after her. i think she's the spy.
it was a fun day with Andrew. Ruby Tuesday was excited to see him. he calls her Rosebud.
it's been really cute. all night Ruby has been laying on the kitchen floor in front of the heater. just like, rolling around. and one time she actually went up and curled up right around it. which made me really nervous because there's a flame in there.
so. what did i do tonight?
i tried to watch The Office, but it wouldn't work. so i watched one episode of 30 Rock. it was terrific. and then i watched 24 minutes of Heroes and then fell asleep.
so, i took a nap from 7:50 to 8:25pm. then finished watching Heroes.
thursday night i thought i was getting the flu. i was really achy and my skin hurt. and i was really worried that i was going to have to cancel on andrew.
so i went to bed early. and when i woke up i was feeling better. still all stuffed up. and i took some cold medicine during the day. i wasn't feeling so great again tonight. but, i'm going to go to bed soon.
then tonight i watched an episode of True Blood and two episodes of How I Met Your Mother. i finished season 3!!! or, season 4. which ever is not this season, but the last season. it was really good. that show is super funny. i think it should win awards for writing because i think the writing is very clever. and it's great because there's all kinds of references to past episodes and future episodes. it's kind of crazy. it's like if Lost were a sitcom about living in New York.
hopefully i can get to the post office on saturday before noon because i should have Taking Woodstock waiting for me. and i want to see that. also i need stamps.
anyways. okay. i think i might try and go to bed.
oh! today in the movie theater, when we bought our tickets, they informed us that the heat was broken in the theater and we were like, "yeah, that's fine!"
it was FREEZING. like, so, so cold. i couldn't feel my feet like, halfway through the film. and it doesn't help that it takes place mostly during winter. so it looks cold on the screen. it was sooooo cold. it was probably in the 40's. no joke. because we walked outside and it didn't feel that much different. it was a good thing that Jake Gyllenhaal was there. he added a few degrees.
alright. 1:43am. saturday morning. and i think i am going to bed. i have to go get an extension cord today. because my apartment is severely lacking in outlets. for realz.
i think i am also going to put up my other sets of twinkle lights today. in the dark, front room. that would be a good room for a vampire to sleep in because it is so dark and creepy. hey, i'm just saying, if either Stephen Moyer or Alexander Skarsgard wanted to sleep there - they could. heck, even Anna Paquin. she's totally hott.
i think they were making snow on the mountain behind my house last night. or, early friday morning. because i woke up at 6am and looked at the star on the mountain and there was this other bright light moving up and down the hill and there was a giant cloud of snow in the sky. it was strange.
ok. now it's 1:49am. now i'm going to get into bed. because i'm tired and still don't really feel great. and kara is coming to visit on sunday and i have to be better.
UGH i also have to get up with the baby again starting on sunday. UGH UGH. not looking forward to that very much.
okay. i hope everyone has a great weekend! a great saturday! i'll talk to you later, i'm sure.
i'm really looking forward to saturday. i can't quite figure out why. i think it will be a beautiful day.
ok. quickly now.
andrew came up today! so fun! we went to Salt Hill for lunch. it was packed! why was it so crowded? we couldn't figure it out. our table was next to these huge professional guys wearing suits and eating big burgers. we both had black bean and chicken quesadillas. they were delish. AND, we got Bulmers. or, Magners in the states. the irish hard cider that we drank non stop in irelnd!!!! ooooo it was so delicious and nostalgic. it made me think of Billy and his mom and his grandma.
then we went to go see Brothers. the Nat Port/Tobey Maguire/Emily's boyfriend Jake movie. it was pretty good. there wasn't much dialogue. and it was different than i expected. and i kept wondering throughout the whole movie what it would be like if it was the way i thought. i still can't decide if it would have been better or worse.
saw a trailer for Salt. that Angelina Jolie movie. i hadn't seen a trailer for it yet. i was surprised. it looked okay. she's all like,
ANGELINA: Do you have information that a Russian spy is going to kill the president?
GUY SHE'S INTERROGATING: Yes. I know the name.
ANGELINA: Tell me the name!!!!!
GUY SHE'S INTERROGATING: The name of the spy is.....Evelyn Salt.
ANGELINA: Haha, no. My name is Evelyn Salt.
GUY SHE'S INTERROGATING: Then you are the Russian spy.
then she books it down the hallway and has to dye her hair and everything because now everyone is after her. i think she's the spy.
it was a fun day with Andrew. Ruby Tuesday was excited to see him. he calls her Rosebud.
it's been really cute. all night Ruby has been laying on the kitchen floor in front of the heater. just like, rolling around. and one time she actually went up and curled up right around it. which made me really nervous because there's a flame in there.
so. what did i do tonight?
i tried to watch The Office, but it wouldn't work. so i watched one episode of 30 Rock. it was terrific. and then i watched 24 minutes of Heroes and then fell asleep.
so, i took a nap from 7:50 to 8:25pm. then finished watching Heroes.
thursday night i thought i was getting the flu. i was really achy and my skin hurt. and i was really worried that i was going to have to cancel on andrew.
so i went to bed early. and when i woke up i was feeling better. still all stuffed up. and i took some cold medicine during the day. i wasn't feeling so great again tonight. but, i'm going to go to bed soon.
then tonight i watched an episode of True Blood and two episodes of How I Met Your Mother. i finished season 3!!! or, season 4. which ever is not this season, but the last season. it was really good. that show is super funny. i think it should win awards for writing because i think the writing is very clever. and it's great because there's all kinds of references to past episodes and future episodes. it's kind of crazy. it's like if Lost were a sitcom about living in New York.
hopefully i can get to the post office on saturday before noon because i should have Taking Woodstock waiting for me. and i want to see that. also i need stamps.
anyways. okay. i think i might try and go to bed.
oh! today in the movie theater, when we bought our tickets, they informed us that the heat was broken in the theater and we were like, "yeah, that's fine!"
it was FREEZING. like, so, so cold. i couldn't feel my feet like, halfway through the film. and it doesn't help that it takes place mostly during winter. so it looks cold on the screen. it was sooooo cold. it was probably in the 40's. no joke. because we walked outside and it didn't feel that much different. it was a good thing that Jake Gyllenhaal was there. he added a few degrees.
alright. 1:43am. saturday morning. and i think i am going to bed. i have to go get an extension cord today. because my apartment is severely lacking in outlets. for realz.
i think i am also going to put up my other sets of twinkle lights today. in the dark, front room. that would be a good room for a vampire to sleep in because it is so dark and creepy. hey, i'm just saying, if either Stephen Moyer or Alexander Skarsgard wanted to sleep there - they could. heck, even Anna Paquin. she's totally hott.
i think they were making snow on the mountain behind my house last night. or, early friday morning. because i woke up at 6am and looked at the star on the mountain and there was this other bright light moving up and down the hill and there was a giant cloud of snow in the sky. it was strange.
ok. now it's 1:49am. now i'm going to get into bed. because i'm tired and still don't really feel great. and kara is coming to visit on sunday and i have to be better.
UGH i also have to get up with the baby again starting on sunday. UGH UGH. not looking forward to that very much.
okay. i hope everyone has a great weekend! a great saturday! i'll talk to you later, i'm sure.
i'm really looking forward to saturday. i can't quite figure out why. i think it will be a beautiful day.
17 December 2009
things i forgot/just thought of
1. i want a hot water bottle for christmas!! one like Merritt had. so i can take it to bed with me and be warm. and also carry it around the house and be warm. at 10pm my heat was set at "4," and now it's at "7," but i'm moving it to "8" before i go to bed.
2. i wore my Rooney sweatshirt to work tonight. because it's warm and super awesome. and makes me think of wonderful things. and, me, courtney and diane were sitting around in the living room and courtney was telling this story that involved getting the movie Princess Diaries for christmas! and so i said,
JULIE: You know, the love interest from Princess Diaries is the lead singer of Rooney!
JULIE: Yes!!
COURTNEY: Who is the lead singer?
JULIE: Robert Schwartzman.
COURTNEY: Any relation to Jason?
JULIE: They're brothers!
it was great!
3. i talked to aliya and joe tonight on the phone! it was terrific. they were on speaker iphone in south carolina. they are on their way to delray beach from amherst, massachusetts. and tonight they were in south carolina. and as i was talking to them they crossed over into georgia! it was a momentous moment. momentous moment. yep.
4. i am sitting in my bed. my tea is about to be ready and i am going to watch Glee. i have one more episode and then i'm all caught up!! very excited.
5. ok! nice talking to you again. have warm days. have lovely days. and i'll talk to you again soon.
2. i wore my Rooney sweatshirt to work tonight. because it's warm and super awesome. and makes me think of wonderful things. and, me, courtney and diane were sitting around in the living room and courtney was telling this story that involved getting the movie Princess Diaries for christmas! and so i said,
JULIE: You know, the love interest from Princess Diaries is the lead singer of Rooney!
JULIE: Yes!!
COURTNEY: Who is the lead singer?
JULIE: Robert Schwartzman.
COURTNEY: Any relation to Jason?
JULIE: They're brothers!
it was great!
3. i talked to aliya and joe tonight on the phone! it was terrific. they were on speaker iphone in south carolina. they are on their way to delray beach from amherst, massachusetts. and tonight they were in south carolina. and as i was talking to them they crossed over into georgia! it was a momentous moment. momentous moment. yep.
4. i am sitting in my bed. my tea is about to be ready and i am going to watch Glee. i have one more episode and then i'm all caught up!! very excited.
5. ok! nice talking to you again. have warm days. have lovely days. and i'll talk to you again soon.
a kick and then a scream
hey friends.
i meant to update wednesday night, but i had no idea how tired i was, until i fell asleep on the couch! while watching True Blood!!! how does that happen??
anyways. it's freezing in here. there was frost on the INSIDE of my bedroom windows this morning. yeah. cold. like, i woke up and looked outside. there was all kinds of frost on the window, so i felt it. and it was on the inside. and i said, "aw that's a bummer."
and it's freezing right now too. and i'm too scared to open the window above my sink to let the heat to my bedroom, because i had it open last week for one night and Ruby tried to jump up there like, 15 times. and i'm scared she'll get stuck.
maybe i'll open it when she's not looking and then she'll never notice.
anyways. i also woke up stuffy and with a really sore throat. i wonder if that had something to do with the temp of my room, or from standing in the freezing rain waiting for Rooney. if it was from Rooney, then it's worth it. bedroom temp = not so much.
i guess i don't really have much to say.
OH YEAH. wait a sec. yes i do.
so, it's the end of the year. end of 2009. and, that means lots of people are putting out "best of 2009" lists. well, 'Davy' the second Coconut Records cd is making all kinds of 'best' lists!!!!!
1. #45 on Myspace's Top 50 Albums of 2009. and i quote, "It's a gorgeous pop album that will stand the tests of time."
2. #6 on Amie Street's Top 25 Albums. and i quote, "Jason Schwartzman fuses the voice of the Beach Boys with the musicality of the Beatles to create a positively low-key, SoCal sound."
YEAH!!!!! how awesome and exciting is that!?? i am so happy about this. it was an exciting day on the Coconut Records twitter.
that myspace quote is pretty freaking good, right?
alright. i know i have more to say. but i have to do some tidying up. Andrew is coming to visit on friday!! that's tomorrow!!! or today! depending on when you are reading this. i am quite excited about this.
but, i have to straighten up. which i am not very excited about.
and then!! KARA is coming on sunday!!!! to stay for a few days. i am also very very excited about this. so is Ruby Tuesday.
alright friends. how has your week been? i hope well.
mine has been good. both nights at work were good. tonight was much more quiet than last night.
it's just going to be me and one other resident here for christmas. i think it will be very quiet. and probably strange. i'll ask her what she wants to do.
ok. have a great night! i am going to clean, then make dinner, then probably watch either Glee or True Blood, drink some tea, and then go to sleep.
i have been very tired this week. last night i got into bed at 1:30! and i slept until 1:15! with only two interruptions during the night.
alright for real. have a great day. and a great weekend.
i meant to update wednesday night, but i had no idea how tired i was, until i fell asleep on the couch! while watching True Blood!!! how does that happen??
anyways. it's freezing in here. there was frost on the INSIDE of my bedroom windows this morning. yeah. cold. like, i woke up and looked outside. there was all kinds of frost on the window, so i felt it. and it was on the inside. and i said, "aw that's a bummer."
and it's freezing right now too. and i'm too scared to open the window above my sink to let the heat to my bedroom, because i had it open last week for one night and Ruby tried to jump up there like, 15 times. and i'm scared she'll get stuck.
maybe i'll open it when she's not looking and then she'll never notice.
anyways. i also woke up stuffy and with a really sore throat. i wonder if that had something to do with the temp of my room, or from standing in the freezing rain waiting for Rooney. if it was from Rooney, then it's worth it. bedroom temp = not so much.
i guess i don't really have much to say.
OH YEAH. wait a sec. yes i do.
so, it's the end of the year. end of 2009. and, that means lots of people are putting out "best of 2009" lists. well, 'Davy' the second Coconut Records cd is making all kinds of 'best' lists!!!!!
1. #45 on Myspace's Top 50 Albums of 2009. and i quote, "It's a gorgeous pop album that will stand the tests of time."
2. #6 on Amie Street's Top 25 Albums. and i quote, "Jason Schwartzman fuses the voice of the Beach Boys with the musicality of the Beatles to create a positively low-key, SoCal sound."
YEAH!!!!! how awesome and exciting is that!?? i am so happy about this. it was an exciting day on the Coconut Records twitter.
that myspace quote is pretty freaking good, right?
alright. i know i have more to say. but i have to do some tidying up. Andrew is coming to visit on friday!! that's tomorrow!!! or today! depending on when you are reading this. i am quite excited about this.
but, i have to straighten up. which i am not very excited about.
and then!! KARA is coming on sunday!!!! to stay for a few days. i am also very very excited about this. so is Ruby Tuesday.
alright friends. how has your week been? i hope well.
mine has been good. both nights at work were good. tonight was much more quiet than last night.
it's just going to be me and one other resident here for christmas. i think it will be very quiet. and probably strange. i'll ask her what she wants to do.
ok. have a great night! i am going to clean, then make dinner, then probably watch either Glee or True Blood, drink some tea, and then go to sleep.
i have been very tired this week. last night i got into bed at 1:30! and i slept until 1:15! with only two interruptions during the night.
alright for real. have a great day. and a great weekend.
15 December 2009
my sincerest apologies for not updating over the weekend. it was pretty crazy with family and everything. it was my grandmother's 97th birthday. my uncle from florida and my cousin from massachusetts came up. it was fun fun fun. really great seeing everyone.
we went out for pizza on friday night. saturday we drove into york, maine for a nice dinner out. totes delish. although, towards the end i had some kind of weird allergy thing at the restaurant. then we drove over to the lighthouse to see it all lit up. then had cake! and coffee with bailey's. yumm.
then back to our house. me, my cousin and my uncle went outside to watch for meteors, because there was a shower this weekend. it was SUPER cold. like, really cold. but it was perfect viewing conditions. i only saw maybe like, 8 meteors. which, was awesome. but, it was supposed to be like, 100 an hour. definitely not that.
ANYWAYS. sunday everybody left, which was sad. no idea when i'll see them again. although, possibly around christmas. and kara came home from work at noontime because...
yes yesyes. ever since i saw Rooney for the first time, i had been waiting for this day, to see them again. i saw them in Boston without really knowing much of their music - they instantly became the best band i've ever seen live - and i had totally hyped them up in my head ever since then. for like, three years. i just had this idea that nobody could live up to seeing Rooney live. because they were so freaking good.
and now, i would be seeing them again. this time with Kara! we were pretty freaking excited.
and of course, there had to be a snowstorm as we were leaving. heavy, slushy snow. we had to drive really slowly until about the Dover tolls. once we got there, the snow turned to rain. and kara drove the whole way. she is awesome.
so, we drove from maine to cambridge and parked at Alewife. we were going to The Middle East, in Central Square. parking at Alewife seems to always be the easiest option.
we parked. bought the charlie cards. hopped on the train. got off at Central Square. super easy breezy. and it was rainy. not so much cold. but very rainy.
we figured out where we wanted to eat in relation to where the club was. we did this by looking up the two different addresses on kara's phone. and then i did this really weird thing were i thought that 625 was bigger than 649. so, at first i sent us in the wrong direction. we needed to find 700, but we walked towards the 400s. this was confusing. i can't exactly remember what i was thinking. but, my explanation was simple: 'i am blinded by the Schwartzman.' i mean, it makes sense.
so, we eat at this super loud place with a million tv screens on the walls. not at all the place it looks like online. each tv screen had a different football game. and then we REALLY needed to leave and the waitress took a super long time getting the check.
the doors opened at 7:30 and we didn't leave the restaurant until then. i had wanted to be there by 7:15.
so, we find the club and there is HUGE long line of people out the door. and now it's pouring. so, we get in the back of the line. and have to wait like, 20 minutes until we finally get inside.
there was a schedule posted on the door:
ROONEY - 10pm
Tally Hall - 9pm
Crash Kings - 8pm
those were the two opening bands. so, we walk inside and Kara overhears this older couple say that they are the parents of the Crash Kings. this is exciting.
there was a HUGE line at the coat check, but not a huge crowd on the floor. so we immediately get on the floor and are semi-close to the front. like, if the stage was 100 and the back of the room was 1, we were probably in the lower 70's.
and there's like, only 5 minutes before Crash Kings go on. and then it starts! they come onstage. super hotties.
the lead singer says, "it's so great to be home!!" apparently they are an LA based band, but they grew up in Boston. so, that was really cool. and the lead singer and the bassist are brothers. and then there's a drummer. Tony, Mike and Jason. Tony and Mike are the brothers. Jason is the drummer.

this is Tony. he sang and played keyboards. and him and his bro are really gorgeous.

i'm assuming it was their parents that were at the show. now, our camera was super frigged up at first, so the only good pictures of Crash Kings i got were of Tony. (kara actually ended up taking a lot of the pictures overall because she is taller)

i totally loved their music. i bought their cd and i'm listening to it now. they had a song in the movie Zombieland. it's a great song. i actually love it.
so, DEFINITELY recommend this band. Crash Kings.

this is what they all look like.
and then! Tally Hall came on at 9. they had a lot of setting up to do. and then they soundchecked. this took about 15 minutes ish.
and then they got onstage and explained that they had JUST gotten to the show because their trailer carrying the equipment blew a tire and they had to load everything onto the bus, and then race to the gig.
they were all dressed up. they had on white shirts, black shiny vests, and each member had a different colored tie.
they looked exactly like they do in this press photo (plus black shiny vests):

i overheard in the crowd that they started out as an acapella group. which would explain their awesome harmonies. and, what was really cool was that every member of the band sang. it wasn't really like there was a "lead singer."

although, this guy was kind of the lead, i guess. and he TOTALLY reminded me of Logan from Veronica Mars. (he's the one on the far left, yellow tie, in the promo photo) and the guy in the red tie reminded kara of Gael Garcia Bernal.

look how dapper they look! they were also really great. they have this great song called 'Welcome to Tally Hall.' they all rap in it.
overall, they reminded both me and kara of The Format. they were kind of whimsical. very good, though.
and it was cool because some of the fans there were JUST there to see Tally Hall. i heard some people behind us say, "i've never even heard of Rooney."
and there were definitely also people there that was super excited to see Crash Kings. and that was a pretty interesting thing, i thought, and it was really nice to see people so excited for the opening bands. normally it seems people (myself included) sometimes have this, "come on, get to the real band already." and it definitely wasn't like that for this show.

yep. he had a microphone. i mean, megaphone. aw, they're just so cute.
AND THEN, it was 10pm. and the crowd was getting more crowded. kara checked her twitter before the show started and Robert had tweeted that it was a sold-out Boston show. that was exciting.
and during Tally Hall and Rooney, we actually moved up quite a bit in the crowd. i would say that when Rooney started, we were like, lower 80's.
and we're all just waiting and waiting and waiting. and the backstage door keeps opening and people keep walking in and out that are not Rooney. one of the stage managers, Josh, i recognized from a Rooney video diary. i love when that happens. like when Jenny and I saw Travis at a Phantom Planet show. that was really exciting.
and then kara turns to me and says,
KARA: OMG I think I just saw Robert walk by the door!!
KARA: Yeah. I saw a guy who looked like Jason, and figured it must be him.
JULIE: !!!!!
and then just a few short minutes later - the Rooney boys entered.

they opened their set with the song 'Blueside,' which is featured in the movie, The Princess Diaries. it's the scene when Anne Hathaway goes to see her car in the garage. and Michael's band (Rooney) is practicing. and there are M&Ms everywhere. great song.

there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Robert Schwartzman. oh so lovely. he came out and i immediately saw the blue wristband on his wrist and thought, "omg he's wearing his Coconut Records bracelet!!!!" which, he wore in a video diary and is that shade of blue. but, the more i stared, the more it started to look like a theme park bracelet, or something. probably from another gig.

MATT WINTER. bass player. oh how i love Matt Winter. i think he's totally gorgeous and mysterious. normally he wears sunglasses whist performing. but not this night. lucky me.

this might be my favorite. he looks so dreamy.

matthew b. winter.

Taylor Locke. former boyfriend of Mischa Barton. i had never really thought Taylor was attractive until this night. give a boy a guitar and unexplainable things happen.

Louie Stephens is on the far left. he plays keyboards. and Josh, the guy who i recognized from the video diary, is on the far right. nice!

ooooo i also really love this one. he's such a great performer.

during the song 'Losing All Control' i must admit, Taylor and i were making eyes at each other. for serious. it got pretty sexy. yeah. for realz.

good picture of the three front boys. Matt does this thing a lot where he'll walk back into the shadows and play. he doesn't like to be up front, i guess. i think he's shy. but all the more sexy, right?

Mr. Ned Brower on drums!!!! Ned is married to Brothers and Sisters actress Sarah Jane Morris. and they are having a baby boy next month. i totally love Ned. he sings a song on their EP called Wild One, which the tour is named after. it's a really beautiful song. BROWER POWER.

look at Kara's awesome photo skillz!!! i have this picture as my background right now. they look great!

during 'I'm Shakin' Robert jumped down from the stage and was walking around in the crowd. immediately the crowd MOBBED him. and, i am happy to say, that my sister, Kara, was one of those girls.
she lunged over, reached out her arm, and GRABBED onto his upper arm. then, (in a moment i am totally so jealous of), she SLID her hand up his arm and onto his chest.
yes, it's true. kara touched schwartzman chest. she totally rocked the fangirl moment. much like the time i reached up and touched Alex's (from phantom planet) hand.
we talked about kara touching Robert's chest pretty much the whole rest of the night. it was a great, great moment.

for the encore, their first song was Keep On Rocking in the Free World, Neil Young cover, and Ned was up front singing!!!!!! and Robert was on drums. now, i knew that he was also a drummer (because the schwartzman guys play every instrument possible), but i didn't know that he was an awesome drummer.

it was pretty exciting. and Louis Stephens came out from the keyboards to play guitar next to Taylor. i think that's him to the right of Ned.

only picture with all the guys. and someone's annoying cell phone.
Louis on the right, Taylor on the left. Louis is also very mysterious. he stays pretty much behind the keyboards with his head down. but, we still love him.

Taylor, looking emotional.

Ned, smiling. love this one.
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!!! Rooney, A Concert in Photos.
but wait! there is more. oh, there is so much more....
after the show, we walk over to the merch table to buy some merch. the deal was if you got either two sweatshirts or two t-shirts, you got a free EP. so, we did that. we each got a sweatshirt and we each got a t-shirt. and then we each got a free EP.
here's the most awesome part:
the EP's were secret tickets to a MEET and GREET.
so now, our two sisters find themselves in a Meet and Greet line. freaking out.
now, i had brought along my hott pink Rooney shirt for them to sign if the opportunity arose. or, if we stayed around long enough to meet them. they always say that they are around after shows and love meeting fans. so, i had my shirt just in case.
but here we were, actually in a line to MEET them. not just harass them after the show. but a formal MEET.
and then they walk out from backstage. in a line. all of them. Rooney. just walking around.
and, kara and i are at the back of the line. so, they had to walk directly next to us to get to the front. and as Matt Winter is passing he says,
MATT WINTER: Hello ladies.
now, i never thought the day would come when i had a Matt Winter dialogue section in the blog. but i am happy to say, that day is NOW. i was so in shock that i couldn't actually say anything back.
so, the line moves pretty quickly. i am flipping out. kara is staying more calm than me. she offers to go first.
man, i can't even describe this. this next part is so freaking awesome, there are no words. i would have to make up my own words to try and convey this to you. the emotion i was feeling. it was like, excitement times 1000. the most excited i've ever been - X1000. and also quite nervous.
so, we make our way to the line. the band was in this lineup for meeting: Ned, Louis, Taylor, Robert, Matt.
Ned came first. Kara asked him to sign her EP. then she told him she liked his plaid shirt. it was great. then it was my turn:
NED: Hey, how are you?
JULIE: I'm good, how are you doing?
NED: I'm doing good.
JULIE: Hey, will you sign my t-shirt?
NED: Yeah, sure! (takes shirt) Wow, I haven't seen one of these shirts in a while.
JULIE: I've had it for a few years.
NED: We didn't have these shirts for very long. There weren't many of them made. It's unique.
JULIE: Wow, that's awesome.
and then Ned passes the shirt to Louis,
NED: Hey, look at this shirt.
LOUIS: This is an old one.
NED: Yeah, that's what I said.
LOUIS: (to me) Hey.
JULIE: Hi! How are you?
LOUIS: Good, you?
JULIE: I'm good.
LOUIS: What's your name?
JULIE: Julie.
LOUIS: (holds out his hand) Nice to meet you.
JULIE: (shakes his hand) You too!
Louis passes the shirt to Taylor without saying anything.
TAYLOR: Oh, hey. How are you?
JULIE: I'm really good.
TAYLOR: Oh, this is an old shirt.
JULIE: Yeah, that's what Ned said. I got it in Boston a few years ago.
JULIE: Yeah.
(now, i was actually a pretty excited (nervous) to see Taylor, since we had been making eyes at each other through an entire song.) (mmm. that was a hott moment in my life.)
so, i hold out my hand to him, and he takes my hand in both of his, holds it for a minute and says,
TAYLOR: You have a great night.
now, let me just repeat that for you so we can all understand what happened.
i held out my hand to shake Taylor's hand. he takes BOTH of his hands, wraps them around MY hand, holds it for a moment and says,
TAYLOR: You have a great night.
yeah. yeah. that happened. yep. and then i had to move along to Robert. worst. possible. time.
so, i feel kind of bad. i was so freaking flustered from my encounter with Taylor, and Robert was the only thing standing in between me and Matt Winter. here's what went down...
ok, imagine me, nervous, giddy, flustered, excited. (the giddy and flustered part is the most important.)
JULIE: Hey man!!!! (holds out my hand)
ROBERT: Hey, how are you!? (shakes my hand)
JULIE: I'm great!! How are you doing?!
JULIE: ......will you sign my shirt, please?!
ROBERT: Yeah, of course! (signs shirt)
JULIE: Thank you so much!!
ROBERT: You're welcome! Have a good night.
and i didn't even tell him to have a good night back. i was so excited to get to Matt Winter.
BUT, did you hear me?!?! I CALLED HIM 'MAN'!!!!! i just went up to Robert Schwartzman and said, "hey man!" as i was saying it i was thinking, "what are you saying?" kind of traumatic. i might as well have called him 'pal.' or, given him a high five and called him 'bro.'
"hey man!" geeze. but, hey, i shook his hand.
and then came Matt.
JULIE: Hey Matt!
MATT: Hey, how are you?
JULIE: Really good, how are you?
MATT: I'm good. What's your name?
JULIE: Julie.
MATT: Julie, it's nice to meet you.
JULIE: You too.
MATT: Have a good night.
JULIE: You too. Take care.
today i was sitting in staff meeting and i was thinking about my encounter with Matt Winter. and then i suddenly remembered how close i was standing to him. like, seriously close. i can remember looking up at him and being really close. he must have been totally freaked out by this.

and this is what i ended up with. my already awesome shirt just became 100 times more awesome.

they each signed above their outlines! super cute.
from L to R: Louie Stephens, Taylor Locke, Robert Schwartzman, Matt Winter, Ned Brower.
YEP. that's MY shirt. doesn't belong to anyone else. i'm looking at it right now. it's awesome. it's soooo the most awesome thing ever. and, according to Ned, not a lot of people have this shirt. which makes it THAT more cool.
i can't even tell you how much fun this night was. i had the best time with Kara. i think she had a pretty good time too.
she was telling me that she was super nervous to meet Robert since they had already shared the intimate chest-touching moment. oh, we made jokes about it all night. and most of monday.
so, here's some concert videos if you're interested. the camera is kind of shaky. hey, it's hard to film and dance AND sing along all at the same time. the first one is the second chorus of Daisy Duke. i love the second chorus because at the end he goes up and sings high. and i like it.
the second video is MOST of When Did Your Heart Go Missing. i don't know if you've heard this song before. it's in the credits of Nancy Drew. also, although i don't remember this, it was the theme song for the tv show Beauty and the Geek. and i heard it once in Old Navy.
i have more videos, but these are my fave. kara took a tiny video of 'I'm Shakin' and in the beginning when Robert is introducing the song he says, "go Celtics!" and then he tells this story about how the last time they were in Boston the Lakers were playing the Celtics. and the Lakers totally lost.
so, i posted promo pics of the other two bands. here's what Rooney looks like when they're not bathed in red lights:

now, add up all the boys in the other pics. YEAH. that's what we saw. live in person. lots of gorgeous hipster musicians.
Rooney pic L to R: Louis, Matt, Robert, Ned, Taylor.
they clean up nice, eh?
Robert is just a little guy. i don't know why i was expecting him to be really big and tall. i guess he just seems it from the video diaries. jason is little too. i like that. but i also like matt winter. and he's a big guy.
alright. i think you've successfully re-lived the night with me. that's all i can remember right now. maybe more will come back to me.
but, i didn't want to wait to do this entry too long, because i might forget things. like Taylor holding my hand. yeah that was awesome.
wow. that was really awesome.
aw, i had fun with you tonight. telling you all about my concert.
kara and i came home sunday night and Robert had been on twitter and they were already on their way to Pennsylvania, where they were playing on monday.
alright. it's taken me a long time to do this entry. my first big, long picture entry on my Mac. i have to get used to iPhoto. it's not that different. it's just different from what i'm used to.
so. it's 1:19am. i haven't eaten supper yet. so, i'm gonna go do that.
but i have soooo much more to tell you about!!!!!
1. my new haircut
2. my new hair products
the nominations came out today! well, tuesday!! it's pretty much the season of Meryl.
- lead actress in a musical or comedy nom for Julie and Julia
- lead actress in a musical or comedy nom for It's Complicated
- Julie and Julia nominated for best picture musical or comedy
- It's Complicated nominated for best picture musical or comedy
- Fantastic Mr. Fox nominated for best animated feature
SO EXCITED about Mr. Fox. maybe jason will be there??! Bored to Death didn't get any nominations, which i was sad about. Glee got some. 30 Rock got some.
anyways, i'll give a more complete recap of my Globe nomination reaction. i have some feelings.
OH! i also wanted to post this picture i took today. it's the first picture i took with my new built-in webcam!!!!!

how CUTE are we?!?! there's a flash on the camera, which i wasn't expecting. she has been climbing all over me and sitting on my lap ever since i've gotten back. such a sweetie. that picture was taken in my kitchen, where i'm sitting right now. those are my pots hanging.
ok. everyone please have a lovely wednesday. i'll update you more later on those few other matters.
today i have to go to the post office. and then i am working from 3:30 to 10pm. and then 10pm to 8am. nice!
Andrew is coming to visit on friday!! and kara is coming to visit on sunday!!!! what a great week i have ahead of me.
OK! hope you are enjoying your wonderful day.
love you.
miss you.
talk to you soon.
If there ever was a day that you should get away
I feel it in my bones I think today's the day
And you can't back down
Take the chance to leave behind
A single dance in the snow
Between the trees
You will know the sound of nothing
Come away on this winter's day
We are going to ride again
And buckle in get you suited up
Its time to fly
we went out for pizza on friday night. saturday we drove into york, maine for a nice dinner out. totes delish. although, towards the end i had some kind of weird allergy thing at the restaurant. then we drove over to the lighthouse to see it all lit up. then had cake! and coffee with bailey's. yumm.
then back to our house. me, my cousin and my uncle went outside to watch for meteors, because there was a shower this weekend. it was SUPER cold. like, really cold. but it was perfect viewing conditions. i only saw maybe like, 8 meteors. which, was awesome. but, it was supposed to be like, 100 an hour. definitely not that.
ANYWAYS. sunday everybody left, which was sad. no idea when i'll see them again. although, possibly around christmas. and kara came home from work at noontime because...
yes yesyes. ever since i saw Rooney for the first time, i had been waiting for this day, to see them again. i saw them in Boston without really knowing much of their music - they instantly became the best band i've ever seen live - and i had totally hyped them up in my head ever since then. for like, three years. i just had this idea that nobody could live up to seeing Rooney live. because they were so freaking good.
and now, i would be seeing them again. this time with Kara! we were pretty freaking excited.
and of course, there had to be a snowstorm as we were leaving. heavy, slushy snow. we had to drive really slowly until about the Dover tolls. once we got there, the snow turned to rain. and kara drove the whole way. she is awesome.
so, we drove from maine to cambridge and parked at Alewife. we were going to The Middle East, in Central Square. parking at Alewife seems to always be the easiest option.
we parked. bought the charlie cards. hopped on the train. got off at Central Square. super easy breezy. and it was rainy. not so much cold. but very rainy.
we figured out where we wanted to eat in relation to where the club was. we did this by looking up the two different addresses on kara's phone. and then i did this really weird thing were i thought that 625 was bigger than 649. so, at first i sent us in the wrong direction. we needed to find 700, but we walked towards the 400s. this was confusing. i can't exactly remember what i was thinking. but, my explanation was simple: 'i am blinded by the Schwartzman.' i mean, it makes sense.
so, we eat at this super loud place with a million tv screens on the walls. not at all the place it looks like online. each tv screen had a different football game. and then we REALLY needed to leave and the waitress took a super long time getting the check.
the doors opened at 7:30 and we didn't leave the restaurant until then. i had wanted to be there by 7:15.
so, we find the club and there is HUGE long line of people out the door. and now it's pouring. so, we get in the back of the line. and have to wait like, 20 minutes until we finally get inside.
there was a schedule posted on the door:
ROONEY - 10pm
Tally Hall - 9pm
Crash Kings - 8pm
those were the two opening bands. so, we walk inside and Kara overhears this older couple say that they are the parents of the Crash Kings. this is exciting.
there was a HUGE line at the coat check, but not a huge crowd on the floor. so we immediately get on the floor and are semi-close to the front. like, if the stage was 100 and the back of the room was 1, we were probably in the lower 70's.
and there's like, only 5 minutes before Crash Kings go on. and then it starts! they come onstage. super hotties.
the lead singer says, "it's so great to be home!!" apparently they are an LA based band, but they grew up in Boston. so, that was really cool. and the lead singer and the bassist are brothers. and then there's a drummer. Tony, Mike and Jason. Tony and Mike are the brothers. Jason is the drummer.
this is Tony. he sang and played keyboards. and him and his bro are really gorgeous.
i'm assuming it was their parents that were at the show. now, our camera was super frigged up at first, so the only good pictures of Crash Kings i got were of Tony. (kara actually ended up taking a lot of the pictures overall because she is taller)
i totally loved their music. i bought their cd and i'm listening to it now. they had a song in the movie Zombieland. it's a great song. i actually love it.
so, DEFINITELY recommend this band. Crash Kings.
this is what they all look like.
and then! Tally Hall came on at 9. they had a lot of setting up to do. and then they soundchecked. this took about 15 minutes ish.
and then they got onstage and explained that they had JUST gotten to the show because their trailer carrying the equipment blew a tire and they had to load everything onto the bus, and then race to the gig.
they were all dressed up. they had on white shirts, black shiny vests, and each member had a different colored tie.
they looked exactly like they do in this press photo (plus black shiny vests):
i overheard in the crowd that they started out as an acapella group. which would explain their awesome harmonies. and, what was really cool was that every member of the band sang. it wasn't really like there was a "lead singer."
although, this guy was kind of the lead, i guess. and he TOTALLY reminded me of Logan from Veronica Mars. (he's the one on the far left, yellow tie, in the promo photo) and the guy in the red tie reminded kara of Gael Garcia Bernal.
look how dapper they look! they were also really great. they have this great song called 'Welcome to Tally Hall.' they all rap in it.
overall, they reminded both me and kara of The Format. they were kind of whimsical. very good, though.
and it was cool because some of the fans there were JUST there to see Tally Hall. i heard some people behind us say, "i've never even heard of Rooney."
and there were definitely also people there that was super excited to see Crash Kings. and that was a pretty interesting thing, i thought, and it was really nice to see people so excited for the opening bands. normally it seems people (myself included) sometimes have this, "come on, get to the real band already." and it definitely wasn't like that for this show.
yep. he had a microphone. i mean, megaphone. aw, they're just so cute.
AND THEN, it was 10pm. and the crowd was getting more crowded. kara checked her twitter before the show started and Robert had tweeted that it was a sold-out Boston show. that was exciting.
and during Tally Hall and Rooney, we actually moved up quite a bit in the crowd. i would say that when Rooney started, we were like, lower 80's.
and we're all just waiting and waiting and waiting. and the backstage door keeps opening and people keep walking in and out that are not Rooney. one of the stage managers, Josh, i recognized from a Rooney video diary. i love when that happens. like when Jenny and I saw Travis at a Phantom Planet show. that was really exciting.
and then kara turns to me and says,
KARA: OMG I think I just saw Robert walk by the door!!
KARA: Yeah. I saw a guy who looked like Jason, and figured it must be him.
JULIE: !!!!!
and then just a few short minutes later - the Rooney boys entered.
they opened their set with the song 'Blueside,' which is featured in the movie, The Princess Diaries. it's the scene when Anne Hathaway goes to see her car in the garage. and Michael's band (Rooney) is practicing. and there are M&Ms everywhere. great song.

there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Robert Schwartzman. oh so lovely. he came out and i immediately saw the blue wristband on his wrist and thought, "omg he's wearing his Coconut Records bracelet!!!!" which, he wore in a video diary and is that shade of blue. but, the more i stared, the more it started to look like a theme park bracelet, or something. probably from another gig.

MATT WINTER. bass player. oh how i love Matt Winter. i think he's totally gorgeous and mysterious. normally he wears sunglasses whist performing. but not this night. lucky me.

this might be my favorite. he looks so dreamy.

matthew b. winter.

Taylor Locke. former boyfriend of Mischa Barton. i had never really thought Taylor was attractive until this night. give a boy a guitar and unexplainable things happen.

Louie Stephens is on the far left. he plays keyboards. and Josh, the guy who i recognized from the video diary, is on the far right. nice!
ooooo i also really love this one. he's such a great performer.
during the song 'Losing All Control' i must admit, Taylor and i were making eyes at each other. for serious. it got pretty sexy. yeah. for realz.
good picture of the three front boys. Matt does this thing a lot where he'll walk back into the shadows and play. he doesn't like to be up front, i guess. i think he's shy. but all the more sexy, right?

Mr. Ned Brower on drums!!!! Ned is married to Brothers and Sisters actress Sarah Jane Morris. and they are having a baby boy next month. i totally love Ned. he sings a song on their EP called Wild One, which the tour is named after. it's a really beautiful song. BROWER POWER.
look at Kara's awesome photo skillz!!! i have this picture as my background right now. they look great!

during 'I'm Shakin' Robert jumped down from the stage and was walking around in the crowd. immediately the crowd MOBBED him. and, i am happy to say, that my sister, Kara, was one of those girls.
she lunged over, reached out her arm, and GRABBED onto his upper arm. then, (in a moment i am totally so jealous of), she SLID her hand up his arm and onto his chest.
yes, it's true. kara touched schwartzman chest. she totally rocked the fangirl moment. much like the time i reached up and touched Alex's (from phantom planet) hand.
we talked about kara touching Robert's chest pretty much the whole rest of the night. it was a great, great moment.
for the encore, their first song was Keep On Rocking in the Free World, Neil Young cover, and Ned was up front singing!!!!!! and Robert was on drums. now, i knew that he was also a drummer (because the schwartzman guys play every instrument possible), but i didn't know that he was an awesome drummer.
it was pretty exciting. and Louis Stephens came out from the keyboards to play guitar next to Taylor. i think that's him to the right of Ned.
only picture with all the guys. and someone's annoying cell phone.

Taylor, looking emotional.
Ned, smiling. love this one.
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!!! Rooney, A Concert in Photos.
but wait! there is more. oh, there is so much more....
after the show, we walk over to the merch table to buy some merch. the deal was if you got either two sweatshirts or two t-shirts, you got a free EP. so, we did that. we each got a sweatshirt and we each got a t-shirt. and then we each got a free EP.
here's the most awesome part:
the EP's were secret tickets to a MEET and GREET.
so now, our two sisters find themselves in a Meet and Greet line. freaking out.
now, i had brought along my hott pink Rooney shirt for them to sign if the opportunity arose. or, if we stayed around long enough to meet them. they always say that they are around after shows and love meeting fans. so, i had my shirt just in case.
but here we were, actually in a line to MEET them. not just harass them after the show. but a formal MEET.
and then they walk out from backstage. in a line. all of them. Rooney. just walking around.
and, kara and i are at the back of the line. so, they had to walk directly next to us to get to the front. and as Matt Winter is passing he says,
MATT WINTER: Hello ladies.
now, i never thought the day would come when i had a Matt Winter dialogue section in the blog. but i am happy to say, that day is NOW. i was so in shock that i couldn't actually say anything back.
so, the line moves pretty quickly. i am flipping out. kara is staying more calm than me. she offers to go first.
man, i can't even describe this. this next part is so freaking awesome, there are no words. i would have to make up my own words to try and convey this to you. the emotion i was feeling. it was like, excitement times 1000. the most excited i've ever been - X1000. and also quite nervous.
so, we make our way to the line. the band was in this lineup for meeting: Ned, Louis, Taylor, Robert, Matt.
Ned came first. Kara asked him to sign her EP. then she told him she liked his plaid shirt. it was great. then it was my turn:
NED: Hey, how are you?
JULIE: I'm good, how are you doing?
NED: I'm doing good.
JULIE: Hey, will you sign my t-shirt?
NED: Yeah, sure! (takes shirt) Wow, I haven't seen one of these shirts in a while.
JULIE: I've had it for a few years.
NED: We didn't have these shirts for very long. There weren't many of them made. It's unique.
JULIE: Wow, that's awesome.
and then Ned passes the shirt to Louis,
NED: Hey, look at this shirt.
LOUIS: This is an old one.
NED: Yeah, that's what I said.
LOUIS: (to me) Hey.
JULIE: Hi! How are you?
LOUIS: Good, you?
JULIE: I'm good.
LOUIS: What's your name?
JULIE: Julie.
LOUIS: (holds out his hand) Nice to meet you.
JULIE: (shakes his hand) You too!
Louis passes the shirt to Taylor without saying anything.
TAYLOR: Oh, hey. How are you?
JULIE: I'm really good.
TAYLOR: Oh, this is an old shirt.
JULIE: Yeah, that's what Ned said. I got it in Boston a few years ago.
JULIE: Yeah.
(now, i was actually a pretty excited (nervous) to see Taylor, since we had been making eyes at each other through an entire song.) (mmm. that was a hott moment in my life.)
so, i hold out my hand to him, and he takes my hand in both of his, holds it for a minute and says,
TAYLOR: You have a great night.
now, let me just repeat that for you so we can all understand what happened.
i held out my hand to shake Taylor's hand. he takes BOTH of his hands, wraps them around MY hand, holds it for a moment and says,
TAYLOR: You have a great night.
yeah. yeah. that happened. yep. and then i had to move along to Robert. worst. possible. time.
so, i feel kind of bad. i was so freaking flustered from my encounter with Taylor, and Robert was the only thing standing in between me and Matt Winter. here's what went down...
ok, imagine me, nervous, giddy, flustered, excited. (the giddy and flustered part is the most important.)
JULIE: Hey man!!!! (holds out my hand)
ROBERT: Hey, how are you!? (shakes my hand)
JULIE: I'm great!! How are you doing?!
JULIE: ......will you sign my shirt, please?!
ROBERT: Yeah, of course! (signs shirt)
JULIE: Thank you so much!!
ROBERT: You're welcome! Have a good night.
and i didn't even tell him to have a good night back. i was so excited to get to Matt Winter.
BUT, did you hear me?!?! I CALLED HIM 'MAN'!!!!! i just went up to Robert Schwartzman and said, "hey man!" as i was saying it i was thinking, "what are you saying?" kind of traumatic. i might as well have called him 'pal.' or, given him a high five and called him 'bro.'
"hey man!" geeze. but, hey, i shook his hand.
and then came Matt.
JULIE: Hey Matt!
MATT: Hey, how are you?
JULIE: Really good, how are you?
MATT: I'm good. What's your name?
JULIE: Julie.
MATT: Julie, it's nice to meet you.
JULIE: You too.
MATT: Have a good night.
JULIE: You too. Take care.
today i was sitting in staff meeting and i was thinking about my encounter with Matt Winter. and then i suddenly remembered how close i was standing to him. like, seriously close. i can remember looking up at him and being really close. he must have been totally freaked out by this.
and this is what i ended up with. my already awesome shirt just became 100 times more awesome.
they each signed above their outlines! super cute.
from L to R: Louie Stephens, Taylor Locke, Robert Schwartzman, Matt Winter, Ned Brower.
YEP. that's MY shirt. doesn't belong to anyone else. i'm looking at it right now. it's awesome. it's soooo the most awesome thing ever. and, according to Ned, not a lot of people have this shirt. which makes it THAT more cool.
i can't even tell you how much fun this night was. i had the best time with Kara. i think she had a pretty good time too.
she was telling me that she was super nervous to meet Robert since they had already shared the intimate chest-touching moment. oh, we made jokes about it all night. and most of monday.
so, here's some concert videos if you're interested. the camera is kind of shaky. hey, it's hard to film and dance AND sing along all at the same time. the first one is the second chorus of Daisy Duke. i love the second chorus because at the end he goes up and sings high. and i like it.
the second video is MOST of When Did Your Heart Go Missing. i don't know if you've heard this song before. it's in the credits of Nancy Drew. also, although i don't remember this, it was the theme song for the tv show Beauty and the Geek. and i heard it once in Old Navy.
i have more videos, but these are my fave. kara took a tiny video of 'I'm Shakin' and in the beginning when Robert is introducing the song he says, "go Celtics!" and then he tells this story about how the last time they were in Boston the Lakers were playing the Celtics. and the Lakers totally lost.
so, i posted promo pics of the other two bands. here's what Rooney looks like when they're not bathed in red lights:
now, add up all the boys in the other pics. YEAH. that's what we saw. live in person. lots of gorgeous hipster musicians.
Rooney pic L to R: Louis, Matt, Robert, Ned, Taylor.
they clean up nice, eh?
Robert is just a little guy. i don't know why i was expecting him to be really big and tall. i guess he just seems it from the video diaries. jason is little too. i like that. but i also like matt winter. and he's a big guy.
alright. i think you've successfully re-lived the night with me. that's all i can remember right now. maybe more will come back to me.
but, i didn't want to wait to do this entry too long, because i might forget things. like Taylor holding my hand. yeah that was awesome.
wow. that was really awesome.
aw, i had fun with you tonight. telling you all about my concert.
kara and i came home sunday night and Robert had been on twitter and they were already on their way to Pennsylvania, where they were playing on monday.
alright. it's taken me a long time to do this entry. my first big, long picture entry on my Mac. i have to get used to iPhoto. it's not that different. it's just different from what i'm used to.
so. it's 1:19am. i haven't eaten supper yet. so, i'm gonna go do that.
but i have soooo much more to tell you about!!!!!
1. my new haircut
2. my new hair products
the nominations came out today! well, tuesday!! it's pretty much the season of Meryl.
- lead actress in a musical or comedy nom for Julie and Julia
- lead actress in a musical or comedy nom for It's Complicated
- Julie and Julia nominated for best picture musical or comedy
- It's Complicated nominated for best picture musical or comedy
- Fantastic Mr. Fox nominated for best animated feature
SO EXCITED about Mr. Fox. maybe jason will be there??! Bored to Death didn't get any nominations, which i was sad about. Glee got some. 30 Rock got some.
anyways, i'll give a more complete recap of my Globe nomination reaction. i have some feelings.
OH! i also wanted to post this picture i took today. it's the first picture i took with my new built-in webcam!!!!!

how CUTE are we?!?! there's a flash on the camera, which i wasn't expecting. she has been climbing all over me and sitting on my lap ever since i've gotten back. such a sweetie. that picture was taken in my kitchen, where i'm sitting right now. those are my pots hanging.
ok. everyone please have a lovely wednesday. i'll update you more later on those few other matters.
today i have to go to the post office. and then i am working from 3:30 to 10pm. and then 10pm to 8am. nice!
Andrew is coming to visit on friday!! and kara is coming to visit on sunday!!!! what a great week i have ahead of me.
OK! hope you are enjoying your wonderful day.
love you.
miss you.
talk to you soon.
If there ever was a day that you should get away
I feel it in my bones I think today's the day
And you can't back down
Take the chance to leave behind
A single dance in the snow
Between the trees
You will know the sound of nothing
Come away on this winter's day
We are going to ride again
And buckle in get you suited up
Its time to fly
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