we left Boston at like, 1:45pm this afternoon.
we arrived in West Chester at around 8:30pm.
we listened to the Crash Kings' record THE WHOLE FREAKING WAY. yep.
and then,
we left West Chester around 11:45pm
we arrived in NYC around 2am
and we listened to Crash Kings the whole way here. that's like, 9 hours of Crash Kings in the car. plus like, an hour of them playing live.
the only non-Crash Kings music we listened to was the opening band, Bloodfeathers. and they were really good. and really cute to watch.
ok. i just thought i should mention that. since i still can't bring myself to go to sleep.
OK NOW. now, i will try and force myself to sleep. oh, i dislike those night.
although, i think perhaps once i actually get into the sofabed and try and calm down, i think i will find i am tired. from allllll the driving and alllll the rocking. and from being so super excited. it takes a lot out of ya.
ok, i can't WAIT to tell you all about our night.
but it will have to wait because i don't have my pictures uploaded yet!!!
and it didn't stop until we walked out the door.
OOMMMGGGG. i can't calm down. and we have to be quiet because there are people sleeping in this apartment. so i am being excited through written form.
OKAYFORREALZNOW. i am going and i am turning off my computer and i am going to sleep. because i have to wake up in the morning. and then drive to Boston. and then possibly either Maine or New Hampshire. i am not decided yet.
AND - the city of Boston did not tow my car!!!! so, city of New York, please be as kind and don't tow my car. because i got a really awesome parking spot right outside this building. i know, right?!
oh yeah. i said i was going to sleep now.
oh alright.
have a great day.
take care. be well. "safe travels."
:) <3
16 April 2010
15 April 2010
updating from the west village right now. exciting, right?
AND i went to pennsylvania today for the first time. what a great day.
let me say it again:
um, also we went to a Crash Kings concert. and it was so totally awesome. and there is so much awesome to report that i can't even sort it all out right now. only to tell you that we are still (as ryan puts it) 'basking in the euphoria.'
yes. oh yes. it was wonderful.
i got some great photos and great videos that i can't wait to share with you.
wow. yeah. it was the best. i can't even talk about it right now.
THEY ARE SUCH ROCKSTARS. it was so crazy. this time was way different from the previous 6 times i had seen them.
THEY ARE FAMOUS ROCKSTARS NOW. drunk girls were screaming, "OMG I LOVE YOU!!!!" at the front of the stage.
it was crazy. it was SO CRAZY AND SO AWESOME AND SO AMAZING. omg.
i want to tell you all about it, but i can't even form words.
so i will tell you about other things. like, what's happening today. which is friday, i suppose.
we are waking up and meeting one of Ryan's friends for brunch. then we have some time to kill. then we are meeting another one of her friends for coffee in the afternoon.
then i believe we are heading out.
oh, it's so fun.
IT'S SO FUN having an exciting adventure and going to new places and meeting new people and talking to rockstars.
i love it. and i rreeaallyy don't want to go back home to the nothingness and the aloneness.
i also really don't want to wait more than a whole month to see our BFFs again. and by 'BFFs' i mean Crash Kings.
because when they play at Earth Fest in Boston they will be even more super famous! and it will be a whole new kind of crazy.
IN OTHER NEWS, yes, i have been remembering to take my antibiotics. although, i'm not getting in 4 doses a day. only 3. who's up for a 6:30am dose? not me. i think i'll have to space them closer together from now on.
AND IN MORE EXCITING NEWS, Ryan tweeted to Crash Kings on our way from PA to NYC AND AND AND they tweeted her back. and we are both insanely excited right now.
AAAAAHAHHHHHHHHH soooo much fun.
ok. perhaps i need to go to sleep? it's 2:55am. friday morning. sleeping seems so boring. so boring for such an exciting time.
okay. now i'm just rambling.
i hope everyone else's thursday night was so super exciting like mine was. i will post pictures and the links to the videos i will upload to youtube.
alright, have a lovely friday. i will talk to you later sometime.
i might go to Maine after dropping Ryan off in Boston. i don't want the excitement to stop. and i want to see Kara's bakery.
ok. i'm really going now.
AND i went to pennsylvania today for the first time. what a great day.
let me say it again:
um, also we went to a Crash Kings concert. and it was so totally awesome. and there is so much awesome to report that i can't even sort it all out right now. only to tell you that we are still (as ryan puts it) 'basking in the euphoria.'
yes. oh yes. it was wonderful.
i got some great photos and great videos that i can't wait to share with you.
wow. yeah. it was the best. i can't even talk about it right now.
THEY ARE SUCH ROCKSTARS. it was so crazy. this time was way different from the previous 6 times i had seen them.
THEY ARE FAMOUS ROCKSTARS NOW. drunk girls were screaming, "OMG I LOVE YOU!!!!" at the front of the stage.
it was crazy. it was SO CRAZY AND SO AWESOME AND SO AMAZING. omg.
i want to tell you all about it, but i can't even form words.
so i will tell you about other things. like, what's happening today. which is friday, i suppose.
we are waking up and meeting one of Ryan's friends for brunch. then we have some time to kill. then we are meeting another one of her friends for coffee in the afternoon.
then i believe we are heading out.
oh, it's so fun.
IT'S SO FUN having an exciting adventure and going to new places and meeting new people and talking to rockstars.
i love it. and i rreeaallyy don't want to go back home to the nothingness and the aloneness.
i also really don't want to wait more than a whole month to see our BFFs again. and by 'BFFs' i mean Crash Kings.
because when they play at Earth Fest in Boston they will be even more super famous! and it will be a whole new kind of crazy.
IN OTHER NEWS, yes, i have been remembering to take my antibiotics. although, i'm not getting in 4 doses a day. only 3. who's up for a 6:30am dose? not me. i think i'll have to space them closer together from now on.
AND IN MORE EXCITING NEWS, Ryan tweeted to Crash Kings on our way from PA to NYC AND AND AND they tweeted her back. and we are both insanely excited right now.
AAAAAHAHHHHHHHHH soooo much fun.
ok. perhaps i need to go to sleep? it's 2:55am. friday morning. sleeping seems so boring. so boring for such an exciting time.
okay. now i'm just rambling.
i hope everyone else's thursday night was so super exciting like mine was. i will post pictures and the links to the videos i will upload to youtube.
alright, have a lovely friday. i will talk to you later sometime.
i might go to Maine after dropping Ryan off in Boston. i don't want the excitement to stop. and i want to see Kara's bakery.
ok. i'm really going now.
hi again!
wanted to do a quick blog before we left. nothing much has changed since i last talked to you.
it's Renee's birthday today. she is one of my dear readers in Colorado Springs. i hope you have a wonderful day and a fantastic night and a lovely birthday!!! i'm very excited for you because i love birthdays.
YOU AND DAVE should have a big birthday bash since his birthday is coming up as well. FUN!
i will celebrate today by ROCKING OUT at a concert. YES!!
happy day!!!
wanted to do a quick blog before we left. nothing much has changed since i last talked to you.
it's Renee's birthday today. she is one of my dear readers in Colorado Springs. i hope you have a wonderful day and a fantastic night and a lovely birthday!!! i'm very excited for you because i love birthdays.
YOU AND DAVE should have a big birthday bash since his birthday is coming up as well. FUN!
i will celebrate today by ROCKING OUT at a concert. YES!!
happy day!!!
14 April 2010
Dear Boston, please don't tow my car tonight.
Love, Julie.
AAAHHH I MADE IT!!!! after a day of being completely unmotivated, i made it to boston. i don't know what it was about today, but i couldn't make myself do anything. i blame it on the rigorous course of antibiotics i am on.
(i realized that i will really be taking a pill every 6ish hours for the next week. that's intense.)
(it's easier for me to think of it in hours, rather than days. 4 pills a day. what? a pill every 6 hours. okay.)
anyways, i took a bath this afternoon which wasn't expected. i got in to take a shower, but then i got too tired and cold and didn't want to get out. so, instead i filled the tub and took a mini-bath.
i packed my bag. straightened up the house. cuddled Ruby Tuesday, who knew i was leaving, i think because she was making me feel very guilty by being so sweet and cuddly.
around, 7ish i left my house. i had to stop and get gas. and then i stopped at the atm. and then i stopped at Dunkin Donuts. here's what happened there:
i walk into Dunkers and there is a guy mopping the floor:
DUNKERS WORKER: Hi, how are you?
JULIE: Good, how are you?
DUNKERS WORKER: Good thanks. (says the name of other employee) will be right with you.
JULIE: Ok, great.
(a minute passes)
DUNKERS WORKER: So, are you a student around here?
JULIE: Um, no. I...work.
DUNKERS WORKER: Oh, well that's good too.
JULIE: Yeah...
(then he leaves to go wash the bathroom floor. and then he comes back.)
DUNKERS WORKER: Whoa! You've got green streaks in your hair!!!
JULIE: Yes I do!
DUNKERS WORKER: That's pretty awesome.
JULIE: Thanks.
DUNKERS WORKER: Green is my favorite color.
JULIE: Mine too!
(a minute passes)
DUNKERS WORKER: Well, you seem like a pretty cool person. I hope I see more of you.
JULIE: Well....I come in here sometimes.
DUNKERS WORKER: Cool. I wish I knew my schedule... but it's all messed up.
JULIE: Ohhhh.....
and then when i was leaving he told me to have a wonderful night.
YEAH. THAT HAPPENED. he seemed like a nice guy. had a lip ring. kind of reminded me of Jonah Hill. i like that he said i seemed cool. because of my teal streaks. i was also wearing my teal jacket.
(lots of profanities are being screamed outside the window right now)
ANYWAYS. good encounter at Dunkers. maybe i'll go in again. maybe i won't.
so then i headed off to Boston. finally left around 7:30ish. maybe. had a good drive. started to get a little nervous once i approached the city. just because i am not a confident driver. and i hadn't been "city driving" in the new car before. i'm still not sure of it's size.
so, i get off at the exit. and i think i'm doing all the right things. but, then somehow, i don't end up on Mass Ave. in looking at the Google Maps afterwards, i think i took the 'slightly straight right hand turn' as opposed to the 'really right hand turn' and ended up on the wrong street.
BUT! luckily, the wrong street ended up turning into the street that Ryan lives on! um, awesome!
and i was driving and suddenly thought, 'wait a minute....i recognize this from Google Street View!' and i knew i was on the right street. BUT THEN! there was no parking. so, i had to keep going. and i ended up mildly lost. i stayed on her street for a long time until finally there looked to be confusing construction things happening up ahead, so i turned right. and then found a 'non-parking spot' to stop for a minute while i got out my handy GPS.
AND now that i have TWO POWER OUTLETS in my car, i can use both the GPS charger and the ipod charger at the same time!!!! it's truly amazing.
so, i put in her address and it was very easy to get back to. and then i turned onto her street and saw a parking spot, but it was on the other side of the street.
so i quickly made a left hand turn. then a right hand turn. and then another right hand turn back onto her street. and GOT THE SPOT. i think it's a real parking spot. the length between the car i parked in front of, and the "no parking here to corner" sign was EXACTLY the length of my car. so, i fit in there.
and please Boston, don't tow me. that would put a crack in the awesomeness that will be thursday.
so, that was the mini parking saga. which, was kind of the worst, because i stress about parking. but it ended up okay. and i made it!! Ryan greeted me at the door and it was very exciting!!! her apartment is super nice! and her roommates Tony and Brent are also super nice!!!! it's been very fun so far. we hung around for a while listening to really great music.
TOMORROW will be awesome. actually, it's today. and it's already starting out awesome. OOHHHH I'M SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!
when i was driving here, listening to Crash Kings, i thought, "holy crap i can't believe i'm going to see them tomorrow!!!!!!!"
it's going to rock.
and my ear is getting better. it's not as swollen. it's kind of turning black....but i'm not worrying about that. not the whole ear, just the bump part. it's still a bump, but now a tiny one. before it was so big that it was almost touching my head. YEAH NO KIDDING. that's how swollen it was. but not anymore. it does still hurt sometimes.
maybe i'm getting tired. i'm blogging from Ryan's room. it's almost 2am. she has class in the morning until 2pm. and then we will leave! and PUNCH IT all the way to Pennsylvania.
i don't believe i've ever been to Pennsylvania. when Aliya and i roadtripped from Florida to Massachusetts, we passed through Maryland, Delaware and then into New Jersey. so, i think we skipped PA.
i'm excited!!!! a new state!!!!!! how awesome. and a new state plus Crash Kings. any state that Crash Kings are in goes to the top of the "Best State" list. yeah. that's something else i'm implementing when i become president. The Best State List.
i'm kidding. all states are equal.
(except when Crash Kings are there...then that state is a little better than all the rest.)
ok. well. i hope everyone is having a great time. doing whatever you are doing in the moments after you stop reading this blog post.
i may or may not talk to you in the morning. we'll seeeee.
have a great thursday!!!!!!
AAAHHH I MADE IT!!!! after a day of being completely unmotivated, i made it to boston. i don't know what it was about today, but i couldn't make myself do anything. i blame it on the rigorous course of antibiotics i am on.
(i realized that i will really be taking a pill every 6ish hours for the next week. that's intense.)
(it's easier for me to think of it in hours, rather than days. 4 pills a day. what? a pill every 6 hours. okay.)
anyways, i took a bath this afternoon which wasn't expected. i got in to take a shower, but then i got too tired and cold and didn't want to get out. so, instead i filled the tub and took a mini-bath.
i packed my bag. straightened up the house. cuddled Ruby Tuesday, who knew i was leaving, i think because she was making me feel very guilty by being so sweet and cuddly.
around, 7ish i left my house. i had to stop and get gas. and then i stopped at the atm. and then i stopped at Dunkin Donuts. here's what happened there:
i walk into Dunkers and there is a guy mopping the floor:
DUNKERS WORKER: Hi, how are you?
JULIE: Good, how are you?
DUNKERS WORKER: Good thanks. (says the name of other employee) will be right with you.
JULIE: Ok, great.
(a minute passes)
DUNKERS WORKER: So, are you a student around here?
JULIE: Um, no. I...work.
DUNKERS WORKER: Oh, well that's good too.
JULIE: Yeah...
(then he leaves to go wash the bathroom floor. and then he comes back.)
DUNKERS WORKER: Whoa! You've got green streaks in your hair!!!
JULIE: Yes I do!
DUNKERS WORKER: That's pretty awesome.
JULIE: Thanks.
DUNKERS WORKER: Green is my favorite color.
JULIE: Mine too!
(a minute passes)
DUNKERS WORKER: Well, you seem like a pretty cool person. I hope I see more of you.
JULIE: Well....I come in here sometimes.
DUNKERS WORKER: Cool. I wish I knew my schedule... but it's all messed up.
JULIE: Ohhhh.....
and then when i was leaving he told me to have a wonderful night.
YEAH. THAT HAPPENED. he seemed like a nice guy. had a lip ring. kind of reminded me of Jonah Hill. i like that he said i seemed cool. because of my teal streaks. i was also wearing my teal jacket.
(lots of profanities are being screamed outside the window right now)
ANYWAYS. good encounter at Dunkers. maybe i'll go in again. maybe i won't.
so then i headed off to Boston. finally left around 7:30ish. maybe. had a good drive. started to get a little nervous once i approached the city. just because i am not a confident driver. and i hadn't been "city driving" in the new car before. i'm still not sure of it's size.
so, i get off at the exit. and i think i'm doing all the right things. but, then somehow, i don't end up on Mass Ave. in looking at the Google Maps afterwards, i think i took the 'slightly straight right hand turn' as opposed to the 'really right hand turn' and ended up on the wrong street.
BUT! luckily, the wrong street ended up turning into the street that Ryan lives on! um, awesome!
and i was driving and suddenly thought, 'wait a minute....i recognize this from Google Street View!' and i knew i was on the right street. BUT THEN! there was no parking. so, i had to keep going. and i ended up mildly lost. i stayed on her street for a long time until finally there looked to be confusing construction things happening up ahead, so i turned right. and then found a 'non-parking spot' to stop for a minute while i got out my handy GPS.
AND now that i have TWO POWER OUTLETS in my car, i can use both the GPS charger and the ipod charger at the same time!!!! it's truly amazing.
so, i put in her address and it was very easy to get back to. and then i turned onto her street and saw a parking spot, but it was on the other side of the street.
so i quickly made a left hand turn. then a right hand turn. and then another right hand turn back onto her street. and GOT THE SPOT. i think it's a real parking spot. the length between the car i parked in front of, and the "no parking here to corner" sign was EXACTLY the length of my car. so, i fit in there.
and please Boston, don't tow me. that would put a crack in the awesomeness that will be thursday.
so, that was the mini parking saga. which, was kind of the worst, because i stress about parking. but it ended up okay. and i made it!! Ryan greeted me at the door and it was very exciting!!! her apartment is super nice! and her roommates Tony and Brent are also super nice!!!! it's been very fun so far. we hung around for a while listening to really great music.
TOMORROW will be awesome. actually, it's today. and it's already starting out awesome. OOHHHH I'M SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!
when i was driving here, listening to Crash Kings, i thought, "holy crap i can't believe i'm going to see them tomorrow!!!!!!!"
it's going to rock.
and my ear is getting better. it's not as swollen. it's kind of turning black....but i'm not worrying about that. not the whole ear, just the bump part. it's still a bump, but now a tiny one. before it was so big that it was almost touching my head. YEAH NO KIDDING. that's how swollen it was. but not anymore. it does still hurt sometimes.
maybe i'm getting tired. i'm blogging from Ryan's room. it's almost 2am. she has class in the morning until 2pm. and then we will leave! and PUNCH IT all the way to Pennsylvania.
i don't believe i've ever been to Pennsylvania. when Aliya and i roadtripped from Florida to Massachusetts, we passed through Maryland, Delaware and then into New Jersey. so, i think we skipped PA.
i'm excited!!!! a new state!!!!!! how awesome. and a new state plus Crash Kings. any state that Crash Kings are in goes to the top of the "Best State" list. yeah. that's something else i'm implementing when i become president. The Best State List.
i'm kidding. all states are equal.
(except when Crash Kings are there...then that state is a little better than all the rest.)
ok. well. i hope everyone is having a great time. doing whatever you are doing in the moments after you stop reading this blog post.
i may or may not talk to you in the morning. we'll seeeee.
have a great thursday!!!!!!
Episode 391: Police and Piercings
oh wow. so much to report.
i'm blogging in the daytime, which i'm not very used to. and i'm eating a bowl of chocolate cheerios. which, i happen to be very used to.
so i had kind of been keeping you updated on the status of my ear piercing. and how it usually gets infected every couple weeks. maybe every three weeks or so. maybe once a month, i actually don't know. only that it feels like i'm constantly cleaning it with alcohol. it usually is fine again after a week of alcohol cleaning.
however, about a week and a half ago, i suspected it was starting to get infected, so i began cleaning it. and as the days went on, it did not seem to be getting better. it seemed to be getting worse.
i woke up this past weekend (kara was visiting!) and my whole left ear was throbbing, swollen and bright red. MAN, it hurt. it had never hurt this bad before, even right after i got it pierced.
and so i began a more strict regimen of trying to fight the infection.
- kara said that when her earlobe piercing got infected once she used neosporin and it cleared up pretty quick. even though i had read that you're not supposed to use neosporin on piercings, i tried it.
- i had read about someone who would brew chamomile tea bags and wrap them around her ear. so, i tried this.
- tea tree oil! i read about lots of people who had killed infections by washing their piercing with tea tree oil. so i tried this. WHOA IT'S SMELLY. i haven't used it in over 24 hours and my bathroom still smells like tea tree oil. i had read that you should definitely dilute it before putting it on your skin, and then i had read that you don't need to dilute it at all. so, i started with like, 2/3 water, 1/3 tea tree oil. then the next time, i went 2/3 tea tree oil, 1/3 water. and then the third time i just used straight oil.
- i also continued to use the alcohol.
pretty soon, the bump on the back of my ear was so big that you could no longer see the end of the earring post. NO, i did not have an earring back on.
so, i guess i was kind of starting to get worried.
now, when i went to bed on monday night, this bump was white. like, full of gross pus infection things. when i woke up on tuesday morning, this bump was a lot more swollen AND purple.
i was kind of confused about the purple. so, i decided that after staff meeting i would see if i could get into the doctor's.
so, staff meeting ends at like, 2pm or so, and i head upstairs. Courtney suggested that i call Alice Peck Day Hospital to see if they could give me an appointment. now, ever since i have moved up here, i have not bothered to find a doctor. so, i am a doctor-less person in need of a doctor.
so, i call APD. i choose the 'same day appointment' option on the long list of automated options.
APD: Hello, this is triage.
JULIE: Hi... I'm hoping you can help me... I kind of recently moved to the area and haven't set up a PCP yet, but I do have health insurance..
APD: Okay.
JULIE: Um, well, I think my ear piercing is infected and I was wondering if there was anybody that could see me....
APD: Well, we're not set up to take patients that we've never seen before. The same day appointments are only for prior patients. You're best bet would be to go to the Dartmouth Emergency Room, but you should definitely get it checked out if you think it's infected.
so that was a bummer. they're not set up to take people they've never seen before? i didn't really get that. like, they don't have any blank forms.....? i don't know. but i DID know that i didn't want to go to Dartmouth Hitchcock because, although it's top notch, it's also a giant scary machine.
PLUS, an ER visit would have meant a higher copay. and, i didn't really think it was an emergency.
so, i did some googling for 'walk-in clinics' around here. there is a great walk-in clinic in Berwick, Maine that i have been to twice. they are awesome. and i recommend Jeffery.
the closest walk-in clinic to here was in Concord, which is like, 56 miles away. UGH. i decided i would make the trek.
so, i set off on my journey. i am ALMOST in Concord (like, a mile away from 93) when i get pulled over. YEAH. like, by a police officer. a state trooper, actually. i don't know if there's any difference. i was kind of worried, because i knew that i wasn't speeding. and i was also worried that i was not going to make it to the clinic before they close at 5pm.
so, the statie walks up to my car:
POLICE: License and registration.
JULIE: (says nothing)
POLICE: So, why isn't your car inspected?
JULIE: My car is inspected.
POLICE: Actually, it's not, and it's a $150 fine.
JULIE: Okay, but it is inspected.
POLICE: You have a '2' sticker on your license plate, but an '11' sticker on your windshield. So, to me that means that you were supposed to get your car inspected in February, but didn't.
JULIE: No, the car is supposed to be inspected in November.
POLICE: No, give me your license and registration and I'll explain it...
okay, let ME explain. even though i was born in february and that's when i SHOULD get my car inspected and registered, since i'm leasing this new car, it moves to the "toyota month," which is november. now, i had the new stickers in my car from when i registered it a few weeks ago, but i just hadn't put them on my license plate. why? well, basically because i thought it was lame.
i ALREADY had a 2011 sticker on my license plate from when i got my old car registered in february. now i was going to have to put a 2010 sticker BACK on, only to switch it to 2011 again in november? nah, that just seemed lame! so, i didn't.
POLICE: Well, actually, you're right, it is in November. But why haven't you put these stickers on your car?
JULIE: ....I guess....I just didn't want to.
POLICE: ......So, where do you live? Lebanon?
JULIE: Yeah.
POLICE: Well, this has a PO Box address on it. Do you live in a PO Box?
JULIE: I live on Abbott Street.
POLICE: Okay, cause a PO Box would be kinda small.
JULIE: No kidding.
POLICE: Okay, sit tight, I'll be back with this.
JULIE: Sure.
so, he's gone for a while. i'm worried i'm not going to make the doctor's. and then finally he comes back.
POLICE: Okay, I'm giving you a written warning. Where are you headed?
JULIE: To Concord for a doctor's appointment.
(i said 'doctor's appointment' because i wanted him to think that maybe he was making me late for something important.)
POLICE: And what are you going to do when you get there?
JULIE: I'm gonna put those stickers on my car!
POLICE: Great, have a good day.
JULIE: Thanks, you too.
and i put the stickers on my car. i lost. how could he have even seen that the '2' on my license plate didn't match the '11' on my windshield? i don't know. he was like, one car behind me and in the other lane. whatever. maybe i was a little mean to him. but, he was kind of mean to me, so i don't feel bad.
ANYWAYS, back on the road.
i find the clinic! after a bit of confusion as to which building, i finally get there. and WALK IN!!! i had made sure they took my insurance before leaving my house, so i knew i was going to be all set.
although, i was nervous because i had never used my health insurance before. like, MINE. it was the first time i was using it NOT being on my dad's. it was mine. i was the adult.
CLINIC LADY: Hi! What can we do for you?
JULIE: Hi!! Well, I think my ear piercing is infected.
CLINIC LADY: Let me see.... (shows her my ear)... WHOA! Yeah, that doesn't look good. Okay, we'll have someone take a look at it! Do you have insurance?
CLINIC LADY: Okay, so, just let me see that card so I can make a copy of it, and you can fill out these forms and we'll be good to go!
JULIE: Thank you so much!
so, i go and fill out the forms. and bring them back. it's a $15 copay, so that's not bad.
JULIE: These forms are all set...
CLINIC LADY: Hey, rock on! Alright, just sit tight and I'll be out to get you.
JULIE: Great!
so, i wait like, five minutes and then she comes out for me. and i go into the room. she takes my temperature, (98.4) and my blood pressure, (118 over something - which she says is great!). then she says that Danielle will be in to see me shortly and that she is a sweetie.
and then like, one minute later, Danielle comes in. and yes, she is a sweetie. and she looks at my ear and says,
DANIELLE: So, this is all healed over in the back.
JULIE: It is?
DANIELLE: Yeah, there's no more hole for the earring to go through. Are you wearing an earring back?
DANIELLE: Are you sure?
DANIELLE: Okay, because if you are, then it's trapped inside there.
JULIE: I'm definitely not wearing one.
DANIELLE: Okay, good. So, you have two options, either we could open this up now and drain it out, or, you could go home, soak it in warm water and Epsom salt and try and do it yourself.
JULIE: .....Umm....I think I'd feel better if you did it.
DANIELLE: Okay. And either way you're getting antibiotics. Alright, let me go get some numbing medicine.
okay now i was getting nervous. i didn't really know how this was all going to play out. and she comes back with this huge kit.
DANIELLE: Don't worry, I'm not going to use all these things. And I'm not going to use this big needle, I just need to get the medicine out.
JULIE: Okay, good!
DANIELLE: Alright, I'm going to give you this tiny needle to numb up the area. It will probably feel like a beesting and then burn a little after. Well, you got it pierced, so it will probably feel like that.
and now i'm nervous because i've never been stung by anything, so i don't know how that feels. but, it only pinches a little. and as soon as she sticks the needle in she says,
DANIELLE: Wow, there's stuff already coming out! Wow, lot's of stuff.
JULIE: Like....what kind of stuff...?
DANIELLE: Pus. Wow, you got this infected pretty good!!
and she's standing there for a while, draining all this stuff out. it didn't really hurt, which i was glad of. probably because she numbed it first.
DANIELLE: So, did you do this yourself, or did you go to a place to get it done?
JULIE: I went to a place. And, I've had it over a year.
DANIELLE: Oh!! It's not a new piercing?
JULIE: No, not at all.
DANIELLE: Wow, that's weird.
and she wrote me a prescription for antibiotics. and put a bandaid on my ear. no more earring. she said she could try to push the earring through if i wanted. but she didn't really seem to thrilled about that idea, and neither was i.
so, goodbye earring! so far, i don't really miss it.
BUT!! let me tell you about these antibiotics that i am on.
- 500mg
- four times a day
- for seven days!!
2000mg A DAY!!!! holy crap!!! i couldn't believe it when i saw the bottle. that's a lot of medicine for my little ear. it must have been about to fall off, or something.
and i looked up the drug online and it said that most people get an dosage of either 750mg twice a day, or 250mg four times a day.
I ALMOST DIED!!!! oh, that earring. i went 23 years without a single piercing, and then i get one, and the whole thing goes to crap.
NEVER AGAIN will i put an unnecessary hole in my body.
so, i've started taking the antibiotics. i've taken three already. four times a day is a lot. and Danielle told me to still soak it in warm water and epsom salt. so, i've been doing that. and she said that more stuff will probably still come out, and do just keep working at it.
aren't you so happy to know all this?!?! i bet you are. it's like the time i blogged through having the stomach flu. that was great too, right!?! oh, you all are so lucky to have me in your lives.
ANYWAYS. i was talking to kara yesterday on the phone before going to the doctor's and she said,
KARA: I mean, you want to get it checked out before you go see Crash Kings.
JULIE: Yeah, that's a good point. So that if Tony starts making out with me, he won't be totally grossed out.
KARA: Yeah, like, what if he wants to brush your hair behind your ear?
JULIE: Like the kid in Zombieland!
KARA: Yeah! I mean, that huge purple bump might be kind of a turn off.
which is a perf segue, because TONIGHT i am driving to Boston to stay with Ryan at her apartment! and then TOMORROW, we're driving to West Chester, PA to see CRASH KINGS. at The Note.
aaahhhh it will be sooooooooo great!!!!!!!! no JET this time, ONLY Crash Kings. well, and this other band, which we'll probably miss.
and after the show in PA, we're driving back north to NYC to stay with one of Ryan's friends. and then hang out in the city on friday! so great! oohhhh i'm so excited. we are great adventurers.
i did laundry last night. i washed all my pillowcases. wasn't that smart of me? i think so. i probably don't wash them enough, which could be a reason for the infection, i suppose. also, Ruby Tuesday walks all over them to try and get me to wake up in the morning so she can have her breakfast. that probably doesn't help.
ALRIGHT. i have things to do! before i leave this evening.
i haven't been to a Crash Kings concert since The Paradise on 9 March!! this is the LONGEST i've gone since the show on 31 January!
okay, let's play a fun game. let's see if Julie can name all the dates of the CK's shows she's been to. READY, STEADY, GOOOO!!!
- 13 December, The Middle East
- 31 January, Great Scott
- 4 February, The Collosseum
- 6 March, Northern Lights
- 7 March, Starland Ballroom
- 9 March, The Paradise
and soon to be:
- 15 April, The Note
so crazy, right?! so awesome.
ok, i'm gonna go now. perhaps eat something else. this entry has taken me quite a bit of time. it's like, 3pm now. tree! treepm.
hope you are having a lovely day. i will try and update you again soon. maybe like....in boston? or nyc? i don't know. you can keep you eyes open for Twitter/FB status updates as to my whereabouts.
i think i'm going to embrace the dresses these next few days. it's supposed to be super nice weather. i might pack some dresses to wear. although, the dresses i'm thinking of don't have pockets. eh, i'll think of something. DRESS WEATHER! my fave.
dresses are also easier to pack than shirts and pants. they are generally better in every way.
OK! time for me to go do something productive. although, i consider this productivity. i wanted to let you all know about my piercing saga.
alright, i will talk to you at a later time and date. hopefully not too much later. take care. drive safe. i will drive safe. and hopefully not get pulled over again for nonsense reasons.
i'm blogging in the daytime, which i'm not very used to. and i'm eating a bowl of chocolate cheerios. which, i happen to be very used to.
so i had kind of been keeping you updated on the status of my ear piercing. and how it usually gets infected every couple weeks. maybe every three weeks or so. maybe once a month, i actually don't know. only that it feels like i'm constantly cleaning it with alcohol. it usually is fine again after a week of alcohol cleaning.
however, about a week and a half ago, i suspected it was starting to get infected, so i began cleaning it. and as the days went on, it did not seem to be getting better. it seemed to be getting worse.
i woke up this past weekend (kara was visiting!) and my whole left ear was throbbing, swollen and bright red. MAN, it hurt. it had never hurt this bad before, even right after i got it pierced.
and so i began a more strict regimen of trying to fight the infection.
- kara said that when her earlobe piercing got infected once she used neosporin and it cleared up pretty quick. even though i had read that you're not supposed to use neosporin on piercings, i tried it.
- i had read about someone who would brew chamomile tea bags and wrap them around her ear. so, i tried this.
- tea tree oil! i read about lots of people who had killed infections by washing their piercing with tea tree oil. so i tried this. WHOA IT'S SMELLY. i haven't used it in over 24 hours and my bathroom still smells like tea tree oil. i had read that you should definitely dilute it before putting it on your skin, and then i had read that you don't need to dilute it at all. so, i started with like, 2/3 water, 1/3 tea tree oil. then the next time, i went 2/3 tea tree oil, 1/3 water. and then the third time i just used straight oil.
- i also continued to use the alcohol.
pretty soon, the bump on the back of my ear was so big that you could no longer see the end of the earring post. NO, i did not have an earring back on.
so, i guess i was kind of starting to get worried.
now, when i went to bed on monday night, this bump was white. like, full of gross pus infection things. when i woke up on tuesday morning, this bump was a lot more swollen AND purple.
i was kind of confused about the purple. so, i decided that after staff meeting i would see if i could get into the doctor's.
so, staff meeting ends at like, 2pm or so, and i head upstairs. Courtney suggested that i call Alice Peck Day Hospital to see if they could give me an appointment. now, ever since i have moved up here, i have not bothered to find a doctor. so, i am a doctor-less person in need of a doctor.
so, i call APD. i choose the 'same day appointment' option on the long list of automated options.
APD: Hello, this is triage.
JULIE: Hi... I'm hoping you can help me... I kind of recently moved to the area and haven't set up a PCP yet, but I do have health insurance..
APD: Okay.
JULIE: Um, well, I think my ear piercing is infected and I was wondering if there was anybody that could see me....
APD: Well, we're not set up to take patients that we've never seen before. The same day appointments are only for prior patients. You're best bet would be to go to the Dartmouth Emergency Room, but you should definitely get it checked out if you think it's infected.
so that was a bummer. they're not set up to take people they've never seen before? i didn't really get that. like, they don't have any blank forms.....? i don't know. but i DID know that i didn't want to go to Dartmouth Hitchcock because, although it's top notch, it's also a giant scary machine.
PLUS, an ER visit would have meant a higher copay. and, i didn't really think it was an emergency.
so, i did some googling for 'walk-in clinics' around here. there is a great walk-in clinic in Berwick, Maine that i have been to twice. they are awesome. and i recommend Jeffery.
the closest walk-in clinic to here was in Concord, which is like, 56 miles away. UGH. i decided i would make the trek.
so, i set off on my journey. i am ALMOST in Concord (like, a mile away from 93) when i get pulled over. YEAH. like, by a police officer. a state trooper, actually. i don't know if there's any difference. i was kind of worried, because i knew that i wasn't speeding. and i was also worried that i was not going to make it to the clinic before they close at 5pm.
so, the statie walks up to my car:
POLICE: License and registration.
JULIE: (says nothing)
POLICE: So, why isn't your car inspected?
JULIE: My car is inspected.
POLICE: Actually, it's not, and it's a $150 fine.
JULIE: Okay, but it is inspected.
POLICE: You have a '2' sticker on your license plate, but an '11' sticker on your windshield. So, to me that means that you were supposed to get your car inspected in February, but didn't.
JULIE: No, the car is supposed to be inspected in November.
POLICE: No, give me your license and registration and I'll explain it...
okay, let ME explain. even though i was born in february and that's when i SHOULD get my car inspected and registered, since i'm leasing this new car, it moves to the "toyota month," which is november. now, i had the new stickers in my car from when i registered it a few weeks ago, but i just hadn't put them on my license plate. why? well, basically because i thought it was lame.
i ALREADY had a 2011 sticker on my license plate from when i got my old car registered in february. now i was going to have to put a 2010 sticker BACK on, only to switch it to 2011 again in november? nah, that just seemed lame! so, i didn't.
POLICE: Well, actually, you're right, it is in November. But why haven't you put these stickers on your car?
JULIE: ....I guess....I just didn't want to.
POLICE: ......So, where do you live? Lebanon?
JULIE: Yeah.
POLICE: Well, this has a PO Box address on it. Do you live in a PO Box?
JULIE: I live on Abbott Street.
POLICE: Okay, cause a PO Box would be kinda small.
JULIE: No kidding.
POLICE: Okay, sit tight, I'll be back with this.
JULIE: Sure.
so, he's gone for a while. i'm worried i'm not going to make the doctor's. and then finally he comes back.
POLICE: Okay, I'm giving you a written warning. Where are you headed?
JULIE: To Concord for a doctor's appointment.
(i said 'doctor's appointment' because i wanted him to think that maybe he was making me late for something important.)
POLICE: And what are you going to do when you get there?
JULIE: I'm gonna put those stickers on my car!
POLICE: Great, have a good day.
JULIE: Thanks, you too.
and i put the stickers on my car. i lost. how could he have even seen that the '2' on my license plate didn't match the '11' on my windshield? i don't know. he was like, one car behind me and in the other lane. whatever. maybe i was a little mean to him. but, he was kind of mean to me, so i don't feel bad.
ANYWAYS, back on the road.
i find the clinic! after a bit of confusion as to which building, i finally get there. and WALK IN!!! i had made sure they took my insurance before leaving my house, so i knew i was going to be all set.
although, i was nervous because i had never used my health insurance before. like, MINE. it was the first time i was using it NOT being on my dad's. it was mine. i was the adult.
CLINIC LADY: Hi! What can we do for you?
JULIE: Hi!! Well, I think my ear piercing is infected.
CLINIC LADY: Let me see.... (shows her my ear)... WHOA! Yeah, that doesn't look good. Okay, we'll have someone take a look at it! Do you have insurance?
CLINIC LADY: Okay, so, just let me see that card so I can make a copy of it, and you can fill out these forms and we'll be good to go!
JULIE: Thank you so much!
so, i go and fill out the forms. and bring them back. it's a $15 copay, so that's not bad.
JULIE: These forms are all set...
CLINIC LADY: Hey, rock on! Alright, just sit tight and I'll be out to get you.
JULIE: Great!
so, i wait like, five minutes and then she comes out for me. and i go into the room. she takes my temperature, (98.4) and my blood pressure, (118 over something - which she says is great!). then she says that Danielle will be in to see me shortly and that she is a sweetie.
and then like, one minute later, Danielle comes in. and yes, she is a sweetie. and she looks at my ear and says,
DANIELLE: So, this is all healed over in the back.
JULIE: It is?
DANIELLE: Yeah, there's no more hole for the earring to go through. Are you wearing an earring back?
DANIELLE: Are you sure?
DANIELLE: Okay, because if you are, then it's trapped inside there.
JULIE: I'm definitely not wearing one.
DANIELLE: Okay, good. So, you have two options, either we could open this up now and drain it out, or, you could go home, soak it in warm water and Epsom salt and try and do it yourself.
JULIE: .....Umm....I think I'd feel better if you did it.
DANIELLE: Okay. And either way you're getting antibiotics. Alright, let me go get some numbing medicine.
okay now i was getting nervous. i didn't really know how this was all going to play out. and she comes back with this huge kit.
DANIELLE: Don't worry, I'm not going to use all these things. And I'm not going to use this big needle, I just need to get the medicine out.
JULIE: Okay, good!
DANIELLE: Alright, I'm going to give you this tiny needle to numb up the area. It will probably feel like a beesting and then burn a little after. Well, you got it pierced, so it will probably feel like that.
and now i'm nervous because i've never been stung by anything, so i don't know how that feels. but, it only pinches a little. and as soon as she sticks the needle in she says,
DANIELLE: Wow, there's stuff already coming out! Wow, lot's of stuff.
JULIE: Like....what kind of stuff...?
DANIELLE: Pus. Wow, you got this infected pretty good!!
and she's standing there for a while, draining all this stuff out. it didn't really hurt, which i was glad of. probably because she numbed it first.
DANIELLE: So, did you do this yourself, or did you go to a place to get it done?
JULIE: I went to a place. And, I've had it over a year.
DANIELLE: Oh!! It's not a new piercing?
JULIE: No, not at all.
DANIELLE: Wow, that's weird.
and she wrote me a prescription for antibiotics. and put a bandaid on my ear. no more earring. she said she could try to push the earring through if i wanted. but she didn't really seem to thrilled about that idea, and neither was i.
so, goodbye earring! so far, i don't really miss it.
BUT!! let me tell you about these antibiotics that i am on.
- 500mg
- four times a day
- for seven days!!
2000mg A DAY!!!! holy crap!!! i couldn't believe it when i saw the bottle. that's a lot of medicine for my little ear. it must have been about to fall off, or something.
and i looked up the drug online and it said that most people get an dosage of either 750mg twice a day, or 250mg four times a day.
I ALMOST DIED!!!! oh, that earring. i went 23 years without a single piercing, and then i get one, and the whole thing goes to crap.
NEVER AGAIN will i put an unnecessary hole in my body.
so, i've started taking the antibiotics. i've taken three already. four times a day is a lot. and Danielle told me to still soak it in warm water and epsom salt. so, i've been doing that. and she said that more stuff will probably still come out, and do just keep working at it.
aren't you so happy to know all this?!?! i bet you are. it's like the time i blogged through having the stomach flu. that was great too, right!?! oh, you all are so lucky to have me in your lives.
ANYWAYS. i was talking to kara yesterday on the phone before going to the doctor's and she said,
KARA: I mean, you want to get it checked out before you go see Crash Kings.
JULIE: Yeah, that's a good point. So that if Tony starts making out with me, he won't be totally grossed out.
KARA: Yeah, like, what if he wants to brush your hair behind your ear?
JULIE: Like the kid in Zombieland!
KARA: Yeah! I mean, that huge purple bump might be kind of a turn off.
which is a perf segue, because TONIGHT i am driving to Boston to stay with Ryan at her apartment! and then TOMORROW, we're driving to West Chester, PA to see CRASH KINGS. at The Note.
aaahhhh it will be sooooooooo great!!!!!!!! no JET this time, ONLY Crash Kings. well, and this other band, which we'll probably miss.
and after the show in PA, we're driving back north to NYC to stay with one of Ryan's friends. and then hang out in the city on friday! so great! oohhhh i'm so excited. we are great adventurers.
i did laundry last night. i washed all my pillowcases. wasn't that smart of me? i think so. i probably don't wash them enough, which could be a reason for the infection, i suppose. also, Ruby Tuesday walks all over them to try and get me to wake up in the morning so she can have her breakfast. that probably doesn't help.
ALRIGHT. i have things to do! before i leave this evening.
i haven't been to a Crash Kings concert since The Paradise on 9 March!! this is the LONGEST i've gone since the show on 31 January!
okay, let's play a fun game. let's see if Julie can name all the dates of the CK's shows she's been to. READY, STEADY, GOOOO!!!
- 13 December, The Middle East
- 31 January, Great Scott
- 4 February, The Collosseum
- 6 March, Northern Lights
- 7 March, Starland Ballroom
- 9 March, The Paradise
and soon to be:
- 15 April, The Note
so crazy, right?! so awesome.
ok, i'm gonna go now. perhaps eat something else. this entry has taken me quite a bit of time. it's like, 3pm now. tree! treepm.
hope you are having a lovely day. i will try and update you again soon. maybe like....in boston? or nyc? i don't know. you can keep you eyes open for Twitter/FB status updates as to my whereabouts.
i think i'm going to embrace the dresses these next few days. it's supposed to be super nice weather. i might pack some dresses to wear. although, the dresses i'm thinking of don't have pockets. eh, i'll think of something. DRESS WEATHER! my fave.
dresses are also easier to pack than shirts and pants. they are generally better in every way.
OK! time for me to go do something productive. although, i consider this productivity. i wanted to let you all know about my piercing saga.
alright, i will talk to you at a later time and date. hopefully not too much later. take care. drive safe. i will drive safe. and hopefully not get pulled over again for nonsense reasons.
12 April 2010
take back the freaking jacket. might i remind you of my Teal Jacket Saga? oh, such a painful time in my life.
it will be the three year anniversary this May of when i lost my precious teal jacket. my favorite item in the whole world. i had it one second, and then the next it was gone. i cried. multiple times over this jacket. OH THE PAIN. OH THE AGONY.
oh how i love my teal jacket,
my teal jacket i got for free.
and now that i'm lost without it,
i wonder, is it lost without me?
i found that in my old livejournal. yep. i wrote a poem about the jacket.
and as Josiah said to me when i told him i had lost the jacket,
JOSIAH: That jacket defined you. That jacket defined your generation.
it was a pretty important jacket.
TO THIS DAY, not a day goes by where i don't wish i had that jacket....
here i am after coming home from a shift in the Airport Lounge. we had a bad rainstorm that night, as is pretty obvious. one of the worst storms i've ever had to be outside in. i was soaked. but, at least i had my jacket. (and my hott Rooney poster in the background!)
driving in my car. hott sunglasses. hott jacket.

here are Kara and i at the Quabbin Reservoir. kara is wearing the jacket. note, the super trendy pins that i put on. anyone who wore that jacket was automatically the coolest person in the room.

seeing the jacket on Natalie Portman in the film, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. i came to the conclusion that Nat Port stole it. STOLE IT. she even stole my trendy pins. now, i am not a person to hold a grudge. but, i hold one against Nat Port.

Kristen Bell, starring here as Veronica Mars, is seen wearing the jacket. look how cute she looks. i decided i can't hate on K.Bell. CLEARLY, she got the jacket from Nat Port. so everybody can just hate on Nat Port.
here were constant reminders of my favorite thing which i had lost. i tried and tried and tried to supplement the teal jacket with other teal things in my life. lots of other things, actually. but they never quite filled the void. some came close. my teal purse is one that came very close. i even bought another teal jacket! but, i never wear it. it's not right. it's just not right. the implementation of the teal streaks in my hair was a BIG IMPROVEMENT.
but, i decided something last week. it was a simple decision. one that one quite clear, and quite obvious.
i needed to TAKE BACK THE JACKET. and so i devised a plan. so, so simple! why had it never come to me before?!? i don't understand this.
i had seen a white denim jacket for sale on oldnavy.com. now, my old jacket was corduroy, but i would settle for denim. it was the same style as my old teal jacket, at least. and, BONUS, it had pockets. something the old one did not.
1. buy the white denim jacket
2. dye it teal
SO SIMPLE!!!!!! why oh why had i never had this idea before??? i have dyed clothes before! created colorful things out of non colorful things!!!! i could do this!!!! i could CREATE another teal jacket!!!!!!!!
AND, i would photodocument the journey as to be more fulfilling for you and for me. :)
Old Navy white denim jacket.
wet jacket in the sink waiting to be dyed.
i couldn't have done it without these guys. i decided to buy two bottles. i tried to dye some shirts black over last summer and only used one packet of black dye. the shirts came out gray. this is what made me decide to get two bottles of teal dye. i wanted VIBRANT.
i had a little emergency once i put the jacket in the hot water on the stove. i needed to bail out some water because it was overflowing. hence, the second stainless steel pot.
teal jacket cooking away on the stove!!!!! i was getting REALLY EXCITED by this point. it looked like it was going to come out AWESOME.
it was by far the messiest dye job i've ever done. don't worry, it all came off very easily.
and the mess overflow. dye coming off my skin?? yeah, that's a different story. it's almost 1am and my hands are still teal.
wet jacket in the sink!!!!!!!! the buttons came out a funny shade of green, but i don't mind. the teal color is PERFECT.
all washed and dried and perfect and wonderful.
WIN. WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN. I WIN AGAIN!!!!!!!! i now have an awesome teal jacket. and i love it. and i took it out of the dryer and my heart was full again.
all the little pieces of the world come together so well.
it was a perfect moment. i might never take it off. i might just never let it out of my sight.
HOWEVER, seeing as i've been using my teal purse, i feel like that might be teal overload. is there such a thing? i fear there is. i'll have to decide about the purse.
but oh, oh, oh, i am so happy. so excited.
take back the jacket = success.
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