so, i get back to the house after a super wonderful day with my mom and kara. i get back at 10 pm. i go downstairs to check in with courtney at 10:15.
BAM BAM BAM. so much drama happening. i felt bad for courtney because she was pretty much right in the center of it all. and it was all pretty fresh.
so, she fills me in on everything.
and then we spend the next hour an a half with two girls who are in the middle of a confrontation. UGH.
tears. lies. manipulation.
and on top of it all - IT'S SO FREAKING HOTT. i opened like, all of the windows in my apartment but there is no breeze. it must be like, 85 degrees in here. okay, maybe like, 80. IT'S SUPER HOTT. it's like one of those nights where you can't move because you're too hott.
okay. so it's currently 1am and the actual temperature is 67 degrees. so IT MUST be 80 degrees in here. it's not comfortable.
the current temperature in berwick is 53 degrees. that's a huge difference!
i wish i had one of those window fans in my room. although, i have no idea where i would put it because i have no power outlets.
anyways. i'm tired. i thought i would get home and it would be a nice quiet night. i would check in, all would be well. and then i would come upstairs and watch Zac in HSM3.
uuugggghhhhh i need a night off. i haven't had a night off in over two months. yuck. sooon. well, one more month.
ok. i'm tired. i don't know if i'll go to bed or not. i'll update you more later. i'm working sunday 1-10. maybe after? i don't know. i'll probably be pretty beat tomorrow night.
OKAY. have a nice day. talk to you soooon.
25 April 2009
24 April 2009
the windshield wiper movie
just watched it. ya know, the one with Greg Kinnear and the Dave Matthews Band song in the trailer?? Flash of Genius. i just finished it.
man. good movie. i spent all summer making fun of it whenever we would see it as a coming attraction. and so, i figured since i had laughed at it so much, i better see it. and i did. and it was really good!!!
that guy ruled. Robert Kearns, was his name. and he invented the intermittent windshield wiper. like, the first option on the windshield wiper scale. and like, at first, when i was thinking about the movie, i was thinking, "who really cares about this story?" and then i thought, "wait a sec - i use those windshield wipers all the freaking time!" and this guys just wanted people to know that he invented it and Ford didn't! that's all he wanted!!!! but Ford wanted to take all the credit and just give him lots of money to be quiet. BUT HE SAID NO!!! and he fought and fought and fought them for the credit. and, i'll let you rent the movie to find out the end. it really is worth renting.
SO. let's go back. to wednesday!
wednesday morning i woke up semi-early. like, 9:45. got ready. and left to go to Concord, NH just after 11am. it was a fine drive down. no problems.
pull into the Target parking lot and Kara is waiting for me!!! lovely. i get into her car and we head to go get some lunch. i had a chicken sandwich. kara had a sort of turkey club.
after that lunch, we went to get another delicious thing in the form of ZAC EFRON.
let's feast....

aaahhh yes i loved him in that plaid shirt.
so, YES, kara and i went to go see 17 Again. it was a celebration of Earth Day and all the wonderful things the earth has given us...(see above photo).
MOVIE = **** oh so good. yeah, i really liked it. it was really funny. really sweet. great music!! seriously - i've downloaded a few of the songs already. OH - and great editing. *specifically the scene where he is super hott and getting out of the car, walking into the school, and taking off his sunglasses. that scene was my fave.*
let's continue talking about the Zefron hottness. so, i have seen all 3 of the High School Movies. i have also seen Hairspray. i have also seen Zac interviewed on late night talk shows, as well as numerous photos of him on gossip websites. NEVER have i seen him as hott as he is in this movie. he was like, beautifully gorgeous. i just can't even describe in words.
AND - he's a man of many talents. in like, the first scene, he totally cuts a rug in an awesome dance number. seriously! i did not think there would be any Zac dancing in this. BUT THERE WAS!!!!! and he totally rocked. he's like, a for seriously good dancer.
ALSO - you could hire this man for party tricks. there is an awesome scene where he does many fancy things with a basketball. and he's fighting at the same time! he's like, basketball-illusion fighting. it was awesome.
i also love Zac as a person, because sometimes when you see him going to the gym, he is wearing a headband to hold his hair back. and ooohhhhh......boys wearing headbands? yes. i don't know what it is about it that i love so much. but oh, it makes me weak.
so. go see 17 Again. tell them i sent you. it's really a sweet movie.
after that, kara and i parted ways. she went home to maine, and i continued north.
i ended up working from 8-10. so, that was good. one of the new girls talked my ear off for an hour straight. and then i pretty much spent the last hour arguing with them over curfew.
UGH CURFEW. why can't they just stay in their rooms when i tell them to?!!?!?!? it drives me insane. I KNOW it's school vacation. and i've let them stay up later because of it. but then wednesday night, i go up to the lounge where the tv is, and it's a DISASTER. there's empty cups, yogurt containers, bowls filled with random salad dressings. it's gross.
so i say,
JULIE: You can't have late curfew until this gets cleaned up.
GIRLS: It's not mine!
it was nobody's. apparently it just appeared there all by itself. and also, it belonged to all the girls who went home for vacation. because yeah, that makes sense....
so, it didn't get cleaned up. so i said no late curfew. in your rooms by 10. and i know they won't listen so i do a few walk-throughs a little while later.
yep - in the lounge, chatting. i'm like...
JULIE: Um, hey, what's going on?
GIRL 1: Oh. I couldn't sleep so I came out here.
JULIE: Ok, you need to be in your room.
and then i have to stand there until she walks into her room! it's like they're five. and so, i walk downstairs, and another one is up making food. what?!
JULIE: Hi, what are you doing?
GIRL 2: Oh, I was just getting a snack.
JULIE: You should have called me to ask if you could come downstairs.
GIRL 2: I didn't know that.
JULIE: Ok, well, you need to be upstairs.
and know what i hate? is that they always have an excuse. like, just admit that you were up past curfew and get back to your room. don't make up some story about how you can't sleep, or you were hungry. JUST GO. ugh.
thursday was a big day. i had my car appointment that i did not forget about. yay me. so, i get there and they take my car in immediately.
EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS. for 25 minutes of work. it was seriously super quick. i couldn't believe it. they inspected it AND changed the oil. it passed inspection, which i knew it would. it's been driving like total crap, though. i need that $120 transmission thing.
here's what i figure - my student loan payment is due at the end of the month, so i'll get the transmission at the beginning of the month. so, it's like, breaking it up a little.
they also put on my NH plates. that was traumatizing. i don't like it. although, i think the NH plates might actually look better with the gray.
anyways. the guys in there were really nice. i talked to one of them while i was waiting. he's from St. Johnsbury, Vermont, where Kara and i were on one of our adventures. i told him that.
and the whole car place inside is full of awards they have won. which made me happy.
after that, i still had the entire day.
so, i came home and was productive!!!! i shortened my curtains. i have three curtains (the chandelier pattern) in my bedroom and two of them were too long. one of my bedroom windows is 5 feet tall, so that one fit fine. but the other two are pretty normal sized, so they needed to be shortened.
so, i measured them on the window and then took them down. and then drew a line with a pencil on the back. cut them. hemmed it. put them back up - perfect!!!!! it looks great. i'm super impressed with myself.
so then i had some extra fabric. so, i decided it would be a great idea to make a smaller curtain for the window on my front door. but, it was like, 7 inches too short.
so, i went to JoAnn's. bought some bright blue fabric and some thick turquoise ribbon. i sewed the blue fabric onto the end of the chandelier fabric and hot glued the ribbon over the seam!!!!!
i actually did that project tonight. and then i hung up the curtain on the door - and it's still a little too short. aw man. so, i might have to do a "ruffle effect" at the bottom and sew on another piece of blue fabric. i'm okay with that.
i'm pretty impressed with my ability to make and alter curtains. remember how i made Kara curtains for her birthday?? for her apartment. did i ever show you pictures? hm, do i have any pictures? i don't know.
basically, i should open a custom-made curtain store. i think it would be pretty high demand.
that's basically all i did today. and watched The Virgin Suicides while doing it.
yesterday i watched Fame. ooooo i'm excited about the new Fame. although, the old one is so so good.
last night i had this dream that i was wearing a yellow bathrobe and i saw a black thing on my shoulder and i looked down and it was a bedbug. and then i looked in the mirror and there were three more bedbugs on my back. it was gross. i hated it.
i had to sleep with the baby monitor on last night. the 10-month old was here overnight visiting her mother. man, she did not cry all night long! that was nice.
so, today i'm driving to Concord again! to meet kara and my mother. and we're seeing State of Play!!!!!!! soooo excited about this. i'll give a full recap soon.
and kara is going to bring me HSM3 so i can watch it again. if you haven's seen High School Musical 3 - SEE IT. it's the best one. it's awesome. Zac totes brings it.
hm, what else.
there is a light on at the house with the bright porch light. it's a light i have never seen before. i don't know how i feel about it.
tonight, i went into my room and turned on the light. i got my iPod and left my room. when i came back, my light was turned off. i really, really, really don't remember turning off the light. and i was totally expecting it to be turned on. it was weird. i actually figured it must have burnt out while i was away for three seconds. but no, it turned on again just fine. i was kind of spooked out. but then, i got over it.
i made myself some new earrings tonight. i'm not too sure about them. can't decide if i like them or not. i may or may not wear them tomorrow. i probably will.
ok. i'm really tired. it's quarter to 4am. i hope to have a nice sleep. i hope you had a nice sleep too.
have a nice weekend. it's supposed to be hott, i think.
can i just say something? maybe you'll be offended by this statement, and if you are - i am sorry. i've been thinking this all winter. now i just have to say it.
i hate nice, warm weather. i hate being outside in hott weather. i'm sorry. i just don't like being outside in general. like today, it was so hott. i just wanted to stay inside all day.
there. i said it.
and now i can go to bed. aaahhhhh.
ok! goodnight friends!!!!!
man. good movie. i spent all summer making fun of it whenever we would see it as a coming attraction. and so, i figured since i had laughed at it so much, i better see it. and i did. and it was really good!!!
that guy ruled. Robert Kearns, was his name. and he invented the intermittent windshield wiper. like, the first option on the windshield wiper scale. and like, at first, when i was thinking about the movie, i was thinking, "who really cares about this story?" and then i thought, "wait a sec - i use those windshield wipers all the freaking time!" and this guys just wanted people to know that he invented it and Ford didn't! that's all he wanted!!!! but Ford wanted to take all the credit and just give him lots of money to be quiet. BUT HE SAID NO!!! and he fought and fought and fought them for the credit. and, i'll let you rent the movie to find out the end. it really is worth renting.
SO. let's go back. to wednesday!
wednesday morning i woke up semi-early. like, 9:45. got ready. and left to go to Concord, NH just after 11am. it was a fine drive down. no problems.
pull into the Target parking lot and Kara is waiting for me!!! lovely. i get into her car and we head to go get some lunch. i had a chicken sandwich. kara had a sort of turkey club.
after that lunch, we went to get another delicious thing in the form of ZAC EFRON.
let's feast....

aaahhh yes i loved him in that plaid shirt.
so, YES, kara and i went to go see 17 Again. it was a celebration of Earth Day and all the wonderful things the earth has given us...(see above photo).
MOVIE = **** oh so good. yeah, i really liked it. it was really funny. really sweet. great music!! seriously - i've downloaded a few of the songs already. OH - and great editing. *specifically the scene where he is super hott and getting out of the car, walking into the school, and taking off his sunglasses. that scene was my fave.*
let's continue talking about the Zefron hottness. so, i have seen all 3 of the High School Movies. i have also seen Hairspray. i have also seen Zac interviewed on late night talk shows, as well as numerous photos of him on gossip websites. NEVER have i seen him as hott as he is in this movie. he was like, beautifully gorgeous. i just can't even describe in words.
AND - he's a man of many talents. in like, the first scene, he totally cuts a rug in an awesome dance number. seriously! i did not think there would be any Zac dancing in this. BUT THERE WAS!!!!! and he totally rocked. he's like, a for seriously good dancer.
ALSO - you could hire this man for party tricks. there is an awesome scene where he does many fancy things with a basketball. and he's fighting at the same time! he's like, basketball-illusion fighting. it was awesome.
i also love Zac as a person, because sometimes when you see him going to the gym, he is wearing a headband to hold his hair back. and ooohhhhh......boys wearing headbands? yes. i don't know what it is about it that i love so much. but oh, it makes me weak.
so. go see 17 Again. tell them i sent you. it's really a sweet movie.
after that, kara and i parted ways. she went home to maine, and i continued north.
i ended up working from 8-10. so, that was good. one of the new girls talked my ear off for an hour straight. and then i pretty much spent the last hour arguing with them over curfew.
UGH CURFEW. why can't they just stay in their rooms when i tell them to?!!?!?!? it drives me insane. I KNOW it's school vacation. and i've let them stay up later because of it. but then wednesday night, i go up to the lounge where the tv is, and it's a DISASTER. there's empty cups, yogurt containers, bowls filled with random salad dressings. it's gross.
so i say,
JULIE: You can't have late curfew until this gets cleaned up.
GIRLS: It's not mine!
it was nobody's. apparently it just appeared there all by itself. and also, it belonged to all the girls who went home for vacation. because yeah, that makes sense....
so, it didn't get cleaned up. so i said no late curfew. in your rooms by 10. and i know they won't listen so i do a few walk-throughs a little while later.
yep - in the lounge, chatting. i'm like...
JULIE: Um, hey, what's going on?
GIRL 1: Oh. I couldn't sleep so I came out here.
JULIE: Ok, you need to be in your room.
and then i have to stand there until she walks into her room! it's like they're five. and so, i walk downstairs, and another one is up making food. what?!
JULIE: Hi, what are you doing?
GIRL 2: Oh, I was just getting a snack.
JULIE: You should have called me to ask if you could come downstairs.
GIRL 2: I didn't know that.
JULIE: Ok, well, you need to be upstairs.
and know what i hate? is that they always have an excuse. like, just admit that you were up past curfew and get back to your room. don't make up some story about how you can't sleep, or you were hungry. JUST GO. ugh.
thursday was a big day. i had my car appointment that i did not forget about. yay me. so, i get there and they take my car in immediately.
EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS. for 25 minutes of work. it was seriously super quick. i couldn't believe it. they inspected it AND changed the oil. it passed inspection, which i knew it would. it's been driving like total crap, though. i need that $120 transmission thing.
here's what i figure - my student loan payment is due at the end of the month, so i'll get the transmission at the beginning of the month. so, it's like, breaking it up a little.
they also put on my NH plates. that was traumatizing. i don't like it. although, i think the NH plates might actually look better with the gray.
anyways. the guys in there were really nice. i talked to one of them while i was waiting. he's from St. Johnsbury, Vermont, where Kara and i were on one of our adventures. i told him that.
and the whole car place inside is full of awards they have won. which made me happy.
after that, i still had the entire day.
so, i came home and was productive!!!! i shortened my curtains. i have three curtains (the chandelier pattern) in my bedroom and two of them were too long. one of my bedroom windows is 5 feet tall, so that one fit fine. but the other two are pretty normal sized, so they needed to be shortened.
so, i measured them on the window and then took them down. and then drew a line with a pencil on the back. cut them. hemmed it. put them back up - perfect!!!!! it looks great. i'm super impressed with myself.
so then i had some extra fabric. so, i decided it would be a great idea to make a smaller curtain for the window on my front door. but, it was like, 7 inches too short.
so, i went to JoAnn's. bought some bright blue fabric and some thick turquoise ribbon. i sewed the blue fabric onto the end of the chandelier fabric and hot glued the ribbon over the seam!!!!!
i actually did that project tonight. and then i hung up the curtain on the door - and it's still a little too short. aw man. so, i might have to do a "ruffle effect" at the bottom and sew on another piece of blue fabric. i'm okay with that.
i'm pretty impressed with my ability to make and alter curtains. remember how i made Kara curtains for her birthday?? for her apartment. did i ever show you pictures? hm, do i have any pictures? i don't know.
basically, i should open a custom-made curtain store. i think it would be pretty high demand.
that's basically all i did today. and watched The Virgin Suicides while doing it.
yesterday i watched Fame. ooooo i'm excited about the new Fame. although, the old one is so so good.
last night i had this dream that i was wearing a yellow bathrobe and i saw a black thing on my shoulder and i looked down and it was a bedbug. and then i looked in the mirror and there were three more bedbugs on my back. it was gross. i hated it.
i had to sleep with the baby monitor on last night. the 10-month old was here overnight visiting her mother. man, she did not cry all night long! that was nice.
so, today i'm driving to Concord again! to meet kara and my mother. and we're seeing State of Play!!!!!!! soooo excited about this. i'll give a full recap soon.
and kara is going to bring me HSM3 so i can watch it again. if you haven's seen High School Musical 3 - SEE IT. it's the best one. it's awesome. Zac totes brings it.
hm, what else.
there is a light on at the house with the bright porch light. it's a light i have never seen before. i don't know how i feel about it.
tonight, i went into my room and turned on the light. i got my iPod and left my room. when i came back, my light was turned off. i really, really, really don't remember turning off the light. and i was totally expecting it to be turned on. it was weird. i actually figured it must have burnt out while i was away for three seconds. but no, it turned on again just fine. i was kind of spooked out. but then, i got over it.
i made myself some new earrings tonight. i'm not too sure about them. can't decide if i like them or not. i may or may not wear them tomorrow. i probably will.
ok. i'm really tired. it's quarter to 4am. i hope to have a nice sleep. i hope you had a nice sleep too.
have a nice weekend. it's supposed to be hott, i think.
can i just say something? maybe you'll be offended by this statement, and if you are - i am sorry. i've been thinking this all winter. now i just have to say it.
i hate nice, warm weather. i hate being outside in hott weather. i'm sorry. i just don't like being outside in general. like today, it was so hott. i just wanted to stay inside all day.
there. i said it.
and now i can go to bed. aaahhhhh.
ok! goodnight friends!!!!!
hold the phone!
why didn't anybody remind me that Dr. Hunt from Grey's Anatomy played Tommy in TRAINSPOTTING?!?!!?!? incredible!!!! i watched Trainspotting last night and was like, "HOLD ON A SEC - IT'S DR. HUNT!!!!"
so many famous people in that movie!
Ewan McGregor - duh.
Jonny Lee Miller - hottie. Eli Stone on that tv show. used to be married to Angelina Jolie.
Ewen Bremmer - in lots of british movies.
Robert Carlyle - famous. the alcoholic dad in Angela's Ashes.
Kevin McKidd - boyfriend in Maid of Honor. Dr. Hunt on Grey's!!!
Kelly MacDonald - "i'm not risking my life over this story, Cameron!"
Peter Mullan - Syd from Children of Men!!!
WHO KNEW?!?!?!? i really enjoyed watching movie again. i hadn't seen it in a long time. oh, i hate that one part, though. ugh, i really hate that part. so hard to watch.
ok. right now i have to get ready and go get the post. THEN, i have to finish all the crafty amazing things i started yesterday. then, i have to take a bath.
i promise i will send an update your way sometime this evening.
so many famous people in that movie!
Ewan McGregor - duh.
Jonny Lee Miller - hottie. Eli Stone on that tv show. used to be married to Angelina Jolie.
Ewen Bremmer - in lots of british movies.
Robert Carlyle - famous. the alcoholic dad in Angela's Ashes.
Kevin McKidd - boyfriend in Maid of Honor. Dr. Hunt on Grey's!!!
Kelly MacDonald - "i'm not risking my life over this story, Cameron!"
Peter Mullan - Syd from Children of Men!!!
WHO KNEW?!?!?!? i really enjoyed watching movie again. i hadn't seen it in a long time. oh, i hate that one part, though. ugh, i really hate that part. so hard to watch.
ok. right now i have to get ready and go get the post. THEN, i have to finish all the crafty amazing things i started yesterday. then, i have to take a bath.
i promise i will send an update your way sometime this evening.
21 April 2009
another day, another dollar
oh boy. long day. let's see....where did i leave off?
right, my sleepless, locked out night of misery. well, after writing to you yesterday morning, i went to bed at 9am. slept until 4pm. got up. did nothing. took a bath. went out to wal-mart to exchange my picture frame that was too small. got a bigger frame. back here right at 9pm.
watched, Zack and Miri Make a Porno. REALLY liked it. it was really sweet and very funny. i liked it a lot more than i thought i would! especially since it has that guy in it. so yeah, watch it. but not with young children in the room. there's lot of bad language.
but, for some reason, the bad language in this didn't bother me like it did in Superbad. maybe because they were just in high school? ugh, i couldn't stand listening to it. it just made my skin crawl. but, it was funnier in Zack and Miri.
after the movie, i made jewelery and did laundry. i think i did like, four loads total. all my sheets, blankets, clothes, towels. it was a lot.
and also very traumatic because i had to put everything in the dryer after it was washed. i normally am EXTREMELY selective in what i put in the dryer. but, i had to do it. and it had to be on high. the bed bugs can stay alive in the washing machine. to kill them, you have to put them in the dryer on high for at least 20 minutes. and, i didn't want to risk anything.
and so far, all my clothes look normal and not too shrunk, which i am so relieved about.
so this lasted until just before 4am. and then i started taking Facebook surveys. once you get going, it's like you can't stop. like those stupid ones that don't even mean anything. and this lasted until just after 5am.
and then i was like, "crap, it's 5am. i should go to bed now."
so, after putting all my blankets back on my bed and everything, it was 5:30. sleep!
phone rings at 7am. it's Courtney. she says she's sick and won't be in today. aw man. and she was supposed to be attending a very important doctor's appointment this morning. so, she asked me if i would go for her. i said yes.
then, i called my boss Charlene at home to let her know what was going on. she said that was fine because she had scheduled someone else to be in to watch the house at 8:30. great.
so, it's 7:15. i reset my alarm for 7:33. and then i lay back in bed. i can't fall back to sleep, though.
so i get up at 7:25. get dressed. get ready. make a waffle. downstairs to work at 8am! less than three hours after getting into bed!!!
i walk into the kitchen this morning and the toddler is sitting in her high chair eating yogurt. she says,
TODDLER: Julie! I'm freezing!
JULIE: You're cold?
TODDLER: I'm freezing!
(she makes a shivering motion)
JULIE: Well, where are your socks? Where's your sweater?
TODDLER: My socks?
JULIE: Where are your socks?
JULIE: Your socks?
JULIE: Your socks...for your feet?
TODDLER: What what?
JULIE: Where are your socks?
yeah. this went on for about 30 more seconds. then i left to go into the office....
JULIE: Yeah?
TODDLER: Where you going?
JULIE: Just into the office.
TODDLER: You coming right back?
she's so cute. so, at 8:30 we all piled into the van to do a drop off at daycare and then head to the very important doctor's appointment. the girl who just moved in had her baby who i had never met!!! OMG - the happiest and most excited baby girl ever. she was awesome.
so, the doctor's appointment is at 9am. we don't get out of there until 11am!!!!! yikes. it was so long. and super intense and lots of information. but, the baby was sooooo good. she didn't start to fuss until the very, very end. and then i just picked her up and rocked her for a minute and she calmed right down.
and, she's just learning peekaboo. she's 10 months old. omg, it's the sweetest thing EVER. she'll close her eyes really tight for a few seconds and then open them really wide and have the biggest smile on her face! it was so fun!!! and she was making all kinds of noises with her lips. and she says, "da da." she seems very smart and very curious about life. which is great. great baby. i approve.
so, back here just after 11. hung around downstairs until about noon. went upstairs to have a sandwich. napped for 5 minutes.
12:30 downstairs for staff meeting. that lasted until 3:30. back up here. got my act together. went to the post office. and then i was like, "omg! while i am out i should make a car appointment!"
so, i drove into the car place and went inside. the guys there seem very nice. they were all excited when i told them i worked for Hannah House, because all the other employees take their cars there. that's how i knew they must be a good place. so, i made an appointment for a NH inspection and an oil change for THURSDAY AT 2PM. don't let me forget.
then, i drove into west leb and got a "free" ($.54) raspberry iced coffee. so lame. it really should be free. you'd think that in these times of economic strife dunkers would cater to the poorman. but no! they make you pay $.54 on FREE ICED COFFEE DAY.
then, i drove across the street, returned Zack and Miri. and drove home! kara called me on the way back and we chatted. we chat?
i think we're going to meet in concord tomorrow for 17 AGAIN. yeah, be jealous. at first, we talked about seeing the Hannah Montana movie....
KARA: We could go to the movies?!
JULIE: And see what?
KARA: Umm....
JULIE: Hannah Montana?
JULIE: I really don't have any money for the movies.
KARA: Do you have enough money for 17 Again?
and it was decided. i'll take the money from my unlimited fund to support zac efron films. yeah, you know you have one too.
and that brings us to the now. i'm drinking my coffee. and talking to you! both are equally wonderful and delicious.
i'm probably going to take a nap at some point tonight. i don't think i can make it all night without sleeping.
oh! i got my class workbook in the mail today. it's weird. it's like, worksheets and stuff. multiple choice. true false. matching. yes. there are matching questions. in a college workbook class. i was like, "i graduated from four years of college to answer matching questions!!?!?"
no, i shouldn't talk. i'll probably fail the class.
and, i was getting soooooo confused. they sent me a spring course sign up sheet along with the workbook and there are all these weird numbers and letters next to the class names. and it took me forever to realize that they are the credits.
it's like,
MEDICATIONS: What Residential Staff Need to Know
so, it's .6 of a credit? some classes are 1.2. like, what?! is that really how it goes??? i always forget that one class does not always equal one credit. that's the idea i have in my mind. cause like, if you need 100 credits to graduate, one class might be worth like, 8 credits. is that right?
whatever. at least i'm getting paid to take this class. and i have to mail in my assignments to the instructor. and then there's an eval i fill out in the end.
should be good.
OK. naptime is upon us. hope you are enjoying your evening. is it rainy and cold?? it is here. it was SLEETING last night. for serious.
i met up with this guy at the gas station (who i think was running for state representative) and we were talking about the sleet. he was a nice guy. he had on all these buttons that said, SHARP on them. and he had a bunch of patriotic looking hats in his backseat.
so, i looked it up online and yesterday was a registration day at town hall for state rep voting. or something like that.
ANYWAYS. have a good night. i'll talk to you a bit later.
loves you.
right, my sleepless, locked out night of misery. well, after writing to you yesterday morning, i went to bed at 9am. slept until 4pm. got up. did nothing. took a bath. went out to wal-mart to exchange my picture frame that was too small. got a bigger frame. back here right at 9pm.
watched, Zack and Miri Make a Porno. REALLY liked it. it was really sweet and very funny. i liked it a lot more than i thought i would! especially since it has that guy in it. so yeah, watch it. but not with young children in the room. there's lot of bad language.
but, for some reason, the bad language in this didn't bother me like it did in Superbad. maybe because they were just in high school? ugh, i couldn't stand listening to it. it just made my skin crawl. but, it was funnier in Zack and Miri.
after the movie, i made jewelery and did laundry. i think i did like, four loads total. all my sheets, blankets, clothes, towels. it was a lot.
and also very traumatic because i had to put everything in the dryer after it was washed. i normally am EXTREMELY selective in what i put in the dryer. but, i had to do it. and it had to be on high. the bed bugs can stay alive in the washing machine. to kill them, you have to put them in the dryer on high for at least 20 minutes. and, i didn't want to risk anything.
and so far, all my clothes look normal and not too shrunk, which i am so relieved about.
so this lasted until just before 4am. and then i started taking Facebook surveys. once you get going, it's like you can't stop. like those stupid ones that don't even mean anything. and this lasted until just after 5am.
and then i was like, "crap, it's 5am. i should go to bed now."
so, after putting all my blankets back on my bed and everything, it was 5:30. sleep!
phone rings at 7am. it's Courtney. she says she's sick and won't be in today. aw man. and she was supposed to be attending a very important doctor's appointment this morning. so, she asked me if i would go for her. i said yes.
then, i called my boss Charlene at home to let her know what was going on. she said that was fine because she had scheduled someone else to be in to watch the house at 8:30. great.
so, it's 7:15. i reset my alarm for 7:33. and then i lay back in bed. i can't fall back to sleep, though.
so i get up at 7:25. get dressed. get ready. make a waffle. downstairs to work at 8am! less than three hours after getting into bed!!!
i walk into the kitchen this morning and the toddler is sitting in her high chair eating yogurt. she says,
TODDLER: Julie! I'm freezing!
JULIE: You're cold?
TODDLER: I'm freezing!
(she makes a shivering motion)
JULIE: Well, where are your socks? Where's your sweater?
TODDLER: My socks?
JULIE: Where are your socks?
JULIE: Your socks?
JULIE: Your socks...for your feet?
TODDLER: What what?
JULIE: Where are your socks?
yeah. this went on for about 30 more seconds. then i left to go into the office....
JULIE: Yeah?
TODDLER: Where you going?
JULIE: Just into the office.
TODDLER: You coming right back?
she's so cute. so, at 8:30 we all piled into the van to do a drop off at daycare and then head to the very important doctor's appointment. the girl who just moved in had her baby who i had never met!!! OMG - the happiest and most excited baby girl ever. she was awesome.
so, the doctor's appointment is at 9am. we don't get out of there until 11am!!!!! yikes. it was so long. and super intense and lots of information. but, the baby was sooooo good. she didn't start to fuss until the very, very end. and then i just picked her up and rocked her for a minute and she calmed right down.
and, she's just learning peekaboo. she's 10 months old. omg, it's the sweetest thing EVER. she'll close her eyes really tight for a few seconds and then open them really wide and have the biggest smile on her face! it was so fun!!! and she was making all kinds of noises with her lips. and she says, "da da." she seems very smart and very curious about life. which is great. great baby. i approve.
so, back here just after 11. hung around downstairs until about noon. went upstairs to have a sandwich. napped for 5 minutes.
12:30 downstairs for staff meeting. that lasted until 3:30. back up here. got my act together. went to the post office. and then i was like, "omg! while i am out i should make a car appointment!"
so, i drove into the car place and went inside. the guys there seem very nice. they were all excited when i told them i worked for Hannah House, because all the other employees take their cars there. that's how i knew they must be a good place. so, i made an appointment for a NH inspection and an oil change for THURSDAY AT 2PM. don't let me forget.
then, i drove into west leb and got a "free" ($.54) raspberry iced coffee. so lame. it really should be free. you'd think that in these times of economic strife dunkers would cater to the poorman. but no! they make you pay $.54 on FREE ICED COFFEE DAY.
then, i drove across the street, returned Zack and Miri. and drove home! kara called me on the way back and we chatted. we chat?
i think we're going to meet in concord tomorrow for 17 AGAIN. yeah, be jealous. at first, we talked about seeing the Hannah Montana movie....
KARA: We could go to the movies?!
JULIE: And see what?
KARA: Umm....
JULIE: Hannah Montana?
JULIE: I really don't have any money for the movies.
KARA: Do you have enough money for 17 Again?
and it was decided. i'll take the money from my unlimited fund to support zac efron films. yeah, you know you have one too.
and that brings us to the now. i'm drinking my coffee. and talking to you! both are equally wonderful and delicious.
i'm probably going to take a nap at some point tonight. i don't think i can make it all night without sleeping.
oh! i got my class workbook in the mail today. it's weird. it's like, worksheets and stuff. multiple choice. true false. matching. yes. there are matching questions. in a college workbook class. i was like, "i graduated from four years of college to answer matching questions!!?!?"
no, i shouldn't talk. i'll probably fail the class.
and, i was getting soooooo confused. they sent me a spring course sign up sheet along with the workbook and there are all these weird numbers and letters next to the class names. and it took me forever to realize that they are the credits.
it's like,
MEDICATIONS: What Residential Staff Need to Know
so, it's .6 of a credit? some classes are 1.2. like, what?! is that really how it goes??? i always forget that one class does not always equal one credit. that's the idea i have in my mind. cause like, if you need 100 credits to graduate, one class might be worth like, 8 credits. is that right?
whatever. at least i'm getting paid to take this class. and i have to mail in my assignments to the instructor. and then there's an eval i fill out in the end.
should be good.
OK. naptime is upon us. hope you are enjoying your evening. is it rainy and cold?? it is here. it was SLEETING last night. for serious.
i met up with this guy at the gas station (who i think was running for state representative) and we were talking about the sleet. he was a nice guy. he had on all these buttons that said, SHARP on them. and he had a bunch of patriotic looking hats in his backseat.
so, i looked it up online and yesterday was a registration day at town hall for state rep voting. or something like that.
ANYWAYS. have a good night. i'll talk to you a bit later.
loves you.
20 April 2009
all night long....
OH BOY. do i have a story for you. i think you'll enjoy it. i have enjoyed this story all night long. it all started with the laundry....
so, it's just about 10:30 last night. sunday night. april...something. 19th? 18? maybe even 20. i don't know the date. and, i'm deciding which pile of clothes i should wash first. i decide on my light pile, since that has the pair of pants that i found the bed bug on yesterday morning. (which, i didn't tell you about. but...pretty self explanatory. woke up. found a bed bug on a pair of pants. freaked. the end.)
so, i gather the pile of clothes together. grab my laundry detergent. i'm all set. walk out my door. it's a little hard because of all the clothes. now, this is the crucial part. i kind of lose my balance because of the clothes and instead of closing my door part of the way, it shuts completely.
THE EXACT MOMENT when i hear it click closed completely - i realize i don't have my keys. any of them. not the house keys. not the apartment keys. niente.
i try my door. no. it's definitely locked. because i always lock it. (i swear) then, i quite calmly go downstairs and put my laundry in the washing machine. good. that's done.
then i walk over to the office to see if there is some slight chance that Cheryl left it unlocked. nope. then i go to the upstairs office to check the same thing. it's locked. all the doors are locked.
hm, okay. so now i have to figure out someone to call to let me in to the office so i can get the spare key to get back into the apartment.
hm. so who can i call? and then i realize....
you can't make outside calls on any of the phones that aren't behind locked doors. this is so the girls can't make any unknown phone calls. it makes sense, because they totally would.
so now i step back and assess my sitch:
- i'm locked out of my apartment
- also locked out of everything locked in the house
- unable to make a phone call
- can't leave the house because the alarm will go off and i have no way of shutting off the alarm
- it's only 10:45
wow julie, great deal.
so, i go upstairs because i'm pretty sure two of the girls are still awake.
i knock on one of their doors,
GIRL: Um, hello?
JULIE: Can I come in?
GIRL: ........yeah.
so i open the door and the two of them are sitting there. they know that they're not supposed to be in each other's rooms this late.
GIRL 1: Are we in trouble?
JULIE: No, I won't get you in trouble.
GIRL 2: We won't get minuses?
JULIE: No, I won't give you a minus. So, um, here's the deal.....
and then i proceeded to tell them what was going on. i just wanted to hear if they had any other ideas of what to do. maybe something i wasn't thinking of.
GIRL 1: Well, call someone.
JULIE: No, I can't use the phone.
GIRL 2: Use your cell phone.
JULIE: I don't have my cell phone. Do you guys have any cell phones? (they're not supposed to have cell phones)
GIRL 2: If we did, and we let you use it, would you let us keep it?
JULIE: I would let you keep it for tonight, and then tell the staff tomorrow that you let me use it to make a phone call.
GIRL 1: Well, why don't you call the police?
JULIE: No, we can't make any phone calls.
GIRL 2: Have the fire department come.
JULIE: (shakes head)
GIRL 1: I could hold my lighter up to the sprinkler, and then they would come!
JULIE: No, don't do that. Wait, do you have a lighter?
GIRL 1: in my room.....
JULIE: Ok, I'm gonna need that.
GIRL 1: Yeah, okay.
GIRL 2: You could let us walk to a pay phone.
GIRL 1: Yeah! Where's the closest?
GIRL 2: Down by Village Market.
GIRL 1: That's not far at all! Just down to the green and take a left!
JULIE: No. Nobody's walking anywhere.
GIRL 1: Oh, I know a shortcut! Just walk behind the house and down that street over there!
JULIE: Nope.
GIRL 1: OH! Here's an even shorter way! Walk down to the graveyard and cut across that way!!!
JULIE: Not gonna happen. Everyone's staying here.
part 2.
GIRL 1: Oh! I need a card.
JULIE: A card?
GIRL 1: Do you have one?
JULIE: Like...a credit card?
GIRL 1: Yeah!
JULIE: I don't have any with me.
GIRL 2: I have a gift card in my wallet.
GIRL 1: Go get it! We can get in to your apartment that way!
JULIE: You know how to do that?
GIRL 1: I used to do it all the time.
so then, she attempted to open my door with a JC Penney's gift card. it didn't work. she tried pretty much every other locked door in the house. nothing worked!
so now it's almost midnight and we have made no progress. the girls are both going to bed now.
and i'm left alone now. in a locked up house. so, i did what any other person would do. i made a sandwich. and had some juice. and took it up to the lounge to watch tv.
and - lucky me! - Jon and Kate were making their house "green". so, i watched that. omg, love that show. i hadn't watched tv in FOREVER. like, just sitting, flipping through the channels.
i watched:
- 2 Jon and Kate Plus Eight - they greened their house in one episode. and then in another, they renewed their wedding vows in Hawaii! it was great.
- Chelsey Lately. ugh i can't stand her.
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial - i had seen this one before. but i love it. and i secretly really want it.
- Larry King. he had on Ashton, Diddy, Jimmy Fallon and Ryan Seacrest all talking about Twitter. it was pretty funny. they were all really great together. even King. and then he had on Susan Boyle. the singer from Scotland on Britain's Got Talent. she sang 'my heart will go on'. basically, she's me in 20 years. singing songs from Les Mis and Titanic.
- C-SPAN. i decided i want to be in Congress.
- House Hunters.
- All American Rejects, 'Gives You Hell' video. love the main guy.
and, yeah. i think that's it. (um, also - if you go to Jimmy's twitter, he says that he was totally in NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS this weekend doing stand up. UM, WHAT!!?!? i live there for FOUR YEARS and he never once comes to do stand up. unfair.)
so then, it was about 4am. and i was tired. so, i turned off the tv and lay on the couch. i'm pretty tired. can't sleep. it's too loud on the second floor. too much music playing at night.
now it's 4:45. i am hungry. so i go downstairs and eat a bagel. and some iced tea. the sky is getting lighter.
i sit in the living room in a big comfy chair. there is a book next to it called, The Cinderella Rules, and so i pick it up and start reading.
i'm not but ten pages in and i already hate all the characters.
- about two sisters. the older one is boring. she works on a farm. has no boyfriends. has no style. the younger one is this social butterfly. sleeping with all these random guys. travelling places on a whim.
- so, the younger sister says, "hey sis, there is this place called Glass Slipper Inc. it's a make-over place! but, not just a "looks makeover", they make-over you're entire life!!"
(which is just a polite way of saying, "but everyone really only cares about how you look.")
and that's when i closed the book. i already knew the ending.
- the older sister gets the makeover thing and suddenly she has all these guys who are in love with her. but not because of her new look, because of her new life. yeah, sure.
- ugh. it made me so mad.
so then. i decided i would lay on the couch in the living room and close my eyes. and i think i slept for about 45 seconds!
and now it's like, 6:15. and i hear the toddler and her mother coming downstairs. the toddler is very excited to see me. but she's even more excited to see my flip flops. she has her flip flops downstairs too. so, i helped her put them on.
and then i sat with her while she ate breakfast. she sang her ABC's for us! it was super exciting and she did a great job.
and then at 7:30, her mom left to bring her to daycare. i said it was okay if she set off the house alarm, since she needed to leave.
UGH i hate the alarm. it's like the frequency before humans can stop hearing things. horrible.
so, i went back up to the second floor where you can't hear it. and turned on the tv, hoping to catch a morning talk show or something.
and that's when i heard a car door shut! and i looked outside and our director, Randy was here!!!
lately, he's been getting here early. it wasn't even 8 o'clock!
so, i race downstairs to meet him.
RANDY: Morning!
JULIE: Oh, I'm so happy to see you.
RANDY: Yeah...what's going on?
JULIE: I've been locked out of my apartment all night!!
and then i proceeded to explain to him that i couldn't use a phone, blah blah. because he was like,
RANDY: Locked out all night? Are you serious?!
JULIE: Yeah.
RANDY: You should have called me!!!
and so he let me in to my apartment. i shut off the alarm. and now i am here. i had to tell you everything as soon as i could so i wouldn't forget all the infomercials i watched.
the one fun thing i did was around 1am. i went to the water cooler to get some water and it was empty!!!!! sooooo - i got to change the water!!!!!!! just like in the airport lounge!!!!!!! and it was the middle of the night, which made it even funner!!!!
and that's that. that was my locked out story. i realized that during all my four years in college, i never once was locked out of my room. (save for the time when elizabeth locked me and kerianne out of our room..... :) )
i also realized during the middle of the night that when i came back to my apartment, i wouldn't have any sheets. because i took them all off. and they need to be washed. and my other pair also needs to be washed. so, that was a bit disappointing. i guess i'll be sleeping without sheets tonight. today.
but yeah. i'm going to go to bed now. it's 9:07am. i'm pretty tired.
yeah. i guess i'll go to sleep now. now i'm getting like, dazed over-tired.
ok. well. i hope you have good mondays. my plan is to make it to the post office because i didn't on saturday. but now since i haven't slept all night, i'm wondering if that will happen. i'm planning on getting up around 3, maybe. realistically, maybe like, 4. we'll see.
ok. enough. glad to be back.
good morning!!!!!!
so, it's just about 10:30 last night. sunday night. april...something. 19th? 18? maybe even 20. i don't know the date. and, i'm deciding which pile of clothes i should wash first. i decide on my light pile, since that has the pair of pants that i found the bed bug on yesterday morning. (which, i didn't tell you about. but...pretty self explanatory. woke up. found a bed bug on a pair of pants. freaked. the end.)
so, i gather the pile of clothes together. grab my laundry detergent. i'm all set. walk out my door. it's a little hard because of all the clothes. now, this is the crucial part. i kind of lose my balance because of the clothes and instead of closing my door part of the way, it shuts completely.
THE EXACT MOMENT when i hear it click closed completely - i realize i don't have my keys. any of them. not the house keys. not the apartment keys. niente.
i try my door. no. it's definitely locked. because i always lock it. (i swear) then, i quite calmly go downstairs and put my laundry in the washing machine. good. that's done.
then i walk over to the office to see if there is some slight chance that Cheryl left it unlocked. nope. then i go to the upstairs office to check the same thing. it's locked. all the doors are locked.
hm, okay. so now i have to figure out someone to call to let me in to the office so i can get the spare key to get back into the apartment.
hm. so who can i call? and then i realize....
you can't make outside calls on any of the phones that aren't behind locked doors. this is so the girls can't make any unknown phone calls. it makes sense, because they totally would.
so now i step back and assess my sitch:
- i'm locked out of my apartment
- also locked out of everything locked in the house
- unable to make a phone call
- can't leave the house because the alarm will go off and i have no way of shutting off the alarm
- it's only 10:45
wow julie, great deal.
so, i go upstairs because i'm pretty sure two of the girls are still awake.
i knock on one of their doors,
GIRL: Um, hello?
JULIE: Can I come in?
GIRL: ........yeah.
so i open the door and the two of them are sitting there. they know that they're not supposed to be in each other's rooms this late.
GIRL 1: Are we in trouble?
JULIE: No, I won't get you in trouble.
GIRL 2: We won't get minuses?
JULIE: No, I won't give you a minus. So, um, here's the deal.....
and then i proceeded to tell them what was going on. i just wanted to hear if they had any other ideas of what to do. maybe something i wasn't thinking of.
GIRL 1: Well, call someone.
JULIE: No, I can't use the phone.
GIRL 2: Use your cell phone.
JULIE: I don't have my cell phone. Do you guys have any cell phones? (they're not supposed to have cell phones)
GIRL 2: If we did, and we let you use it, would you let us keep it?
JULIE: I would let you keep it for tonight, and then tell the staff tomorrow that you let me use it to make a phone call.
GIRL 1: Well, why don't you call the police?
JULIE: No, we can't make any phone calls.
GIRL 2: Have the fire department come.
JULIE: (shakes head)
GIRL 1: I could hold my lighter up to the sprinkler, and then they would come!
JULIE: No, don't do that. Wait, do you have a lighter?
GIRL 1: in my room.....
JULIE: Ok, I'm gonna need that.
GIRL 1: Yeah, okay.
GIRL 2: You could let us walk to a pay phone.
GIRL 1: Yeah! Where's the closest?
GIRL 2: Down by Village Market.
GIRL 1: That's not far at all! Just down to the green and take a left!
JULIE: No. Nobody's walking anywhere.
GIRL 1: Oh, I know a shortcut! Just walk behind the house and down that street over there!
JULIE: Nope.
GIRL 1: OH! Here's an even shorter way! Walk down to the graveyard and cut across that way!!!
JULIE: Not gonna happen. Everyone's staying here.
part 2.
GIRL 1: Oh! I need a card.
JULIE: A card?
GIRL 1: Do you have one?
JULIE: Like...a credit card?
GIRL 1: Yeah!
JULIE: I don't have any with me.
GIRL 2: I have a gift card in my wallet.
GIRL 1: Go get it! We can get in to your apartment that way!
JULIE: You know how to do that?
GIRL 1: I used to do it all the time.
so then, she attempted to open my door with a JC Penney's gift card. it didn't work. she tried pretty much every other locked door in the house. nothing worked!
so now it's almost midnight and we have made no progress. the girls are both going to bed now.
and i'm left alone now. in a locked up house. so, i did what any other person would do. i made a sandwich. and had some juice. and took it up to the lounge to watch tv.
and - lucky me! - Jon and Kate were making their house "green". so, i watched that. omg, love that show. i hadn't watched tv in FOREVER. like, just sitting, flipping through the channels.
i watched:
- 2 Jon and Kate Plus Eight - they greened their house in one episode. and then in another, they renewed their wedding vows in Hawaii! it was great.
- Chelsey Lately. ugh i can't stand her.
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial
- an infomercial - i had seen this one before. but i love it. and i secretly really want it.
- Larry King. he had on Ashton, Diddy, Jimmy Fallon and Ryan Seacrest all talking about Twitter. it was pretty funny. they were all really great together. even King. and then he had on Susan Boyle. the singer from Scotland on Britain's Got Talent. she sang 'my heart will go on'. basically, she's me in 20 years. singing songs from Les Mis and Titanic.
- C-SPAN. i decided i want to be in Congress.
- House Hunters.
- All American Rejects, 'Gives You Hell' video. love the main guy.
and, yeah. i think that's it. (um, also - if you go to Jimmy's twitter, he says that he was totally in NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS this weekend doing stand up. UM, WHAT!!?!? i live there for FOUR YEARS and he never once comes to do stand up. unfair.)
so then, it was about 4am. and i was tired. so, i turned off the tv and lay on the couch. i'm pretty tired. can't sleep. it's too loud on the second floor. too much music playing at night.
now it's 4:45. i am hungry. so i go downstairs and eat a bagel. and some iced tea. the sky is getting lighter.
i sit in the living room in a big comfy chair. there is a book next to it called, The Cinderella Rules, and so i pick it up and start reading.
i'm not but ten pages in and i already hate all the characters.
- about two sisters. the older one is boring. she works on a farm. has no boyfriends. has no style. the younger one is this social butterfly. sleeping with all these random guys. travelling places on a whim.
- so, the younger sister says, "hey sis, there is this place called Glass Slipper Inc. it's a make-over place! but, not just a "looks makeover", they make-over you're entire life!!"
(which is just a polite way of saying, "but everyone really only cares about how you look.")
and that's when i closed the book. i already knew the ending.
- the older sister gets the makeover thing and suddenly she has all these guys who are in love with her. but not because of her new look, because of her new life. yeah, sure.
- ugh. it made me so mad.
so then. i decided i would lay on the couch in the living room and close my eyes. and i think i slept for about 45 seconds!
and now it's like, 6:15. and i hear the toddler and her mother coming downstairs. the toddler is very excited to see me. but she's even more excited to see my flip flops. she has her flip flops downstairs too. so, i helped her put them on.
and then i sat with her while she ate breakfast. she sang her ABC's for us! it was super exciting and she did a great job.
and then at 7:30, her mom left to bring her to daycare. i said it was okay if she set off the house alarm, since she needed to leave.
UGH i hate the alarm. it's like the frequency before humans can stop hearing things. horrible.
so, i went back up to the second floor where you can't hear it. and turned on the tv, hoping to catch a morning talk show or something.
and that's when i heard a car door shut! and i looked outside and our director, Randy was here!!!
lately, he's been getting here early. it wasn't even 8 o'clock!
so, i race downstairs to meet him.
RANDY: Morning!
JULIE: Oh, I'm so happy to see you.
RANDY: Yeah...what's going on?
JULIE: I've been locked out of my apartment all night!!
and then i proceeded to explain to him that i couldn't use a phone, blah blah. because he was like,
RANDY: Locked out all night? Are you serious?!
JULIE: Yeah.
RANDY: You should have called me!!!
and so he let me in to my apartment. i shut off the alarm. and now i am here. i had to tell you everything as soon as i could so i wouldn't forget all the infomercials i watched.
the one fun thing i did was around 1am. i went to the water cooler to get some water and it was empty!!!!! sooooo - i got to change the water!!!!!!! just like in the airport lounge!!!!!!! and it was the middle of the night, which made it even funner!!!!
and that's that. that was my locked out story. i realized that during all my four years in college, i never once was locked out of my room. (save for the time when elizabeth locked me and kerianne out of our room..... :) )
i also realized during the middle of the night that when i came back to my apartment, i wouldn't have any sheets. because i took them all off. and they need to be washed. and my other pair also needs to be washed. so, that was a bit disappointing. i guess i'll be sleeping without sheets tonight. today.
but yeah. i'm going to go to bed now. it's 9:07am. i'm pretty tired.
yeah. i guess i'll go to sleep now. now i'm getting like, dazed over-tired.
ok. well. i hope you have good mondays. my plan is to make it to the post office because i didn't on saturday. but now since i haven't slept all night, i'm wondering if that will happen. i'm planning on getting up around 3, maybe. realistically, maybe like, 4. we'll see.
ok. enough. glad to be back.
good morning!!!!!!
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