So, today is one of those days where I do nothing. I watched the movie, 'The Bounty Hunter.' Yesss the one with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. Whenever I watch a Jennifer Aniston movie, I always watch it during the day, so that if it's totally horrible, there is still a chance for the day to be redeemed after the movie is over.
I didn't hate 'The Bounty Hunter.' I guess that's all I really have to say about it. I didn't hate it.
The movie also included two songs by Ke$ha. So, you really can't go wrong.
AW. Ruby Tuesday just threw up all over her favorite toy. Son of a gun. She's been eating cardboard like it's nobody's business lately. I don't understand it.
Hold on.
This was basically how the day was spent. Snuggling on the couch. Doesn't she look like a baby there?? Her face looks so young!
Ok. Throw up is cleaned up. Toy is washed and in the drying rack in the sink. Eventful!
ANYWAYS. Onto much less-gross things! Actually, sexy things!
I feel like I really haven't talked about Crash Kings in a while. With the exception of the Crash Kings/Jersey Shore crossover episode. Which was AMAZING. I guess because I haven't seen them in 43 days, I haven't talked about them. Have I? Am I just being totally lame and don't even realize that I'm talking about Crash Kings when I'm talking about them?
I don't know if you remember when we saw them at The Middle East downstairs back on August 4th. I remember. Because it was awesome and amazing. Well, I'm not sure if I talked about this, but there was this woman photographer that came right up to the front of the crowd just before they started playing and said she'd only be there for the first two songs, but then ended up staying there the whole show. And she was pretty annoying. Pushing her way around. Standing in front of us with her camera. It was uncool.
BUT, then she released the pictures she had taken that night and I RESCIND ANY HOSTILE FEELINGS I EVER HAD TOWARDS HER. Why??
yes. YES. That happened at a show I WAS AT. Do we need a moment? Let's take a moment and enjoy that last photo.
YEP. MIKE. Also, look at that great smile!! Ohh, it makes me very happy. You should totally check out the rest of the photos, including a great blog entry. AND YOU CAN DO THAT HERE.
Last night after writing my RCE show review, I went back and reread the blog entry from The Mercury Lounge, the FIRST time I saw them. Ha, it was exciting. It's just funny because I had no idea who they were. I make reference to Joe and call him, "the guy in the red sweater."
Anyways, that entry also includes the Crash Kings show from Portland, Maine, where we had the great hangout sesh with Tony on the couches. And then that super drunk girl came up and was groping him. And he broke the piano string and gave an extra string to Ryan. That was a great Tony night.
I think because I want to go to a Crash Kings show so badly, I am reliving past shows through my blog. This is why it's good to have a blog. So you can live in the past!!
Buuttt, Crash Kings just did a two-song session at EastWest Studios for Cambio Connect. And... umm... it's pretty great. Like, really great, actually.
They performed 'You Got Me' and 'Mountain Man.' I would encourage you to watch 'You Got Me.' OK, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO WATCH THAT VIDEO?!?!
Think of whatever it may be. Then imagine me doing it. And then watch the video. GREAT!
There are some really beautiful shots of the guys. And of the tattoo:
Love that. Guy wears his heart on his hand.
Also, that. Screenshot from the video. It's like, them playing interspersed with them being interviewed. There's also reallllyyy cool footage of Tony whammying. Or, Tony playing the clavinet. But, it's just a really great angle.
AH. I can't believe I still have to wait over a month to see them again. And it's not even close! It's Philadelphia and then it's NYC.
I just remembered the time Ryan and I drove down to West Chester and Jason recognized us on the street and said, "You made it!" Because I had tweeted to them telling them that we were driving down from Boston and to not start without us!
I've told you all this already. I'm just having a night where I want to talk about it all. And since Ruby Tuesday is asleep, you guys are all I have.
But, speaking of Crash Kings playing in West Chester.... RIVER CITY EXTENSION IS PLAYING THERE TONIGHT!!! Probably RIGHT NOW. RIGHT as I WRITE this. Same club.
Alright. I guess that's all. I'm going to go watch Jersey Shore now. Last week's episode was so good. The big throwdown in the kitchen between Sammi and JWOWW.
OKAY! Hope you had a great week! Let's hope for a great weekend! I'm working tomorrow. No plans for Sunday.
I might make tomato soup now. So, that's good. I was going to make pizza, but then remembered I don't have any sauce.
OH OH OH OH WAIT!!!!! Don't go just yet.
I have had this article opened in a tab ALL FREAKING WEEK, and I keep forgetting to share it with you. TONIGHT! I'll post it, and then I can finally close the tab.
It's an article my dad sent to me. It's from NPR!
Hanson: Timeless Pop.
WORD, NPR. True that. TIMELESS!!! If you read the comments on the article, someone even talks about still listening to their Christmas album every year!! BEST CHRISTMAS RECORD EVER.
Hanson, man. They're so good, and so under appreciated. Maybe under appreciated is the wrong term. Misunderstood, maybe. People have this idea they're this total boy-band. That statement is only true because they are all boys and they are in a band. FACT. But they're a great rock band! Talented guys who happen to be totally gorgeous.
And, you should watch their unplugged performance of 'Waiting For This,' which they did for Even KARA (yes, my Hanson-hating sister) LOVES that song. She was kind of miserable through the whole Hanson concert I dragged her to, but she still talks about how awesome it was when they performed that song.
1. Crash Kings
2. River City Extension
3. Hanson
Great blog post, eh?!? I'd say I've successfully fan-girl'd out. ♥
So, have a great rest of the night. I will. Have a great tomorrow. I will. And I'll talk to you later!!!