anyways. we had a lot of fun yesterday, the 29th, which was her birthday. i came home early and there were donuts and iced coffee waiting for me! very good donuts. from Congdon's, in Wells, Maine. um, they were delish! actually, i had an apple fritter. as those are one of my favorite things ever invented.
we hung around the house some. Kara opened up a few presents. here's what i got Kara for her birthday:
- Rooney ticket. (Rooney tickets make great presents, as the concert we went to in December was also Kara's Christmas present!!)
- i put this picture in a frame:

that's one of my favorite pictures of Kara and I. here's the story behind it:
my mom was getting mad because the huge container of all my old dance costumes was getting in the way and she asked me to clear it out. what happened instead? kara and i ended up playing dress up all night and taking pictures. yep, the night ended with drawn on eyeliner moustaches. i was a french painter and kara was a cowboy. every time we see that picture we both burst out laughing. OMG it was SUCH a fun night.
- i made her an anklet and a pair of earrings
- bought her Hannah Montana nail polish set which included nail decals and a guitar-shaped nail polish carry case. YEP - nail polish carry case.
- i made her an eye mask. like, to wear to sleep. YEP! i MADE IT! i went to the fabric store, picked out some great silk fabric. traced a pattern. and constructed one! and um, it came out totally great. like, really really great. every time i looked at it i couldn't believe i pulled it off.
i think kara made out pretty well. i was so excited to give her all my presents.
ANYWAYS. we saw Inception. i REALLY liked it. Leonardo was so super smokin hottt. holy man it was hard to breathe.
OVERALL - i had absolutely no idea what the movie was about going into it, but i had it figured out pretty early on. and i was right! but, i still thought it was really good.
OMG I LOOVVEEDDD LOVED LOVED the fight scene between Joseph Gordon Leavitt and the other guy in the hallway when they were fighting up the walls and it was like there was no gravity. ohhhh i loved that scene so much. i actually wanted to clap after. for realz.
i thought the whole movie, especially that scene, was like a ballet. it was very fluid and sharp.
i thought it was a very well done film. excellent sound. excellent score as always, by Hans Zimmer. excellent Leo, also as always. ohhh Leo. i just can't figure out why we're not married yet.
after the movie we went for dinner at Margarita's. had some delish mexican food. i only had one margarita. my mom had two. and kara had three. now, i have no idea how kara had three margaritas and was still able to stand up afterwards.
now, Margarita's is a kind of special place, because it is where i first remembered my dream about Tony where we were doing tequila shots. my FIRST Crash Kings dream. it was really when i realized my love for Tony AND the red plaid shirt. i was with Andrew and i saw the tequila list and was looking at it and said,
JUILE: Wait a sec... I think I just had a dream where I was doing tequila shots...
ANDREW: Oh yeah?
JULIE: Yeah..... I was doing tequila shots with..... Tony....
ANDREW: Tony??
JULIE: The lead singer of Crash Kings!
ANDREW: Crash Kings???
JULIE: The band I saw open for Rooney in December!!
anyways, after that we came home and had cake and opened more presents. i felt really sick, actually. i think from the one margarita. so, i actually can't imagine doing tequila shots because i would probably vom instantly.
but, it was a fun night. i love birthdays a lot.
TODAY!! was fun, although i still felt sick most of the day. i was also REALLY REALLY SUPER SUPER bumming because i checked my bank account and realized that i absolutely do not have enough money to go see River City Extension. or, i guess the real part is that i don't have money to drive to New Jersey. it'd be like a total of 11.5 hours of driving. and in really, really, thinking very hard about it, it's probably not totally smart to drive there and back again in one night.
and i'll definitely see them in Boston next week, so it's not like it'll be a while.
ALSO - it's not like they haven't stood me up before. because, i paid $5 to see them in Portland, and they were a no show. although they have long since made up for it just by being awesome. and the tweets from james, the blog comment from nick, and the emails, facebook friend request and facebook wall note from joe.
MAN that band is so awesome. AWWWWWWW i can't wait to see them!!
crap. i just checked my bank account again to 1) really, really make sure that i can't go and 2) see if any money had magically appeared. not yet.
DAMN. why doesn't money just magically appear in my bank account when i wish it??? it doesn't make sense. also - i just got paid on tuesday and again, i have no money. what's the deal?? i guess i spent money for Kara's birthday. phone bill was due. wasn't expecting to have to take Ruby Tuesday to the vet. and i needed to buy the new Solobob song on iTunes. although, that was only 99 cents. YOU should buy it! it's called Fantastic 15. and it's by Solobob. aka: Robert Schwartzman.
so, moving on:
i never saw the bat again!! nope. tuesday night was pretty scary, though. when i went to bed, i shut off allll the lights in my living room and kitchen and then shut my bedroom door with me and Ruby inside. and i opened three windows and screens so the bat could fly out if he was still inside. maybe he left on his own, i don't know.
wednesday night wasn't as scary, but i was still on edge. and i didn't see the bat again.
OH! but one more thing about River City Extension! i had a DREAM about them last night!! the dream was that i was at Starland Ballroom, but it was on a rooftop. like, an open air venue on a rooftop. still in New Jersey, though. and i had gotten there like, 2 days early. it was a good dream.
but back to the bat: so, i took Ruby Tuesday to the vet on wednesday morning. she howled the whole ride in the car, but she was such a good girl in the vet!!! she was purring and exploring the room! she was so cute!!! omg i love her so much. and she got a rabies booster and they said she looked perfectly healthy!!! and even though her last rabies shot had expired a few months ago, since she had had the shot before, she was still covered.
so THAT was the biggest relief ever. then we came home, i gave her some turkey and treats. and then called my mom to let her know that everything was okay. and then i was supposed to call the doctor about ME. and my possible exposure to rabies.
BUT FIRST: i bought my non-refundable Crash Kings ticket for next week. there was only one night that i hadn't bought the ticket for yet, and i figured, "i better do it before i call the doctor, that way, if i have to go get crazy shots, i can say, 'but these tickets are non-refundable! i have to go!!'"
great plan, eh?!?
and then i called the doctor, explained the sitch, and she said that as long as the vet said that Ruby was still covered, and i had no contact with the bat - i was fine :)
and that's the story about how i maybe was exposed to rabies, but was fine in the end.
and now watch, 6 months later, i'll die from rabies. because turns out, the bat actually did bite me in my sleep. whatever. as long as Ruby is fine.
anyways. so, still in maine. not sure what the plan is for saturday. MAN. okay i'm really sad about not going to see RCE today. i was so, so, sososo, so, sooo, soo, so excited.
BUT - i'm seeing them FOR SURE next week. like - for sure. there's no way i'm missing them when they are in Boston. because really, the experience of seeing River City Extension outweighs the cost of everything. because they're so incredible.
i kind of can't believe i've only seen then once. it feels like more. and it was when they were the opener of three bands.
the LAST time i fell in love with an opener of three bands was with Crash Kings!
anyways. i just have to accept that i have no money. and i can't drive to new jersey today. and really, WHO can ever afford all the tolls on the Garden State Parkway?? i mean, come on!
i should really go to bed. although, i slept like, 12 hours last night. and then had to take an hour nap today because i was so tired. i've had a hard week. between being so excited from events last weekend, being so excited for kara's birthday, and being so scared about that bat - i haven't gotten much sleep this week.
ya know what? i want to get married. maybe not today. maybe not tomorrow. maybe not this year or next, or next or next or next year, but i want it. maybe i won't get married to you. although, maybe i will, who knows. but, i want it. and i feel like everyone is getting married. and we're getting 'save the date' everything. and i want it too. i want to plan a wedding. and i want it to be mine. and so there. that's that.
(really that stemmed from my not being able to stop thinking about how gorgeous Leo was in Inception. and then thinking for serious about why we're not married.)
hm. and i was going to talk about something else... and now i can't remember what it was.
also - i want that tattoo.
also - does anyone else think that 'Saving Grace' and '1985' sound alike? i admit - sometimes, if i miss the very beginning of the intro, i can't tell which is which. that's for real.
ok. i think maybe it's time for me to go to bed.
i'm hoping that someone will take me to see The Kids Are Alright. because i really want to see that. i think Kara maybe mentioned it.
OKAY. i'm going to bed now for real. have a great night! a great day!!
IF YOU'RE going to New Jersey for the River City Extension show, make sure you say hello to the band for me. And make sure to rock. And have fun.