sorry. i couldn't even wait for the blog. i had to post that in the title. i just love that greeting so much. and i got so excited. i couldn't wait.
wow! what a day. whatta day whatta day. what a day.
- got into bed at 3:45am
- still awake at 4am
- still awake at 4:30am
- woke up at 6:50am
- downstairs. woke up the resident with the two babies.
- upstairs. back to bed by 7:15am.
- still awake at 7:30am
- still awake at 7:45am
- alarm goes off at 7:45am
- up. wash hair. get dressed.
- down to work by 8:10am
- drove mother and two babies to vermont. about 35 miles away.
- there for five minutes.
- drove back home with mother.
- arrived back home at 10am
- back in bed by 10:25am
- still awake at 10:45am
- woke up at 12:40pm with phone call from Matt
- made plans with him for around 5pm
- back to bed. fell right to sleep.
- alarm goes off at 1:45pm
- snooze for 10.
- alarm goes off at 1:55pm
- snooze for 10.
- alarm goes off at 2:05pm
- snooze for 10.
- (this goes on for an hour)
- get a text message from kara at 3pm
- text her back
- kara calls
- talk to kara on the phone.
- 3:45pm get out of bed
- have grapenuts and vanilla soy milk for breakfast with a cup of coffee. delish.
- tidy up the apartment a bit. wash the counters.
- get dressed and ready
- Matt calls at 5pm. we plan to meet up for dinner.
- 5:25pm leave the house. go to ATM. meet Matt and his army buddies for dinner at Chili's.
- wow! it's so great to see Matt!!! i hadn't seen him since last thanksgiving.
- had a lot of fun. very awesome catching up. meeting his friend Scott. i think. who doesn't like onions.
- left Chili's at 8:15ish
- stopped at Irving for gas on the way home. paid $2.52.
- came home. Ruby Tuesday had pulled the window curtain down.
- hung around.
- went down to check in with Courtney at 9:15pm. hung out with the girls until 9:50pm. then with Courtney. it's so nice to talk to her. i like that we are friends.
- back upstairs by 10:15pm. Ruby had her supper.
- did some other stuff. can't remember.
- said, "okay, i will be in bed tonight by 2am."
- put on The Prince and Me at 11:40pm.
- made raspberry hot cocoa.
- stopped the movie so i could go to bed.
- decided i wanted to waste time online and blog.
- currently it's 2:44am.
- i did not make it in bed by 2am.
WOW. that's my day in list-form. that might just get the award for most boring, most unattractive post ever. i heart paragraphs.
there were no previews on The Prince and Me. that made me upset. i have it on VHS. usually VHS tapes always have previews. i hadn't watched that movie in a long time.
OH! i know what i did online for a long time tonight. OLDNAVY.COM. yeah, i have a cart-full of items that i will probably never buy. i've been doing this thing recently where i go through their entire SALE section online and put everything in "my cart" that i want. and then look at the end to see how much money i would spend if i actually bought everything. is that sad? i guess it sounds kind of pathetic. but, it's fun.
AND, they have plaid shirtdresses. oh wait, i think i already told you that. BUT, they also have these great boots. i've been looking on all these different websites lately for boots. like, tall boots.
to wear tall boots over leggings with a dress
yep. that's my goal. i am only partly ashamed of sharing it with you.
i also want to own both of the Coconut Records CDs in actual cd form. i want to hold them in my hand. also, there are bonus tracks on the cd that i want. and they come with a free sticker, free postcard, and free poster. free Jason poster? mmm delish.
i'm not putting that as a goal, though.
i would like to be able to buy a Coconut Records CD from a Coconut Records CONCERT. but, i don't think there will ever be any Coconut Records concerts. hey, a girl can dream.
so, i'm going home tomorrow. today. Sunday. the 20th. OMG Heroes premieres tomorrow night!!! AAAHH! the Emmys are tonight! Bored to Death premieres tonight!!!! WOW, so much happening. Grey's is this week too. yikes. how am i going to keep up with all my tv shows as well as all my Netflix?? it's going to be a challenge.
anyways. just letting you know i'm going home. so, there might not be another update before monday night. or, tuesday morning.
i'm excited for my drive home because i made a totally rad playlist. it's 3 hours long. 54 great songs. i titled the playlist, 'i think the food is haunted' which is a quote from one of my favorite Phantom Planet blog videos.
AAHHHH!!!! and i just watched the blog video (which you should too) to make sure i got that quote right (checkin' my sources..) AND AND AND, ALEX does my favorite greeting!!!! which i totally did not remember! he says, "oh hello jeff, i didn't see you there." it's awesome. and it's a funny video.
how come every band in the world doesn't make blog videos??
dear every band in the whole world,
blog videos. it's what the people want.
love, julie
for realz. and, like with the Phantom Planet and Rooney blog vidoes, they never stop being funny. never. even if i know what's going to happen.
just like how every time i watch A Little Princess i cry - every time i watch a PP or Rooney blog vid i laugh. they are just full of attractive, hip men being witty and funny and sometimes singing songs. and, that's really all i want in my life.
ALRIGHT. i think it's time for bed now.
HERE IS MY PROBLEM - the longer i stay awake, the more awake i become. until there is a crossing point, and then i am dead tired.
anyways. i will stop boring you with my lame sleep schedule stories. i am driving home in the morning. hopefully leaving here by 10am. i have to stop by Hollywood Video. see my non-ABBA singing boyfriend and return those flicks. probs get a coffee. then head home while jamming out to my mix.
i think i used the word 'rad' in this entry. i used that word in a sentence today when i was discussing something with myself. and i thought, "hm, i liked that." so, i'll be trying to use it in my daily speak.
that sentence sounded funny.
okay bud. time for me to hit the bed. i was soooooo comfortable in my bed last night. i just was not tired at all.
but, when i got back into bed this morning after 10am, i couldn't relax. my body was so tense. and i was having a hard time breathing. and, i have been having a hard time breathing all day. but, this morning i read the side effects of my inhaler med and it said, "restlessness, sleeplessness" and i decided that maybe i should limit myself. i usually take it right before i go to bed, or else i most likely will wake up in the night and have to take it.
i don't know. i'm feeling tired and i should embrace this feeling and go to bed. which, i am going to do right now.
alright. have a great sunday. tomorrow is monday! another week of possibility begins!!! i kind of hate it when i say that. it sounds so dorky and cheesy. but, i keep saying it.
okay. have good days. have a good breakfast. or lunch or dinner. i hope the weather is good where you are. drive safe. be cool. stay rad. !!!
stay rad, ponyboy.
that's what he should have said.
19 September 2009
18 September 2009
i'm all outta luck, but what else would i be?
ooo i'm tired tonight. it's 2:33am. i'm probably going to bed early.
i just wanted to share with you this review i read. it's a GOOD review of HBO's new show, 'Bored to Death!' which, i know i have been talking about recently. Jason Schwartzman's tv show. this guy reviewing it liked it. although, he says to stick it out past the pilot, because it gets way better. he didn't like the pilot. i liked it.
YOU DECIDE, when you click on that link and watch it for yourself. what else do you have to do for half an hour? ok, go get a snack. go get yourself a cold beverage (or a hot beverage, it doesn't really matter!), and then come back and get comfy and watch the episode. i really liked it. seriously.
the reviewer calls the show, "smart and pretentious." come on! it doesn't get much better.
BUT, i will disagree with him on something. he says that Jason's character, "might, in fact, be hatable, if he weren't played by Schwartzman, who makes the character a perfectly plausible extension of Max Fischer from "Rushmore."
I WILL agree with him that Jason Schwartzman makes everything more likable. i mean, DUH. if he were in every movie, wrote every song, and appeared on every tv show, there would be no such thing as a bad review.
I DON'T agree that his character on the show is a plausible extension of Max Fisher. at first when i read that i was like, "aww, max fisher, yeah!" and then i was like, "wait a minute, what is he saying?" and i read it again. and then i thought, "um, no, i don't think so." but, i thought about it.
i don't want to think about Max Fisher as a grown up. he should always remain a high school student.
AND IF Max were to grow up, he would turn into an award winning playwright. definitely not a struggling writer, pot and white wine addicted, fake detective.
Max should have an "up, up, up" career. not an "up, down, down" career. Wes saved that for The Royal Tenenbaums. but, we still love them.
busy night. we have two beautiful baby girls here right now. 7 months and 17 months. oh, they are so sweet. they are sleeping right now. i know this because i have them monitored. good 'ol overnight monitoring!! everybody loves it. except Ruby Tuesday. i think it made her kind of nervous at first, when the babies were still awake.
but, it was busy here having babies to take care of. it was like, "wait a minute, i can't sit in the office, put on Coconut Records and blog all night?" oh no, i have to hold babies, move furniture so their toy bikes can get through, search for diapers and compliment them for being nice to their baby dolls.
i forgot how much fun it is to talk in a high pitched voice. it's true.
but man, i came home and i was tired. just watching babies is tiring. especially the 17 month old. actually, both of them. both of them were go, go, GO tonight.
but, remember how i said there would be 5 girls in the house tonight? yeah. there's only 4. not going to get into it. but, that was stressful too.
SO. what else did i do today? um, kill a disc of Veronica Mars. YEP. i'm sad to see Leo go. i really liked him. but VM and Logan?!?! hott. except, maybe not? the end of the episode i just watched she left him hanging.
anyways. great show. AND I LOVE HER DAD SO MUCH. have i talked about how much i love him? i just think he's the greatest. and i love their interactions. especially around what they will have for dinner. oh, it's so great.
so, i have to be up early saturday morning. like, 7:45am. driving somewhere in Vermont with the two babies and their mother. then coming home.
i have sunday night off. looking forward to that. going home for the night. seeing my dad on monday.
alright. it's 3am. i might go to bed now. the past two nights i've gone to bed when it was getting light out. i need to try and kick that habit. and i should be able to sleep because the girls are pretty quiet.
OMG, the 7 month old had the most gorgeous pajamas. it was like a light green onesie with little pink flowers. i loved it. i held her for a long time and told her that i loved it. oh, she's the sweetest.
ok. for realz. bed now.
oh! i made raspberry hot cocoa tonight. and i added vanilla soy milk. DELISH. i hadn't had raspberry cocoa in a while. it was so great.
and, when i was walking up the stairs to my apartment tonight, Ruby was crying at the door, like always, but this time she had actually brought some of her toys over and stuck them under the door. there was a twisty tie sticking out and a yellow thing off of an apple juice container. it was pretty funny. she loves playing so much!
ok! goodnight friends. hope you had a great friday! i'll talk to you later. any fun plans for the weekend?!
i just wanted to share with you this review i read. it's a GOOD review of HBO's new show, 'Bored to Death!' which, i know i have been talking about recently. Jason Schwartzman's tv show. this guy reviewing it liked it. although, he says to stick it out past the pilot, because it gets way better. he didn't like the pilot. i liked it.
YOU DECIDE, when you click on that link and watch it for yourself. what else do you have to do for half an hour? ok, go get a snack. go get yourself a cold beverage (or a hot beverage, it doesn't really matter!), and then come back and get comfy and watch the episode. i really liked it. seriously.
the reviewer calls the show, "smart and pretentious." come on! it doesn't get much better.
BUT, i will disagree with him on something. he says that Jason's character, "might, in fact, be hatable, if he weren't played by Schwartzman, who makes the character a perfectly plausible extension of Max Fischer from "Rushmore."
I WILL agree with him that Jason Schwartzman makes everything more likable. i mean, DUH. if he were in every movie, wrote every song, and appeared on every tv show, there would be no such thing as a bad review.
I DON'T agree that his character on the show is a plausible extension of Max Fisher. at first when i read that i was like, "aww, max fisher, yeah!" and then i was like, "wait a minute, what is he saying?" and i read it again. and then i thought, "um, no, i don't think so." but, i thought about it.
i don't want to think about Max Fisher as a grown up. he should always remain a high school student.
AND IF Max were to grow up, he would turn into an award winning playwright. definitely not a struggling writer, pot and white wine addicted, fake detective.
Max should have an "up, up, up" career. not an "up, down, down" career. Wes saved that for The Royal Tenenbaums. but, we still love them.
busy night. we have two beautiful baby girls here right now. 7 months and 17 months. oh, they are so sweet. they are sleeping right now. i know this because i have them monitored. good 'ol overnight monitoring!! everybody loves it. except Ruby Tuesday. i think it made her kind of nervous at first, when the babies were still awake.
but, it was busy here having babies to take care of. it was like, "wait a minute, i can't sit in the office, put on Coconut Records and blog all night?" oh no, i have to hold babies, move furniture so their toy bikes can get through, search for diapers and compliment them for being nice to their baby dolls.
i forgot how much fun it is to talk in a high pitched voice. it's true.
but man, i came home and i was tired. just watching babies is tiring. especially the 17 month old. actually, both of them. both of them were go, go, GO tonight.
but, remember how i said there would be 5 girls in the house tonight? yeah. there's only 4. not going to get into it. but, that was stressful too.
SO. what else did i do today? um, kill a disc of Veronica Mars. YEP. i'm sad to see Leo go. i really liked him. but VM and Logan?!?! hott. except, maybe not? the end of the episode i just watched she left him hanging.
anyways. great show. AND I LOVE HER DAD SO MUCH. have i talked about how much i love him? i just think he's the greatest. and i love their interactions. especially around what they will have for dinner. oh, it's so great.
so, i have to be up early saturday morning. like, 7:45am. driving somewhere in Vermont with the two babies and their mother. then coming home.
i have sunday night off. looking forward to that. going home for the night. seeing my dad on monday.
alright. it's 3am. i might go to bed now. the past two nights i've gone to bed when it was getting light out. i need to try and kick that habit. and i should be able to sleep because the girls are pretty quiet.
OMG, the 7 month old had the most gorgeous pajamas. it was like a light green onesie with little pink flowers. i loved it. i held her for a long time and told her that i loved it. oh, she's the sweetest.
ok. for realz. bed now.
oh! i made raspberry hot cocoa tonight. and i added vanilla soy milk. DELISH. i hadn't had raspberry cocoa in a while. it was so great.
and, when i was walking up the stairs to my apartment tonight, Ruby was crying at the door, like always, but this time she had actually brought some of her toys over and stuck them under the door. there was a twisty tie sticking out and a yellow thing off of an apple juice container. it was pretty funny. she loves playing so much!
ok! goodnight friends. hope you had a great friday! i'll talk to you later. any fun plans for the weekend?!
17 September 2009
spin round three more times, open your eyes, tell me what you see
OH WOW. i just finished watching season 4 of Weeds. CR-AZY to the max. i felt really bad for the DEA agent. also, i like that we're seeing more of Andy's sweet side. silas = hottie. seeing him makes me think of two things:
1. Sylar from Heroes. (also a super hottie)
2. Zac Efron in 17 Again. (also a super hottie)
basically when i think of Silas, i think of very good things. i propose that those three guys team up and do a movie together. they should do a musical version about slicing heads open and dealing pot. that way it would incorporate all of their strengths as characters.
the reason i think of Zac is because the kid who plays Silas was in 17 Again. he was the punk kid who Zac totally showed up in the 'basketball tricks in the cafeteria' scene. LOVED that part. i'll see if someone put it on youtube yet. hold on.
OH YES. it's here. ok, let me set up the clip and pretend i'm on a late night talk show. In this clip, we're going to see Zac showing up the high school bully in the cafeteria. Now, you should know that Zac is really a 37 year old guy stuck in a 17 year old's body. The boy he's talking to in the clip is actually his son, and the girl they mention, is his daughter.
DREAMBOAT. oh zac. he's such a great performer. got some great moves. i seriously think this scene is awesome. i'm totes impressed.
in other celeb news:
1. these pictures of Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley's new baby girl made me tear up. they are really beautiful.
2. A piano and a ping pong table.
wow. those pictures really made me cry. is it me, or am i just crying all the time lately? i also teared up at the end of Weeds. when she was in the car writing the birthday card for Silas. yeah.
i feel like David Letterman. you know how he always says that after become a father, everything just makes him cry? that's what i feel like. like, living in this house with these girls and their babies/unborn babies. for serious. is that totally lame? no, i don't think so.
like, last weekend when the girl came running down the stairs yelling my name. and i thought something was wrong. and i had a heart attack pretty much. and then was so relieved that she only wanted her mp3 player, that i got all teary. like, if something had happened, i don't know what i would do. i mean, i know what i would do, but i don't know what i would do. ya know?
friday night we've got two baby girls coming. i'm really excited to meet them. there is going to be 5 people in the house tomorrow night!! busybusybusy.
i think i'm probably definitely going to cry in the delivery room when the new baby is born. yeah. i just realized this the other day. i was thinking about it and then i thought, "yeah, i'm probs gonna cry." i mean, a new baby! being born! like, what else is there? it's probably going to be totally terrifying and totally amazing. how often do you get that combination?
anyways. let me tell you about my awesome day!
1. i went to the post office to get my Netflix. they were supposed to arrive yesterday. i opened my mailbox and there was NO yellow slip telling me i had a package. i was very confused about this. i stood there making sure it wasn't hiding anywhere. and then started to get sad. i was counting on those Netflix being there YESTERDAY.
so, i decided that i would go to the window anyways.
JULIE: Hi, um, I didn't get a yellow slip in my box, but I think I'm supposed to have some Netflix here. Would you mind checking, please?
USPS WORKER: Sure! What's your box number?
JULIE: (insert box number here)
USPS WORKER: Ok, I'll check. (is gone for a little while. comes back, holding two Netlix.) It's always worth checking!!
JULIE: Awesome! Thank you so much!!
again, the postal workers in the Lebanon, NH post office are the greatest people. they are so nice and friendly.
oh, i was so happy. i had Weeds and Veronica Mars!!!
2. then i went to Wal-Mart. it was strange because the parking lot had turned into a giant RV campground. there were probably 15 giant RVs parked in the parking lot. all together in a little huddle. and some people had chairs set up outside and everything. it was so, so strange.
i learned earlier this year that people are allowed to park their RVs for free in Wal-Mart parking lots. under the assumption they will go inside and buy Wal-Mart stuff. i didn't know that before. but, i had also never seen so many RVs parked together at Wal-Mart. it made me a little sad.
i went inside looking for headphones. i got some! and so far, i'm not disappointed. EXCEPT, the one on the left kind of makes my earring hurt. but, it's not the headphone's fault. it's my own fault for getting my stupid ear pierced. anyways. they work pretty well.
and i was in the audio accessory aisle looking at cables and things i don't understand. and then i thought, "hm, i wonder if there is such a thing as an extender cable for my speakers." like, to make the cable longer. but, still with a normal headphone jack on the end.
and i focused for a minute and read all the descriptions on the cables until i found one! they do exist!!! you plug the speaker cable into this other cable, which has a normal headphone jack on the other end.
because, i think the cord on these speakers is a little shorter than my other ones. and i am constantly forgetting that they are plugged into my laptop, and i move my laptop and the speakers fall of the shelf. haha. it's kind of funny when you think about it. but, not really. because, i don't want them to break. so, now i have a longer cord!
i had a problem, and i fixed it! so great.
so, i bought the cable. and i bought the headphones. and i bought Ruby more wet food.
3. then i went to the grocery store. i needed lettuce and tomato. and coffee. and Ruby needed more dry food, which you can only get at the grocery store. and lucky for her, they were on sale, 2 bags for $8. normally they are $5.49 a bag. i was excited about this. and i got her 2 bags. she was excited to see them when i got home. she gets the all natural dry food in the pretty green bag. she loves it.
in the check out line the cashiers and the baggers were talking about Extreme Home Makeover coming to Lebanon. one of the cashiers had signed up to volunteer to help out. is this possible? they ask for normal people to help build houses? okay, it's kind of exciting.
4. then i drove home. i've been going home the non-highway way every time i go into West Lebanon. there's the way home on I-89, or there's the way home on the little windy road with the one-lane bridge. it's pretty. but, scary at nighttime.
but the best part: there is a skate park. with like, skateboard ramps and everything. i don't know what they're actually called. like, those ramps? do you know what i'm talking about? they are "U" shaped. and they skate in the middle.
oh man, do i looooove watching these kids do skate tricks. i get so excited every time they are there. it's like, the boys who wear Vans and skinny jeans. and probably straighten their hair. loves them! and i love watching them skateboard. it's like, Lords of Dogtown mixed with Patrick Wilson watching the skateboarders in Little Children.
and it's great because the speed limit on that road is 30mph, so you can go slow and watch them. not in a creepy way. but in a semi-jealous way.
5. got home and discovered some AWESOME new music. AND THIS IS THE BEST PART OF THE DAY. nay, THE BEST PART OF MY YEAR. i'm trying to think of something more cool that has happened to me this year. the time where i talked to Josh Young. the time where i went to Ireland. THIS TIME is being added to those times.
ok. let me try and explain without freaking out.
so, i get home, and check email. check facebook. check twitter. and i see on Twitter that Darren Robinson (from Phantom Planet, duh) has updated a few times.
from his tweets, i find out that he's in this new band, (awesome and sad at the same time), and they have a myspace page.
ok, if you've never clicked on a link i have posted, if you've never seen a movie i've recommended, if you've never listened to a song or watched a video that i think awesome - CLICK ON THAT LINK.
this band is great. they are so great that for like, the past 6 hours i have been listening to their 4 songs on repeat. no kidding. I LOVE IT. the song 'Spin Round' is the most addicting.
they are so different from Phantom Planet it's crazy. other than the fact that they ROCK. i'm serious. i was instantly addicted to their songs. GO DARREN. that guy can make some good music.
anyways. in addition to tweeting about his new band... (OH! what he said was they were probably going to play a show in LA on 28 October, opening for LENKA. soooo.....i'm in. who else wants to go? that sounds like the cutest show ever. Darren + Lenka = adorbs.)... he tweeted about these Phantom Planet memoirs that he's writing.
YES, it's true.

that's what he said. very early days of Phantom Planet. sounds super great and super sexy.
and i was just soo excited about everything. the new music, the phantom planet memoirs, that i could barely contain it. i was seriously hyped.
and i thought, I HAVE TO SEND DARREN A TWEET. i have to do it. i can't NOT do it. i am so excited right now. and i looked to Ruby Tuesday to approval, and even though she was sleeping, i could tell she wanted me to do it.
so. I DID. i sent Darren a tweet. yep. ME. DARREN. tweeting. out in the open. i sent it. and then i immediately had to get away from the computer. because, i would have been checking my twitter ever 3 seconds.
so, i took a bath. tested out the new 'phones. they work great. WHATEVER BACK TO DARREN.
i got out of the bath and super calmly went to my computer. checked my email. oh look! a new email. that's great. hm, a spam email. loves it. oh, i think i'll just check my twitter very nonchalantly like i do everyday. not expecting to see a tweet from a celeb or anything. nope, whatever. just a normal day....
be still my heart.
oh, so totally loves it. is that not the coolest thing you've experienced all day? you are allowed to be really jealous. IT'S DARREN. the guitarist for Phantom Planet!!! the guy i love! remember how much i used to talk about Darren?!!? sooooo much! this means that he was thinking about me for a probable total of like, 10 seconds. THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME. it might seem like nothing compared to the years and years i have been thinking about him. but, he's a celeb, so him thinking about me, weighs more than a common-folk like me thinking about him.
guys, this is the greatest. i'm so thrilled about this i can't even explain it. although, i will probably try and explain it nonstop for the next week. it's so cool!
PLEASE check out that music. don't do it for me, do it for Darren. and also watch this video of Darren cooking a turkey to hike in. yeah, you read that right.
wow. what a day. what a great day. great to the max.
that's all that happened. i can't top anything after the Darren story. Ruby Tuesday is sleeping on my arms right now and it's kind of hard to type. but, she's so tired. she woke up from a snooze in the front room, and she came in for a snooze on my lap. she's just waiting for her second supper.
my cell phone wasn't working today. so, if you tried to call or text, i probably didn't get it. we'll see about tomorrow.
i have to start tweeting to Rooney. and Coconut Records. well, i don't think it's actually Jason who does the Coconut Records twitter. but, all the Rooney guys do theirs. Robert went golfing today. fyi.
now is the time where i tell you my schedule for the next day:
6:45 - 8am: work
8am - ??: sleep
?? - 6pm: (blank)
6pm - 10pm: work
wow! what a great day. i'm actually excited about work because i will be working with Courtney. and we've got the two baby girls coming.
saturday i have to get up early to drive someplace in vermont. i need more details about that. and then also saturday sometime, i'm hoping to meet up with my friend Meg's husband Matt! he's going to be in the area this weekend doing Army related things. and i haven't seen him in a super long time!
alright. good day. i'm in a great mood. who can sleep after having a twitter conversation with Darren? not me.
it's 4am. early friday morning. i wonder if i tried really hard if i could get on a "normal" sleep schedule. like, 11pm to 9am. i wonder if i could do that. i'm not going to try. i'm just wondering. i don't think i could do that. why would i want to? then i would miss the whole night.
alright. still loving this nailpolish. have a great night! i'll talk to you later on friday. probably not too early.
i realize i said, 'have a great night' above. it's nighttime now, but you may in fact be reading this in the morning. if that is the case, have a great day!! i realize i have to accomodate for all sleep schedules and time zones. and i am happy to do so.
i'm hott right now. i wish my air conditioner would cycle on.
alright! again! this is me, ending the blog. please enjoy that music. i still am. and i'm excited to wake up tomorrow and enjoy it some more.
love to you. and love to everyone else. have a great friday.
everything that you want looks just like everything you need.
1. Sylar from Heroes. (also a super hottie)
2. Zac Efron in 17 Again. (also a super hottie)
basically when i think of Silas, i think of very good things. i propose that those three guys team up and do a movie together. they should do a musical version about slicing heads open and dealing pot. that way it would incorporate all of their strengths as characters.
the reason i think of Zac is because the kid who plays Silas was in 17 Again. he was the punk kid who Zac totally showed up in the 'basketball tricks in the cafeteria' scene. LOVED that part. i'll see if someone put it on youtube yet. hold on.
OH YES. it's here. ok, let me set up the clip and pretend i'm on a late night talk show. In this clip, we're going to see Zac showing up the high school bully in the cafeteria. Now, you should know that Zac is really a 37 year old guy stuck in a 17 year old's body. The boy he's talking to in the clip is actually his son, and the girl they mention, is his daughter.
DREAMBOAT. oh zac. he's such a great performer. got some great moves. i seriously think this scene is awesome. i'm totes impressed.
in other celeb news:
1. these pictures of Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley's new baby girl made me tear up. they are really beautiful.
2. A piano and a ping pong table.
wow. those pictures really made me cry. is it me, or am i just crying all the time lately? i also teared up at the end of Weeds. when she was in the car writing the birthday card for Silas. yeah.
i feel like David Letterman. you know how he always says that after become a father, everything just makes him cry? that's what i feel like. like, living in this house with these girls and their babies/unborn babies. for serious. is that totally lame? no, i don't think so.
like, last weekend when the girl came running down the stairs yelling my name. and i thought something was wrong. and i had a heart attack pretty much. and then was so relieved that she only wanted her mp3 player, that i got all teary. like, if something had happened, i don't know what i would do. i mean, i know what i would do, but i don't know what i would do. ya know?
friday night we've got two baby girls coming. i'm really excited to meet them. there is going to be 5 people in the house tomorrow night!! busybusybusy.
i think i'm probably definitely going to cry in the delivery room when the new baby is born. yeah. i just realized this the other day. i was thinking about it and then i thought, "yeah, i'm probs gonna cry." i mean, a new baby! being born! like, what else is there? it's probably going to be totally terrifying and totally amazing. how often do you get that combination?
anyways. let me tell you about my awesome day!
1. i went to the post office to get my Netflix. they were supposed to arrive yesterday. i opened my mailbox and there was NO yellow slip telling me i had a package. i was very confused about this. i stood there making sure it wasn't hiding anywhere. and then started to get sad. i was counting on those Netflix being there YESTERDAY.
so, i decided that i would go to the window anyways.
JULIE: Hi, um, I didn't get a yellow slip in my box, but I think I'm supposed to have some Netflix here. Would you mind checking, please?
USPS WORKER: Sure! What's your box number?
JULIE: (insert box number here)
USPS WORKER: Ok, I'll check. (is gone for a little while. comes back, holding two Netlix.) It's always worth checking!!
JULIE: Awesome! Thank you so much!!
again, the postal workers in the Lebanon, NH post office are the greatest people. they are so nice and friendly.
oh, i was so happy. i had Weeds and Veronica Mars!!!
2. then i went to Wal-Mart. it was strange because the parking lot had turned into a giant RV campground. there were probably 15 giant RVs parked in the parking lot. all together in a little huddle. and some people had chairs set up outside and everything. it was so, so strange.
i learned earlier this year that people are allowed to park their RVs for free in Wal-Mart parking lots. under the assumption they will go inside and buy Wal-Mart stuff. i didn't know that before. but, i had also never seen so many RVs parked together at Wal-Mart. it made me a little sad.
i went inside looking for headphones. i got some! and so far, i'm not disappointed. EXCEPT, the one on the left kind of makes my earring hurt. but, it's not the headphone's fault. it's my own fault for getting my stupid ear pierced. anyways. they work pretty well.
and i was in the audio accessory aisle looking at cables and things i don't understand. and then i thought, "hm, i wonder if there is such a thing as an extender cable for my speakers." like, to make the cable longer. but, still with a normal headphone jack on the end.
and i focused for a minute and read all the descriptions on the cables until i found one! they do exist!!! you plug the speaker cable into this other cable, which has a normal headphone jack on the other end.
because, i think the cord on these speakers is a little shorter than my other ones. and i am constantly forgetting that they are plugged into my laptop, and i move my laptop and the speakers fall of the shelf. haha. it's kind of funny when you think about it. but, not really. because, i don't want them to break. so, now i have a longer cord!
i had a problem, and i fixed it! so great.
so, i bought the cable. and i bought the headphones. and i bought Ruby more wet food.
3. then i went to the grocery store. i needed lettuce and tomato. and coffee. and Ruby needed more dry food, which you can only get at the grocery store. and lucky for her, they were on sale, 2 bags for $8. normally they are $5.49 a bag. i was excited about this. and i got her 2 bags. she was excited to see them when i got home. she gets the all natural dry food in the pretty green bag. she loves it.
in the check out line the cashiers and the baggers were talking about Extreme Home Makeover coming to Lebanon. one of the cashiers had signed up to volunteer to help out. is this possible? they ask for normal people to help build houses? okay, it's kind of exciting.
4. then i drove home. i've been going home the non-highway way every time i go into West Lebanon. there's the way home on I-89, or there's the way home on the little windy road with the one-lane bridge. it's pretty. but, scary at nighttime.
but the best part: there is a skate park. with like, skateboard ramps and everything. i don't know what they're actually called. like, those ramps? do you know what i'm talking about? they are "U" shaped. and they skate in the middle.
oh man, do i looooove watching these kids do skate tricks. i get so excited every time they are there. it's like, the boys who wear Vans and skinny jeans. and probably straighten their hair. loves them! and i love watching them skateboard. it's like, Lords of Dogtown mixed with Patrick Wilson watching the skateboarders in Little Children.
and it's great because the speed limit on that road is 30mph, so you can go slow and watch them. not in a creepy way. but in a semi-jealous way.
5. got home and discovered some AWESOME new music. AND THIS IS THE BEST PART OF THE DAY. nay, THE BEST PART OF MY YEAR. i'm trying to think of something more cool that has happened to me this year. the time where i talked to Josh Young. the time where i went to Ireland. THIS TIME is being added to those times.
ok. let me try and explain without freaking out.
so, i get home, and check email. check facebook. check twitter. and i see on Twitter that Darren Robinson (from Phantom Planet, duh) has updated a few times.
from his tweets, i find out that he's in this new band, (awesome and sad at the same time), and they have a myspace page.
ok, if you've never clicked on a link i have posted, if you've never seen a movie i've recommended, if you've never listened to a song or watched a video that i think awesome - CLICK ON THAT LINK.
this band is great. they are so great that for like, the past 6 hours i have been listening to their 4 songs on repeat. no kidding. I LOVE IT. the song 'Spin Round' is the most addicting.
they are so different from Phantom Planet it's crazy. other than the fact that they ROCK. i'm serious. i was instantly addicted to their songs. GO DARREN. that guy can make some good music.
anyways. in addition to tweeting about his new band... (OH! what he said was they were probably going to play a show in LA on 28 October, opening for LENKA. soooo.....i'm in. who else wants to go? that sounds like the cutest show ever. Darren + Lenka = adorbs.)... he tweeted about these Phantom Planet memoirs that he's writing.
YES, it's true.

that's what he said. very early days of Phantom Planet. sounds super great and super sexy.
and i was just soo excited about everything. the new music, the phantom planet memoirs, that i could barely contain it. i was seriously hyped.
and i thought, I HAVE TO SEND DARREN A TWEET. i have to do it. i can't NOT do it. i am so excited right now. and i looked to Ruby Tuesday to approval, and even though she was sleeping, i could tell she wanted me to do it.
so. I DID. i sent Darren a tweet. yep. ME. DARREN. tweeting. out in the open. i sent it. and then i immediately had to get away from the computer. because, i would have been checking my twitter ever 3 seconds.
so, i took a bath. tested out the new 'phones. they work great. WHATEVER BACK TO DARREN.
i got out of the bath and super calmly went to my computer. checked my email. oh look! a new email. that's great. hm, a spam email. loves it. oh, i think i'll just check my twitter very nonchalantly like i do everyday. not expecting to see a tweet from a celeb or anything. nope, whatever. just a normal day....
oh, so totally loves it. is that not the coolest thing you've experienced all day? you are allowed to be really jealous. IT'S DARREN. the guitarist for Phantom Planet!!! the guy i love! remember how much i used to talk about Darren?!!? sooooo much! this means that he was thinking about me for a probable total of like, 10 seconds. THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME. it might seem like nothing compared to the years and years i have been thinking about him. but, he's a celeb, so him thinking about me, weighs more than a common-folk like me thinking about him.
guys, this is the greatest. i'm so thrilled about this i can't even explain it. although, i will probably try and explain it nonstop for the next week. it's so cool!
PLEASE check out that music. don't do it for me, do it for Darren. and also watch this video of Darren cooking a turkey to hike in. yeah, you read that right.
wow. what a day. what a great day. great to the max.
that's all that happened. i can't top anything after the Darren story. Ruby Tuesday is sleeping on my arms right now and it's kind of hard to type. but, she's so tired. she woke up from a snooze in the front room, and she came in for a snooze on my lap. she's just waiting for her second supper.
my cell phone wasn't working today. so, if you tried to call or text, i probably didn't get it. we'll see about tomorrow.
i have to start tweeting to Rooney. and Coconut Records. well, i don't think it's actually Jason who does the Coconut Records twitter. but, all the Rooney guys do theirs. Robert went golfing today. fyi.
now is the time where i tell you my schedule for the next day:
6:45 - 8am: work
8am - ??: sleep
?? - 6pm: (blank)
6pm - 10pm: work
wow! what a great day. i'm actually excited about work because i will be working with Courtney. and we've got the two baby girls coming.
saturday i have to get up early to drive someplace in vermont. i need more details about that. and then also saturday sometime, i'm hoping to meet up with my friend Meg's husband Matt! he's going to be in the area this weekend doing Army related things. and i haven't seen him in a super long time!
alright. good day. i'm in a great mood. who can sleep after having a twitter conversation with Darren? not me.
it's 4am. early friday morning. i wonder if i tried really hard if i could get on a "normal" sleep schedule. like, 11pm to 9am. i wonder if i could do that. i'm not going to try. i'm just wondering. i don't think i could do that. why would i want to? then i would miss the whole night.
alright. still loving this nailpolish. have a great night! i'll talk to you later on friday. probably not too early.
i realize i said, 'have a great night' above. it's nighttime now, but you may in fact be reading this in the morning. if that is the case, have a great day!! i realize i have to accomodate for all sleep schedules and time zones. and i am happy to do so.
i'm hott right now. i wish my air conditioner would cycle on.
alright! again! this is me, ending the blog. please enjoy that music. i still am. and i'm excited to wake up tomorrow and enjoy it some more.
love to you. and love to everyone else. have a great friday.
everything that you want looks just like everything you need.
oh, hello
have i updated yet today? as in thursday? i can't remember. i don't think so. but, it kind of feels like i did because i think i updated like, one thousand times yesterday.
anyways. this is going to be really quick and really short. for now. don't worry, there's a longer one on its way.
i just wanted to tell you that i have things to tell you. i guess that didn't really need a whole entry. but, i just wanted to let you know that i didn't forget about you today. and i DO have really exciting, interesting things to tell you about. and i'm really excited to tell you about them. i had a good day.
but, now i'm going to eat supper. it's 11pm. and i haven't eaten since breakfast. and i'm hungry. last night i didn't eat supper until like, 1am. that was crazy. not tonight, my friends. i'm eating now.
ok. i'm going now. to make supper. and watch Weeds. i'm excited about that too. i'll let you know how it is. final disc. season 4.
ok. bye! i'm totally loving this yellow nail polish.
anyways. this is going to be really quick and really short. for now. don't worry, there's a longer one on its way.
i just wanted to tell you that i have things to tell you. i guess that didn't really need a whole entry. but, i just wanted to let you know that i didn't forget about you today. and i DO have really exciting, interesting things to tell you about. and i'm really excited to tell you about them. i had a good day.
but, now i'm going to eat supper. it's 11pm. and i haven't eaten since breakfast. and i'm hungry. last night i didn't eat supper until like, 1am. that was crazy. not tonight, my friends. i'm eating now.
ok. i'm going now. to make supper. and watch Weeds. i'm excited about that too. i'll let you know how it is. final disc. season 4.
ok. bye! i'm totally loving this yellow nail polish.
fluent in finnish?
Confessions of a Shopaholic? LOVED IT. omg, i thought it was so cute. Isla Fisher was so funny. i loved all her little side comments or things she said under her breath. i laughed a lot. LOVED her green scarf. LOVED her parents. i thought they were hilarious together.
also - loved her friend's choice of bridesmaids gowns. so, her best friend gets married. and each of her bridesmaids wore these great dresses. i think the dresses were mainly the same style, but in all different colors! Isla's was hott pink. another was bright blue. maybe another was lime green. all really hip colors. i loved it.
anyways, i thought it was great. it made me want to go shopping. and i TOTALLY loved her dress on the DVD menu for the Bonus Features. it was a red plaid shirt dress.
i've had a secret goal for about a month: to buy a plaid shirt dress. a super cute one.
there. no longer a secret goal.
she reminded me of Elle Woods a little. where, she just radiated happy. she could just get through any tough situation with her good attitude and ability to get along with people!! love that. nothing fake. she's just who she is. loves it.
ok. moving on.
in other news, i DEFINITELY cried while reading the new Vogue article with Michelle Williams talking about raising Matilda after Heath died. that link takes to you the Celebrity Baby Blog posting of the article.
omg! and i just re-read part of the article while posting that link for you - and started crying again! ahhh! it's so sad! but wow, Michelle Williams sounds like such an awesome, strong woman.
something they talk about in the article is how Michelle explains the paparazzi to Matilda and she said, "It's because people really loved your daddy that they want to take your picture, to know you're all right."
AAHH. so sad.
to read the full article, go here.
man. recently on Entourage they talked about Heath Ledger. it must have been like, the summer before he died. i think it was season 5. Vince really wanted this particular role, but it had already gone to Heath. and so Ari Gold met up with Heath's agent to negotiate a deal. or something like that. but, it made me sad.
alright. enough sad.
let's move on. OH! here is something brilliant i wanted to show you. EVERYONE should click that link. ok, so don't judge me. i'm going to tell you that i accidentally stumbled across that link on youtube while searching for something very, very important related to the worldwide economic crisis. yep. that's definitely how i found it.
ok, so here's what it is. it's a re-working of the trailer for The Princess Diaries to make it look like a political thriller!!! it's a joke movie trailer!!!! the princess diaries! a political thriller! hilarious!!
i have seriously updated way too many times today. it's currently 4:13am. i have to go to bed soon, i guess.
up at 6:45am for work. work until 9am.
my plan for thursday is this:
- post office
- new headphones
that's all! that's all, baby!
ok. i guess that's really all. for now. i can't think of anything else.
i painted my nails yellow. remember how i bought the totally awesome yellow nailpolish? yeah, i'm so hip and trendy. the color is actually called 'lightening.' YEAH, that's right. lightening.
alright. it's thursday. 17 september. no longer Nick Jonas' birthday. i saw an article called, "what did nick get for his 17th birthday?!" but i haven't read it yet. i'll read it and let you know. or, maybe i won't read it. i have too many other articles to read about the new health care plan. you know how it is. those health care articles really pile up. who has time to read about Nick Jonas!!? i know i don't. who even cares what he got for his birthday?!?! again, definitely not me.
(i'm a Joe Jonas girl anyways.)
alright. now it's time for me to go to bed. goodnight! have a lovely morning. or afternoon. whenever you read this. i'm so excited to talk to you again soon! i can't wait!!
also - loved her friend's choice of bridesmaids gowns. so, her best friend gets married. and each of her bridesmaids wore these great dresses. i think the dresses were mainly the same style, but in all different colors! Isla's was hott pink. another was bright blue. maybe another was lime green. all really hip colors. i loved it.
anyways, i thought it was great. it made me want to go shopping. and i TOTALLY loved her dress on the DVD menu for the Bonus Features. it was a red plaid shirt dress.
i've had a secret goal for about a month: to buy a plaid shirt dress. a super cute one.
there. no longer a secret goal.
she reminded me of Elle Woods a little. where, she just radiated happy. she could just get through any tough situation with her good attitude and ability to get along with people!! love that. nothing fake. she's just who she is. loves it.
ok. moving on.
in other news, i DEFINITELY cried while reading the new Vogue article with Michelle Williams talking about raising Matilda after Heath died. that link takes to you the Celebrity Baby Blog posting of the article.
omg! and i just re-read part of the article while posting that link for you - and started crying again! ahhh! it's so sad! but wow, Michelle Williams sounds like such an awesome, strong woman.
something they talk about in the article is how Michelle explains the paparazzi to Matilda and she said, "It's because people really loved your daddy that they want to take your picture, to know you're all right."
AAHH. so sad.
to read the full article, go here.
man. recently on Entourage they talked about Heath Ledger. it must have been like, the summer before he died. i think it was season 5. Vince really wanted this particular role, but it had already gone to Heath. and so Ari Gold met up with Heath's agent to negotiate a deal. or something like that. but, it made me sad.
alright. enough sad.
let's move on. OH! here is something brilliant i wanted to show you. EVERYONE should click that link. ok, so don't judge me. i'm going to tell you that i accidentally stumbled across that link on youtube while searching for something very, very important related to the worldwide economic crisis. yep. that's definitely how i found it.
ok, so here's what it is. it's a re-working of the trailer for The Princess Diaries to make it look like a political thriller!!! it's a joke movie trailer!!!! the princess diaries! a political thriller! hilarious!!
i have seriously updated way too many times today. it's currently 4:13am. i have to go to bed soon, i guess.
up at 6:45am for work. work until 9am.
my plan for thursday is this:
- post office
- new headphones
that's all! that's all, baby!
ok. i guess that's really all. for now. i can't think of anything else.
i painted my nails yellow. remember how i bought the totally awesome yellow nailpolish? yeah, i'm so hip and trendy. the color is actually called 'lightening.' YEAH, that's right. lightening.
alright. it's thursday. 17 september. no longer Nick Jonas' birthday. i saw an article called, "what did nick get for his 17th birthday?!" but i haven't read it yet. i'll read it and let you know. or, maybe i won't read it. i have too many other articles to read about the new health care plan. you know how it is. those health care articles really pile up. who has time to read about Nick Jonas!!? i know i don't. who even cares what he got for his birthday?!?! again, definitely not me.
(i'm a Joe Jonas girl anyways.)
alright. now it's time for me to go to bed. goodnight! have a lovely morning. or afternoon. whenever you read this. i'm so excited to talk to you again soon! i can't wait!!
16 September 2009
love you like the sun loves you
wow! i just have so much to say today. isn't it great? yeah. i bet you love it.
this is mainly going to be pictures. i just uploaded them from my telephone to my computer. yeah, my telephone can take pictures. it's kind of awesome. i can't believe i went 6 years with having a cell phone with no camera.
anyways, let's get started!!!! i think you'll enjoy these. it's mainly thing related to kara and ruby tuesday.

from Kara's birthday! this was her cake!! duh. the good people at Bread and Roses bakery made it. it was DELICIOUS. it had this amazing raspberry mousse in it. i think. it's the light pink frosting-looking like stuff around the border. it's raspberry. and it was on top of white chocolate frosting. unreal.

i love this one! i think kara looks so pretty. even if she is wearing my Zox shirt. also, it looks like she has a halo of candy-corn around her. but, she didn't. that is a trick.

loves it. she's so pretty!

YUM to the max. i seriously loved that cake. although, too much frosting in some parts. i'm not a frosting kind of gal.

yeah, we had Hannah Montana plates. YEP.
ok, so the next pictures need a little explanation.
so, i was taking one of the residents to a doctor's appointment. and, we were sitting in the waiting room looking at magazines. and, i saw the Ladies Home Journal magazine and it the cover story was Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. or basically, Kara's two favorite people in the whole world. they were doing Julie and Julia press. and i got all flustered and didn't know what to do when i saw these pictures. and then i remembered that my phone had a camera. and i turned to the resident and said,
JULIE: Okay, I have to do something.
RESIDENT: Okay....
JULIE: I have to take some pictures of this magazine.
RESIDENT: Um...why?
JULIE: They're for my sister. She loves Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.
RESIDENT: (laughs) do that....
JULIE: Is this going to be totally embarrassing for you?
RESIDENT: Noo...I don't care.
GOOD. i took waaay more than this, but these two came out the best. let's take a look,

the cover. "dish about men and food." loves it.

they're totally gorgeous. look at Amy's hair! it's like a shampoo commercial!!!
ok. that's it. :)

this is the night that Ruby Tuesday and i watched Coraline. like i said, she either watched it from the floor, or from my lap. this is her on the floor. it was really sweet.

Ruby Tuesday asleep on my towel, waiting for me to get out of the shower.

Ruby Tuesday asleep in my bed.

Ruby Tuesday asleep behind the couch cushion. she burrows in there sometimes. it's kind of confusing while it's happening. but the result is always adorable.

sitting pretty in the window between the kitchen and bathroom.

sleepy in the sun after destroying some fake flowers.

double the fun playing with her favorite toy (the leopard print thing), and the round thing with the ball.

pink mouse.

green mouse.

yellow seahorse. she's been doing this thing lately where she LOVES her yellow seahorse toy. she'll roll around with it in the kitchen and rub it against her face. YEAH. it's really cute.

sleepy on top of the couch. she usually does this when i have my laptop on my lap and she can't sleep there. she'll sleep next to me instead.

me and Ruby wishing Nick Jonas a happy birthday!!
i kind of look horrible in that last one. but, whatev. we're all friends here.
so, yeah!
i have another story that is going to blow your mind. it totally blew mine. it has to do with my headphones. um, guess what happened? THEY DIED. yeah. my speakers and my headphones die in the same week. COINCIDENCE?!?! probs.
anyways, so i decided that i wanted to take a nice bath tonight. and, i always bring my ipod and headphones with me so i can listen to music. it's lovely. sometimes, it's just really nice to listen to music through headphones. it gives the songs a different sound.
so, i put the headphones on, put the jack into the ipod and it crackles a little. whatev. and then i press play and relax. and then i'm like, "wait, why does this song sound so crazy??" it was like, empty sounding. or, tin-y.
and i'm trying to figure out what's wrong. and then i see the headphone cord. the protective case is all frayed in one part and some of the wires are exposed. "SON OF A GUN!" i said aloud. and i'm really bumming becase now the music is going to sound terrible. and now i have to buy new headphones.
so, i continue to listen to the crappy sound. and i'm like, trying to play with the wires to see if i can manually hold them together for a better sound. and, as i'm doing, i think i'm just making it worse. but, i really feel like i'm trying to de-activate a bomb or something. "cut the red one!! no, cut the blue one!!!" i really wanted to say that, but i didn't.
and, my playing around with the wires is not helping. so, i just leave it alone. and continue to be bummed. and then the next song comes on.
"what the heck song is this?" i say to myself. it was just like with my speakers, where the songs would become unrecognizable. but, then i realized that they were unrecognizable in a different way.
i looked at the iPod and saw that the song that was playing was 'Paralyzed' by Rooney. such a great song. and i'm like, "wow, you can really hear Taylor Locke rocking on the guitar." and then i realized that there were no drums. and then there were no vocals. and, it was just instrumental. but then! i could hear Robert singing very faintly, but it didn't sound right. so, i'm listening very intently, and then i realize that he's singing a harmony part. and there are still no drums. you can really hear Taylor on guitar and Matt Winter (who i'm soooo totally in love with) on the bass. and, i actually really like it.
the song turned out pretty cool. so then i'm like, "hm, i wonder what some of my other songs sound like."
so i put on West Coast, naturally. AND, the instrumental parts sounded really great! they just sounded normal. but! Jason never came in to sing! there were no lead vocals.
so, i very quickly took over and started treating it like a karaoke song!!! it was the best!!! AND THEN! all the backing vocals started singing behind me!!! it was like i was a rock star.
and then i decided that i really liked these new headphones.
next came Ben Lee's 'Into the Dark.' another song that sounded great, except there were no lead vocals. again, i took over for Ben. it was no problem really. i didn't mind.
AND THEN, came the song 'Wires' by Coconut Records. which, in an ironic turn of events, turned out to be the song most effected by the headphones. i'm listening, and there is just one guitar part playing in the beginning. and then Jason comes in singing the background parts. which, are so pretty, and i never really realized this before!!!
and then! the chorus part comes on. and there is this GREAT clap-track that again, i never really heard before!!! and the whole song is just background stuff. it was totally bizarre.
i immediately thought of the movie Josie and the Pussycats, where they hear the subliminal messages in the songs, and they have to turn down all the parts in the song to get to the message. and it's saying like, "buy these Nike sneakers. go eat at McDonald's..." stuff like that.
i instantly felt like i was sitting in a big expensive recording studio, in front of one of those huge sound boards with all the volume controls, and i could turn up or down all the different layers of the songs. it was SO COOL. (except, i couldn't actually control them, i just pretended i could.)
and then 'California' by Phantom Planet came on. and it was just the drums and piano version!! very weird at first. and then the backing vocals came on. and then a little bit of Darren on guitar. but, mostly piano and drums. which, was kind of cool.
and then, 'Good Girls Go Bad,' which i totally love. again, it sounded pretty good at first, but there was no lead vocals! but, the backing vocals were really funny to listen to because all of a sudden they sang, "YOUR TYPE. ONE BITE." and it was just the background parts!! it was pretty funny.
and then i listened to 'What For' by Rooney. again, no lead vocals. or drums. just background stuff. oh, i love that song.
and i was REALLY loving this new way to hear music. it was kind of surreal. and so bizarre.
and then i put on Miley Cyrus, 'Party in the USA,' and the headphones totally died. yeah. the wires must have totally cut out, or something. it was dead.
SO, from this new experience i have come up with a new invention: VOCAL CANCELING KARAOKE HEADPHONES. yep. headphones that cancel out the lead vocals so you can just sing karaoke!!!!!!! i have no idea if that's possible or not.
actually, maybe a CD player that cancels out the lead vocals. that way you can actually have karaoke parties with other people and not just by yourself in the bath.
sorry to all those lead vocalists out there. i don't mean to want to cut our your parts. but, karaoke totally rocks.
anyways. so now i have to go out and buy some new headphones. kind of unreal that they died in the same week as my speakers. i guess my electronic things will just keep dying on me. that's the way it goes.
it was fun.
our new resident came today. she seems really nice. now there are 3 girls here! plus me! it's officially a sleepover!
alright. it's midnight. i guess i'll eat supper now. i know i have some movie reviews to give to you. i'll work on that tomorrow, maybe.
hope you had a great day!! i had a good day. lazy day. i slept for a looooong time last night. it made me happy, though. because i had gotten so little sleep for the past few days.
any opinions on what my new headphones should be or shouldn't be? i can't wear those ones that go into your hear. they hurt. that's my only rule. and, they can't be too expensive. i'll probably just go to wal-mart to get them.
okay! i think that's all i have to tell you for now. have a great day today! i'll talk to you later!!!
ps - i realized after listening to Ben Lee's 'Ripe' record, that it's basically all about sex. having sex, wanting to have sex. yep. it's pretty hott. okay. that's all.
ALSO: JV, if you're reading this. i have to check about my schedule for Ben Folds. i'm 90% yes right now. i'll let you know SOON. promise!
this is mainly going to be pictures. i just uploaded them from my telephone to my computer. yeah, my telephone can take pictures. it's kind of awesome. i can't believe i went 6 years with having a cell phone with no camera.
anyways, let's get started!!!! i think you'll enjoy these. it's mainly thing related to kara and ruby tuesday.

from Kara's birthday! this was her cake!! duh. the good people at Bread and Roses bakery made it. it was DELICIOUS. it had this amazing raspberry mousse in it. i think. it's the light pink frosting-looking like stuff around the border. it's raspberry. and it was on top of white chocolate frosting. unreal.

i love this one! i think kara looks so pretty. even if she is wearing my Zox shirt. also, it looks like she has a halo of candy-corn around her. but, she didn't. that is a trick.

loves it. she's so pretty!

YUM to the max. i seriously loved that cake. although, too much frosting in some parts. i'm not a frosting kind of gal.

yeah, we had Hannah Montana plates. YEP.
ok, so the next pictures need a little explanation.
so, i was taking one of the residents to a doctor's appointment. and, we were sitting in the waiting room looking at magazines. and, i saw the Ladies Home Journal magazine and it the cover story was Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. or basically, Kara's two favorite people in the whole world. they were doing Julie and Julia press. and i got all flustered and didn't know what to do when i saw these pictures. and then i remembered that my phone had a camera. and i turned to the resident and said,
JULIE: Okay, I have to do something.
RESIDENT: Okay....
JULIE: I have to take some pictures of this magazine.
RESIDENT: Um...why?
JULIE: They're for my sister. She loves Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.
RESIDENT: (laughs) do that....
JULIE: Is this going to be totally embarrassing for you?
RESIDENT: Noo...I don't care.
GOOD. i took waaay more than this, but these two came out the best. let's take a look,
the cover. "dish about men and food." loves it.
they're totally gorgeous. look at Amy's hair! it's like a shampoo commercial!!!
ok. that's it. :)
this is the night that Ruby Tuesday and i watched Coraline. like i said, she either watched it from the floor, or from my lap. this is her on the floor. it was really sweet.

Ruby Tuesday asleep on my towel, waiting for me to get out of the shower.

Ruby Tuesday asleep in my bed.

Ruby Tuesday asleep behind the couch cushion. she burrows in there sometimes. it's kind of confusing while it's happening. but the result is always adorable.

sitting pretty in the window between the kitchen and bathroom.

sleepy in the sun after destroying some fake flowers.

double the fun playing with her favorite toy (the leopard print thing), and the round thing with the ball.

pink mouse.

green mouse.

yellow seahorse. she's been doing this thing lately where she LOVES her yellow seahorse toy. she'll roll around with it in the kitchen and rub it against her face. YEAH. it's really cute.

sleepy on top of the couch. she usually does this when i have my laptop on my lap and she can't sleep there. she'll sleep next to me instead.

me and Ruby wishing Nick Jonas a happy birthday!!
i kind of look horrible in that last one. but, whatev. we're all friends here.
so, yeah!
i have another story that is going to blow your mind. it totally blew mine. it has to do with my headphones. um, guess what happened? THEY DIED. yeah. my speakers and my headphones die in the same week. COINCIDENCE?!?! probs.
anyways, so i decided that i wanted to take a nice bath tonight. and, i always bring my ipod and headphones with me so i can listen to music. it's lovely. sometimes, it's just really nice to listen to music through headphones. it gives the songs a different sound.
so, i put the headphones on, put the jack into the ipod and it crackles a little. whatev. and then i press play and relax. and then i'm like, "wait, why does this song sound so crazy??" it was like, empty sounding. or, tin-y.
and i'm trying to figure out what's wrong. and then i see the headphone cord. the protective case is all frayed in one part and some of the wires are exposed. "SON OF A GUN!" i said aloud. and i'm really bumming becase now the music is going to sound terrible. and now i have to buy new headphones.
so, i continue to listen to the crappy sound. and i'm like, trying to play with the wires to see if i can manually hold them together for a better sound. and, as i'm doing, i think i'm just making it worse. but, i really feel like i'm trying to de-activate a bomb or something. "cut the red one!! no, cut the blue one!!!" i really wanted to say that, but i didn't.
and, my playing around with the wires is not helping. so, i just leave it alone. and continue to be bummed. and then the next song comes on.
"what the heck song is this?" i say to myself. it was just like with my speakers, where the songs would become unrecognizable. but, then i realized that they were unrecognizable in a different way.
i looked at the iPod and saw that the song that was playing was 'Paralyzed' by Rooney. such a great song. and i'm like, "wow, you can really hear Taylor Locke rocking on the guitar." and then i realized that there were no drums. and then there were no vocals. and, it was just instrumental. but then! i could hear Robert singing very faintly, but it didn't sound right. so, i'm listening very intently, and then i realize that he's singing a harmony part. and there are still no drums. you can really hear Taylor on guitar and Matt Winter (who i'm soooo totally in love with) on the bass. and, i actually really like it.
the song turned out pretty cool. so then i'm like, "hm, i wonder what some of my other songs sound like."
so i put on West Coast, naturally. AND, the instrumental parts sounded really great! they just sounded normal. but! Jason never came in to sing! there were no lead vocals.
so, i very quickly took over and started treating it like a karaoke song!!! it was the best!!! AND THEN! all the backing vocals started singing behind me!!! it was like i was a rock star.
and then i decided that i really liked these new headphones.
next came Ben Lee's 'Into the Dark.' another song that sounded great, except there were no lead vocals. again, i took over for Ben. it was no problem really. i didn't mind.
AND THEN, came the song 'Wires' by Coconut Records. which, in an ironic turn of events, turned out to be the song most effected by the headphones. i'm listening, and there is just one guitar part playing in the beginning. and then Jason comes in singing the background parts. which, are so pretty, and i never really realized this before!!!
and then! the chorus part comes on. and there is this GREAT clap-track that again, i never really heard before!!! and the whole song is just background stuff. it was totally bizarre.
i immediately thought of the movie Josie and the Pussycats, where they hear the subliminal messages in the songs, and they have to turn down all the parts in the song to get to the message. and it's saying like, "buy these Nike sneakers. go eat at McDonald's..." stuff like that.
i instantly felt like i was sitting in a big expensive recording studio, in front of one of those huge sound boards with all the volume controls, and i could turn up or down all the different layers of the songs. it was SO COOL. (except, i couldn't actually control them, i just pretended i could.)
and then 'California' by Phantom Planet came on. and it was just the drums and piano version!! very weird at first. and then the backing vocals came on. and then a little bit of Darren on guitar. but, mostly piano and drums. which, was kind of cool.
and then, 'Good Girls Go Bad,' which i totally love. again, it sounded pretty good at first, but there was no lead vocals! but, the backing vocals were really funny to listen to because all of a sudden they sang, "YOUR TYPE. ONE BITE." and it was just the background parts!! it was pretty funny.
and then i listened to 'What For' by Rooney. again, no lead vocals. or drums. just background stuff. oh, i love that song.
and i was REALLY loving this new way to hear music. it was kind of surreal. and so bizarre.
and then i put on Miley Cyrus, 'Party in the USA,' and the headphones totally died. yeah. the wires must have totally cut out, or something. it was dead.
SO, from this new experience i have come up with a new invention: VOCAL CANCELING KARAOKE HEADPHONES. yep. headphones that cancel out the lead vocals so you can just sing karaoke!!!!!!! i have no idea if that's possible or not.
actually, maybe a CD player that cancels out the lead vocals. that way you can actually have karaoke parties with other people and not just by yourself in the bath.
sorry to all those lead vocalists out there. i don't mean to want to cut our your parts. but, karaoke totally rocks.
anyways. so now i have to go out and buy some new headphones. kind of unreal that they died in the same week as my speakers. i guess my electronic things will just keep dying on me. that's the way it goes.
it was fun.
our new resident came today. she seems really nice. now there are 3 girls here! plus me! it's officially a sleepover!
alright. it's midnight. i guess i'll eat supper now. i know i have some movie reviews to give to you. i'll work on that tomorrow, maybe.
hope you had a great day!! i had a good day. lazy day. i slept for a looooong time last night. it made me happy, though. because i had gotten so little sleep for the past few days.
any opinions on what my new headphones should be or shouldn't be? i can't wear those ones that go into your hear. they hurt. that's my only rule. and, they can't be too expensive. i'll probably just go to wal-mart to get them.
okay! i think that's all i have to tell you for now. have a great day today! i'll talk to you later!!!
ps - i realized after listening to Ben Lee's 'Ripe' record, that it's basically all about sex. having sex, wanting to have sex. yep. it's pretty hott. okay. that's all.
ALSO: JV, if you're reading this. i have to check about my schedule for Ben Folds. i'm 90% yes right now. i'll let you know SOON. promise!
RE: my love for acapella cover songs and hampshire college
FOLKS: speaking of acapella cover songs...
here is the Hampshire College acapella group, The Crazy Pitches, singing 'Disturbia' by Rihanna. and unlike that other acapella group who was wearing shiny black fancy clothes for their concert, the crazy pitches are wearing 70's styled workout clothes.
also in that clip, they sing 'Because' by The Beatles.
here is the Hampshire College acapella group, The Crazy Pitches, singing 'Disturbia' by Rihanna. and unlike that other acapella group who was wearing shiny black fancy clothes for their concert, the crazy pitches are wearing 70's styled workout clothes.
also in that clip, they sing 'Because' by The Beatles.
*emergency cover song post*
found this cover and must immediately add it to the list of great cover songs.
it's an ACAPELLA GROUP COVER of 'Popstars' by Rooney. can i just say that acapella group covers of ANY song make me the happiest person in the world.
- Purple Haze from Northwestern University's cover
LOVE IT. the soloist totally kills the song.
also, in an unrelated note, Ruby Tuesday and i would like to wish a very happy birthday to my friend from back home, Brittany!! and also to Nick Jonas.
it's an ACAPELLA GROUP COVER of 'Popstars' by Rooney. can i just say that acapella group covers of ANY song make me the happiest person in the world.
- Purple Haze from Northwestern University's cover
LOVE IT. the soloist totally kills the song.
also, in an unrelated note, Ruby Tuesday and i would like to wish a very happy birthday to my friend from back home, Brittany!! and also to Nick Jonas.
tear jerker home edition!
you know that show where the people cry a lot and then get a house makeover? Extreme Home Makeover is what it's called.
WELL, apparently their next stop is the Upper Valley of New Hampshire - which is the area that i live in!!! they will be here at the end of september, i think.
BUT, when they did a news conference the other day about it, and the conference was held at the AVA Art Gallery, which is right down the street from where i live! seriously, you could walk there.
SO, we were talking about this all in staff meeting yesterday. and then someone said, "well, you know that we applied to the show a couple years ago." and i was like, "WHAT?!!?" and yeah, they applied to the show. because this is such an old house, it's pretty run down. and they told me that a lot of the great photos of it's run-down-ness were taken in my apartment! great!
and so then we were like, "holy crap, i wonder if it's us."
and then i asked, "well, where do the people who live in the house go when they're doing the makeover?"
and apparently, the show sends them to Disney World, or something. and so then all the staff was like, "i guess it could be Julie and the two girls in Disney for four days!" because, i'm the only staff who actually lives in the house.
but, they would need to work something else out. because, there could be a newborn baby coming anytime around then. and, babies don't want to be born in Disney world.
anyways. that's the semi-exciting news about the home makeover show coming to our area.
maybe we'll see Ty Pennington.
anyways! hope you're having a great day!!!!!
WELL, apparently their next stop is the Upper Valley of New Hampshire - which is the area that i live in!!! they will be here at the end of september, i think.
BUT, when they did a news conference the other day about it, and the conference was held at the AVA Art Gallery, which is right down the street from where i live! seriously, you could walk there.
SO, we were talking about this all in staff meeting yesterday. and then someone said, "well, you know that we applied to the show a couple years ago." and i was like, "WHAT?!!?" and yeah, they applied to the show. because this is such an old house, it's pretty run down. and they told me that a lot of the great photos of it's run-down-ness were taken in my apartment! great!
and so then we were like, "holy crap, i wonder if it's us."
and then i asked, "well, where do the people who live in the house go when they're doing the makeover?"
and apparently, the show sends them to Disney World, or something. and so then all the staff was like, "i guess it could be Julie and the two girls in Disney for four days!" because, i'm the only staff who actually lives in the house.
but, they would need to work something else out. because, there could be a newborn baby coming anytime around then. and, babies don't want to be born in Disney world.
anyways. that's the semi-exciting news about the home makeover show coming to our area.
maybe we'll see Ty Pennington.
anyways! hope you're having a great day!!!!!
15 September 2009
"it's not to keep me in, but to keep all the sickies out."
strange day. it was ups and downs. let me tell you about. it.
i last talked to you this morning around 9am, right? yes. i believe so.
so, i left work at 9am and went back home. i slept from 9:15am-9:45am. it was a very strange day of sleeping for me. let's recount it together so i can keep it straight:
7:15am - 7:45am
9:15am - 9:45am
wait, that's only 4.5 hours of sleeping. is that right? yeah, it is right. man, that's not very many. i thought i got more sleep than that. ah well.
so, i got up at 9:45am and got ready to go to the doctor's appointment. i had left a note for the resident telling her that we would leave at 10:20 because her appointment was for 10:40.
so, i go downstairs at 10:15 and she's at the stove cooking something. and so i ask her if she got my note. she says yes. i say, "well, are you ready to leave?" she says, "this just has to sit for a minute." alright.
we wait for like, 5 minutes. i tell her, "okay, let's go." she says, "i just have to run upstairs and get something." ok, fine.
i pull the van around and we leave. she asks, "oh, can we stop at The Little Store real quick?" it's 10:30 now. "ok, but be quick." she's quick. we're still late for the appointment because of a huge hold up in the parking garage.
i might email Dartmouth Hitchcock and tell them how horrible their parking garage is. it has like, 9 floors or something crazy. but, each floor is SOOO NARROW. it's so incredibly hard to drive in there. the parking spaces are DEFINITELY more narrow than normal ones. i'm not kidding. it's horrible. it's waaaay too tall and waaaayy too narrow.
so, whatever. the appointment went fine. again, it was a midwife i had never seen before. like always, it's like meeting them for the first time.
the appointment was actually long. we didn't get back in the car until 11:39am. back to the house. i logged about the morning. talked with my boss for a bit.
then around noon went upstairs. now, i had originally planned to go back to sleep. because we didn't have staff meeting until 1pm. but, i decided that instead i should eat something. because, i wouldn't be able to eat anything until after 4:30pm. so, i made some eggs and toast. checked email, stuff like that. Ruby got her breakfast too. she had ocean whitefish and tuna in gravy. she liked it a lot.
so then i got ready for staff meeting. i think every place i went today i had on a different outfit.
i wore yoga pants to work at 6:45am.
i wore sweatpants to work at 8am
i wore a black shirt and grey cardigan to the doctor's.
i wore a grey t-shirt and teal cardigan to staff meeting.
i wore a grey t-shirt and blue cardigan out for errands this evening.
currently, i'm wearing yoga pants and my ben kweller sweatshirt.
wow! it's an Aliya day of outfits!!! loves it! my favorite outfit of today has been the grey t-shirt and blue cardigan combination.
got ready for staff meeting. then staff meeting at 1. it was fine, i guess. i got really upset at one point. there were some tears. and i actually couldn't concentrate after that. i'm still really upset.
and that pretty much set the mood for the next couple hours. i just couldn't think about anything. and i really wanted to cry for like, 3 hours after that.
but, i didn't. we had our residential staff meeting after normal staff meeting. and then we had birthing class. it wasn't really a birthing class. we made a plaster belly cast. the girls here have the option of having a belly cast done when they're in their 9th month. so, we did that today. i had never done one before. so, it was fun. took about half an hour.
then me and Courtney stayed and talked with another staff member named Julie. she's really great.
and then it was 4:30pm. and i went back home. was sad still. Ruby was happy to see me. i can't remember what i did.
then a little later i went out to do some errands. i needed eye drops because i am worried that i will run out soon. and i don't want to be without. i also needed conditioner. and nail polish.
oh! they had a nail polish SALE! i needed black. because i gave my last black away and i wanted another one so i could continue being edgy and sophisticated. and then they had this really great yellow. it wasn't sparkly, it was just yellow. not like banana yellow. like, corn, maybe. it's kind of flat. mute. Yellow Mute. that's what i would call it if i was naming it. i'm pretty excited about it.
then i decided that i needed a good Rom Com to watch tonight. because i wanted something light and funny that would get my mind off of being sad. so, i went to the video store. little did i know that it would be one of the most enjoyable times ever!
first i went into the comedy section. i found a movie that i had wanted to see when it first came out. but never saw it. Mini's First Time. with Luke Wilson and Alec Baldwin. the tagline is: sex. drugs. blackmail. there's a first time for everything.
and then i walked around a little. i looked to see if they had Veronica Mars. they didn't. so then i walked around the new release wall. i found Confessions of a Shopaholic. TOTES PERF. yep. exactly what i wanted.
so, i head to the checkout. i have to wait a minute or two because the people in front of me take a long time. and then it's my turn. and, the checkout guy is someone who i recognize from my frequent trips into Hollywood Video. he was the guy in the conversation about Winona Ryder that i had that one time.
here is what went down:
GUY: Hey. How are you?
JULIE: Pretty good. How are you doing?
GUY: Good. Oooo, this movie rocks.
JULIE: Oh yeah? Which one?
GUY: Confessions of a Shopaholic. I loved it.
JULIE: Awesome.
GUY: I haven't seen this one (holds up Mini's First Time.)
JULIE: Well, Luke Wilson is in it.
GUY: (reading the tagline) Sex....drugs....blackmail. Hm. Sounds like it's got everything.
JULIE: Yeah, what more could you want, really?
GUY: Yeah. Um, do you have your membership card?
JULIE: Actually, I don't. I think I lost it. Could I get another one?
GUY: Nope. Definitely not.
JULIE: .........
GUY: Just kidding. Sure. I was trying to trick you.
JULIE: (laughs)
GUY: So, if you find your old cards, they won't work anymore, because I just activated these.
GUY: Also, that will be $3 to get the new cards.
JULIE: Um, ok, fine.
GUY: Ugh! You're too easy.
JULIE: (laughs)
GUY: Ok, what's your last name?
JULIE: Evans.
GUY: First name?
JULIE: Julie.
GUY: Birthday?
JULIE: 25 February.
GUY: Year?
JULIE: 1986.
GUY: You're so old.
JULIE: Wow, thanks man!
GUY: I'm just kidding. Ok, do you want damage protection for $.25?
JULIE: No thanks.
GUY: Any popcorn or candy?
JULIE: No thanks.
GUY: Would you like me to sing you a song?
GUY: Aw man. I thought you would just keep saying no.
JULIE: Nope. I definitely want a song, please.
GUY: .....Uh, what do you want me to sing?
JULIE: about some ABBA?
GUY: Uhhh....well, there's no music. So, I guess I can't do it today.
JULIE: Well, next time, then.
GUY: But, I love ABBA.
JULIE: Yeah, me too.
GUY: When I was in high school I would totally rock out to ABBA in my car. I mean, who hasn't?
JULIE: I'm guilty.
GUY: Alright, well, these will be due back tomorrow.
JULIE: What?
GUY: Haha! Just kidding.
JULIE: (laughs) Ok, good.
GUY: They're due back on Sunday.
JULIE: Ok, great.
GUY: Have fun with your sex, drugs and blackmail.
JULIE: I'll let you know how I like it.
um, best conversation ever?? YES. i tell ya, the people in that Hollywood Video RULE. i always have the best conversations with them. for realz. i liked that guy. if i had a 'let's be friends' business card, i would absolutely have given him one.
and THAT put me in a good mood again. it was a happy rest of the night. thank you, hollywood video store guy.
so, i came home. went upstairs. Ruby was happy to see me. AND THEN - i watched the first episode of 'Bored to Death.' it was great!!! i highly recommend it. i laughed a lot. it was really cute and funny and kind of sweet. about this struggling writer who pretends to be a private investigator after reading some of his old detective novels.
and WOW - what an AWESOME theme song!!!!! if you don't watch the whole episode, at least watch the first minute or whatever so you can hear the theme. it's a GREAT new song by Coconut Records!! loves it.
i wish i had HBO so i could watch the show for real on tv. but, i've already added the first season to the 'saved' section of my Netflix. so, i'm on top of it, kind of.
then i just hung around here. worked 9pm-10pm.
tomorrow i have no plans and i am really excited about that. well, i have to be up for work at 6:45am. and then i'm working 8-9. i just got the call. my boss called and asked if i wouldn't mind watching the house until 9. i was excited NOT watching the house until 9 because that meant i could go back to bed for good at 7:15am. which, is still kind of nighttime to me. but now, i have to get back up again at 7:45. so, i won't be able to get back to sleep until after 9. and now that's morning.
i guess i consider "night" to be like, midnight-8am. ish.
haha, for some reason i am reminded of a joke that Jimmy Fallon did on Weekend Update once. it went something like this:
"A new study reports that 'night' is the number one most dangerous time for police officers. The second most dangerous time? Day."
haha. funny, right?
hm. well. now it's 11:17pm. i guess i might make supper now. and watch Shopaholic, probs. or, maybe the other one. i don't know.
but, i'm supposed to get 2 netflix tomorrow. Weeds, disc 3, season 4. and more VM. i think i've got 2 discs left in season 1.
ALRIGHT !!! what did you do today? anything fun or special?
i think that's all for me. i'll hopefully be able to go to sleep semi-early tonight since i didn't get much sleep last night. we'll see!!!!!
ok! goodnight!! have wonderful, sweet, mint chocolate dreams.
i don't know why i said mint chocolate dreams. but, it sounds delicious. and, it seems kind of fitting that a dream would be mint chocolate.
i last talked to you this morning around 9am, right? yes. i believe so.
so, i left work at 9am and went back home. i slept from 9:15am-9:45am. it was a very strange day of sleeping for me. let's recount it together so i can keep it straight:
7:15am - 7:45am
9:15am - 9:45am
wait, that's only 4.5 hours of sleeping. is that right? yeah, it is right. man, that's not very many. i thought i got more sleep than that. ah well.
so, i got up at 9:45am and got ready to go to the doctor's appointment. i had left a note for the resident telling her that we would leave at 10:20 because her appointment was for 10:40.
so, i go downstairs at 10:15 and she's at the stove cooking something. and so i ask her if she got my note. she says yes. i say, "well, are you ready to leave?" she says, "this just has to sit for a minute." alright.
we wait for like, 5 minutes. i tell her, "okay, let's go." she says, "i just have to run upstairs and get something." ok, fine.
i pull the van around and we leave. she asks, "oh, can we stop at The Little Store real quick?" it's 10:30 now. "ok, but be quick." she's quick. we're still late for the appointment because of a huge hold up in the parking garage.
i might email Dartmouth Hitchcock and tell them how horrible their parking garage is. it has like, 9 floors or something crazy. but, each floor is SOOO NARROW. it's so incredibly hard to drive in there. the parking spaces are DEFINITELY more narrow than normal ones. i'm not kidding. it's horrible. it's waaaay too tall and waaaayy too narrow.
so, whatever. the appointment went fine. again, it was a midwife i had never seen before. like always, it's like meeting them for the first time.
the appointment was actually long. we didn't get back in the car until 11:39am. back to the house. i logged about the morning. talked with my boss for a bit.
then around noon went upstairs. now, i had originally planned to go back to sleep. because we didn't have staff meeting until 1pm. but, i decided that instead i should eat something. because, i wouldn't be able to eat anything until after 4:30pm. so, i made some eggs and toast. checked email, stuff like that. Ruby got her breakfast too. she had ocean whitefish and tuna in gravy. she liked it a lot.
so then i got ready for staff meeting. i think every place i went today i had on a different outfit.
i wore yoga pants to work at 6:45am.
i wore sweatpants to work at 8am
i wore a black shirt and grey cardigan to the doctor's.
i wore a grey t-shirt and teal cardigan to staff meeting.
i wore a grey t-shirt and blue cardigan out for errands this evening.
currently, i'm wearing yoga pants and my ben kweller sweatshirt.
wow! it's an Aliya day of outfits!!! loves it! my favorite outfit of today has been the grey t-shirt and blue cardigan combination.
got ready for staff meeting. then staff meeting at 1. it was fine, i guess. i got really upset at one point. there were some tears. and i actually couldn't concentrate after that. i'm still really upset.
and that pretty much set the mood for the next couple hours. i just couldn't think about anything. and i really wanted to cry for like, 3 hours after that.
but, i didn't. we had our residential staff meeting after normal staff meeting. and then we had birthing class. it wasn't really a birthing class. we made a plaster belly cast. the girls here have the option of having a belly cast done when they're in their 9th month. so, we did that today. i had never done one before. so, it was fun. took about half an hour.
then me and Courtney stayed and talked with another staff member named Julie. she's really great.
and then it was 4:30pm. and i went back home. was sad still. Ruby was happy to see me. i can't remember what i did.
then a little later i went out to do some errands. i needed eye drops because i am worried that i will run out soon. and i don't want to be without. i also needed conditioner. and nail polish.
oh! they had a nail polish SALE! i needed black. because i gave my last black away and i wanted another one so i could continue being edgy and sophisticated. and then they had this really great yellow. it wasn't sparkly, it was just yellow. not like banana yellow. like, corn, maybe. it's kind of flat. mute. Yellow Mute. that's what i would call it if i was naming it. i'm pretty excited about it.
then i decided that i needed a good Rom Com to watch tonight. because i wanted something light and funny that would get my mind off of being sad. so, i went to the video store. little did i know that it would be one of the most enjoyable times ever!
first i went into the comedy section. i found a movie that i had wanted to see when it first came out. but never saw it. Mini's First Time. with Luke Wilson and Alec Baldwin. the tagline is: sex. drugs. blackmail. there's a first time for everything.
and then i walked around a little. i looked to see if they had Veronica Mars. they didn't. so then i walked around the new release wall. i found Confessions of a Shopaholic. TOTES PERF. yep. exactly what i wanted.
so, i head to the checkout. i have to wait a minute or two because the people in front of me take a long time. and then it's my turn. and, the checkout guy is someone who i recognize from my frequent trips into Hollywood Video. he was the guy in the conversation about Winona Ryder that i had that one time.
here is what went down:
GUY: Hey. How are you?
JULIE: Pretty good. How are you doing?
GUY: Good. Oooo, this movie rocks.
JULIE: Oh yeah? Which one?
GUY: Confessions of a Shopaholic. I loved it.
JULIE: Awesome.
GUY: I haven't seen this one (holds up Mini's First Time.)
JULIE: Well, Luke Wilson is in it.
GUY: (reading the tagline) Sex....drugs....blackmail. Hm. Sounds like it's got everything.
JULIE: Yeah, what more could you want, really?
GUY: Yeah. Um, do you have your membership card?
JULIE: Actually, I don't. I think I lost it. Could I get another one?
GUY: Nope. Definitely not.
JULIE: .........
GUY: Just kidding. Sure. I was trying to trick you.
JULIE: (laughs)
GUY: So, if you find your old cards, they won't work anymore, because I just activated these.
GUY: Also, that will be $3 to get the new cards.
JULIE: Um, ok, fine.
GUY: Ugh! You're too easy.
JULIE: (laughs)
GUY: Ok, what's your last name?
JULIE: Evans.
GUY: First name?
JULIE: Julie.
GUY: Birthday?
JULIE: 25 February.
GUY: Year?
JULIE: 1986.
GUY: You're so old.
JULIE: Wow, thanks man!
GUY: I'm just kidding. Ok, do you want damage protection for $.25?
JULIE: No thanks.
GUY: Any popcorn or candy?
JULIE: No thanks.
GUY: Would you like me to sing you a song?
GUY: Aw man. I thought you would just keep saying no.
JULIE: Nope. I definitely want a song, please.
GUY: .....Uh, what do you want me to sing?
JULIE: about some ABBA?
GUY: Uhhh....well, there's no music. So, I guess I can't do it today.
JULIE: Well, next time, then.
GUY: But, I love ABBA.
JULIE: Yeah, me too.
GUY: When I was in high school I would totally rock out to ABBA in my car. I mean, who hasn't?
JULIE: I'm guilty.
GUY: Alright, well, these will be due back tomorrow.
JULIE: What?
GUY: Haha! Just kidding.
JULIE: (laughs) Ok, good.
GUY: They're due back on Sunday.
JULIE: Ok, great.
GUY: Have fun with your sex, drugs and blackmail.
JULIE: I'll let you know how I like it.
um, best conversation ever?? YES. i tell ya, the people in that Hollywood Video RULE. i always have the best conversations with them. for realz. i liked that guy. if i had a 'let's be friends' business card, i would absolutely have given him one.
and THAT put me in a good mood again. it was a happy rest of the night. thank you, hollywood video store guy.
so, i came home. went upstairs. Ruby was happy to see me. AND THEN - i watched the first episode of 'Bored to Death.' it was great!!! i highly recommend it. i laughed a lot. it was really cute and funny and kind of sweet. about this struggling writer who pretends to be a private investigator after reading some of his old detective novels.
and WOW - what an AWESOME theme song!!!!! if you don't watch the whole episode, at least watch the first minute or whatever so you can hear the theme. it's a GREAT new song by Coconut Records!! loves it.
i wish i had HBO so i could watch the show for real on tv. but, i've already added the first season to the 'saved' section of my Netflix. so, i'm on top of it, kind of.
then i just hung around here. worked 9pm-10pm.
tomorrow i have no plans and i am really excited about that. well, i have to be up for work at 6:45am. and then i'm working 8-9. i just got the call. my boss called and asked if i wouldn't mind watching the house until 9. i was excited NOT watching the house until 9 because that meant i could go back to bed for good at 7:15am. which, is still kind of nighttime to me. but now, i have to get back up again at 7:45. so, i won't be able to get back to sleep until after 9. and now that's morning.
i guess i consider "night" to be like, midnight-8am. ish.
haha, for some reason i am reminded of a joke that Jimmy Fallon did on Weekend Update once. it went something like this:
"A new study reports that 'night' is the number one most dangerous time for police officers. The second most dangerous time? Day."
haha. funny, right?
hm. well. now it's 11:17pm. i guess i might make supper now. and watch Shopaholic, probs. or, maybe the other one. i don't know.
but, i'm supposed to get 2 netflix tomorrow. Weeds, disc 3, season 4. and more VM. i think i've got 2 discs left in season 1.
ALRIGHT !!! what did you do today? anything fun or special?
i think that's all for me. i'll hopefully be able to go to sleep semi-early tonight since i didn't get much sleep last night. we'll see!!!!!
ok! goodnight!! have wonderful, sweet, mint chocolate dreams.
i don't know why i said mint chocolate dreams. but, it sounds delicious. and, it seems kind of fitting that a dream would be mint chocolate.
"he's one of those human beings who's sort of filled with honey."
um, sweetest quote ever? yeah, i'd say so. it's a quote said by the writer Jonathan Ames. and he's saying it about J.Schwartz. aw, so nice! in the new HBO show 'Bored to Death' Jason plays Jonathan Ames. loosely based on the real person. he plays a writer who pretends to be a private detective. AND, even better than anything is that we can all watch the first episode ONLINE RIGHT NOW FOR FREE!!!!! and it doesn't even air until sunday!!
i can't believe i forgot to watch it last night. but, i was at work when i got the tweet. Coconut Records tweeted it. i can't wait to see it. maybe i'll watch it this afternoon. it's only 30 minutes. so, we all should be able to watch.
so, it's 8:22 in the morning. tuesday morning. i've got 4.25 hours of sleep under my belt. that's not too bad.
i was thinking that after work at 9 i would just stay awake until we have to leave for the doctor's appointment at 10:20. but, now i'm thinking that i might go back to sleep.
i just love doing nothing but lying in my bed. it's got to be the best.
and then we should be out of the appointment by 11am. so, i can also come back here then and take a nap. i doubt i'll stay awake until staff meeting at 1pm. that's like, 2 hours! you expect me to be awake for two hours in the morning/early afternoon?! as if!
ha. as if.
let's see what else is up.
i had a dream during a chunk of that 4.25 hours that i was in this big parking lot of a McDonald's. and this super important guy wearing this nice, fancy suit ordered some chicken nuggets and fries. and he sat down with them at a table inside McDonald's. and he just waited there for a minute, not touching the food. and then Obama came over, sat down, and started eating.
yep. that was my dream! almost as great as the dream where i went to Claire's!
but two nights ago i had this other dream. and i didn't remember it until i got into bed this morning, which was kind of weird and unexpected.
but, this dream was set in a place that i've dreamt about before. it's this old, run down mansion. kind of like the mansion at the end of Great Expectations. the Alfonso Cuaron version. the kind of place that's almost more beautiful in ruin than it was at it's prime.
and, i have to live in this place for a few days. in both dreams i kind of ended up there by accident. and then ended up living on the second floor. i actually might have had the same dream twice. i can't really remember. but, i do remember that in both dreams i was able to unlock these locked doors in the back of my room, and they led to this other part of the house that was totally falling apart.
like, in the most recent dream, i opened the locked door and it was this sitting room type thing. or wait, was it a nursery? hm, now i can't remember. it might have actually been a nursery. and, everything was covered in dust. and i looked down at the floor and there was this huge crack in it. and it was this really beautiful wooden floor if it hadn't been for this crack. it was almost like the floor was split into two layers. like, you could see down to the floor below.
i guess maybe, "rip" is a better word than "crack." a giant rip in the floor. hm, i don't know.
and then in both dreams also, i find enough hidden rooms that i am able to walk in a circle. it's like, a letter A shaped upstairs, or something. and my bedroom is where the middle line of the A connects to the side. and so, i walk around through the other rooms until i end up back at mine. but, there's one point where it all opens up to this giant foyer. like, with marble floors and a chandelier. and it's the only non-ruined part of the house.
and i can't remember what actually takes place in this giant ruined mansion. but i'm definitely sure that i've had two dreams there.
this is unlike the other dreams i've had that are set in the same place. specifically the one that is set in a mall. and it's this weird underground mall where everything is tinted blue. and i go into this back room and there are a bunch of people sitting around a table shredding jeans. like, shredding them with knives.
and so, i start too. and we're all doing this for a while. and then the lady next to me leans in and whispers, "don't look now, but there's a man with a gun behind you."
and then i always wake up. i think i've had it 3 times. it's very weird.
anyways. dreams are so crazy, ya know? it's like, all the rest of the time we can pretty much control what we're thinking about. except when we're sleeping. that's so weird to think about. just think about how powerless you are when you're asleep. it's actually kind of scary.
so. what else. i don't know. i just don't know.
it's 8:47am. 13 more minutes of work.
speaking of thirteen, i was looking up Ben Kweller covers on youtube last night. because remember how i love supporting the raw talent of america? yep. and i also am going through this cover song phase which i love. and i found a pretty good cover of Thirteen. which, is a BK song that i totes love because i just think it's so beautiful.
also, downloaded most of Ben Lee's CD, 'Ripe,' which i didn't have. love it! love it. so far my fave tracks are: 'love me like the world is ending,' 'ripe,' and 'sex without love.'
but, i was listening to 'Sex Without Love,' which is also a pretty hott song, and i was like, "what the heck song does this remind me of??!!?" and it was driving me crazy. because, i could hear the other song in my head, but i couldn't tell what it was, ya know?
and then i finally figured it out - Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer!!!' YEP. they totes sound like the same song. go right now and listen to those songs.
OH HERE: i'll make it so much easier for you!
great! i'll give you some time to go do that....
ok great! on the cd, it says that he performs the song with Benji Madden. which, i think it kind of random a lot. but, awesome? i didn't know he was friends with the Madden clan. but, i actually think the song was written (or co-written) by our friend Robert Schwartzman. or, so says wikipedia.
ANYWAYS. 9:01am now. time for me to go. it's been fun talking to you this morning.
have a great day! i'll talk to you later!!!
14 September 2009
you're the secret in the back of my skull
HEY HEY! party people.
i'm at work. work blogging like i do sometimes. unexpected work day. i woke up at 6:45 for work. went back to sleep from 7:10 to 7:45am. worked from 8-9am.
at around 7:30, i got a text message asking me if i wouldn't mind working tonight from 3:30-10pm. i thought about it. i kind of reaalllly didn't want to work. but, then i thought about my saving money goal. and i then i thought about all the things i like to spend money on. and i decided that since i didn't have any plans anyways, i would work.
so, i went back to sleep from 9am-1pm. got up. made coffee. fed Miss Tuesday. shower. got dressed. went to the post office. got my Netflix - Rudo y Cursi! i'm so excited i can't even believe it.
went and returned Knocked Up to the video store. and then went and got an iced mocha with raspberry from this local coffee place.
so, last night it was just about 2:30am. and i was in my bedroom putting in some eye drops while i waited for my tea to boil, and i hear this loud buzzing. and i'm like, "omg what the heck is that?!?!" and i'm completely silent and i still hear it buzzing.
and then very faintly, i hear 'West Coast' start to play. and i'm like, "oh wow, it's my phone ringing!"
so, i go over and see that it's Aliya calling!!!!! so, i answer it. she was driving home to North Carolina from being in Atlanta for the day. and she thought she would give me a call. it was really nice to hear her voice and catch up. especially during this week when i've been missing people.
we talked until about 3am. then, i had my tea. which was still hott. went to bed around 3:45. and then slept until 6:45 when i woke up.
it was one of those nights where i got a lot of sleep, but it was all in chunks. 3 hours here. 1 hour here. 4 hours there. it's okay.
so, work so far has been good. i filled out my timesheet. got some good hours in. not as many as for the last timesheet. but, still better than before.
had some good conversation with one of the residents. she was asking me what happened with Joe Wilson and Obama, so i was explaining it to her. and then i told her what happened last night with Kanye and Swifter. she was shocked. and then we started talking about rappers who have been put in jail. 50 cent. T.I. and there was another one she named. oh, we talked about Chris Brown. it was fun.
and then we talked about the weather. and swine flu.
and now i'm blogging.
SO excited for my movie tonight! Gael Garcia Bernal. YES. PLEASE.
but, i'm concerned and confused as to why Netflix hasn't received the movie i mailed last friday. it should have gone out with the friday morning mail. and it should have reached White River Junction, Vermont saturday morning. because, the town is like, 7 miles away.
actually, that's wrong. it's 4.5 miles away. i just google mapped it. so, i'm kind of bummed they didn't get it. because, then they would have mailed out another one today, and i would have gotten it by tomorrow. but, that won't be the case. so, i'll be looking for something to watch tomorrow night. which, is always a point of stress with me.
hmmm. i feel like there was something that i was kind of excited about telling you..... but, now i can't think of it.
OH WAIT! yes, i know. so, i left work yesterday at 4pm. and then went to the grocery store. but, on my way, i got a call from Cheryl, who was working after me, and she said, "hey, i just realized that i left my work keys at home, can you come let me into the cabinet so i can get the other set?" and i said, "yes! i will turn around." i was only like, 3 minutes away from the house. it wasn't bad.
but! when i got back here, my co-worker who has the little baby that i watch sometimes was visiting! her baby girl is turning 6 months old soon. OMG she's the most beautiful baby everrrr.
and so i immediately went over and said hello to her, and the baby looked at me, gave me the biggest smile, and she held onto my hand really tight so i couldn't get it away.
it was the best thing ever. no matter how stressful the day is, if a baby smiles at you, everything just goes out the window. and you're just like, "wow i am experiencing one of the best things in the entire world right now, how can i be mad any longer?!"
oh, she's the best baby.
so, i unlocked the cabinet and all was well.
then i headed to the grocery store. and guess what i found?! pita bread! i don't know about you, but i love pita bread. and i had been looking for it in this grocery store since like, last December. AND I FOUND IT. yesterday. wanna guess where it was? um, next to the bulkie rolls. with the bread.
imagine that. the pita bread was with the rest of the bread. and it took me 10 months to find it. this is why grocery stores should be alphabetized!!!!!
that will be my second order of business once i am president of the united states.
ok, here's my life plan: (ready? this is it.)
- work at the front gate of the new hollywood studio lot being built in Boston
- work my way up to the President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
- naturally, that will lead to becoming President of the United States
- then i can retire and become a lighthouse keeper
um, best life ever? duh!
so, first order of business after becoming President of the United States:
- drive-thru post offices
second order of business:
- mandatory alphabetization of all grocery stores
then i can work on my foreign policy.
great! and since i will be the greatest President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, i will automatically get the celebrity vote. the most powerful vote there is!
i won't be campaigning for the independent vote, or the youth, or the minorities. nope, THE CELEBS. that's where it's at.
AND, one of my first orders of business after becoming President of the Academy, is tightening up the ratings system. which will get me in good with the PARENTS. also, putting more restrictions on what is shown on television. too much violence.
so there. automatic ticket to the oval office. i've got the:
and that's pretty much all i need. and, everyone else will like me too. because when the press digs up my totes awesome blog, people will read this entry and be like, "wow, she really follows through with her life plan. i bet she will follow through with everything else she is campaigning for too!!!" and they will vote for me.
"i promised drive-thru post offices - AND WE GOT 'EM!!!" yep. they'll love me.
so now i've got the:
the first election in history where the entire country is unanimous. how cool would that be?! man i can't wait.
hm. what else.
i told you about the baby. told you about the pita bread. those were the two big stories.
oh! i wanted to tell you also, that i took my nap last night. remember my story about how i planned to take a nap? yeah, well, i took one. and it rocked.
so, we all know the outcome of the Nap Story, directed by Michael Bay - (spoiler alert) - she takes the nap.
great! AND, it will be mandatorily nominated for all the top awards, because it will be based on my story, and i will be President of the Academy. ha! i win again.
oh, also: um, i just forgot. what i was JUST going to say to you.
OH! Shutter Island. let's talk about this.
- book written by Dennis Lehane
- turned into a movie directed by Marty Scorsese and starrting Leo DiCaprio, Mark "hottie" Ruffalo, Michelle Williams, Jackie Earle Haley
- finished filmed like, last fall 2008
- set for release fall 2009
- released just pushed back to winter 2010
so, they wanted to release it this fall so that it would have a better chance of being considered for Awards Season. Leo has to win for this one. it also was one of the top contenders for Best Picture. um, Marty's directing, duh.
BUT THEN, they decided that this year they would be nominating 10 movies for Best Picture instead of 5.
I THINK the release of this movie is directly related to upping the number of nominees.
I ALSO THINK they will release it next year, because people will decide that 10 nominees is a bad freaking idea. they will move it back to 5. Shutter Island wins.
10 nominees is like anyone's game. i mean, we've already talked about how people are throwing 'The Hangover' into the list of possible names.
winning 1 in 5 is way cooler than winning 1 in 10. BAM. that's my theory. you read it here first!
so. what else. i'm excited about that theory. The Shutter Island Effect. i'll write a book about it.
The Shutter Island Scandal and the Effect is Has on the Future of the Academy Awards as it is related to American Cinema today.
what?! i have no idea what that's about. sounds like my next Div 3.
OH! that's something else i wanted to talk to you about.
did you hear this sad news from Cuba? Juan Almeida passed away this weekend. he was one of the Cuban revolutionaries. i was very sad to read that. i gasped when i read it. he took over Camilo Cienfuego's job when his plane was lost at sea. and he's known Fidel Castro since they were in university. and i think they were in prison together on the Isle of Pines.
i was really sad to read this. but, happy to also read about the thousands of people who came out to pay tribute to him. Fidel wrote his 'Reflections' column about him this week. it's also really nice.
so. that's that. i was sad.
i was also sad, and shocked, to hear that Jim Carroll passed away. he was only 60! yikes. what a great poet.
on a totally better note - i think Gossip Girl premieres tonight. i learned that from Twitter. the most educational place on the web.
speaking of Twitter and it's awesomeness - let's talk about Sam Farrar for a minute. he's the bassist for Phantom Planet. great guy. super funny. watch the video of him playing the piano without looking. hi-larious.
anyways. Sam and his wife just had a baby girl. i think back in mid-august. and he sometimes posts pictures of her on his Twitter. she is the most gorgeous newborn baby girl ever in the whole world. AND the other day, he posted a picture of her and she was wearing this long-sleeved onesie-type outfit that had a pink seahorse on it! it was great. and it was the cutest outfit and she is most beautiful baby.
i'm so happy for him it's crazy. and the pictures of Darren holding the baby are heart-melting worthy.
WELL. i have covered a lot of ground in this epic post. it has been a long time that i've been writing. i hope you didn't get bored. i certainly didn't.
ok lovely friends. tomorrow is a busy day. we're supposed to be getting another resident here. and i'm working until 9am. then going to a prenatal appointment at 10:40. then staff meeting at 1pm. then birthing class in the afternoon.
i'll update again with info about Rudo y Cursi. i'm excited. i hope you're excited for my review.
ok! i'm dragging this out. have a great night. i'll talk to you later! peace. love. love. and love.
13 September 2009
pull the covers off!!!
ok, so in high school me and my two best friends Maria and Brittany were in talks to start this cover band. we would be called Squeaky Hindu and the Rainbow Fish and our first cd would be called 'Pull the Covers Off.'
which is the perfect opening for my COVER SONG BLOG POST that you all have been waiting so patiently for. thanks for waiting.
ok, let's just get started!!! i will post the title of the ORIGINAL SONG IN CAPS and then the cover song version below it. with links to all!!!!
let's get going!!!
USE SOMEBODY - Kings of Leon
- Paramore's version
- Lynzie and Rich G.'s version
BATTLEFIELD - Jordan Sparks
- DaViglio's version
JESUS, ETC. - Wilco
- Chris and Aliya's version
WEST COAST - Coconut Records
- PoojasMusic version
GEORGIA - Hanson
- SarEliz0103's version
- Tuttiline's version
- Hayley Legg's version
CALIFORNIA - Phantom Planet
- StupidLyss's version
BURNIN' UP - The Jonas Brothers
- The Veronica's version
wow! look at all that great music! feel free to pick and choose which ones you listen to. the only covers being performed by real bands are Paramore's cover and The Veronica's cover. i really tried to find some raw youtube talent.
and, i feel good about myself for promoting some new talent! just normal, ordinary folk like you and me, using youtube as their creative outlet. i think it's really cool. i really give credit to anyone who can do that. i don't think i could. it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that. to be judged. some people are harsh.
here's what i say: it doesn't matter if you suck or if you're awesome - just the fact that you're putting yourself online like that is great.
i strongly recommened the Hanson cover - i wish it was longer. and the JoBros cover. and the Coconut Records cover, which i have posted before. the cover of Phantom Planet is good and it's really pretty, but i think it's kind of long. but, it's my favorite cover out there.
ok! enjoy those. i have enjoyed sharing them with you.
grocery shopping went fine. the store was pretty empty, which made it easier. the girls were really helpful and i think we had fun.
but, omg, i just had a freaking heart attack. so, i hear all this running upstairs. and then someone comes speeding down the staircase yelling, "julie! julie! julie!" and i'm sitting here in the office thinking, "omg there's an emergency. stay calm. you can get through it." and she runs into the office, all out of breath and says, "i left my mp3 player in the car!!! is the van unlocked?!?!"
"yes." i said. and then she runs out the door.
omg. i had to take a minute and catch my breath. i seriously almost started crying. i was so, so worried that something was wrong. holy crap. i was scared. yeah, almost cried. i don't know if it was from relief, or from nerves. but, for those few seconds, i was in a panic.
geeze. these girls, i tell ya. they are cr-azy. never a dull moment, i'll tell ya that.
ok. i've got some chores to check. kitchen. bathroom. bedroom. make sure they've gotten done.
3:06pm. one more hour! day went by pretty quickly. pretty easy breezy. except for that tiny rough patch in the middle.
alright, i'll talk to you later. i'm going to go get some sandwich stuff after work. and then come home, probably make a sandwich. take my nap!! then, back to work. 10pm - 9am. hip hip hooray.
ookkaayy. have a great evening. wanna tell me something? anything? is there anything you want me to know?? you can tell me anything.
oh! tell me what you do. don't forget. please?!
ok. gotta go. bye!!!!
which is the perfect opening for my COVER SONG BLOG POST that you all have been waiting so patiently for. thanks for waiting.
ok, let's just get started!!! i will post the title of the ORIGINAL SONG IN CAPS and then the cover song version below it. with links to all!!!!
let's get going!!!
USE SOMEBODY - Kings of Leon
- Paramore's version
- Lynzie and Rich G.'s version
BATTLEFIELD - Jordan Sparks
- DaViglio's version
JESUS, ETC. - Wilco
- Chris and Aliya's version
WEST COAST - Coconut Records
- PoojasMusic version
GEORGIA - Hanson
- SarEliz0103's version
- Tuttiline's version
- Hayley Legg's version
CALIFORNIA - Phantom Planet
- StupidLyss's version
BURNIN' UP - The Jonas Brothers
- The Veronica's version
wow! look at all that great music! feel free to pick and choose which ones you listen to. the only covers being performed by real bands are Paramore's cover and The Veronica's cover. i really tried to find some raw youtube talent.
and, i feel good about myself for promoting some new talent! just normal, ordinary folk like you and me, using youtube as their creative outlet. i think it's really cool. i really give credit to anyone who can do that. i don't think i could. it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that. to be judged. some people are harsh.
here's what i say: it doesn't matter if you suck or if you're awesome - just the fact that you're putting yourself online like that is great.
i strongly recommened the Hanson cover - i wish it was longer. and the JoBros cover. and the Coconut Records cover, which i have posted before. the cover of Phantom Planet is good and it's really pretty, but i think it's kind of long. but, it's my favorite cover out there.
ok! enjoy those. i have enjoyed sharing them with you.
grocery shopping went fine. the store was pretty empty, which made it easier. the girls were really helpful and i think we had fun.
but, omg, i just had a freaking heart attack. so, i hear all this running upstairs. and then someone comes speeding down the staircase yelling, "julie! julie! julie!" and i'm sitting here in the office thinking, "omg there's an emergency. stay calm. you can get through it." and she runs into the office, all out of breath and says, "i left my mp3 player in the car!!! is the van unlocked?!?!"
"yes." i said. and then she runs out the door.
omg. i had to take a minute and catch my breath. i seriously almost started crying. i was so, so worried that something was wrong. holy crap. i was scared. yeah, almost cried. i don't know if it was from relief, or from nerves. but, for those few seconds, i was in a panic.
geeze. these girls, i tell ya. they are cr-azy. never a dull moment, i'll tell ya that.
ok. i've got some chores to check. kitchen. bathroom. bedroom. make sure they've gotten done.
3:06pm. one more hour! day went by pretty quickly. pretty easy breezy. except for that tiny rough patch in the middle.
alright, i'll talk to you later. i'm going to go get some sandwich stuff after work. and then come home, probably make a sandwich. take my nap!! then, back to work. 10pm - 9am. hip hip hooray.
ookkaayy. have a great evening. wanna tell me something? anything? is there anything you want me to know?? you can tell me anything.
oh! tell me what you do. don't forget. please?!
ok. gotta go. bye!!!!
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