i am currently recovering from a little situation i just had. a tiny sitch. all day this paranoia about my earring had been growing. it lay moribund for a while this afternoon. stagnant. and then i couldn't stop playing with it. i could always feel it in my ear.
and then i washed my hair. and then i just couldn't stand it anymore. so, in a brave and daring state of julie, i took out my earring. and i cleaned it. i cleaned the hole in my ear. there's this huge red area under the earring back which i am not happy about. i have a feeling it will be there forever. and i let everything soak for a few seconds in a mixture of warm water and kosher salt. which i keep on hand in my bathroom.
and then i put the earring back in. but then i took it out again because i didn't like it.
but then i eventually put it back in. i hate hate hate very strongly the feeling of the earring going in. it's like nails on a chalkboard. tin foil on your teeth. it makes me cringe to the highest degree.
now is one of those rare times where i can't feel the earring in.
ugh it drives me up a wall.
if you are thinking of getting you ear pierced, or any other part of you pierced, i would not recommend it. it just causes a state of paranoia to set in for the rest of your life.
that's my story.
my big announcement was something that i decided a few day ago. i don't know why i haven't told you yet.
here it is:
i am growing my hair out.
it's true. i thought for a while that i was going to cut my hair. get a little snip. but, i have decided no. i am going to grow it out very long. long enough so i can put it over my shoulder. and tie it with an elastic and have it stay there all day. that's the goal.
i'm also growing my bangs out. i think that part will suck. all the inbetween stages of bangs. but, i'm gonna do it. i've got headbands. i've got bobbi pins. got some scarves. i'm ready to tackle the bangs stages.
and then once all these processes of growth are finished, i may go blonde again. we'll see. long blonde hair over my shoulder. sounds kind of like magic.
anyways. that's the big news of the day.
the sun is setting right now. the sky is orange. i can see it from my window. it's great.
had some eggs this morning. some multi-grain toast. some coffee. haven't been doing much. i was going to go to the post office and get my Veronica Mars. but, i didn't. i'm not really sure why. i kind of forgot about it until late. and then eh. i just didn't want to leave.
finished watching I Love You, Man. paul rudd. jason segal. i liked it. i had seen the first 3/4 a few weeks ago at my house. and i left the netflix disc there for my mom and kara to finish. and then my mom mailed it to me to finish. so i did this morning.
good movie. a good bromance. you can never have enough bromance, in my opinion.
my left pinky finger has been hurting all day. anyone know what that means? i can't get it to stop hurting.
went to bed around 5am this morning. couldn't sleep. alarm went off at noontime. Ruby Tuesday was clawing at my arm which hurt a lot. so i got up and fed her. and then went back to sleep. woke up at 1:57.
i think i still might be able to get to sleep early tonight because i'm still feeling pretty tired.
might do some painting. i have this paper. and i have these paints. and i have to write letters to people. so, i was going to jazz up the paper with the paints and then write my letters. i thought that might be fun. maybe i'll even light a candle.
alright. that's all for now. i wish i had internet in other places in my apartment besides my living room. even in my kitchen it's not as strong. the siggy goes in and out. (that's signal) i really want to sit at my kitchen table and be online. but, it doesn't work that way. i don't really understand why. i'm guess because the wireless airport device is on the first floor. and i'm up here on the third.
whatev. i'm just happy to have free internet.
i'm so excited about seeing my family tomorrow, i can't even tell you. i'm so happy about it.
alright. i'm gonna go. Miss Tuesday is sitting behind me on the arm of the couch. she's doing well today. took a nap in my bed, on the red chair by the window, on her futon, on the red chair again, on my lap, back on the futon, and now she's getting sleepy on the couch. she's had a busy day of napping and looking out the window. it's a hard life for us here on the third floor.
the sun is set. i'm gonna go put on my ipod and light a candle. you probably won't believe that i am going to light a candle, so i'll take a picture. and i'll post it.
k. be well. love you. hope you had a great day. i really like talking to you. i hope you know that.
take care.
04 September 2009
a request if you have the twitter.....
IF YOU HAVE TWITTER, please follow @rooneyband. not by request of me, but by request of Robert himself. i woke up this morning to this series of Rooney "tweets" from Robert Schwartzman (RS). i have screencapped them for you to enjoy. start from the bottom and read up. OR, if you're brave and daring, CLICK on the picture and you'll be able to read it better. then just use your browsers BACK button to get back here!!

sorry sorry it's not the best quality. (see how i threw in the title of a rooney song there? very clever.)
so, anyways, if you have twitter please start following @rooneyband. they are a very fun band to follow. it's most Robert who updates, but sometimes the other band members do too. like, the other night when someone tweeted about making steak and hanging out in the hot tub.
i promise you won't be disappointed. and let ME know if you decide to participate in the experiment so i can let Robert know. for serious!
have a great day!!

sorry sorry it's not the best quality. (see how i threw in the title of a rooney song there? very clever.)
so, anyways, if you have twitter please start following @rooneyband. they are a very fun band to follow. it's most Robert who updates, but sometimes the other band members do too. like, the other night when someone tweeted about making steak and hanging out in the hot tub.
i promise you won't be disappointed. and let ME know if you decide to participate in the experiment so i can let Robert know. for serious!
have a great day!!
03 September 2009
lost (again) in translation
hey. it's me. here. gonna do some blogging for you all. b-logging.
blog are you blogging about, sonic the hedge-blog?
love it. can't remember where it's front. i mean, where it's from. for some reason it makes me think of Nat Port. no idea why. i used that line as the title as one of my Livejournal entries. i think i was in the airport lounge when i wrote it. if i could title every blog entry that one line, i totes would.
and then i would start every entry off, "oh hi. i didn't see you there." because that is just the greatest greeting ever created.
so. i'm here. feeling pretty mellow right now. i'm like, tired. but i don't want to go to bed just yet. it's 2:21 in the am. friday morning. i don't know the date. the 3rd maybe. or the 4th maybe.
i'm not working, actually. my boss is sleeping over on the pull-out couch in the staff office. and when she does that, she usually tells me that i can have the night off. since she'll be in the office. and, if somebody needed something in the night (ie. tums, ibuprof) i would have to get into the office to get it. and then i would wake her up. so, she just tells me that she'll do it. i like that. i'm very grateful.
and she'll take care of things in the morning too. so, i don't have to wake up early. early, meaning like, 6:45.
today i worked for a long time. until 10am. actually, more like, 10:30. because Diane came in and we talked for a while. it was cool. i like her a lot. she's a great person. i work with great people. i can't imagine a better staffing of this house.
this morning while i was sitting in the staff office looking out over the living room it was very quiet. and i just took a moment to myself. and i thought about this house. and then i thought, "if this was a normal house, i wonder what kind of family would live here."
like, if this place that i am in right now was not a non-profit placement home for pregnant and parenting teenagers and it was just another house on the street, who would live here? a family? young couple with kids? older couple with the kids moved out? would my apartment even be an apartment, or would it be an attic? what would the house look like without the two staff offices? i wonder what kinds of things would be in the yard if it wasn't a daycare.
it was just very interesting to me to think about all this.
i've kind of got a stomach ache right now. it's like, a weird thing. i feel like it will go away if i go to sleep. but, i don't want to go to sleep.
although, i probs should.
i kind of want to get up early tomorrow even though i don't have to. because, i want to be tired enough to go to bed early friday night, so i can get up early saturday morning and drive home.
see how that works? i have to plan DAYS in advance if i want to get up early one day. that's how hard my life is right now. i'm kidding. i don't have a hard life.
i'm really looking forward to going home for one day. i think it will be good. actually, two days kind of. one night. but, one day will be in providence. which i'm excited for. i'm just really looking forward to hanging out with my mom. i love her a lot. and i like being with her because she's fun. and even though i'm around mothers all the time, there's nothing like going home to your own mother. because she's the best. ya dig?
i'm sorry. i will never use that expression again.
but speaking of dig. idina menzel and taye diggs had their baby! remember when i announced that she was pregnant?! that was nine months ago! and the baby just came on wednesday, i think. it's a boy. we knew it was going to be. and they called him Walker Nathanial. which, i think is a very strong name. kara is going to name her son Nathanial. so, that's what it made me think of.
i met a doctor today whose last name was Strange. i liked that. it was kind of.....weird.
also, i just watched Lost in Translation. for the second time in my life. the first was with Aliya. and i liked it a lot. and i just watched it again. and i still liked it a lot. i decided that i think that Scar Jo's character in the movie is exactly how Sofia Coppola is in real life. i just think that they probably wear the same clothes. i don't know Sofia Coppola at all, though. not even a little bit. well, i know she has a baby named Romy. that's pretty much it. but, i'm excited for her new movie with Benecio del Toro. i like him.
um. what else.
went to wal-mart today. did not like it. although, i was in a pretty good mood. and i had on an outfit combo that i had never worn before. so that was cool. and i just walked pretty slow.
i've been noticing more how much i either whistle, hum, or sing to myself while i am in public places. lately i've been doing it a lot. what's wrong with that? nada. i do everything alone so there's gotta be some fun in it.
let's see what did i buy at wal-mart. a notebook. new headbands because my other one broke. a lighter. like, one of those ones that everyone has. where you don't have to light a match. i had never used one before tonight.
so, i bought all these candles at Ikea last week. and then realized, wait a minute....i don't light candles because i don't like fire. so, then i thought and thought about it and i asked kara if she thought i would be able to figure out how to use one of those lighters. and she said yes. so, i got one tonight. and i tried it out once. and then i was going to light a candle, but i decided not to. still not quite ready. step one was buying the lighter. that was a big step.
bought some envelopes to mail the blog appreciation gifts. bought a tank top for that shirt that i made one of the girls here. i have to sew a tank top into the t-shirt because there is a big hole in it. so i finally bought one tonight.
it's a Miley Cyrus brand of clothing. it was actually the cheapest one that was plain white and didn't have a bunch of crap on it. so, i got it. while i was browsing around in the Miley Cyrus section, i saw a pair of leggings that look like they are made out of leather. like, they're supposed to look that way. let me just say, i hope i never see anybody wearing them.
i think that was all i bought. not too many things. but just enough.
then i went to the grocery store. i think i told you i needed tea. coffee. rice vinegar. got some ibuprofen because i've been getting some headaches lately. i woke up with a headache the other day and it was not a fun time. and, i didn't have any ibuprof to take.
people always tell you that ibuprofen is so hard on your stomach and you should never take it without food. well, i have never experienced any of this. i pretty much always take it without food. and it always works just fine. so, that's my story.
i took a bath tonight. Ruby Tuesday didn't like it because she can't come into the bathroom while i'm in the bath. because, she climbs around under the tub and tries to reach up in the space between the tub and the wall. and it makes me so nervous that she will get stuck. and so then i have to splash her with water to get her to stop. and she doesn't like that and i feel bad doing that. so, i had to barricade up the door so she could not open it. but, it was still pretty sad. because, she was crying outside and reaching up and playing with the door knob.
i have one of those old claw foot tubs. that's why you can get under it and in between it and the wall.
i saw a beautiful sight today. just as it was sunset i looked over the mountains and there was a hot air balloon floating in the sky. it was very pretty. and i like seeing hot air balloons all the time. it's kind of strange, because i had never seen one before moving up here.
but then i always think of how scared i would be up in one. and how you can't control the direction the hot air balloon goes. you can only control up and down. so you have to know about the different air currents in order to map your course. i think that sounds scary.
kind of like life, though. life as a compass person instead of a map person. you can't see where you're going because you don't have the map. only the compass. it's a me and andrew thing.
i have a list of stuff that i want to bring back from maine. the list includes my guitar, my lime green headband, and my Rooney t-shirt. i found a picture of myself wearing my Rooney t-shirt and i was like, "hey, why don't i have that with me?" let me see if i can find the picture so you can see how awesome the shirt is....

there's the shirt. let me see if i can find a better picture of it so you can see that it's hott pink.

that's the best i could do. i had dyed my hair blonde right before i saw Rooney. although, these were taken after, duh, because i have the t-shirt. i guess if i see Rooney again they probably won't remember me because i have brown hair again.
i had dyed my hair blonde for halloween.
earlier today i was bored so i was on youtube watching Rooney blog videos. i find them awesomely entertaining. and i watched one where Robert was talking about how him, his brother and Ben Lee all had dinner together the night before to celebrate Ben's birthday. and then they were going to go on tour together. and that was the tour that i saw. so, it made me quite excited to hear him talking about it. and also quite jealous because how awesome would it have been to be at that dinner? um, unimaginably awesome.
anyways. and now we can segue into talking about Ben Lee. how perf.
so, i was on myspace today and saw that Ben Lee had posted a blog about downloading a free album. this interested me, so i read on. and he gave the link to The Noise Addicts, which was a band he had been a member of many years back. and they were regrouping to make a cd. and the cd was free on their website.
so i said, "well i gotta have that cd." so, i downloaded it! for free! and listened to it. it's very cool. some good music. i like Ben Lee. i like him a lot. and i have liked him for such a long time. his first cd was like, one of the first cd's ever. like, after cassette tapes. yeah, i was really young. maybe like, 10.
so, his first cd came out in 1995 i just learned from good 'ol Wiki, so i was 9. all thanks to my dad for getting me into Ben Lee. he's a good guy. my dad, and Ben. (because i've met Ben! twice! whatwhat!)


Jenny is in the last one too. you are allowed to be totally jealous. neither of these times was the time they played with Rooney, though. you can tell by the color of my hair.
kind of like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. you can tell where they are in time by the color of Kate Winslet's hair. yeah, my life is just like that.
alright. where am i going with all this. i should be going to bed.
it's 3:36am now. sorry, 3:26am. i'm ten minutes ahead of myself.
so, the problem with getting up "early" on friday is i don't know what to do.
well, let's see:
- eat breakfast
- check out the internet
- write some letters that need writing
- get netflix
- read
i think i'm getting more Veronica Mars. because, i just got an Entourage. and i have them alternating in my queue. nice.
well, i guess that's a pretty full day. not really. maybe i'll light a candle. it was nighttime last night and i happened to look outside over to my neighbors, and they were eating dinner on their porch by candle light. it looked so beautiful.
maybe i'll do laundry tomorrow.
this morning, i was getting back in bed around 10:45am and i must have JUST fallen asleep and Ruby was sleeping under the blankets with me. and then the guy across the street starts hammering his porch steps. and both myself and Ruby got very scared and startled by this. because we both woke up. and Ruby couldn't even stay in the room. she had to go sit in the hallway until he stopped. it was weird how clearly we could hear the sounds. i seriously thought that someone was directly outside my window. on the third floor. weird how sound works.
and then he stopped and i immediately fell back to sleep. and Ruby slept on the red chair by the window like she always does.
ok. i think that's all i have to say. i'll end with the hammering story because i don't think i can do any better than that. it's a good one. they'll probably make it into a movie one day.
have a great day. it is Friday now, so enjoy it. most of you probably won't see your work mates until monday again. wish them well in your departure this afternoon. i will also wish you well. i hope you have the very best of times doing whatever you are doing in this moment, and the moment after we part. take care of yourself. drive safely. drink lots of water to stay hydrated. eat some leafy greens. brush your teeth often. keep your fire burning. stay positive. take a minute today to think about something new. and let me know what it is.
i have really enjoyed writing this entry tonight. i feel like i am in a good space right now. a good space with good people. i've got Bill Murray staring back at me from the dvd menu. what more can a girl want?
blog are you blogging about, sonic the hedge-blog?
love it. can't remember where it's front. i mean, where it's from. for some reason it makes me think of Nat Port. no idea why. i used that line as the title as one of my Livejournal entries. i think i was in the airport lounge when i wrote it. if i could title every blog entry that one line, i totes would.
and then i would start every entry off, "oh hi. i didn't see you there." because that is just the greatest greeting ever created.
so. i'm here. feeling pretty mellow right now. i'm like, tired. but i don't want to go to bed just yet. it's 2:21 in the am. friday morning. i don't know the date. the 3rd maybe. or the 4th maybe.
i'm not working, actually. my boss is sleeping over on the pull-out couch in the staff office. and when she does that, she usually tells me that i can have the night off. since she'll be in the office. and, if somebody needed something in the night (ie. tums, ibuprof) i would have to get into the office to get it. and then i would wake her up. so, she just tells me that she'll do it. i like that. i'm very grateful.
and she'll take care of things in the morning too. so, i don't have to wake up early. early, meaning like, 6:45.
today i worked for a long time. until 10am. actually, more like, 10:30. because Diane came in and we talked for a while. it was cool. i like her a lot. she's a great person. i work with great people. i can't imagine a better staffing of this house.
this morning while i was sitting in the staff office looking out over the living room it was very quiet. and i just took a moment to myself. and i thought about this house. and then i thought, "if this was a normal house, i wonder what kind of family would live here."
like, if this place that i am in right now was not a non-profit placement home for pregnant and parenting teenagers and it was just another house on the street, who would live here? a family? young couple with kids? older couple with the kids moved out? would my apartment even be an apartment, or would it be an attic? what would the house look like without the two staff offices? i wonder what kinds of things would be in the yard if it wasn't a daycare.
it was just very interesting to me to think about all this.
i've kind of got a stomach ache right now. it's like, a weird thing. i feel like it will go away if i go to sleep. but, i don't want to go to sleep.
although, i probs should.
i kind of want to get up early tomorrow even though i don't have to. because, i want to be tired enough to go to bed early friday night, so i can get up early saturday morning and drive home.
see how that works? i have to plan DAYS in advance if i want to get up early one day. that's how hard my life is right now. i'm kidding. i don't have a hard life.
i'm really looking forward to going home for one day. i think it will be good. actually, two days kind of. one night. but, one day will be in providence. which i'm excited for. i'm just really looking forward to hanging out with my mom. i love her a lot. and i like being with her because she's fun. and even though i'm around mothers all the time, there's nothing like going home to your own mother. because she's the best. ya dig?
i'm sorry. i will never use that expression again.
but speaking of dig. idina menzel and taye diggs had their baby! remember when i announced that she was pregnant?! that was nine months ago! and the baby just came on wednesday, i think. it's a boy. we knew it was going to be. and they called him Walker Nathanial. which, i think is a very strong name. kara is going to name her son Nathanial. so, that's what it made me think of.
i met a doctor today whose last name was Strange. i liked that. it was kind of.....weird.
also, i just watched Lost in Translation. for the second time in my life. the first was with Aliya. and i liked it a lot. and i just watched it again. and i still liked it a lot. i decided that i think that Scar Jo's character in the movie is exactly how Sofia Coppola is in real life. i just think that they probably wear the same clothes. i don't know Sofia Coppola at all, though. not even a little bit. well, i know she has a baby named Romy. that's pretty much it. but, i'm excited for her new movie with Benecio del Toro. i like him.
um. what else.
went to wal-mart today. did not like it. although, i was in a pretty good mood. and i had on an outfit combo that i had never worn before. so that was cool. and i just walked pretty slow.
i've been noticing more how much i either whistle, hum, or sing to myself while i am in public places. lately i've been doing it a lot. what's wrong with that? nada. i do everything alone so there's gotta be some fun in it.
let's see what did i buy at wal-mart. a notebook. new headbands because my other one broke. a lighter. like, one of those ones that everyone has. where you don't have to light a match. i had never used one before tonight.
so, i bought all these candles at Ikea last week. and then realized, wait a minute....i don't light candles because i don't like fire. so, then i thought and thought about it and i asked kara if she thought i would be able to figure out how to use one of those lighters. and she said yes. so, i got one tonight. and i tried it out once. and then i was going to light a candle, but i decided not to. still not quite ready. step one was buying the lighter. that was a big step.
bought some envelopes to mail the blog appreciation gifts. bought a tank top for that shirt that i made one of the girls here. i have to sew a tank top into the t-shirt because there is a big hole in it. so i finally bought one tonight.
it's a Miley Cyrus brand of clothing. it was actually the cheapest one that was plain white and didn't have a bunch of crap on it. so, i got it. while i was browsing around in the Miley Cyrus section, i saw a pair of leggings that look like they are made out of leather. like, they're supposed to look that way. let me just say, i hope i never see anybody wearing them.
i think that was all i bought. not too many things. but just enough.
then i went to the grocery store. i think i told you i needed tea. coffee. rice vinegar. got some ibuprofen because i've been getting some headaches lately. i woke up with a headache the other day and it was not a fun time. and, i didn't have any ibuprof to take.
people always tell you that ibuprofen is so hard on your stomach and you should never take it without food. well, i have never experienced any of this. i pretty much always take it without food. and it always works just fine. so, that's my story.
i took a bath tonight. Ruby Tuesday didn't like it because she can't come into the bathroom while i'm in the bath. because, she climbs around under the tub and tries to reach up in the space between the tub and the wall. and it makes me so nervous that she will get stuck. and so then i have to splash her with water to get her to stop. and she doesn't like that and i feel bad doing that. so, i had to barricade up the door so she could not open it. but, it was still pretty sad. because, she was crying outside and reaching up and playing with the door knob.
i have one of those old claw foot tubs. that's why you can get under it and in between it and the wall.
i saw a beautiful sight today. just as it was sunset i looked over the mountains and there was a hot air balloon floating in the sky. it was very pretty. and i like seeing hot air balloons all the time. it's kind of strange, because i had never seen one before moving up here.
but then i always think of how scared i would be up in one. and how you can't control the direction the hot air balloon goes. you can only control up and down. so you have to know about the different air currents in order to map your course. i think that sounds scary.
kind of like life, though. life as a compass person instead of a map person. you can't see where you're going because you don't have the map. only the compass. it's a me and andrew thing.
i have a list of stuff that i want to bring back from maine. the list includes my guitar, my lime green headband, and my Rooney t-shirt. i found a picture of myself wearing my Rooney t-shirt and i was like, "hey, why don't i have that with me?" let me see if i can find the picture so you can see how awesome the shirt is....
there's the shirt. let me see if i can find a better picture of it so you can see that it's hott pink.

that's the best i could do. i had dyed my hair blonde right before i saw Rooney. although, these were taken after, duh, because i have the t-shirt. i guess if i see Rooney again they probably won't remember me because i have brown hair again.
i had dyed my hair blonde for halloween.
earlier today i was bored so i was on youtube watching Rooney blog videos. i find them awesomely entertaining. and i watched one where Robert was talking about how him, his brother and Ben Lee all had dinner together the night before to celebrate Ben's birthday. and then they were going to go on tour together. and that was the tour that i saw. so, it made me quite excited to hear him talking about it. and also quite jealous because how awesome would it have been to be at that dinner? um, unimaginably awesome.
anyways. and now we can segue into talking about Ben Lee. how perf.
so, i was on myspace today and saw that Ben Lee had posted a blog about downloading a free album. this interested me, so i read on. and he gave the link to The Noise Addicts, which was a band he had been a member of many years back. and they were regrouping to make a cd. and the cd was free on their website.
so i said, "well i gotta have that cd." so, i downloaded it! for free! and listened to it. it's very cool. some good music. i like Ben Lee. i like him a lot. and i have liked him for such a long time. his first cd was like, one of the first cd's ever. like, after cassette tapes. yeah, i was really young. maybe like, 10.
so, his first cd came out in 1995 i just learned from good 'ol Wiki, so i was 9. all thanks to my dad for getting me into Ben Lee. he's a good guy. my dad, and Ben. (because i've met Ben! twice! whatwhat!)


Jenny is in the last one too. you are allowed to be totally jealous. neither of these times was the time they played with Rooney, though. you can tell by the color of my hair.
kind of like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. you can tell where they are in time by the color of Kate Winslet's hair. yeah, my life is just like that.
alright. where am i going with all this. i should be going to bed.
it's 3:36am now. sorry, 3:26am. i'm ten minutes ahead of myself.
so, the problem with getting up "early" on friday is i don't know what to do.
well, let's see:
- eat breakfast
- check out the internet
- write some letters that need writing
- get netflix
- read
i think i'm getting more Veronica Mars. because, i just got an Entourage. and i have them alternating in my queue. nice.
well, i guess that's a pretty full day. not really. maybe i'll light a candle. it was nighttime last night and i happened to look outside over to my neighbors, and they were eating dinner on their porch by candle light. it looked so beautiful.
maybe i'll do laundry tomorrow.
this morning, i was getting back in bed around 10:45am and i must have JUST fallen asleep and Ruby was sleeping under the blankets with me. and then the guy across the street starts hammering his porch steps. and both myself and Ruby got very scared and startled by this. because we both woke up. and Ruby couldn't even stay in the room. she had to go sit in the hallway until he stopped. it was weird how clearly we could hear the sounds. i seriously thought that someone was directly outside my window. on the third floor. weird how sound works.
and then he stopped and i immediately fell back to sleep. and Ruby slept on the red chair by the window like she always does.
ok. i think that's all i have to say. i'll end with the hammering story because i don't think i can do any better than that. it's a good one. they'll probably make it into a movie one day.
have a great day. it is Friday now, so enjoy it. most of you probably won't see your work mates until monday again. wish them well in your departure this afternoon. i will also wish you well. i hope you have the very best of times doing whatever you are doing in this moment, and the moment after we part. take care of yourself. drive safely. drink lots of water to stay hydrated. eat some leafy greens. brush your teeth often. keep your fire burning. stay positive. take a minute today to think about something new. and let me know what it is.
i have really enjoyed writing this entry tonight. i feel like i am in a good space right now. a good space with good people. i've got Bill Murray staring back at me from the dvd menu. what more can a girl want?
nine twenty eight
worrking. been awake for far too long. since about 6:45. nothing has really changed except the light in the sky.
there's nobody here. well, there are some people here. there's one resident, one staff, and one baby. the staff and the baby are in the daycare. the resident is upstairs because she's got a bad cold. everyone else isn't here.
it's like, super quiet.
a doctor from Dartmouth Hitchcock dropped by this morning to drop off a donation of diapers. that was nice of her.
so, this morning catching the bus:
JULIE: So, the bus will pick you up in front of The Little Store.
RESIDENT: On that side of the street?
JULIE: Do you want me to walk down with you? Or, would you rather go by yourself?
RESIDENT: Uhhhh...........walk with me?
JULIE: Ok! Sure!
so, we walked down the street to the bus stop. there were lots of other kids and moms waiting. that made me feel better that she wasn't waiting alone in the future. and i was happy she wanted me to walk down with her.
i know i hate doing new things alone for the first time. it's always easier with someone else.
so. i've looked through all the flyers that came with the newspaper. i did that for like, an hour. then killed some time elsewhere on the internet. and now i'm here.
i went to bed around 2:45 last night. it was super hard falling asleep. i know i didn't fall asleep until after 3:30. and then i feel like even though i was asleep i was still uncomfortable. and i woke up at 6:19 because of something.
and then my alarm went off at 6:45. changed from my sleepy pants into my sweat pants. i wear the sweat pants to look more formal at work, if you know what i mean. and i added a cardigan over my t-shirt. comfort and sophistication. or, just plain lazy.
i'm hoping that after being awake for many hours in the early morning will allow me to easily fall to sleep once i get back upstairs at 10am.
poor Ruby Tuesday. she's so hungry all the time. and, i think this new "julie waking up early" schedule is confusing her. because, normally, i feed her before i go to bed, usually around 2ish or 3ish am. and then she doesn't get fed again until early afternoonish. which is when i usually wake up.
but, since i've been waking up at like, 7am, she thinks it's time to be fed again. so, she's sooo hungry. poor little girl. i feel bad for her. but, i know that once i leave for work, she'll just go back to sleep and be fine. and when i come back, i'll just go back to sleep, and then she will too again, and she'll be fine until later.
i put her in front of her dry food bowl this morning to show her that she can eat that in between meals. i don't think she understood.
the other day i tried to teach her to recognize the word "food." and also "kara."
oh! but last night was scary. while i was trying to fall asleep, all of a sudden i could feel her walking on me. i could feel the blankets change form. so, i reach down to pet her, and there's nothing there. and i sit up and look, and there's nothing there. and ruby is sound asleep on the red chair by the window. and i was like, "hm, that's very weird and spooky."
it must have been a ghost cat.
i still can't believe that emotionally charged scene from Entourage last night. i was still thinking about it this morning. how much i was loved it. moved to tears, i was. the lighting of the scene is just great. that sunset.
oh! in other exciting news, i was going through all of My Documents yesterday to see what i had and hadn't already copied over to my external hard drive. during virus crisis mode. and, i found some pictures of the Ben Lee/Ben Kweller show that Jenny and i went to in CT, i think. AND, i found a video that i thought i had lost when my first external crashed.
it's Ben and Ben singing BRUISED!!!! a classic song by The Bens (Folds, Lee, Kweller). and i just love that song. and i was soooo excited to see that i still had the video. AND NOT ONLY THAT VIDEO: but, Catch My Disease AND My Guitar. i was so excited!
and then i lamented the loss of all my Phantom Planet videos. i had copied them all over onto my first external so they would be extra safe. obviously that didn't work. and now they're gone and now Phantom Planet is on an indefinite hiatus. so, who knows when the next time i'll be able to see them perform.
if i had $45 i would take online guitar lessons with Darren. OMG yes that's right. but, it's $45 a session. i wonder if he gives out financial aid. mmm i doubt it.
wow! i've only got three minutes left. although, i wonder if i'm supposed to cover until 10am, or until another staff comes in. i guess we'll see. because there's really nobody else here. so quiet.
i'm hungry now. UGH. i hate it. i have to go to the grocery store today. i only have one tea bag left. and i need rice wine vinegar maybe. and more coffee.
so, it's ten oh one and nobody is here yet. so, i'm gonna wait. Diane usually gets here between 10-10:30.
i forgot to tell you that yesterday when i went to the post office it was the ruggedly handsome postal worker who got me my Netflix. i was pretty excited. he's so friendly. and handsome. i just love the people who work there. they are so nice and so helpful. waaay nicer than the people who work in the Berwick, Maine post office. they are not so friendly all the time. Lebanon, New Hampshire = friendly all the time.
hey! that should be our town slogan!
Welcome to Lebanon, NH! Friendly all the time.
aw. that's so nice.
ok! i am free to go now. just had a nice talk with Diane. and now it's time for bed. and i feel like i'm going to sneeze.
so! have a lovely day. i will talk to you at a later point. i look forward to it!
02 September 2009
fake plastic trees
wow. Entourage. Season 5. episode "Gotta Look Up to Get Down." most touching moment ever. it brought tears to my eyes. for serious. i was so impressed by this scene between Ari and Vince. great scene overall. great acting. great song by Radiohead. great sunset. it was such a nice, honest moment. and i even cried again watching it on youtube. kind of a spoiler alert, but whatev. it's worth it. very moving. just very moving.
couldn't wait to share it with you.
anyways. my computer is virus free! well, free of that virus. it was the Windows Police Pro. which, if you google how to remove it, most of the dates on the sites are like, from last week and this week. i think it's a pretty new thing.
and (excuse my language here) but it was a freaking bitch to fix. seriously. i started running virus scans at like, 2am wednesday morning. and didn't get my computer back up and working normal again until around 5pm wednesday afternoon. yeah, it sucked.
i thought about trying to remove it manually. but, everything i was reading was like, "WARNING if you try and remove it manually and mess up even one tiny thing you could do irreversible damage to your computer!!!!" so, i decided not to try.
but, all my anti-virus, anti-spyware programs would tell me that they deleted all the virus. and then i would restart the computer and it would be there again. that happened like, 10 times. not kidding. i seriously ran SO many virus scans.
and the virus totally shut down everything. NOTHING would work. and so i had to get instructions while in computer safe mode, then restart the computer in normal mode. and i had to download this thing that would at least let me use the task manager. and then i had to go into task manager and find the virus and END THE PROCESS. but, even that, i had to do like, 1,000 times. because, i would end it, and then 10 seconds later, everything would pop up again. so, i devised this tricksy plan. i ended the process, and then VERY QUICKLY went and opened the anti-spyware scanner. and it opened even before the virus had time to come back.
it was like a living thing. a living, breathing virus.
but, throughout this whole thing, i was just so impressed by the people who design the virus. no, i'm serious. because, the trick was, the virus was made to look like a super good anti-virus program. but, duh, i'm not stupid. i immediately knew it was a virus.
but, it was a nice looking anti-virus software virus. like, it looked like something that people would really want. i mean, it must have been a lot of work to make this virus. or, any virus at that matter.
and like, who does this? who are the people who make the viruses? is it like a bunch of guys in a warehouse in queens who stay up all night drinking black coffee and designing viruses?
do they wear baseball caps and unbuttons plaid shirts over t-shirts?
like, does anybody know?
or, are they the type of people who hang out in the back room of sketchy bars wearing suits and breaking people's legs with baseball bats?
who are these online terrorists? i'm curious to know who are the people who caused this day of hell for me.
last week i decided that it might be cool to have the power to turn anything into a magnet. like, you could magnetize anything. no? yes? cool? lame?
again, not sure why i came up with this idea. just one of my random thoughts. like the Bee Mine honey store.
George Bluth from Arrested Development had a guest spot on Entourage tonight. i was really excited to see him. "It'll take a lot more than a heart attack to kill that old bear! Old bear! He likes his honey!"
haha. man. i really hope that Arrested Development movie happens.
so, i've got a new project at work: BABY THINK-IT-OVER. we've got one baby think-it-over doll and it's broken. and it is now my job to fix it. did anybody have to do this in school? take home one of the babies that cries? i had to. 8th grade, i think. maybe 7th.
so, i went down to the basement tonight to get it. it comes with a carseat, two diapers, a bottle and some clothes. and then this bracelet you have to wear. and it has this HUGE instruction manual, a smaller instruction manual, a movie, and a remote control.
it looks like programming this baby will be harder than actually taking care of it. right now it is set to an extreme colic-y setting. and my job is to make it normal again. it's a cute little thing, though.
so, i will photodocument my efforts in trying to fix it. that way you all can enjoy baby think-it-over too.
this morning was the first day of school. we had one girl starting. she was a brand new student. aw man, it was so hard to leave her there. she was so so nervous. it was very reminiscant of bringing the toddler to her first day of daycare. but, without the tears. i'm serious, though.
i walked in with her to the office. it was weird being in a high school. especially since everyone thought that i was a student too. we walk in and someone says, "can i help you girls?" and then a few minutes later, "are you girls waiting for mrs. parsons?"
yeah. yeah we are. mrs. parsons is the principal. she was very nice. seemed very warm. and then when she said she would walk with our resident down to the gym to get her schedule, i decided i should leave now. rip the band aid off, if you know what i mean. yeah, it was hard. you really feel protective.
and maybe it's different because i actually live in the same house as them. i think it does make it different.
tomorrow i'm going to follow the bus to school in my car. no, i'm joking. that's like what moms do on the first day of kindergarten. but, i am going to offer to walk her down to the bus stop. it's just at the end of the street. but, still. it's her first day taking the bus. if you don't know anybody, it's scary.
tomorrow morning i'm working 6:45-10am. ugh. actually, it will probably be more like, 7-10. this morning, i woke up at 6:30 (like i complained about for days and days), and then i was like, "wait a sec, we're not leaving the house until 7:15." so, i reset my alarm clock for 6:55 and went back to sleep.
as you can see, it doesn't take me long to get ready for my morning shifts. especially when i know i'm going back to bed.
and man! it's cold in the mornings. geeze. september is usually still pretty hott.
um, can you believe that it's september! when you're not in school, it's like the months don't mean anything. it's weird. like, oh, it's just another month. not another month closer to the end of the school year. or the beginning. just another one. probably not much different than the one before.
so, i'm going to providence this weekend to move my sister into her new apartment. RIGHT NEAR where David's boss lives. i looked it up on google maps. in aliya style, i suggested to Kara that one day her and david meet up for a high five. on Rochambeau.
i just love that street name. it ALWAYS makes me think of the poet Arthur Rimbaud.
anyways. i can't wait to see her new apartment. and to be in Providence again. love that crazy town. no, i've never experienced any of it's craziness. although, it was where i got my ear pierced. so, i would say that the city puts you in some sort of trance. if it had been any other city - i would still be piercing-less.
AND! even better than anything else - maybe we'll see THE WALL!!!!!! the great and curious wall of providence!!!!! one of my favorite things in the world to talk about!!!! if by some strange circumstance you DON'T know the history of the great and curious wall of providence, then i encourage you to head over to livejournal for some vintage Misty Green and Blue. and read about the time where I VISITED the great wall. i know, you won't believe it at first. but, i promise none of those photos are photoshopped.
yeah, i love providence. i would like to live there. providence is also home to the cuban revolution restaurants that are so fun to go to. mmmmm Che Fries.
so, i'm excited about this weekend. i'm taking saturday night off. so here's my plan:
- drive home saturday morning
- get home
- drive to providence with my mom
- meet my dad and kara there
- move kara in/set up her futon/desk
- drive home with my mom
- sleep in maine
- have a relaxing sunday with mom and chowder
- drive back up here sunday evening for work sunday night!
i guess it semi-sucks that on saturday, my first "non-up-at-7am-day" i have to wake up early anyways. but, it will be okay.
speaking of which, i should probs get to bed soon. it's 2:15am.
UGH today (thursday) i have to go to wal-mart. i am totes dreading it.
ALSO! this morning on the way back from school, i was listening to the Bob and Sheri morning show, and Bob was talking about this guy on twitter who is:
and it's this 28 year old guy who lives with his 73 year old dad. and his whole twitter is writing down stuff his dad says. and man, it's so funny. i just started following him today. loves it. thanks, Bob!
alright. time for me to start getting ready for bed. maybe i'll talk to you in the morning. since i'll be at work with nothing to do.
have a great night! and a great day!
i have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and i dance.
- arthur rimbaud
couldn't wait to share it with you.
anyways. my computer is virus free! well, free of that virus. it was the Windows Police Pro. which, if you google how to remove it, most of the dates on the sites are like, from last week and this week. i think it's a pretty new thing.
and (excuse my language here) but it was a freaking bitch to fix. seriously. i started running virus scans at like, 2am wednesday morning. and didn't get my computer back up and working normal again until around 5pm wednesday afternoon. yeah, it sucked.
i thought about trying to remove it manually. but, everything i was reading was like, "WARNING if you try and remove it manually and mess up even one tiny thing you could do irreversible damage to your computer!!!!" so, i decided not to try.
but, all my anti-virus, anti-spyware programs would tell me that they deleted all the virus. and then i would restart the computer and it would be there again. that happened like, 10 times. not kidding. i seriously ran SO many virus scans.
and the virus totally shut down everything. NOTHING would work. and so i had to get instructions while in computer safe mode, then restart the computer in normal mode. and i had to download this thing that would at least let me use the task manager. and then i had to go into task manager and find the virus and END THE PROCESS. but, even that, i had to do like, 1,000 times. because, i would end it, and then 10 seconds later, everything would pop up again. so, i devised this tricksy plan. i ended the process, and then VERY QUICKLY went and opened the anti-spyware scanner. and it opened even before the virus had time to come back.
it was like a living thing. a living, breathing virus.
but, throughout this whole thing, i was just so impressed by the people who design the virus. no, i'm serious. because, the trick was, the virus was made to look like a super good anti-virus program. but, duh, i'm not stupid. i immediately knew it was a virus.
but, it was a nice looking anti-virus software virus. like, it looked like something that people would really want. i mean, it must have been a lot of work to make this virus. or, any virus at that matter.
and like, who does this? who are the people who make the viruses? is it like a bunch of guys in a warehouse in queens who stay up all night drinking black coffee and designing viruses?
do they wear baseball caps and unbuttons plaid shirts over t-shirts?
like, does anybody know?
or, are they the type of people who hang out in the back room of sketchy bars wearing suits and breaking people's legs with baseball bats?
who are these online terrorists? i'm curious to know who are the people who caused this day of hell for me.
last week i decided that it might be cool to have the power to turn anything into a magnet. like, you could magnetize anything. no? yes? cool? lame?
again, not sure why i came up with this idea. just one of my random thoughts. like the Bee Mine honey store.
George Bluth from Arrested Development had a guest spot on Entourage tonight. i was really excited to see him. "It'll take a lot more than a heart attack to kill that old bear! Old bear! He likes his honey!"
haha. man. i really hope that Arrested Development movie happens.
so, i've got a new project at work: BABY THINK-IT-OVER. we've got one baby think-it-over doll and it's broken. and it is now my job to fix it. did anybody have to do this in school? take home one of the babies that cries? i had to. 8th grade, i think. maybe 7th.
so, i went down to the basement tonight to get it. it comes with a carseat, two diapers, a bottle and some clothes. and then this bracelet you have to wear. and it has this HUGE instruction manual, a smaller instruction manual, a movie, and a remote control.
it looks like programming this baby will be harder than actually taking care of it. right now it is set to an extreme colic-y setting. and my job is to make it normal again. it's a cute little thing, though.
so, i will photodocument my efforts in trying to fix it. that way you all can enjoy baby think-it-over too.
this morning was the first day of school. we had one girl starting. she was a brand new student. aw man, it was so hard to leave her there. she was so so nervous. it was very reminiscant of bringing the toddler to her first day of daycare. but, without the tears. i'm serious, though.
i walked in with her to the office. it was weird being in a high school. especially since everyone thought that i was a student too. we walk in and someone says, "can i help you girls?" and then a few minutes later, "are you girls waiting for mrs. parsons?"
yeah. yeah we are. mrs. parsons is the principal. she was very nice. seemed very warm. and then when she said she would walk with our resident down to the gym to get her schedule, i decided i should leave now. rip the band aid off, if you know what i mean. yeah, it was hard. you really feel protective.
and maybe it's different because i actually live in the same house as them. i think it does make it different.
tomorrow i'm going to follow the bus to school in my car. no, i'm joking. that's like what moms do on the first day of kindergarten. but, i am going to offer to walk her down to the bus stop. it's just at the end of the street. but, still. it's her first day taking the bus. if you don't know anybody, it's scary.
tomorrow morning i'm working 6:45-10am. ugh. actually, it will probably be more like, 7-10. this morning, i woke up at 6:30 (like i complained about for days and days), and then i was like, "wait a sec, we're not leaving the house until 7:15." so, i reset my alarm clock for 6:55 and went back to sleep.
as you can see, it doesn't take me long to get ready for my morning shifts. especially when i know i'm going back to bed.
and man! it's cold in the mornings. geeze. september is usually still pretty hott.
um, can you believe that it's september! when you're not in school, it's like the months don't mean anything. it's weird. like, oh, it's just another month. not another month closer to the end of the school year. or the beginning. just another one. probably not much different than the one before.
so, i'm going to providence this weekend to move my sister into her new apartment. RIGHT NEAR where David's boss lives. i looked it up on google maps. in aliya style, i suggested to Kara that one day her and david meet up for a high five. on Rochambeau.
i just love that street name. it ALWAYS makes me think of the poet Arthur Rimbaud.
anyways. i can't wait to see her new apartment. and to be in Providence again. love that crazy town. no, i've never experienced any of it's craziness. although, it was where i got my ear pierced. so, i would say that the city puts you in some sort of trance. if it had been any other city - i would still be piercing-less.
AND! even better than anything else - maybe we'll see THE WALL!!!!!! the great and curious wall of providence!!!!! one of my favorite things in the world to talk about!!!! if by some strange circumstance you DON'T know the history of the great and curious wall of providence, then i encourage you to head over to livejournal for some vintage Misty Green and Blue. and read about the time where I VISITED the great wall. i know, you won't believe it at first. but, i promise none of those photos are photoshopped.
yeah, i love providence. i would like to live there. providence is also home to the cuban revolution restaurants that are so fun to go to. mmmmm Che Fries.
so, i'm excited about this weekend. i'm taking saturday night off. so here's my plan:
- drive home saturday morning
- get home
- drive to providence with my mom
- meet my dad and kara there
- move kara in/set up her futon/desk
- drive home with my mom
- sleep in maine
- have a relaxing sunday with mom and chowder
- drive back up here sunday evening for work sunday night!
i guess it semi-sucks that on saturday, my first "non-up-at-7am-day" i have to wake up early anyways. but, it will be okay.
speaking of which, i should probs get to bed soon. it's 2:15am.
UGH today (thursday) i have to go to wal-mart. i am totes dreading it.
ALSO! this morning on the way back from school, i was listening to the Bob and Sheri morning show, and Bob was talking about this guy on twitter who is:
and it's this 28 year old guy who lives with his 73 year old dad. and his whole twitter is writing down stuff his dad says. and man, it's so funny. i just started following him today. loves it. thanks, Bob!
alright. time for me to start getting ready for bed. maybe i'll talk to you in the morning. since i'll be at work with nothing to do.
have a great night! and a great day!
i have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and i dance.
- arthur rimbaud
Zesty Queso
remember Zesty Queso? hehe. that was a silly time in my life.
anyways, despite my computer virus, i was able to watch the funnyordie video. did you watch it?
i thought it was pretty funny. lots of bad language. and there was a scene with bad language around a baby, which did not make me happy. but, on the other hand, it was ZQ holding a baby. which pretty much makes me melt.
so, take a look at the video if you want. it's like, 5 minutes long. and it's called
Hostage: A Love Story.
he's pretty freaking scary in the first scene. which is the scene that got all the media attention.
anyways, despite my computer virus, i was able to watch the funnyordie video. did you watch it?
i thought it was pretty funny. lots of bad language. and there was a scene with bad language around a baby, which did not make me happy. but, on the other hand, it was ZQ holding a baby. which pretty much makes me melt.
so, take a look at the video if you want. it's like, 5 minutes long. and it's called
Hostage: A Love Story.
he's pretty freaking scary in the first scene. which is the scene that got all the media attention.
01 September 2009
virus boyfriend?
everyone remember my virus boyfriend? he worked in the virus office at hampshire college. i got to know those people very well when my hard drive died. and they saved it for me. and then i made them cookies.
anyways. i wish he was here right now. for more reasons than one. but, really just so that he could fix my computer.
NONE of my programs were working. i couldn't get any to open. so, i restarted the computer in safe mode. and now i've got Malwarebytes scanning. currently there's one object infected.
i was actually really worried for a few minutes. i was like, "holy crap. this is the end." but now we're in safe mode. everything is larger sized. super sized. i guess bigger things feel more safe than smaller things? bigger plane. bigger boat. but if they crash, it's a bigger deal.
isn't that weird about DJ AM dying in new york? it's really sad. i mean, he survived that plane crash last year, and then he just overdosed on drugs, or something. i only saw the headline. was it drugs?
it reminds me of that lady who missed her Air France plane that ended up crashing earlier this summer. but, then she died the next week in a car accident, or something. is that right? i should really check my facts before posting them here. i should get an assistant. a blog assistant to check my facts. that's the type of job i would want to have.
but, anyways. it's just weird. when people don't die in extraordinary circumstances. and then they die in other ways.
my laptop has cheated death before. maybe this is its time to die a second death.
that would be a good book title.
To Die A Second Death.
Read the book the New York Times is calling, "a wonderous masterwork of literary genius!!" To Die A Second Death, on sale at your local book dealer.
Critics are calling, To Die A Second Death the, "greatest modern novel of our generation. Julie has given us a book that will stand the test of time."
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
ok, sorry. i got caught up in my ego for a minute. hate when that happens.
it's good to have a sense of humor when your laptop is dying. (Chapter One)
anyways. so, i think i might actually go to bed and let it do it's scanning. and then when i wake up AT SIX THIRTY IN THE MORNING i can reassess. i'm tired. and it's now 3am.
at least i know i can blog in safe mode!!!! that's all i was really worried about.
also, while my laptop is being infected with viruses, is it safe to connect an external hard drive? because, as soon as i saw that everything was going to hell, i ran to grab the external. but then hesitated in plugging it in. i was in "MUST COPY EVERYTHING" mode. i'm pretty sure i've got all my music backed up. and my div 3. and all my other school work. i just need to copy My Documents, really. in case this is the end.
anyways. this is the end of the entry. i'm tired. wish me luck at school in the morning! i'm worried i will have to fight off high school administration.
goodnight again!
anyways. i wish he was here right now. for more reasons than one. but, really just so that he could fix my computer.
NONE of my programs were working. i couldn't get any to open. so, i restarted the computer in safe mode. and now i've got Malwarebytes scanning. currently there's one object infected.
i was actually really worried for a few minutes. i was like, "holy crap. this is the end." but now we're in safe mode. everything is larger sized. super sized. i guess bigger things feel more safe than smaller things? bigger plane. bigger boat. but if they crash, it's a bigger deal.
isn't that weird about DJ AM dying in new york? it's really sad. i mean, he survived that plane crash last year, and then he just overdosed on drugs, or something. i only saw the headline. was it drugs?
it reminds me of that lady who missed her Air France plane that ended up crashing earlier this summer. but, then she died the next week in a car accident, or something. is that right? i should really check my facts before posting them here. i should get an assistant. a blog assistant to check my facts. that's the type of job i would want to have.
but, anyways. it's just weird. when people don't die in extraordinary circumstances. and then they die in other ways.
my laptop has cheated death before. maybe this is its time to die a second death.
that would be a good book title.
To Die A Second Death.
Read the book the New York Times is calling, "a wonderous masterwork of literary genius!!" To Die A Second Death, on sale at your local book dealer.
Critics are calling, To Die A Second Death the, "greatest modern novel of our generation. Julie has given us a book that will stand the test of time."
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
ok, sorry. i got caught up in my ego for a minute. hate when that happens.
it's good to have a sense of humor when your laptop is dying. (Chapter One)
anyways. so, i think i might actually go to bed and let it do it's scanning. and then when i wake up AT SIX THIRTY IN THE MORNING i can reassess. i'm tired. and it's now 3am.
at least i know i can blog in safe mode!!!! that's all i was really worried about.
also, while my laptop is being infected with viruses, is it safe to connect an external hard drive? because, as soon as i saw that everything was going to hell, i ran to grab the external. but then hesitated in plugging it in. i was in "MUST COPY EVERYTHING" mode. i'm pretty sure i've got all my music backed up. and my div 3. and all my other school work. i just need to copy My Documents, really. in case this is the end.
anyways. this is the end of the entry. i'm tired. wish me luck at school in the morning! i'm worried i will have to fight off high school administration.
goodnight again!
but i haven't thought of you lately at all
WHOA major drama on Veronica Mars tonight. AND OF COURSE it was right at the end of the last episode on the disc. AAAHHHH now i have to wait until they ship the next one!!!! it's too hard!!!! NETFLIX GO FASTER!!!
wow i am really tired right now. it's like, 1:19am. wednesday morning. i might actually go to bed soon.
these work days are wearing me out. yeah, i work for two days and i'm exhausted. it's just a weird schedule when i work in the morning for a few hours, and then for a lot of hours at night. like these past two nights. and especially today where i slept a lot, but it was all broken up.
yeah, feel bad for me! i got to take a nice afternoon nap.
i'm not working tomorrow night. or, anytime after 8am for that matter.
gots to be up at 6:30. i will keep telling you that incase there is someone out there who doesn't feel bad for me yet.
no, i don't want you to feel bad for me. my mom gets up for work at 5am every day.
it's just like tonight is my last night of summer vaca too. because ever since the girls were out of school, i didn't have to be up in the morning. and now that school is starting, i have to again.
i was really hoping tonight that we would have to go out and buy school supplies. that's ALL i wanna do. get some new notebooks. new pens. new folders. it's all so fresh and perky sitting there in the back to school aisles. loves it.
oh! i have to tell you about this totes brillz idea i came up with tonight!!
ok, if i ever own a honey store, it will be called Bee Mine. how cute is that?! it has two meanings:
1. obvious, bees make honey
2. and people call each other honey when they're sweet on one another, and "be mine" is like a valentine's day saying
Bee Mine. for all your honey needs. omg awesome!
at first, i thought, "if i ever own a honey factory, i will call it Bee Mine." but then i thought about it some more and decided, "wait a minute, if i owned a honey factory, that would probably make me a beekeeper."
and i don't really want to become a beekeeper. so, i downgraded the factory to a store. honey store! selling all natural, totally local honey products!!
aw man. these guys have the same idea. hair growth products for people with alopecia? i didn't know people with alopecia could ever grow hair. i guess with those bee products they can.
anyways, Bee Mine hair growth products aren't as fun as an all natural, totally local honey products store.
my honey store will be like the little store they run in the movie Practical Magic. that store is so sweet and tiny. that's what Bee Mine will be like.
i really have no idea what got me thinking about what i would call my honey store if i ever owned one. i was literally just making dinner and then thought, "Bee Mine! what a great name for a honey store!"
also, i realize that above when i was listing the double meaning behind "bee mine" i used the term "sweet on one another." i also have no explanation for my using that phrase. i promise i wasn't born in 1920.
ok. so, if anyone wants to go into the honey business, i guess we should talk. or, if you're a beekeeper looking for someone to sell your all natural, totally local products, get in touch!
and moving on.
today in birthing class we were going over the different stages of labor. oh yikes. the staff member who runs all the parenting and birthing classes here is named Julie too. i really, really like her. i admire her so much and think she is a wonderful person. and, she had all these charts with pictures of people trying to get more comfortable during labor and everything.
they were pictures of this man and woman (presumably husband and wife) and it would show him massaging her back, or helping her lean on the bed, just like, positions to make you more comfortable.
but, the clothes they were wearing were extremely confusing. the pregnant woman was wearing this long sleeve purple leotard. i kept thinking, "why is she wearing that? is she a gymnastics instructor?"
and the man was wearing this olive green jogging outfit. i'm assuming they were supposed to be his pajamas. but, it looked like a jogging outfit. it was long pants and long sleeves, loose fitting. his shirt was buttoned up to the very top and was tucked in looking. and the whole thing was olive green. and he had dark hair and a thick moustache.
if they wanted to portray pajamas, why didn't they have him wearing blue stripes? untucked. here they had him looking like he fought in the cuban revolution.
it was so strange!
OH! last piece of exciting news. TODAY - wednesday the 2 second of september - the new funny or die video starring super hottie Zachary Quinto is being released! make sure you watch it. i'm pretty excited for it, especially with all the drama it caused!
did you hear about this? it was totally crazy. i guess in the video, he is supposed to hold up a bakery. like, with a gun. and people walking by on the street thought it was a serious robbery - especially because he plays scary so well. SO, somebody called the police. and the police came and they had to tell Zachary something like, "stop acting so well." AND THEN, the exact same thing happened during a second take of the same scene.
it was all over the celebrity news the day it happened. i'm pretty excited to see the video. i'll post the link for you once it's released.
also today - Tammy's birthday! happy birthday Tammy!!! hope your day is happy.
AND, i think i have to go. my computer is actually being infected with viruses as we speak. i'm totes serious. and i tried running my virus program and it said that it has been disabled. soooo, yeah, that's great.
this actually happened in the middle of my ZQ story. but, i decided that it was more important to finish the story. in case you haven't noticed, he's a hottie. my laptop isn't that attractive. and neither are the viruses.
but, i just got a pop up saying, "somebody is trying to attack your computer!"
somebody? i hope this is a funny or die video.
but, ok. i should go try and sort this new mess out. maybe this will be the virus that finally kills it. meaning, the laptop.
oh yeah. it's bad. there are a million of those fake windows virus programs popping up in my icon bar.
ok. this is me signing off.
have a great day! i'll talk to you later if i still have a laptop!!!! wish me luck!
i can tell after this there's nothing else.
wow i am really tired right now. it's like, 1:19am. wednesday morning. i might actually go to bed soon.
these work days are wearing me out. yeah, i work for two days and i'm exhausted. it's just a weird schedule when i work in the morning for a few hours, and then for a lot of hours at night. like these past two nights. and especially today where i slept a lot, but it was all broken up.
yeah, feel bad for me! i got to take a nice afternoon nap.
i'm not working tomorrow night. or, anytime after 8am for that matter.
gots to be up at 6:30. i will keep telling you that incase there is someone out there who doesn't feel bad for me yet.
no, i don't want you to feel bad for me. my mom gets up for work at 5am every day.
it's just like tonight is my last night of summer vaca too. because ever since the girls were out of school, i didn't have to be up in the morning. and now that school is starting, i have to again.
i was really hoping tonight that we would have to go out and buy school supplies. that's ALL i wanna do. get some new notebooks. new pens. new folders. it's all so fresh and perky sitting there in the back to school aisles. loves it.
oh! i have to tell you about this totes brillz idea i came up with tonight!!
ok, if i ever own a honey store, it will be called Bee Mine. how cute is that?! it has two meanings:
1. obvious, bees make honey
2. and people call each other honey when they're sweet on one another, and "be mine" is like a valentine's day saying
Bee Mine. for all your honey needs. omg awesome!
at first, i thought, "if i ever own a honey factory, i will call it Bee Mine." but then i thought about it some more and decided, "wait a minute, if i owned a honey factory, that would probably make me a beekeeper."
and i don't really want to become a beekeeper. so, i downgraded the factory to a store. honey store! selling all natural, totally local honey products!!
aw man. these guys have the same idea. hair growth products for people with alopecia? i didn't know people with alopecia could ever grow hair. i guess with those bee products they can.
anyways, Bee Mine hair growth products aren't as fun as an all natural, totally local honey products store.
my honey store will be like the little store they run in the movie Practical Magic. that store is so sweet and tiny. that's what Bee Mine will be like.
i really have no idea what got me thinking about what i would call my honey store if i ever owned one. i was literally just making dinner and then thought, "Bee Mine! what a great name for a honey store!"
also, i realize that above when i was listing the double meaning behind "bee mine" i used the term "sweet on one another." i also have no explanation for my using that phrase. i promise i wasn't born in 1920.
ok. so, if anyone wants to go into the honey business, i guess we should talk. or, if you're a beekeeper looking for someone to sell your all natural, totally local products, get in touch!
and moving on.
today in birthing class we were going over the different stages of labor. oh yikes. the staff member who runs all the parenting and birthing classes here is named Julie too. i really, really like her. i admire her so much and think she is a wonderful person. and, she had all these charts with pictures of people trying to get more comfortable during labor and everything.
they were pictures of this man and woman (presumably husband and wife) and it would show him massaging her back, or helping her lean on the bed, just like, positions to make you more comfortable.
but, the clothes they were wearing were extremely confusing. the pregnant woman was wearing this long sleeve purple leotard. i kept thinking, "why is she wearing that? is she a gymnastics instructor?"
and the man was wearing this olive green jogging outfit. i'm assuming they were supposed to be his pajamas. but, it looked like a jogging outfit. it was long pants and long sleeves, loose fitting. his shirt was buttoned up to the very top and was tucked in looking. and the whole thing was olive green. and he had dark hair and a thick moustache.
if they wanted to portray pajamas, why didn't they have him wearing blue stripes? untucked. here they had him looking like he fought in the cuban revolution.
it was so strange!
OH! last piece of exciting news. TODAY - wednesday the 2 second of september - the new funny or die video starring super hottie Zachary Quinto is being released! make sure you watch it. i'm pretty excited for it, especially with all the drama it caused!
did you hear about this? it was totally crazy. i guess in the video, he is supposed to hold up a bakery. like, with a gun. and people walking by on the street thought it was a serious robbery - especially because he plays scary so well. SO, somebody called the police. and the police came and they had to tell Zachary something like, "stop acting so well." AND THEN, the exact same thing happened during a second take of the same scene.
it was all over the celebrity news the day it happened. i'm pretty excited to see the video. i'll post the link for you once it's released.
also today - Tammy's birthday! happy birthday Tammy!!! hope your day is happy.
AND, i think i have to go. my computer is actually being infected with viruses as we speak. i'm totes serious. and i tried running my virus program and it said that it has been disabled. soooo, yeah, that's great.
this actually happened in the middle of my ZQ story. but, i decided that it was more important to finish the story. in case you haven't noticed, he's a hottie. my laptop isn't that attractive. and neither are the viruses.
but, i just got a pop up saying, "somebody is trying to attack your computer!"
somebody? i hope this is a funny or die video.
but, ok. i should go try and sort this new mess out. maybe this will be the virus that finally kills it. meaning, the laptop.
oh yeah. it's bad. there are a million of those fake windows virus programs popping up in my icon bar.
ok. this is me signing off.
have a great day! i'll talk to you later if i still have a laptop!!!! wish me luck!
i can tell after this there's nothing else.
too cool for skewl
see how cool i am? i spelt 'school' the wrong way so it looks more punk.
no, i don't know what i'm talking about.
anyways, the first day of school is tomorrow. i have to be up extra early. 6:30 early. and drive our resident to school. and then be like a total mom and go into the office and everything to make sure she'll all settled. i'll wear my mom sneaks. i've actually never been into the high school before, so it will be a new experience for me too.
oh, so, i'm sorry that i didn't update you on my bedtime last night. i finished watching Veronica Mars and didn't feel like turning on my laptop. but, my bedtime last night was 1:45am. it was practically still light out, it was so early. just kidding.
woke up at 7:49.
work from 8-9.
left again at 9:30 for prenatal appointment. OK. the appointment was at 10am. we got there are 9:50ish. WE WERE OUT OF THE APPOINTMENT AND BACK IN THE CAR by 10:11am. can you believe that? i couldn't believe that. it was pretty much like a drive-thru. drive-thru doctor's at Dartmouth Hitchcock.
so, then i came back home.
slept from 10:45-12:05.
got ready for staff meeting.
got a call that staff meeting was cancelled.
got back in my sweats.
ruby tuesday and i ate some onion rings. she loves those onions like it's going out of style.
went back to sleep from 12:40-2:45.
got ready for work again.
work 3:30-10pm. which is where i am now.
wow! that's my boring day full of sleeping, waking up, working, and sleeping again. seriously.
ruby tuesday took a long nap with me under the covers. she was so warm and it was so cute.
i can't wait for supper tonight. i'm hungry. and i can't wait for more Veronica Mars. those are better because they are like an hour-ish, and there are 4 on a disc. so, i can stretch the disc over two nights.
whereas Entourage is only 30 minutes and there are 4 on the disc. so, i mean, you can kill the disc in one night.
tomorrow i'm getting more Entourage. season 5 baby.
so, monday morning my horoscope told me "your dream tonight will be very important in the future."
and, i had this crazy horrible dream last night. at first when i woke up, i didn't remember it, so i was mad at myself because i had remembered my horoscope. but then i randomly did remember it, and it made me really upset because it was horrible.
um, let me tell you about my hair today. now, this may seem vain. but, deal with it.
so, i washed my hair last night. and, i don't like to have my hair down when it's wet, because it annoys me. so, i twisted it and turned it into a bun, but without a hair elastic, because it's long enough to do that. yes!
and then it was staying up there really well. and i slept in it, and it still stayed in. i had to redo it in the morning but, it still looked fine.
and i slept with it again during my nap with ruby.
and then! i took it out for work at 3:30, and it was so wavy and curly. like, so pretty. and then i put on my yellow headband. it looks totally cool. kind of like Blair from Gossip Girl, i'm not gonna lie. if i saw me, i would be jealous.
anyways, that's my girly moment in today's issue.
hmmm. what else?
did you all have a good day? a good start to the week?
last night when i was planning my outfit for today (ok, second girly moment), i decided i wanted to wear a dress. and then i said, "hm, i don't have any jewelry that will match this dress." and then i said, "i want a choker because Veronica Mars wears lots of chokers." so, i made myself a choker to match the dress! it's really pretty. i like it a lot.
but, i woke up this morning and it was totally freezing here. well, not freezing. but it was definitely sweater weather and not dress weather. so, i didn't end up wearing the dress. ah well. and i didn't end up wearing the necklace either because i wore a scarf. maybe tomorrow?
alright. it's 8:26pm on tuesday night. 9pm come quickly!
aahh!! i forgot i was blogging and went on craigslist instead. time for me to go now. it's 8:50.
goodnight friends! have a lovely mid-week. talk to you later.
31 August 2009
lovely tonight
aahhhhh what a night. i was writing in the staff log about all the drama and i almost wrote, "dramz." i caught myself right before i did it, though.
i ate some sort of bar with raisins. it was tasty.
i sewed buttons onto my t-shirt cardigan that i made. i bought some white t-shirts. dyed them green. cut it up the center. sewed buttons onto the side! BAM cardigan. and it's a t-shirt! for summertime! the green color came out like a deep teal. and i bought coconut shell buttons for it. i was looking for wooden buttons, but they were all too expensive. and then i found coconut shell buttons and they were super cheap! plus, it reminded me of Coconut Records. so there. maybe i'll wear it tomorrow.
speaking of tomorrow. i just picked up a shift tomorrow night! yay.
8-9am - work
10-?am - doctor's appt with resident
12:30-3:30pm - staff meeting
3:30-4:30pm - birthing class
4:30-10pm - work
know what that schedule looks like to me? not a lot of sleeping time. possible sleeping time in between the doctor's appointment and staff meeting. normally those appointments go really quickly.
i didn't really want to pick up the shift. but then i remembered how happy i was to see my timesheet tonight. and i decided i needed the hours.
OH! tomorrow after birthing class the house is turning into BABY SHOWER PLANNING CENTRAL!!!! i'm excited. well, not the whole house. just wherever me, Courtney and the resident are. probably staff office.
that should be fun.
i just held a needle and thread above our 'lesser pregnant' resident to try and determine whether or not the baby would be a boy or girl. the needle said boy. she was really excited.
so, getting back to my day of not-sleeping tomorrow. it looks like i should TRY and get to bed early tonight. because once i get up at 7:45am, i should plan to be up for the day. yiiikes that sucks. i could never be a mother. or a teacher.
i'm going to need something comfortable to wear for my long day of work. hmm....maybe a nice t-shirt cardi would work.
Julie's TeeShirt Cardigans.
i like teeshirt.
i read a lot of The Old Man and the Sea tonight. i felt bad for the old man because a giant fish pulled him and his boat so far out into the ocean that he could no longer see the lights of Havana. i wonder what will happen.
ok TEN more minutes and then i can go upstairs.
maybe i'll wear a dress tomorrow. oooo i wish it was fall.
and then wednesday is the big back to school day. back to waking up at......6:30am. holy man that's like 2 hours later than when i normally go to bed.
OH! dan passed his driving test. everyone wish him congrats!
Ruby is going to be so happy to see me when i go upstairs. she will not be happy that she has to be alone all day tomorrow.
i'm feeling pretty tired. maybe i'll be abel haha abel. able to go to bed early.
that's the second spelling mistake i've made today where it is technically the same word. remember when i spelled 'true' as 'treu.' i like that one.
OH, we were also talking about baby names tonight and i decided i like the middle name Pearl.
if i have twin girls i will name them:
- Navy Pearl
- Isabelle Bay
how sweet! and my twin boys will have pretentious french names to be determined. ooo and if i have quadruplets then i get to use ALL the names PLUS get a reality show! win!
aahhh 9pm! upstairs we go. perhaps i'll update you on my quest for an early night in bed! i know you are curious about my sleeping schedule. don't worry, i'll let you know when i go to bed.
have a lovely late evening!! take care. drive safely.
do what you want do what you want baby
it's just me. saying hello.
i'm working.
i was doing my norm 8-9am shift this morning and Cheryl called. she was sick and was asking if i could work tonight. i said yes!! so, i am working her 2-10 shift. right now it's 4:15pm.
i'm not sure why, but it's like nobody came into work today. the driveway was pretty empty. and the phone has basically not rung at all. except for a few time. but, i only answered it once.
it's super quiet. one of the girls is out doing her first set of GED testing. she was nervous about it this morning.
so this morning, one of the girls was on the phone in this huge fight with her boyfriend. and everytime they talk on the phone, it's like DRAMA CENTRAL. for serious. it makes me so mad i can't even tell you. well, not really mad. just ANNOYED TO THE MAX. i can't stand it.
so, it ended with her hanging up on him and then storming upstairs. and then he called back, and i answered and talked to him for a long time. he was really upset and i tried to calm him down. he was asking me, "what should i do!? what should i do!?" it made me feel like i was running some relationship crisis telephone service. i thought i did pretty good. he seems like a really nice guy.
but, that was an interesting way to start the day. wasn't expected or welcome - but it came anyways.
so then, i went back to sleep. from 9:30am-12:20pm. woke up and immediately got dressed. because! i knew that since i was working from 2-10, i would have no other chance to get my Netflix and do some grocery shopping.
SO! i actually pulled it together and did both of those things! i was so surprised. i went to the post office and the postal worker asked me for my box number so he could give me my Netflix and then he said,
USPS EMPLOYEE: I'm sorry I don't know the number! I'll learn it one of these days!
this made me really happy. because, clearly it's his goal to be able to recognize all of the post office customers. and he seemed genuinely upset that he didn't know.
maybe he's the one i should talk to about my drive-thru post office idea.
then i went to the grocery store. bought some lettuce and tomato.
then i got an iced coffee!
and then, on my drive home i realized i had forgotten to get CHICKEN at the store. i have chicken with my salad every night and i didn't have any for tonight. i was so mad at myself.
but luckily! i was driving right past the Price Chopper when i thought this, so i said to myself, "i will have an adventure and go into the Price Chopper." i had never been in there before. they claim to be 24-hours.
so, i went in. it's a huge store. and it was the weirdest thing......it was almost silent. like, there was no music. nobody was really talking. the only real sounds were the beeping of the scanners at the checkouts. it was almost like time was at a stand still. and like, i thought it was pretty weird while i was there, but the more i think about it, the more weird it seemed. like, it was so quiet that i noticed it. and it's not like it was empty! it was packed full of people.
it was very strange. i wonder what it's like in the middle of the night when the store is really empty. might be comparable to being the only one in the library building at 3am. at hampshire college.
but being in a silent, empty grocery store? that's eerie. yeah, it was strange.
came back home just in time to unpack the groceries and start work!
and i've done nothing productive for about 2.5 hours.
well, that's not treu. ooo treu. how come nobody spells it like that? way more sexy. anyways, i filled out my timesheet. know how i always put it off until like, 4am? not this time bro! i did it approximately 12 hours earlier.
AND - you will be happy to know, that for the FIRST time since returning from Ireland, i will get a decent paycheck. i was very happy to know this. i just wish i was getting it this week instead of next so i can pay my student loan.
hopefully i'll get a reimbursement check for my CPR class tomorrow. and that will pay the loan. and then i'll just have to do no spending or driving for a week. hey, i have those books.
i had a dream about baby clothes last night! one of the girls showed me all her baby clothes that she had just gotten last night before she went to bed. and she was so excited about it. and the clothes were so cute and tiny! and then i dreamt about it. baby clothes are probably the sweetest thing ever. tiny baby socks. i'm excited for the new baby.
so, my famous uncle in canada emailed me to ask me about my allergies. because! he also has super bad allergies. i was excited to learn this. he recommended i go to an allergist. it was nice to 1) talk to him and 2) not feel so alone in my constant suffering
i'm kidding. it's not constant suffering. like, i haven't sneezed in maybe......2 hours. that's pretty good. but, that makes up for last night when i had to take my inhaler before going to bed, and then again when i woke up like, 4 hours later. i hate that inhaler because it tastes so gross. i also had to take the maximum allowed dose for my super allergy eye drops. eh, last night was a bad night.
the thing i'm really nervous about is that i am allergic to bees. BEES. i don't know if i'm allergic because i've never been stung by anything in my life.
no plans for tonight. got a new disc of Veronica Mars today. disc 2, season 1. i'm excited. i don't like the new guy she has a crush on. or, who more clearly has a crush on her.
remember i told you about that tv survey they were going to send me? Nielson TV survey, or something. well, they sent it to me today! and i filled it out. i thought it was going to be cooler than it actually was.
but, i felt weird filling it out because i don't watch tv on my tv. i watch it on my laptop. but, the tv works and i watch movies on it. so, i checked it as a working tv.
but! i was reading the instructions for the survey and they said, "as a thank you for completing the survey, we are enclosing $2." and i was like, "NO WAY." and i opened the survey and there were TWO one dollar bills inside!!! it was the greatest! FREE MONEY.
they look and feel like they came right from the money warehouse in Dallas, Texas. no cocaine on these bills. anyone else read that gross story on CNN? at first i thought they were fake, because they looked so perfect. i hope they're real. that would suck if i tried to use them and then i got arrested or something.
Nielson TV surveys...has anyone else heard of them? are they a real thing? it said they've been producing tv surveys for 50 years, or something. whatever. i'm gonna use the money.
ok. enough for now. hope you are having a great monday night. i'll talk to you later <3
loooooove ya.
30 August 2009
on the run from johnny law. it ain't no trip to cleveland.
i'm tired tonight. so, i only have a few things to tell you:
1. happy yesterday birthday to my dad, again!! we had a great day together. lots of fun at his house with his girlfriend and her kids. and delish cake!
2. also, happy yesterday birthday to my cousin out on vancouver island! i never speak to him, and have only met him twice, i think. but, i hope he had a happy day. maybe we'll see each other soon.
3. i made my mom a totally beautiful bracelet the other day. i'm really proud of it because it took me a while to figure out how i wanted the pattern. and then i had it all finished and didn't like the order of the beads. so, i took it apart and started over. but, i'm really happy with the end result. i hope she likes it and i can't wait to give it to her.
4. i watched The Princess Diaries through the magic of Netflix Instant Watching the other night. i was bored and had nothing else to watch. man, i laughed so hard so many times. that movie is great. i had no memory of Sandra Oh playing the vice principal. and "Andy Brink" playing the guy she's in love with at school. and MAN, that kiss at the end is totally hott. like, i was surprised it was that hott for a G rated movie. she's wearing that strapless dress and he's running his hands around her shoulders...it was steamy.
5. my dad told me yesterday that he really liked the music of She & Him, that i posted for you the other day. so, this means that if you didn't click on those links before, you should go back and do it now! ok, go!
6. i got a call tonight from one of the girls! it was like, the first one all summer, pretty much. and i actually had to go downstairs and do something.
7. school starts on wednesday. that means i'll have to start waking up early again. remember how i had to be up every morning before school? i know, it seems like such a long time ago. but, it starts again on wednesday.
8. yesterday morning i realized the problem with my iPod alarm clock remote control. when i am half asleep, i think that by pressing the 'pause' button on the remote, it will act like a 'snooze' feature. but, that is not the case. for the snooze feature, you actually have to get up and press snooze on the alarm clock. this is the reason i don't have the clock next to my bed. i would press it for days. i have to teach myself that the remote does not equal snooze.
9. i was trying to get to 10, but i think i'm out.
10. i'm in the middle of watching Bottle Rocket right now. i really like it. i saw tonight that it was an instant watching movie on Netflix and i said, "hm, maybe i'll watch it!" and then i said, "oh! i'll just watch it on dvd instead!" so, i did. but, i think i may save the rest until tomorrow because i am tired. i really love watching the three Wilson bros act together.
and i really realized while watching it that Wes Anderson has yet to do a film with a female central character. i mean, there's Margot. but she's more part of an ensemble. there's Ms. Cross. but, i wouldn't consider her a main character. there's Nat Port. does her character have a name? i don't even think she has a name. and, she's pretty much naked the whole time. while Jason Schwartzman is fully clothed. she's an interesting character, but she's kind of objectified. and who wants to see Nat Port naked when we can see J.Schwartz naked? my point exactly. i can't believe Darjeeling was my only Climax review where i didn't talk about the lack of Schwartzman nudity. well, i'm doing it here.
i think wes anderson should do a film about sisters! he can still use The Rolling Stones and The Kinks! girls like that too! just maybe, throw in some Miley also. the film could be called G.N.O. (girl's night out) wow, sounds great. i'll write the screenplay with Owen Wilson this time.
oh man. writing with Owen Wilson. i would meet him and he'd be like,
OWEN: Wanna make out?
JULIE: No!!! Let's write characters together!!!!
yeah, that's definitely the first thing he would say if he met me.
anyways. where is this going? probably nowhere.
i started gathering pictures for my Heath Ledger/Joseph Gordon Levitt entry. and then i got carried away at just looking at how pretty they both are. so, i'll continue at a later time. but know, that it is coming. and it will rock.
anyone seen Mysterious Skin?
ok, who else loves Battlefield by Jordin Sparks??? YES. i do.
ok. now i'm going to bed. it's only 2:30am! this is early for me.
and everybody wish Dan luck! he's taking his driving test today!!
oh, and it's Monday! i have to say my favorite cheesy thing about Mondays!! know what it is?? it's pretty cheesy. if you're lactose intolerant - go take your pill.
Mondays...full of possibility!
i think it just makes it better. it's almost as great as my favorite greeting - "oh hi! i didn't see you there!"
ok. this is enough. have a great day! i'll talk to you later :)
1. happy yesterday birthday to my dad, again!! we had a great day together. lots of fun at his house with his girlfriend and her kids. and delish cake!
2. also, happy yesterday birthday to my cousin out on vancouver island! i never speak to him, and have only met him twice, i think. but, i hope he had a happy day. maybe we'll see each other soon.
3. i made my mom a totally beautiful bracelet the other day. i'm really proud of it because it took me a while to figure out how i wanted the pattern. and then i had it all finished and didn't like the order of the beads. so, i took it apart and started over. but, i'm really happy with the end result. i hope she likes it and i can't wait to give it to her.
4. i watched The Princess Diaries through the magic of Netflix Instant Watching the other night. i was bored and had nothing else to watch. man, i laughed so hard so many times. that movie is great. i had no memory of Sandra Oh playing the vice principal. and "Andy Brink" playing the guy she's in love with at school. and MAN, that kiss at the end is totally hott. like, i was surprised it was that hott for a G rated movie. she's wearing that strapless dress and he's running his hands around her shoulders...it was steamy.
5. my dad told me yesterday that he really liked the music of She & Him, that i posted for you the other day. so, this means that if you didn't click on those links before, you should go back and do it now! ok, go!
6. i got a call tonight from one of the girls! it was like, the first one all summer, pretty much. and i actually had to go downstairs and do something.
7. school starts on wednesday. that means i'll have to start waking up early again. remember how i had to be up every morning before school? i know, it seems like such a long time ago. but, it starts again on wednesday.
8. yesterday morning i realized the problem with my iPod alarm clock remote control. when i am half asleep, i think that by pressing the 'pause' button on the remote, it will act like a 'snooze' feature. but, that is not the case. for the snooze feature, you actually have to get up and press snooze on the alarm clock. this is the reason i don't have the clock next to my bed. i would press it for days. i have to teach myself that the remote does not equal snooze.
9. i was trying to get to 10, but i think i'm out.
10. i'm in the middle of watching Bottle Rocket right now. i really like it. i saw tonight that it was an instant watching movie on Netflix and i said, "hm, maybe i'll watch it!" and then i said, "oh! i'll just watch it on dvd instead!" so, i did. but, i think i may save the rest until tomorrow because i am tired. i really love watching the three Wilson bros act together.
and i really realized while watching it that Wes Anderson has yet to do a film with a female central character. i mean, there's Margot. but she's more part of an ensemble. there's Ms. Cross. but, i wouldn't consider her a main character. there's Nat Port. does her character have a name? i don't even think she has a name. and, she's pretty much naked the whole time. while Jason Schwartzman is fully clothed. she's an interesting character, but she's kind of objectified. and who wants to see Nat Port naked when we can see J.Schwartz naked? my point exactly. i can't believe Darjeeling was my only Climax review where i didn't talk about the lack of Schwartzman nudity. well, i'm doing it here.
i think wes anderson should do a film about sisters! he can still use The Rolling Stones and The Kinks! girls like that too! just maybe, throw in some Miley also. the film could be called G.N.O. (girl's night out) wow, sounds great. i'll write the screenplay with Owen Wilson this time.
oh man. writing with Owen Wilson. i would meet him and he'd be like,
OWEN: Wanna make out?
JULIE: No!!! Let's write characters together!!!!
yeah, that's definitely the first thing he would say if he met me.
anyways. where is this going? probably nowhere.
i started gathering pictures for my Heath Ledger/Joseph Gordon Levitt entry. and then i got carried away at just looking at how pretty they both are. so, i'll continue at a later time. but know, that it is coming. and it will rock.
anyone seen Mysterious Skin?
ok, who else loves Battlefield by Jordin Sparks??? YES. i do.
ok. now i'm going to bed. it's only 2:30am! this is early for me.
and everybody wish Dan luck! he's taking his driving test today!!
oh, and it's Monday! i have to say my favorite cheesy thing about Mondays!! know what it is?? it's pretty cheesy. if you're lactose intolerant - go take your pill.
Mondays...full of possibility!
i think it just makes it better. it's almost as great as my favorite greeting - "oh hi! i didn't see you there!"
ok. this is enough. have a great day! i'll talk to you later :)
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