I'm undecided to whether I complete this second challenge. These were the outlined goals:
- clean out my closet and bureau- set up bags of clothes to donate to Planet Aid boxes- bring my huge suitcase upstairs and unpack it into my closet and bureau- get ready for a trip to the laundromat
Let's go over them one by one.
- clean out my closet and bureauComplete. Closet was cleaned out. Bureau was cleaned out of all unwanted clothes.
- set up bags of clothes to donate to Planet Aid boxesComplete. Giant bag of clothes ready to go.
- bring my huge suitcase upstairs and unpack it into my closet and bureauComplete. Kara brought up the huge suitcase and I unpacked it! My familiar clothes are once again hanging up in a closet. Some clothes have been unpacked into the bureau. Still deciding on what I want hanging versus what I want folded. I dislike putting clothes into drawers. I'd rather them in the closet.
- get ready for a trip to the laundromatComplete? I have piles of laundry ready to go. The trip just has to happen. Maybe... tomorrow? If Kara wants to come with me. I don't want to go by myself. Although, I feel like in movies and things, people always meet cute boys in laundromats. Hmm. Not just cute boys, but generally cool people. I bet this is one of those things that doesn't really happen in real life. Only in the movies. Like most of life, I suppose. Bummer.
ANYWAYS. I'd say I successfully completed this edition of Competitive Mind Sports, Game #2. I think I was expecting my bedroom to be a lot cleaner after this event happened. But, it's not at all. So, I think that's why I was confused as to whether or not I had succeeded.
I like these Mind Sports. Since I don't enjoy normal sports, this is a great way to keep active. Kind of. That, plus going to the gym. Which Kara and I have been doing a lot. Last night 'Grease' was on one of the tvs. It was great. Although, we were hoping for Harry Potter, since ABC Family was having a HP marathon ALL DAY.
Kara watched a lot of it. I watched like, the end of the Chamber of Secrets, most of the Prisoner of Azkaban, then we went to the gym and arrived back between the 2nd and 3rd challenge of the Tri-Wizard Tournament in Goblet of Fire, and then watched all of the Order of the Phoenix. I really want to see Half-Blood Prince again. I've only seen that once, and it was in theaters on opening night with Kara and Maria.
The three of us are planning on going to the midnight showing of the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. AND - considering dressing up. Maria wants to be Luna Lovegood, I want Kara to be Mr. Ollivander. I love that guy. When Harry is first picking out his wand in the Sorceror's Stone, that's like, my favorite part of the whole movie. Love Mr. Ollivander.
The other night, I had this weird dream. I guess I've been having weird dreams lately. Perhaps it comes with the transition/crisis period in my life right now.
The dream was, I was married and had this baby. I don't know who I was married to. But, we had a baby boy. He was 7 months old. And, he was very sick, like he had some disease. Also, the entire world was like, going through catastrophe or something. Kind of like at the end of Children of Men during that long tracking shot when they're running away from all the gunfire. Like, things are bad. And, me and my husband are trying to find a way to save our baby. Actually, kind of exactly like Children of Men, haha. Wow, I never picked up on that part until I just said that. Weird.
Anyways, there is this vaccine that will most likely save our baby, who is about to die, but you're not supposed to have the vaccine before you're 9 months old. Baby is 7 months.
So, I'm just sitting on this crate, like, knowing the baby is going to die very soon, and then this old woman comes up behind me, and jabs the vaccination into the baby's leg.
And then I woke up. Weird, huh?
VaccinationTo dream that you are getting vaccinated, suggests that you need to overcome your vulnerabilities. Things that may initially hurt you will be beneficial to you in the long run. You need to take better care of yourself.
To dream that someone is getting vaccinated, indicates that you are being influenced by the beliefs and wishes of others.
Catastrophe To experience a catastrophe in your dream, represents sudden instability and upheaval in your waking life. You are feeling extremely anxious about the unknown changes that are in store for you.
SickTo dream that you or others are sick, denotes discordance and trouble in your life. It may signal a part of yourself that needs to be healed, either physically or mentally. Perhaps you are wallowing in your own self pity. you need to quit feeling sorry for yourself.
BabyTo see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted.
(the whole baby description was really long, so I just picked out that part.)
Yep. That was my dream. Kind of interesting, I guess. My dream life is way more interesting than my awake life. The fact that babies symbolize all that good stuff, but that there was all this horrible stuff happening to the baby in my dream, is kind of sad.
I guess I'm in a sad mood today. For one thing, I keep thinking it's Tuesday. I don't know why this is bothering me so much. I don't know. I guess I just want to do something. But, I don't know what. It feels kind of weird to be in one place all the time. It feels weird that this is December. I'm not sure what's going to happen next year. It's kind of scary, but kind of wonderful.
Today I spray painted things. So, we just had the kitchen re-painted. New hardware is on the cabinets and there's a new stove. So, the paper towel and napkin holder that we had previously, did not match. Luckily, they are metal. And also luckily, I have been really wanted to spray paint something metal.
So I convinced my mom that she shouldn't buy a new paper towel and napkin holder, that she should instead, let me spray paint the old ones. So, we bought spray paint! And TODAY - it happened. I spray painted!!!! It was awesome. I loved it.
Although, it was pretty freezing outside. It was also snowing. So, it was hard. And I couldn't feel my hands for like, 15 minutes after I went back inside. But, it was a lot of fun. I want to spray paint everything now.
Also my day has included:
1. Eating a cinnamon bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I also convinced my mom to buy me strawberry cream cheese at the grocery store the other day. It's pretty much changed my life for the better. Also, I'm pretty good at convincing, I guess. Maybe I should become a lawyer. No, just kidding. Ha. Good joke, Julie.
2. Listening to Taylor Swift. A lot. Very loudly. Especially tracks like, "
Mean," and "
The Story of Us."
I've never heard silence quite this loud. Love that lyric sooooo freaking much.
3. Taking a shower. Singing Taylor Swift in the shower? #yepididthat
That's pretty much been it. Not exciting as always.
I'm sorry. I feel like I'm in a bad mood.
Exactly one year ago my old computer completely died. Remember that saga? I do. My new laptop is about to turn ! That was supposed to be a 1 with a ! after it. But, it just turned into a !. I guess I should have a birthday party or something.
Also, I'll have a celebration coming up for the first time I ever saw Crash Kings. This is going to be an exciting week for parties. Maybe I'll dress up. No, probably not.
Aahhhhhh why am I in a bad/sad mood?? I don't know. Which makes it worse because I'm mad and sad at myself for being in a crappy mood for no reason.
I feel like I don't like my hair. I recently did this huge re-dying project where I dyed the whole thing dark brown. Including the teal parts, which looked pretty because, they didn't all dye completely dark brown, so it was like, dark brown/blue/green streaks. Kinda funky. But then, I rebleached out the sections I wanted teal. It was hard rebleaching them. And then I dyed the bleached sections back to teal.
This process took like, three days. For serious. And, I feel like now, the teal is fading really quickly. I might re-teal...? IDK. Maybe I'll do that and it'll make me feel better. I get a lot of compliments on the teal hair, so I don't want to get rid of it. I also feel like it makes me feel cooler, obviously. I believe the percentage was like, 70% cooler than my previous self, or something.
Also, Tonks from Harry Potter has different colored hair. And Professor Lupin marries her. And I'm in love with him.
Also, Jason Schwartzman is in love with Ramona Flowers and her teal hair in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. And I'm also in love with Jason Schwartzman. As everybody knows. Seriously, I think everyone knows that.
Oookkkkkk. I think I'm gonna call it quits right now. Go downstairs and wait for Kara to come home from work. I'm excited about that, even though I know she is going to abandon me right away to watch the football game. Oh well.
Alright, have a great night. I'll talk to you all laterrrrrr.
Keep warm. Sweet dreams.