25 July 2009
::blog reader appreciation week 2009::

WE'RE HAVING A KARAOKE PARTY TONIGHT!!!!!!!! i hope you all love karaoke, because once i get going, it could turn into an all night thing.
okay, there's your microphone!!!!! what song are you gonna sing?!?!?!
okay, i'll probably sing Total Eclipse of the Heart with maria. maybe some Miley Cyrus. Idiot Boyfriend by Jimmy Fallon used to be popular in our MOD 27 karaoke parties.
wow, this karaoke party is super fun. i'm so glad everyone could come!!!!! i don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but you've got a great singing voice. :)
SO - tomorrow wraps up my Blog Reader Appreciation Week 2009, and i've got a BIG event planned.
we're going to have a Masquerade Ball. get our your ballgowns, tuxedos, and masks, and get ready for a night to remember. i've reserved the most gorgeous spot on the internet for us. and there will be chandeliers - don't worry. it's going to be beautiful.
i'm wearing a teal dress, obvi, so plan accordingly. you can bring a date if you want, but it's not necessary.
i'll post an invitation soonish. maybe later tonight. but i REALLY want everyone to be there!!!! and i want my blog to be overflowing with comments! but, since you will be wearing a mask, it's okay, because nobody will know who you are, you can still be shy and attend. all you have to say is this:
Hello from Maine! or, wherever you may be. i am currently in maine, that's why i wrote that. normally i would write,
Hello from New Hampshire! so, just write 'hello' and the place you are updating from. that's all!!! easy breezy!!!!
so, get ready! start planning your outfit. loves it!!! i'm so excited. we'll have champagne too, because it's a special occassion.
OK FRIENDS!!!! i'll write more laterish. have a great night!!!!! love you all. hope you had a great time!!!!
thank you for reading,
24 July 2009
::blog reader appreciation week 2009::

what a great title!!!
it's make your own sundaes!! any flavor ice cream, any flavor toppings!!! we have it all!!!!!!
okay, here's what i'm having: raspberry chocolate chip ice cream, with strawberry sauce, whipped cream, jimmies and a cherry. YUM.
what are you having?!!?
ok, so mingle around, talk to all of our new friends! post some comments!!!! let's hear from everybody tonight!!!!!!
i'm so excited to have you all here. hope you have fun. tell me what kind of a sundae you're having!!! or, maybe you're just having an ice cream cone! that's delicious too!!!!!
alright, have a great night. i'm planning a BIG event for sunday night. get out your fancy clothes.
love you guys!
thank you,
23 July 2009
::blog reader appreciation week 2009::

oh good!!! you made it!!!! THANK YOU AND WELCOME!!!!!!!
i thought tonight we'd have a more low-key event.
a tea party!!!! i hope you all like kiwi tarts!
delish!!!! look at that gorgeous tea set. whatever kind of tea is your favorite - that's the kind we have. chai, vanilla, green, red, black - we have them all!!! we also have lemons, sugar, and milk. soy milk too. and sugar substitute.
mm. i love a nice cup of tea at nighttime.
aw, what a great tea party!!!! i'm having fun. i just love sitting around a table with my closest friends, sipping tea and wearing party dresses. or, party suits.
thanks for coming to the second night of Blog Reader Appreciation Week 2009.
is everyone having fun??? what's your favorite kind of tea?? tell me what you're enjoying!! i think i will enjoy a nice cup of Coconut Thai Chai. that's what i've been drinking lately. sugar and soy milk for me, please.
okay!!! i'm eagarly awaiting your lovely comments!!!!!! have a great night!!!
ice cream social tomorrow night!!!! bring all your friends!!!!!!!
thank you,
get ready, i'm going to use my favorite opener
oh, hi! i didn't see you there.
haha. loves it. so, wow! the first day of Blog Reader Appreciation Week 2009 has come and gone! and we had a winner!!!! our new friend JD. congratulations!! so happy about this. i can't wait for more winners.
*AND, i think after the appreciation week is over, i will post an entry about how to claim your prize. so, no worries, you will get prizes. and they are super great. i'm excited for you to get them. actually, i have more prizes than days in the appreciation week. so, i'll have to come up with something clever.*
oh! i went to bed last night and immediately thought, "hm, there was something i wanted to blog about." but i couldn't remember what it was.
but you're in luck because i remember now! (also, my "b" key is giving me trouble.)
i wanted to talk about coincidences. i experienced a coincidence the other day. tuesday. let me tell you about it.
- so, i was at the hospital with a resident. she had a prenatal appointment. we got the hear the baby's heartbeat! oh, i love that. so, we were getting into the elevator to leave, and this nice family got in. a mother, a girl, and a boy. i'm assuming they were a family, but i guess you never know. and the boy was wearing some sort of college sweatshirt. i think from somewhere in pennsylvania. it was blue and orange. and he was pretty handsome. and he was wearing green shorts. so, i noticed him because he was a cutie. and we got off on the same parking garage level. level 8. and then went out separate ways.
i drove back home. dropped off the resident. checked-in a bit about the appointment. went home. did some stuff. then i had to go to the bank and exchange my Euro to Dollar. i left about 4pm. that took a while because they needed to look up a bunch of stuff and fill out a bunch of paperwork.
man, when you exhange Dollar for Euro they just take your money immediately. but when they're giving you money back, it takes like, half an hour. whatever.
so then, i said, "oh, i need to go to JoAnn Fabrics to get some green beads." so, i did that. i actually got more than just green beads. i got another bead case too, because i was very quickly running out of space in my old bead case. so now i have two bead cases. it rocks.
and then, as i'm standing in the check-out line, who walks in?? the cute boy from the hospital elevator!!!! i'm like, "NO WAY." it was so weird. and he starts talking to someone in line behind me, and i turn around, and it's his (assumed) mother and sister!!! i was like, "omg what is happening right now?!?!" we made eye contact, but he obviously didn't recognize me.
so i'm like, "holy crap this is so weird. i am experiencing a coincidence right now." and then i thought, "if i had a 'let's be friends' business card, i would totes give him one right now."
and then he left the store, while his (assumed) family was still in line. and he was shouting something about not being able to find Izze drinks at Shaw's grocery store. it was strange.
and i kept thinking about it. like, "wow. i saw him twice in the same day in two very different places." like, how random is it to see him in JoAnn's?!?! seriously.
and i was thinking and thinking about it. and then i got home and decided to watch I Heart Huckabees. all about coincidences. (and also, jason schwartzman hottttttnesssss) man, i really like that movie. it's really funny. was i recently talking about it to you?? hm. was it?
OH YEAH! i was talking about Mark Wahlberg producing Entourage and then i started talking about Coconut Records. that's right.
anyways. I Heart Huckabees. have you seen it? are you a fan? it's about coincidences.
and then seeing that movie made me remember the biggest coincidence OF MY LIFE. and probably of Jenny Valeri's life too. this is weird. are you prepared? i probably wrote about it when it happened.
ah yes, here it is. vintage Misty Green and Blue. from the livejournal chronicles. ok, this was written 29 October, 2005.
now i will tell you about my favorite costume of the evening.
there was this boy dressed as Max Fisher from Rushmore. let me tell you, he looked exactly like jason schwartzman. it was kind of amazing. his navy blue blazer was complete with pins that said, 'Mathematics' and 'Excellence.' he had on a red hat, striped tie, and thich black glasses. omg. he was my lover for the night. AND, he was the most amazing dancer EVER. first, we saw him under the big tent rocking out, then we went into the RCC where there was dancing and a DJ and he was going crazy. he really had some nice moves. and the fact that he was dressed as Max made it soo perfect. everytime i saw him, i couldn't take my eyes off of him. HE WAS DRESSED AS JASON SCHWARTZMAN. think about this: i go crazy talking about him in my livejournal, think about how i would act if i saw someone dressed as him.
we saw him multiple times during the evening. but, the last time we went to the RCC for some dancing we were leaving and he walked past us, now, i almost said something, but i got too nervous. i opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. SO, we walked into the hallway, and jenny saw the boy she has a crush on, so we conviently stopped in the hall to call Rachel, when who should walk out of the RCC, but Max Fisher. so, i gathered up my courage and said, "i think you have an amazing costume." he then proceeded to hang out and talk with us for like, 10 MINUTES. he was the nicest guy ever...
ME: you really look like Max!
MAX: really? i had to have my friends convince me for like 20 minutes
ME: no, you look perfect.
MAX: well, earlier this year one of my friends held up a picture of...umm..umm..what's that guy's name?
MAX: yeah, Jason Schwartzman, and they told me that i looked a lot like him.
ME: yeah, you totally do.
it was the best part of my night. the kid's real name is Jordan and he doesn't actually go to Hampshire, he lives in Northhampton, which is like, 15ish minutes away. he was like,
MAX: yeah, i actually don't go to school.
ME: well, that's ok because Max was kicked out of Rushmore.
MAX: haha! yeah, that's right.
then he was like, "do any of you guys go to Hampshire?" and i was with Maryam and Jenny and we were all like, "Yes, yes we do." anyways, he was the nicest most awesome person ever. he shook all of our hands. he was even short like jason schwartzman. oohhh. he was so perfect.
that was the start of the 'Max Fisher Coincidence' as we shall call it.
me and Jenny talked about this kid A LOT. because he was so awesome and his resemblance to the real Max Fisher was incredible. well, not "the real" max fisher. but, jason schwartzman as max fisher. whatever.
so then, i want to say a few weeks later, we were at our friend Brian's music show. or, concert, as it's more commonly known. ha. anyways. he was giving a show in one of the center of the donuts on campus. oh, ok, i just found that livejournal entry. here we go:
let me tell you about my wonderful night. the night began when we went to see our friend Brian perform in the center of his donut: donut 5. we got there at about 930. it was in the middle of his set when we got there, so everybody turned around when we walked in. i noticed this boy sitting on the floor and when he looked over, i thought, "hmm..that cute boy looks familiar." but i didn't think anything of it. i figured i had seen him around hampshire. so, jenny and i go and sit behind him and his friends and listen to Brian play. he did a great job. yay Brian! so, i keep watching this boy in front of me. even though it's just his back. so, jenny finally turns to me and says, "that boy with the hat sitting in front of us really looks like Jason Schwartzman." AND THEN IT HIT ME.
i looked at the boy again. i froze, realizing where i knew him from. HAMPSHIRE HALLOWEEN. THIS BOY WAS MAX FISHER!!!!!!!! remember how i talked about how i talked to the boy dressed as Max for like 10 minutes and he looked exactly like Jason? and he was SO nice? and he lived in northhampton? and he doesn't go to school? THIS IS THAT BOY. i never thought i would see him again. so, now that we realize who he is, of course i can't take my eyes off of him. he's SO cute! and he seriously looks like jason schwartzman. so, i'm freaking out because i can't decide whether or not to go over and say hi. so, i'm like staring at him for the entire rest of the show. jenny and i decide that it's definitely him, because he's short, he looks like jason, and we both recognized his voice.
so, the show ends. everybody stands up. i start freaking out to jenny and asking her whether or not i should go up to him. of course, she says yes. so, i'm getting really nervous. i can't do it. i can't go up and talk to him. then, jenny reminds me of a lyric from a Ben Lee song that goes, "Just do it, whatever it is." and that makes me realize that if i don't go up and say something, i will regret it for the rest of my life. (this sounds really serious, but at halloween, i was seriously in love with this kid.) So, there's a point in time when he's playing with his cell phone and sort of not interacting with anyone else. so, without even thinking, i walk up to him and say, "hey." he looks at me and says, "hey."
JULIE: Were you Max Fisher for Halloween?
MAX: Yeah!
JULIE: I totally remember you. We were The Bee Gees...(gesturing to Jenny)
MAX: (blankly stares at us) I don't remember the Bee Gees, but I remember your faces.
JULIE: We had the chest hair. We talked for like, 10 minutes...
MAX: Where?
JULIE: Over in the RCC, in like the hallway...
MAX: At Hampshire Halloween?
JULIE: Yeah! We were The Bee Gees...
MAX: Oh, ok. I thought you were talking about the party in my apartment.
JULIE: No, sorry. I was talking about here... (i'm sort of getting confused)
MAX: Cause we also had this really big party in my apartment like, two days after and I met tons of people that I had never met before.
JULIE: Oh, ok.
MAX: I'm Jordan.
JULIE: I'm Julie. (shakes my hand!!)
JENNY: I'm Jenny. (shakes Jenny's hand!!)
MAX: (looks at me and Jenny) Julie, Jenny. Julie, Jenny.
JULIE: Jordan.
MAX: You guys both must go to Hampshire.
JULIE: Yeah...
MAX: I live in Northhampton.
JULIE: Cool...
MAX: You guys should come by my apartment next Saturday. You ever heard of the band (mentions some band)?
MAX: (mentions the band again)
MAX: Cause the lead singer is gonna be performing in my apartment.
JULIE AND JENNY: Ohhh, cool.
MAX: Yeah, my friend asked me this morning if we could have this concert in the apartment, and I was like, "ummm, ok!"
JULIE: Yeah, that's awesome!
MAX: Yeah. I live like, right downtown
JULIE: We'll be in Northhampton on Tuesday night for a concert.
MAX: Which concert?
JULIE: Ben Lee at the Iron Horse.
MAX: I don't know him.
(at this point, Jenny turns away and it's just me and Max talking)
MAX: So you're...Julie? (shakes my hand again.)
JULIE: (laughs) Yep.
MAX: Julie...Julie...Julie...(keeps shaking my hand for about 30 seconds)
JULIE: Jordan. Jordan.
MAX: I'm Jordan and you're Julie. (we're still shaking hands!!!)
JULIE: That's right.
MAX: Well, I'm gonna have to go.
JULIE: Ok! It was good seeing you again.
MAX: Yeah, you too.
AAHHHAAHA!!!!!!! i couldn't tell if he was a little drunk or not. jenny thought that it was just his normal personality, because he was acting exactly the same at halloween.
i really like the part where he said, "at hampshire halloween?" and then somehow thought we were talking about the party in his apartment. haha. wow, this brings back some really great memories.
SO, how weird was it to see him again? um, totally weird. after this amazing encounter, we went to a party in MOD 25 where we saw him again, as well as this boy who i had (still have) a super big crush on. and then the next day we went to a ben folds concert! it's all coming back.
this was the second incident in the Max Fisher Coincidence. 5 November, 2005.
the next incident happened while Jenny and i were at a Shawn Fogel concert in Northhampton. totally off campus. in The Basement. which was kind of a hard place to find. it was located under Table 9 rectaurant, ACROSS the street from The Iron Horse.
here we go:
Jenny and i are sitting at our table, to the left of the "stage" and these two boys walk in. I naturally look at the boys (because well, they're BOYS) and my breath catches in my chest. "OH MY GOD." i say aloud. Jenny says it's almost right after me. guess who one of the boys was???!!?!?!?!!? you'll never guess. ready? MY BOYFRIEND JORDAN FROM HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!! the kid who was Max Fisher from Rushmore!!!! and I was totally IN LOVE with him because he looks exactly like Jason Schwartzman. and then we saw him a few weeks ago at Brian's music show at Hampshire. REMEMBER!?!?! if you've been reading my journal since Halloween, you'll know how i feel about this kid. man, he's awesome. and he was with the kid who he was with at Brian's show.
so, they're standing in the middle of the room looking for a place to sit, and Jenny and i are FREAKING OUT at our table, because - HELLO! so, i'm quietly whispering to Jenny, "sit with us, sit with us, sit with us..." so, they like, keep looking over at us. and i wanted to beckon them over to sit down. but, Jordan spots a table across the room. don't worry, we still have a clear view of them from our table.
so, of course, i'm staring at them through the whole beginning of the show. THEY'RE SO CUTE. and they're like, seriously also looking over at us. it's almost as if they recognize us, but can't figure out from where. actually, a few times Jordan and i made serious eye contact. but, if you've read the conversations from the two times where i did go up and talk to him, he is like, permanently stoned or something. that kid is seriously out of it. but, he's so amazing and awesome.
so, i decide right away that i will not go up and say anything to him, because that would make me seem like sort of a creep. i mean, i had already gone up to him TWICE to tell him basically, that i love him. and both times he was totally clueless. although, he did invite us to his apartment. he also thought that he met us at his apt during one of his halloween parties. even after we told him we met him at Hampshire Halloween. oh well. IT WAS AMAZING.
so, all of a sudden, they get up out of their chairs and i'm thinking, "OH MY GOD, they're coming to sit with us." BUT, instead, they leave. WHATEVER. it was so lame. and they didn't even wait for applause, they left in the middle of a song. weirdos. so, i didn't get to talk to him again. but i really think that he might've recognized me. Jenny said that tomorrow when he wakes up, he'll probably be like, "wait a minute, those girls looked familiar..." cause that's just how awesome he is.
WOW. that makes THREE completely separate times that we saw this kid. coincidence? it's been the best one.
also, i would like to point out that in my 'flashback' i referred to it as "Brian's music show" and not "Brian's concert." so, i guess i liked the term 'music show' better than 'concert' even back in 2005. whatever, it made me laugh.
and that was the last time we saw the Max Fisher kid. that last time was weird, though. because it was like, "what are the freaking odds?" at that point it seemed more like fate. i mean, clearly we were going to get married. but, that didn't happen. it turned into a coincidence. i guess if we do end up getting married, that would be weird. then it would turn back into fate, i guess. i don't know what i'm talking about, really.
but, coincidences. have you ever had one? like, a big one? like the Max Fisher Coincidence?
and then thinking about the Max Fisher kid made me want to see Rushmore. but, since i misplaced my awesome Criterion Collection copy of Rushmore many years ago, i had to go out and Rent it. i don't know why i capitalized the 'r' in rent. i guess i'm used to talking about the musicial.
and i'm at the cashier and she says,
CASHIER: Ugh, this kid annoyed me so bad the first time I saw this movie.
now, i totally didn't understand what she was talking about.
CASHIER: I couldn't stand him.
then, i realized she was talking about Max. so i said,
JULIE: Well, I'm going through a bit of a Jason Schwartzman phase, and this is one of my favorite movies.
CASHIER: You don't think he's annoying??
JULIE: In the movie?
JULIE: Nooo!!! He's sweet and lovable.
CASHIER: Wait, am I thinking of the right movie? Is this the one where he's terrorizing Bill Murray?
JULIE: Yeah!!
CASHIER: Sweet and lovable???
JULIE: Why not? It's Jason Schwartzman, how can you not love him???
CASHIER: What about that movie where he stole the girl's hair?
CASHIER: He was like, obsessed with this girl and he stole the hair from her brush....?
JULIE: Oh yeah! Ok, he was kind of a creeper in that movie.
i like this cashier. i've had her a couple times before. the first time was when i rented some Emile Hirsh movie and we had this interaction:
CASHER: Hm, what's this movie about?
JULIE: Um, I don't really know. I'm just on an Emile Hirsh kick.
yeah. that time i admitted to being on an Emile Hirsh kick. and then last night i was going through a Jason Schwartzman phase. i hope she doesn't remember these things. but, she was the one to recommend i see The Girl Next Door. with Emile Hirsh. and i totally loved that movie.
i just want to talk about movies with other people all day long. how can i turn that into a job??
anyways. what the heck was i talking about before?? i can't remember.
i think i discovered something about the ruggedly handsome post office worker today. i think the reason why i don't see him in the actual post office all the time is that he is the carrier man who brings the mail to your house.
or, brings the male to your house. yes please. i think i saw him today in our neighborhood. and it really made me wish that we had mail delivered. (male delivered)
i had a dream last night that everybody in the world had died. EXCEPT FOR: my family, the richardson family, and james cameron.
that is for serious. and in the dream, i remember thinking, "now we can ask him all the Titanic questions we want!" like, what?!?! what is my problem!?? i wasn't thinking something like, "uh oh, how are we going to survive?!?!?" nope. i was thinking about Titanic.
i also woke up with a bad headache. i wonder what that means. it's been weird not sleeping with my eye mask. everything is brighter.
there was a lime green flying bug in my room last night. and me and Ruby Tuesday stayed up for 20 minutes trying to catch it.
- first we were sitting on the bed together looking around for it.
- then i got up and picked her up and we looked for it more.
- then i put her down on the bed and was standing over her. then she reached up and tugged at the bottom of my shirt with her paws. so, i picked her back up.
- and we were standing in the room when something whizzed by us.
- it was the lime green bug!
- Ruby reached out her paw and caught it mid-air, swatted it down to the ground, and then leaped to go catch it.
- it was a remarkable sight.
- she followed it around the room for a while. then i think she ate it.
it was a weird lime green bug, though. it looked like it was wearing a helmet. or, a mask, or something. like, it didn't have a face.
hm. what else exciting can i tell you about?
i went out today to run errands and it was in the daytime. like, 2pm or something. and i really had to force myself to leave the house. i think i am meant to be an owl. or a bed bug. or an earwig. something nocturnal. a bat, maybe.
speaking of earwigs. did i tell you they are everywhere??? omg, they are so effing gross. at first i thought it was just in my apartment. but i was talking with one of the residents and she said she had been seeing a ton of them on the second floor. so, i wrote it in the log book so everyone will know.
but, just like with the bed bugs, they are nocturnal! so, i feel like nobody believes me, or knows how bad it is. and, it doesn't affect the daytime staff (which is everyone except me), so i feel that they just dont' understand.
but, the story that earwigs will crawl into your ear and into your brain is just a myth. they won't do that. so, that's good.
but they are gross. like long beetles with pinchers at the end. but, i think the pinchers aren't harmful. or, they don't use them or something. maybe that's wrong.
i had been only finding them in my living room. UNTIL. last night when i started finding them in my sink. THAT was freaking gross. so, i washed it down the drain. but then it crawled back up!! so, i washed it down the drain again, and then covered up the drain with a lid. ugh. they gross me out so bad.
and then i found one in my hallway.
anyways. ugh. i dread them. Ruby Tuesday even doesn't like them. they have big pinchers!
ok. enough grossness.
i have to work at 9pm tonight, so i'm going to go. i have to write my blog reader appreciation entry anyways. hooray!!!!! night number two!!!!!!!
see you at the party!!!!!!
haha. loves it. so, wow! the first day of Blog Reader Appreciation Week 2009 has come and gone! and we had a winner!!!! our new friend JD. congratulations!! so happy about this. i can't wait for more winners.
*AND, i think after the appreciation week is over, i will post an entry about how to claim your prize. so, no worries, you will get prizes. and they are super great. i'm excited for you to get them. actually, i have more prizes than days in the appreciation week. so, i'll have to come up with something clever.*
oh! i went to bed last night and immediately thought, "hm, there was something i wanted to blog about." but i couldn't remember what it was.
but you're in luck because i remember now! (also, my "b" key is giving me trouble.)
i wanted to talk about coincidences. i experienced a coincidence the other day. tuesday. let me tell you about it.
- so, i was at the hospital with a resident. she had a prenatal appointment. we got the hear the baby's heartbeat! oh, i love that. so, we were getting into the elevator to leave, and this nice family got in. a mother, a girl, and a boy. i'm assuming they were a family, but i guess you never know. and the boy was wearing some sort of college sweatshirt. i think from somewhere in pennsylvania. it was blue and orange. and he was pretty handsome. and he was wearing green shorts. so, i noticed him because he was a cutie. and we got off on the same parking garage level. level 8. and then went out separate ways.
i drove back home. dropped off the resident. checked-in a bit about the appointment. went home. did some stuff. then i had to go to the bank and exchange my Euro to Dollar. i left about 4pm. that took a while because they needed to look up a bunch of stuff and fill out a bunch of paperwork.
man, when you exhange Dollar for Euro they just take your money immediately. but when they're giving you money back, it takes like, half an hour. whatever.
so then, i said, "oh, i need to go to JoAnn Fabrics to get some green beads." so, i did that. i actually got more than just green beads. i got another bead case too, because i was very quickly running out of space in my old bead case. so now i have two bead cases. it rocks.
and then, as i'm standing in the check-out line, who walks in?? the cute boy from the hospital elevator!!!! i'm like, "NO WAY." it was so weird. and he starts talking to someone in line behind me, and i turn around, and it's his (assumed) mother and sister!!! i was like, "omg what is happening right now?!?!" we made eye contact, but he obviously didn't recognize me.
so i'm like, "holy crap this is so weird. i am experiencing a coincidence right now." and then i thought, "if i had a 'let's be friends' business card, i would totes give him one right now."
and then he left the store, while his (assumed) family was still in line. and he was shouting something about not being able to find Izze drinks at Shaw's grocery store. it was strange.
and i kept thinking about it. like, "wow. i saw him twice in the same day in two very different places." like, how random is it to see him in JoAnn's?!?! seriously.
and i was thinking and thinking about it. and then i got home and decided to watch I Heart Huckabees. all about coincidences. (and also, jason schwartzman hottttttnesssss) man, i really like that movie. it's really funny. was i recently talking about it to you?? hm. was it?
OH YEAH! i was talking about Mark Wahlberg producing Entourage and then i started talking about Coconut Records. that's right.
anyways. I Heart Huckabees. have you seen it? are you a fan? it's about coincidences.
and then seeing that movie made me remember the biggest coincidence OF MY LIFE. and probably of Jenny Valeri's life too. this is weird. are you prepared? i probably wrote about it when it happened.
ah yes, here it is. vintage Misty Green and Blue. from the livejournal chronicles. ok, this was written 29 October, 2005.
now i will tell you about my favorite costume of the evening.
there was this boy dressed as Max Fisher from Rushmore. let me tell you, he looked exactly like jason schwartzman. it was kind of amazing. his navy blue blazer was complete with pins that said, 'Mathematics' and 'Excellence.' he had on a red hat, striped tie, and thich black glasses. omg. he was my lover for the night. AND, he was the most amazing dancer EVER. first, we saw him under the big tent rocking out, then we went into the RCC where there was dancing and a DJ and he was going crazy. he really had some nice moves. and the fact that he was dressed as Max made it soo perfect. everytime i saw him, i couldn't take my eyes off of him. HE WAS DRESSED AS JASON SCHWARTZMAN. think about this: i go crazy talking about him in my livejournal, think about how i would act if i saw someone dressed as him.
we saw him multiple times during the evening. but, the last time we went to the RCC for some dancing we were leaving and he walked past us, now, i almost said something, but i got too nervous. i opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. SO, we walked into the hallway, and jenny saw the boy she has a crush on, so we conviently stopped in the hall to call Rachel, when who should walk out of the RCC, but Max Fisher. so, i gathered up my courage and said, "i think you have an amazing costume." he then proceeded to hang out and talk with us for like, 10 MINUTES. he was the nicest guy ever...
ME: you really look like Max!
MAX: really? i had to have my friends convince me for like 20 minutes
ME: no, you look perfect.
MAX: well, earlier this year one of my friends held up a picture of...umm..umm..what's that guy's name?
MAX: yeah, Jason Schwartzman, and they told me that i looked a lot like him.
ME: yeah, you totally do.
it was the best part of my night. the kid's real name is Jordan and he doesn't actually go to Hampshire, he lives in Northhampton, which is like, 15ish minutes away. he was like,
MAX: yeah, i actually don't go to school.
ME: well, that's ok because Max was kicked out of Rushmore.
MAX: haha! yeah, that's right.
then he was like, "do any of you guys go to Hampshire?" and i was with Maryam and Jenny and we were all like, "Yes, yes we do." anyways, he was the nicest most awesome person ever. he shook all of our hands. he was even short like jason schwartzman. oohhh. he was so perfect.
that was the start of the 'Max Fisher Coincidence' as we shall call it.
me and Jenny talked about this kid A LOT. because he was so awesome and his resemblance to the real Max Fisher was incredible. well, not "the real" max fisher. but, jason schwartzman as max fisher. whatever.
so then, i want to say a few weeks later, we were at our friend Brian's music show. or, concert, as it's more commonly known. ha. anyways. he was giving a show in one of the center of the donuts on campus. oh, ok, i just found that livejournal entry. here we go:
let me tell you about my wonderful night. the night began when we went to see our friend Brian perform in the center of his donut: donut 5. we got there at about 930. it was in the middle of his set when we got there, so everybody turned around when we walked in. i noticed this boy sitting on the floor and when he looked over, i thought, "hmm..that cute boy looks familiar." but i didn't think anything of it. i figured i had seen him around hampshire. so, jenny and i go and sit behind him and his friends and listen to Brian play. he did a great job. yay Brian! so, i keep watching this boy in front of me. even though it's just his back. so, jenny finally turns to me and says, "that boy with the hat sitting in front of us really looks like Jason Schwartzman." AND THEN IT HIT ME.
i looked at the boy again. i froze, realizing where i knew him from. HAMPSHIRE HALLOWEEN. THIS BOY WAS MAX FISHER!!!!!!!! remember how i talked about how i talked to the boy dressed as Max for like 10 minutes and he looked exactly like Jason? and he was SO nice? and he lived in northhampton? and he doesn't go to school? THIS IS THAT BOY. i never thought i would see him again. so, now that we realize who he is, of course i can't take my eyes off of him. he's SO cute! and he seriously looks like jason schwartzman. so, i'm freaking out because i can't decide whether or not to go over and say hi. so, i'm like staring at him for the entire rest of the show. jenny and i decide that it's definitely him, because he's short, he looks like jason, and we both recognized his voice.
so, the show ends. everybody stands up. i start freaking out to jenny and asking her whether or not i should go up to him. of course, she says yes. so, i'm getting really nervous. i can't do it. i can't go up and talk to him. then, jenny reminds me of a lyric from a Ben Lee song that goes, "Just do it, whatever it is." and that makes me realize that if i don't go up and say something, i will regret it for the rest of my life. (this sounds really serious, but at halloween, i was seriously in love with this kid.) So, there's a point in time when he's playing with his cell phone and sort of not interacting with anyone else. so, without even thinking, i walk up to him and say, "hey." he looks at me and says, "hey."
JULIE: Were you Max Fisher for Halloween?
MAX: Yeah!
JULIE: I totally remember you. We were The Bee Gees...(gesturing to Jenny)
MAX: (blankly stares at us) I don't remember the Bee Gees, but I remember your faces.
JULIE: We had the chest hair. We talked for like, 10 minutes...
MAX: Where?
JULIE: Over in the RCC, in like the hallway...
MAX: At Hampshire Halloween?
JULIE: Yeah! We were The Bee Gees...
MAX: Oh, ok. I thought you were talking about the party in my apartment.
JULIE: No, sorry. I was talking about here... (i'm sort of getting confused)
MAX: Cause we also had this really big party in my apartment like, two days after and I met tons of people that I had never met before.
JULIE: Oh, ok.
MAX: I'm Jordan.
JULIE: I'm Julie. (shakes my hand!!)
JENNY: I'm Jenny. (shakes Jenny's hand!!)
MAX: (looks at me and Jenny) Julie, Jenny. Julie, Jenny.
JULIE: Jordan.
MAX: You guys both must go to Hampshire.
JULIE: Yeah...
MAX: I live in Northhampton.
JULIE: Cool...
MAX: You guys should come by my apartment next Saturday. You ever heard of the band (mentions some band)?
MAX: (mentions the band again)
MAX: Cause the lead singer is gonna be performing in my apartment.
JULIE AND JENNY: Ohhh, cool.
MAX: Yeah, my friend asked me this morning if we could have this concert in the apartment, and I was like, "ummm, ok!"
JULIE: Yeah, that's awesome!
MAX: Yeah. I live like, right downtown
JULIE: We'll be in Northhampton on Tuesday night for a concert.
MAX: Which concert?
JULIE: Ben Lee at the Iron Horse.
MAX: I don't know him.
(at this point, Jenny turns away and it's just me and Max talking)
MAX: So you're...Julie? (shakes my hand again.)
JULIE: (laughs) Yep.
MAX: Julie...Julie...Julie...(keeps shaking my hand for about 30 seconds)
JULIE: Jordan. Jordan.
MAX: I'm Jordan and you're Julie. (we're still shaking hands!!!)
JULIE: That's right.
MAX: Well, I'm gonna have to go.
JULIE: Ok! It was good seeing you again.
MAX: Yeah, you too.
AAHHHAAHA!!!!!!! i couldn't tell if he was a little drunk or not. jenny thought that it was just his normal personality, because he was acting exactly the same at halloween.
i really like the part where he said, "at hampshire halloween?" and then somehow thought we were talking about the party in his apartment. haha. wow, this brings back some really great memories.
SO, how weird was it to see him again? um, totally weird. after this amazing encounter, we went to a party in MOD 25 where we saw him again, as well as this boy who i had (still have) a super big crush on. and then the next day we went to a ben folds concert! it's all coming back.
this was the second incident in the Max Fisher Coincidence. 5 November, 2005.
the next incident happened while Jenny and i were at a Shawn Fogel concert in Northhampton. totally off campus. in The Basement. which was kind of a hard place to find. it was located under Table 9 rectaurant, ACROSS the street from The Iron Horse.
here we go:
Jenny and i are sitting at our table, to the left of the "stage" and these two boys walk in. I naturally look at the boys (because well, they're BOYS) and my breath catches in my chest. "OH MY GOD." i say aloud. Jenny says it's almost right after me. guess who one of the boys was???!!?!?!?!!? you'll never guess. ready? MY BOYFRIEND JORDAN FROM HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!! the kid who was Max Fisher from Rushmore!!!! and I was totally IN LOVE with him because he looks exactly like Jason Schwartzman. and then we saw him a few weeks ago at Brian's music show at Hampshire. REMEMBER!?!?! if you've been reading my journal since Halloween, you'll know how i feel about this kid. man, he's awesome. and he was with the kid who he was with at Brian's show.
so, they're standing in the middle of the room looking for a place to sit, and Jenny and i are FREAKING OUT at our table, because - HELLO! so, i'm quietly whispering to Jenny, "sit with us, sit with us, sit with us..." so, they like, keep looking over at us. and i wanted to beckon them over to sit down. but, Jordan spots a table across the room. don't worry, we still have a clear view of them from our table.
so, of course, i'm staring at them through the whole beginning of the show. THEY'RE SO CUTE. and they're like, seriously also looking over at us. it's almost as if they recognize us, but can't figure out from where. actually, a few times Jordan and i made serious eye contact. but, if you've read the conversations from the two times where i did go up and talk to him, he is like, permanently stoned or something. that kid is seriously out of it. but, he's so amazing and awesome.
so, i decide right away that i will not go up and say anything to him, because that would make me seem like sort of a creep. i mean, i had already gone up to him TWICE to tell him basically, that i love him. and both times he was totally clueless. although, he did invite us to his apartment. he also thought that he met us at his apt during one of his halloween parties. even after we told him we met him at Hampshire Halloween. oh well. IT WAS AMAZING.
so, all of a sudden, they get up out of their chairs and i'm thinking, "OH MY GOD, they're coming to sit with us." BUT, instead, they leave. WHATEVER. it was so lame. and they didn't even wait for applause, they left in the middle of a song. weirdos. so, i didn't get to talk to him again. but i really think that he might've recognized me. Jenny said that tomorrow when he wakes up, he'll probably be like, "wait a minute, those girls looked familiar..." cause that's just how awesome he is.
WOW. that makes THREE completely separate times that we saw this kid. coincidence? it's been the best one.
also, i would like to point out that in my 'flashback' i referred to it as "Brian's music show" and not "Brian's concert." so, i guess i liked the term 'music show' better than 'concert' even back in 2005. whatever, it made me laugh.
and that was the last time we saw the Max Fisher kid. that last time was weird, though. because it was like, "what are the freaking odds?" at that point it seemed more like fate. i mean, clearly we were going to get married. but, that didn't happen. it turned into a coincidence. i guess if we do end up getting married, that would be weird. then it would turn back into fate, i guess. i don't know what i'm talking about, really.
but, coincidences. have you ever had one? like, a big one? like the Max Fisher Coincidence?
and then thinking about the Max Fisher kid made me want to see Rushmore. but, since i misplaced my awesome Criterion Collection copy of Rushmore many years ago, i had to go out and Rent it. i don't know why i capitalized the 'r' in rent. i guess i'm used to talking about the musicial.
and i'm at the cashier and she says,
CASHIER: Ugh, this kid annoyed me so bad the first time I saw this movie.
now, i totally didn't understand what she was talking about.
CASHIER: I couldn't stand him.
then, i realized she was talking about Max. so i said,
JULIE: Well, I'm going through a bit of a Jason Schwartzman phase, and this is one of my favorite movies.
CASHIER: You don't think he's annoying??
JULIE: In the movie?
JULIE: Nooo!!! He's sweet and lovable.
CASHIER: Wait, am I thinking of the right movie? Is this the one where he's terrorizing Bill Murray?
JULIE: Yeah!!
CASHIER: Sweet and lovable???
JULIE: Why not? It's Jason Schwartzman, how can you not love him???
CASHIER: What about that movie where he stole the girl's hair?
CASHIER: He was like, obsessed with this girl and he stole the hair from her brush....?
JULIE: Oh yeah! Ok, he was kind of a creeper in that movie.
i like this cashier. i've had her a couple times before. the first time was when i rented some Emile Hirsh movie and we had this interaction:
CASHER: Hm, what's this movie about?
JULIE: Um, I don't really know. I'm just on an Emile Hirsh kick.
yeah. that time i admitted to being on an Emile Hirsh kick. and then last night i was going through a Jason Schwartzman phase. i hope she doesn't remember these things. but, she was the one to recommend i see The Girl Next Door. with Emile Hirsh. and i totally loved that movie.
i just want to talk about movies with other people all day long. how can i turn that into a job??
anyways. what the heck was i talking about before?? i can't remember.
i think i discovered something about the ruggedly handsome post office worker today. i think the reason why i don't see him in the actual post office all the time is that he is the carrier man who brings the mail to your house.
or, brings the male to your house. yes please. i think i saw him today in our neighborhood. and it really made me wish that we had mail delivered. (male delivered)
i had a dream last night that everybody in the world had died. EXCEPT FOR: my family, the richardson family, and james cameron.
that is for serious. and in the dream, i remember thinking, "now we can ask him all the Titanic questions we want!" like, what?!?! what is my problem!?? i wasn't thinking something like, "uh oh, how are we going to survive?!?!?" nope. i was thinking about Titanic.
i also woke up with a bad headache. i wonder what that means. it's been weird not sleeping with my eye mask. everything is brighter.
there was a lime green flying bug in my room last night. and me and Ruby Tuesday stayed up for 20 minutes trying to catch it.
- first we were sitting on the bed together looking around for it.
- then i got up and picked her up and we looked for it more.
- then i put her down on the bed and was standing over her. then she reached up and tugged at the bottom of my shirt with her paws. so, i picked her back up.
- and we were standing in the room when something whizzed by us.
- it was the lime green bug!
- Ruby reached out her paw and caught it mid-air, swatted it down to the ground, and then leaped to go catch it.
- it was a remarkable sight.
- she followed it around the room for a while. then i think she ate it.
it was a weird lime green bug, though. it looked like it was wearing a helmet. or, a mask, or something. like, it didn't have a face.
hm. what else exciting can i tell you about?
i went out today to run errands and it was in the daytime. like, 2pm or something. and i really had to force myself to leave the house. i think i am meant to be an owl. or a bed bug. or an earwig. something nocturnal. a bat, maybe.
speaking of earwigs. did i tell you they are everywhere??? omg, they are so effing gross. at first i thought it was just in my apartment. but i was talking with one of the residents and she said she had been seeing a ton of them on the second floor. so, i wrote it in the log book so everyone will know.
but, just like with the bed bugs, they are nocturnal! so, i feel like nobody believes me, or knows how bad it is. and, it doesn't affect the daytime staff (which is everyone except me), so i feel that they just dont' understand.
but, the story that earwigs will crawl into your ear and into your brain is just a myth. they won't do that. so, that's good.
but they are gross. like long beetles with pinchers at the end. but, i think the pinchers aren't harmful. or, they don't use them or something. maybe that's wrong.
i had been only finding them in my living room. UNTIL. last night when i started finding them in my sink. THAT was freaking gross. so, i washed it down the drain. but then it crawled back up!! so, i washed it down the drain again, and then covered up the drain with a lid. ugh. they gross me out so bad.
and then i found one in my hallway.
anyways. ugh. i dread them. Ruby Tuesday even doesn't like them. they have big pinchers!
ok. enough grossness.
i have to work at 9pm tonight, so i'm going to go. i have to write my blog reader appreciation entry anyways. hooray!!!!! night number two!!!!!!!
see you at the party!!!!!!
22 July 2009
::blog reader appreciation week 2009::

YOU are the reason why i am here today, posting.
YOU are the reason i have put together the ::blog reader appreciation week::
so, i thought today, "what is a great way to start off ::blog reader appreciation week 2009::?"
oh, with a pizza party! everybody loves pizza parties.
i thought it would be a great time for us to socialize together and eat some great pizza.
DELICIOUS!!!! yum, this pizza is so much fun.
also, i would like to take this time to invite you ALL, to a blog reader ice cream social. here is the invitation. (and, there is an adjustment to the time. the social will be going from 8pm until midnight on friday)

ok friends, remember: the first person to post a comment here gets a prize. good luck! have fun. see you tomorrow for the second night of ::blog reader appreciation week::
i love you guys. i love blogging. i love this blog. and i love that you read this blog.
thank you,
julie revue
i just had my employee performance review!!! it went great!! i do so many things awesome i could hardly believe it.
i feel really good about myself and my job performance right now.
GO julie!
ps: i made myself some pretty gorgeous teal earrings last night. and i think the theme of my jewelry store will be, "fancy jewelry you can wear with jeans." because i love wearing fancy things.
pss: AND, i watched Just My Luck with lindsay lohan and chris pine. i definitely knew that chris pine was going to be in this movie or else i would not have rented it. and, um, i really liked it. i thought it was really cute and really sweet. each of the characters on their own were annoying. but once they came together, it was just darling.
now i have some blog appreciation week work to do.
9PM EST. don't forget!
i feel really good about myself and my job performance right now.
GO julie!
ps: i made myself some pretty gorgeous teal earrings last night. and i think the theme of my jewelry store will be, "fancy jewelry you can wear with jeans." because i love wearing fancy things.
pss: AND, i watched Just My Luck with lindsay lohan and chris pine. i definitely knew that chris pine was going to be in this movie or else i would not have rented it. and, um, i really liked it. i thought it was really cute and really sweet. each of the characters on their own were annoying. but once they came together, it was just darling.
now i have some blog appreciation week work to do.
9PM EST. don't forget!
21 July 2009
employee eval
i'm filling out an employee self-evaluation right now. i have my evaluation with my boss tomorrow afternoon, and she asked me to fill out what i thought was appropriate grading for my job performance thus far.
so, i'm filling out the 'Strengths in Position' part and i really wanted to write something from Heroes. because, the sentence i started writing was, "the ability to connect with residents on a personal level." but what i really wanted to write was, "the ability to bend space and time." or, "the ability to mind read and control others thoughts." or, "shapeshifting ability."
areas needing improvement?
"control my fire-starting power."
"resist the urge to erase someone's mind."
i was kind of laughing thinking about writing it and then trying to explain to my boss why i wrote that. but, i didn't write it on the sheet. so, i thought i'd write it here.
something that i seriously thought about writing for 'strengths in position?'
"french braiding."
"excellent knowlege of sleepover activities."
so, i'm filling out the 'Strengths in Position' part and i really wanted to write something from Heroes. because, the sentence i started writing was, "the ability to connect with residents on a personal level." but what i really wanted to write was, "the ability to bend space and time." or, "the ability to mind read and control others thoughts." or, "shapeshifting ability."
areas needing improvement?
"control my fire-starting power."
"resist the urge to erase someone's mind."
i was kind of laughing thinking about writing it and then trying to explain to my boss why i wrote that. but, i didn't write it on the sheet. so, i thought i'd write it here.
something that i seriously thought about writing for 'strengths in position?'
"french braiding."
"excellent knowlege of sleepover activities."
ok friends, i've been thinking about this. i had a hard time sleeping last night because i was so excited about the idea. for serious.
SO. the blog reader appreciation week 2009 will start TOMORROW.
that's, WEDNESDAY. 22 JULY 2009.
and there will be PRIZES!!!!! i have it all semi-figured out. what i'm thinking right now is that the first person to comment on the entry of the day, will win the prize. and let's say, i will have an entry posted by 5pm eastern standard time. or, does later work better? you guys let me know asap.
i'm really excited for this. i hope it all works. i think the appreciation week will run from WEDNESDAY through SUNDAY. a five day thing, like a five day week.
and, if you win a prize, we will somehow get in contact not via commenting and you can send me your address and i will send your prize!!! omg this is going to be so much fun!
and if you're reading this, and i don't know who you are, you are still eligible for a prize!! if you read my blog semi-regularly, you are in the running. please, don't be shy. (although, i do love strangers.)
OK. so, this was kind of just a heads up entry for the awesome stuff that is about to happen.
alright, i'm going to make a decision:
sound good? everyone agree? are you excited?? oh, i'm so excited. i can't wait. i wish i knew everyone who read the blog. we should have a blog social! i would like to meet everyone. hm, i wonder how that could work....
i love planning online events. they're the best! uncommonly funtimes.
ok! you're the best too!!!!! i'm so excited for you all.
***the 'blog reader appreciation entry' of the day will be titled, 'BLOG READER APPRECIATION ENTRY' or something along those lines, so you know it's the appreciation entry. because, i'll probably still want to blog during the appreciation week like normal. ya know? and we don't want to get confused between the two entries. the appreciation entries will be like going to a party. i promise.***
OK!!!!! i have to get into party planning mode.
love you, friends!!!! it's rainy here, but i'm still loving it.
SO. the blog reader appreciation week 2009 will start TOMORROW.
that's, WEDNESDAY. 22 JULY 2009.
and there will be PRIZES!!!!! i have it all semi-figured out. what i'm thinking right now is that the first person to comment on the entry of the day, will win the prize. and let's say, i will have an entry posted by 5pm eastern standard time. or, does later work better? you guys let me know asap.
i'm really excited for this. i hope it all works. i think the appreciation week will run from WEDNESDAY through SUNDAY. a five day thing, like a five day week.
and, if you win a prize, we will somehow get in contact not via commenting and you can send me your address and i will send your prize!!! omg this is going to be so much fun!
and if you're reading this, and i don't know who you are, you are still eligible for a prize!! if you read my blog semi-regularly, you are in the running. please, don't be shy. (although, i do love strangers.)
OK. so, this was kind of just a heads up entry for the awesome stuff that is about to happen.
alright, i'm going to make a decision:
sound good? everyone agree? are you excited?? oh, i'm so excited. i can't wait. i wish i knew everyone who read the blog. we should have a blog social! i would like to meet everyone. hm, i wonder how that could work....
i love planning online events. they're the best! uncommonly funtimes.
ok! you're the best too!!!!! i'm so excited for you all.
***the 'blog reader appreciation entry' of the day will be titled, 'BLOG READER APPRECIATION ENTRY' or something along those lines, so you know it's the appreciation entry. because, i'll probably still want to blog during the appreciation week like normal. ya know? and we don't want to get confused between the two entries. the appreciation entries will be like going to a party. i promise.***
OK!!!!! i have to get into party planning mode.
love you, friends!!!! it's rainy here, but i'm still loving it.
"we could like, text"
i just finished watching Two Lovers. the one with Joaquin and Gwyneth. i really liked it. it was sad. but, realistic seeming. the dialogue rocked. it was a sweet and simple film. nicely done, filmmakers and actors. really pretty music, too. especially on the DVD menu. i'm listening to it right now. and a creepy heartbeat/ocean sound during the end of the credits. you should see it.
i also watched Bottle Shock last night. is that one word? Bottleshock. or, BottleShock? i don't know. well, i watched like, half of it and then got too tired. that's the one with Alan Rickman and Bill Pullman about the wine makers in California during the 70's. 1978, i think. Chris Pine was also in it, which i didn't know he'd be until the movie started. what a pleasant surprise. and, he played Bill Pullman's son. and, since i knew Bill Pullman's daughter when we went to the same college, basically it's like i know Chris Pine. so, i was happy about that.
i've been thinking about my friend Dan from college lately. i think i might send him a message. we wrote for The Climax together.
so, lettuce was on sale at the grocery store for $.99! i was super, super happy about this. except, it was the kind of lettuce that is not in bags. not like, the prepared salad mix. but, like, a head of lettuce. and i usually buy it in a bag. but, they didn't have any tonight. and i don't like thinking about all the people who might have touched the lettuce before me. and it was all kind of wilty and sad looking.
i guess now that i think about it, it wasn't a very good lettuce purchasing experience. except for the $.99 part. ah well. it tasted good tonight. and i washed it thoroughly.
i think 'thoroughly' is one of the hardest words to spell. i always have to think hard about it. am i the only one? it's kind of a tricky word. it's like 'through' with a little something extra.
tomorrow we don't have staff meeting. it's being moved to every other week now, because there's nothing to talk about, really. but, i have to take one of the girls to a doctor's appointment. we need to be there by 2:45. that should be good.
last night, me and the two residents were hanging out a little bit. it was really nice. especially since one of them is leaving next week. i'm really going to miss her. we were downstairs and once the other resident had gone up, she asked me,
JULIE: Yeah?
RESIDENT: Would you mind staying down here with me until my water boils?
JULIE: Of course not.
she was making Ramen. i thought that was sweet.
i decided tonight while on my way home from the grocery store that i would like to have a bridge named after me. it doesn't have to be a big bridge. it doesn't have to be in a big city or anything. just a normal bridge. that assists people in their crossing of bodies of water. i guess that's my only requirement. it has to be over a body of water. not like, train tracks or anything. those bridges aren't as pretty. (unless someone is reading this who has a bridge named after them that goes across train tracks. i'm sure your bridge is lovely.)
i wonder how you get someone to name a bridge after you? do you have to donate money to the building of the bridge? if anyone has any info, or would like to name a bridge after me, please get in touch. make me an offer!
the julie bridge
julie's bridge
sounds good to me.
OMG GUESS WHAT I DID TONIGHT?!??!?!?! i figured out how to upload MUSIC and PICTURES to my PHONE!! my mobile phone. and i could transfer the pictures i've taken to my computer. it took me maybe, half an hour yesterday and maybe an hour today to figure out how. but i did it. now my phone can play music. that's so weird. who needs that? i don't need that. but, now i have it.
so, i would like to showcase some photos for you that i have taken with my phone. the only pictures that i really take are of Ruby Tuesday. but, she's pretty darn cute. so, i think you will like them.

this is in my kitchen. that's my new kitchen table. isn't she sweet? she likes to sit there and look out the window. that's the yellow house next door where i thought there was a ghost family living. but then i found out that's it's a sweet retired doctor and his second wife. they have a really nice porch.

this is one of Ruby Tuesday's favorite places to sleep during the day. it's a giant rock that Aliya made!!!!! it's the perfect kitty size. she loves it.

sleeping on the green chair i got from my dad. as you can see, she never stops being cute.

on the green chair again. she looks HUGE in this picture. oh, and what's that hott totebag in the background? oh, it's just my Coconut Records bag which i use all the time. again, it's my favorite totebag. not like those other lame totes that are ugly and unreliable. i'm kidding, i have the best totebags. maybe i'll take a picture of them for you sometime.

she was looking for a bug, obvi. at first i was worried for her that she was up so high, but she just wasn't listening to me. so, i took pictures instead. i made that 'Let the Sun Shine' picture from a t-shirt that Maria got me. i love it. and those are Aliya's twinkle lights.

this is Ruby Tuesday's new futon. she loves it. she sleeps there during the day when she's not sleeping on the rock. this is in my front room. and the futon is covered with animals that Aliya also made. she loves them!

this is a window connecting my bathroom and kitchen. it's because the only heater in the apartment is in the kitchen. so, there's a window right above it that leads to the bathroom, and then there are other holes in the top of the bathroom ceiling so the heat can travel back to my bedroom. it's quite a complicated process. and i had been wondering how long it would be until Ruby noticed it. this was taken just the other night. i had to help her get down.

sleepy on the kitchen floor.

this was when i realized i could let Kara know where i was in Heroes by sending her pictures of the episodes!!!! i was pretty surprised at how good the quality was. this is Nathan. i like him a lot. i think he's in Mexico in this episode. that was kind of weird. this guy is married to the lead singer of The Dixie Chicks in real life.

by the second picture, Kara was mad. this is Sylar and the bald guy in a car together. they tried to kill each other soooo many times. but in the end, they were just dudebros. i think this was one of the many times during the show where i shouted, "MAKE OUT!!" at the computer.
(ps: what a hottie!)

i laughed so hard when i walked into the tiny room and saw her sleeping like this. she just looks so funny.

and she just loves that rock.

this was taken this afternoon. again, note the Coconut Records bag in the background.
and there you have it! those are some pretty good quality photos taken from a phone, eh? i guess they pretty much look like normal pictures. i promise i took them with my phone.
holy crap it's 4am!!! yikes. i guess i have to try and go to sleep since i have to wake up early tomorrow. well. maybe by like, noontime. i also have to go to the bank and try and get my Euro switched to Dollar. finally. i've only been back in the states for over a month now. geeze. i'm hoping the bank in town can do it. i have $45 euro to change over. that is an unnecessary dollar sign there. but, i'm not going to delete it.
hey, anyone seen The Great Buck Howard? i think it looks pretty funny. i think it might be a movie that i watch with Buck. he might enjoy it purely because it has his name in the title.
ugh i have to fill out my timesheet tonight. aw man i totes forgot about that until right now. i guess i should have been doing that instead of updating again. oh well. i don't regret it, do you? you shouldn't because there are cute pictures of Ruby Tuesday and Sylar in here and you wouldn't have seen them if i was filling out my timesheet instead.
ok, friends. hey, ya know what? i just want you all to know that i really appreciate you reading this. whether you're my best friend, or i've never met you. thank you.
i should have a Misty Green and Blue Reader Appreciation Week. !!!!!!!!!! what a great idea!!!!! i will start planning. maybe next week? it has to be a week that YOU ALL are free and will be able to check the blog at least once a day so i can appreciate you.
OH WAIT! next week isn't good for me. it's Kara's Birthday Celebration Week 2009. maybe i'll do like, wednesday to wednesday? starting this wednesday!!??!!? that's tomorrow!!!! can everyone be here?? and then it will END on Kara's birthday. and it will be a double celebration.
every other job has an "appreciation week," why shouldn't blog reading? i mean, if you check the blog at least once a day, that's like going to work. except for funner, duh!
ok - i'm so excited!!!!!!!!! i have to plan a special thing every day for you all.
GET EXCITED, READERS. it's all about you.
(yes, you.)
i also watched Bottle Shock last night. is that one word? Bottleshock. or, BottleShock? i don't know. well, i watched like, half of it and then got too tired. that's the one with Alan Rickman and Bill Pullman about the wine makers in California during the 70's. 1978, i think. Chris Pine was also in it, which i didn't know he'd be until the movie started. what a pleasant surprise. and, he played Bill Pullman's son. and, since i knew Bill Pullman's daughter when we went to the same college, basically it's like i know Chris Pine. so, i was happy about that.
i've been thinking about my friend Dan from college lately. i think i might send him a message. we wrote for The Climax together.
so, lettuce was on sale at the grocery store for $.99! i was super, super happy about this. except, it was the kind of lettuce that is not in bags. not like, the prepared salad mix. but, like, a head of lettuce. and i usually buy it in a bag. but, they didn't have any tonight. and i don't like thinking about all the people who might have touched the lettuce before me. and it was all kind of wilty and sad looking.
i guess now that i think about it, it wasn't a very good lettuce purchasing experience. except for the $.99 part. ah well. it tasted good tonight. and i washed it thoroughly.
i think 'thoroughly' is one of the hardest words to spell. i always have to think hard about it. am i the only one? it's kind of a tricky word. it's like 'through' with a little something extra.
tomorrow we don't have staff meeting. it's being moved to every other week now, because there's nothing to talk about, really. but, i have to take one of the girls to a doctor's appointment. we need to be there by 2:45. that should be good.
last night, me and the two residents were hanging out a little bit. it was really nice. especially since one of them is leaving next week. i'm really going to miss her. we were downstairs and once the other resident had gone up, she asked me,
JULIE: Yeah?
RESIDENT: Would you mind staying down here with me until my water boils?
JULIE: Of course not.
she was making Ramen. i thought that was sweet.
i decided tonight while on my way home from the grocery store that i would like to have a bridge named after me. it doesn't have to be a big bridge. it doesn't have to be in a big city or anything. just a normal bridge. that assists people in their crossing of bodies of water. i guess that's my only requirement. it has to be over a body of water. not like, train tracks or anything. those bridges aren't as pretty. (unless someone is reading this who has a bridge named after them that goes across train tracks. i'm sure your bridge is lovely.)
i wonder how you get someone to name a bridge after you? do you have to donate money to the building of the bridge? if anyone has any info, or would like to name a bridge after me, please get in touch. make me an offer!
the julie bridge
julie's bridge
sounds good to me.
OMG GUESS WHAT I DID TONIGHT?!??!?!?! i figured out how to upload MUSIC and PICTURES to my PHONE!! my mobile phone. and i could transfer the pictures i've taken to my computer. it took me maybe, half an hour yesterday and maybe an hour today to figure out how. but i did it. now my phone can play music. that's so weird. who needs that? i don't need that. but, now i have it.
so, i would like to showcase some photos for you that i have taken with my phone. the only pictures that i really take are of Ruby Tuesday. but, she's pretty darn cute. so, i think you will like them.

this is in my kitchen. that's my new kitchen table. isn't she sweet? she likes to sit there and look out the window. that's the yellow house next door where i thought there was a ghost family living. but then i found out that's it's a sweet retired doctor and his second wife. they have a really nice porch.

this is one of Ruby Tuesday's favorite places to sleep during the day. it's a giant rock that Aliya made!!!!! it's the perfect kitty size. she loves it.

sleeping on the green chair i got from my dad. as you can see, she never stops being cute.

on the green chair again. she looks HUGE in this picture. oh, and what's that hott totebag in the background? oh, it's just my Coconut Records bag which i use all the time. again, it's my favorite totebag. not like those other lame totes that are ugly and unreliable. i'm kidding, i have the best totebags. maybe i'll take a picture of them for you sometime.

she was looking for a bug, obvi. at first i was worried for her that she was up so high, but she just wasn't listening to me. so, i took pictures instead. i made that 'Let the Sun Shine' picture from a t-shirt that Maria got me. i love it. and those are Aliya's twinkle lights.

this is Ruby Tuesday's new futon. she loves it. she sleeps there during the day when she's not sleeping on the rock. this is in my front room. and the futon is covered with animals that Aliya also made. she loves them!

this is a window connecting my bathroom and kitchen. it's because the only heater in the apartment is in the kitchen. so, there's a window right above it that leads to the bathroom, and then there are other holes in the top of the bathroom ceiling so the heat can travel back to my bedroom. it's quite a complicated process. and i had been wondering how long it would be until Ruby noticed it. this was taken just the other night. i had to help her get down.

sleepy on the kitchen floor.

this was when i realized i could let Kara know where i was in Heroes by sending her pictures of the episodes!!!! i was pretty surprised at how good the quality was. this is Nathan. i like him a lot. i think he's in Mexico in this episode. that was kind of weird. this guy is married to the lead singer of The Dixie Chicks in real life.

by the second picture, Kara was mad. this is Sylar and the bald guy in a car together. they tried to kill each other soooo many times. but in the end, they were just dudebros. i think this was one of the many times during the show where i shouted, "MAKE OUT!!" at the computer.
(ps: what a hottie!)

i laughed so hard when i walked into the tiny room and saw her sleeping like this. she just looks so funny.

and she just loves that rock.

this was taken this afternoon. again, note the Coconut Records bag in the background.
and there you have it! those are some pretty good quality photos taken from a phone, eh? i guess they pretty much look like normal pictures. i promise i took them with my phone.
holy crap it's 4am!!! yikes. i guess i have to try and go to sleep since i have to wake up early tomorrow. well. maybe by like, noontime. i also have to go to the bank and try and get my Euro switched to Dollar. finally. i've only been back in the states for over a month now. geeze. i'm hoping the bank in town can do it. i have $45 euro to change over. that is an unnecessary dollar sign there. but, i'm not going to delete it.
hey, anyone seen The Great Buck Howard? i think it looks pretty funny. i think it might be a movie that i watch with Buck. he might enjoy it purely because it has his name in the title.
ugh i have to fill out my timesheet tonight. aw man i totes forgot about that until right now. i guess i should have been doing that instead of updating again. oh well. i don't regret it, do you? you shouldn't because there are cute pictures of Ruby Tuesday and Sylar in here and you wouldn't have seen them if i was filling out my timesheet instead.
ok, friends. hey, ya know what? i just want you all to know that i really appreciate you reading this. whether you're my best friend, or i've never met you. thank you.
i should have a Misty Green and Blue Reader Appreciation Week. !!!!!!!!!! what a great idea!!!!! i will start planning. maybe next week? it has to be a week that YOU ALL are free and will be able to check the blog at least once a day so i can appreciate you.
OH WAIT! next week isn't good for me. it's Kara's Birthday Celebration Week 2009. maybe i'll do like, wednesday to wednesday? starting this wednesday!!??!!? that's tomorrow!!!! can everyone be here?? and then it will END on Kara's birthday. and it will be a double celebration.
every other job has an "appreciation week," why shouldn't blog reading? i mean, if you check the blog at least once a day, that's like going to work. except for funner, duh!
ok - i'm so excited!!!!!!!!! i have to plan a special thing every day for you all.
GET EXCITED, READERS. it's all about you.
(yes, you.)
20 July 2009
lazy monday
i just had two cups of coffee and killed a disc of Entourage. it's the life.
i slept in pretty late. i won't tell you just how late. but, it was late. in total i got about 13.5 hours of sleep. now, i know that sounds like a lot. but, i only got 3 hours of sleep the previous night. so really, it was justified.
and last night i was awoken with a phone call, the house alarm going off, my alarm going off (turned it off and went back to sleep), and Ruby Tuesday licking my face because she wanted me to feed her. i did get up and feed her because i knew if she kept licking my face then i would get hives. so, i got up and fed her, and then somehow found my way back to bed and fell right back to sleep.
13.5 hours is not the most i've ever slept. that would probably be my second year of college when i slept straight through for 15 hours.
but, i was remembering the time that i went to bed at 5:30am, woke up at 5:30pm, and couldn't figure out whether or not it had been 12 hours or 12 seconds. that was a freaky experience. it took me like, half an hour to realize that it was 12 hours later. everything was exactly the same as when i had gone to bed. the sky looked the same. there was nobody around. it was a weird time.
i came home from work yesterday and watched Shopgirl. my friend Jenn had been facebook statusing about watching Shopgirl and then i decided that i hadn't seen it in a long time. so, i went to my DVD collection and pulled it out. and made a sandwich and watched it. man, i really enjoyed it. i enjoyed it much more than i anticipated.
which brings me to my next topic,
'why isn't jason schwartzman in every movie?'
let's discuss. he really should be. and i can't think of any reason why he isn't in every movie. he's so enjoyable to watch on screen. he has a pleasant voice. he's funny. he's a hottie.
when i become president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, i just might make a new entertainment law stating that he must be involved with the making of every movie. he could do the music! because he's such an awesome musician!
OH! i must tell you this exciting thing. after years and years of wanting and wishing, i am FINALLY able to have West Coast as my ringtone!!!!!! on my new way-cool phone!! i wasn't able to put custom ringtones on my old phone anymore because that option was discontinued due to the age of the phone. and, the phone did not have internet access, therefore i could not go online and download it.
and once i figured out how to make my own ringtones, West Coast was the first one i made. only three people have called me since, but i'm still excited about it.
i guess i'll take this moment to promote Coconut Records. Coconut Records is Jason's solo band, which totally rocks. i bought his first CD "nighttiming" immediately after finding out about this band. it was an exciting night. i remember it very clearly. i was at home in maine, sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop. man, those downloads couldn't have been going slower. i was so freaking exciting.
and what a great CD! really awesome. i think one of the songs is on a commercial. 'Summer Day', i think. and, 'West Coast' is featured in the movie Cloverfield. now, i didn't rent the movie just to hear the song (i've done this before), but you should. it's a good movie. better than i thought. and it was hyped up by Maria a lot. so, i had pretty high expectations. i thought it was good. and, West Coast is in it, which automatically made me like it even if i didn't really like it. it's the song playing at the party in the beginning when everything is still good. notice it.
Coconut Records' second CD, Davy was released this past winter. again, a very exciting day once i was finally able to buy it. it took longer because cash has been tight this year. i don't think i actually bought it until april. WOW. if i thought the first cd was good, all expectations were blown out of the water for Davy. it is stellar. i love every song. definitely a stronger album. i really like, 'St. Jerome' and 'Drummer.' and, 'Microphone,' of course. the music video for Microphone is pretty hilarious.
wow, you all should really go out and buy 'Davy.' for realz. such a great CD.
now let's talk about Funny People. i think it comes out on friday. hm. now, we all know that i'm not a fan of Judd Apatow. but, i am a fan of Jason. i think i've seen all his movies. have i? i think i have. it's a gamble on this one. Apatow v. Schwartzman.
OH! let's get back to Jason and his musical career. YOU MUST hear the songs he's collabed with Ben Lee on!!!!! oh, they are wonderful. now, i'm going out on a limb here, but i believe it's 'Close I've Come' and 'Light' from Ben Lee's album 'Awake is the new Sleep.' anyone know if this is right? i feel like i knew it at one point. Jason, are you reading this!?? is that right?
*off topic, but kind of not really* one of the best concerts i've ever seen was Ben Lee and Rooney in boston. for serious. whenever i think about my concert going times, i always think about that concert and how fierce Rooney was.

i also think about Ben Lee wearing that gold sparkly jacket.

and how Robert Schwartzman sang right to my heart. bunch of hotties. i just started following Rooney on Twitter and you should too. i think Coconut Records was my first "follow." folks, i'm a devoted fan and promoter!
somebody should really talk to me about representation. i could turn anyone famous with this blog. except myself....apparently. hm.
and one of the best birthday gifts i've ever received was my Coconut Records totebag i got from Kara. and, it's the best totebag i've ever had. if anyone out there is thinking of buying a Coconut Records bag, do it. a great investment for the future. i use it for groceries, i use it for a purse, i use it for my laptop, for the safe transportation of anything, really.
i wish i could keep talking about Coconut Records. i will later. but right now, i have to get to the grocery store before it closes and before i have to start working. i need lettuce and it cannot wait. i'm sure you understand.
we'll talk later. i had fun writing this. hope you enjoyed reading and listening and looking. you should really click on those links. i think you'll like Jason's music. it's hip and fresh and summery.
and! it really all comes full circle, because i began this entry talking about Entourage, which we all know is produced by Mark Wahlberg. and, he was in I Heart Huckabees with Jason. that's a great movie.
i love when things come full circle.
what a great day!!
i slept in pretty late. i won't tell you just how late. but, it was late. in total i got about 13.5 hours of sleep. now, i know that sounds like a lot. but, i only got 3 hours of sleep the previous night. so really, it was justified.
and last night i was awoken with a phone call, the house alarm going off, my alarm going off (turned it off and went back to sleep), and Ruby Tuesday licking my face because she wanted me to feed her. i did get up and feed her because i knew if she kept licking my face then i would get hives. so, i got up and fed her, and then somehow found my way back to bed and fell right back to sleep.
13.5 hours is not the most i've ever slept. that would probably be my second year of college when i slept straight through for 15 hours.
but, i was remembering the time that i went to bed at 5:30am, woke up at 5:30pm, and couldn't figure out whether or not it had been 12 hours or 12 seconds. that was a freaky experience. it took me like, half an hour to realize that it was 12 hours later. everything was exactly the same as when i had gone to bed. the sky looked the same. there was nobody around. it was a weird time.
i came home from work yesterday and watched Shopgirl. my friend Jenn had been facebook statusing about watching Shopgirl and then i decided that i hadn't seen it in a long time. so, i went to my DVD collection and pulled it out. and made a sandwich and watched it. man, i really enjoyed it. i enjoyed it much more than i anticipated.
which brings me to my next topic,
'why isn't jason schwartzman in every movie?'
let's discuss. he really should be. and i can't think of any reason why he isn't in every movie. he's so enjoyable to watch on screen. he has a pleasant voice. he's funny. he's a hottie.
when i become president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, i just might make a new entertainment law stating that he must be involved with the making of every movie. he could do the music! because he's such an awesome musician!
OH! i must tell you this exciting thing. after years and years of wanting and wishing, i am FINALLY able to have West Coast as my ringtone!!!!!! on my new way-cool phone!! i wasn't able to put custom ringtones on my old phone anymore because that option was discontinued due to the age of the phone. and, the phone did not have internet access, therefore i could not go online and download it.
and once i figured out how to make my own ringtones, West Coast was the first one i made. only three people have called me since, but i'm still excited about it.
i guess i'll take this moment to promote Coconut Records. Coconut Records is Jason's solo band, which totally rocks. i bought his first CD "nighttiming" immediately after finding out about this band. it was an exciting night. i remember it very clearly. i was at home in maine, sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop. man, those downloads couldn't have been going slower. i was so freaking exciting.
and what a great CD! really awesome. i think one of the songs is on a commercial. 'Summer Day', i think. and, 'West Coast' is featured in the movie Cloverfield. now, i didn't rent the movie just to hear the song (i've done this before), but you should. it's a good movie. better than i thought. and it was hyped up by Maria a lot. so, i had pretty high expectations. i thought it was good. and, West Coast is in it, which automatically made me like it even if i didn't really like it. it's the song playing at the party in the beginning when everything is still good. notice it.
Coconut Records' second CD, Davy was released this past winter. again, a very exciting day once i was finally able to buy it. it took longer because cash has been tight this year. i don't think i actually bought it until april. WOW. if i thought the first cd was good, all expectations were blown out of the water for Davy. it is stellar. i love every song. definitely a stronger album. i really like, 'St. Jerome' and 'Drummer.' and, 'Microphone,' of course. the music video for Microphone is pretty hilarious.
wow, you all should really go out and buy 'Davy.' for realz. such a great CD.
now let's talk about Funny People. i think it comes out on friday. hm. now, we all know that i'm not a fan of Judd Apatow. but, i am a fan of Jason. i think i've seen all his movies. have i? i think i have. it's a gamble on this one. Apatow v. Schwartzman.
OH! let's get back to Jason and his musical career. YOU MUST hear the songs he's collabed with Ben Lee on!!!!! oh, they are wonderful. now, i'm going out on a limb here, but i believe it's 'Close I've Come' and 'Light' from Ben Lee's album 'Awake is the new Sleep.' anyone know if this is right? i feel like i knew it at one point. Jason, are you reading this!?? is that right?
*off topic, but kind of not really* one of the best concerts i've ever seen was Ben Lee and Rooney in boston. for serious. whenever i think about my concert going times, i always think about that concert and how fierce Rooney was.
i also think about Ben Lee wearing that gold sparkly jacket.
and how Robert Schwartzman sang right to my heart. bunch of hotties. i just started following Rooney on Twitter and you should too. i think Coconut Records was my first "follow." folks, i'm a devoted fan and promoter!
somebody should really talk to me about representation. i could turn anyone famous with this blog. except myself....apparently. hm.
and one of the best birthday gifts i've ever received was my Coconut Records totebag i got from Kara. and, it's the best totebag i've ever had. if anyone out there is thinking of buying a Coconut Records bag, do it. a great investment for the future. i use it for groceries, i use it for a purse, i use it for my laptop, for the safe transportation of anything, really.
i wish i could keep talking about Coconut Records. i will later. but right now, i have to get to the grocery store before it closes and before i have to start working. i need lettuce and it cannot wait. i'm sure you understand.
we'll talk later. i had fun writing this. hope you enjoyed reading and listening and looking. you should really click on those links. i think you'll like Jason's music. it's hip and fresh and summery.
and! it really all comes full circle, because i began this entry talking about Entourage, which we all know is produced by Mark Wahlberg. and, he was in I Heart Huckabees with Jason. that's a great movie.
i love when things come full circle.
what a great day!!
19 July 2009
work blog, like i promised!
did i promise a work blog? i think so. anyways, here be it.
there's not much to say, since i was sleeping in between most of the time i haven't been talking to you since the last time.
i had a dream that Star Trek was out on dvd and i watched it with one of my co-workers and her baby. and the opening scene in the movie was actually a scene from Heroes. how lame is that? YEAH, this is what i really think about all the time. even when i can't control my thoughts.
like i said before, you really don't need to slice open my head to figure out what's going on, because i have a blog.
even Mr. Muggles was in the movie. that was weird. when was the last time i had a dream about a dog? probably never.
but! remember how i said i mistakenly left my sunglasses and my eye mask at home? and i was thinking it was some sort of sign??? well, i just read my horoscope and this was the last part of it: it's a good time to clean your windshield. Your vision will shift in a big way in the near future.
weird, right?? it's about vision! and also, my windshield on my car has been super dirty lately and i don't know how it got to be that way. or maybe, my vision is just shifting so i'm finally noticing how dirty it is. uh oh, i hope that's not the new theme of my life. realizing all the dirt in my life. that wouldn't be very fun.
anyways. i thought that was weird and semi-exciting and i couldn't wait to share it with you!
holy crap it's early. not even 9am. why would anyone want to get up this early? it's hott. now that i have air conditioners in my apartment every other non-air conditioned room is like UUUGGGGGHHH. i've become spoiled.
i brought down some movies. and all my beads. maybe we'll have some craft time.
hm. what else can i say? not much, i guess. ok then. i guess i'll get back to doing nothing else.
i'll be here until 4ish. then i have a feeling i will make a sandwich and take a nap. but, maybe in the reverse order.
man, i love sandwiches. and i love naps. who doesn't love a good nap? or a good sandwich? nobody. they are universal. like music and math.
alright. clearly it's too early to try and make sense of myself. have a good day, friends. i'll talk to you later.
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