So, a few weeks ago, a hornet died on our porch. He was stuck in the screen window when he died, and he remained there until this morning, when I finally took him off. It took me a while because:
1. I was scared to go near him in case he had really been in deep sleep mode these past few weeks
2. I realized that he had died stuck in the screen, right in the sunlight, and I thought there was something beautiful about that.
So, I grabbed a paper towel, took him off the screen and said,
JULIE: Hope you're having a good afterlife, buddy. (to Kara) Did you want to say a few words?
And that was the end of the hornet funeral.
So. Remember how a few nights ago I blogged about being obsessed with the mango pineapple smoothie from McDonald's?!!?! WELL, my dear friend Emily commented in the blog saying she did some more smoothie research after reading my post (awesome), and found a coupon for BUY ONE GET ONE FREE on the McDonald's website.
("BOGO" is retail speak for "buy one get one." This is something I learned recently from working in retail, and now I'm passing this information on to you.)
Now, this coupon presents quite the internal debate for myself. Because I could use this coupon for two purposes..
1. Scope out a cutie and say, "Hey, can I buy you a free smoothie?!"
Yep. That's me, always scoping out the cuties.
2. Go by myself and stock up on TWO smoothies. One for now, one for immediately after finishing the first one.
I'm leaning towards the second option, just because I don't run into many cuties on my daily activities. Although, sometimes I do. Either way, since I learned of this coupon, I have been debating this in my head. And I figured, why not debate it out in the blog??
Also! If you head to the smoothie page on the McDonald's website, you'll see information on this spin art game they have on the site. Ya know, because spin art is cool and hip and so are smoothies! Clearly they go together!!!

Did I mention that today is my day off and so I have nothing to do but play the spin art game on the McDonald's website??? I like the first one. I call it, "Detonation: Cucumber."
I highly recommend that you go play the spin art game and then send me your creations!!! If you do, I'll post them in the blog!!!! PROMISE!!!
Send me your spin art creations:
Then we'll have a blog gallery show with all your beautiful spin art explosions!! That actually sounds really fun. PLEASE DO IT!!
Okay, so, this is my horoscope for today:
Now is the time to step up to that hottie and tell them what's up. Don't be too aggressive, though -- just say enough to overcome the initial tension. Things will warm up quite a bit after that.
HEY HOTTIE, WHAT'S UP?!?!?!?! No wait, that would be me asking the hottie what's up. I need to tell them what's up.
HEY HOTTIE, I'm gonna buy you a free smoothie. That's what's up.
So many hotties, so little time. That should be the new title of this blog.
OOhhhhhh man, good times. Good times..

Ruby Tuesday is sleeping like this right now. We're on the porch together, enjoying the summer. That orange thing next to her is a straw she was playing with. She's so cute and sweet.
she looked sleepy as she sat in the sun
then she started to cry
That's some Coconut Records lyrics that always remind me of Ruby Tuesday. She's the best.
Kara, my mom and I are going to the drive-in tonight. I'm pretty excited. It should be awesome. You need a good GNO every now and then. (Don't judge me for that link.)
I'm in a great mood today.
OK. I think that's it for now. I'd call this entry, A+. Remember to play the spin art game when you have a chance and send me your creation!!! ALL are welcome to participate! Whether you're a frequent reader, or someone just stumbling upon this blog for the first time! Just send it to me with your name. Think of what a beautiful entry the Spin Art Gallery Show would be?!?!
I hope you're having a great day too. We'll talk again soon!
Now go enjoy everything there is!!!