I don't know what it is about Taylor Swift. Her songs, her lyrics... she just 'gets me.' And also every other teen girl in the world. Even though I'm not a teen girl. I should be. It's like she describes these moments that everyone feels in just the best way. And, I was not a Swift fan from the beginning. I was not even a Swift fan a year ago. But, Kara turned me. I just think her music is really catchy and meaningful. And I'm not apologizing for that.
So the other night, Kara and I went to go see her in concert. Yes, T.Swift IRL. And I had these tickets for like, over half a year. Kara got them for Christmas. The concert was down in Foxboro, MA, at Gillette Stadium, which is where the New England Patriots play their games. So, it was like a giant place. Like, I just had no idea what this place was going to be like. I couldn't even imagine it. Like, the parking lots and what it looked like in general. Do I watch the football games? No.
This place is like, kinda far away. Maybe like 1.75 hours or so. Maybe a little closer. Kara and I figured that if the concert didn't get out until around 11pm, we probably wouldn't leave the ground until like, after midnight, and then it'd be a long drive home. So! We got a hotel room!! In Providence!! It was only like, 15 miles more South, and we figured we would get to go to Davenport's the next day. Since it's the best restaurant. Also, we could go get Kara's bike which has been on Woodbine St for the past like, year and a half.
We drove to Providence first, to check into the hotel. I got a great deal on Expedia. $50! No lie! On Federal Hill!! That's the "Little Italy" section of Prov. Kinda sketch, but really pretty.
The hotel was Hotel Dolce Villa, and it was super pretty. It's classified as a "boutique hotel." (But without the boutique price.)

All the rooms are suites, which was fun. Still for $50!!! Great deal, Providence. They go with a stainless steel-on-white-on-white-on-white motif, which was kinda classy/kinda institutional. Also, they had real keys and not those card keys, which I appreciated.
Also something we appreciated - the super hotties working the front desk both in the afternoon and after hours.
Buck came too! But not to Taylor Swift.
So, we had made t-shirts so we could be even more awesome. We chose neon colors so that Taylor would be able to pick us out of the crowd more easily. Makes sense. And we decided that the shirts should say, "SPEAK NOW," since she's on the Speak Now tour, and that's the name of the record and a song on the record. Which is a great song.
We were really excited for the show, so obviously we had a photo shoot. And, might I say, that our neon shirts against the white-on-white-on-white-on-stainless steel room made for a great contrast.
Sometimes blurry photos are the best.
Yep, they said 'Swift' on the back. Also, doesn't Kara look GREAT in neon orange?!?!
Before the show, we headed to Thayer Street for some East Side Pockets. Kara had eaten there a few times during college and was craving it. I could always go for falafel, so it was a good deal. And it was probably the best falafel I've ever had. SOOOO FREAKING GOOD. And as we were walking out the door, (keep in mind this place is PACKED) and the guy behind the counter yells,
COUNTER GUY: Ladies, ladies! Wait for some dessert!
Then he yells to the other guy,
COUNTER GUY: Give these ladies some dessert.
And the other guy packs us up a piece of baklava and just gives it to us! For free! Just for being so awesome! Or, he thought we were hotties. OR, he is a Taylor Swift fan and recognized our shirts. Any of those three possibilities. Or perhaps a combo of all three. I'm gonna go for combo.
We also got cowboy hats to complete the country experience. Do I enjoy country music? NO. Let me make that clear. NO I DO NOT ENJOY COUNTRY MUSIC. But, I do enjoy Taylor Swift. That's us in the car! I think this is a GREAT, A+ photo!!!
Kara's car has been having this problem where it randomly dies.... and then you just need to start it again. It happens mostly after idling... like sitting in traffic for a long time.... like if you're on the way to Gillette Stadium for a Taylor Swift concert and there are like, 15,000 other cars waiting to get in. But sometimes it just happens if you're just going through the drive-thru or something, so, it's weird. Anybody know what could cause this? She's got a 2007 Saab.
Anyways, so this happened four times on our way. FOUR TIMES of thinking we'd have to abandon the car and RUN to see Taylor. But luckily, all four times it started right back up again.
That's what the place looks like. We parked in lot P7. I do not appreciate the parking situation at Gillette Stadium. I think they could have done a better job. I don't think the parking lots are set up for pedestrian traffic, like walking to the stadium, very well. There is one tiny sidewalk and the rest of it seems to be like, "hey, good luck walking through this parking lot that holds 10,000 cars!!" I think there needs to be some sort of giant, central sidewalk, along with an entrance (or just exit??) on the OPPOSITE side of the parking lot, with maybe a back/loop road connecting back around to the main road. I feel quite strongly about this. If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that I like analyzing traffic patterns and figuring out what's wrong with them. And, believe me, there are a lot of things wrong with the traffic patterns at Gillette Stadium. And, I had a lot of time to sit and complain to Kara about this, because the concert got out at 11pm, we got back to our car around 11:30pm, and did not leave the parking lot until after 1am. Kara was like,
KARA: I don't think it's the traffic patterns, I just think there are A LOT of cars.
But, I don't think that's a good excuse. They built the giant stadium and the giant shopping mall area next to it, they should have thought through all the traffic patterns more thoroughly. Yes, there will obviously be SOME wait time, but an hour and a half? Please.
Anyways, so, we get to the stadium and walk around lost for a few minutes, marveling in the size of this place and also in the fact that Taylor Swift is very close.
We entered on the wrong side of the stadium, so we had to take the outdoor path around to the other side. It led us behind the stage! Did I mention we had CLUBHOUSE seats??? OH YEAH. Only the best.
Also, we passed by Taylor's vans! And tour buses! It looks like those tour buses connect... anyone else agree?
Patriot's practice field!! I'm kidding, I have no idea what this random field is.
In our seats!
The first openers, Harry Montana, or something. Some guy who we thought was related to Hannah Montana. It was all country music.
The last openers, Need to Breathe. I kept making fun of them through their whole set, and then they played their popular song and I realized I knew all the words. They play the song at Eddie Bauer, where I work in Kittery. So, that was funny. It was like, "uugghhh what a crappy band....ohhh yeah, I actually know this song, and I also know every single word."
I call this one, 'Sunset Over Gillette Stadium.'
AND THENNNN......the moment we were all waiting for.....!!!!!
Oh, hey Taylor Swift.
It was actually very emotional when she came out, because of how gracious she seemed. Like, I don't know if you've realized this, but whenever she wins an award, she has this look of total surprise on her face. Now, this might be a total act for suckers like me.... but it's working. She just really seemed surprised that like, everyone showed up, or something.
Lots of glitter everywhere.
That was 'Back to December.' I have no idea why I got so many photos of it.
Taylor in a red dress for 'Better than Revenge!' That song is killer. I usually don't like it, but I did that night.
A lucky fan gets married at the concert!!!!
No, just kidding. This was the mini-production for the song, 'Speak Now,' which is about Taylor standing up and protesting at a wedding, because she's been secretly in love with this guy the whole time, and finally just can't take it anymore, so when the preacher says, "speak now or forever hold your peace,' she chooses to SPEAK NOW. Which is the whole point of the record... like, DON'T hold back, SAY you're sorry, SAY I love you, SAY what you're feeling. Loves it.
That's Taylor right before she stands up and SPEAKS NOW. See, she's timid, BUT SHE DOES IT. And she ends up with the guy! Win win. How come I never end up with the guy?
Then a bunch of fireworks went off (not appreciated), and there was smoke everywhere. You couldn't see anything for like, 30 seconds. And I wanted to yell, "I'M NOT PAYING FOR THIS!" In keeping with the whole, "speak now" theme. But, then the smoke cleared.
'Enchanted!' Loooveee that song. Basically it's about meeting someone and having a crush on them and then you can't stop thinking about them. My life, pretty much. Also the line at the end, "please don't be in love with someone else..." So good. So true. So true.
Then, she disappeared under a giant bell after the song, 'Haunted,' and when she reappeared like, 20 seconds later, had totally changed her outfit!! Ah, the wonders of a dressing team.
Now, Taylor's sparkly guitar has been a pretty big part of Kara's life. Last year, someone came into her bakery and ordered a cake to look like this guitar.

Yeah. Our little Kara made that cake. It's Taylor's sparkly guitar. Kara is an amazing baker/cake decorator. Seriously guys, hire her to bake your cakes. Like, all of them. She's had sooo many people come in after ordering a cake and say, "that was the best cake I've ever had." For serious. They say that.
And! Her bakery, Pine Tree Marketplace and Cafe, located in Wells, ME, is having a cake tasting THIS SATURDAY, 2 July, at sometime in the afternoon!! YOU should go! I'm going! I don't frequently pass up free cake.
Glistening after the show!!
WHAT A GREAT CONCERT. For serious. It was a lot better than I expected. The songs were great, Taylor sounded awesome. The sets were fun. It was a great night.
And, her acoustic, ukuele version of 'Fearless,' instantly became my favorite. I actually love that song. (That video, which I hope you watch, was not taken by me, and is not even from the concert. But it's the best audio quality I could fine.)
"long live that look on your face..."
About to burst with excitement. That's the infamous heart symbol that Taylor makes to her fans during the shows. The fans give it right back.
So then we made it back to the car and had to wait for an hour and a half (see above traffic story.) FINALLY, we were back on the road and headed South to Providence.
It was an easy drive back to the hotel. Got a parking spot out back in the creepy alley.
This is our hotel at night!

So pretty!
And this is our hotel from the creepy back alley where we parked!
We slept great post-concert, as we were exhausted.
Check out was at 11am, and I said to Kara,
JULIE: I have this vision of us sitting outside at an Italian cafe drinking delicious beverages and being fancy ladies.
Outdoor seating? Check.
Italian cafe? Check.
I got a raspberry mocha (not as good as the ones I make), Kara got a mocha latte, and we split an order of blueberry and ricotta crepes. DELISH TO THE MAXXXX. And we sat outside like fancy ladies and enjoyed it all. SO FUN.
Keep in mind, this was all in the plaza where our hotel was located:
Did I mention $50 a night for this great location?! And - we didn't get murdered. So, BONUS.

GREAT location. So fancy.
And that's the giant pineapple structure hanging over the entrance to Federal Hill. Welcome!
So, we had the day to kill in Providence. We headed over to Woodbine, where Kara used to live, to get her bike. But, unfortunately, there was no bike. She even asked the nice hippie lady who had moved in downstairs, and the lady said she had seen the bike there all winter, until it mysteriously disappeared. She said her bike had been stolen around the same time. Hmm.
So, no bike luck.
Afterwards, I had two things I wanted to do while in Providence,
1. check out The Wall
2. go to the overlook
1. REMEMBER THE GREAT AND CURIOUS WALL OF PROVIDENCE?!?!?! YEP ME TOO. That was another GREAT adventure we went on. This giant stone wall fencing in this huge area that used to be home to a poor house/farm until the land was bought by Brown University and now it holds their athletic complex. Funny how that all worked out...
I'm still obsessed with this...
Still great! Still curious! Still a horrible constraint on societal mixing!
2. I had also wanted to check out the overlook! Where Roger Williams stands, protecting the city. Kara didn't realy want to go, but I forced her!
There he is!

What a great spot! So great for eating thai food, cheesecake, or for just hanging out. All of which I have done in this place.
Ok, I lied. So there were three things I wanted to do while in Providence. The third thing was:
3. DAVENPORT'S. My favorite restaurant. Why? Because they have the best chicken salad sandwich ever. FLATBREAD. Ohhh I love the flatbread. It's just Willow Tree chicken salad, dried cranberries, glazed walnuts, lettuce and tomato, on flatbread. YUMMM. It's the best meal ever.
As we were approaching Davenport's, we noticed a vacant building across the street! This wasn't there the last time we were at Davenport's, which was maybe... mid-March, or so.
I saw this building and said,
JULIE: OMG that's prime Davenport's overlooking real estate!!
KARA: We should buy it so we can just stare at Davenport's all day.
She was kidding, but I thought it was a great idea. I also love my joke about "prime Davenport's overlooking real estate." I think that's pretty funny. I laughed about it for a while. Kara thought it was lame. And I said, "I can't wait to write it in the blog!!" So - there ya go.
And there is Davenport's in all its glory!!! Just a simple, family restaurant? NO. Oh, it's so much more.
My sandwich!!!
Kara's sandwich! She got a buffalo chicken wrap, or something. Loved it.
And, I got to use my Davenport's rewards card, which was my birthday present to myself. Yes, it's a free program, but still, an exciting thing.
What a great day in Providence. I love that city and would move there in a second if I had enough (or any) money saved up.
WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND!!!! We listened to Taylor Swift most of the drive home and would say, "UMMMM remember how we saw her in person last night?!?!!" Yeah. That happened.
We got home and immediately recounted our wonderful time to our mom, who was excited to hear everything.
Check out the short videos I got!!!
(:: Camera sparkling when the lights first went down)
:: Mine
:: Mean - I also LOVE this song. It's totally "country." It's about someone being mean to you.
someday i'll be livin' in a big ol' city
and all you're ever gonna be is mean
someday i'll be big enough so you can't hit me
and all you're ever gonna be is mean
why you gotta be so mean?
And I love that this person is being all mean to Taylor and everything and she gets back at them by saying, "someday I'll be livin' in a big ol' city." I just love that. Like, eventually she'll be on to do bigger and better things, which include living in a city. I LOVE that.
I also love the line,
you have pointed out my flaws again
as if i don't already see them
:: You Belong with Me
:: Back to December
:: Fearless (ukuele, acoustic)
:: Enchanted
:: Long Live (Kara's favorite)
They're short and far away, but are good little reminders of our fun night. Enjoy them!
SO. I hope you all enjoyed your time spent at the Taylor Swift concert with me and Kara. I surely loved reliving it with you. And I've been on a Taylor-listening streak ever since.
"can you feel this magic in the air?"