the fascination continues, my friends.
- did you know that over one half of the state of Maine is known as Unorganized Territory. meaning, TOWNSHIPS. and approx. 9,000 people live there year round.
- did you also know that Robert Redford and Harrison Ford are huge supporters of the Americans for a Maine Woods National Park? apparently the area of Maine that is all woods is known as the "Maine North Woods." and they want it to be a national park. if it does become a national park, it would be bigger than Yellowstone and Yosemite combined.
go maine.
03 April 2009
razzle dazzle
i went to court today. and i'm back from court now. i survived!!! barely. well, kind of. i'll take you back to last night....
so, after i left you, i finished up getting ready and got into bed just about 2am. i'm exhausted. i can barely keep my eyes awake.
and then it's 3am and i'm still not asleep.
and then it's 4am and i'm still not asleep.
and then it's! i must have slept for 45 minutes.
and then it's 5am. still awake.
alarm goes off at 5:23. still awake. now i'm really awake for the day. great. nice and rested for court.
i feed kitty. get dressed. drink some iced tea. do my make-up. and then comes the hair. now, it didn't go so well during my practice run last night. but! i was in a good mood, calm and relaxed with nice clean hair this morning. ready to try it again.
so, i begin with the very bottom section of hair. straighten it. curl it with the straightener. um, comes out awesome. "alright!" i think. middle section of hair. straighten it. curl it with the straightener. awesome, again! top section of hair. straighten it. curl it with the straighter. HAIR IS ROCK STAR.
i totally conquered the curling with the straightener this morning. i WAS SO PROUD of myself. omg, my hair looked awesome. and then i put it my black headband and i was ready.
OH - i looked awesome. my whole outfit just rocked.
go downstairs. make sure the girls are ready for school. give out some meds.
and we leave the house right at 7am. i drove on the way there so that my boss could do her makeup in the car.
it was a good ride down. really foggy in parts.
manchester, nh is just about 70 miles away from here.
we parked in the parking garage right next to the court house. yikes a bee i'm totally scared out of my mind. my boss is freaking out too. she says she hates testifying more than anything.
highlight of my day = passing the security people. yay! go julie! i didn't have to take off my toe rings. and i was worried i would have to take out my new earring. and then i was DREADING it because i don't know how to take it out. but, all was well because i didn't set off any alarms today.
(oh, except the looking totally glam alarm. duh!)
so, we go up to the court waiting area and wait. our time was for 8:30. so, we get there at 8:15. wait wait wait wait wait wait.
a few people come over and talk to us. mainly Caroline, from DCYF, Division for Children, Youth and Families. she's the woman who interviewed me a few weeks ago. and then we think it's getting closer to our time and we're really freaking out.
and then Bonnie, the DCYF attorney, comes over to us and we start talking. we have to give "mini-testifies" to her so she'll know what we'll say if we have to testify. she's really nice.
but then she starts saying all these scary lawyer things like,
BONNIE: Now, you have to really listen to the question they are asking you because lawyers are tricky and they'll play with their words. Let's try an example, (points to me) ok, 'do you know what time it is?"
JULIE: Um, 9:05?
BONNIE: (points to my boss) Do you know what time it is?
BONNIE: No. I asked you if you knew what time it was, not what the time actually was.
and me and Charlene are both like, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!??!?! that's what this is going to be like!?!? a bunch of tricksy mind games!?!!?!?!?
so that was horrible. and after we both got the question wrong our nerves shot waaaaay up. and then Bonnie was like,
BONNIE: Ok, so I'll call you up to the stand. You'll walk up, you'll be sworn in, I'll ask you to identify yourself, spell your last name for the record, and then I'll ask you some simple questions, 'how long have you worked at Hannah House', (etc, etc, etc....)
she went on and on for a while. hearing her speak was terrifying. i was so nervous. nay, scared. i could not believe i was there being prepared for this.
so, Bonnie tells us she'll go talk with the other people and that's when she'll find out if we actually have to testify.
and so me and Charlene are waiting still, in this room. and omg, it's like a torture room. i'm going out of my mind. everytime the door to the court room opens, my stomach drops and my heart stops beating. it's the worst feeling in the world.
and now it's ten o'clock. the court room door opens.
everyone walks out.
CHARLENE: Oh, this is a very good sign.
and we meet again with Caroline and Bonnie and they tell us it's over.
BONNIE: Thank you so much for coming.
and that's it, folks! my day at court. the worst hour and a half spent in a waiting room ever. turns out i didn't have to testify. TODAY.
i WILL probably have to at some point reguarding this case. right now we're still in the "hearing" phase. eventually it will go to trial. and there are a list of other court dates that i might need to attend.
so, this definitely isn't over. it just is for today.
and the major part in this case, is the part that happened overnight when i was working. and i had to make all the "in the moment" decisions that led to a trip to the ER.
and so, that night, i decided to call them a taxi to bring them to the hospital rather than call 911. and i really wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do. so, in the van afterwards, i asked Charlene.
JULIE: So, do you think I should have called 911?
CHARLENE: No. I think you did everything absolutely right.
JULIE: Really? Because that's the one part I keep going back to...
CHARLENE: You did exactly what I would have done in that situation.
aanndd.....basically i am a rock star. boy was i happy to hear her say those things.
so, afterwards, we dropped off the resident at her house, because it was almost 11 and she was going home this weekend.
and then! me and Charlene had a lovely lunch out at this sushi restaurant in Bow, NH. Courtney has been telling us it's the best place for sushi ever. so, we tried it. AND IT WAS. omg, delish everywhere, everything.
and we had some 'grown up girl bonding time' over japanese. it was great.
back to the house by 1:15.
i can't believe we did so much so early in the day! and i can't believe i did it all on 45 minutes of sleep!!!!! and i'm still awake!!!!
i've actually been doing research on sleep disorders. and i've been self-diagnosing myself left and right! so much fun.
i think i almost definitely have a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. i have no internal clock. i don't get tired in the dark and awake in the light. all that stuff.
so then i was thinking i have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. where, you can't fall asleep before a certain time of night. the most common is 4am. and then sleeping until noon. which, is generally my "nighttime." so, i thought it was definite that i had this one. until i read that no matter how little sleep the person got the night before, they still won't be able to fall asleep before their set time.
which, is untrue for me. because like, the other night, i hadn't gotten very much sleep, so i went to bed at 12:30. slept until 6:30. back to bed by 9. slept until 1:30.
actually, that was yesterday. when i woke up at 1:30. and now's it's 3pm and since then i've only had 45 minutes of shut eye.
SO THEN. i diagnosed myself with Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Syndrome. which, is much more rare. but, kind of sounds like me?
that one is where you can really sleep at anytime day or night. you can be awake for very long periods of time with no problem. and you normally sleep for 9-10 hours, when you do. your body can't adjust to the external "light/dark" cycle.
but like, that one occurs in fewer than 1 in 2000 people. it's classified a "rare disease." so, i doubt i have that one. but, it does sound like me.
and also it developes in late teens, early twenties.
and also, all of these sleep disorders can create other problems in your body. one of which is cardiac arrhythmia. WHICH, hello!, I HAVE. and started for no reason in my late teens. during my junior year, when i can frequently recall multiple times staying up until 3am.
so there. who needs doctors when you've got Wikipedia and lots of medical dramas on tv? obvi, not me.
i'm just so thrilled and happy that i found a job where i do not have to try and force myself to sleep within the socially normal constraints of time.
and tonight i have to go to the post office and to the grocery store. actually, i have to do that like, soon.
and then tomorrow madre and kara are visiting. and i'll have a baby all day. a 3-month old. i'm excited because i like cuddling with him.
did i tell you i'm super excited about Hair being back on broadway??? because i am. and i've been listening to the music non-stop. i have to see a good performance of Hair to make up for the last one.
ok. i should probably get going. then i can come back here. and maybe take a bath or a nap.
hope you're having a great friday. thanks for bearing with me during my recent time of court related fear and stress.
so, after i left you, i finished up getting ready and got into bed just about 2am. i'm exhausted. i can barely keep my eyes awake.
and then it's 3am and i'm still not asleep.
and then it's 4am and i'm still not asleep.
and then it's! i must have slept for 45 minutes.
and then it's 5am. still awake.
alarm goes off at 5:23. still awake. now i'm really awake for the day. great. nice and rested for court.
i feed kitty. get dressed. drink some iced tea. do my make-up. and then comes the hair. now, it didn't go so well during my practice run last night. but! i was in a good mood, calm and relaxed with nice clean hair this morning. ready to try it again.
so, i begin with the very bottom section of hair. straighten it. curl it with the straightener. um, comes out awesome. "alright!" i think. middle section of hair. straighten it. curl it with the straightener. awesome, again! top section of hair. straighten it. curl it with the straighter. HAIR IS ROCK STAR.
i totally conquered the curling with the straightener this morning. i WAS SO PROUD of myself. omg, my hair looked awesome. and then i put it my black headband and i was ready.
OH - i looked awesome. my whole outfit just rocked.
go downstairs. make sure the girls are ready for school. give out some meds.
and we leave the house right at 7am. i drove on the way there so that my boss could do her makeup in the car.
it was a good ride down. really foggy in parts.
manchester, nh is just about 70 miles away from here.
we parked in the parking garage right next to the court house. yikes a bee i'm totally scared out of my mind. my boss is freaking out too. she says she hates testifying more than anything.
highlight of my day = passing the security people. yay! go julie! i didn't have to take off my toe rings. and i was worried i would have to take out my new earring. and then i was DREADING it because i don't know how to take it out. but, all was well because i didn't set off any alarms today.
(oh, except the looking totally glam alarm. duh!)
so, we go up to the court waiting area and wait. our time was for 8:30. so, we get there at 8:15. wait wait wait wait wait wait.
a few people come over and talk to us. mainly Caroline, from DCYF, Division for Children, Youth and Families. she's the woman who interviewed me a few weeks ago. and then we think it's getting closer to our time and we're really freaking out.
and then Bonnie, the DCYF attorney, comes over to us and we start talking. we have to give "mini-testifies" to her so she'll know what we'll say if we have to testify. she's really nice.
but then she starts saying all these scary lawyer things like,
BONNIE: Now, you have to really listen to the question they are asking you because lawyers are tricky and they'll play with their words. Let's try an example, (points to me) ok, 'do you know what time it is?"
JULIE: Um, 9:05?
BONNIE: (points to my boss) Do you know what time it is?
BONNIE: No. I asked you if you knew what time it was, not what the time actually was.
and me and Charlene are both like, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!??!?! that's what this is going to be like!?!? a bunch of tricksy mind games!?!!?!?!?
so that was horrible. and after we both got the question wrong our nerves shot waaaaay up. and then Bonnie was like,
BONNIE: Ok, so I'll call you up to the stand. You'll walk up, you'll be sworn in, I'll ask you to identify yourself, spell your last name for the record, and then I'll ask you some simple questions, 'how long have you worked at Hannah House', (etc, etc, etc....)
she went on and on for a while. hearing her speak was terrifying. i was so nervous. nay, scared. i could not believe i was there being prepared for this.
so, Bonnie tells us she'll go talk with the other people and that's when she'll find out if we actually have to testify.
and so me and Charlene are waiting still, in this room. and omg, it's like a torture room. i'm going out of my mind. everytime the door to the court room opens, my stomach drops and my heart stops beating. it's the worst feeling in the world.
and now it's ten o'clock. the court room door opens.
everyone walks out.
CHARLENE: Oh, this is a very good sign.
and we meet again with Caroline and Bonnie and they tell us it's over.
BONNIE: Thank you so much for coming.
and that's it, folks! my day at court. the worst hour and a half spent in a waiting room ever. turns out i didn't have to testify. TODAY.
i WILL probably have to at some point reguarding this case. right now we're still in the "hearing" phase. eventually it will go to trial. and there are a list of other court dates that i might need to attend.
so, this definitely isn't over. it just is for today.
and the major part in this case, is the part that happened overnight when i was working. and i had to make all the "in the moment" decisions that led to a trip to the ER.
and so, that night, i decided to call them a taxi to bring them to the hospital rather than call 911. and i really wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do. so, in the van afterwards, i asked Charlene.
JULIE: So, do you think I should have called 911?
CHARLENE: No. I think you did everything absolutely right.
JULIE: Really? Because that's the one part I keep going back to...
CHARLENE: You did exactly what I would have done in that situation.
aanndd.....basically i am a rock star. boy was i happy to hear her say those things.
so, afterwards, we dropped off the resident at her house, because it was almost 11 and she was going home this weekend.
and then! me and Charlene had a lovely lunch out at this sushi restaurant in Bow, NH. Courtney has been telling us it's the best place for sushi ever. so, we tried it. AND IT WAS. omg, delish everywhere, everything.
and we had some 'grown up girl bonding time' over japanese. it was great.
back to the house by 1:15.
i can't believe we did so much so early in the day! and i can't believe i did it all on 45 minutes of sleep!!!!! and i'm still awake!!!!
i've actually been doing research on sleep disorders. and i've been self-diagnosing myself left and right! so much fun.
i think i almost definitely have a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. i have no internal clock. i don't get tired in the dark and awake in the light. all that stuff.
so then i was thinking i have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. where, you can't fall asleep before a certain time of night. the most common is 4am. and then sleeping until noon. which, is generally my "nighttime." so, i thought it was definite that i had this one. until i read that no matter how little sleep the person got the night before, they still won't be able to fall asleep before their set time.
which, is untrue for me. because like, the other night, i hadn't gotten very much sleep, so i went to bed at 12:30. slept until 6:30. back to bed by 9. slept until 1:30.
actually, that was yesterday. when i woke up at 1:30. and now's it's 3pm and since then i've only had 45 minutes of shut eye.
SO THEN. i diagnosed myself with Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Syndrome. which, is much more rare. but, kind of sounds like me?
that one is where you can really sleep at anytime day or night. you can be awake for very long periods of time with no problem. and you normally sleep for 9-10 hours, when you do. your body can't adjust to the external "light/dark" cycle.
but like, that one occurs in fewer than 1 in 2000 people. it's classified a "rare disease." so, i doubt i have that one. but, it does sound like me.
and also it developes in late teens, early twenties.
and also, all of these sleep disorders can create other problems in your body. one of which is cardiac arrhythmia. WHICH, hello!, I HAVE. and started for no reason in my late teens. during my junior year, when i can frequently recall multiple times staying up until 3am.
so there. who needs doctors when you've got Wikipedia and lots of medical dramas on tv? obvi, not me.
i'm just so thrilled and happy that i found a job where i do not have to try and force myself to sleep within the socially normal constraints of time.
and tonight i have to go to the post office and to the grocery store. actually, i have to do that like, soon.
and then tomorrow madre and kara are visiting. and i'll have a baby all day. a 3-month old. i'm excited because i like cuddling with him.
did i tell you i'm super excited about Hair being back on broadway??? because i am. and i've been listening to the music non-stop. i have to see a good performance of Hair to make up for the last one.
ok. i should probably get going. then i can come back here. and maybe take a bath or a nap.
hope you're having a great friday. thanks for bearing with me during my recent time of court related fear and stress.
02 April 2009
overruled. sustained. i'll allow it.
i'm practicing my legal jargon for court. i've decided on the purple top. i had a fashion show tonight and i'm happy with the way it looks.
and i'm going to attempt to curl/wavy my hair with my straightener. i've watched many youtube "how-to" videos on the subject. i understand how to do it. and then i practiced for about an hour an a half tonight and all i got was straight hair. so, we'll see. maybe i'll photo-journal.
tonight at work kind of sucked. i spent almost three hours at the laundromat with two hyped up 16 year olds. it was exhausting. we washed every cloth item in the bedroom with the bed bugs. i told you a girl had bed bugs, right? yes. i believe i did. it cost $19 to wash and dry everything. i had to make a trip back to the house to get more money AND i had to use some of my own money. which, i will be reimbursed for.
basically, the trip to the laundromat involved me sitting and doing a lot of reading. and the girls acting crazy. they went to the pet shoppe. they went to the store. they could not sit still.
and then i had to go out again to fill the van with gas for tomorrow's trip. oh man i'm super nervous. Courtney had some calming reassuring words for me which was nice. i worked with her tonight.
and i've been listening to Hair tonight! because it opened on Broadway earlier this week! i really want to see it. and i actually recognized one of the names on the playbill! cool!!
OH i'm starting to feel nervous sick.
i've never been around a judge before. and i'm worried that i'll get into one of my "i hate people who think they have lots of power" moods.
especially because i basically hate the law. and judges are the highest in law. i'm REALLY going to hate standing. i think that might be the part i'm dreading the most.
OH NO. i can't start a revolution tomorrow. i have to stand for the judge.
maybe the judge will be Ray Fiennes in The Reader.
alright. i have to tell myself just to do what they say. and be respectful.
OH NO. i can't do this. i can't be sworn in. I DON'T WANT TO CONFORM. i hate this! I HATE RULES!!!
this is one of my downfalls. i can't be around people in powerful positions. oh no now i'm getting nervous. i have to just do it. put aside everything i'm feeling and just stand for the judge. swear to tell the whole truth.
OH MAN and we'll probably have to go through a security thing. oh geeze i really don't like those security guards.
i have to do it. i can totally be a bigger person than them. plus, i'll look waaay better. at least i don't have to wear some stupid black robe, judge. yeah! yeah. at least i'll look better.
alright. i'm going to try and sleep. i think i'll be up around 5:45. like, in 4 hours. great.
we starve - look
at one another,
short of breath,
walking proudly in our winter coats
wearing smells from laboratories
facing a dying nation
of moving paper fantasy
listening to the new told lies
with supreme vision of lonely tunes.
i'm practicing my legal jargon for court. i've decided on the purple top. i had a fashion show tonight and i'm happy with the way it looks.
and i'm going to attempt to curl/wavy my hair with my straightener. i've watched many youtube "how-to" videos on the subject. i understand how to do it. and then i practiced for about an hour an a half tonight and all i got was straight hair. so, we'll see. maybe i'll photo-journal.
tonight at work kind of sucked. i spent almost three hours at the laundromat with two hyped up 16 year olds. it was exhausting. we washed every cloth item in the bedroom with the bed bugs. i told you a girl had bed bugs, right? yes. i believe i did. it cost $19 to wash and dry everything. i had to make a trip back to the house to get more money AND i had to use some of my own money. which, i will be reimbursed for.
basically, the trip to the laundromat involved me sitting and doing a lot of reading. and the girls acting crazy. they went to the pet shoppe. they went to the store. they could not sit still.
and then i had to go out again to fill the van with gas for tomorrow's trip. oh man i'm super nervous. Courtney had some calming reassuring words for me which was nice. i worked with her tonight.
and i've been listening to Hair tonight! because it opened on Broadway earlier this week! i really want to see it. and i actually recognized one of the names on the playbill! cool!!
OH i'm starting to feel nervous sick.
i've never been around a judge before. and i'm worried that i'll get into one of my "i hate people who think they have lots of power" moods.
especially because i basically hate the law. and judges are the highest in law. i'm REALLY going to hate standing. i think that might be the part i'm dreading the most.
OH NO. i can't start a revolution tomorrow. i have to stand for the judge.
maybe the judge will be Ray Fiennes in The Reader.
alright. i have to tell myself just to do what they say. and be respectful.
OH NO. i can't do this. i can't be sworn in. I DON'T WANT TO CONFORM. i hate this! I HATE RULES!!!
this is one of my downfalls. i can't be around people in powerful positions. oh no now i'm getting nervous. i have to just do it. put aside everything i'm feeling and just stand for the judge. swear to tell the whole truth.
OH MAN and we'll probably have to go through a security thing. oh geeze i really don't like those security guards.
i have to do it. i can totally be a bigger person than them. plus, i'll look waaay better. at least i don't have to wear some stupid black robe, judge. yeah! yeah. at least i'll look better.
alright. i'm going to try and sleep. i think i'll be up around 5:45. like, in 4 hours. great.
we starve - look
at one another,
short of breath,
walking proudly in our winter coats
wearing smells from laboratories
facing a dying nation
of moving paper fantasy
listening to the new told lies
with supreme vision of lonely tunes.
PLEASE RESPOND. it doesn't matter if i know you or i don't know you. if you've been reading my blog for four years or four minutes. no matter where you live in the world. PLEASE RESPOND.
i have to choose an outfit for when i go to court tomorrow. and this is where you come in. i have selected two possible "tops." i will show you them here and then you will leave me a comment, indicating your choice.
1. i decided against anything too dark. duh, it's spring!
2. i have dark brown hair which i will probably wear down
3. both tops will either be paired with A) brown pants and brown shoes OR B) khaki skirt, black tights, black flats
4. i'm leaning towards CHOICE: PURPLE
let's begin.

thank you for your participation. it is greatly appreciated.
love you. all.
i have to choose an outfit for when i go to court tomorrow. and this is where you come in. i have selected two possible "tops." i will show you them here and then you will leave me a comment, indicating your choice.
1. i decided against anything too dark. duh, it's spring!
2. i have dark brown hair which i will probably wear down
3. both tops will either be paired with A) brown pants and brown shoes OR B) khaki skirt, black tights, black flats
4. i'm leaning towards CHOICE: PURPLE
let's begin.


thank you for your participation. it is greatly appreciated.
love you. all.
i object!
alright. if you thought the post about the ghost-man was scary.....BRACE YOURSELF. this post will be about ten times scarier than that. consider this your warning. turn back now! don't go any further!
not for the faint of heart.
i just got a voicemail on my phone from my boss.
I HAVE TO GO TO COURT TOMORROW. court! like, a court of law. to probably testify. in a court! with a judge and lawyers!!!
oh man. i just called her back and was like, "um, what's the deal with this?" and my boss was like, "yeah, i know it stinks. but they have requested your presence."
REQUESTED MY PRESENCE. in court!!!!!!!!!
oh geeze i'm not ready for this. i've already looked through my closet and don't have any "elle woods court appropriate" attire to wear to court!
oh my god i can't believe it.
and the almost worst part???
we have to leave at 7AM. IN THE MORNING. which means that i'll probably have to wake up even earlier than i already do.
we're going to Manchester, NH.
i wish i had my heels! i don't have any nice shoes!!! oh man i'm so not prepared!!!
i'm so nervous.
but, we'll get to have lunch out after. that's part of the "going to court deal." so, i guess that's good.
son of a gun i really don't want to go. and i'm really worried about my outfit.
if anyone has any suggestions for a very stylish court appropriate outfit, please send them my way.
other than that - i'm working tonight. 3:30-10. again. it's not big chore night, so that's good.
i slept all day today because i was so tired. so, that's just great, because i probably won't be able to sleep at all tonight because i won't be tired and i'll be so nervous. great deal.
alright. i'm going to go have lunch. or, eat something. and then freak out some more.
so help me god.
not for the faint of heart.
i just got a voicemail on my phone from my boss.
I HAVE TO GO TO COURT TOMORROW. court! like, a court of law. to probably testify. in a court! with a judge and lawyers!!!
oh man. i just called her back and was like, "um, what's the deal with this?" and my boss was like, "yeah, i know it stinks. but they have requested your presence."
REQUESTED MY PRESENCE. in court!!!!!!!!!
oh geeze i'm not ready for this. i've already looked through my closet and don't have any "elle woods court appropriate" attire to wear to court!
oh my god i can't believe it.
and the almost worst part???
we have to leave at 7AM. IN THE MORNING. which means that i'll probably have to wake up even earlier than i already do.
we're going to Manchester, NH.
i wish i had my heels! i don't have any nice shoes!!! oh man i'm so not prepared!!!
i'm so nervous.
but, we'll get to have lunch out after. that's part of the "going to court deal." so, i guess that's good.
son of a gun i really don't want to go. and i'm really worried about my outfit.
if anyone has any suggestions for a very stylish court appropriate outfit, please send them my way.
other than that - i'm working tonight. 3:30-10. again. it's not big chore night, so that's good.
i slept all day today because i was so tired. so, that's just great, because i probably won't be able to sleep at all tonight because i won't be tired and i'll be so nervous. great deal.
alright. i'm going to go have lunch. or, eat something. and then freak out some more.
so help me god.
31 March 2009
measure in love!
best news ever: taye diggs and idina menzel are expecting a baby!!!!!! i'm so excited and happy for them!!!! i really can't even express it. it was the top story on Celebrity Baby Blog! aaahhh!!!! so exciting!!!! they are the most beautiful gorgeous sexy couple ever and their baby will be the most darling baby ever.

omg! they are so beautiful together. and i just love them. and i'm listening to Rent right now in celebration of the news. man, they were both just babies when Rent opened. and now they're so freaking gorge. how could they hate Benny anyways?? he's such a feast of love.
anyways. so, also in celebration of this news, i thought to myself, "aw wow, what a great opportunity to get caught up on my Private Practice!" i was two episodes behind. oh, Taye Diggs is on Private Practice, fyi. (and he was just voted the sexiest man on TV. duh, no poll needed.)
so, i watch the first episode. great. dramz to the max. and then i watch the second episode - and Idina is a guest star!!!!!!! how awesome is that?!?! oh - i was thrilled. they didn't have any hott make out scenes, though. or actually, any scenes together. but i'm hoping her character is on for a few more episodes. it would totes make sense.
i'm so happy for them!!!!
in other news:
- creepy ghost-man living next door = very respected retired doctor from Dartmouth Hitchcock. sooo yeah....i guess i was wrong about that one.
- i suspect there are bedbugs in one of the rooms. you are the first person i'm telling. i got a call a little after midnight from one of the girls saying she has been up taking frantic showers and can't sleep because there are bugs crawling all over her. i told her i'd be down right away.
and i got a look at the little creeper. a cross between a lady-bug and a tick. instructed her to sleep elsewhere. took a mental picture of the bug. came back here and researched. and....i'm gonna say that i'm probably 85% sure they're bedbugs.
i felt bad because she seemed pretty shaken up. just like there had been bugs crawling all over her.
- i babysat the toddler today for an hour. OH - and when i put on my coat this morning to take her to daycare she said, "Julie, nice coat!" i love her! so, we had fun this afternoon. we searched through the animal book until we found the snake. and she had some doritos and she kept feeding all the animals in the book the doritos. the surprising part was they actually liked them!
- quite suddenly tonight i got this desire to eat white cake. and i needed to make some immediately. but, i don't have any baking pans, so i baked it in a frying pan! brillz, i know.
the very middle part isn't quite cooked. but it still tastes good. also, i burnt my wrist taking out the pan and it hurts pretty bad. some of the skin is peeling off. like a scrape.
- also, last night i thought i was getting an ear infection because i was getting these really, really sharp intense shooting pains in my right ear. and i was like, "aw crap i don't know where my health insurance cards are." (i mean, they're here somewhere, i just don't know right now." and i couldn't blow my nose, or tilt my head to the right, or yawn or cough or swallow. it was actually pretty bad.
this morning it was better. and then tonight i'm fine. so, that's good. but i was thinking, "man, what a perfect way to end March - with an ear infection!!" i've been sick the entire month. because i got the stomach floo the first week, then that super bad cold with a fever, then the kitties came to visit me and my allergies kicked right in.
my chest has been super tight all day. hard to breathe.
- i'm working again wednesday night 3:30-10pm. it's Big Chore Night. ugh. i hate big chore night. i still don't understand at all how chores work. they're on some sort of intricate rotation schedule. there's dinner chores, and then there are evening chores. and then on wednesdays there are even more chores, i think.
- clear dishes from dinner
- load the dishwasher
- unload the dishwasher
- bathrooms.
- kitchen.
- living room
- dining room
- lounge
- porch and vans
- floors
i don't get it. and i'll be like,
JULIE: Um, can you take out the trash in the kitchen?
GIRL: Unload takes out trash.
JULIE: What did you have?
GIRL: Kitchen.
JULIE: Who had unload?
GIRL: I don't know.
great. you'd think that the person who had kitchen would take out the kitchen trash. but no. it's unload's job. i don't get it. i just give out the minus if they do it wrong. or the plus if they do it right.
we're getting another resident on thursday! the one who slept over that other night and had the hair dying party. i'm working thursday night too, so that's good.
and i got a chance to hang out with our other new resident tonight.
okay. i'm going to go to bed now and not be scared anymore of the man next door. all the girls were talking about how scared they were of him, and so my boss stepped up and told us who he was and everything and they she said,
CHARLENE: I lived in the third floor apartment for 18 months - I know his routine.
and i was like, "yes! so i'm not a creep!" it's normal that i know the routine of the family across the street. they are so cute. :)
alright! goodnight! i'll talk to you on wednesday!!!!!! have a lovely time until then.
a new lease -
you are my love.

omg! they are so beautiful together. and i just love them. and i'm listening to Rent right now in celebration of the news. man, they were both just babies when Rent opened. and now they're so freaking gorge. how could they hate Benny anyways?? he's such a feast of love.
anyways. so, also in celebration of this news, i thought to myself, "aw wow, what a great opportunity to get caught up on my Private Practice!" i was two episodes behind. oh, Taye Diggs is on Private Practice, fyi. (and he was just voted the sexiest man on TV. duh, no poll needed.)
so, i watch the first episode. great. dramz to the max. and then i watch the second episode - and Idina is a guest star!!!!!!! how awesome is that?!?! oh - i was thrilled. they didn't have any hott make out scenes, though. or actually, any scenes together. but i'm hoping her character is on for a few more episodes. it would totes make sense.
i'm so happy for them!!!!
in other news:
- creepy ghost-man living next door = very respected retired doctor from Dartmouth Hitchcock. sooo yeah....i guess i was wrong about that one.
- i suspect there are bedbugs in one of the rooms. you are the first person i'm telling. i got a call a little after midnight from one of the girls saying she has been up taking frantic showers and can't sleep because there are bugs crawling all over her. i told her i'd be down right away.
and i got a look at the little creeper. a cross between a lady-bug and a tick. instructed her to sleep elsewhere. took a mental picture of the bug. came back here and researched. and....i'm gonna say that i'm probably 85% sure they're bedbugs.
i felt bad because she seemed pretty shaken up. just like there had been bugs crawling all over her.
- i babysat the toddler today for an hour. OH - and when i put on my coat this morning to take her to daycare she said, "Julie, nice coat!" i love her! so, we had fun this afternoon. we searched through the animal book until we found the snake. and she had some doritos and she kept feeding all the animals in the book the doritos. the surprising part was they actually liked them!
- quite suddenly tonight i got this desire to eat white cake. and i needed to make some immediately. but, i don't have any baking pans, so i baked it in a frying pan! brillz, i know.
the very middle part isn't quite cooked. but it still tastes good. also, i burnt my wrist taking out the pan and it hurts pretty bad. some of the skin is peeling off. like a scrape.
- also, last night i thought i was getting an ear infection because i was getting these really, really sharp intense shooting pains in my right ear. and i was like, "aw crap i don't know where my health insurance cards are." (i mean, they're here somewhere, i just don't know right now." and i couldn't blow my nose, or tilt my head to the right, or yawn or cough or swallow. it was actually pretty bad.
this morning it was better. and then tonight i'm fine. so, that's good. but i was thinking, "man, what a perfect way to end March - with an ear infection!!" i've been sick the entire month. because i got the stomach floo the first week, then that super bad cold with a fever, then the kitties came to visit me and my allergies kicked right in.
my chest has been super tight all day. hard to breathe.
- i'm working again wednesday night 3:30-10pm. it's Big Chore Night. ugh. i hate big chore night. i still don't understand at all how chores work. they're on some sort of intricate rotation schedule. there's dinner chores, and then there are evening chores. and then on wednesdays there are even more chores, i think.
- clear dishes from dinner
- load the dishwasher
- unload the dishwasher
- bathrooms.
- kitchen.
- living room
- dining room
- lounge
- porch and vans
- floors
i don't get it. and i'll be like,
JULIE: Um, can you take out the trash in the kitchen?
GIRL: Unload takes out trash.
JULIE: What did you have?
GIRL: Kitchen.
JULIE: Who had unload?
GIRL: I don't know.
great. you'd think that the person who had kitchen would take out the kitchen trash. but no. it's unload's job. i don't get it. i just give out the minus if they do it wrong. or the plus if they do it right.
we're getting another resident on thursday! the one who slept over that other night and had the hair dying party. i'm working thursday night too, so that's good.
and i got a chance to hang out with our other new resident tonight.
okay. i'm going to go to bed now and not be scared anymore of the man next door. all the girls were talking about how scared they were of him, and so my boss stepped up and told us who he was and everything and they she said,
CHARLENE: I lived in the third floor apartment for 18 months - I know his routine.
and i was like, "yes! so i'm not a creep!" it's normal that i know the routine of the family across the street. they are so cute. :)
alright! goodnight! i'll talk to you on wednesday!!!!!! have a lovely time until then.
a new lease -
you are my love.
ghost = guy
alright. this is going to be a scary post. that is your warning. actually, probably more scary for me than you. but oh well.
this is about the ghost family who lives next door to me. this is the big yellow house where i never see anybody inside, never see the car leave the driveway, never see any movement inside. but the lights are constantly on and off, the other day the porch furniture moved. this is also the house with the beautiful pink room at nighttime.
ok. let's continue.
so, last night, it was a little windy again and i was nervous. because of the shaking windows and the branches rubbing the side of the house, etc.
alright, so i watched this darling french movie called The Girl on the Bridge. afterwards, i hung out online for a little bit. and then just before 2:30am i decided it was time for bed. because i could barely stay away.
so, i stand up from my red chair and see that the garage light of the house next door is on. this kind of startles me, because i wasn't expecting it. it's even more weird because the entire rest of the house is pitch black.
i walk into the kitchen to put my dish in the sink. glance back at the garage light and it's still on. i turn to throw something in the trash. glance back at the light. OFF. the light has shut off during the one second i turned away. and the rest of the house is still totally dark.
so now i'm really creeped out. i don't know. something about that garage light just rubbed me the wrong way. and how it turned off so quickly after i got up.
and then it took me a while to get to sleep because i was all skeeved.
so, finally get to sleep. didn't really sleep well. woke up at 5:45 with a phone call. couldn't get back to sleep after that.
so now it's 6:45 i'm downstairs with the girls. had some nice hang-out time with them. and then kind of randomly one of them starts telling this story....
GIRL: OMG, so last night me and (new resident) were hanging out in her room, just like, talking about our different backgrounds and stuff and then we both happened to look out her window and the guy next door was standing in his window just STARING at us!! and then as soon as he saw us look at him the curtain moved and he was gone!!! It was so freaky.
AAAHAHHHH!!!!! so scared. after her story i told my scary light in the garage story. i don't think they thought it was scary. but, they don't know my whole theory about the ghost family and all.
so, something is up with the guy next door. was he also looking into my apartment from his garage last night? and then he saw me get up and quickly shut off his light? what is his deal? how come i never see him walking around his house?!
i was pretty freaked out all morning after hearing the other spooky story about the guy next door. i guess he's the "creep" in the neighborhood. there's this little beat up car in the driveway, but i never see it gone.
i also think it's odd that they have so much furniture on their porch which is clearly only a summer porch. if you aren't using your porch all winter, wouldn't you want to bring in all that furniture so it doesn't get ruined from the snow and melting??
and remember how i told you about when me and andrew went to the used furniture store and all the chairs looked like it was a ghost meeting the way they were lined up??
well that's kind of how the porch is. there are these two rocking chairs side by side positioned perfectly to look out the window onto the street. and the other day, it was one of these chairs that was turned to face a different direction.
so. that's the scaryness for the day. until probably nighttime again when i get spooked out by something else.
like, what was he doing in his garage at 2:30 in the morning? and why weren't there any other lights on?? not even the pink room.
ok. enough about the ghost man and his creeper house. i have to get ready for work. turns out we didn't have staff meeting today because some people had to go to court.
so, now i'm just working from 3:30-10. and from 3:30-6 i'll be working by myself! scary! all those girls and just one me. pff i can totes handle it.
i'll write more later. i just wanted to tell you about this.
have good nights!!
this is about the ghost family who lives next door to me. this is the big yellow house where i never see anybody inside, never see the car leave the driveway, never see any movement inside. but the lights are constantly on and off, the other day the porch furniture moved. this is also the house with the beautiful pink room at nighttime.
ok. let's continue.
so, last night, it was a little windy again and i was nervous. because of the shaking windows and the branches rubbing the side of the house, etc.
alright, so i watched this darling french movie called The Girl on the Bridge. afterwards, i hung out online for a little bit. and then just before 2:30am i decided it was time for bed. because i could barely stay away.
so, i stand up from my red chair and see that the garage light of the house next door is on. this kind of startles me, because i wasn't expecting it. it's even more weird because the entire rest of the house is pitch black.
i walk into the kitchen to put my dish in the sink. glance back at the garage light and it's still on. i turn to throw something in the trash. glance back at the light. OFF. the light has shut off during the one second i turned away. and the rest of the house is still totally dark.
so now i'm really creeped out. i don't know. something about that garage light just rubbed me the wrong way. and how it turned off so quickly after i got up.
and then it took me a while to get to sleep because i was all skeeved.
so, finally get to sleep. didn't really sleep well. woke up at 5:45 with a phone call. couldn't get back to sleep after that.
so now it's 6:45 i'm downstairs with the girls. had some nice hang-out time with them. and then kind of randomly one of them starts telling this story....
GIRL: OMG, so last night me and (new resident) were hanging out in her room, just like, talking about our different backgrounds and stuff and then we both happened to look out her window and the guy next door was standing in his window just STARING at us!! and then as soon as he saw us look at him the curtain moved and he was gone!!! It was so freaky.
AAAHAHHHH!!!!! so scared. after her story i told my scary light in the garage story. i don't think they thought it was scary. but, they don't know my whole theory about the ghost family and all.
so, something is up with the guy next door. was he also looking into my apartment from his garage last night? and then he saw me get up and quickly shut off his light? what is his deal? how come i never see him walking around his house?!
i was pretty freaked out all morning after hearing the other spooky story about the guy next door. i guess he's the "creep" in the neighborhood. there's this little beat up car in the driveway, but i never see it gone.
i also think it's odd that they have so much furniture on their porch which is clearly only a summer porch. if you aren't using your porch all winter, wouldn't you want to bring in all that furniture so it doesn't get ruined from the snow and melting??
and remember how i told you about when me and andrew went to the used furniture store and all the chairs looked like it was a ghost meeting the way they were lined up??
well that's kind of how the porch is. there are these two rocking chairs side by side positioned perfectly to look out the window onto the street. and the other day, it was one of these chairs that was turned to face a different direction.
so. that's the scaryness for the day. until probably nighttime again when i get spooked out by something else.
like, what was he doing in his garage at 2:30 in the morning? and why weren't there any other lights on?? not even the pink room.
ok. enough about the ghost man and his creeper house. i have to get ready for work. turns out we didn't have staff meeting today because some people had to go to court.
so, now i'm just working from 3:30-10. and from 3:30-6 i'll be working by myself! scary! all those girls and just one me. pff i can totes handle it.
i'll write more later. i just wanted to tell you about this.
have good nights!!
30 March 2009
undercover kitty
so remember when i told you that earlier today Ruby Tuesday was sleeping under my covers in my bed? right next to Buck? well, i didn't know exactly how cute it was when i said that. and then i saw her.
i had to share the cuteness with you.

there she is. what a sweet little girl. right next to Buck. and Oscar, my green-seahorse. she slept there all afternoon! from like, 3pm until 6pm. what a nice nap.
ok! that's all. i hope it brightened your evening.
i had to share the cuteness with you.
there she is. what a sweet little girl. right next to Buck. and Oscar, my green-seahorse. she slept there all afternoon! from like, 3pm until 6pm. what a nice nap.
ok! that's all. i hope it brightened your evening.
deer friend
happy birthday maria!!! today is maria's birthday. i am excited about this. i have sent her something through the post and she should receive it this week. i hope she has a wonderful day.
actually, i have just returned from the post office. there is a lovely gentleman who works there. he has blonde hair. he's so pleasant and polite. it was a very nice experience mailing things today. and i bought stamps FINALLY. so maybe i will mail something to you.
so, this morning was the normal morning. up at 6:30. there was a phone call immediately which made me very annoyed. so i had no time at all to have my morning drink of water before i went downstairs. i had to go down right away. not happy about this.
so then i hung around downstairs. did some morning french braiding. fun times. that's like, the best skill i have. forget about trying to relate to people, console them in hard times, having an important discussion or trying to be strict with them. FRENCH BRAIDING. that's all you need to know for this job.
and then i hung out in the kitchen for a while, while the toddler's mother told me this very long story. good story, though. and then i finally got my morning drink of water. it was in a mug, which made it more delicious.
and then we get ready to leave for our morning trip to daycare. and i have my new teal jacket with me. and so we're all putting on our coats to leave and the toddler says to me,
TODDLER: Julie, you got a new coat?
JULIE: I DID get a new coat! Thanks for noticing!
TODDLER'S MOTHER: Wow, is that really new?
JULIE: Yeah, it is.
TODDLER: It's a nice coat.
this little girl amazes me. she's not quite 2.5 years old and you can have an entire conversation with her. it was so funny. i can't believe she noticed i had a new coat! it was so amusing and wonderful.
and then before this, it was just the two of us in the staff office. her mother had gone to mop the kitchen floor. and so, me and the toddler. we're talking.
TODDLER: Oh, I'll take a tissue. (takes a tissue out of the box)
JULIE: You need a tissue?
TODDLER: Yeah. (she wipes her nose a little bit, but not really because she doesn't really need a tissue.) All done!
JULIE: Do you want to throw it away?
TODDLER: No. I'll save it for later.
JULIE: Save it for later?
TODDLER: Yeah. (tries to put it in her pocket) Where's my pock? (still trying to find her pocket) Oh! There's my pocket!
JULIE: There it is!
JULIE: What?
TODDLER: I need my tissue.
JULIE: You do?
TODDLER: Yeah. (reaches for her tissue in her pocket. can't find it) Where'd my pock go? (still trying.) Oh! There's my pocket.
JULIE: There it is!
TODDLER: (wipes her nose again a little bit. she still doesn't really need it.) I'm gonna throw it away.
JULIE: Ok. Do you want me to lift you up to the trash?
TODDLER: Yeah!!!!
JULIE: Ok! (lifts her up so she can throw away the tissue.) Wow, good throwing away!
and that was the morning tissue saga. i JUST LOVED how she abbreviated 'pocket' to 'pock.' where's my pock? oh, i was laughing pretty hard. and she just looked so grown up. keeping a tissue in her pocket for later. haha. it was very funny.
so. what else.
sunday was kind of lame, i guess. i didn't do anything. turns out i didn't have to work. no work today either. tomorrow, though. from 12:30 to 10. and then thursday 3:30-10.
last night i watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona. so good. so much hottness. and then after that, i watched The Darjeeling Limited. again, so good. so much hottness. both very good travel movies. i enjoyed them a lot.
i had a scary dream last night. or actually, it was this morning. i woke up at 10:30 and i was scared. the dream was that i was driving around town. like, past Steve's Pet Shoppe area. and Jake's. and then these two men wearing long black coats ran out from a building and onto the sidewalk. and they had cameras. and they were talking pictures of everything. and then i drove past and one of them pointed the camera into my car, but it wasn't really a camera. it was a gun disguised as a camera. and he shot me. and i died. and this was the first dream i've had where i've been shot and actually thought, "man, this hurts." normally in my "getting shot" dreams (and i've had a lot of them) i think, "this isn't so bad."
anyways. i didn't like it.
it was actually a scary night last night. it was really windy. and really rainy. and there were lots of strange scary noises. my windows shake really bad when it's windy. and there was one time where i actually paused my movie and walked thru my apartment to make sure nobody had somehow gotten inside.
AND the worst part - there was no star on the mountain to comfort me. i think it's officially gone. it must have just been a winter thing.
although, that first night that it was gone, i had a dream that it was the middle of the night and these two men were lugging the star back up on the mountain on this big cart type thing. and i was so happy that it was back.
but, it was only a dream. there is still no star. although, i'm still looking for it.
and then this morning i woke up at 6am and i was very startled and i don't know why. and i thought, "aw, i only have 30 more minutes to sleep."
hhmmmm. what else.
apparently the girls here say that there is some creepy guy that lives in one of the houses close by. because the new girl here opened her window on friday night and then it got stuck open and nobody could shut it. so, of course, the girls started telling her all these scary stories about the scary people who live in this neighborhood. and how they hope he doesn't climb up the house and crawl in through her window.
and me and Courtney are like, "are you serious?!?! why would you tell her these things?!?!"
so, the poor girl was really scared all weekend and slept in the lounge instead of her room.
so, i thought about the "creepy guy" who is supposed to live in this neighborhood. and who it might be. not the dad across the street. not the other family across the street. not the lady next door because she's nice and has horribly bad allergies.
SO IT MUST BE - the ghost person next door. that's the only explanation. OMG, yesterday i looked out my kitchen window and saw that some furniture on their porch was moved around. i gasped really loud and scared Ruby Tuesday. i was nervous after that.
but, i even looked on the NH Sex Offender registry online to see if there were any sex offenders living on the street. and that was a negative. thank you, megan's law!
i really wanted to go to a lake this weekend. did i tell you that? and i tried to find one that looked nice. but i couldn't really. and then i got too nervous to go by myself.
it's scary doing things by yourself. i'm just gonna be honest. i don't like it. i'm getting used to grocery shopping by myself. that's kind of nice, i guess. and i generally like being by myself. it's just the doing new things part that i don't like. if i'm going somewhere where i've never been before, i like to have someone else with me.
or, i guess generally, if i'm going somewhere to "do something" i like to not be alone.
i think i'll wait until kara comes and visits me to go find that lake. i think we'll go to Fairlee, Vermont. that seems like a nice little place.
OH OH OH. this is important.
yesterday i spent much of the day planning my future life. in Pennsylvania, where i'm destined to live. and i found this place:
The Inn at Bowman's Hill Bed and Breakfast.
now, i found this place because it is in Buck's County. and i thought, Buck's County? Like Buck my turtle! I'll go there too!!! and so, i also found this inn.
so - if anyone wants to marry me at this place, let me know and i'll start making phone calls. this place looks like the most beautiful place ever. and i decided i want to get married in the Conservatory. the rooms run between $300-$500 per night. and, i'd really probably want to rent out the whole place for the wedding.
so, it won't be cheap. but i think it will be worth it. and then i'll probably get my dress at some upscale shop in Philadelphia. Rose, from Titanic, was supposed to get married in Philadelphia. i guess it's only natural that i will too.
SO - i'm looking at this beautiful place. and reading the rules of the Inn and everything, and there was one part that said, "we ask our guests to respect our local Township noise ordinance that requires quiet after 10pm"
and i'm like, "TOWNSHIP?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!"
am i destined to live in a township!!?? ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES YES YES.
i couldn't believe it. anyways. let me know if anyone is interested in getting married there. probably not this year, because i'm using up all my vacation time for my trip to Ireland. but, maybe next week. i mean, year. next year.
i really wanted to go somewhere today. but i can't think of anywhere to go. i went to the post office.
and man, there were some nice looking men at the post office at around 3:30. i think that will be my normal mail pick-up time.
right now Ruby Tuesday is sleeping in my bed under all my covers. right next to Buck.
i'm babysitting the 3-month old baby all day on saturday. from like, 8:30am until probably like, 9pm. i keep forgetting about this. that should be fun and terrifying.
i just learned that The Reader will be released on dvd on 14 April. UM, HELLO! that's totally the day that Titanic crashed into the ice berg. wow, i'd like to hug the person who planned that dvd release because they are awesome.
well, okay. i think that's all for the time being. maybe i'll talk to you later?
you all have been great so far. i'm loving your comments and new-blog excitement. pass the word along that this is the coolest place in the internet. let's reach out to the masses.
because, i think it should be everyone's priority to read about the conversation i had with a two year old. duh.
actually, i have just returned from the post office. there is a lovely gentleman who works there. he has blonde hair. he's so pleasant and polite. it was a very nice experience mailing things today. and i bought stamps FINALLY. so maybe i will mail something to you.
so, this morning was the normal morning. up at 6:30. there was a phone call immediately which made me very annoyed. so i had no time at all to have my morning drink of water before i went downstairs. i had to go down right away. not happy about this.
so then i hung around downstairs. did some morning french braiding. fun times. that's like, the best skill i have. forget about trying to relate to people, console them in hard times, having an important discussion or trying to be strict with them. FRENCH BRAIDING. that's all you need to know for this job.
and then i hung out in the kitchen for a while, while the toddler's mother told me this very long story. good story, though. and then i finally got my morning drink of water. it was in a mug, which made it more delicious.
and then we get ready to leave for our morning trip to daycare. and i have my new teal jacket with me. and so we're all putting on our coats to leave and the toddler says to me,
TODDLER: Julie, you got a new coat?
JULIE: I DID get a new coat! Thanks for noticing!
TODDLER'S MOTHER: Wow, is that really new?
JULIE: Yeah, it is.
TODDLER: It's a nice coat.
this little girl amazes me. she's not quite 2.5 years old and you can have an entire conversation with her. it was so funny. i can't believe she noticed i had a new coat! it was so amusing and wonderful.
and then before this, it was just the two of us in the staff office. her mother had gone to mop the kitchen floor. and so, me and the toddler. we're talking.
TODDLER: Oh, I'll take a tissue. (takes a tissue out of the box)
JULIE: You need a tissue?
TODDLER: Yeah. (she wipes her nose a little bit, but not really because she doesn't really need a tissue.) All done!
JULIE: Do you want to throw it away?
TODDLER: No. I'll save it for later.
JULIE: Save it for later?
TODDLER: Yeah. (tries to put it in her pocket) Where's my pock? (still trying to find her pocket) Oh! There's my pocket!
JULIE: There it is!
JULIE: What?
TODDLER: I need my tissue.
JULIE: You do?
TODDLER: Yeah. (reaches for her tissue in her pocket. can't find it) Where'd my pock go? (still trying.) Oh! There's my pocket.
JULIE: There it is!
TODDLER: (wipes her nose again a little bit. she still doesn't really need it.) I'm gonna throw it away.
JULIE: Ok. Do you want me to lift you up to the trash?
TODDLER: Yeah!!!!
JULIE: Ok! (lifts her up so she can throw away the tissue.) Wow, good throwing away!
and that was the morning tissue saga. i JUST LOVED how she abbreviated 'pocket' to 'pock.' where's my pock? oh, i was laughing pretty hard. and she just looked so grown up. keeping a tissue in her pocket for later. haha. it was very funny.
so. what else.
sunday was kind of lame, i guess. i didn't do anything. turns out i didn't have to work. no work today either. tomorrow, though. from 12:30 to 10. and then thursday 3:30-10.
last night i watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona. so good. so much hottness. and then after that, i watched The Darjeeling Limited. again, so good. so much hottness. both very good travel movies. i enjoyed them a lot.
i had a scary dream last night. or actually, it was this morning. i woke up at 10:30 and i was scared. the dream was that i was driving around town. like, past Steve's Pet Shoppe area. and Jake's. and then these two men wearing long black coats ran out from a building and onto the sidewalk. and they had cameras. and they were talking pictures of everything. and then i drove past and one of them pointed the camera into my car, but it wasn't really a camera. it was a gun disguised as a camera. and he shot me. and i died. and this was the first dream i've had where i've been shot and actually thought, "man, this hurts." normally in my "getting shot" dreams (and i've had a lot of them) i think, "this isn't so bad."
anyways. i didn't like it.
it was actually a scary night last night. it was really windy. and really rainy. and there were lots of strange scary noises. my windows shake really bad when it's windy. and there was one time where i actually paused my movie and walked thru my apartment to make sure nobody had somehow gotten inside.
AND the worst part - there was no star on the mountain to comfort me. i think it's officially gone. it must have just been a winter thing.
although, that first night that it was gone, i had a dream that it was the middle of the night and these two men were lugging the star back up on the mountain on this big cart type thing. and i was so happy that it was back.
but, it was only a dream. there is still no star. although, i'm still looking for it.
and then this morning i woke up at 6am and i was very startled and i don't know why. and i thought, "aw, i only have 30 more minutes to sleep."
hhmmmm. what else.
apparently the girls here say that there is some creepy guy that lives in one of the houses close by. because the new girl here opened her window on friday night and then it got stuck open and nobody could shut it. so, of course, the girls started telling her all these scary stories about the scary people who live in this neighborhood. and how they hope he doesn't climb up the house and crawl in through her window.
and me and Courtney are like, "are you serious?!?! why would you tell her these things?!?!"
so, the poor girl was really scared all weekend and slept in the lounge instead of her room.
so, i thought about the "creepy guy" who is supposed to live in this neighborhood. and who it might be. not the dad across the street. not the other family across the street. not the lady next door because she's nice and has horribly bad allergies.
SO IT MUST BE - the ghost person next door. that's the only explanation. OMG, yesterday i looked out my kitchen window and saw that some furniture on their porch was moved around. i gasped really loud and scared Ruby Tuesday. i was nervous after that.
but, i even looked on the NH Sex Offender registry online to see if there were any sex offenders living on the street. and that was a negative. thank you, megan's law!
i really wanted to go to a lake this weekend. did i tell you that? and i tried to find one that looked nice. but i couldn't really. and then i got too nervous to go by myself.
it's scary doing things by yourself. i'm just gonna be honest. i don't like it. i'm getting used to grocery shopping by myself. that's kind of nice, i guess. and i generally like being by myself. it's just the doing new things part that i don't like. if i'm going somewhere where i've never been before, i like to have someone else with me.
or, i guess generally, if i'm going somewhere to "do something" i like to not be alone.
i think i'll wait until kara comes and visits me to go find that lake. i think we'll go to Fairlee, Vermont. that seems like a nice little place.
OH OH OH. this is important.
yesterday i spent much of the day planning my future life. in Pennsylvania, where i'm destined to live. and i found this place:
The Inn at Bowman's Hill Bed and Breakfast.
now, i found this place because it is in Buck's County. and i thought, Buck's County? Like Buck my turtle! I'll go there too!!! and so, i also found this inn.
so - if anyone wants to marry me at this place, let me know and i'll start making phone calls. this place looks like the most beautiful place ever. and i decided i want to get married in the Conservatory. the rooms run between $300-$500 per night. and, i'd really probably want to rent out the whole place for the wedding.
so, it won't be cheap. but i think it will be worth it. and then i'll probably get my dress at some upscale shop in Philadelphia. Rose, from Titanic, was supposed to get married in Philadelphia. i guess it's only natural that i will too.
SO - i'm looking at this beautiful place. and reading the rules of the Inn and everything, and there was one part that said, "we ask our guests to respect our local Township noise ordinance that requires quiet after 10pm"
and i'm like, "TOWNSHIP?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!"
am i destined to live in a township!!?? ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES YES YES.
i couldn't believe it. anyways. let me know if anyone is interested in getting married there. probably not this year, because i'm using up all my vacation time for my trip to Ireland. but, maybe next week. i mean, year. next year.
i really wanted to go somewhere today. but i can't think of anywhere to go. i went to the post office.
and man, there were some nice looking men at the post office at around 3:30. i think that will be my normal mail pick-up time.
right now Ruby Tuesday is sleeping in my bed under all my covers. right next to Buck.
i'm babysitting the 3-month old baby all day on saturday. from like, 8:30am until probably like, 9pm. i keep forgetting about this. that should be fun and terrifying.
i just learned that The Reader will be released on dvd on 14 April. UM, HELLO! that's totally the day that Titanic crashed into the ice berg. wow, i'd like to hug the person who planned that dvd release because they are awesome.
well, okay. i think that's all for the time being. maybe i'll talk to you later?
you all have been great so far. i'm loving your comments and new-blog excitement. pass the word along that this is the coolest place in the internet. let's reach out to the masses.
because, i think it should be everyone's priority to read about the conversation i had with a two year old. duh.
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