Hey guys. I realized something very important this morning on my way into work. I am not an adult. I am actually quite far from being an adult. And I thought, 'I should blog about this.' And then I thought, 'I bet I could come up with some examples of just how much I am not an adult.'
YOU'RE IN LUCK! I found some examples!! Let's begin:
You see, here we have a photo I took this morning in my car, of the dashboard. Please note I have TWO MILES left on my gas tank. Irresponsible. Especially in the winter. Also, I need an oil change. Irresponsible! And, if I had made the shot a little wider, you would see that my tire pressure light is on. And has been on allll winter. Majorly irresponsible!
That's like, two pieces of evidence in one photo.
Moving on.
This, my friends, is a screen capture from my bank account! (I've hot-pink'd out my account number.) Please note that it says $3.85. Yeah, that's the total. Do you see a savings account in that list? Yeah. That's because I don't have one. Why? Because the bank closed the account after the balance was $0.00 for like, three years.
I used up the $9 I had in cash at the gas station this morning. That $3.85 has to hold me over until Friday. I haven't been this broke in a while. NOT AN ADULT.
This is a photo I took of myself today:

Wearing a yellow shirt! AT LEAST I'm following through on my resolutions! :)
I have some important things to talk about. Well, kinda.
1. SHOUT OUTS!!!!! Remember how sometimes I like to do shout outs to people who read my blog?!?! YEP!
Today's shout out goes to DK!! He told me today at work that he was up until midnight reading THIS VERY BLOG! He got all the way back to the Taylor Swift concert! That's dedication! Thanks for reading, DK. I really appreciate it :) AND, now you get an awesome shout out!
2. My hair! I love experimenting with my hair, be it color or style. Recently, I have found a way to curl your hair with no tools!
Here is the website, and you all should try this. IT REALLY WORKS. Basically you take one of those thin elastic headbands (mine is Goody brand), put it over your head like, "hippy" style, and then twist your hair underneath until it's all up. It doesn't make sense when you read it. You have to go to that website. I even had to watch the video because I was still perplexed.
The first time I did it, it came out awesome. The second time, ehhhh. It came out, ok. Still curly, just not as fancy. Both times I've had to run the straightener through a few times in the morning, also brush it out with my fingers (because I don't own a real brush) because it's like WHOA CURLS. It also adds great volume! Something which I am always looking for! But it takes like five seconds to do, and then you just sleep on it! And it's not bulky or plastic-y like some overnight curling methods. You don't wake up the next morning sleeping in a giant pile of bobby pins.
It's hard being a girl.
Remember I challenged you all to write me some haikus after I wrote a circular one a few weeks ago?? WELL - I had four lovely people submit me some damn fine haikus! And now, without their knowledge or permission, I will post them here!!!!
Folks, we've got poets in our company. Let's enjoy the poetic stylings of:
some branches prefer
the challenges of winter
over boring sun
I miss mod sixty
and convincing Julie to
stay downstairs with me
(i miss this too!)
I can't do it, you
can do it. Really? My gar-
lic knot is ready.
(Emily said she recorded what David said, and then turned it into a haiku. Love it.)
in the road i see
the promise of adventure
why don't we do it
Can you believe these are my friends?!?! I was/am pretty impressed by their continued awesomeness. PLEASE, let this challenge continue! If you ever feel the need to write a lil' haiku, please send it along my way. I'll post it here! That sounds fun.
I hope you guys are getting excited about the new blog!!! I am! I'm also getting nervous about the video blog. YEESH!!! But, I'm really excited to unveil the awesomeness to your eyes.
I'll post the invitation soon :)
ALSO, um, did anyone notice that the title of this entry ROCKS?!?!?! 'two miles on my tank and three dollars in the bank!' Yeah, did I mention I'm a rapper?? Cuz it sure sounds like it. I should figure out how to post some of my raps that I recorded with Andrew. Not the Andrew that posted the haiku. But, other Andrew.
So tomorrow at work is FLOORSET!!!! I'm doing more flying displays! I'm excited. I like floorset days because I feel in control of myself and what I'm doing. I feel like I have responsibility, and I really like that. I like being responsible for things.
I liked that about working at Hannah House. It was like, I was in control of the house during the nighttime. All those mother and babies were my responsibility to keep safe. I also think this is one of the reasons I would like to be a lighthouse keeper or a ship captain.
That ship captain that "fell into the lifeboat" on that cruise ship that recently ran aground, MAN, he could have been so great. And instead, he's a douchebag. Like, he had so much he was responsible for. He was the CAPTAIN. Not something to be taken lightly.
Also today at work, I was hanging out with Katie D and she was saying that I was the "vision specialist" at the store. And I was like, "that sounds like I work at LensCrafters." haha. I laughed. And I just laughed about it again. So, there ya go.
- One Week. Starring Joshua Jackson. Yes, that Joshua Jackson. From Dawson's Creek. What was his name? Percy? Pacey? Something like that, I think. Comment if you remember! Without looking it up! Anyways, this movie was about a guy who finds out he has stage four cancer, so he buys this old Norton motorcycle and heads west. Two things:
1. Norton was the brand of motorcycle that Che Guevara and Alberto Granado rode in The Motorcycle Diaries.
2. I assumed this film was set in the US - but no! It was set in Canada! Turns out it was a Canadian film! Great!
So, he starts in Toronto and ends up in Tofino, which is on Vancouver Island! That's where my dad lives! Not in Tofino, but on the island! One of the spots he went to on the trip was Banff, where my dad, Kara and I went when we went on our big Canadian adventure! I really liked the movie.
Well, ok! I think that might be it. I'd say this was a fun-filled entry, as always.
Be on the lookout for your New Blog Unveiling Ribbon-Cutting Extravaganza Party of the Century invitation! Coming soon!!!
Hope you all had a great weekend! Enjoy this week! It's almost my birthday month! :)
Have a great night!
and so i run now to the things they say can restore me
restore life the way it should be