Hey! What's up!?!
Last night I had a dream that Dunkin Donuts was advertising all these new flavors of hot chocolate, so I went to go get one and Daniel Radcliffe was working at the drive-thru window. And I was like,
JULIE: Oh hi, can I get a hot chocolate?
DANIEL: We're all out of the cool flavors.
JULIE: Even raspberry?
JULIE: Can I get a shot of espresso in mine?
DANIEL: Okay. That'll be $15.02.
JULIE: I'm really excited for tomorrow night.
DANIEL: Make sure you give me lots of kisses.
And it was like a weird DD, where you ordered at the drive-thru, but then had to drive across the street to the actual store to pick up your order. So, I walk inside and it's all avaition themed, and you had to go into the cockpit to pick up your drink. And I actually paid $15.02 for a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso!! Isn't that ridiculous! And then there was that line, "make sure you give me lots of kisses." Don't know where that came from.
It was just a strange dream overall. Like, overall.
Kara and I watched this movie, 'Somewhere' last night. It's the new Sofia Coppola film. It was kind of like the breakdown of a celebrity lifestyle. Pretty good. Hardly any dialogue. There was this really interesting part when he goes to get a plaster mold done of his head, and he's just sitting there alone in the room with all this plaster covering his face. And the camera was just slowly moving forward towards him. IDK, it was interesting.
And so, the point was that he's this big shot celeb, who parties all the time and has all these one-night stands, and then his 11 year old daughter comes to stay with him for a little while and he realizes that he's been missing out on his whole life and that everything in meaningless.
It was pretty good. Pheonix did the score. Members of Rooney made an appearance, which was how I first found out about the movie. Robert came home from shooting the movie and did a video diary where he talked about filming a movie. Because Sofia Coppola is his cousin, so he gets to be in her movies. And Jason Schwartzman too. Anyways, check it out, I guess. It was pretty slow, and like I said, hardly any talking, but, worth it.
I bought a neon yellow bra the other day. I'm pretttyyyyy excited about it. Some might argue that it's neon green, because apparantly I'm neon color blind. But, it's neon yellow. All the way. And I love it. And I normally don't talk about things like bras, but I'm so excited about it that I wanted to share. Great!!
Yesterday I had this realization that I had frozen mango chunks in the freezer and pineapple juice in the fridge. (Are you seeing where I'm going with this???) SO, I put them in a blender with some ice and voila - MANGO PINEAPPLE SMOOTHIE!!!! It had a great flavor, but for some reason wasn't as tasty as the McDonald's version.
And through the smoothie making process I was fully aware that I was using all Dole products. Because Dole is one of those really bad companies that you shouldn't buy things from. And I even said aloud,
JULIE: You're using Dole products. Jesus Julie, COME ON.
And then I went on to fully enjoy my smoothie :/ Go America!
That was a bummer portion. Now I'm all sad at the state of everything.
Let's talk about something beautiful!
So last week when Kara and I were waiting at the Saab dealership for them to charge her $100 to tell her what was wrong with the car, I was looking through this travel magazine in the waiting room! And they had this article on Central California and why you should visit it. So I said, "okay! I'll visit it!" So, now I want to go to there. And for some reason, I immediately thought that this would make a great honeymoon destination! Why not?! So if anyone wants to marry me and then honeymoon there, let me know. Or, just go there and not get married. That would probably also work.
And then while I'm there, I would somehow convince the California Parks and Recreation Department to hire me to be the lighthouse keeper for the Point Sur Lighthouse, which is one of the most haunted lighthouses in the country!! My dreams of ghost hunting and also becoming a lighthouse keeper could finally be fullfilled!!! BAM.
I think we need to do something about the lighthouse keeping industry in this country. There needs to be a revival! Just like a Broadway show. Revive the lighthouse keeping industry! It's just like, such a beautiful and lonely sounding thing.
When I become President I'll revive it. Don't worry, guys. I'm on this. Maybe I'll even start a whole new party. The Lighthouse Movement. Or something. And create some catchy slogan like, "shining light on our beautiful future." Or something. "Beacon to the Future!" "Vote Julie Evans and Maria Richardson!"
(I just assumed that Maria would want to hop in on the campaign. As either Co-President or Vice President.)
OMG it'd be so fun if Maria and I were President together. 24/7 sleepover in the White House.
Okkk. Speaking of Maria, I MIGHT see her today! Or sometime this weekend because she's home for a few days!! I'm very excited about this. Except I have to work like, nonstop this weekend. Butttttt, it'll all be good if I see her.
We've covered a lot of ground in this entry. Daniel Radcliffe, bras, lighthouses. This is one of the reasons why I love blogging. It could take you anywhere. I mean, you could end up talking about something you never intended on talking about. Which is basically like every entry.
OH! I know you're all concerned about my sunburn. So, it's getting a lot better. My skin soaked up all the vinegar it could handle yesterday and then I switched to an aloe lotion that we had in the cabinet that did not contain any cocoa butter. I guess I have to remember to read the ingredients. My allergic rash is all gone. And, the redness also went down a lot, so I'm thinking that a lot of the red was caused by the rash. It's still red, though. And kinda hurts. But, last night I was able to sleep on my side, so we're making progress. Now I guess I also have to go out and find a sunscreen that doesn't contain cocoa butter so I can use that in the outdoors. It's hard being allergic to random things. Once I get health insurance, I should really go for an allergy test. But in order to get health insurance I would most likely have to get a full-time job. And the term "full-time job" scares me.
Okay enough about serious things like full time jobs and rashes. Geeze, with all this talk about bras and rashes you'd think this blog was something totally different than what it is. What is it? I don't know. But it's not the bras and rashes type of blog. Except for today. This is like the rare uncensored entry.
No, I would say that most entries are uncensored.
I have to go do laundry now. I enjoy doing laundry, so I'm not upset about this. I'm also hungry so I may eat something.
OK! You may go have an excellent day!! I will too! It's nice today because it's not 99 degrees outside. I appreciate that. Last night I actually had to pull my comforter up because I was cold. And it's a great feeling, being cold in the summer.
We'll talk again soon!!! Enjoy everything there is!!!!