I am really freaking tired. I think it's a combination of only getting 3 hours of sleep and how excited I was last night. It's catching up with me now.
Went to sleep around 4am. Up at 7am. Got ready for work. Down to work at 8am. It's finally 12:20pm and I have somehow managed to waste enough time for me to only start blogging now. What did I do in the time between 8am and now? Well, I don't really know. I ate some cereal. Drank some coffee. Surfed the web. Did some arts and crafts for about an hour. Listened to music a lot. Started to fall asleep in the rocking chair, but then I woke up.
I keep remembering that I am seeing Crash Kings on Saturday! Well, not remembering, but like, realizing. Because it's not that I forget, it's that I don't believe it is actually happening. Because of how much awesome it is.
Kara was just texting me about how she's totally not excited to see Hanson tomorrow night and how she hates concerts. So, it should be a fun night! I reminded her about 'MMMBob,' but she just said, "yeah, i don't like them." Ah well.
Crash Kings posted a tweet this morning advertising a show they're playing in the UK this November. I felt really proud and so excited for them. They have pretty much sexed up this continent, and now it's time to bring the sexy overseas!! How great is that!??! It was a mini-emotional moment for me.
I'm really excited to see them. And not just see them perform, like, to see them. Hopefully I'll get to say hi. It's been a LONG TIME. Chicago was June 5th. YIKES!
MAN, I'm just realizing that I've done pretty much nothing since I started working again. June 21st. That's a month. I've only had one night off. That's kind of pathetic.
I know what I've done!!! Finally!! In my cleaning out the corners of my living room adventure, I came across my Coconut Records poster that came with one of the CD's I got for Christmas. So I said,
JULIE: OMG, why didn't I hang this up immediately?!
So, I hung it up immediately!! Look at it! It's so great. Actually, the lighting is bad in every room of my apartment, so you can't really see the colors. But, that's teal. It's Jason Schwartzman in front of a pretty teal background. LOVE IT!!!!
Now I smile every time I walk by!!
And I just realized once again that I'll be hanging out with Jason's brother tomorrow night!! And by 'hanging out with' I mean fawning over and trying to get him to fall in love with me. And speaking of Robert, I should be listening to Rooney right now.
Ok, don't worry - I made a new iTunes playlist featuring, Rooney, Hanson, Crash Kings and River City Extension. The four things getting me through this work day. For realz.
Finished watching season 5 of How I Met Your Mother last night. awwww. So good. Can I just tell everyone about how good an actor I think Neil Patrick Harris is?? I just think he's so good. Like, he's not just enjoyable to watch, but I actually think he knows what he's doing. A lot of the time I feel like he's acting like he's on stage, and I really like that.
Also, that musical number about wearing suits? AWESOME! Yeah, it was a good season. Can't wait for season 6!
But just for the record: I do not think that Robin is prettier than Lily. Everyone on the show is all about how hott Robin is, and how men just love her and how she's so sexy and pretty. I just do not find her that attractive. I think Lily is the super sexy one.
Hmmm. What else can I tell you about?!!
I watched Thelma and Louise the other night for the first time!! Aw, so great, right?! Yeah, I really liked it. It made me want to become an outlaw. Girl power!
I watched something else too.......
OH! When in Rome. Um, it was pretty silly. Much sillier than Leap Year. I thought it was a really cute plot and idea, but it just kind of failed. Well, no, not failed. Just didn't live up to what I thought it was going to be. Kristen Bell was cute, as always. Her sister was played by the actress who played Ashley in season 6 of Entourage! I didn't like her because she was way too skinny and annoying.
I thought all the guys were funny. Dax Shepard (real-life fiance of K.Bell!), Will Arnett, Danny DeVito and Jon Heder. I liked all of them.
Anyways. Tonight I have 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.' I haven't seen it! The one with Mos Def and Zooey Deschanel. And the guy who plays Jim on The Office in Britain. I feel like I've seen a million trailers for it recently on old movies that I watch and so finally I said, "okay, I have to see this movie."
So, that's all.
Oh, for those of you playing at home, my 'It's Only Wednesday' play count is up to 238 on iTunes.
WOW - it's 1:30!!!! Only 4.5 hours left!!!! I'm hoping I can leave at 5:30 instead of 6. I'm scheduled until whenever the next staff member comes in, and it's usually somewhere in between. Last night she came in at 5:30.
Ok, so read my horoscope for today:
There's some potent, active energy coming your way today, so seize the day. You may want to seize the night as well, for that matter! You don't have to do anything huge or take any life-changing risks -- you just need to make sure you're in the right place at the right time. Luckily for you, almost anything you choose to do should place you there. All you need to do is show up with the right attitude.
It kind of bummed me out, because it makes it seem like something cool and awesome is going to happen tonight if I go out and do something exciting. But, my plan for after work was to go home and take a nap. So now I'm like, "Well that's crap."
What could I be missing out on?? But then I thought, "maybe the universe has another great dream in store for me!!!" Because that would rock. And just as exciting as anything that could potentially happen in real life.
Actually, probably more exciting than anything that could happen in real life. At least to me, anyways.
But now because I said that, there is probably going to be some perfectly awesome situation that I will miss out on. And what will I be doing? Taking a nap.
I read an article this morning saying that one of the ingredients in Silly Putty is also found in the McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. It really grossed me out. That's so gross! I couldn't believe it. UGH!
Now it's 1:45!! Time always goes quicker in the afternoon. Like, from 11am on.
And in other news: there are some very disturbing things going on with Tally Hall. Specifically related to Joe (red tie) and his absence from the band for recent shows. Apparently, he did not tour with the band when they toured in March. And, they are playing a show tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Arts Festival, which he also won't be performing at.
And nobody from Tally Hall is releasing any kind of a statement about this. It's making me sad. Joe! Red tie! Gorilla! We love him. I love him.
Also, Ann Arbor!! Ah, the city that holds my heart. And that key lime pie fro yo that I want to try someday. And, what a pretty name for a city, right?
Ok. I guess I should maybe go do something?? The thing is, there isn't anything to do. Maybe I'll go upstairs and make lunch and visit Ruby Tuesday for a minute! The hard thing about living at work is that times like right now, where I'm not doing a freaking thing, I keep thinking, "why can't I be upstairs at home doing nothing?" I would keep the phone plugged in in case anyone needed me. Then at least Ruby Tuesday wouldn't have to be alone.
OHHHH I haven't watched the Jonas episode from Sunday yet!!!!!! HOLY MAN I can do that later!!!!!! I'm not sure how I feel about Jonas L.A. I mean, duh, I love it. But, do I like it better than normal Jonas when they're in New Jersey? Um, I don't know. It definitely makes them seem more like famous rockstars and less like normal people.
But, NICK AND MACY PLEASE MAKE OUT ALREADY!!!!! OMG, they are so cute together!
I'm wearing this great purple necklace today with my hot pink, orange and purple dress. I realized that I have not one, but TWO hott pink, orange and purple dresses. One is plaid and one is not. Hott, right? Yep. And the one I am wearing today I got at Wal-Mart for $10. STEAL.
OK. 2PM. Scratch that, 2:01pm. Even better. Every minute counts.
I'm going to go make a sandwich. I hope everyone is having a great day!! It's Thursday!
Take care, friends.
OH, there was one more thing I wanted to talk about. Hm. I'll make it a separate entry later because it's important and I want everybody to read it. :)
OK! Talk to you later!!!
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