i'm back! from my checking in with Courtney. she was reading a Stephen King book when i went down. i told her i was too scared to read Stephen King. she said some of them are more scary because he lets your imagination make up the visuals. i thought that was pretty interesting.
so, i wanted to tell you about this great band i just discovered!!!!
She and Him. or, She & Him. which ever you choose, it takes you to the same website. kind of like a 'choose your destiny' game. but, actually not really. but, i should try and do one of those for you one time. that would be a fun challenge.
ANYWAYS. have you heard of this band?? i found them in quite the roundabout way. let me explain.
- SO. it was last night. and i had the song 'Know it All' stuck in my head. that's a Phantom Planet song. that link takes you to my favorite version of the song. and then i thought, 'hm, wonder who wrote that song.' i wonder if it was Alex. or, Alex and Co. so, i decided to find out.
now, i knew that on the wikipedia page for The Jonas Brothers they give you a complete album listings and then on each of the album pages, they tell you who exactly wrote which song. every song! i don't know how i know this. definitely not from wikipediaing the JoBros one evening. nope, definitely not.
so, i wikipedia'd Phantom Planet. they do not have the same wikipedia luxary as the JoBros. they do not have quite as elaborate information. meaning, they don't have who wrote each song. ah well. i'll assume it was a collab effort.
but then i figured, 'hey, i'm on the Phantom Planet wikipedia, why not connect my way through to J.Schwartz.' it was pretty easy, because his name is in the first paragraph on the PP page.
and i was reading his page and saw that he had co-written a song with Zooey Deschanel called, 'Sweet Darlin' for some band called She & Him.
now i said to myself, "hm, wonder what that's about." so, i went along to the wikipedia for She and Him and discovered it was Zooey Deschanel's band! she's in this band with this other guy called M. Ward.
and then i said, "well, i have to hear that song." so, i went to my friends over at iTunes and gave it a listen. what a great song! very cute. then i listened to more of She and Him and discovered that i really liked it. all their songs sound like they are from the fifties! like, i picture the music videos in black and white and featuring people dancing on a beach with big hair, headbands, and old fashioned bathing costumes.
they're songs are very sweet. why don't you have a listen?!
- Sweet Darlin' - the one she wrote with J.Schwartz. it's not a music video, it's just pictures of Zooey being a totes glam hipster girl. you don't have to watch it, but you can still listen to it. or, you can watch it. whatever you want! hey, i watched it. i won't judge you.
- Change Is Hard - i like this song a lot. it's Zooey and M. performing on Craig Ferguson!!!! oh, craig.
so, take a listen. let me know what you think. or, let them know. i'm sure they have some sort of comment/email section on their website.
so, that's the new band i just learned about. and, if i'm actually the last person on the planet to hear them, so be it. i'm sad it took me this long and that nobody recommended them to me a while ago.
and then after all of this, i decided to wiki Coconut Records. why the heck not, right? and i learned another very interesting thing.
BACKSTORY: so, on Coconut Records first CD, Nighttiming, there is a song called 'Easy Girl.' great song, duh! and, seriously, every time i hear it i think to myself, "wow, Jason sounds so much better in the second verse than in the first!!" and i always simply dismissed this comment to myself and thought nothing of it.
CUT TO THE OTHER NIGHT: in my research of Coconut Records (which apparently, i knew nothing about...), i learned that IT IS NOT Jason singing the second verse in 'Easy Girl.' who is it, you ask? it's his brother Robert.
so THAT'S why it sounds so awesome all of a sudden. because it's Robert. and i think that Robert has a totally beautiful voice. now, i felt kind of bad for thinking this.
AND IF: you click on that Coconut Records link above, you can listen to the song 'Easy Girl,' just scroll down to find it and press play. and listen for Robert singing the second verse. but! the two of them sound so totally similar, that's why i thought it was Jason! only Jason 2.0 instead of Jason 1.9.
and if you want more proof that Robert has a totally beautiful voice, WATCH THIS: a video of him performing with The Jonas Brothers. and, Joe Jonas announces him, and he rises from the stage sitting at this white piano (he's quite angelic looking cause he's also totes gorgeous), and then he starts to play and sing this song called 'Letting You Down'. and, it's quite lovely and amazing. and then Nick Jonas starts to sing and you're like, "ugh, what!? bring back Robert."
but, apparently Robert wrote a lot of the songs on one of the JoBros albums. strange and confusing, yes.
and, i promise i wasn't planning on coming full circle with the Jonas Brothers. it just happened that way. and i can't remember how i found that video of Robert performing with them. i was probably definitely searching for Rooney videos and not Jonas Brothers videos.
but, wow! look at all these great things for you all to experience. links and links galore.
Ruby Tuesday is going on some sort of expedition in the living room. i'm not sure what's she's up to. but, she just knocked down the lamp and a bunch of other stuff.
the past few nights she's been very curious about the cabinets above my fridge. she's just up on the fridge and do the paw thing at the cabinets above her. that makes me nervous for two reasons:
1. because she's up on a high surface and i don't think she's being careful
2. because i think there might be a mouse or something
omg i don't know what i would do if i saw a mouse. probably scream and jump on top of something. actually, that's probably exactly what i would do.
my cheeks are really hott. i think because i was holding Ruby up next to my face. last night my face got really itchy because i was holding Ruby too much. aw, but she's so cute!!!
except when she runs and bites my ankles. that makes me mad because it hurts. and so lately i've been trying to teach her the difference between toys and not-toys. i'm not sure how much she's learning.
OH OH OH!!!!!! this is the most exciting thing you'll read all week!!!!!!
it's called Trilby and it totally rocks. um, best font ever? well, duh! it's a totes dave font.
get it? totes dave!!! i am using the 'dave' adjective we made up in Ireland and applying it to my totally awesome friend David! it works in more than one way!
i've had his font link in my tabs all day just waiting to tell you about it!!!!
hm. alright. after the big news about David you can't really say much else.
so! it's about midnight. and i'm going to eat some supper. i've been hungry for a while. it's time.
AND! it's officially my dad's birthday!!! 12:01 to be exact! happy birthday papa! i love you.
have a great sunday :)
29 August 2009
she comes and goes
Ruby Tuesday has a little cold. you can tell that she has a stuffy nose. and she's been sneezing. and sleepy all day. well, she normally sleeps all day.
but, it was funny this morning. i woke up and couldn't find her. and she was already asleep on the futon in the front room. she normally sleeps somewhere in my room until i wake up. and then once i'm awake, either sleeps on the rock in the tiny room, or the futon in the front room. i couldn't figure out why she was already sleeping there. but, she came running once she heard me getting her breakfast. she's a hungry girl.
so, not too much to tell you.
went to the library today. got:
- The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
- Everyman by Philip Roth
- The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
i started reading The Old Man and the Sea. it's only 120ish pages. i hate how i have all these books i want to read, but then i go to the library and can't think of any of them.
so! i came home and sat at my laptop. found the nearest thing to write with (a pen) and the nearest thing to write on (a piece of cardboard) and wrote my book list.

let me repost that list with any necessary commentation. commentary:
- Inferno
- 100 Years of Solitude - my friend Dave wikipedia'd this and saw there was a huge family tree posted of all the characters. he warned me of this in an email (the blog email address!!!), and i decided that since it was still the summertime, i wasn't up for a book that requires a family tree. but, i'll save it for later. thanks, dave!
- The Bell Jar - because i've never read it. and i watched 10 Things I Hate About You the other day and saw that Kat reads it.
- The Year of Magical Thinking
- Eat, Pray, Love
- In Cold Blood - my dad's favorite book, i think. enough reason.
- The Noonday Demon - was on the subway in Boston many, many years ago and saw someone reading this. wrote the title down on something i happened to be carrying with me. never forgot the title of the book, for some reason. also never read it. but, it's on my list.
- Arthur Miller? - i might want to read something by him.
- You Shall Know Our Velocity - never read anything by Dave Eggers. please don't hate me.
- The DaVinci Code - i've never read this either. i don't really want to. but, i'm keeping it on the list.
- The Sun Also Rises
- Madame Bovary
- Things the Grandchildren Should Know - Darren (from Phantom Planet) tweeted the other day that he was crying his eyes out while reading this memoir. did some research about it and discovered it was written by E., the lead singer of the band Eels!! which is Andrew's favorite band ever. Darren + Andrew = two great reasons!
- The Adventurer's Handbook - they're turning this into a movie with Jonah Hill, Jason Schwartzman and Jason Segal starring, and Kiv (from The Lonely Island) directing. it wasn't until i read that Kiv would be directing that i decided i wanted to read it.
OK! that's my list. if you have a book that needs to be added to the list - let me know. whatever it is. just comment with your favorite book and i'll read it.
i'm going to become a reader. hopefully reading all these stories and words will inspire my own stories and words and tales. that sounds lame. it kind of sounds like the start to a book.
OH, now i know. i'll start a blog about reading all these books. and i will do something in my life (either an action, or make a change, etc) that is somehow related to the book i am reading at the moment. and then my blog will become famous. they will turn it into a movie. Amy Adams will play me. and Meryl Streep will play all of the authors of the books.
wow. such a great idea. talk about an original idea, right?!?!
ok. i have more to tell you about, but i have to go to work. to check in with Courtney. so, i'm leaving you now, but know that i will return. this is only part one.
('play with fire' by the rolling stones starts to play)
.to be continued.
but, it was funny this morning. i woke up and couldn't find her. and she was already asleep on the futon in the front room. she normally sleeps somewhere in my room until i wake up. and then once i'm awake, either sleeps on the rock in the tiny room, or the futon in the front room. i couldn't figure out why she was already sleeping there. but, she came running once she heard me getting her breakfast. she's a hungry girl.
so, not too much to tell you.
went to the library today. got:
- The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
- Everyman by Philip Roth
- The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
i started reading The Old Man and the Sea. it's only 120ish pages. i hate how i have all these books i want to read, but then i go to the library and can't think of any of them.
so! i came home and sat at my laptop. found the nearest thing to write with (a pen) and the nearest thing to write on (a piece of cardboard) and wrote my book list.
let me repost that list with any necessary commentation. commentary:
- Inferno
- 100 Years of Solitude - my friend Dave wikipedia'd this and saw there was a huge family tree posted of all the characters. he warned me of this in an email (the blog email address!!!), and i decided that since it was still the summertime, i wasn't up for a book that requires a family tree. but, i'll save it for later. thanks, dave!
- The Bell Jar - because i've never read it. and i watched 10 Things I Hate About You the other day and saw that Kat reads it.
- The Year of Magical Thinking
- Eat, Pray, Love
- In Cold Blood - my dad's favorite book, i think. enough reason.
- The Noonday Demon - was on the subway in Boston many, many years ago and saw someone reading this. wrote the title down on something i happened to be carrying with me. never forgot the title of the book, for some reason. also never read it. but, it's on my list.
- Arthur Miller? - i might want to read something by him.
- You Shall Know Our Velocity - never read anything by Dave Eggers. please don't hate me.
- The DaVinci Code - i've never read this either. i don't really want to. but, i'm keeping it on the list.
- The Sun Also Rises
- Madame Bovary
- Things the Grandchildren Should Know - Darren (from Phantom Planet) tweeted the other day that he was crying his eyes out while reading this memoir. did some research about it and discovered it was written by E., the lead singer of the band Eels!! which is Andrew's favorite band ever. Darren + Andrew = two great reasons!
- The Adventurer's Handbook - they're turning this into a movie with Jonah Hill, Jason Schwartzman and Jason Segal starring, and Kiv (from The Lonely Island) directing. it wasn't until i read that Kiv would be directing that i decided i wanted to read it.
OK! that's my list. if you have a book that needs to be added to the list - let me know. whatever it is. just comment with your favorite book and i'll read it.
i'm going to become a reader. hopefully reading all these stories and words will inspire my own stories and words and tales. that sounds lame. it kind of sounds like the start to a book.
OH, now i know. i'll start a blog about reading all these books. and i will do something in my life (either an action, or make a change, etc) that is somehow related to the book i am reading at the moment. and then my blog will become famous. they will turn it into a movie. Amy Adams will play me. and Meryl Streep will play all of the authors of the books.
wow. such a great idea. talk about an original idea, right?!?!
ok. i have more to tell you about, but i have to go to work. to check in with Courtney. so, i'm leaving you now, but know that i will return. this is only part one.
('play with fire' by the rolling stones starts to play)
.to be continued.
28 August 2009
heavy boots
i just finished Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. now i've got heavy boots. just like Oskar. what a great book. oh so sad, though. i had to stop reading last night because my boots were too heavy.
i thought the library was open until 8pm, so i was going to go return it right now, but they close at 5pm on friday and saturday. how lame!! it's the weekend, things are open later. they should have 24 hour libraries. and drive-thru post offices.
Ruby Tuesday was being very cuddly this morning.
i'm bummed that i missed the library hours.
so, i don't know how this happened, but i somehow missed the myspace blog that Phantom Planet wrote, telling everyone how they're on Twitter. because last night i was like, "hm, i wonder if there is a Phantom Planet twitter." so, i googled it. and it came up with the Myspace blog.
so, you'll all be happy to know that i am now following all of Phantom Planet. Darren, Alex, Jeff and Sam. and! even better than any of this: are the pictures of Sam's new baby girl who was just born like, two weeks ago or something. omg, she is the most beautiful thing. i am so happy for Sam.
i might make some jewelry now. i bought some new exciting things yesterday.
oh! i forgot to tell you this last night. the family across the street from me just got a new Prius!! it's so nice!!! they got it yesterday. i'm jealous. this is their second new car this year! i am impressed. i also like being on the third floor and higher than everyone else in the neighborhood. gives me an unfair advantage for notice.
ok, i'm ready for a big road trip. i want to rent a van and take a road trip.
i was looking today at my "summons for jury duty" thing that i got and i thought, "if i got picked to be in a jury, i wonder if they would let us have cell phones so that i could do Twitter updates." and then i thought, "no, they probably wouldn't allow that."
but know, friends, that i would do it anyways.
the day that they would actually pick me to be on a jury is the day they have 24 hour libraries and drive-thru post offices.
nay, when that day happens, i will become a judge. to give back to this glorius country, i will now wear an ugly black robe and judge everyone who walks through these doors! and i will make you stand when i enter the room.
nevermind. i would hate being a judge. i couldn't stand having everyone stand when i walked in.
why do they have to wear that robe anyways? why can't they just wear normal clothes?
i was really happy that i didn't have to pay for postage when sending back my Juror Info Form. in which i said that i was unqualified to be a juror. if i had to put a stamp on it, i might not've sent it back. although, you can also fill it out online.
OH! what i SHOULD have done, was fill it out online and screw them over of that postage money.
next time.
so, are we supposed to get a hurricane tomorrow or what?
ok. i think i'm done. i'm gonna go make a new pair of earrings, i think. you want anything? i'll make you whatever you want. just let me know.
have a great friday!!! any hott plans for tonight?? not me. probably gonna hang around the apartment. maybe watch the princess diaries. maybe watch revolutionary road. maybe both.
take care!
i thought the library was open until 8pm, so i was going to go return it right now, but they close at 5pm on friday and saturday. how lame!! it's the weekend, things are open later. they should have 24 hour libraries. and drive-thru post offices.
Ruby Tuesday was being very cuddly this morning.
i'm bummed that i missed the library hours.
so, i don't know how this happened, but i somehow missed the myspace blog that Phantom Planet wrote, telling everyone how they're on Twitter. because last night i was like, "hm, i wonder if there is a Phantom Planet twitter." so, i googled it. and it came up with the Myspace blog.
so, you'll all be happy to know that i am now following all of Phantom Planet. Darren, Alex, Jeff and Sam. and! even better than any of this: are the pictures of Sam's new baby girl who was just born like, two weeks ago or something. omg, she is the most beautiful thing. i am so happy for Sam.
i might make some jewelry now. i bought some new exciting things yesterday.
oh! i forgot to tell you this last night. the family across the street from me just got a new Prius!! it's so nice!!! they got it yesterday. i'm jealous. this is their second new car this year! i am impressed. i also like being on the third floor and higher than everyone else in the neighborhood. gives me an unfair advantage for notice.
ok, i'm ready for a big road trip. i want to rent a van and take a road trip.
i was looking today at my "summons for jury duty" thing that i got and i thought, "if i got picked to be in a jury, i wonder if they would let us have cell phones so that i could do Twitter updates." and then i thought, "no, they probably wouldn't allow that."
but know, friends, that i would do it anyways.
the day that they would actually pick me to be on a jury is the day they have 24 hour libraries and drive-thru post offices.
nay, when that day happens, i will become a judge. to give back to this glorius country, i will now wear an ugly black robe and judge everyone who walks through these doors! and i will make you stand when i enter the room.
nevermind. i would hate being a judge. i couldn't stand having everyone stand when i walked in.
why do they have to wear that robe anyways? why can't they just wear normal clothes?
i was really happy that i didn't have to pay for postage when sending back my Juror Info Form. in which i said that i was unqualified to be a juror. if i had to put a stamp on it, i might not've sent it back. although, you can also fill it out online.
OH! what i SHOULD have done, was fill it out online and screw them over of that postage money.
next time.
so, are we supposed to get a hurricane tomorrow or what?
ok. i think i'm done. i'm gonna go make a new pair of earrings, i think. you want anything? i'll make you whatever you want. just let me know.
have a great friday!!! any hott plans for tonight?? not me. probably gonna hang around the apartment. maybe watch the princess diaries. maybe watch revolutionary road. maybe both.
take care!
27 August 2009
"the food was haunted"
alright, i'm calling upon you, the readers, to decide the course of my life.
- old man and the sea
- one hundred years of solitude
- freaks and geeks
- true blood
i will read and watch all of them eventually. but the question is: which one NEXT?
i've only got 2 more discs of Entourage before i have to wait for the next season to be released. and i only have a very little more to read of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close before i'm finished. i spent a lot of today reading. it was nice. except, too sunny. it was too bright.
i might try and pick both of the book sup. haha. book sup. books up. because i think the old man and the sea is quite short.
i think i have to go out tomorrow and pick up a mouse for my laptop. my clicker buttons have kind of stopped working. it's lame, bro.
(noticed how i used 'bro' there.)
(i don't think it worked...)
i checked the online library catalog for Lauren Conrad's book, L.A. Candy, but they didn't have it. or else, duh, i'd totes be reading that next.
man, i wish there was a book version of this totally rockin' playlist i made the other day. that'd be cool. to write a book based on a playlist. kind of like those books that people write based on albums. i can't remember any other information about it, or else i would give it to you. i know there is a book version of Neutral Milk Hotel's album In the Aeroplane Over the Sea.
ok, i decided that i needed to know or else it would bother me. it's the 33 1/3 book series. in case you're interested. anyone read any of those books?
kind of a boring day. i talked to my mom, which was nice. i left the house to go to the store. that wasn't so nice because i didn't really feel great. but, i needed more boxes of tissues. more lettuce and tomato. and more soy milk.
watched the first disc of season 5 of Entourage tonight. man. i love it. although, it's kind of sad that their big movie bombed. (spoiler) they had wanted to make it for soooo long!!! and they worked so hard!!!! and then it BOMBED at Cannes. i felt really bad for Vince.
but, so far, i don't really like Turtle or Drama this season. Turtle just wants to have sex all the time, and Drama is constantly drunk. i hope that changes.
i'm also excited because i think this is the season that Stellan Skarsgard has a guest spot. is that right!?!? OMG. such a hottie.
i should watch True Blood since his also hott son is on it.
i had a dream last night that i was invited to go to the premiere of The Reader. i woke up and was like, "um, a little late on this dream, but i'll take it." i have no idea why i had that dream. other than i found my copy of Entertainment Weekly with Kate and Leo on the cover. so, maybe i was subconsciously thinking about Kate.
maybe i'm in store for a Leo dream tonight. yes please.
anyone seen the new trailer for his new movie? it's a super teaser trailer. Inception. directed by Chris Nolan. looks pretty twisted. like, mind twisted.
i found a youtube video tonight of Alex from Phantom Planet singing with Rooney. great vid. it was a lucky find. and Robert Schwartzman intoduced him, and Alex came out onstage wearing his PacMan mask/hat thing that he wears sometimes. it made me really happy. and Robert and Alex hugged, which also made me really happy.
WELL. i'm kind of tired. i think i may try getting into bed. it's only 2:17 so the odds that i will fall asleep are slim. but, if not. at least i'll be warm in bed. omg, i woke up this morning because i was freezing! and then i couldn't get back to sleep because i was so cold. but, i was too tired to reach up and throw another blanket on. so, eventually i fell back to sleep. but, when i woke up my feet were like ice. even though Ruby Tuesday was sleeping under the covers right next to them.
would a book based on a playlist be a made up plot based on the song titles? or a plot woven together based on what the songs are about?
plan for friday:
- finish my book
- hit up the library for some new books
- maybe watch 10 things i hate about you
one Entourage Vince and Drama did a big performance of 'Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You' and it made me think of heath ledger in that movie. and then it made me think of Joseph Gordon Levitt and how he was in that movie, but didn't really look like heath ledger. and then how much he looks like him now.
i'll have to post about that. i promised elizabeth i'd do a JGL posting. i'll do that tomorrow. and i'll have pictures. and it will be called:
JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT: Through the Years.
just you wait. it will be epic.
i liked (500) days of summer. it was more whimsical that i thought it would be. i liked that. it was a semi-depressing movie without feeling depressing. the way the story was set up. the past and the present were knit together nicely.
(i used 'knit' because up above i had already used 'woven'.)
and! Matthew Gray Gubler was in it!!!! i didn't know he'd be in it. i saw his name in the opening credits and was like, "what?!?! intern #1 from The Life Aquatic?!?!!" and it was him!! he has this whole video diary thing on the dvd of the life aquatic. maybe it's only on the criterion collection version. i don't know. but, it's cool. and it was cool to see him in another.
AND! he was also in The Great Buck Howard. he had like, a one second part. and again i was like, "INTERN #1!!?!?!" loves it. loves those unpaid interns.
when me and Kara were in Ikea the other day we kept reenacting the parts from 500 days of Summer when they would go to Ikea and pretend it was their home. they'd be like, "honey! the sink is broken!!" it was funny, i guess. those parts were funny.
the music was also good. i liked that they had that french song that i have been a fan of for ssuucchh a long time. Quelqu'un M'a Dit. by Carla Bruni. the new first lady of france. that whole CD is good. when my dad went to france a few years ago, he brought the CD back for me. that was a long time ago, actually. that cd came out in 2002. i guess it was around then.
and i really liked the split screen part at the party. one side of the screen was REALITY and the other was IMAGINED or something like that. it was a great part.
and i really liked the end, too. it was a hopeful ending. which is sometimes nice. or, always. i'm not sure.
anyways. i'm going to bed now. it's about 2:40 in the am. friday morning. this week went by very fast. remember when it was monday?
alright! don't forget to vote in my book/tv show poll. i'll talk to you later. have a great day!!!
- old man and the sea
- one hundred years of solitude
- freaks and geeks
- true blood
i will read and watch all of them eventually. but the question is: which one NEXT?
i've only got 2 more discs of Entourage before i have to wait for the next season to be released. and i only have a very little more to read of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close before i'm finished. i spent a lot of today reading. it was nice. except, too sunny. it was too bright.
i might try and pick both of the book sup. haha. book sup. books up. because i think the old man and the sea is quite short.
i think i have to go out tomorrow and pick up a mouse for my laptop. my clicker buttons have kind of stopped working. it's lame, bro.
(noticed how i used 'bro' there.)
(i don't think it worked...)
i checked the online library catalog for Lauren Conrad's book, L.A. Candy, but they didn't have it. or else, duh, i'd totes be reading that next.
man, i wish there was a book version of this totally rockin' playlist i made the other day. that'd be cool. to write a book based on a playlist. kind of like those books that people write based on albums. i can't remember any other information about it, or else i would give it to you. i know there is a book version of Neutral Milk Hotel's album In the Aeroplane Over the Sea.
ok, i decided that i needed to know or else it would bother me. it's the 33 1/3 book series. in case you're interested. anyone read any of those books?
kind of a boring day. i talked to my mom, which was nice. i left the house to go to the store. that wasn't so nice because i didn't really feel great. but, i needed more boxes of tissues. more lettuce and tomato. and more soy milk.
watched the first disc of season 5 of Entourage tonight. man. i love it. although, it's kind of sad that their big movie bombed. (spoiler) they had wanted to make it for soooo long!!! and they worked so hard!!!! and then it BOMBED at Cannes. i felt really bad for Vince.
but, so far, i don't really like Turtle or Drama this season. Turtle just wants to have sex all the time, and Drama is constantly drunk. i hope that changes.
i'm also excited because i think this is the season that Stellan Skarsgard has a guest spot. is that right!?!? OMG. such a hottie.
i should watch True Blood since his also hott son is on it.
i had a dream last night that i was invited to go to the premiere of The Reader. i woke up and was like, "um, a little late on this dream, but i'll take it." i have no idea why i had that dream. other than i found my copy of Entertainment Weekly with Kate and Leo on the cover. so, maybe i was subconsciously thinking about Kate.
maybe i'm in store for a Leo dream tonight. yes please.
anyone seen the new trailer for his new movie? it's a super teaser trailer. Inception. directed by Chris Nolan. looks pretty twisted. like, mind twisted.
i found a youtube video tonight of Alex from Phantom Planet singing with Rooney. great vid. it was a lucky find. and Robert Schwartzman intoduced him, and Alex came out onstage wearing his PacMan mask/hat thing that he wears sometimes. it made me really happy. and Robert and Alex hugged, which also made me really happy.
WELL. i'm kind of tired. i think i may try getting into bed. it's only 2:17 so the odds that i will fall asleep are slim. but, if not. at least i'll be warm in bed. omg, i woke up this morning because i was freezing! and then i couldn't get back to sleep because i was so cold. but, i was too tired to reach up and throw another blanket on. so, eventually i fell back to sleep. but, when i woke up my feet were like ice. even though Ruby Tuesday was sleeping under the covers right next to them.
would a book based on a playlist be a made up plot based on the song titles? or a plot woven together based on what the songs are about?
plan for friday:
- finish my book
- hit up the library for some new books
- maybe watch 10 things i hate about you
one Entourage Vince and Drama did a big performance of 'Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You' and it made me think of heath ledger in that movie. and then it made me think of Joseph Gordon Levitt and how he was in that movie, but didn't really look like heath ledger. and then how much he looks like him now.
i'll have to post about that. i promised elizabeth i'd do a JGL posting. i'll do that tomorrow. and i'll have pictures. and it will be called:
JOSEPH GORDON LEVITT: Through the Years.
just you wait. it will be epic.
i liked (500) days of summer. it was more whimsical that i thought it would be. i liked that. it was a semi-depressing movie without feeling depressing. the way the story was set up. the past and the present were knit together nicely.
(i used 'knit' because up above i had already used 'woven'.)
and! Matthew Gray Gubler was in it!!!! i didn't know he'd be in it. i saw his name in the opening credits and was like, "what?!?! intern #1 from The Life Aquatic?!?!!" and it was him!! he has this whole video diary thing on the dvd of the life aquatic. maybe it's only on the criterion collection version. i don't know. but, it's cool. and it was cool to see him in another.
AND! he was also in The Great Buck Howard. he had like, a one second part. and again i was like, "INTERN #1!!?!?!" loves it. loves those unpaid interns.
when me and Kara were in Ikea the other day we kept reenacting the parts from 500 days of Summer when they would go to Ikea and pretend it was their home. they'd be like, "honey! the sink is broken!!" it was funny, i guess. those parts were funny.
the music was also good. i liked that they had that french song that i have been a fan of for ssuucchh a long time. Quelqu'un M'a Dit. by Carla Bruni. the new first lady of france. that whole CD is good. when my dad went to france a few years ago, he brought the CD back for me. that was a long time ago, actually. that cd came out in 2002. i guess it was around then.
and i really liked the split screen part at the party. one side of the screen was REALITY and the other was IMAGINED or something like that. it was a great part.
and i really liked the end, too. it was a hopeful ending. which is sometimes nice. or, always. i'm not sure.
anyways. i'm going to bed now. it's about 2:40 in the am. friday morning. this week went by very fast. remember when it was monday?
alright! don't forget to vote in my book/tv show poll. i'll talk to you later. have a great day!!!
26 August 2009
isn't that the way it goes?
wow! hi friends!!!
i got my first email on my newly made blog reader email account!!! THANK YOU TO MY FRIEND DAN!!! reading all the way in sunny florida! it was super exciting to get the first email.
if YOU want to email me with a lovely personal message, here (once again) is the blog email:
i should probably post the address somewhere on the blog in a more permanent location.
anyways. i haven't been feeling well all day. i've been constantly sneezing. like, constantly. i slept for 13 hours last night. and i woke up and felt like crap. and felt like crap right up until i took some ibuprofen last night before supper. i was getting this really, really bad headache. and i thought i could just stand it. but then my teeth started hurting. that part came on pretty quickly. and then i went to the drugs. and i thought to myself, "man, i wish i could smoke this ibuprofen."
and i thought that and then immediately realized, "wow, i actually learned something from taking that drug education class."
because, i know that inhaling a drug is the second fastest way of getting it to your brain. the first being injecting it. but, i wouldn't want to do that.
so, then my headache and toothache went away. and my cold calmed down for a bit. and right now we're still in the calm. i think it must be a cold and not allergies. at first i thought 'allergies,' but then the longer it went on and the crappier anc crappier i was feeling i thought, 'cold.' so, there you have it. a summer cold. that sounds kind of cool, actually.
Summer Cold. if i marry someone with the last name of Cold, i will name my daughter Summer.
omg, how fun would that last name be?!?! you could have daughters named June and January too!! June, January and Summer.
and then Summer would meet a nice, lovestruck, not-Heath Ledger-but-totally-looks-like-him, greeting card writer and they would have a 500 day romance full of ups and downs and bad karaoke.
oh wait! haha, that's the plot of (500) days of summer. my mistake.
so, Mr. Cold, if you're out there, look no further. for some reason, when i say 'Mr. Cold' i immediately picture Claire Bennet's dad in my head. good 'ol HRG. Noah. Noah Cold. hm. i wonder why that is.
i like the name Noah. i went to high school with someone named Noah Mountain. i think. because i just had the thought, "oh, you could name your son Cold Mountain." but, that's not right at all. because then your last name would have to be Mountain and the first name would be Cold. but, that would just be weird because it's a book. and a movie starring Nicole Kidman, Jude Law and Renee Zellweger. is Nat Port in that movie too? i kind of think she is. and the music was done by the guy from The White Stripes????
whoa. talk about getting off track. what were we talking about in the first place? oh yeah, my summer cold.
but, let's move on.
i started watching Veronica Mars. tv show starring Kristen Bell about a high school girl who is also a private investigator!!!! it's pretty great so far. i'm only 4 episodes in. and her best friend (played by Amanda Seyfried from Mamma Mia!) is murdered in the first episode and so i think the show will be about her trying to solve the murder, with all these littler cases along the way. well, she's not murdered in the first episode, but you find out that she's been murdered. i don't think that qualifies as a spoiler alert.
but, it's weird. Kristen Bell totally sounds like Gossip Girl on this show. and, there have been a few times where i will look away from the tv for a second, and then she will start talking and i'll think to myself, "that's weird, i wonder why she's narrating this part..." and then i'll look back at the tv and she'll just be normal talking. but, i'll think that she's narrating because she's the voice of Gossip Girl! and you never see her, you just always hear her. in case you're not familiar with the show. which you all should be because it rocks.
but, i didn't think she sounded like Gossip Girl on Heroes. probably because she was older. but, who was paying attention to her voice when she got all those hott make out scenes with Sylar?! yeah, not me. i was too busy being so totally jealous.
but, i'm really liking Veronica Mars so far. i will keep you updated for sure :)
so, i was looking through some old photographs on my laptop tonight -
wait a sec. should i have said 'pictures' instead of 'photographs?' photographs kind of implies they are actually prints. like, you're holding them in your hand. what's that word? tangible? let me google it.
(i had to erase my previous google search for, 'how to start a lingonberry farm.' it wasn't that useful anyways.)
yes! the word is tangible. i was getting it confused with the math term, tangent. which, i have no idea what that means. i could google it, but i don't think it matters. but i think it's a geometry term.
whoa, talk about getting off track much.
i think i should have said, 'pictures.' anyways, let's keep going:
- and i came across lots of pictures that i had forgotten i had!!!! i thought i would share them with you here, because apparently today is a day of sharing pictures with you. i don't think you mind, right? if you mind, please let me know.

a picture of my teal jacket that i don't remember. (and also our cat Chowder being extremely cute and sitting on Kara's lap.) but, my teal jacket. i swear to you when i say this (and i never swear, so i hate using that term, so you know it's serious), not a day goes by when i don't think about that teal jacket.
ok. we have to move on before i get too emotional. (again.)

a photo of the Airport Lounge Monitors!!!!! after we had our Airport Lounge Staff Dinner at India House in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Julie, Morgan, Lin
Laura, Jessi, Rose, Kerianne, Harmony
what a gorgeous bunch of monitors we were. this was the semester i MET Kerianne!!!! fall of my third year. we only knew each other for ONE semester. then she left for Ireland in the winter. we came back in the fall and we were roommates for a whole year!!! and then this past June i was a bridesmaid in her wedding!!! in ireland!!!!
this photo was also taken when i had blonde, blonde hair. so, that's why you might not recognize me.

here's an amazing photo of the sunrise in the airport lounge. man, that's so beautiful.


um, how do i get my hair to look like that again? thanks. it's like sexymessy. step one: grow out bangs.

Kara as a sleeping giant in a broccoli forest of glass animals. i HAVE NO IDEA what this is about. but it made me laugh really hard.
alright, our final selection of random photos. i would like to entitle this segment,

she followed that grasshopper around all day. and, all i'm gonna say is that the friendship ended badly. (RIP Grasshopper.)
ALRIGHT! it's almost 3:30am. i'm not very tired. but, i should try and get ready for bed. Sleepy Tuesday will be wanting her second supper soon.
let's just take a look at that photo of Darren one more time. mmmm. wow, there was a time when i was really, really in love with him.
oh, i want to see Phantom Planet again. remember the time when i TOUCHED ALEX'S GUITAR!?!?? yeah. i remember that too. at the show in New York. when they were supposed to play with OK GO, but Zox came instead. good show.
i just want to go to a concert. and i want ROONEY to release their BOSTON TOUR DATES like ROBERT said they would on TWITTER. maybe i'll send him a tweet. kara and i have already decided that we're going. no matter what day. no matter what time. we will be there.
ok. i just yawned. maybe that means i can go to sleep now. i don't know if i'm working 8-9am. thursday. is it thursday?? i guess we'll see.
so, the other night before bed i said to myself, "i'm hiding the remote to my ipod alarm clock so that i can't just shut it off from my bed and then go back to sleep." because, a lot of the time i'll just reach over, grab the remote, shut it off, and fall immediately to sleep.
so, i hid the remote in a far away place in my bedroom. definitely not accessible without leaving the bed.
and, i wake up the next morning and it's way past the time my alarm should have gone off. and i'm like, "crap, why didn't i wake up? i must have set it wrong." so, i'm mad at myself for not paying more attention to setting the alarm. probably setting it for PM instead of AM, ya know? we've all done that.
so, i get out of bed and what was i sleeping on? the remote for my alarm clock. i was sleeping on it. now, i HAVE NO MEMORY of getting out of bed, getting the remote, getting back into bed, shutting the alarm off, and falling back to sleep. isn't that crazy?? i DEFINITELY hid the remote the night before. it was so weird. i have no memory of getting out of bed to get it. that's the weird part.
ok. now i have to go to sleep. it's almost 4.
JULIE!!! just go to bed. i'm like, just sitting here. not even doing anything.
ok. i guess i'll go now. hope you're having a good time doing whatever you are doing. have a great day. i'll talk to you later!!!!!!
look at all these great photos you have!!!! lucky YOU!
love ya bro.
(i want to start using the term 'bro' in my daily speak. thoughts? suggestions? vote yes? vote no? eh, i don't know. let me know. k? bro. brotha. bro.)
i got my first email on my newly made blog reader email account!!! THANK YOU TO MY FRIEND DAN!!! reading all the way in sunny florida! it was super exciting to get the first email.
if YOU want to email me with a lovely personal message, here (once again) is the blog email:
i should probably post the address somewhere on the blog in a more permanent location.
anyways. i haven't been feeling well all day. i've been constantly sneezing. like, constantly. i slept for 13 hours last night. and i woke up and felt like crap. and felt like crap right up until i took some ibuprofen last night before supper. i was getting this really, really bad headache. and i thought i could just stand it. but then my teeth started hurting. that part came on pretty quickly. and then i went to the drugs. and i thought to myself, "man, i wish i could smoke this ibuprofen."
and i thought that and then immediately realized, "wow, i actually learned something from taking that drug education class."
because, i know that inhaling a drug is the second fastest way of getting it to your brain. the first being injecting it. but, i wouldn't want to do that.
so, then my headache and toothache went away. and my cold calmed down for a bit. and right now we're still in the calm. i think it must be a cold and not allergies. at first i thought 'allergies,' but then the longer it went on and the crappier anc crappier i was feeling i thought, 'cold.' so, there you have it. a summer cold. that sounds kind of cool, actually.
Summer Cold. if i marry someone with the last name of Cold, i will name my daughter Summer.
omg, how fun would that last name be?!?! you could have daughters named June and January too!! June, January and Summer.
and then Summer would meet a nice, lovestruck, not-Heath Ledger-but-totally-looks-like-him, greeting card writer and they would have a 500 day romance full of ups and downs and bad karaoke.
oh wait! haha, that's the plot of (500) days of summer. my mistake.
so, Mr. Cold, if you're out there, look no further. for some reason, when i say 'Mr. Cold' i immediately picture Claire Bennet's dad in my head. good 'ol HRG. Noah. Noah Cold. hm. i wonder why that is.
i like the name Noah. i went to high school with someone named Noah Mountain. i think. because i just had the thought, "oh, you could name your son Cold Mountain." but, that's not right at all. because then your last name would have to be Mountain and the first name would be Cold. but, that would just be weird because it's a book. and a movie starring Nicole Kidman, Jude Law and Renee Zellweger. is Nat Port in that movie too? i kind of think she is. and the music was done by the guy from The White Stripes????
whoa. talk about getting off track. what were we talking about in the first place? oh yeah, my summer cold.
but, let's move on.
i started watching Veronica Mars. tv show starring Kristen Bell about a high school girl who is also a private investigator!!!! it's pretty great so far. i'm only 4 episodes in. and her best friend (played by Amanda Seyfried from Mamma Mia!) is murdered in the first episode and so i think the show will be about her trying to solve the murder, with all these littler cases along the way. well, she's not murdered in the first episode, but you find out that she's been murdered. i don't think that qualifies as a spoiler alert.
but, it's weird. Kristen Bell totally sounds like Gossip Girl on this show. and, there have been a few times where i will look away from the tv for a second, and then she will start talking and i'll think to myself, "that's weird, i wonder why she's narrating this part..." and then i'll look back at the tv and she'll just be normal talking. but, i'll think that she's narrating because she's the voice of Gossip Girl! and you never see her, you just always hear her. in case you're not familiar with the show. which you all should be because it rocks.
but, i didn't think she sounded like Gossip Girl on Heroes. probably because she was older. but, who was paying attention to her voice when she got all those hott make out scenes with Sylar?! yeah, not me. i was too busy being so totally jealous.
but, i'm really liking Veronica Mars so far. i will keep you updated for sure :)
so, i was looking through some old photographs on my laptop tonight -
wait a sec. should i have said 'pictures' instead of 'photographs?' photographs kind of implies they are actually prints. like, you're holding them in your hand. what's that word? tangible? let me google it.
(i had to erase my previous google search for, 'how to start a lingonberry farm.' it wasn't that useful anyways.)
yes! the word is tangible. i was getting it confused with the math term, tangent. which, i have no idea what that means. i could google it, but i don't think it matters. but i think it's a geometry term.
whoa, talk about getting off track much.
i think i should have said, 'pictures.' anyways, let's keep going:
- and i came across lots of pictures that i had forgotten i had!!!! i thought i would share them with you here, because apparently today is a day of sharing pictures with you. i don't think you mind, right? if you mind, please let me know.
a picture of my teal jacket that i don't remember. (and also our cat Chowder being extremely cute and sitting on Kara's lap.) but, my teal jacket. i swear to you when i say this (and i never swear, so i hate using that term, so you know it's serious), not a day goes by when i don't think about that teal jacket.
ok. we have to move on before i get too emotional. (again.)
a photo of the Airport Lounge Monitors!!!!! after we had our Airport Lounge Staff Dinner at India House in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Julie, Morgan, Lin
Laura, Jessi, Rose, Kerianne, Harmony
what a gorgeous bunch of monitors we were. this was the semester i MET Kerianne!!!! fall of my third year. we only knew each other for ONE semester. then she left for Ireland in the winter. we came back in the fall and we were roommates for a whole year!!! and then this past June i was a bridesmaid in her wedding!!! in ireland!!!!
this photo was also taken when i had blonde, blonde hair. so, that's why you might not recognize me.
here's an amazing photo of the sunrise in the airport lounge. man, that's so beautiful.

um, how do i get my hair to look like that again? thanks. it's like sexymessy. step one: grow out bangs.
Kara as a sleeping giant in a broccoli forest of glass animals. i HAVE NO IDEA what this is about. but it made me laugh really hard.
alright, our final selection of random photos. i would like to entitle this segment,
she followed that grasshopper around all day. and, all i'm gonna say is that the friendship ended badly. (RIP Grasshopper.)
ALRIGHT! it's almost 3:30am. i'm not very tired. but, i should try and get ready for bed. Sleepy Tuesday will be wanting her second supper soon.
let's just take a look at that photo of Darren one more time. mmmm. wow, there was a time when i was really, really in love with him.
oh, i want to see Phantom Planet again. remember the time when i TOUCHED ALEX'S GUITAR!?!?? yeah. i remember that too. at the show in New York. when they were supposed to play with OK GO, but Zox came instead. good show.
i just want to go to a concert. and i want ROONEY to release their BOSTON TOUR DATES like ROBERT said they would on TWITTER. maybe i'll send him a tweet. kara and i have already decided that we're going. no matter what day. no matter what time. we will be there.
ok. i just yawned. maybe that means i can go to sleep now. i don't know if i'm working 8-9am. thursday. is it thursday?? i guess we'll see.
so, the other night before bed i said to myself, "i'm hiding the remote to my ipod alarm clock so that i can't just shut it off from my bed and then go back to sleep." because, a lot of the time i'll just reach over, grab the remote, shut it off, and fall immediately to sleep.
so, i hid the remote in a far away place in my bedroom. definitely not accessible without leaving the bed.
and, i wake up the next morning and it's way past the time my alarm should have gone off. and i'm like, "crap, why didn't i wake up? i must have set it wrong." so, i'm mad at myself for not paying more attention to setting the alarm. probably setting it for PM instead of AM, ya know? we've all done that.
so, i get out of bed and what was i sleeping on? the remote for my alarm clock. i was sleeping on it. now, i HAVE NO MEMORY of getting out of bed, getting the remote, getting back into bed, shutting the alarm off, and falling back to sleep. isn't that crazy?? i DEFINITELY hid the remote the night before. it was so weird. i have no memory of getting out of bed to get it. that's the weird part.
ok. now i have to go to sleep. it's almost 4.
JULIE!!! just go to bed. i'm like, just sitting here. not even doing anything.
ok. i guess i'll go now. hope you're having a good time doing whatever you are doing. have a great day. i'll talk to you later!!!!!!
look at all these great photos you have!!!! lucky YOU!
love ya bro.
(i want to start using the term 'bro' in my daily speak. thoughts? suggestions? vote yes? vote no? eh, i don't know. let me know. k? bro. brotha. bro.)
Julie Puts Together a Table (and other adventures)
went to Ikea yesterday and bought a light blue side table for $7.99. great deal. great table. my only real plan for today was to put the table together. and i thought, 'why not invite my blog friends along for the adventure?!' so, here we go. let's put together a table.....
the table. still in the packaging. it was called 'LACK.' Swedish for table?
table out of the plastic. table top. 4 legs. 4 screws.

figured out the instructions!!! twisting the leg onto the top. did it work????

it worked!!!!! one leg = ON!!!

attempting a second!!


there was something about seeing a two-legged table that i did not like. it was kind of unsettling.

here was the whole process. this is what the screws looked like. that was the hole in the table top.

hole for the screw in the table leg.

twist it down.....

three legged table!!!!

four legs!!!!

voila!!! a four legged, light blue side table.

and it works!!! effectively serves it's purpose as a table. coffee cup, flowers, tissues.

looks great.
and the whole thing took less time than it took for me to make breakfast this morning. here's how i know this. i listened to the same itunes playlist while doing both things. started from the same point, Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus, (don't judge me, please), and when i finished making breakfast, the song playing was When Did Your Heart Go Missing by Rooney. when i finished making the table, the song playing was Wandering Around by Coconut Records, which, in my itunes shuffle, came right before the Rooney song.
less time than to make your breakfast!!! and all i did was make coffee and frozen waffles!!!! what a great selling point.
so, in the spirit of having an adventure, i thought i would take the time to share with you some other adventures i have been on this summer. please enjoy!

here we are driving through Kennebunk. we started to look for Walker's Point, where the Bush family lives. so, i google mapped "walkers point kennebunkport, maine" on kara's cell phone. but then i had this vision that an alert system would go off in the FBI/CIA headquarters anytime someone google mapped that. so, i quickly stopped because i didn't want to be gunned down by a sniper.

so, we continued on our journey.

entering Saco, Maine. Maria and i used to change the words of the 'Rent' song "Santa Fe" to "Saco, Maine." i can't remember why we used to do this. but, it was funny at the time. i was happy to learn that Saco recycles.

this was a sight to behold. A TIM'S!!!!! SO CLOSE TO OUR HOUSE!!!!! this was a complete surprise. right on route 1!! in Scarborough, i think. if we hadn't just stopped for coffee drinks, we would have stopped. now that i think about it, WHY didn't we stop for TimBits!!?!? AND - a Tim Horton's in the same building as a COLDSTONE!!?? are they owned by the same company?! who thought of this genius idea?!?

heading north.

route 88 is the way to go. there are some NICE houses on that road. it was a slight last minute detour from route 1, but worth it.

and then we reached Bath!!! i can't remember how long it took to get there. longer because we took route 1 than if we had taken the highway.

and you get off the exit, and there is all this beautiful art on the cement posts holding up the highway!!! it made me like Bath immediately. also, because Bath is called "The City of Ships." and i want to be a ship captain.

we followed the signs for Bath Iron Works and just past it, there was this little park with a very nice dock. we parked and explored.

a pirate ship. don't worry, it was a fake one. i think this was in the children's museum? so little children can pretend they are terrorizing the waters of maine. great. where was this? an art museum?

view of Bath Iron Works from the dock

Kara found her initials carved into a wooden bench. we couldn't figure out who was in love with her. NF. do you know him?

view of the dock from the park bench.

driving through downtown Bath. NOT Diagon Alley. kara and i were like, "wait a sec, are we heading to Gringotts?!"

Kennebec River.

heading back home.

it was a nice evening road trip to Bath. quite unplanned. i came home from hanging out with Andrew that morning/early afternoon and Kara said, "let's have a sister adventure!!" and so we did. i couldn't quite believe how many trees there were. especially on the dock. it was like a thick wall of trees on the other side of the river. maine has a lot of trees. all i could think of was, "man there must be a lot of deer in those trees."
what's that you say? you want more adventures???!!?!!!! LET'S GO!!!!!!

white t-shirts. the kind you buy in a pack of like, 5. i chose the v-neck variety.

poured the package of dye into the water. put the shirt into the water. let it boil about 30 minutes. easy breezy.

voila! pink shirts!!!

repeat for yellow.

yellow shirts!!!! what a great deal.

end result. it was delish. very limey.
much like Saco, Maine, i also recycle. however, i had gotten into this method of throwing it into a closet in my kitchen and then never taking it out. it was getting kind of annoying. it was one of those deals where i would open the door to the closet, things would fall out, i would throw them to the back and quickly shut the door. repeat. repeat.
so one night, i decided to clean it out. here we go:

BAM. look at those empty boxes!!! amazing. i ended up with five huge heavy duty bags full of recycling.
AND NOW, to end our adventure segment, i would like to bring things full circle by leaving you with a current photo of the table:

Ruby Tuesday loves it! and you can kind of see how she's already started tearing up the cardboard box with the instructions printed on it. look how great the table looks on that rug!! i was going to put it in my bedroom, but now i might leave it in my living room. that's my living room, by the way. and through that doorway is the front room with the giant brick column in the middle.
okay! thanks for coming with me on all those adventures again. it's been really fun. hope you enjoyed it.
AND DON'T FORGET: if you won a prize during BLOG READER APPRECIATION WEEK, email me!!!!!!
I'VE GOTTEN NO EMAILS YET!!!! even if you didn't win a prize, if you are reading this, email me your address and i'll mail you something. something really cool!!!! i promise!!!!! i won't show up at your house, promise. (unless you invite me!) i won't give out your address to anyone else, i promise.
it's a special blog-created email address. it's not even my primary email account. i've created one especially for you. email me!
and if for some reason, you don't want a prize, you can just email me with a personal message. if you want. incase commenting is too impersonal. i'll email you back! that's another promise!!!!
okay. i have a headache and i've been sneezy and stuffy all day. the sun just set. it looks like it's getting windy. maybe it will snow. probably not.
anyways! love you, readers. i'll talk to you again soon.
figured out the instructions!!! twisting the leg onto the top. did it work????
it worked!!!!! one leg = ON!!!
attempting a second!!
there was something about seeing a two-legged table that i did not like. it was kind of unsettling.
here was the whole process. this is what the screws looked like. that was the hole in the table top.
hole for the screw in the table leg.
twist it down.....
three legged table!!!!
four legs!!!!
voila!!! a four legged, light blue side table.
and it works!!! effectively serves it's purpose as a table. coffee cup, flowers, tissues.
looks great.
and the whole thing took less time than it took for me to make breakfast this morning. here's how i know this. i listened to the same itunes playlist while doing both things. started from the same point, Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus, (don't judge me, please), and when i finished making breakfast, the song playing was When Did Your Heart Go Missing by Rooney. when i finished making the table, the song playing was Wandering Around by Coconut Records, which, in my itunes shuffle, came right before the Rooney song.
less time than to make your breakfast!!! and all i did was make coffee and frozen waffles!!!! what a great selling point.
so, in the spirit of having an adventure, i thought i would take the time to share with you some other adventures i have been on this summer. please enjoy!
here we are driving through Kennebunk. we started to look for Walker's Point, where the Bush family lives. so, i google mapped "walkers point kennebunkport, maine" on kara's cell phone. but then i had this vision that an alert system would go off in the FBI/CIA headquarters anytime someone google mapped that. so, i quickly stopped because i didn't want to be gunned down by a sniper.
so, we continued on our journey.
entering Saco, Maine. Maria and i used to change the words of the 'Rent' song "Santa Fe" to "Saco, Maine." i can't remember why we used to do this. but, it was funny at the time. i was happy to learn that Saco recycles.
this was a sight to behold. A TIM'S!!!!! SO CLOSE TO OUR HOUSE!!!!! this was a complete surprise. right on route 1!! in Scarborough, i think. if we hadn't just stopped for coffee drinks, we would have stopped. now that i think about it, WHY didn't we stop for TimBits!!?!? AND - a Tim Horton's in the same building as a COLDSTONE!!?? are they owned by the same company?! who thought of this genius idea?!?
heading north.
route 88 is the way to go. there are some NICE houses on that road. it was a slight last minute detour from route 1, but worth it.
and then we reached Bath!!! i can't remember how long it took to get there. longer because we took route 1 than if we had taken the highway.
and you get off the exit, and there is all this beautiful art on the cement posts holding up the highway!!! it made me like Bath immediately. also, because Bath is called "The City of Ships." and i want to be a ship captain.
we followed the signs for Bath Iron Works and just past it, there was this little park with a very nice dock. we parked and explored.
a pirate ship. don't worry, it was a fake one. i think this was in the children's museum? so little children can pretend they are terrorizing the waters of maine. great. where was this? an art museum?
view of Bath Iron Works from the dock
Kara found her initials carved into a wooden bench. we couldn't figure out who was in love with her. NF. do you know him?
view of the dock from the park bench.
driving through downtown Bath. NOT Diagon Alley. kara and i were like, "wait a sec, are we heading to Gringotts?!"
Kennebec River.
heading back home.
it was a nice evening road trip to Bath. quite unplanned. i came home from hanging out with Andrew that morning/early afternoon and Kara said, "let's have a sister adventure!!" and so we did. i couldn't quite believe how many trees there were. especially on the dock. it was like a thick wall of trees on the other side of the river. maine has a lot of trees. all i could think of was, "man there must be a lot of deer in those trees."
what's that you say? you want more adventures???!!?!!!! LET'S GO!!!!!!
white t-shirts. the kind you buy in a pack of like, 5. i chose the v-neck variety.
poured the package of dye into the water. put the shirt into the water. let it boil about 30 minutes. easy breezy.
voila! pink shirts!!!
repeat for yellow.
yellow shirts!!!! what a great deal.
end result. it was delish. very limey.
much like Saco, Maine, i also recycle. however, i had gotten into this method of throwing it into a closet in my kitchen and then never taking it out. it was getting kind of annoying. it was one of those deals where i would open the door to the closet, things would fall out, i would throw them to the back and quickly shut the door. repeat. repeat.
so one night, i decided to clean it out. here we go:
BAM. look at those empty boxes!!! amazing. i ended up with five huge heavy duty bags full of recycling.
AND NOW, to end our adventure segment, i would like to bring things full circle by leaving you with a current photo of the table:
Ruby Tuesday loves it! and you can kind of see how she's already started tearing up the cardboard box with the instructions printed on it. look how great the table looks on that rug!! i was going to put it in my bedroom, but now i might leave it in my living room. that's my living room, by the way. and through that doorway is the front room with the giant brick column in the middle.
okay! thanks for coming with me on all those adventures again. it's been really fun. hope you enjoyed it.
AND DON'T FORGET: if you won a prize during BLOG READER APPRECIATION WEEK, email me!!!!!!
I'VE GOTTEN NO EMAILS YET!!!! even if you didn't win a prize, if you are reading this, email me your address and i'll mail you something. something really cool!!!! i promise!!!!! i won't show up at your house, promise. (unless you invite me!) i won't give out your address to anyone else, i promise.
it's a special blog-created email address. it's not even my primary email account. i've created one especially for you. email me!
and if for some reason, you don't want a prize, you can just email me with a personal message. if you want. incase commenting is too impersonal. i'll email you back! that's another promise!!!!
okay. i have a headache and i've been sneezy and stuffy all day. the sun just set. it looks like it's getting windy. maybe it will snow. probably not.
anyways! love you, readers. i'll talk to you again soon.
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