KARA'S HERE!!!! tonight! we did it!!! we got her to come visit me!!! she arrived around 11:40pm saturday night.
AND! she just sent an @ message to ROONEY!!! on twitter!!! i can't believe she did it! she was telling me that a lot of their new songs remind her of David Bowie. and i was like, "well, you should tell him that." and she was like, "okay." and then she just DID IT!!!! i am impressed. it took me like, a whole day to work up the courage to message Darren.
and now is the hard part.....waiting for them to respond. OMG. i can't wait.
today was a fine day. i slept most of it.
well, i woke up at 7:35am. got dressed. meaning changed into my sweatpants. went downstairs. drove to 35 miles into vermont. very, very foggy. back at the house by 9:30am. presented the Baby think it over to our resident. she was excited at first. but, then, the baby started crying. then she was definitely not excited.
and then he wouldn't stop crying. so, i knew something was wrong. so, we let him cry for 27 minutes before i stopped him. there was nothing that could be done. we don't have the right kind of diapers for him. the diapers that came with the baby have this chip in them so the computer chip in the baby detects that he's wearing a diaper. but, the ones we have don't have the chip. so, he cries and cries and cries because the computer says he's not wearing a diaper. so, we need special diapers. and i think it was working for me yesterday because i was just using it in practice mode. and, the practice mode isn't long enough for it to detect a diaper.
so, i was bummed about this because i worked hard to figure out how to program it.
anyways. so, i went back to bed at noontime. and slept until 5:07pm. i know! so long! i wasn't expecting that.
then i hung around. ate some cucumber. talked to my mom and kara on the phone. got dressed. went to the grocery store to buy stuff to make guac with those avocados i have.
i made the guac. watched Grey's from this past week. CRIED A LOT. like, wow. i mean, i knew it was going to be sad. and i was prepared. but like, the SECOND it started, i started crying. and didn't really stop until 43 minutes later. i just kept thinking of the scene from last season when Merideth realizes that it's George who's been hit by the bus. yeah. lots of crying. buckets.
Dr. Bailey just kills me. i love her so much. when she gets upset - then it's really bad because then i get really upset. she's so great.
kara and i are going to watch Heroes together at some point during her visit. i'm excited.
we're also going to go see Julie and Julia, i believe. it's playing in Hanover. i haven't been to Hanover since Dartmouth has been in session. i'm assuming it's pretty crazy-full of hotties.
anyways. how are you?
we've been checking the twitter every 5 minutes. can't wait for a response!!!!
okay. so, not sure about how much blogging i'll do when kara's here. we usually have pretty full days.
i hope you have a great rest of your weekend! don't forget that megan fox was on the season premiere of SNL tonight! i didn't watch it, but maybe you did. or, maybe you'd be interested in watching some of the clips. i'm sure they'll be on hulu. i predict a lot of "megan is so hott" jokes.
i don't even think she's that pretty. for realz. i can't stand her.
ok. OH!!!! Ben Lee's wife had her baby!!!! Goldie Lee. i think it's a pretty name. his wife is Ione Skye. from Say Anything. i was very excited to read that. and he posted a picture on myspace that's very cute.
okay. i'll talk to you later. have a great day. i'll talk to you soon!!!!
<3, J.
26 September 2009
25 September 2009
"Strange town, San Francisco..."
"...when I bought the pumps they asked if I wanted them wrapped, or if I wanted to wear them."
- Joe, The Princess Diaries
oh hi! it's just me.
i wanted to tell you that i have conquered the Baby Think-it-Over version 3.1. it's true! i was sitting on the couch this afternoon with nothing to do. actually, it was right after i posted that i didn't want to go to the grocery store. and i saw the baby and i said, "i will conquer you!!" and i did!
i know i had said that i would photodocument my efforts. but, i didn't. there wasn't really anything to see.
i read the manual many, many times. i did two practice sessions with the baby. both of them went fine. they were 15 minutes each. so students can practice in class with their teacher.
i had to make sure it was really working and recording everything in its computer, so i laid it on it's stomach, which you're not supposed to do. i let it's head roll back, which you're obviously not supposed to do. and both times it cried until i rocked it to stop. and then they registered as NEGLECT in the computer. but, it also registered good things too. like, when i fed it on time. and burped it correctly. it was kind of fun.
know who didn't have fun with the Baby Think-it-Over?? Miss Tuesday. she was so scared. the crying woke her up from a nap and she was not happy.
but, i'm happy that i got it all figured out. i talked to my boss about it tonight and i presented her with the baby plan. i said, "when i get back from Vermont tomorrow, i'll show Resident how to use it, then i'll program it to start working at noon, and we'll go until Monday afternoon. that way, i can get the results Monday night and bring them to staff meeting on Tuesday."
she was very impressed and super, super excited about this. as was i. i'm also excited because i feel pretty good about being the "baby think it over staff." like, i'm doing more work than just sleeping.
so, yeah! she has to treat it just like a real baby. she'll get a copy of the childcare rules, and a feeding chart. so, she'll have to write down everytime she feeds or changes the baby. there's also a baby think it over cheat sheet. just so you can remember what to do when it cries.
it's kind of confusing. once it cries, you have to hold up this bracelet to a spot on it's back and if it beeps, then the baby is either hungry, needs to be changed, or burped. but if it doesn't beep, then it's just a fussy baby and you have to rock it.
i hope it works.
so yeah, i have to be up at 7:30 saturday morning to drive to Vermont. about halfway between here and Montpelier. actually, probably more than halfway. and i am dropping off babies and a mother and then coming back by myself. i have to remember to grab my iPod hookup before i leave so i can listen to it on the way back. last week when we were driving back from Vermont it was Ryan Seacrest on the radio and i don't really want to listen to him.
man oh man i'm tired. it's 2:16am. i actually think i am going to go to bed. i think i could sleep now. i've had kind of a sneezing problem ever since tackling the baby think it over. it's probably really dusty.
okay friends. i'll be talking to you later on. have a great saturday!!!!!
- Joe, The Princess Diaries
oh hi! it's just me.
i wanted to tell you that i have conquered the Baby Think-it-Over version 3.1. it's true! i was sitting on the couch this afternoon with nothing to do. actually, it was right after i posted that i didn't want to go to the grocery store. and i saw the baby and i said, "i will conquer you!!" and i did!
i know i had said that i would photodocument my efforts. but, i didn't. there wasn't really anything to see.
i read the manual many, many times. i did two practice sessions with the baby. both of them went fine. they were 15 minutes each. so students can practice in class with their teacher.
i had to make sure it was really working and recording everything in its computer, so i laid it on it's stomach, which you're not supposed to do. i let it's head roll back, which you're obviously not supposed to do. and both times it cried until i rocked it to stop. and then they registered as NEGLECT in the computer. but, it also registered good things too. like, when i fed it on time. and burped it correctly. it was kind of fun.
know who didn't have fun with the Baby Think-it-Over?? Miss Tuesday. she was so scared. the crying woke her up from a nap and she was not happy.
but, i'm happy that i got it all figured out. i talked to my boss about it tonight and i presented her with the baby plan. i said, "when i get back from Vermont tomorrow, i'll show Resident how to use it, then i'll program it to start working at noon, and we'll go until Monday afternoon. that way, i can get the results Monday night and bring them to staff meeting on Tuesday."
she was very impressed and super, super excited about this. as was i. i'm also excited because i feel pretty good about being the "baby think it over staff." like, i'm doing more work than just sleeping.
so, yeah! she has to treat it just like a real baby. she'll get a copy of the childcare rules, and a feeding chart. so, she'll have to write down everytime she feeds or changes the baby. there's also a baby think it over cheat sheet. just so you can remember what to do when it cries.
it's kind of confusing. once it cries, you have to hold up this bracelet to a spot on it's back and if it beeps, then the baby is either hungry, needs to be changed, or burped. but if it doesn't beep, then it's just a fussy baby and you have to rock it.
i hope it works.
so yeah, i have to be up at 7:30 saturday morning to drive to Vermont. about halfway between here and Montpelier. actually, probably more than halfway. and i am dropping off babies and a mother and then coming back by myself. i have to remember to grab my iPod hookup before i leave so i can listen to it on the way back. last week when we were driving back from Vermont it was Ryan Seacrest on the radio and i don't really want to listen to him.
man oh man i'm tired. it's 2:16am. i actually think i am going to go to bed. i think i could sleep now. i've had kind of a sneezing problem ever since tackling the baby think it over. it's probably really dusty.
okay friends. i'll be talking to you later on. have a great saturday!!!!!
lovely awkward boys
here we go.
i was up very early this morning searching and searching for the Jason Schwartzman interview on Craig Ferguson last night. it was not up online until mid-afternoon. this upset me because i searched for a long time in the morning.
but! it was worth the wait. it's a totally awkward interview, which is exactly what i was expecting/what i wanted. Jason is just so delightful in interviews.
he talks a lot about his wife. and then he tells the story of how they met. which is both heartbreaking and charming. it's like, jealousy mixed with total happiness. a weird feeling. i'm coming to terms.
anyways, him and Craig have a good time together and they plan a trip to India. which is humorous.
and, if none of this has enticed you to watch, well, Jason also is wearing a plaid shirt. delicious.
i kind of wish they had talked about his music. i think Craig is a drummer as well. but, oh well. i am satisfied for now.
alright! i think i might head to the grocery store for a little while. actually, i don't really want to do that. we'll see.
have a great night!!
i was up very early this morning searching and searching for the Jason Schwartzman interview on Craig Ferguson last night. it was not up online until mid-afternoon. this upset me because i searched for a long time in the morning.
but! it was worth the wait. it's a totally awkward interview, which is exactly what i was expecting/what i wanted. Jason is just so delightful in interviews.
he talks a lot about his wife. and then he tells the story of how they met. which is both heartbreaking and charming. it's like, jealousy mixed with total happiness. a weird feeling. i'm coming to terms.
anyways, him and Craig have a good time together and they plan a trip to India. which is humorous.
and, if none of this has enticed you to watch, well, Jason also is wearing a plaid shirt. delicious.
i kind of wish they had talked about his music. i think Craig is a drummer as well. but, oh well. i am satisfied for now.
alright! i think i might head to the grocery store for a little while. actually, i don't really want to do that. we'll see.
have a great night!!
24 September 2009
a little back and forth lately
i am now following HANSON on twitter. i am very excited about this. i was just professing my love of hanson to some people yesterday. not just a random mix of people. it was my coworkers and a resident. long story....we somehow started talking about the Jonas Brothers (i don't know who brought it up....definitely not me...) and someone asked, "are they the band with the kids who have long blonde hair?" and i said, "NO THAT'S HANSON I LOVE THEM TOO." and then went on to compare and contrast the JoBros and Hanson. educational, really.
SO, then tonight, i just happened to be on the Rooney twitter page and saw that they were following Hanson and then said, "what?! hanson has a twitter?!?" and then immediately started following them too.
there was one night where Robert from Rooney tweeted that he was hanging out in Tulsa with his bandmates and with the Hanson brothers. i remember this night. because i totally freaked out and went crazy when i read this.
anyways. that's my exciting Hanson news.
today was a fine day. i'm tired now.
i got a phone call at 7:45 this morning from my boss asking me if i wanted to work for her tonight. i said yes. so, i worked from 8-9am, and then from 3:30-10pm.
now i'm doing some overnight monitoring. it was a pretty quiet night. i got to hold a baby and try and get her to go to sleep. i rocked her in a rocking chair for a while, but she wasn't really having that. so, i stood up and rocked her.
we were all watching 13 Going On 30 at the time, and i think it was the sound of Mark Ruffalo's soothing voice that finally got her sleepy. what a dreamboat!
i am excited about friday. i have to be up at 6:45 for about ten minutes. and then! my dad is coming to visit me!!!!!
TODAY (25 september 2009) MY DAD is starting an epic roadtrip. he's driving from Hudson, New Hampshire, USA, to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. EPIC. i am so totally jealous, but also really excited for him. he's stopping to see lots of great Canadian family members along the way, BUT FIRST, he's stopping to see his lovely Canadian-American daughter. ME! and we'll go out for coffee.
you see, my house is right on the way to Canada! it's a natural stopping point for many travelers. actually not really. my dad is the first traveler to canada that is stopping at my house. but, i welcome you all!
friday evening i might go to the grocery store. i have some food items that need purchasing.
BUT! wednesday here is a big day because it is the day that the box of food comes. now, i'm not sure what happens, or who drops this box off, but every wednesday there is a box of fruit and vegetables that is dropped off at the house. and the girls always complain because on wednesday one of the chores is going through the box and putting the food away. this is apparently the worst thing that they could ever do.
a few wednesdays ago i argued and argued with a resident for like, 3 hours trying to get her to put the box of food away.
and it's even worse because they just want to throw the food all away. it's perfectly good food! but, all staff members can take whatever they want, because the girls will most likely not eat it anyways. so yesterday! i took 3 tomatoes, a large bag of romaine lettuce, 2 avacados, and 1 cucumber. awesome.
so i do not need to buy lettuce for a while and this is something that will make me sleep easier at night.
and kara is coming on sunday to visit me and i am going to make GUAC!!! guacamole in the house. kara's favorite thing in the world is guac. and i am very excited to make it for her.
i sliced up the cuke yesterday for me and Ruby to eat, figuring it would be a nice afternoon snack, right? but Ruby did not like it at all. she was so, so curious as to what it was. so, i held up a little piece for her, she sniffed it, immediately made a squinty eyed face and ran out of the room.
but! every time i would eat a piece, she would come right over and the same thing would happen. she's a cutie!
tonight at work i had to run up to the second floor staff office, which is located right at the bottom of the stairs to my apartment. and i was at the door and stopped for a minute, and i could hear Ruby Tuesday crying. she must hear footsteps and then keys jingling and think it's me coming home. she just hates being by herself. i feel so guilty every time i leave her.
AAAHAHAAHH!!!!!!!! guess what?!?!?! Jason Schwartzman was on CRAIG FERGUSON tonight!!!!!!! no way! YES WAY!!! Craig and Jason. does it get any better than that? hm, let me think. no, no it does not.
and i had to sit patiently in my living room with no cable and not watch it. it was hard. i had to really distract myself. instead! i watched a sneak peek of next week's Bored to Death. and then i watched Jason and Jonathan Ames take me on a tour of Brooklyn. it was great!
but, i'm very excited to watch his interview tomorrow. he doesn't do many late night interviews. he's been on Conan doing an interview and playing in Phantom Planet. and he's been on Letterman playing in Phantom Planet.
"playing in Phantom Planet." like it's some sort of game. geeze. what should i say? 'drumming with Phantom Planet?'
anyways. i'll post the video of him on Craig so i can get all excited about it and then have nobody watch it. it's okay, i'm being realistic.
IN OTHER AWESOME NEWS: one week from Saturday i am going to see Ben Folds!!!! with Jenny!!! they are playing at The Calvin theater in Northampton, which is where i saw.....(wait for it)......HANSON!!
Hanson was the last concert i saw. and now Ben Folds. and they are both at the same place! weird!
and it's coming full circle, because we began talking about Hanson. don't you just love it? it's like, such a feeling of relief when i discover that a blog entry isn't completely meaningless.
"meaning is not in things, but in between them."
who said that? is that even right? hold on. let me check.
Norman O. Brown. he said that.
alright. it's 3:09am. friday morning. i have to be up at 6:45am. so, i'm going to head to bed. last night i went to bed at 3:25am. and the night before that, it was 2:45am. i'm getting on an earlier schedule. none of this 4am, 5am craziness.
alright, have a great friday. i'll talk to you a bit later on. i feel like we haven't talked in a while. i still have more to say. but, just not now.
love you! goodnight!
i am now following HANSON on twitter. i am very excited about this. i was just professing my love of hanson to some people yesterday. not just a random mix of people. it was my coworkers and a resident. long story....we somehow started talking about the Jonas Brothers (i don't know who brought it up....definitely not me...) and someone asked, "are they the band with the kids who have long blonde hair?" and i said, "NO THAT'S HANSON I LOVE THEM TOO." and then went on to compare and contrast the JoBros and Hanson. educational, really.
SO, then tonight, i just happened to be on the Rooney twitter page and saw that they were following Hanson and then said, "what?! hanson has a twitter?!?" and then immediately started following them too.
there was one night where Robert from Rooney tweeted that he was hanging out in Tulsa with his bandmates and with the Hanson brothers. i remember this night. because i totally freaked out and went crazy when i read this.
anyways. that's my exciting Hanson news.
today was a fine day. i'm tired now.
i got a phone call at 7:45 this morning from my boss asking me if i wanted to work for her tonight. i said yes. so, i worked from 8-9am, and then from 3:30-10pm.
now i'm doing some overnight monitoring. it was a pretty quiet night. i got to hold a baby and try and get her to go to sleep. i rocked her in a rocking chair for a while, but she wasn't really having that. so, i stood up and rocked her.
we were all watching 13 Going On 30 at the time, and i think it was the sound of Mark Ruffalo's soothing voice that finally got her sleepy. what a dreamboat!
i am excited about friday. i have to be up at 6:45 for about ten minutes. and then! my dad is coming to visit me!!!!!
TODAY (25 september 2009) MY DAD is starting an epic roadtrip. he's driving from Hudson, New Hampshire, USA, to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. EPIC. i am so totally jealous, but also really excited for him. he's stopping to see lots of great Canadian family members along the way, BUT FIRST, he's stopping to see his lovely Canadian-American daughter. ME! and we'll go out for coffee.
you see, my house is right on the way to Canada! it's a natural stopping point for many travelers. actually not really. my dad is the first traveler to canada that is stopping at my house. but, i welcome you all!
friday evening i might go to the grocery store. i have some food items that need purchasing.
BUT! wednesday here is a big day because it is the day that the box of food comes. now, i'm not sure what happens, or who drops this box off, but every wednesday there is a box of fruit and vegetables that is dropped off at the house. and the girls always complain because on wednesday one of the chores is going through the box and putting the food away. this is apparently the worst thing that they could ever do.
a few wednesdays ago i argued and argued with a resident for like, 3 hours trying to get her to put the box of food away.
and it's even worse because they just want to throw the food all away. it's perfectly good food! but, all staff members can take whatever they want, because the girls will most likely not eat it anyways. so yesterday! i took 3 tomatoes, a large bag of romaine lettuce, 2 avacados, and 1 cucumber. awesome.
so i do not need to buy lettuce for a while and this is something that will make me sleep easier at night.
and kara is coming on sunday to visit me and i am going to make GUAC!!! guacamole in the house. kara's favorite thing in the world is guac. and i am very excited to make it for her.
i sliced up the cuke yesterday for me and Ruby to eat, figuring it would be a nice afternoon snack, right? but Ruby did not like it at all. she was so, so curious as to what it was. so, i held up a little piece for her, she sniffed it, immediately made a squinty eyed face and ran out of the room.
but! every time i would eat a piece, she would come right over and the same thing would happen. she's a cutie!
tonight at work i had to run up to the second floor staff office, which is located right at the bottom of the stairs to my apartment. and i was at the door and stopped for a minute, and i could hear Ruby Tuesday crying. she must hear footsteps and then keys jingling and think it's me coming home. she just hates being by herself. i feel so guilty every time i leave her.
AAAHAHAAHH!!!!!!!! guess what?!?!?! Jason Schwartzman was on CRAIG FERGUSON tonight!!!!!!! no way! YES WAY!!! Craig and Jason. does it get any better than that? hm, let me think. no, no it does not.
and i had to sit patiently in my living room with no cable and not watch it. it was hard. i had to really distract myself. instead! i watched a sneak peek of next week's Bored to Death. and then i watched Jason and Jonathan Ames take me on a tour of Brooklyn. it was great!
but, i'm very excited to watch his interview tomorrow. he doesn't do many late night interviews. he's been on Conan doing an interview and playing in Phantom Planet. and he's been on Letterman playing in Phantom Planet.
"playing in Phantom Planet." like it's some sort of game. geeze. what should i say? 'drumming with Phantom Planet?'
anyways. i'll post the video of him on Craig so i can get all excited about it and then have nobody watch it. it's okay, i'm being realistic.
IN OTHER AWESOME NEWS: one week from Saturday i am going to see Ben Folds!!!! with Jenny!!! they are playing at The Calvin theater in Northampton, which is where i saw.....(wait for it)......HANSON!!
Hanson was the last concert i saw. and now Ben Folds. and they are both at the same place! weird!
and it's coming full circle, because we began talking about Hanson. don't you just love it? it's like, such a feeling of relief when i discover that a blog entry isn't completely meaningless.
"meaning is not in things, but in between them."
who said that? is that even right? hold on. let me check.
Norman O. Brown. he said that.
alright. it's 3:09am. friday morning. i have to be up at 6:45am. so, i'm going to head to bed. last night i went to bed at 3:25am. and the night before that, it was 2:45am. i'm getting on an earlier schedule. none of this 4am, 5am craziness.
alright, have a great friday. i'll talk to you a bit later on. i feel like we haven't talked in a while. i still have more to say. but, just not now.
love you! goodnight!
they are releasing Titanic in 3D!!!!! who wants to come with me multiple times to see this?!?!!!
omg. can you imagine what it will look like to see Leo reaching out to you, and have him look like he's actually there?!? it's probably the closest i will get to him ever. (until we get married, duh.)
23 September 2009
oh MAN
i just finished Season 1 of Veronica Mars. holy crap what a finale. scary! it was scary! i was seriously scared. and then i cried. i was so worried for Veronica when she was trapped in that burning fridge! omg.
then end was sad too. when it was Veronica and Lily together. i had kind of always hoped that the big twist in the whole show would be that Lily wasn't actually dead. and that she was hiding out somewhere. because when they found the speeding ticket that she got that was actually AFTER her supposed time of death, i was like, "she's alive!!" but, no. she was really dead.
man. talk about a switch from watching Jonas. during the huge "fight scene on the burning deck" between Keith and Aaron while Veronica was trapped in the fridge, i was like, "please let Kevin Jonas come in and say something witty!"
but he didn't.
AND GOOD THING i also have the first disc of season 2 here with me tonight. because the end of season 1, you see Veronica at home and she hears a knock on the door and she opens it and says, "i hoped it was you." but you don't see who is at the door!!!!
aaahhhh!!!! will it be Wallace?!! Duncan!?! LEO!!!!?? oh, i hope Leo comes back. i can't decide how i feel about Logan and Veronica. now that we know that Duncan and Veronica AREN'T brother and sister, they can go back to making out.
man, two heavy episodes back to back. the one before the finale was where Veronica discovered who raped her. that was also very intense.
okay. it's 7:36pm. i'm working from 8-10. and i've been putting pins in this shirt getting ready to sew it. there are a lot of pins. i'm hoping it turns out alright. it was supposed to be done by 8, but i couldn't tear my eyes away from VM.
so, i should go start now.
OTHER SUPER BIG NEWS TO REPORT. like, bigger than you could ever imagine. all i'll say for now, is that it's GOOD DAY.
ps: i also cried when we found out that Keith was really Veronica's father. i love him so much.
more love!
then end was sad too. when it was Veronica and Lily together. i had kind of always hoped that the big twist in the whole show would be that Lily wasn't actually dead. and that she was hiding out somewhere. because when they found the speeding ticket that she got that was actually AFTER her supposed time of death, i was like, "she's alive!!" but, no. she was really dead.
man. talk about a switch from watching Jonas. during the huge "fight scene on the burning deck" between Keith and Aaron while Veronica was trapped in the fridge, i was like, "please let Kevin Jonas come in and say something witty!"
but he didn't.
AND GOOD THING i also have the first disc of season 2 here with me tonight. because the end of season 1, you see Veronica at home and she hears a knock on the door and she opens it and says, "i hoped it was you." but you don't see who is at the door!!!!
aaahhhh!!!! will it be Wallace?!! Duncan!?! LEO!!!!?? oh, i hope Leo comes back. i can't decide how i feel about Logan and Veronica. now that we know that Duncan and Veronica AREN'T brother and sister, they can go back to making out.
man, two heavy episodes back to back. the one before the finale was where Veronica discovered who raped her. that was also very intense.
okay. it's 7:36pm. i'm working from 8-10. and i've been putting pins in this shirt getting ready to sew it. there are a lot of pins. i'm hoping it turns out alright. it was supposed to be done by 8, but i couldn't tear my eyes away from VM.
so, i should go start now.
OTHER SUPER BIG NEWS TO REPORT. like, bigger than you could ever imagine. all i'll say for now, is that it's GOOD DAY.
ps: i also cried when we found out that Keith was really Veronica's father. i love him so much.
more love!
"we were on our way home and we found a stray....."
STELLA: Puppy!
NICK: Kitten!
KEVIN: Umbrella!!
friends, you are in for a treat. a feast for your eyes. get our your sunglasses and sunscreen because this entry is going to be hott.
i have found a moment in the show JONAS that includes a cardigan, a vest, and a plaid shirt. usually, in every episode, we are able to find 2 out of those 3 items on any given Jonas. but here is a rare instance where each one of them is wearing one of these classic hipster items.
let's take a look.

from left to right, we have Kevin, wearing a blue and grey striped cardigan. we have Nick, wearing a dark green and white plaid shirt. and we have Joe, wearing a brown vest. now, this is almost a BONUS JONAS scene because Joe is also wearing a scarf.
wow. so great.
that gold structure that Kevin and Nick are leaning on is a fire pole hole. they live in an old firehouse. it's kind of strange. it's like in The Princess Diaries. Mia also lives in an old firehouse. but, there was this really funny moment in this episode that the picture is from where they were trying to lead normal lives despite being surrounded by fans the whole time. and, they were creating this device to lower themselves out of windows:
KEVIN: It's amazing how strong these window frames are!
NICK: One of the good things about living in an old firehouse.
KEVIN: .....So that's why there are poles everywhere!!
i don't know why they make Kevin out to be so clueless. i think he's hilarious. Kara calls him, "the creepy older one."
this past weekend me and Kara were talking about the JoBros and i asked,
JULIE: What does Joe do when he's not singing?
KARA: Um, he just dances around.
this made me laugh so hard. because, you never really see him playing any instruments. on the show's opening credits he's playing guitar. Joe seems like the kind of guy that would play piano.
but, Nick seems like he actually does a lot of the singing. which is too bad because i think Joe has a better voice. another thing about Nick, is that he seems kind of awkward on the drums. but, it's okay i guess because he writes like, 5 songs a minute.
okay. i'm going to stop talking about the Jonas Brothers. i have one hour to wash my hair and go to the post office. and then i have a birthday party to enjoy.
i'll talk to you all later! i'm working 8-10pm tonight. funfunfun.
alright! love you!
NICK: Kitten!
KEVIN: Umbrella!!
friends, you are in for a treat. a feast for your eyes. get our your sunglasses and sunscreen because this entry is going to be hott.
i have found a moment in the show JONAS that includes a cardigan, a vest, and a plaid shirt. usually, in every episode, we are able to find 2 out of those 3 items on any given Jonas. but here is a rare instance where each one of them is wearing one of these classic hipster items.
let's take a look.

from left to right, we have Kevin, wearing a blue and grey striped cardigan. we have Nick, wearing a dark green and white plaid shirt. and we have Joe, wearing a brown vest. now, this is almost a BONUS JONAS scene because Joe is also wearing a scarf.
wow. so great.
that gold structure that Kevin and Nick are leaning on is a fire pole hole. they live in an old firehouse. it's kind of strange. it's like in The Princess Diaries. Mia also lives in an old firehouse. but, there was this really funny moment in this episode that the picture is from where they were trying to lead normal lives despite being surrounded by fans the whole time. and, they were creating this device to lower themselves out of windows:
KEVIN: It's amazing how strong these window frames are!
NICK: One of the good things about living in an old firehouse.
KEVIN: .....So that's why there are poles everywhere!!
i don't know why they make Kevin out to be so clueless. i think he's hilarious. Kara calls him, "the creepy older one."
this past weekend me and Kara were talking about the JoBros and i asked,
JULIE: What does Joe do when he's not singing?
KARA: Um, he just dances around.
this made me laugh so hard. because, you never really see him playing any instruments. on the show's opening credits he's playing guitar. Joe seems like the kind of guy that would play piano.
but, Nick seems like he actually does a lot of the singing. which is too bad because i think Joe has a better voice. another thing about Nick, is that he seems kind of awkward on the drums. but, it's okay i guess because he writes like, 5 songs a minute.
okay. i'm going to stop talking about the Jonas Brothers. i have one hour to wash my hair and go to the post office. and then i have a birthday party to enjoy.
i'll talk to you all later! i'm working 8-10pm tonight. funfunfun.
alright! love you!
22 September 2009
bored to death
WAIT! hold on. no, i'm not going to try and force you to watch the free episode of Bored to Death anymore. (Bored to Death. starring Jason Schwartzman, Ted Danson and Zach Galifinazkis. airs Sunday nights on HBO!)
rather, i would like to use this subject to describe my current mood.
OMG i'm so bored. it's 7:31pm right now. still working. been working since 12:30pm. and i haven't been doing a thing. except birthing class. which was fine.
i watched some clips of my fave 'Jonas' episode on youtube. the one with the home videos.
i am very hungry right now. i had a sandwich around 1pm. i'm going to go upstairs and eat and take a bath. but probably not at the same time.
i should be able to leave work around 7:45pm.
also, i'm really tired. i can't wake up. and i'm soooooo happy that i can sleep in tomorrow. i don't have to wake up before school, and i don't have to work 8-9. i am very excited about this.
i have to go to the post office. i'll have THREE netflix waiting for me! 2 discs of Veronica Mars and MY FIRST DISC of Freaks and Geeks. it's happening. i am watching it.
wow, two new shows in the same week! Freaks and Geeks and Jonas! cr-azy.
and then tomorrow afternoon i'm going to a birthday party. here. for one of the girls. i'm excited because there will be pizza and chips.
hmmm. what else can i talk about during my bored time here.
OH! remember the Phantom Planet videos about Jeff's boredom? he was like, "hello, welcome to my boredom." that was funny. Jeff rules.
i was even so bored at work today, i read an article talking about the soundtrack listing for Twilight: New Moon. YEAH. that's how bored i was!
the one song that intrigued me the most was something by this woman who calls herself St. Vincent, but her real name is Annie...something. and she is performing with some guy. but, when she's not performing she is a member of the Polyphonic Spree AND she also tours with Sufjan Stevens! i was impressed with this. and it also made me excited.
not excited for the New Moon. just that one song on the soundtrack. i'll probably see the New Moon, but not until it comes out on video.
oookkkkkk. hm. what else can i tell you to pass some time?
i read an interview with J.Schwartz the other night. he was talking about the new show. but, in the intro to the interview the person writing said that his performance in Rushmore was probably "one of the greatest first attempts at acting." i was very excited to read this. and then i immediately thought about Emily Watson. and her first attempt at acting in Breaking the Waves. that was awesome.
i'm trying to get Kara to come visit me this weekend. any help and encouragement from you all would be great.
ok. 7:47pm.
i have to do some sewing tonight.
i also read something today about how Nick and Joe are starting to plan Kevin's bachelor party and how it will be "good, clean" fun. they should turn it into a reality ep of JONAS.
WAIT! i think i just heard a car pull into the driveway. is it time for me to leave?!!
k! have a great night! talk to you sooooon!
um, awesome!
KEVIN: It's not our fault Joe destroyed Mom's movies!
JOE: You poured the batter!
KEVIN: You're the one who got the bowl with the holes in it.
JOE: It's a 'calineder.'
KEVIN: It's a 'calendar.'
"and we could get an otter that plays the trumpet!"
ok. so, i was home in maine from sunday morning to monday evening. during this time, Kara and i had many discussions about the JoBros. specifically about their tv show and their song 'Paranoid,' which is awesome.
so, Kara left to go back to school around 4pm on monday. and then my mom took a nap. so, i used this time wisely to get caught up on my tv. since i do not have cable in my apartment, sometimes when i'm home, i like to sit and watch tv. i think this is reasonable. sometimes it's fun to just flip through channels.
SO, i was looking at the exciting TV guide channel and trying to decide what i wanted to watch. here were my options:
- Little People, Big World
- When Did You Last See Your Father?
- Grey's Anatomy
- Wizards of Waverly Place
THEN, at 5pm, i saw that
- Jon and Kate Plus 8
were coming on. NICE. i thought to myself. i watched Little People Big World until Jon and Kate came on. then flip flopped between that and the Jonas Brothers show.
i had only seen a snippet of the JoBros show while in Ogunquit this past summer visiting with Aliya and her cousins. we watched it for like, 10 seconds. but, Kara is very strong in her opinion that it is the absolute worst show ever created. it makes her hate the JoBros.
so, i began watching the episode. it was the episode called, 'Detention' where, to prove that he's treated no different than anyone else, Joe Jonas tries to get a detention. he's doing this all to win the heart of Abby.
and i'm like, loving it. holy crap this is the best show ever. let me try and recreate some dialogue for you:
JOE: How am I going to get a detention before the end of the day!?
KEVIN: I can have 25 goats and a wooden barrel here in an hour. Just let me know.
that Kevin is HILARIOUS. anyways, i flipped between the JoBros and Jon and Kate. at times, it was hard to determine who was being cuter, the sextuplets, or the JoBros.
anyways. immediately i wanted to watch more of the show. i secretly wished there was a marathon.
so, the next step was Netflix. i went on to see if they had the JONAS dvds. NOT ONLY did they have all of season 1, BUT you can watch them instantly through the computer.
my plan for the night was set. oh yeah.
so, i had a nice supper with my mom. got my things together. then around 7:20pm i left to come back home. nice drive back. listened to my awesome playlist. arrived back here at 9:30pm.
checked in with work. things were fine. went upstairs. there were three different toys sticking out under my door. courtesy of Miss Tuesday. she was very excited that i was back. and she immediately wanted food.
so, i stayed with her for a little. we played fetch with some round things and some twisty ties. she was happy about this.
then i changed into my pajamas and settled on the couch for a long night of JONAS.
WOW. wow. wow! that's all i have to say about that show. i was laughing so hard. it was unreal.
i watched like, 4 or 5 episodes. MAN. so good. i just love how they say "awesome" all the time. and how in every scene in the show, they are all wearing some combination of cardigans, vests, and plaid shirts. IT'S SO GREAT.
they are so effing cute i can't stand it.
the best episode was the second one. where they forget their mom's birthday so at the last minute they decided to transfer all the home videos onto dvd. but then there is chaos while baking the cake, long story short - they destroy the home movies. and then Kevin comes up with this totes brillz idea to recreate the home videos.
he's like, "we can't save the videos, but we can save the memories."
it was a beautiful moment. so, they recreated all their home movies from when they were little. omg they were cute babies. you could totally tell that they were their actual home videos. Frankie Jonas wasn't born yet, and he wasn't happy about that. but they included him in some scenes anyways.
another great part was from episode 3. where all three Jonas Brothers fall for the same girl! uh oh. it's the girl who delivers pizza to their house. so, they turn to the Jonas Book of Law, or something, which is this very old, old book detailing the "brotherly law" or whatever. it was awesome. of course the law states that if all three brothers are "crushing" on the same girl, no Jonas will date her.
but of course they still fight about it. and they're all so in love with her and then they talk to their stylist/friend/girl who has a crush on Joe, Stella. and she says,
STELLA: Okay, if you all are so in love with her, name one thing she does besides deliver pizza.
JOE: Her hair is shiny.
NICK: She smells nice.
KEVIN: She delivers garlic bread!
KEVIN!!! that son of a gun. he makes me laugh so hard. he's like, the crazy one. Joe is the hott ladies man. and Nick is the serious/intense one.
oh man, it's so great. i seriously can't wait to watch more tonight.
AND THEN. guess what else i had to do last night?
um, remove the freaking Windows Police Pro virus from my computer FOR THE THIRD TIME. or, is the the fourth time? however many times, i can pretty much remove the virus blind.
and do you know what i was doing when the virus popped up!??! i was looking up the lyrics to a Demi Lovato song. the most unsuspicious thing ever.
ok, i lied. i was looking up the video to the song. at first i didn't want to say video because i didn't want you to know that i was actually watching the Demi Lovato video.
but then i realized that this whole post has been about me loving the JoBros show. and then decided that it didn't really matter what you thought of me at this point.
ok. anyways. i got the virus off. or, probably not. but, at least for now. i'm kind of sick of this. and, when i started up the computer last night i got the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH at first. and then i immediately had to restart it. so, i think it's pretty sick.
so. i'm working right now. here is what i've done today:
- slept from 3:45am - 7:45am
- worked from 8am-9:15am
- slept from 9:30am-noon
- working from 12:30pm-6:30pm ish
we've got birthing class in half an hour. then hanging out until 6:30ish. then courtney comes back.
i've gotten to hang out with some very beautiful baby girls today! and i am now proud to say that i know all the songs on the Elmo movie. Elmo in Grouchland, i believe.
OH. one more quick thing.
THIS IS WHAT I WANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY: it's all i want. everyone pitch in because it costs $700. it's a WEEKLONG LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER job on Rose Island off of Newport, Rhode Island. you get to stay in the lighthouse for a week and they teach you what to do! you don't get paid for doing it, but all your expenses plus the $700 are tax deductible.
i've already checked availability and the week of my birthday is open! it's cheaper in the winter, although it's probably freezing. there's a whole apartment on the second floor of the lighthouse house that i can stay in. it's like, 6-8 hours a day, 5 days a week that you work. but you get to live in the lighthouse! and help out!
i think it sounds pretty cool. and the lighthouse is beautiful. and it's right in Rhode Island! it's perfect.
so there! no more worrying about what to get me for my birthday. because i know you're probably all starting to worry. 25 february 2010! save the date! best day ever!
and i know what you're thinking,
"but julie, you probably won't be able to watch the Academy Awards if you're living in a lighthouse..."
BUT, that's all set because the Awards aren't until 7 March 2010. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY! the Oscars are on your birthday. trust me, it's the best gift you could ever receive.
so, i'll be done with my lighthouse keeper duties by then.
ALRIGHT. to birthing class we go. have a good afternoon. i'll talk to you later, maybe. or, i might be too busy watching JONAS.
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