hi there.
okay, this also has to be a quick one while he's away, because i'm tired and have to go to bed.
BUT! i just wanted to give you some quick movie reviews.
so tonight, Courtney and i took our two residents to the drive-in movies in scenic Weirs Beach, NH. i had driven past this theater many, many times, but had never gone until tonight!
it was a windy drive to get there. we took route 4 east, to route 104 east, to route 3 south. easy, but windy. great views of the mountains and various lakes, though. some parts were really beautiful.
so, it was a fun night. we got a great parking spot and then got out and walked along the beach. OH, we were seeing District 9 and The Ugly Truth.
the movie started probably just after 8pm. not too bad. District 9 was first.
DISTRICT 9: so, i really didn't want to see this movie. i didn't think any of the previews looked good. it just looked too scary and too much of the same thing. but, whatever. i was pretty nervous to see it.
i really liked it. it was a really cool story. just like, super interesting. and the aliens were incredible. you would think they were just guys in alien suits. they looked so real. probably comparable to Aslan from the Narnia movies. i don't know how they get him to look so real.
the main guy was really good. he was super cute and nerdy. and just like, a good guy. and he became friend with the alien named Christopher. basically, District 9 = bromance.
my favorite part about the movie was watching the aliens communicate with the humans. they had their own language which was like, juicy clicking sounds. but they could understand english and the humans could understand their language. it was all very cool to watch.
good music. reminded me of Black Hawk Down.
and it really wasn't scary at all. i really had no idea what the actual story was, but once it was clear, i thought, "oh, this isn't going to be scary, it's going to be violent and bloody." but, it wasn't really even that violent or bloody. not like Watchmen. YUCK.
anyways, i give it four stars. **** out of five.
next was,
THE UGLY TRUTH: man, Katherine Heigl is really beautiful. but, after she said all those mean things about being in Knocked Up and about Judd Apatow, i don't know why she would do this movie.
the movie was about her and Gerard Butler and he would just tell her how to act, how to dress and what to say, so guys would like her more. and he was this super jerk on tv, but not really off camera. and he hated her, and she hated him. but, then he liked her because she turned into what he wanted her to. and then, whatever. i don't think their relationship will last.
but ya know, it was a pretty good movie. she had the best friend who looked like Judy Greer, but wasn't. i guess i liked it, i just didn't really understand it. and like, i ended up liking both of the characters, but i couldn't understand why they liked each other. that was the thing that tripped me up.
overall - great night at the movies!!!! and i kept thinking, "drive-ins are great! you can bring any kind of food in that you want!!" AND, you get to see two movies for the price of one!!! on a giant screen. what a great deal! everyone wins!
so then comes the scariest part of the night. probably the scariest experience i have had in a while. well, probably in a week since seeing the skunk. no, this was way scarier.
so, we're driving home on the windy roads. which are now pitch black because it's after midnight. and, we're driving around a curve in the road, and the light from the headlights shines into someone's driveway and something in the driveway is illuminated. tall. standing at the very end. brown, shiny coat. big ears.
we saw an effing moose!!!!!! if it had been any closer to the road, i probably would have had to swerve out of the way. OMG, it was terrifying.
it's only the second moose i've ever seen in my life. the first was in Canada. so, i guess it was the first American moose i've ever seen. it was so scary. afterwards i got all hott, like i had a fever and my heart was beating so, so fast. i'm not kidding. my hands were shaking. i think it was because it happened so fast. like, around the curve and BAM there's a moose.
i don't wish it upon anyone. i mean, my absolute worst fear while driving is seeing a deer. and it's deer because i NEVER EVER think i would EVER see a moose while driving. what are the chances? so this was like seeing a pack of deer. that's how horrible it was.
i hope i don't have any moose or deer nightmares tonight. i have lots of deer nightmares. if you read through my dream journal, you'll see. there are lots of dreams about deer.
anyways. i'm tired now and i'm going to bed. Emily and David are coming to visit today! i'm super excited to see them.
more later!!!!
hope your saturday was great and mooseless!!!!
15 August 2009
lucky you
wow, what an awesome post i had to leave you with. all that interesting info about drugs.
anyways. this has to be a quick one while he's away, because i have a little baby with me right now and she could wake up any minute!
this is the little baby that i took care of a while back. like, beginning of May-ish. when she was really little. she's five months now and sooo big! i can't believe it. i think she might have remembered me because she almost immediately gave me a big smile, and her mom said she doesn't smile very often.
she had a bottle. then we played for a little while. she was like, dancing all over the place. then she started to get fussy. it was only because she was tired and wanted to go to sleep. so, i laid her down and put her soft bunny next to her and she fell right to sleep. she's so beautiful.
anyways, i have her until 4. not too much longer.
THEN, we have big plans for tonight. Courtney and I are taking our two residents to the DRIVE-IN MOVIE THEATER. the girl who really wanted to go only wanted to go with either me or courtney or both of us. so, we had to wait for a weekend when all of us are available. and, it's tonight.
i think we're going to Weirs Beach, NH, which is about an hour twenty minutes away. there's another drive-in in Fairlee, VT, which is a lot closer and less expensive. but, it's not as big as Weirs Beach. so, i don't know. Courtney was going to talk to them about it this afternoon.
SO, we're either seeing:
District 9 and The Ugly Truth
G-Force and The Proposal
i'm kind of scared to see District 9. i guess it's supposed to be super good, though. maybe it won't be so bad seeing it inside a car. who knows. we shall see.
so, last night i watched this movie called Giganic. with Paul Dano and Zooey Deschanel. it was really good. Paul Dano was this guy who had been trying to adopt a baby from China and then he meets Zooey and is totally in love with her (just like every other guy in all her movies) and they have this quirky relationship. it was a sweet movie. it can be watched instantly online with your Netflix membership.
so, Ruby Tuesday was very interested in the baby. especially when she got fussy. she would come over to her and just stare. i told her last night that there was going to be a little baby here and that she had to be nice, but i think she must have forgotten, because she looked pretty surprised at the whole situation. they're both sleeping now.
well, alright. hope you all are having a great weekend. i can't believe it's saturday already. another week has gone by. it's like, mid-august. cr-azy.
ok. have a nice night. i'm sure i'll talk to you later.
anyways. this has to be a quick one while he's away, because i have a little baby with me right now and she could wake up any minute!
this is the little baby that i took care of a while back. like, beginning of May-ish. when she was really little. she's five months now and sooo big! i can't believe it. i think she might have remembered me because she almost immediately gave me a big smile, and her mom said she doesn't smile very often.
she had a bottle. then we played for a little while. she was like, dancing all over the place. then she started to get fussy. it was only because she was tired and wanted to go to sleep. so, i laid her down and put her soft bunny next to her and she fell right to sleep. she's so beautiful.
anyways, i have her until 4. not too much longer.
THEN, we have big plans for tonight. Courtney and I are taking our two residents to the DRIVE-IN MOVIE THEATER. the girl who really wanted to go only wanted to go with either me or courtney or both of us. so, we had to wait for a weekend when all of us are available. and, it's tonight.
i think we're going to Weirs Beach, NH, which is about an hour twenty minutes away. there's another drive-in in Fairlee, VT, which is a lot closer and less expensive. but, it's not as big as Weirs Beach. so, i don't know. Courtney was going to talk to them about it this afternoon.
SO, we're either seeing:
District 9 and The Ugly Truth
G-Force and The Proposal
i'm kind of scared to see District 9. i guess it's supposed to be super good, though. maybe it won't be so bad seeing it inside a car. who knows. we shall see.
so, last night i watched this movie called Giganic. with Paul Dano and Zooey Deschanel. it was really good. Paul Dano was this guy who had been trying to adopt a baby from China and then he meets Zooey and is totally in love with her (just like every other guy in all her movies) and they have this quirky relationship. it was a sweet movie. it can be watched instantly online with your Netflix membership.
so, Ruby Tuesday was very interested in the baby. especially when she got fussy. she would come over to her and just stare. i told her last night that there was going to be a little baby here and that she had to be nice, but i think she must have forgotten, because she looked pretty surprised at the whole situation. they're both sleeping now.
well, alright. hope you all are having a great weekend. i can't believe it's saturday already. another week has gone by. it's like, mid-august. cr-azy.
ok. have a nice night. i'm sure i'll talk to you later.
13 August 2009
so, i stopped doing my drug class because i was getting too bored.
instead i took a 2-hour bath.
then, i came back out and said, "DO IT DO IT DO IT" and i finished week 2!!!!
i totally, completely bombed an online quiz we had to take. but, that's okay. i thought a lot of the questions were confusing. plus, a quiz? hello! don't they know i went to Hampshire?
anyways, i took a lot of screencaps so you could enjoy the class with me again. wow, i can see your face - you're thrilled!!!!!!
so, at the end we had to play this game called Rags to Riches. i took various screencaps at different points in the game to give you the general idea. Let's Play!!!!

can you guess the answer?? if you guessed PARACETAMOL, then you're right!!!

if you guessed AMPHETAMINE, then you are $16,000 richer!!

can you guess the right answer!?!? well, if you guess, A VERY STRONG PAIN KILLER, then you're right!!!

for one million dollars. if you guessed, GO TO SLEEP, then you are right!!!!!

wow!!! you won too?? that's great. now we all have one million dollars. let's all meet up in Italy and get pizza and gelato.
so then, after winning one million dollars, i STILL had more work to do! can you believe it?! i went from rags to riches and they wanted me to do more.
then i had to take a 20 minute online training on the use of inhalants. this was a really good training. it was really easy to follow and understand.
but, they made it REALLY REALLY clear that they DID NOT want children to take this training. NOR DID THEY WANT parents to share with their children ANY information learned from this.
i found this pretty funny and odd. and, while i can totally see where they are coming from, i'm not sure i agree with this method of keeping children in the dark.
let's get trained on inhalant use. (i've added my own personal touches quite reminiscent of the style of Perez Hilton.)

"Congratulations on being proactive in protecting your family!" that's my favorite line.
now, this next segment was a picture of a house, dollhouse style, and when you moved your cursor over the different rooms, it would tell you the potentially hazardous materials in each room. i have shown you my favorite room, The Office.

what do you need lighter fluid in the office for?? shouldn't this be in the garage with your grill?
and then at the end, there was a survey type thing about the training. i kind of stumbled on question 2....
so, through the whole quiz, on the top of every page (no joke), it said in bold letters ADULTS ONLY. so, i kind of felt like this maybe was a trick question, so i answered Strongly Disagree. but, i really wasn't sure.
anyways. that was a quick version of my training today. i'm glad it's over.
last night i watched Yes Man. Jim Carrey. Zooey Deschanel. Bradley Cooper. geeze, that Bradley Cooper is becoming hott stuff. he's just everywhere. i thought it was really cute. i really didn't see what Zooey saw in Jim, because i thought he was kind of a jerk through the whole thing, but i think that's just his sense of humor. overall, i really liked it. great music by Eels. andrew would have liked that.
tonight i have The Great Buck Howard, which i am pretty excited about seeing. not only is it Colin AND Tom Hanks, but the guy's name is Buck! that's my turtle also. i don't know if he's ever met anybody with the same name as him. and lord knows it's impossible to find him name in gift shops on magnets, pens, keychains, etc. i'm kidding. i never look for Buck's name on things.
quickly (because i'm getting hungry for supper), i worked this morning from 8-8:30, and then my boss came in, and she was telling me about this substance abuse home in new hampshire that JUST closed this past week. and they only had two days notice, etc, and it was pretty dramatic. so then she goes,
BOSS: So, do you have a plan in case this place closes?
and she said it so casually!!! i was like,
JULIE: Uuuuhhhhh.......no.
then i said,
JULIE: I guess I would have to move out.
so, that would stink. but, if that happens, i think my plan is this:
- look in the RIDESHARES section on craigslist
- see where someone is going, or needs to go
- go with them!
sometimes you see ads like, "i'll give you $200 plus i'll pay for gas if you drive me to missouri." why not?? it's like online hitchhiking.
but, i'm not planning on that happening.
what a cool trip that would be though. to find people off craigslist. give them rides places. then in the new city, go on craigslist there and find someone else that needs to go someplace. and so on, and so on.
ok, that's what i'm gonna do. and i'm gonna blog about it while i do it. and then turn it into a book. and then in about 5 years they'll make it into a movie. Megan Fox can play me.
hahaha, that was a joke. the part about Megan Fox. haha.
but, think about how many different people you would meet. and how many places you would see. and, you wouldn't really need that much money, because other people would be paying for your gas. brillz. i can't wait.
and in even more exciting news::::
my mom is coming to visit tomorrow!!!!!! friday!!!!! i'm so excited.
i got four phone calls today on my mobile phone!!!!! that means i heard West Coast four times unexpectedly!!! it was great! two were from my mom, one was from my boss, one was from the Red Cross worker in Concord.
ok ok. i'm hungry now and ready to watch Buck Howard. i'll give you a full report.
have a great night!!! hope you learned some stuff about drugs!!! and also had fun. i know i did.
instead i took a 2-hour bath.
then, i came back out and said, "DO IT DO IT DO IT" and i finished week 2!!!!
i totally, completely bombed an online quiz we had to take. but, that's okay. i thought a lot of the questions were confusing. plus, a quiz? hello! don't they know i went to Hampshire?
anyways, i took a lot of screencaps so you could enjoy the class with me again. wow, i can see your face - you're thrilled!!!!!!
so, at the end we had to play this game called Rags to Riches. i took various screencaps at different points in the game to give you the general idea. Let's Play!!!!

can you guess the answer?? if you guessed PARACETAMOL, then you're right!!!

if you guessed AMPHETAMINE, then you are $16,000 richer!!

can you guess the right answer!?!? well, if you guess, A VERY STRONG PAIN KILLER, then you're right!!!

for one million dollars. if you guessed, GO TO SLEEP, then you are right!!!!!

wow!!! you won too?? that's great. now we all have one million dollars. let's all meet up in Italy and get pizza and gelato.
so then, after winning one million dollars, i STILL had more work to do! can you believe it?! i went from rags to riches and they wanted me to do more.
then i had to take a 20 minute online training on the use of inhalants. this was a really good training. it was really easy to follow and understand.
but, they made it REALLY REALLY clear that they DID NOT want children to take this training. NOR DID THEY WANT parents to share with their children ANY information learned from this.
i found this pretty funny and odd. and, while i can totally see where they are coming from, i'm not sure i agree with this method of keeping children in the dark.
let's get trained on inhalant use. (i've added my own personal touches quite reminiscent of the style of Perez Hilton.)

"Congratulations on being proactive in protecting your family!" that's my favorite line.

now, this next segment was a picture of a house, dollhouse style, and when you moved your cursor over the different rooms, it would tell you the potentially hazardous materials in each room. i have shown you my favorite room, The Office.

what do you need lighter fluid in the office for?? shouldn't this be in the garage with your grill?
and then at the end, there was a survey type thing about the training. i kind of stumbled on question 2....

anyways. that was a quick version of my training today. i'm glad it's over.
last night i watched Yes Man. Jim Carrey. Zooey Deschanel. Bradley Cooper. geeze, that Bradley Cooper is becoming hott stuff. he's just everywhere. i thought it was really cute. i really didn't see what Zooey saw in Jim, because i thought he was kind of a jerk through the whole thing, but i think that's just his sense of humor. overall, i really liked it. great music by Eels. andrew would have liked that.
tonight i have The Great Buck Howard, which i am pretty excited about seeing. not only is it Colin AND Tom Hanks, but the guy's name is Buck! that's my turtle also. i don't know if he's ever met anybody with the same name as him. and lord knows it's impossible to find him name in gift shops on magnets, pens, keychains, etc. i'm kidding. i never look for Buck's name on things.
quickly (because i'm getting hungry for supper), i worked this morning from 8-8:30, and then my boss came in, and she was telling me about this substance abuse home in new hampshire that JUST closed this past week. and they only had two days notice, etc, and it was pretty dramatic. so then she goes,
BOSS: So, do you have a plan in case this place closes?
and she said it so casually!!! i was like,
JULIE: Uuuuhhhhh.......no.
then i said,
JULIE: I guess I would have to move out.
so, that would stink. but, if that happens, i think my plan is this:
- look in the RIDESHARES section on craigslist
- see where someone is going, or needs to go
- go with them!
sometimes you see ads like, "i'll give you $200 plus i'll pay for gas if you drive me to missouri." why not?? it's like online hitchhiking.
but, i'm not planning on that happening.
what a cool trip that would be though. to find people off craigslist. give them rides places. then in the new city, go on craigslist there and find someone else that needs to go someplace. and so on, and so on.
ok, that's what i'm gonna do. and i'm gonna blog about it while i do it. and then turn it into a book. and then in about 5 years they'll make it into a movie. Megan Fox can play me.
hahaha, that was a joke. the part about Megan Fox. haha.
but, think about how many different people you would meet. and how many places you would see. and, you wouldn't really need that much money, because other people would be paying for your gas. brillz. i can't wait.
and in even more exciting news::::
my mom is coming to visit tomorrow!!!!!! friday!!!!! i'm so excited.
i got four phone calls today on my mobile phone!!!!! that means i heard West Coast four times unexpectedly!!! it was great! two were from my mom, one was from my boss, one was from the Red Cross worker in Concord.
ok ok. i'm hungry now and ready to watch Buck Howard. i'll give you a full report.
have a great night!!! hope you learned some stuff about drugs!!! and also had fun. i know i did.
everyone's favorite time of day!!!
well, it's early evening on a thursday and i don't have any Entourage to watch. do you know what this means!!? it's time for me to work on my Drug Education class!!!!! hooray! and since you are here with me, that means you get to do it too.
ALRIGHT, we know how this works. i do the readings and activities, and update you on confusing things or things that i find interesting.
get excited!!!!!
THIS WEEK: we will identify five classes of controlled drugs, the drugs in each class and what they do to the person taking them.
Hey! my favorite!
so, i'll be doing some live blogging to keep you guys updated. it's currently 5:51pm on the east coast.
let's get going!!!!
ALRIGHT, we know how this works. i do the readings and activities, and update you on confusing things or things that i find interesting.
get excited!!!!!
THIS WEEK: we will identify five classes of controlled drugs, the drugs in each class and what they do to the person taking them.
Hey! my favorite!
so, i'll be doing some live blogging to keep you guys updated. it's currently 5:51pm on the east coast.
let's get going!!!!
me. here.
hi all. i just wanted to update real quick and let you know that i'm here. i feel like it's been awhile since we last talked. i've had lots of fun adventures. hung out with great people. and bought an awesomely green sweatshirt.
i will update more later. probably today. thursday.
i hope you all are having excellent weeks. ruby tuesday is sitting on my arm, so it's getting hard to type. also, my right eye is getting that horrible feeling that it sometimes gets. so, i think i must close my eyes soon. and, it's almost 3:30am. i'm not sure if i have to get up to work from 8-9, but i think i will anyways, just to make sure.
so, i'll talk to you then. if i have to work.
i will update more later. probably today. thursday.
i hope you all are having excellent weeks. ruby tuesday is sitting on my arm, so it's getting hard to type. also, my right eye is getting that horrible feeling that it sometimes gets. so, i think i must close my eyes soon. and, it's almost 3:30am. i'm not sure if i have to get up to work from 8-9, but i think i will anyways, just to make sure.
so, i'll talk to you then. if i have to work.
10 August 2009
see pea are?
i've been trying to sign up for this infant and child CPR class this morning. i called at 8am and they said to call back at 8:30. i called back at 8:40 and they said to call back after 9. so, i'm not sure what the deal is. but, i guess i'll try them later.
so sunday was a great day. i got directions to Hudson, NH where my dad just moved and went to go visit him! it was such an easy drive. two bucks in tolls, which isn't even that bad. and the construction on I-89 is finally starting to ease up, it looks.
anyways, so i arrived in hudson around 1:30, maybe? i actually have no idea. i got a tour of my dad's new house. it's great! had a nice cup of coffee.
then we took a trip to TARGET. i needed dish soap. and i was not willing to compromise for a less earth-friendly, less company not started by a hampshire alum dish soap. i wanted my Seventh Generation lavender and mint. yumm.
NOW THIS TARGS - is two floors. TWO FLOORS. i had never been in a two-floored targs before. it was amazing and incredible beyond all belief. and they had this great way of getting your shopping cart from either the top or bottom floor. like a special escalator for carts.
it was really nice to see my dad and get to spend time with him.
then we headed back to his house to pick up his girlfriend kristi and we all went out for dinner. it was nice. we went to this place called Valentino's, which is right down the street from their house. i had maple glazed salmon with mango salsa. delish!
it was fun!
i left around 7:30 to head back north. the drive was just about an hour and 40 minutes. it was a great day.
AND THEN! i had texted kara to have her call me when she got out of work so we could talk about her coming up today to visit. and she called me on her drive home around midnight and said, "actually i think i want to come up tonight!" and i said, "YES YES YES."
so, she left berwick, maine around 12:45am and arrived here just before 3am. it was great! Ruby Tuesday was really excited to see her. now there are more people to play with!
today we're going to go into hanover and see 500 Days of Summer. i'm really excited. then probably get chinese food. i love kara! she's the best!
and now my shift is 4 minutes from being finished. i can't wait to go back to sleep. i am tired a lot. and my right eye is really hurting. like, achy hurt. my eyes hurt a lot just after i wake up. it's kind of weird. but, it's the kind of hurt just, when you poke yourself in the eye. it's like you can't even open your eyes anymore and they get all watery. it's like the worst feeling in the world. whatever.
so, i guess i'll call the red cross back later. i don't want them to think i'm some stalker of the person who teaches the classes.
alright! have a great monday! it's the beginning of another week! the possibilities are endless! embrace them!
i'll talk to you later. did you have a great weekend!? what did you do?!?! i really want to know!
09 August 2009
"the great kings of the past are up there."
third night as a stargazer!!!
tonight went much better than last night. i went out there on a mission. i had just painted my nails blue and i think that helped. and earlier today, i had gone out to the daycare lawn and set up some chairs for me to sit on. and put my feet up. so, i was off the ground. and i said to myself, "i'm going to walk out the door and straight into the daycare lawn. no looking around." because if you look in the trees at nighttime, you start to see things that aren't there. there would be no scaring myself tonight.
so, i got all set up on my chairs. in the same spot i was the first night when i met the skunk, only sitting in a chair now. i was totally prepared to meet the skunk.
i told kara about the skunk and she said,
KARA: You met a SKUNK?? No way! What was his name??
JULIE: Well, he introduced himself as Louis, but I think he looked more like a Jack.
so, he is now officially Jack the skunk. he stayed home tonight, though.
it was pretty cold. 49 degrees, actually. i had two blankets, sweatpants, a hoodie, and fleece socks. i only saw one shooting star tonight. that was okay, though.
i was very lonely out there tonight. i got pretty sad. i was happy, until the song 'What Can I Say' by Brandi Carlile came on my ipod playlist. some of the lyrics are, "i'm so sad since you went away.....alone is the last place that i want to be." it's a beautiful sad song. and then it was like a huge wave of sad. and i was like, "oh holy crap i'm outside alone at 2am. there's nobody here with me. i don't know anybody. i have no human contact."
and it was so quiet outside tonight. quiet makes things more lonely. and then the song ended, and i was happy about that because a happier song would surely come on. and i was happy, because it was Coconut Records song. 'Saint Jerome.' and i love that song. but, there's a lyric that goes, "i don't never ever want to be alone." and i was sad again.
and then pretty soon after that, it got cloudy. and they were really beautiful clouds. i wish i had brought my camera out with me. it looked like a giant ribcage across the sky.
and i kept thinking of the quote from The Lion King, where Mufasa tells Simba, "Look at the stars. The great kings of the past are up there, watching over us." and then i didn't feel so lonely.
and now i'm tired. it's a quarter to 4am. bedtime. Sleepy Tuesday has been asleep for a while.
have a great Sunday. talk to you later.
Whatever happens in the end, I don't wanna lose you as my friend.
tonight went much better than last night. i went out there on a mission. i had just painted my nails blue and i think that helped. and earlier today, i had gone out to the daycare lawn and set up some chairs for me to sit on. and put my feet up. so, i was off the ground. and i said to myself, "i'm going to walk out the door and straight into the daycare lawn. no looking around." because if you look in the trees at nighttime, you start to see things that aren't there. there would be no scaring myself tonight.
so, i got all set up on my chairs. in the same spot i was the first night when i met the skunk, only sitting in a chair now. i was totally prepared to meet the skunk.
i told kara about the skunk and she said,
KARA: You met a SKUNK?? No way! What was his name??
JULIE: Well, he introduced himself as Louis, but I think he looked more like a Jack.
so, he is now officially Jack the skunk. he stayed home tonight, though.
it was pretty cold. 49 degrees, actually. i had two blankets, sweatpants, a hoodie, and fleece socks. i only saw one shooting star tonight. that was okay, though.
i was very lonely out there tonight. i got pretty sad. i was happy, until the song 'What Can I Say' by Brandi Carlile came on my ipod playlist. some of the lyrics are, "i'm so sad since you went away.....alone is the last place that i want to be." it's a beautiful sad song. and then it was like a huge wave of sad. and i was like, "oh holy crap i'm outside alone at 2am. there's nobody here with me. i don't know anybody. i have no human contact."
and it was so quiet outside tonight. quiet makes things more lonely. and then the song ended, and i was happy about that because a happier song would surely come on. and i was happy, because it was Coconut Records song. 'Saint Jerome.' and i love that song. but, there's a lyric that goes, "i don't never ever want to be alone." and i was sad again.
and then pretty soon after that, it got cloudy. and they were really beautiful clouds. i wish i had brought my camera out with me. it looked like a giant ribcage across the sky.
and i kept thinking of the quote from The Lion King, where Mufasa tells Simba, "Look at the stars. The great kings of the past are up there, watching over us." and then i didn't feel so lonely.
and now i'm tired. it's a quarter to 4am. bedtime. Sleepy Tuesday has been asleep for a while.
have a great Sunday. talk to you later.
Whatever happens in the end, I don't wanna lose you as my friend.
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