So, I got into bed. Watched an episode of Pretty Little Liars. Quickly fell asleep because I was exhausted. And then slept, and slept and slept.
Slept RIGHT through my alarm clock. I have no idea how this happened.
And what was important about Tuesday???? More floorset at work. I was supposed to be at work at 8am, so my alarm was set for 6:30.
Ruby Tuesday woke me up after a great night of sleeping. I thought it looked rather bright out for 6:30am, so I checked the clock. It was 9:40am. YEP. Overslept by THREE HOURS. I suck.
I checked my phone. I had also slept through two phone calls. Work, of course. Wondering where I was and also worried about me.
So, I immediately call into work and say that I had slept through my alarm and that I felt terrible. Jen said it was alright, that she was just worried about me, and that she would see me when I got there. Ok.
I scrambled to get ready and managed to leave in like, 20 minutes. Got to work around 10:45. And then proceeded to kick ass on floorset. I was up on the huge ladder like, changing the super high wall displays. It was cool. I got to dress up more puppets, which I rocked. And I stayed an hour later. So, it all ended well, I suppose.
But then I said, 'I'm gonna get a coffee on my way home to make me feel better.' So, I did. I got one for Kara, too. But, the girl messed up my raspberry dark mocha and it ended up just tasting like raspberry milk. Bummer.
Then I got home - I was over the coffee mess up and was looking forward to just relaxing online. And I open my computer and the internet isn't working. On every computer? Nope, just on mine. I have no idea what was wrong with it. Kara thought it was some proxy thing, so she fiddled around with proxy jibberish, but nothing worked. It was saying that I was connected to the wireless, the airport had full signal, but nothing was loading. Something wasn't connecting in there.
SO - Tuesday was a crappy day. I can acknowledge that. But, then Kara and I went to the gym and I killed it. So that was good. Rocked The Gaga Six.
I think later that night we went out to get McFlurries. That was also good. Whatevs.
WEDNESDAY was yesterday and it was better. I was working 1-8:30. Work was SUPER BUSY. It was cloudy and rainy, so everyone was shopping rather than at the beach. I got to work on some wall displays which Jen thought might be "too artistic," but she let me leave them because she really liked them. So that was cool.
Then, I got to do some sewing projects that I had requested. I had been noticing that when little things like buttons fall of clothes, they have to mark them down like, 20% or something. And I was like, "well, if someone brings in a sewing kit, I'll just resew the button on so we can leave it at full price." You know me, always motivated by money.
So, Jen brought in a sewing kit! And last night I did some sewing! Everyone was like, "really? you want to do that?" and I was like, "yep!!" All the buttons came out really nice. Great!
I like actually DOING stuff. I have realized from working these two jobs that I like seeing results. Like, I enjoy the process of making coffee and fancy drinks because at the end, you get a product. I like working on the register at work because you're pressing lots of buttons and swiping credit cards. I like sewing on buttons because you start and you have two detached things, and when you finish, they are attached to one another. It's quite romantic, actually.
No, it's not really.
Anyways. This is why I like working on projects rather than walking around the store asking people if they need help finding anything. Or putting away the reject clothes at the fitting room. Although, at least that has you walking around the store on a clothes-putting-away-mission.
Anyways. So now my mom thinks I should go into fashion merchandising. Which sounded kinda lame until I realized that was what Elle Woods majored in before she decided to go to law school.
And I try to keep an, 'Elle Woods state of mind' at all times. Really. I do. (Except I probably won't go to law school in the end.)
Just the other day, I was hearing about how everyone at the store wears jingle bells at holiday time and at first I thought, "there's absolutely no way I am wearing those jingle bells." But then I realized that Elle Woods would probably totally embrace it and then also become head of the holiday decorating team. MOTIVATION. DETERMINATION. ELLE WOODS.
And bonus - she scored a 179 on her LSATS, got into law school, rocked it, AND got the hott guy in the end. What a great movie. I've been wanting to watch it lately.
Anyways. How did we even get to talking about this? Oh, right. Fashion merchandising. We'll see. The ship captain idea is still at the top of my list.
So, last night, I basically sat on the couch all night and watched Pretty Little Liars. I finished season 1. LOVED IT. The season finale was super scary! And I got excited when Aria was wearing the same color nail polish as me. It was like a light blue. All the girls on that show have such awesome nail polish.
Then I went to sleep. Slept pretty well. Kara woke me up this morning and we went out to get breakfast and coffees. Really good coffees. Then, I thought I might be working, so I called to find out. But I'm not! So - surprise day off. Love these days. I have tomorrow off too!!!! Party hardy tonight? No, probably not. But I like to keep my options open.
HMM. I thought I had something else important to tell you. I mean, all this was pretty important.
I guess we'll see. This week started off great, but it seems kinda downhill, I guess. Although, I guess today is okay so far.
Kara and I have been watching all the episodes of Parks and Recreation on Netflix. That's a pretty funny show and I never really appreciated it until recently. Aziz Ansari is like, totally funny. And I've seen more episodes than I thought I had.
Ruby Tuesday is being super cute right now. She's taking a little nap on the porch.
I woke her up when I took this picture. But, she quickly fell back to sleep.
Alright. I have to go check on my laundry. Exciting! I know. I'm really living it up on this surprise day off.
I hope you all are having excellent Thursdays! Talk to you again soon!!!!! I still have to plan that new blog ribbon cutting. I'll start to get my act together. Probably make a Facebook invite. Sounds great.
OK! Enjoy this beautiful afternoon!
**side note** The turtle in the picture with Ruby Tuesday is not a real turtle. It's a fake, plastic turtle named Slash. Kara stole this turtle from the lawn of her apartment on Woodbine Street in Providence. We love Slash. He lives on the porch. **end side note.**