I never finished the story about the two clavinets. You'll have to come back to find out WHY THERE WERE TWO!!!!!!
oooooo cliffhanger!!!!!!
i love you guys.
24 July 2010
it happens only in the daytime
SO. I just had an epic day of Crash Kings madness.
Here's the deal:
I'm exhausted. BUT, I'm going to briefly tell you about it because I'm so excited I just need to tell people. Briefly! And, I don't have my camera cord with me, so there'll be no pictures. (But I got a really good one from the looks of it on my camera!)
The scene was PORTSMOUTH, NH. REDHOOK FEST. At the Redhook Brewery. My mom is wearing my gray Crash Kings shirt and I'm wearing my newly dyed hott pink Crash Kings shirt. WHICH CAME OUT FREAKING AWESOME.
We get there and walk to the ticket holders line. Immediately one of the event workers says to me,
EVENT WORKER: Crash Kings! Awesome! I'm excited to see them. Right before Blues Traveler.
So great! Blues Traveler was the main attraction.
So we get in there and walk to the stage. It's pretty crowded. The whole event is sold out. But, there's like, one spot of grass in the front on the lawn that is perfectly sized for my mom and I. Like, it was perfect.
We put our stuff there. Sit there for a minute, and then decide to get up and walk around. And we walk around for a while. Check out the vendors. Get some food. Then, we head back to our seats.
Listening to the band, 'Rustic Overtones' play. They're kind of, eh. I thought they sounded too much like every other band that plays radio festivals.
And then I start to people watch. Just kind of stare at people around me, because I was bored. And I like to look at people a lot.
There's a couple sitting directly in front of us. They're older. Maybe around the age of my parents. And for some reason, the man looks familiar to me. And I'm thinking very hard about this because WHAT I'M THINKING, is that he looks what I remember Tony and Mike's dad to look like.
BUT NO, I would not have such luck to sit behind their parents.
So, I keep thinking. And keep thinking. And while I'm trying to figure out who he is, I'm also telling myself that it would just be so freaking awesome to sit behind their parents that I'm creating this man who looks like I remember their father to look like.
And so finally, they start to change the set for Crash Kings. And he stands up to watch. And this is when I turn to my mom and whisper,
JULIE: Okay, I kind of think that's Mike and Tony's dad...
MOM: I've noticed he seems very interested in what's going on with Crash Kings.
And then Mike comes out on stage to do bass player things. And this guy in front of us starts waving.
Finally he gets Mike's attention as if to say, "this is where we're sitting." Mike smiles and head nods back.
He sits back down. My mom immediately reaches over and taps him on the shoulder to ask if he's their father.
YEP. Yep.
This place was really big. It was super crowded when we got there. THE ONLY spot of available grass that fit us perfectly was directly behind Mike and Tony's parents.
No matter WHAT happened for the rest of the day, IT WAS A GOOD DAY.
AND THEN, my mom has a tiny conversation with their dad. And then he takes out his camera and starts taking pictures of the guys setting up. And he goes up to the stage to take more pictures. I imagine these will go somewhere in their living room.
I really don't know how much time passed. I was in such a daze. SUCH A DAZE. A daze of wonderment.
I told their dad that this was my 12th show and he laughed and said he had stopped counting.
And then he leaves for a little bit and my mom initiates conversation with their mom. It was basically mom talk. Like, normal mom talk. For realz.
And then I decide I'm going to go up and stand in the standing area so I can get a good spot.
So I go up and stand. Moving closer and closer every few seconds. Until I'm in the second row. And then the guy in front of me says,
GUY: You want a spot on the rail?
JULIE: Really?! You don't mind?
GUY: Not at all! I thought I was going to be the only fan here!!
JULIE: You're not!!
Turns out he was a super fan. We actually talked for a while. TURNS OUT he lived (or lives, i can't remember) in Amherst, MA, which was where I went to college. Hampshire College. SO THAT was really weird. And I told him I was going to the Crash Kings show in Boston and he seemed like he would go too.
So, I'm watching things happening on the stage and keep looking at the clavinet and wondering, 'why aren't they setting it up?' It was just sitting over in the corner on top of a big wooden box.
And then I look directly in front of me on the stage, and Tony is setting up his clavinet. And I think,
JULIE (thinking) HOLY CRAP Tony got another clavinet!?!? How did he make that happen?!?!
Because, as we all know, the modified clavinet with the whammy bar that Tony owns is only 1 of 12 in the whole world. So I was PRETTY excited for him.
ANYWAYS, so then Jason notices me from the stage and smiles and waves. And I smile and wave back. And he makes gestures like, "your shirt is awesome!" And I make, "I know! Thank you!" gestures back.
And the guy next to me is seeing all this and says,
GUY: OHhhhhh... so that's how it is??
JULIE: (laughs) Umm...nooo...
GUY: (laughs) Wow.... okay.
JULIE: If I see them, I might get a hug. But that's it.
it was funny and really awesome.
ANYWAYS. Then their set starts and they open with '1985.' Immediately the SOUND SYSTEM GOES TO CRAP. Which was the theme of the performance. A version of 1985 without vocals or piano, was what we heard. A drums and bass version! They keep going right into 'Nonbeliever,' still with no piano, and now with very, very low vocals. Tony ran off stage during the beginning for a minute to talk to sound people, but made it back just in time for the beginning.
So then after they finish 'Nonbeliever' Tony stops and says something like,
TONY: Okay, we're not gonna start again until this gets fixed... TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED!!!!
And people start shouting PIANO PIANO and making "piano motions" with their hands.
So then, the piano gets fixed. But there's now no vocals. So, they take a long time figuring that out. The crowd kept shouting LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER and making upwards motions.
Then, the vocals come back in, but they're still very low. People keep shouting louder. Tony looks down at me and I mouth, "louder."
TONY: (looks to the sound booth, points to his microphone.)
YEP. He looked at me, and then did what I said. Even though everyone else was also saying it. It was like he trusted me more. YEP. That was it - he trusted me more.
ANYWAYS. Then everything was worked out. They played 'It's Only Wednesday.' ROCKED IT. But halfway through the piano went out again.
So, they stopped again at the end of the song and worked out the piano. FIXED.
Then Tony starts 'Come Away' and almost immediately the piano goes out again. By this time - he looks pretty pissed. Like, really, REALLY annoyed with this whole thing.
and Tony stops the song and says,
TONY: Okay, I'm not going to play this one anymore. It's just not working.
And Mike stalls and goes into this whole speech about people came here to hear music, and why isn't the MUSIC working.
So, they try and fix the sound some more. A lot more. Tony finally says,
TONY: We're gonna play 2 more songs for you. This one you might recognize.
And they played 'Mountain Man.' WHICH ROCKED. I did the claps. No sound on the piano, but the clavinet sounded GREAT. After that was finished, Tony mouthed to Mike and Jason, "Carry On."
And they played 'Carry On,' which was a TOTAL SUCCESS because there's no piano in that song, only clav action. It sounded great. Ohhhh and I rocked. Because I freaking love that song.
And things are finally sounding pretty good. So, they tackle 'War Pigs' another clav-only song. Almost immediately the clavinet sound goes. Then, something happens and Jason's kick drum breaks. Tony announces that Jason is now playing with a broken kick-drum.
So, now the song is crazy sounding drums, vocal and tons of bass. It's insane. BUT - the crowd is totally rocking and getting really into it.
I, however, am now so used the 'War Pigs' melody in lullaby version, that I started to get sleepy.
No, I'm kidding. I didn't get sleepy. But, I did think about the lullaby version and how it has a ton of bird noises in it.
ANYWAYS. So, they end the show. Tony says,
TONY: Thanks for coming to our sound check!!
Mike says,
MIKE: I would like to invite every one of you to come see us in Boston at The Middle East on August 3rd. We'd really love to give you a real Crash Kings show.
And the crowd is going wild. Like, really cheering them on. And Tony! He's just unplugging his stuff so fast it's crazy. You can tell he's really, really upset. I felt super bad. And then Jason looks at me and just shakes his head. I shake my head back and shrug.
Then, I head back to our seats, where I find my mom laughing, chatting it up with Mrs. Beliveau.
JULIE: (thinking) OMG this cannot really be happening!
So, I go over. Kind of join in the conversation about what a bummer it was about the sound.
JULIE: I think Tony was pretty mad...
MRS. BELIVEAU: I've never seen Tony that angry before! Well, during a performance. I mean, I've definitely seen him that angry before (we all laugh), just not during a show.
And then I think it really hit me that OMG I WAS TALKING TO THEIR MOM.
And then my mom, Tony and Mike's mom, and myself proceeded to have a conversation for like, 45 minutes. It was on and off for about an hour, because then Blues Traveler started playing.
And it was like, the perfect conversation, because all we talked about were Mike and Tony! Who needs to talk about anything else, ever, really? She told us about the time when Tony was 6 and he came to her and said he wanted to start taking piano lessons and then took lessons from the same woman for 12 years. About the time when Michael (she kept calling him Michael) was in 3rd grade and wanted to learn piano, but then stopped because he didn't think he could be as good as Tony. So he picked up the guitar. And then the bass. And then the upright bass, which he played in the school band. And also that Tony played violin in the school band.
She told us about how when Tony was really little and they would all dance around in their living room, but Mike was just a baby, so she had to hold him. (and then she made a motion of holding Baby Mike.)
I think my favorite was the story about when JET came over. First she went on and on about how nice and how funny JET was, and we talked about how the show at the Paradise JUST SO TOTALLY ROCKED EVERYONE'S WORLD.
And she said,
MRS. BELIVEAU: I got a call from Tony at 11 the morning before, it was their day off, and he asked if it would be alright if all of them came over for dinner, it would be about 12 people. So, I said 'okay.' And Steve was outside doing yard work and I went out and said, 'stop whatever you're doing, the boys are coming over tonight with 12 people!'
it was a great story. And I had heard Crash Kings talk about this event to some degree, making it seem like things got pretty crazy, and they all had a blast.
And that's just exactly what their mom said too! It was just really fun hearing it from their mom.
OOHHHHHH IT WAS AWESOME. We talked about lots of stuff. She told me twice that I should come find her at The Middle East. My mom asked her if she was from Massachusetts and she said,
MRS. BELIVEAU: No, I'm from Michigan.
Which, I thought was weird, since Michigan has played such a strange part in my Twitter life recently... Tony was in Ann Arbor and "so was i."
um, so the whole thing was great. like, great. and she was just a normal mom. like, just really proud of her sons.
so, by this point i had missed the guys at the merch booth. they never announced that they would be there, but their dad said they were for a little bit. he went to go look for them, but couldn't find them.
ANYWAYS. this didn't end up being a brief version at all! So, their parents left a little while after Blues Traveler went on.
Shortly after that, Mike walked over looking for them. He saw me,
MIKE: Heeyyy!! Nice shirt!!
JULIE: Thanks!
This was at least the 6th time talking to Mike and I still don't think he knew who I was. 2 hugs, 6 conversations later, no progress. Sorry, at least 7 conversations.
So, he's walking around looking very confused, obviously looking for his parents. I was thinking I should go over and tell him they left. But, my mom acts upon this before I do.
MOM: Are you looking for your folks?
MIKE: Yeah...
MOM: They left just a little while ago.
MIKE: They left?
MOM: Yeah, I think the crowd was getting too rowdy.
MIKE: They left? Oh, okay... Thanks.
My mom said he seemed very sad. BUT, she touched his arm during this conversation, which she mentioned a few times throughout the rest of the night. Also, how cute he is. And also, the prettiness of his eye color.
So, even though the actual performance part of the day was kind of a bummer fail, the overall day was SUCH A MAJOR WIN.
yeah, it was kind of a dream. like, i'm writing this now and thinking, 'really? all this really happened?' because, how often do you get to talk to the parents of rockstars?
OMG IT WAS SO GREAT. i'm just really thinking about it now.
and i actually didn't get to talk to Crash Kings in person at all. but it totally feels like i did!
and i'm just going to mention it real quick:
but all this comes THE DAY AFTER i got a hug from Robert Schwartzman. ♥ believe me, i'll talk about that more in detail. also, he held my hand. MORE LATER.
MORE WITH PICTURES LATER. which is amazing in itself, because the NO CAMERA POLICY at the Cape Cod venue was soooo super strict it was insane. like, INSANE.
but, yours truly, is a super stealth picture taker - AND I GOT SOME GREAT PHOTOS. of Hanson, mainly.
ANYWAYS. i've had a great weekend so far. nay - A GREAT WEEK. between this and all the personal contact with River City Extension - i am exhausted. it's known as GREAT WEEK EXCITEMENT EXHAUSTION. it affects 4 out of 5 Crash Kings fans. very serious, as it may involve driving long distances, staying up for long periods of time, and rocking out really freaking hard.
it's currently 2:30am. i'm going to go to bed. but hey,
that's pretty awesome.
ok! i love you all. Schwartzman hugs all around! *does circular finger motion in the air*
have a super great sunday.
Here's the deal:
I'm exhausted. BUT, I'm going to briefly tell you about it because I'm so excited I just need to tell people. Briefly! And, I don't have my camera cord with me, so there'll be no pictures. (But I got a really good one from the looks of it on my camera!)
The scene was PORTSMOUTH, NH. REDHOOK FEST. At the Redhook Brewery. My mom is wearing my gray Crash Kings shirt and I'm wearing my newly dyed hott pink Crash Kings shirt. WHICH CAME OUT FREAKING AWESOME.
We get there and walk to the ticket holders line. Immediately one of the event workers says to me,
EVENT WORKER: Crash Kings! Awesome! I'm excited to see them. Right before Blues Traveler.
So great! Blues Traveler was the main attraction.
So we get in there and walk to the stage. It's pretty crowded. The whole event is sold out. But, there's like, one spot of grass in the front on the lawn that is perfectly sized for my mom and I. Like, it was perfect.
We put our stuff there. Sit there for a minute, and then decide to get up and walk around. And we walk around for a while. Check out the vendors. Get some food. Then, we head back to our seats.
Listening to the band, 'Rustic Overtones' play. They're kind of, eh. I thought they sounded too much like every other band that plays radio festivals.
And then I start to people watch. Just kind of stare at people around me, because I was bored. And I like to look at people a lot.
There's a couple sitting directly in front of us. They're older. Maybe around the age of my parents. And for some reason, the man looks familiar to me. And I'm thinking very hard about this because WHAT I'M THINKING, is that he looks what I remember Tony and Mike's dad to look like.
BUT NO, I would not have such luck to sit behind their parents.
So, I keep thinking. And keep thinking. And while I'm trying to figure out who he is, I'm also telling myself that it would just be so freaking awesome to sit behind their parents that I'm creating this man who looks like I remember their father to look like.
And so finally, they start to change the set for Crash Kings. And he stands up to watch. And this is when I turn to my mom and whisper,
JULIE: Okay, I kind of think that's Mike and Tony's dad...
MOM: I've noticed he seems very interested in what's going on with Crash Kings.
And then Mike comes out on stage to do bass player things. And this guy in front of us starts waving.
Finally he gets Mike's attention as if to say, "this is where we're sitting." Mike smiles and head nods back.
He sits back down. My mom immediately reaches over and taps him on the shoulder to ask if he's their father.
YEP. Yep.
This place was really big. It was super crowded when we got there. THE ONLY spot of available grass that fit us perfectly was directly behind Mike and Tony's parents.
No matter WHAT happened for the rest of the day, IT WAS A GOOD DAY.
AND THEN, my mom has a tiny conversation with their dad. And then he takes out his camera and starts taking pictures of the guys setting up. And he goes up to the stage to take more pictures. I imagine these will go somewhere in their living room.
I really don't know how much time passed. I was in such a daze. SUCH A DAZE. A daze of wonderment.
I told their dad that this was my 12th show and he laughed and said he had stopped counting.
And then he leaves for a little bit and my mom initiates conversation with their mom. It was basically mom talk. Like, normal mom talk. For realz.
And then I decide I'm going to go up and stand in the standing area so I can get a good spot.
So I go up and stand. Moving closer and closer every few seconds. Until I'm in the second row. And then the guy in front of me says,
GUY: You want a spot on the rail?
JULIE: Really?! You don't mind?
GUY: Not at all! I thought I was going to be the only fan here!!
JULIE: You're not!!
Turns out he was a super fan. We actually talked for a while. TURNS OUT he lived (or lives, i can't remember) in Amherst, MA, which was where I went to college. Hampshire College. SO THAT was really weird. And I told him I was going to the Crash Kings show in Boston and he seemed like he would go too.
So, I'm watching things happening on the stage and keep looking at the clavinet and wondering, 'why aren't they setting it up?' It was just sitting over in the corner on top of a big wooden box.
And then I look directly in front of me on the stage, and Tony is setting up his clavinet. And I think,
JULIE (thinking) HOLY CRAP Tony got another clavinet!?!? How did he make that happen?!?!
Because, as we all know, the modified clavinet with the whammy bar that Tony owns is only 1 of 12 in the whole world. So I was PRETTY excited for him.
ANYWAYS, so then Jason notices me from the stage and smiles and waves. And I smile and wave back. And he makes gestures like, "your shirt is awesome!" And I make, "I know! Thank you!" gestures back.
And the guy next to me is seeing all this and says,
GUY: OHhhhhh... so that's how it is??
JULIE: (laughs) Umm...nooo...
GUY: (laughs) Wow.... okay.
JULIE: If I see them, I might get a hug. But that's it.
it was funny and really awesome.
ANYWAYS. Then their set starts and they open with '1985.' Immediately the SOUND SYSTEM GOES TO CRAP. Which was the theme of the performance. A version of 1985 without vocals or piano, was what we heard. A drums and bass version! They keep going right into 'Nonbeliever,' still with no piano, and now with very, very low vocals. Tony ran off stage during the beginning for a minute to talk to sound people, but made it back just in time for the beginning.
So then after they finish 'Nonbeliever' Tony stops and says something like,
TONY: Okay, we're not gonna start again until this gets fixed... TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED!!!!
And people start shouting PIANO PIANO and making "piano motions" with their hands.
So then, the piano gets fixed. But there's now no vocals. So, they take a long time figuring that out. The crowd kept shouting LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER and making upwards motions.
Then, the vocals come back in, but they're still very low. People keep shouting louder. Tony looks down at me and I mouth, "louder."
TONY: (looks to the sound booth, points to his microphone.)
YEP. He looked at me, and then did what I said. Even though everyone else was also saying it. It was like he trusted me more. YEP. That was it - he trusted me more.
ANYWAYS. Then everything was worked out. They played 'It's Only Wednesday.' ROCKED IT. But halfway through the piano went out again.
So, they stopped again at the end of the song and worked out the piano. FIXED.
Then Tony starts 'Come Away' and almost immediately the piano goes out again. By this time - he looks pretty pissed. Like, really, REALLY annoyed with this whole thing.
and Tony stops the song and says,
TONY: Okay, I'm not going to play this one anymore. It's just not working.
And Mike stalls and goes into this whole speech about people came here to hear music, and why isn't the MUSIC working.
So, they try and fix the sound some more. A lot more. Tony finally says,
TONY: We're gonna play 2 more songs for you. This one you might recognize.
And they played 'Mountain Man.' WHICH ROCKED. I did the claps. No sound on the piano, but the clavinet sounded GREAT. After that was finished, Tony mouthed to Mike and Jason, "Carry On."
And they played 'Carry On,' which was a TOTAL SUCCESS because there's no piano in that song, only clav action. It sounded great. Ohhhh and I rocked. Because I freaking love that song.
And things are finally sounding pretty good. So, they tackle 'War Pigs' another clav-only song. Almost immediately the clavinet sound goes. Then, something happens and Jason's kick drum breaks. Tony announces that Jason is now playing with a broken kick-drum.
So, now the song is crazy sounding drums, vocal and tons of bass. It's insane. BUT - the crowd is totally rocking and getting really into it.
I, however, am now so used the 'War Pigs' melody in lullaby version, that I started to get sleepy.
No, I'm kidding. I didn't get sleepy. But, I did think about the lullaby version and how it has a ton of bird noises in it.
ANYWAYS. So, they end the show. Tony says,
TONY: Thanks for coming to our sound check!!
Mike says,
MIKE: I would like to invite every one of you to come see us in Boston at The Middle East on August 3rd. We'd really love to give you a real Crash Kings show.
And the crowd is going wild. Like, really cheering them on. And Tony! He's just unplugging his stuff so fast it's crazy. You can tell he's really, really upset. I felt super bad. And then Jason looks at me and just shakes his head. I shake my head back and shrug.
Then, I head back to our seats, where I find my mom laughing, chatting it up with Mrs. Beliveau.
JULIE: (thinking) OMG this cannot really be happening!
So, I go over. Kind of join in the conversation about what a bummer it was about the sound.
JULIE: I think Tony was pretty mad...
MRS. BELIVEAU: I've never seen Tony that angry before! Well, during a performance. I mean, I've definitely seen him that angry before (we all laugh), just not during a show.
And then I think it really hit me that OMG I WAS TALKING TO THEIR MOM.
And then my mom, Tony and Mike's mom, and myself proceeded to have a conversation for like, 45 minutes. It was on and off for about an hour, because then Blues Traveler started playing.
And it was like, the perfect conversation, because all we talked about were Mike and Tony! Who needs to talk about anything else, ever, really? She told us about the time when Tony was 6 and he came to her and said he wanted to start taking piano lessons and then took lessons from the same woman for 12 years. About the time when Michael (she kept calling him Michael) was in 3rd grade and wanted to learn piano, but then stopped because he didn't think he could be as good as Tony. So he picked up the guitar. And then the bass. And then the upright bass, which he played in the school band. And also that Tony played violin in the school band.
She told us about how when Tony was really little and they would all dance around in their living room, but Mike was just a baby, so she had to hold him. (and then she made a motion of holding Baby Mike.)
I think my favorite was the story about when JET came over. First she went on and on about how nice and how funny JET was, and we talked about how the show at the Paradise JUST SO TOTALLY ROCKED EVERYONE'S WORLD.
And she said,
MRS. BELIVEAU: I got a call from Tony at 11 the morning before, it was their day off, and he asked if it would be alright if all of them came over for dinner, it would be about 12 people. So, I said 'okay.' And Steve was outside doing yard work and I went out and said, 'stop whatever you're doing, the boys are coming over tonight with 12 people!'
it was a great story. And I had heard Crash Kings talk about this event to some degree, making it seem like things got pretty crazy, and they all had a blast.
And that's just exactly what their mom said too! It was just really fun hearing it from their mom.
OOHHHHHH IT WAS AWESOME. We talked about lots of stuff. She told me twice that I should come find her at The Middle East. My mom asked her if she was from Massachusetts and she said,
MRS. BELIVEAU: No, I'm from Michigan.
Which, I thought was weird, since Michigan has played such a strange part in my Twitter life recently... Tony was in Ann Arbor and "so was i."
um, so the whole thing was great. like, great. and she was just a normal mom. like, just really proud of her sons.
so, by this point i had missed the guys at the merch booth. they never announced that they would be there, but their dad said they were for a little bit. he went to go look for them, but couldn't find them.
ANYWAYS. this didn't end up being a brief version at all! So, their parents left a little while after Blues Traveler went on.
Shortly after that, Mike walked over looking for them. He saw me,
MIKE: Heeyyy!! Nice shirt!!
JULIE: Thanks!
This was at least the 6th time talking to Mike and I still don't think he knew who I was. 2 hugs, 6 conversations later, no progress. Sorry, at least 7 conversations.
So, he's walking around looking very confused, obviously looking for his parents. I was thinking I should go over and tell him they left. But, my mom acts upon this before I do.
MOM: Are you looking for your folks?
MIKE: Yeah...
MOM: They left just a little while ago.
MIKE: They left?
MOM: Yeah, I think the crowd was getting too rowdy.
MIKE: They left? Oh, okay... Thanks.
My mom said he seemed very sad. BUT, she touched his arm during this conversation, which she mentioned a few times throughout the rest of the night. Also, how cute he is. And also, the prettiness of his eye color.
So, even though the actual performance part of the day was kind of a bummer fail, the overall day was SUCH A MAJOR WIN.
yeah, it was kind of a dream. like, i'm writing this now and thinking, 'really? all this really happened?' because, how often do you get to talk to the parents of rockstars?
OMG IT WAS SO GREAT. i'm just really thinking about it now.
and i actually didn't get to talk to Crash Kings in person at all. but it totally feels like i did!
and i'm just going to mention it real quick:
but all this comes THE DAY AFTER i got a hug from Robert Schwartzman. ♥ believe me, i'll talk about that more in detail. also, he held my hand. MORE LATER.
MORE WITH PICTURES LATER. which is amazing in itself, because the NO CAMERA POLICY at the Cape Cod venue was soooo super strict it was insane. like, INSANE.
but, yours truly, is a super stealth picture taker - AND I GOT SOME GREAT PHOTOS. of Hanson, mainly.
ANYWAYS. i've had a great weekend so far. nay - A GREAT WEEK. between this and all the personal contact with River City Extension - i am exhausted. it's known as GREAT WEEK EXCITEMENT EXHAUSTION. it affects 4 out of 5 Crash Kings fans. very serious, as it may involve driving long distances, staying up for long periods of time, and rocking out really freaking hard.
it's currently 2:30am. i'm going to go to bed. but hey,
that's pretty awesome.
ok! i love you all. Schwartzman hugs all around! *does circular finger motion in the air*
have a super great sunday.
Pre-Crash Kings Concert Conversation with my Mom
MOM: Ya know, I don't really know any Crash Kings music, so I think we should listen to their CD on the way down.
JULIE: Um, DUH that's not even a question.
- Rooney and Hanson rocked the heck out of the Cape last night.
- after much practice with initiating Mike hugs, i felt confident enough to reach out and hug Robert Schwartzman. WIN. EPIC EPIC WIN. (and we had a great conversation and he held my hand for about five seconds after.) MORE LATER.
JULIE: Um, DUH that's not even a question.
- Rooney and Hanson rocked the heck out of the Cape last night.
- after much practice with initiating Mike hugs, i felt confident enough to reach out and hug Robert Schwartzman. WIN. EPIC EPIC WIN. (and we had a great conversation and he held my hand for about five seconds after.) MORE LATER.
22 July 2010
∞ I'm going to try and stay awake and NOT take a nap.
∞ that way i won't sleep for three hours and then be really awake at night time.
∞ i think i have enough entertaining things to do to keep me busy until like, 10pm at least.
∞ movies to watch. Jonas to catch up on. things to dye hott pink.
∞ although, i'm getting my 6pm headache. lately i've been getting these headaches in the evening that just won't go away. i think it's my eye drops mixed with the setting sun.
∞ Kerianne sent me an email today and she said, "I just listened to the entire River City Extension CD, and now I'm starting it over again! Yay!" GREAT, right?! i told Kerianne about RCE, she started listening to them, and is going to see them when they're in Chicago! So awesome! Readers, I listen to good music, I promise. You should too.
∞ and if you think i DON'T listen to good music (maybe because i talk about the jonas brothers a lot...) you should start listening to River City Extension anyways, because i can't imagine a person not liking them.
∞ ok. i'm gonna go drink some coffee and dye things hott pink now.
∞ that way i won't sleep for three hours and then be really awake at night time.
∞ i think i have enough entertaining things to do to keep me busy until like, 10pm at least.
∞ movies to watch. Jonas to catch up on. things to dye hott pink.
∞ although, i'm getting my 6pm headache. lately i've been getting these headaches in the evening that just won't go away. i think it's my eye drops mixed with the setting sun.
∞ Kerianne sent me an email today and she said, "I just listened to the entire River City Extension CD, and now I'm starting it over again! Yay!" GREAT, right?! i told Kerianne about RCE, she started listening to them, and is going to see them when they're in Chicago! So awesome! Readers, I listen to good music, I promise. You should too.
∞ and if you think i DON'T listen to good music (maybe because i talk about the jonas brothers a lot...) you should start listening to River City Extension anyways, because i can't imagine a person not liking them.
∞ ok. i'm gonna go drink some coffee and dye things hott pink now.
"let me pacify my soul"
Dear Blog Readers,
I am really freaking tired. I think it's a combination of only getting 3 hours of sleep and how excited I was last night. It's catching up with me now.
Went to sleep around 4am. Up at 7am. Got ready for work. Down to work at 8am. It's finally 12:20pm and I have somehow managed to waste enough time for me to only start blogging now. What did I do in the time between 8am and now? Well, I don't really know. I ate some cereal. Drank some coffee. Surfed the web. Did some arts and crafts for about an hour. Listened to music a lot. Started to fall asleep in the rocking chair, but then I woke up.
I keep remembering that I am seeing Crash Kings on Saturday! Well, not remembering, but like, realizing. Because it's not that I forget, it's that I don't believe it is actually happening. Because of how much awesome it is.
Kara was just texting me about how she's totally not excited to see Hanson tomorrow night and how she hates concerts. So, it should be a fun night! I reminded her about 'MMMBob,' but she just said, "yeah, i don't like them." Ah well.
Crash Kings posted a tweet this morning advertising a show they're playing in the UK this November. I felt really proud and so excited for them. They have pretty much sexed up this continent, and now it's time to bring the sexy overseas!! How great is that!??! It was a mini-emotional moment for me.
I'm really excited to see them. And not just see them perform, like, to see them. Hopefully I'll get to say hi. It's been a LONG TIME. Chicago was June 5th. YIKES!
MAN, I'm just realizing that I've done pretty much nothing since I started working again. June 21st. That's a month. I've only had one night off. That's kind of pathetic.
I know what I've done!!! Finally!! In my cleaning out the corners of my living room adventure, I came across my Coconut Records poster that came with one of the CD's I got for Christmas. So I said,
JULIE: OMG, why didn't I hang this up immediately?!
So, I hung it up immediately!! Look at it! It's so great. Actually, the lighting is bad in every room of my apartment, so you can't really see the colors. But, that's teal. It's Jason Schwartzman in front of a pretty teal background. LOVE IT!!!!
Now I smile every time I walk by!!

And I just realized once again that I'll be hanging out with Jason's brother tomorrow night!! And by 'hanging out with' I mean fawning over and trying to get him to fall in love with me. And speaking of Robert, I should be listening to Rooney right now.
Ok, don't worry - I made a new iTunes playlist featuring, Rooney, Hanson, Crash Kings and River City Extension. The four things getting me through this work day. For realz.
Finished watching season 5 of How I Met Your Mother last night. awwww. So good. Can I just tell everyone about how good an actor I think Neil Patrick Harris is?? I just think he's so good. Like, he's not just enjoyable to watch, but I actually think he knows what he's doing. A lot of the time I feel like he's acting like he's on stage, and I really like that.
Also, that musical number about wearing suits? AWESOME! Yeah, it was a good season. Can't wait for season 6!
But just for the record: I do not think that Robin is prettier than Lily. Everyone on the show is all about how hott Robin is, and how men just love her and how she's so sexy and pretty. I just do not find her that attractive. I think Lily is the super sexy one.
Hmmm. What else can I tell you about?!!
I watched Thelma and Louise the other night for the first time!! Aw, so great, right?! Yeah, I really liked it. It made me want to become an outlaw. Girl power!
I watched something else too.......
OH! When in Rome. Um, it was pretty silly. Much sillier than Leap Year. I thought it was a really cute plot and idea, but it just kind of failed. Well, no, not failed. Just didn't live up to what I thought it was going to be. Kristen Bell was cute, as always. Her sister was played by the actress who played Ashley in season 6 of Entourage! I didn't like her because she was way too skinny and annoying.
I thought all the guys were funny. Dax Shepard (real-life fiance of K.Bell!), Will Arnett, Danny DeVito and Jon Heder. I liked all of them.
Anyways. Tonight I have 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.' I haven't seen it! The one with Mos Def and Zooey Deschanel. And the guy who plays Jim on The Office in Britain. I feel like I've seen a million trailers for it recently on old movies that I watch and so finally I said, "okay, I have to see this movie."
So, that's all.
Oh, for those of you playing at home, my 'It's Only Wednesday' play count is up to 238 on iTunes.
WOW - it's 1:30!!!! Only 4.5 hours left!!!! I'm hoping I can leave at 5:30 instead of 6. I'm scheduled until whenever the next staff member comes in, and it's usually somewhere in between. Last night she came in at 5:30.
Ok, so read my horoscope for today:
There's some potent, active energy coming your way today, so seize the day. You may want to seize the night as well, for that matter! You don't have to do anything huge or take any life-changing risks -- you just need to make sure you're in the right place at the right time. Luckily for you, almost anything you choose to do should place you there. All you need to do is show up with the right attitude.
It kind of bummed me out, because it makes it seem like something cool and awesome is going to happen tonight if I go out and do something exciting. But, my plan for after work was to go home and take a nap. So now I'm like, "Well that's crap."
What could I be missing out on?? But then I thought, "maybe the universe has another great dream in store for me!!!" Because that would rock. And just as exciting as anything that could potentially happen in real life.
Actually, probably more exciting than anything that could happen in real life. At least to me, anyways.
But now because I said that, there is probably going to be some perfectly awesome situation that I will miss out on. And what will I be doing? Taking a nap.
I read an article this morning saying that one of the ingredients in Silly Putty is also found in the McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. It really grossed me out. That's so gross! I couldn't believe it. UGH!
Now it's 1:45!! Time always goes quicker in the afternoon. Like, from 11am on.
And in other news: there are some very disturbing things going on with Tally Hall. Specifically related to Joe (red tie) and his absence from the band for recent shows. Apparently, he did not tour with the band when they toured in March. And, they are playing a show tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Arts Festival, which he also won't be performing at.
And nobody from Tally Hall is releasing any kind of a statement about this. It's making me sad. Joe! Red tie! Gorilla! We love him. I love him.
Also, Ann Arbor!! Ah, the city that holds my heart. And that key lime pie fro yo that I want to try someday. And, what a pretty name for a city, right?
Ok. I guess I should maybe go do something?? The thing is, there isn't anything to do. Maybe I'll go upstairs and make lunch and visit Ruby Tuesday for a minute! The hard thing about living at work is that times like right now, where I'm not doing a freaking thing, I keep thinking, "why can't I be upstairs at home doing nothing?" I would keep the phone plugged in in case anyone needed me. Then at least Ruby Tuesday wouldn't have to be alone.
OHHHH I haven't watched the Jonas episode from Sunday yet!!!!!! HOLY MAN I can do that later!!!!!! I'm not sure how I feel about Jonas L.A. I mean, duh, I love it. But, do I like it better than normal Jonas when they're in New Jersey? Um, I don't know. It definitely makes them seem more like famous rockstars and less like normal people.
But, NICK AND MACY PLEASE MAKE OUT ALREADY!!!!! OMG, they are so cute together!
I'm wearing this great purple necklace today with my hot pink, orange and purple dress. I realized that I have not one, but TWO hott pink, orange and purple dresses. One is plaid and one is not. Hott, right? Yep. And the one I am wearing today I got at Wal-Mart for $10. STEAL.
OK. 2PM. Scratch that, 2:01pm. Even better. Every minute counts.
I'm going to go make a sandwich. I hope everyone is having a great day!! It's Thursday!
Take care, friends.
OH, there was one more thing I wanted to talk about. Hm. I'll make it a separate entry later because it's important and I want everybody to read it. :)
OK! Talk to you later!!!
I am really freaking tired. I think it's a combination of only getting 3 hours of sleep and how excited I was last night. It's catching up with me now.
Went to sleep around 4am. Up at 7am. Got ready for work. Down to work at 8am. It's finally 12:20pm and I have somehow managed to waste enough time for me to only start blogging now. What did I do in the time between 8am and now? Well, I don't really know. I ate some cereal. Drank some coffee. Surfed the web. Did some arts and crafts for about an hour. Listened to music a lot. Started to fall asleep in the rocking chair, but then I woke up.
I keep remembering that I am seeing Crash Kings on Saturday! Well, not remembering, but like, realizing. Because it's not that I forget, it's that I don't believe it is actually happening. Because of how much awesome it is.
Kara was just texting me about how she's totally not excited to see Hanson tomorrow night and how she hates concerts. So, it should be a fun night! I reminded her about 'MMMBob,' but she just said, "yeah, i don't like them." Ah well.
Crash Kings posted a tweet this morning advertising a show they're playing in the UK this November. I felt really proud and so excited for them. They have pretty much sexed up this continent, and now it's time to bring the sexy overseas!! How great is that!??! It was a mini-emotional moment for me.
I'm really excited to see them. And not just see them perform, like, to see them. Hopefully I'll get to say hi. It's been a LONG TIME. Chicago was June 5th. YIKES!
MAN, I'm just realizing that I've done pretty much nothing since I started working again. June 21st. That's a month. I've only had one night off. That's kind of pathetic.
I know what I've done!!! Finally!! In my cleaning out the corners of my living room adventure, I came across my Coconut Records poster that came with one of the CD's I got for Christmas. So I said,
JULIE: OMG, why didn't I hang this up immediately?!
So, I hung it up immediately!! Look at it! It's so great. Actually, the lighting is bad in every room of my apartment, so you can't really see the colors. But, that's teal. It's Jason Schwartzman in front of a pretty teal background. LOVE IT!!!!
Now I smile every time I walk by!!
And I just realized once again that I'll be hanging out with Jason's brother tomorrow night!! And by 'hanging out with' I mean fawning over and trying to get him to fall in love with me. And speaking of Robert, I should be listening to Rooney right now.
Ok, don't worry - I made a new iTunes playlist featuring, Rooney, Hanson, Crash Kings and River City Extension. The four things getting me through this work day. For realz.
Finished watching season 5 of How I Met Your Mother last night. awwww. So good. Can I just tell everyone about how good an actor I think Neil Patrick Harris is?? I just think he's so good. Like, he's not just enjoyable to watch, but I actually think he knows what he's doing. A lot of the time I feel like he's acting like he's on stage, and I really like that.
Also, that musical number about wearing suits? AWESOME! Yeah, it was a good season. Can't wait for season 6!
But just for the record: I do not think that Robin is prettier than Lily. Everyone on the show is all about how hott Robin is, and how men just love her and how she's so sexy and pretty. I just do not find her that attractive. I think Lily is the super sexy one.
Hmmm. What else can I tell you about?!!
I watched Thelma and Louise the other night for the first time!! Aw, so great, right?! Yeah, I really liked it. It made me want to become an outlaw. Girl power!
I watched something else too.......
OH! When in Rome. Um, it was pretty silly. Much sillier than Leap Year. I thought it was a really cute plot and idea, but it just kind of failed. Well, no, not failed. Just didn't live up to what I thought it was going to be. Kristen Bell was cute, as always. Her sister was played by the actress who played Ashley in season 6 of Entourage! I didn't like her because she was way too skinny and annoying.
I thought all the guys were funny. Dax Shepard (real-life fiance of K.Bell!), Will Arnett, Danny DeVito and Jon Heder. I liked all of them.
Anyways. Tonight I have 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.' I haven't seen it! The one with Mos Def and Zooey Deschanel. And the guy who plays Jim on The Office in Britain. I feel like I've seen a million trailers for it recently on old movies that I watch and so finally I said, "okay, I have to see this movie."
So, that's all.
Oh, for those of you playing at home, my 'It's Only Wednesday' play count is up to 238 on iTunes.
WOW - it's 1:30!!!! Only 4.5 hours left!!!! I'm hoping I can leave at 5:30 instead of 6. I'm scheduled until whenever the next staff member comes in, and it's usually somewhere in between. Last night she came in at 5:30.
Ok, so read my horoscope for today:
There's some potent, active energy coming your way today, so seize the day. You may want to seize the night as well, for that matter! You don't have to do anything huge or take any life-changing risks -- you just need to make sure you're in the right place at the right time. Luckily for you, almost anything you choose to do should place you there. All you need to do is show up with the right attitude.
It kind of bummed me out, because it makes it seem like something cool and awesome is going to happen tonight if I go out and do something exciting. But, my plan for after work was to go home and take a nap. So now I'm like, "Well that's crap."
What could I be missing out on?? But then I thought, "maybe the universe has another great dream in store for me!!!" Because that would rock. And just as exciting as anything that could potentially happen in real life.
Actually, probably more exciting than anything that could happen in real life. At least to me, anyways.
But now because I said that, there is probably going to be some perfectly awesome situation that I will miss out on. And what will I be doing? Taking a nap.
I read an article this morning saying that one of the ingredients in Silly Putty is also found in the McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. It really grossed me out. That's so gross! I couldn't believe it. UGH!
Now it's 1:45!! Time always goes quicker in the afternoon. Like, from 11am on.
And in other news: there are some very disturbing things going on with Tally Hall. Specifically related to Joe (red tie) and his absence from the band for recent shows. Apparently, he did not tour with the band when they toured in March. And, they are playing a show tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Arts Festival, which he also won't be performing at.
And nobody from Tally Hall is releasing any kind of a statement about this. It's making me sad. Joe! Red tie! Gorilla! We love him. I love him.
Also, Ann Arbor!! Ah, the city that holds my heart. And that key lime pie fro yo that I want to try someday. And, what a pretty name for a city, right?
Ok. I guess I should maybe go do something?? The thing is, there isn't anything to do. Maybe I'll go upstairs and make lunch and visit Ruby Tuesday for a minute! The hard thing about living at work is that times like right now, where I'm not doing a freaking thing, I keep thinking, "why can't I be upstairs at home doing nothing?" I would keep the phone plugged in in case anyone needed me. Then at least Ruby Tuesday wouldn't have to be alone.
OHHHH I haven't watched the Jonas episode from Sunday yet!!!!!! HOLY MAN I can do that later!!!!!! I'm not sure how I feel about Jonas L.A. I mean, duh, I love it. But, do I like it better than normal Jonas when they're in New Jersey? Um, I don't know. It definitely makes them seem more like famous rockstars and less like normal people.
But, NICK AND MACY PLEASE MAKE OUT ALREADY!!!!! OMG, they are so cute together!
I'm wearing this great purple necklace today with my hot pink, orange and purple dress. I realized that I have not one, but TWO hott pink, orange and purple dresses. One is plaid and one is not. Hott, right? Yep. And the one I am wearing today I got at Wal-Mart for $10. STEAL.
OK. 2PM. Scratch that, 2:01pm. Even better. Every minute counts.
I'm going to go make a sandwich. I hope everyone is having a great day!! It's Thursday!
Take care, friends.
OH, there was one more thing I wanted to talk about. Hm. I'll make it a separate entry later because it's important and I want everybody to read it. :)
OK! Talk to you later!!!
21 July 2010
“Nothing is so aggravating than calmness.”
one of my favorite men in the whole history of the world.
true story. i was listening to an iTunes playlist whilst lettucing, and '14 Arms' came on. Crash Kings song. one of my faves. and i thought, "HOLY CRAP I'M SEEING THEM ON SATURDAY!!!!"
and then i remembered that i'm seeing Rooney on friday!!!! that's technically TOMORROW!!!!! and it's not just Rooney - it's HANSON TOO.
for those of you who don't know my middle school aged self - - - i was freaking obsessed with Hanson. the walls in my room were covered - top to bottom, side to side - with Hanson posters. i have NEVER postered anything as much as that room was postered with Hanson. it was insane crazy.
i have only made two scrapbooks in my entire life. let me tell you what they are:
1. a Titanic scrapbook
2. a Hanson scrapbook
ANOTHER TRUE STORY. hanson. scrapbook. YEP. ashamed? heck no! Hanson rules! and when Kerianne and I saw them during the last weeks of our last year in college - they totally rocked! and then we met up with Aliya!!! (and Matt??) (wait, did we see Matt that night??) and we went to Packard's!!!!! GREAT night.
omg i had planned to wear a dress today, but maybe i'll wear my Hanson t-shirt instead.
no, i think i'll still wear the dress.
anyways. Rooney and Hanson TOMORROW. and then Crash Kings on saturday. i was thinking about Crash Kings in relation to Titanic tonight. i saw Titanic 7 times in the movie theater when it came out. i was in 6th grade. 7 times is alot of times to see a movie.
and i've seen Crash Kings 11 times. 11! i should start using exclamation points instead of the number one.
number of times i've seen Crash Kings = !!
um, LOVE IT. that's how excited i am. what else have i done !! (11) times? i mean like, something substantial that i've done. not like, sleep. grocery shop. washed my hair. like, REAL stuff. not much.
okay, let me clarify: i've seen Titanic WAY more than 7 times. the number of times i've seen that film is countless. COUNTLESS. there was that one week i watched it like, 7 nights in a row. normal version. james cameron commentary. cast commentary. pop up trivia commentary. behind the scenes video pop up commentary. historical commentary. (there's a lot of commentary on the 3-disc special edition.)
and i've listened to the Crash Kings record WAY more than !! times. my iTunes says that 'It's Only Wednesday' has played 234 times! and that's just on my laptop! my iPod? geeze louise, that would probably be thousands. seriously. probably 200 times just with Ryan! for realz. like the trip to Philadelphia and back when we ONLY listened to that.
(PS: 'It's Only Wednesday' count up to 235.)
ANYWAYS. what am i talking about? i guess the point is that i get very excited very often.
because my little sister Kara turns 21 IN EXACTLY ONE WEEK!!!! and we're going to go out drinking margaritas.
and then two nights after that!!!!! RIVER CITY EXTENSION IN NEW JERSEY!!!!! yes, i am driving to their home state and i am so very super freaking excited to see them again. i kind of feel like we're all best friends?? is that weird a little?? maybe??
i was driving today during a total downpour and 'Ballad of Oregon' came on. and i got so excited. i couldn't stop smiling! and i was like:
JULIE: Julie! You need to pay attention to the horrible downpour that you are driving in!!! Stop singing along so loudly!!!
needless to say, River City Extension is good thunderstorm music.
anyways, now me and Joe, who is the lead singer, are friends on Facebook. and that is awesome too. yes, it was a very exciting time to get that email that he wanted to be friends.
there's this van for sale that i drive by on my way home to Maine and every time i pass it i think:
JULIE: I should buy that for River City Extension.
and then i think,
JULIE: Wait - where am I going to get $250?!?!
just like when there was that RV for sale a few streets down from my house in Maine and i would think,
JULIE: I should buy that for Crash Kings.
i'm sure they would love an RV. just like i'm sure River City Extension would like an extra van. although, they've got that great red van that i just remembered. i saw a picture of it on Twitter and it was awesome.
i am very excited about the events that will take place in the next week and a half or so. VERY EXCITED. so excited that it will probably be hard for me to complete simple, daily tasks. like chopping lettuce.
this afternoon i managed to keep it together at the hospital to talk to an important doctor-type. i think i was pretty credible. even with my teal hair.
and now just a boring life update:
i'm working until 6pm today. i'm working right now. and i work until 6. and then work again at 9. and THEN have friday and saturday off.
but, here's the weird part: the resident who lives here will be at work allll day. so, i have no idea what i'm going to do. her baby will be in daycare. 8pm until 6pm. well, she'll be home at 4, i think. but still. what am i going to do?
keep your eyes peeled for a minute-by-minute blog update. REALITY BLOG. i'll probs bring some arts and crafts projects down to work on. and some coffee. and also maybe some cereal. once i brought down my whole container of soy milk and the whole box of chocolate cheerios. that was a good day.
OH, ALSO: had a totally great dream last night. like, maybe one of the best dreams i've ever had. well, actually, i don't know about that. i've had a lot of great dreams.
i spend my whole day daydreaming. and daydreaming is easier than night dreaming because in daydreaming you can have anything you want happen. but night dreaming is harder because you don't have as much control! so when things turn out perfectly, it's wonderful. and things turned out perfectly in my dream last night.
and i slept straight through from 7:20am until noon. so, it was a nice, long, perfect dream. and it turned my whole day perfect. NOTHING got me down today. nope. not one thing.
actually, okay, one thing. i went to the drug store and was bummed/surprised that my inhaler medicine was $20.99. that was crap! i was expecting $12 or $13. but $20.99!!!!! outrageous! ah well, i needed it. i've been wheezing at nighttime more. i think it might be because Ruby Tuesday has moved her sleeping place to closer to my face. i know i should move her, but she's so cute! and sweet and cuddly and she's just a baby.
this morning i was trying to get to sleep and she just kept bringing toys up onto my bed! the round white thing. the orange mouse. she's the best.
OKAY. it's currently 2:29am. i have to be awake at 7am to get ready for work!!! that will probably turn into 7:30am. or heck, 8am, like it did the other week, when i needed to be at work at 8, but didn't wake up until 8. the joys of having a short commute! or, zero commute.
alright, have great days. i'll talk to everybody later!!! take care. be well. drive safe. drink water.
☃ ✈ ☎,
(snowman, airplane, telephone. why the heck not?!?!)
one of my favorite men in the whole history of the world.
true story. i was listening to an iTunes playlist whilst lettucing, and '14 Arms' came on. Crash Kings song. one of my faves. and i thought, "HOLY CRAP I'M SEEING THEM ON SATURDAY!!!!"
and then i remembered that i'm seeing Rooney on friday!!!! that's technically TOMORROW!!!!! and it's not just Rooney - it's HANSON TOO.
for those of you who don't know my middle school aged self - - - i was freaking obsessed with Hanson. the walls in my room were covered - top to bottom, side to side - with Hanson posters. i have NEVER postered anything as much as that room was postered with Hanson. it was insane crazy.
i have only made two scrapbooks in my entire life. let me tell you what they are:
1. a Titanic scrapbook
2. a Hanson scrapbook
ANOTHER TRUE STORY. hanson. scrapbook. YEP. ashamed? heck no! Hanson rules! and when Kerianne and I saw them during the last weeks of our last year in college - they totally rocked! and then we met up with Aliya!!! (and Matt??) (wait, did we see Matt that night??) and we went to Packard's!!!!! GREAT night.
omg i had planned to wear a dress today, but maybe i'll wear my Hanson t-shirt instead.
no, i think i'll still wear the dress.
anyways. Rooney and Hanson TOMORROW. and then Crash Kings on saturday. i was thinking about Crash Kings in relation to Titanic tonight. i saw Titanic 7 times in the movie theater when it came out. i was in 6th grade. 7 times is alot of times to see a movie.
and i've seen Crash Kings 11 times. 11! i should start using exclamation points instead of the number one.
number of times i've seen Crash Kings = !!
um, LOVE IT. that's how excited i am. what else have i done !! (11) times? i mean like, something substantial that i've done. not like, sleep. grocery shop. washed my hair. like, REAL stuff. not much.
okay, let me clarify: i've seen Titanic WAY more than 7 times. the number of times i've seen that film is countless. COUNTLESS. there was that one week i watched it like, 7 nights in a row. normal version. james cameron commentary. cast commentary. pop up trivia commentary. behind the scenes video pop up commentary. historical commentary. (there's a lot of commentary on the 3-disc special edition.)
and i've listened to the Crash Kings record WAY more than !! times. my iTunes says that 'It's Only Wednesday' has played 234 times! and that's just on my laptop! my iPod? geeze louise, that would probably be thousands. seriously. probably 200 times just with Ryan! for realz. like the trip to Philadelphia and back when we ONLY listened to that.
(PS: 'It's Only Wednesday' count up to 235.)
ANYWAYS. what am i talking about? i guess the point is that i get very excited very often.
because my little sister Kara turns 21 IN EXACTLY ONE WEEK!!!! and we're going to go out drinking margaritas.
and then two nights after that!!!!! RIVER CITY EXTENSION IN NEW JERSEY!!!!! yes, i am driving to their home state and i am so very super freaking excited to see them again. i kind of feel like we're all best friends?? is that weird a little?? maybe??
i was driving today during a total downpour and 'Ballad of Oregon' came on. and i got so excited. i couldn't stop smiling! and i was like:
JULIE: Julie! You need to pay attention to the horrible downpour that you are driving in!!! Stop singing along so loudly!!!
needless to say, River City Extension is good thunderstorm music.
anyways, now me and Joe, who is the lead singer, are friends on Facebook. and that is awesome too. yes, it was a very exciting time to get that email that he wanted to be friends.
there's this van for sale that i drive by on my way home to Maine and every time i pass it i think:
JULIE: I should buy that for River City Extension.
and then i think,
JULIE: Wait - where am I going to get $250?!?!
just like when there was that RV for sale a few streets down from my house in Maine and i would think,
JULIE: I should buy that for Crash Kings.
i'm sure they would love an RV. just like i'm sure River City Extension would like an extra van. although, they've got that great red van that i just remembered. i saw a picture of it on Twitter and it was awesome.
i am very excited about the events that will take place in the next week and a half or so. VERY EXCITED. so excited that it will probably be hard for me to complete simple, daily tasks. like chopping lettuce.
this afternoon i managed to keep it together at the hospital to talk to an important doctor-type. i think i was pretty credible. even with my teal hair.
and now just a boring life update:
i'm working until 6pm today. i'm working right now. and i work until 6. and then work again at 9. and THEN have friday and saturday off.
but, here's the weird part: the resident who lives here will be at work allll day. so, i have no idea what i'm going to do. her baby will be in daycare. 8pm until 6pm. well, she'll be home at 4, i think. but still. what am i going to do?
keep your eyes peeled for a minute-by-minute blog update. REALITY BLOG. i'll probs bring some arts and crafts projects down to work on. and some coffee. and also maybe some cereal. once i brought down my whole container of soy milk and the whole box of chocolate cheerios. that was a good day.
OH, ALSO: had a totally great dream last night. like, maybe one of the best dreams i've ever had. well, actually, i don't know about that. i've had a lot of great dreams.
i spend my whole day daydreaming. and daydreaming is easier than night dreaming because in daydreaming you can have anything you want happen. but night dreaming is harder because you don't have as much control! so when things turn out perfectly, it's wonderful. and things turned out perfectly in my dream last night.
and i slept straight through from 7:20am until noon. so, it was a nice, long, perfect dream. and it turned my whole day perfect. NOTHING got me down today. nope. not one thing.
actually, okay, one thing. i went to the drug store and was bummed/surprised that my inhaler medicine was $20.99. that was crap! i was expecting $12 or $13. but $20.99!!!!! outrageous! ah well, i needed it. i've been wheezing at nighttime more. i think it might be because Ruby Tuesday has moved her sleeping place to closer to my face. i know i should move her, but she's so cute! and sweet and cuddly and she's just a baby.
this morning i was trying to get to sleep and she just kept bringing toys up onto my bed! the round white thing. the orange mouse. she's the best.
OKAY. it's currently 2:29am. i have to be awake at 7am to get ready for work!!! that will probably turn into 7:30am. or heck, 8am, like it did the other week, when i needed to be at work at 8, but didn't wake up until 8. the joys of having a short commute! or, zero commute.
alright, have great days. i'll talk to everybody later!!! take care. be well. drive safe. drink water.
☃ ✈ ☎,
(snowman, airplane, telephone. why the heck not?!?!)
20 July 2010
i like your beard
OK - it's been far too long since my last update, and i would like to first apologize. SORRY. i'm sure i had you all on the edge of your seats waiting for news about my terribly awesome exciting life.
:: nothing new is going on. yay!
:: actually, this weekend was great. i was home on saturday and spent the day with family, which was really nice. then saturday night got even more awesome:
I SAW ALIYA!!!! yep, THAT Aliya! she was on annual vaca with her fam in Ogunquit, ME and so i made my annual trip over to see her!!! which was so great. we drank fancy coffees and sat on the beach for many hours. it was lovely. soooo good to see her again! and so soon! the last time i saw her was in Chicago!!!
i got home around 1:30am that night, which was crazy because normally i have to be at work at 10pm! but i had the night off!!!!! GREAT! first night off in like, 3.5 weeks, so that was really nice.
and now BACK AT WORK. i'm working right now.
OH, but more on the weekend...
:: so, sunday i hung around with Kara. we had to go out and do some errands in the afternoon, then we went to the gym, then we went out to get fancy hot dogs at this new hot dog place called Monkey Dogs. crazy, to say the least. but delish.
then kara drove back home with me!!!! i LOVE it when she does! we have the funnest rides.
i also discovered the song, 'Your Love is my Drug' by Ke$ha. um, i love it! and i can't wait to dance to it at a dance party. because i have in my mind that a dance party needs to happen. so, if anyone has any thoughts on that... you can let me know.
ANYWAYS, we went to bed kind of early on sunday night. everyone was tired.
monday, we went out for breakfast. kara, my dad and me. it was nice! came home. took naps. went out for dinner in the evening. and then, sadly, they had to go back to maine.
i actually had a really productive night after they left!!! i said to myself, "NO MORE PHONE ALARM CLOCK!!!!!" because, we all know that it never works. and every time i trust it to work, it fails me.
so, remember when i built that little blue table from IKEA?? well, that table quickly became a junk table. a place to hold all the junk and useless things that somehow find me.
last night i said, "NO MORE!" and cleaned off the table. i brought it into my bedroom and am now using it as my ALARM CLOCK TABLE. a REAL alarm clock.
actually, i should clarify. i'm using it as a CD player to play lullabies at nighttime, while my iPod alarm clock is my real alarm. i burnt a CD of lullabies*
*including two new ones:
- lullaby version of 'Love Lockdown' by Kanye West
- lullaby version of 'War Pigs' by Black Sabbath (the great cover song that Crash Kings do.)
so, it's a great new setup in my room AND a great new clean space in my living room! this has inspired me to keep cleaning. so, that might happen. i kind of did some more this afternoon while i was looking for my jewelry making pliers. i found them! and did some organizing along the way.
PRODUCTIVE!!!! then i came to work and looked at a photo recap of Lindsay Lohan's Journey to Jail. yep. that was enjoyable. i also did some real work stuff like printing and faxing and phone calling and baby holding. it was actually pretty busy for a while.
and now things have calmed and i'm blogging.
tonight: should be a good night. we have to run out to the store, but that shouldn't take long.
may i remind you about this upcoming weekend? yes i may.
FRIDAY = ROONEY AND HANSON!!!!!!! performing together at last!!!! on CAPE COD!!!!
SATURDAY = CRASH KINGS!!!!!!!! performing in Portsmouth, NH!!!!!! sooo close to my house it's crazy!!!!
and i am SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR ROONEY that i keep forgetting about Crash Kings! true story! and i kind of can't believe it! like, i can't believe that THAT MUCH awesome will be happening in my life in just two days.
and MY MOM is coming to Crash Kings with me and i can't wait!!! i think she will soon be a Crash Kings fan, as is everyone who sees them live. so exciting!!!
and then NEXT WEEK is Kara's birthday!!!!!! my little sister is turning 21 years old. TWENTY-ONE. omg that is so crazy to think about. i remember the night she was born! and next week, we'll be drinking margaritas together!
and then River City Extension on the 31st. if i can't get anyone to go with me, i just may go by myself. if i hadn't been to Starland Ballroom before, i probably wouldn't. but, since i've been there, it makes it easier.
and then the beginning of August is so much Crash Kings awesome amazingness i can't even describe it.
alright - we're going on a quick errand!
hope everyone is having a great night! my friend in Kansas City is going to see PAPER TONGUES and NEON TREES tonight!!!!!! and i hope she has a super wonderful time.
i PROMISE i'll talk to you again soon!!!! have a great week!!!!!
:: nothing new is going on. yay!
:: actually, this weekend was great. i was home on saturday and spent the day with family, which was really nice. then saturday night got even more awesome:
I SAW ALIYA!!!! yep, THAT Aliya! she was on annual vaca with her fam in Ogunquit, ME and so i made my annual trip over to see her!!! which was so great. we drank fancy coffees and sat on the beach for many hours. it was lovely. soooo good to see her again! and so soon! the last time i saw her was in Chicago!!!
i got home around 1:30am that night, which was crazy because normally i have to be at work at 10pm! but i had the night off!!!!! GREAT! first night off in like, 3.5 weeks, so that was really nice.
and now BACK AT WORK. i'm working right now.
OH, but more on the weekend...
:: so, sunday i hung around with Kara. we had to go out and do some errands in the afternoon, then we went to the gym, then we went out to get fancy hot dogs at this new hot dog place called Monkey Dogs. crazy, to say the least. but delish.
then kara drove back home with me!!!! i LOVE it when she does! we have the funnest rides.
i also discovered the song, 'Your Love is my Drug' by Ke$ha. um, i love it! and i can't wait to dance to it at a dance party. because i have in my mind that a dance party needs to happen. so, if anyone has any thoughts on that... you can let me know.
ANYWAYS, we went to bed kind of early on sunday night. everyone was tired.
monday, we went out for breakfast. kara, my dad and me. it was nice! came home. took naps. went out for dinner in the evening. and then, sadly, they had to go back to maine.
i actually had a really productive night after they left!!! i said to myself, "NO MORE PHONE ALARM CLOCK!!!!!" because, we all know that it never works. and every time i trust it to work, it fails me.
so, remember when i built that little blue table from IKEA?? well, that table quickly became a junk table. a place to hold all the junk and useless things that somehow find me.
last night i said, "NO MORE!" and cleaned off the table. i brought it into my bedroom and am now using it as my ALARM CLOCK TABLE. a REAL alarm clock.
actually, i should clarify. i'm using it as a CD player to play lullabies at nighttime, while my iPod alarm clock is my real alarm. i burnt a CD of lullabies*
*including two new ones:
- lullaby version of 'Love Lockdown' by Kanye West
- lullaby version of 'War Pigs' by Black Sabbath (the great cover song that Crash Kings do.)
so, it's a great new setup in my room AND a great new clean space in my living room! this has inspired me to keep cleaning. so, that might happen. i kind of did some more this afternoon while i was looking for my jewelry making pliers. i found them! and did some organizing along the way.
PRODUCTIVE!!!! then i came to work and looked at a photo recap of Lindsay Lohan's Journey to Jail. yep. that was enjoyable. i also did some real work stuff like printing and faxing and phone calling and baby holding. it was actually pretty busy for a while.
and now things have calmed and i'm blogging.
tonight: should be a good night. we have to run out to the store, but that shouldn't take long.
may i remind you about this upcoming weekend? yes i may.
FRIDAY = ROONEY AND HANSON!!!!!!! performing together at last!!!! on CAPE COD!!!!
SATURDAY = CRASH KINGS!!!!!!!! performing in Portsmouth, NH!!!!!! sooo close to my house it's crazy!!!!
and i am SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR ROONEY that i keep forgetting about Crash Kings! true story! and i kind of can't believe it! like, i can't believe that THAT MUCH awesome will be happening in my life in just two days.
and MY MOM is coming to Crash Kings with me and i can't wait!!! i think she will soon be a Crash Kings fan, as is everyone who sees them live. so exciting!!!
and then NEXT WEEK is Kara's birthday!!!!!! my little sister is turning 21 years old. TWENTY-ONE. omg that is so crazy to think about. i remember the night she was born! and next week, we'll be drinking margaritas together!
and then River City Extension on the 31st. if i can't get anyone to go with me, i just may go by myself. if i hadn't been to Starland Ballroom before, i probably wouldn't. but, since i've been there, it makes it easier.
and then the beginning of August is so much Crash Kings awesome amazingness i can't even describe it.
alright - we're going on a quick errand!
hope everyone is having a great night! my friend in Kansas City is going to see PAPER TONGUES and NEON TREES tonight!!!!!! and i hope she has a super wonderful time.
i PROMISE i'll talk to you again soon!!!! have a great week!!!!!
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