at work now. still sick. actually, i'm sicker than the last time i talked to you. thursday night was totally miserable. i had the worrrrrst headache and was sneezing all over the place. i didn't get to sleep until after 3:30am because i couldn't lay down, due to the terrible headache. i made some chicken broth, drank it, and felt a little better after. enough better so i could sleep, at least.
friday was also misery. spent on the couch, watching Grey's Anatomy, snuggled on the couch with Ruby Tuesday.

Yep. that's what happened. i don't know if you can tell, but in that middle phone, she's licking her lips. OHHHHH WOW. yeah, she's just the sweetest thing ever.
OK. a few things:
1. Remember the clock story from a few weeks back? How I had two clocks in my room, and I set them at the same time, but then days would go by and the "red clock" would be like, two minutes faster than the "white clock?" Remember that story?
WELL. When I last updated, I think, the "red clock" was like, 35 seconds faster, or something. WELL NOW - the "red clock" is like 2.5 minutes faster than the other clock!!! Can you believe it?!?! I CAN'T. It's so crazy to me!!
2. I made corn bread last night and I swirled honey through the batter before I baked it. It's delicious.
3. Blog change!! You might have noticed, but I changed the font color on the blog!! Why??? BECAUSE!!!!! (get excited!) I received an email from a new friend in Sweden who reads the blog and is a Crash Kings fan! And he told me that the font was a little hard to read in the color it was in. So - I changed it!!!
HOW EXCITING IS THIS?!?!?! So excited. I hope he's reading right now, because I was SUPER EXCITED to get his email! And through the BLOG EMAIL ADDRESS located on the left of your screen!! You (yes, you!) can email me at any time using that address!!!
GREAT! So great.
SO! All the above was written last Saturday. Now it's Thursday. The 7th of October. And I'm continuing.
I started listening to this band, New Politics, as recommended by a Crash Kings junkie friend of mine. She saw them... last week? Two weeks ago? And can't stop listening. So, I figured I would check them out too! And YES! They're great. You should start listening too!
Something else that I can't stop listening to: Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream.' UGH - it's so addicting. But, in listening to it like, a thousand times a day, I realized it's actually a pretty romantic song. Sexy. I like it.
OH! And in a clock update, (I know, this is fascinating to you guys), the red clock is now FOUR MINUTES faster than the other clock. Wait, four minutes? Or three minutes. Hm, now I can't remember.
Wow, this is embarrassing since I was so excited. I'll give you an update when I'm near the clocks. I'm at work again now.
We got a new resident yesterday! Now there are 3 girls, 2 babies. And BOY - tonight was FREAKING LOUD. Just like, screaming all the time. But now the sweet sounds of Zac Efron's voice is on, as they're watching 17 Again. :) Zac...
The past two nights I have been awake until 6am. Last night was actually 6:30am. I don't know why.
Last night I had a dream that Crash Kings tweeted and it just said, 'Brothers' and then there was a link after it. And I remember being really excited that there would be a super adorable pic of Mike and Tony when they were babies or something. BUT THEN - I woke up. How HORRIBLE?!?!?!? That sort of thing should be ILLEGAL IN DREAMS. Where is Leonardo DiCaprio when you need him to get you back dreaming so you can click on the Twitter link!?!?!!?
Or actually, where is Leonardo DiCaprio when you need him at all? Why isn't he just around me all the time? I think I like that plan.
But, I found some new Crash Kings interviews on Youtube. One of them is like a super long phone interview with Tony. It's like, 4 parts. I'm going to post the interviews in case anyone is bored and wants to listen to sexy Tony for like, 40 minutes. :)
part one
part two
part three
part four
Interviewer asks some different questions, which is cool.
lots of gorgeous smiles
YES. My eyes have been busy feasting :)
I just learned something interesting at work:
THIS MONTH, October, has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays and that only happens every 823 years! Cool, right? I wonder how long it took the person to figure that out. Or maybe it was a computer.
Anyways. I should get going. I am at work, after all.
NO PLANS for tomorrow! Friday! Work on Saturday and then maybe home for the day on Sunday.
My cold is FINALLY gone. Did I tell you I think it was more borderline flu? Or sinus infection. It was BAD. And almost unlike any other cold I have had. And trust me, I'm seasoned on my cold knowledge.
This past Tuesday night I became re-certified in my ability to hand out medication. Cool, right? I think so. I like med training, I think it's really interesting to learn about all the different types of meds and how they affect your body. How they enter your body, etc. Same with when I took that class on drug abuse, I really liked that.
In bad news: I'm behind on Jersey Shore.
In good news: I'm LOVING this season of Bored to Death.
So, there's a pretty good chance that I'll be in Washington, DC for Halloween!! What should I dress up as?!!? I'll consider ANY and ALL suggestions. And ideas? I haven't dressed up since my last year of college, when I was Che Guevara. And Kara was Fidel Castro. MAN, we rocked.
YEP. So great.
ALRIGHT! I actually have to do work now, so I'm gonna go. I PROMISE I'll be better about updating.
Have a great night! I'll talk to you later! Take care, be well!!