- New blog extravaganza!
- Join me here! That's right, just come to THIS BLOG, and the address to the new blog will be posted.
- 24 February 2012, 6:30pm
Join me for:
- my second ever online ribbon cutting ceremony!
- first ever video post!
- the first SIX PEOPLE to leave a comment either on FACEBOOK OR THE NEW BLOG will be mailed a handmade, one-of-a-kind FRIENDSHIP BRACELET!! (made by me!)
Gotta love prizes.
OK!!!! So that's the story on the new blog! I hope all you readers can make it!!
It's been kind of a while since I updated! I bet you think a lot has been going on! Nope! Not really!! Same old, same old.
Well. Some exciting things have been happening. I will recount them here.
I voted today!!! In a SPECIAL ELECTION!!! Just for Berwick. If you've been following the news out of Berwick, Maine (what's that...you say you haven't been...Fair enough.), then you know that there is major controversy over the three sketchy selectmen/woman who have been trying to pull all kinds of tricks behind the townspeople's back. NOT ANYMORE! Today we voted on whether or not to get them outta there so they can't be reelected. I like voting. I like it a lot.
Ok. Now I have some important photos to show you. I'm just gonna go right down the line here...

Yep. That's Ruby Tuesday, right there. She's sleeping on my bed on the blanket that Maria made for me. I found that blanket a few weeks ago and said, "Oh, Ruby used to love this blanket when she was little, I'll put it on my bed for her." Turns out - she still loves it. I woke up one morning last week and she was sleeping like this. I have no idea how she got herself covered up. But I don't mind - IT'S PRETTY CUTE.

This now, was a separate day. I think it might have been the next morning, or something. Still sleeping on the blanket. I woke up, looked at her and said, "ooo JACKPOT." Then immediately reached over for my phone and snapped this gem. Her little paw is covering her little face!!!! UGHHHHH WHYYY IS SHE SO SWEET?!?!!?!??! We really lucked out with that one. She's the best. No, really, she's the best.
Speaking of the best.... THIS PHOTO WAS A GREAT DAY!!! So, we all know my best friend Maria. She is frequently mentioned in this blog. WELL, Maria has a little sister who is equal in awesome and I love her so much. And there was one particular Saturday that I thought, "Hm, I wonder if Joshie wants to go out for lunch?!" And she did!!! It was a date!!! So I picked her up and we drove over to one of the finest establishments in Dover, NH, Friendly's, and we had a delightful lunch!
At the end of our meal, we both got out our super cool shades to put on, and then naturally decided to put them on our drinks. To make our drinks looks super cool. Yep, that's my Fribble. DELISH. If you don't love a Fribble, then you don't have a heart. And that's Joshie ducking down in the background, haha. She's the best! I had such a fun date with her!
I thought you might be getting sick of hearing what I have to say... and maybe you want a little more poetry in your life. Who doesn't want that?
So, remember the Blog Reader Haiku Challenge??? You all write me a haiku and I'll post it in the blog?!?!? YEP! That one! Well, I've gotten TWO MORE haikus to post for you!
KEEP SENDING 'EM!!!! I love it.
Let's enjoy the poetry stylings of...
eat honey mustard
amazing nectar of Gods
love honey mustard
the world speeds forward
like a never ending stream
flowing icily
GREAT JOB, GUYS!!!!! Me and Matt are huge fans of honey mustard, so I was especially excited when he sent that one in. If you want YOUR haiku posted in THIS BLOG, then write one (3 lines, first line has five syllables, second line has seven syllables, and third line has five again) and email it in! Blog email address posted to your left!!
<<--- GREAT!
Aanndd, now! Some more visual displays that I've done at work!
The Spring 2 floorset called for more flying people, so I was excited for the challenge! After having done it once, I was more confident that I would do a nice job. And this time it was in men's AND women's!
It was definitely harder because there was more layering going on in the clothes... but we did it a different way. Jen had these huge wooden dowels, and I dressed the dowels and then suspended them from the walls and ceiling....
Check out the spring jackets!
I dressed that classy lady sitting on the table in the front, too. I think it came out pretty awesome.
Now, for the men's section, the way the walls were and the way the ceiling tiles were placed, I ended up needing to screw hooks into the wall in order to hold the display up.
I may not look like it, but I'm actually pretty handy.
Came out great, I think. Every time I walk in the store, I look over to make sure both sections are still up. Still makes me nervous. It's hard work making those displays. And being up on the ladder all day is HOT. It's hot up there. But, worth it.
I made a new friend last week at trivia night at Fury's. And on Thursday night we went to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston together! And it was super, super fun and TURNS OUT you are allowed to take pictures of the art!
Here are some of my faves:
This was a large glass case with these vase-like objects in it, and every way you looked at it, it looked like infinity. It was so cool. I think this picture came out pretty rockin'.

Ship captain or postman??? YOU DECIDE!!!!

These above two were NOT done by the same artist! Amazing! Because they look similar. Both beautiful.
This was another fancy effect, where it looked like the spiral went to infinity! Loves it!
We had a great time! After we went over to Chinatown for some delicious tea and then strolled around the Boston Common. Fun times. A lot. :)
So, I don't know if you realized the date of the Blog Extravaganza.... but it's ONE DAY before my birthday!! That's right! I chose that special day so that it will be a TRIPLE THREAT weekend!!!
FEB 24th - blog ribbon cutting
FEB 26th - Academy Awards!!!
Three of my favorite things in one weekend!! There will be LOTS of celebrating! There's another celebration happening that weekend over at Eddie Bauer where I work, because the FIRST EDDIE BAUER STORE opened on February 25! Haha. I think that's kind of hilarious that it's also my birthday. Meant to be, I guess.
So - get ready for the big triple threat weekend. I can't wait. My birthday is my favorite day of the whole year.
Greg and I went to see The Woman In Black the other night. AAHHHHHH. OMG it was super scary and creepy. It was like one of those movies where you are constantly holding your breath and things make you jump. It was like a jumpy scary movie. Really good, though. Sad, also. Daniel Radcliffe was good. It only took me a few minutes to get into the "not Harry Potter" mindset. The first big conflict and I semi-expected him to yell for Ron and Hermione. But! He didn't. And he pretty much tackled the demons by himself. Good movie. CREEPY movie. Theater was packed.
OK!! I think that's it! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! DON'T FORGET TO WEAR PINK OR RED!!!! Purple is also accepted AS LONG as it's worn with pink. It's the only day of the year where that color combo is allowed.
Hope everyone has a great day! Talk to you soon!!