➠ guess what?!!? COURTNEY is coming to see Crash Kings with us in Burlington next week!! Courtney rules! She said she finally listened to Crash Kings and could understand what all the fuss was about :)! I'm so excited! CK lovin' spreads like the SARS virus.
➠ so, it's nighttime, and i'm in my apartment. and i'm practically falling asleep. but i'm too scared to actually close my eyes. Ruby is having no problem with it:

that was taken just a few moments ago. Poor little girl, she has no idea she's going to the vet in the morning!! awww you have no idea how bad i feel!! and today I had to take a baby to the doctor's and he got shots. He only cried for a few seconds and then got over it. I'm more worried about Ruby, though. I guess it's different when it's your own baby :) She's been very cuddly tonight and I like it.
➠ anyways. no bat sighting yet. i haven't fully barricaded myself in my bedroom yet. i've been slowly turning off lights. i just keep picturing the very first second i opened my eyes this morning and saw a bat flying around. MAN talk about being caught off guard.
➠ i'm also creating fake symptoms of rabies to psych me up. great, huh? yep. i was trying to swallow one of my vitamins tonight and it took a few tries and i was like, "OH MY GOD I CAN'T SWALLOW I'VE GOT RABIES!!!!"
➠ and then my mom got really mad at me on the phone for being so concerned about missing my concerts if i have rabies. if i die of rabies, i'm going to be SUCH a drama queen about it.
➠ also, if i miss these concerts - Crash Kings are playing my funeral. YEP. because maybe Tony would like to be outside sippin' on sunshine in the afterlife, but i would like to be at a Crash Kings concert. best heaven ever.
➠ also, i was thinking about this. because i am always thinking of you guys. BUT - i predict that if i have to get all the rabies shots - it will make for the best blogging ever!!!!! i'll call it, BLOG SHOTS. brillz! because, i was reading about it, and first you have to take these pills, and then have a shot, then go back on like, the 3rd, 5th, and 2 week mark after for shots. basically like a shot a day for like two weeks. that's great material.
➠ BLOG SHOTS. i love it.
➠ so, we all know that i love Tony, but i think he kind of ruined 'Come Away' for me. because every time i've heard it since, all i can think of is him being angry and stopping in the middle of the song. he was ready to walk off stage. maybe i'll tell him my troubles and he'll dedicate a special version to me.
➠ OK, here's the real important thing. the rest of this was just filler. the celery portion of the blog.
✮ WHAT SHOULD WE DO FOR BLOG READER APPRECIATION WEEK?!!? It was around this time, last year. Blog Reader Appreciation Week. And every day we had a different event! But this year - I want to hear FROM YOU!!!! What would YOU like to do for Blog Reader Appreciation Week? I'm thinking it could be in a few weeks. Or, maybe just one day? Or maybe a whole week - whatever! YOU DECIDE!!!
✮ Do you want a party? Prizes? An online toast? Hmm, let's get creative with this. What could be awesome?? ANYTHING you want! Just tell me, and I'll do my blog best to make it happen.
✮ YOU read this blog, how do YOU want to be appreciated?? I feel appreciated whenever I get comments. And when I can see on my blog tracking that a lot of people have viewed the blog.
✮ So, start brainstorming. Maybe think about it for a little while. And then let me know! Either by commenting, or by email!!
✮ Ok great. Notice how this portion was bullet pointed with stars and not arrows. Stars make it seem more fancy, because it was the most important part! Duh!
Well. Folks, I'm exhausted. Like, so tired. I think I have to go to sleep.
Ok. I'm forcing myself.
✮ Goodnight!!!!
don't you have to get the shots in the stomach like leo did in that movie where he got attacked by the dog?!?
ReplyDeleteWhatever Blog Appreciation Week turns out to be... I definitely think it should be a week. Maybe it gets bigger & better each day, until the grand finale on Friday? Yes... I think it should build up! A different surprise/event each day, starting with something small and ending with a bam!