blog are you blogging about, sonic the hedge-blog?
love it. can't remember where it's front. i mean, where it's from. for some reason it makes me think of Nat Port. no idea why. i used that line as the title as one of my Livejournal entries. i think i was in the airport lounge when i wrote it. if i could title every blog entry that one line, i totes would.
and then i would start every entry off, "oh hi. i didn't see you there." because that is just the greatest greeting ever created.
so. i'm here. feeling pretty mellow right now. i'm like, tired. but i don't want to go to bed just yet. it's 2:21 in the am. friday morning. i don't know the date. the 3rd maybe. or the 4th maybe.
i'm not working, actually. my boss is sleeping over on the pull-out couch in the staff office. and when she does that, she usually tells me that i can have the night off. since she'll be in the office. and, if somebody needed something in the night (ie. tums, ibuprof) i would have to get into the office to get it. and then i would wake her up. so, she just tells me that she'll do it. i like that. i'm very grateful.
and she'll take care of things in the morning too. so, i don't have to wake up early. early, meaning like, 6:45.
today i worked for a long time. until 10am. actually, more like, 10:30. because Diane came in and we talked for a while. it was cool. i like her a lot. she's a great person. i work with great people. i can't imagine a better staffing of this house.
this morning while i was sitting in the staff office looking out over the living room it was very quiet. and i just took a moment to myself. and i thought about this house. and then i thought, "if this was a normal house, i wonder what kind of family would live here."
like, if this place that i am in right now was not a non-profit placement home for pregnant and parenting teenagers and it was just another house on the street, who would live here? a family? young couple with kids? older couple with the kids moved out? would my apartment even be an apartment, or would it be an attic? what would the house look like without the two staff offices? i wonder what kinds of things would be in the yard if it wasn't a daycare.
it was just very interesting to me to think about all this.
i've kind of got a stomach ache right now. it's like, a weird thing. i feel like it will go away if i go to sleep. but, i don't want to go to sleep.
although, i probs should.
i kind of want to get up early tomorrow even though i don't have to. because, i want to be tired enough to go to bed early friday night, so i can get up early saturday morning and drive home.
see how that works? i have to plan DAYS in advance if i want to get up early one day. that's how hard my life is right now. i'm kidding. i don't have a hard life.
i'm really looking forward to going home for one day. i think it will be good. actually, two days kind of. one night. but, one day will be in providence. which i'm excited for. i'm just really looking forward to hanging out with my mom. i love her a lot. and i like being with her because she's fun. and even though i'm around mothers all the time, there's nothing like going home to your own mother. because she's the best. ya dig?
i'm sorry. i will never use that expression again.
but speaking of dig. idina menzel and taye diggs had their baby! remember when i announced that she was pregnant?! that was nine months ago! and the baby just came on wednesday, i think. it's a boy. we knew it was going to be. and they called him Walker Nathanial. which, i think is a very strong name. kara is going to name her son Nathanial. so, that's what it made me think of.
i met a doctor today whose last name was Strange. i liked that. it was kind of.....weird.
also, i just watched Lost in Translation. for the second time in my life. the first was with Aliya. and i liked it a lot. and i just watched it again. and i still liked it a lot. i decided that i think that Scar Jo's character in the movie is exactly how Sofia Coppola is in real life. i just think that they probably wear the same clothes. i don't know Sofia Coppola at all, though. not even a little bit. well, i know she has a baby named Romy. that's pretty much it. but, i'm excited for her new movie with Benecio del Toro. i like him.
um. what else.
went to wal-mart today. did not like it. although, i was in a pretty good mood. and i had on an outfit combo that i had never worn before. so that was cool. and i just walked pretty slow.
i've been noticing more how much i either whistle, hum, or sing to myself while i am in public places. lately i've been doing it a lot. what's wrong with that? nada. i do everything alone so there's gotta be some fun in it.
let's see what did i buy at wal-mart. a notebook. new headbands because my other one broke. a lighter. like, one of those ones that everyone has. where you don't have to light a match. i had never used one before tonight.
so, i bought all these candles at Ikea last week. and then realized, wait a minute....i don't light candles because i don't like fire. so, then i thought and thought about it and i asked kara if she thought i would be able to figure out how to use one of those lighters. and she said yes. so, i got one tonight. and i tried it out once. and then i was going to light a candle, but i decided not to. still not quite ready. step one was buying the lighter. that was a big step.
bought some envelopes to mail the blog appreciation gifts. bought a tank top for that shirt that i made one of the girls here. i have to sew a tank top into the t-shirt because there is a big hole in it. so i finally bought one tonight.
it's a Miley Cyrus brand of clothing. it was actually the cheapest one that was plain white and didn't have a bunch of crap on it. so, i got it. while i was browsing around in the Miley Cyrus section, i saw a pair of leggings that look like they are made out of leather. like, they're supposed to look that way. let me just say, i hope i never see anybody wearing them.
i think that was all i bought. not too many things. but just enough.
then i went to the grocery store. i think i told you i needed tea. coffee. rice vinegar. got some ibuprofen because i've been getting some headaches lately. i woke up with a headache the other day and it was not a fun time. and, i didn't have any ibuprof to take.
people always tell you that ibuprofen is so hard on your stomach and you should never take it without food. well, i have never experienced any of this. i pretty much always take it without food. and it always works just fine. so, that's my story.
i took a bath tonight. Ruby Tuesday didn't like it because she can't come into the bathroom while i'm in the bath. because, she climbs around under the tub and tries to reach up in the space between the tub and the wall. and it makes me so nervous that she will get stuck. and so then i have to splash her with water to get her to stop. and she doesn't like that and i feel bad doing that. so, i had to barricade up the door so she could not open it. but, it was still pretty sad. because, she was crying outside and reaching up and playing with the door knob.
i have one of those old claw foot tubs. that's why you can get under it and in between it and the wall.
i saw a beautiful sight today. just as it was sunset i looked over the mountains and there was a hot air balloon floating in the sky. it was very pretty. and i like seeing hot air balloons all the time. it's kind of strange, because i had never seen one before moving up here.
but then i always think of how scared i would be up in one. and how you can't control the direction the hot air balloon goes. you can only control up and down. so you have to know about the different air currents in order to map your course. i think that sounds scary.
kind of like life, though. life as a compass person instead of a map person. you can't see where you're going because you don't have the map. only the compass. it's a me and andrew thing.
i have a list of stuff that i want to bring back from maine. the list includes my guitar, my lime green headband, and my Rooney t-shirt. i found a picture of myself wearing my Rooney t-shirt and i was like, "hey, why don't i have that with me?" let me see if i can find the picture so you can see how awesome the shirt is....
there's the shirt. let me see if i can find a better picture of it so you can see that it's hott pink.

that's the best i could do. i had dyed my hair blonde right before i saw Rooney. although, these were taken after, duh, because i have the t-shirt. i guess if i see Rooney again they probably won't remember me because i have brown hair again.
i had dyed my hair blonde for halloween.
earlier today i was bored so i was on youtube watching Rooney blog videos. i find them awesomely entertaining. and i watched one where Robert was talking about how him, his brother and Ben Lee all had dinner together the night before to celebrate Ben's birthday. and then they were going to go on tour together. and that was the tour that i saw. so, it made me quite excited to hear him talking about it. and also quite jealous because how awesome would it have been to be at that dinner? um, unimaginably awesome.
anyways. and now we can segue into talking about Ben Lee. how perf.
so, i was on myspace today and saw that Ben Lee had posted a blog about downloading a free album. this interested me, so i read on. and he gave the link to The Noise Addicts, which was a band he had been a member of many years back. and they were regrouping to make a cd. and the cd was free on their website.
so i said, "well i gotta have that cd." so, i downloaded it! for free! and listened to it. it's very cool. some good music. i like Ben Lee. i like him a lot. and i have liked him for such a long time. his first cd was like, one of the first cd's ever. like, after cassette tapes. yeah, i was really young. maybe like, 10.
so, his first cd came out in 1995 i just learned from good 'ol Wiki, so i was 9. all thanks to my dad for getting me into Ben Lee. he's a good guy. my dad, and Ben. (because i've met Ben! twice! whatwhat!)


Jenny is in the last one too. you are allowed to be totally jealous. neither of these times was the time they played with Rooney, though. you can tell by the color of my hair.
kind of like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. you can tell where they are in time by the color of Kate Winslet's hair. yeah, my life is just like that.
alright. where am i going with all this. i should be going to bed.
it's 3:36am now. sorry, 3:26am. i'm ten minutes ahead of myself.
so, the problem with getting up "early" on friday is i don't know what to do.
well, let's see:
- eat breakfast
- check out the internet
- write some letters that need writing
- get netflix
- read
i think i'm getting more Veronica Mars. because, i just got an Entourage. and i have them alternating in my queue. nice.
well, i guess that's a pretty full day. not really. maybe i'll light a candle. it was nighttime last night and i happened to look outside over to my neighbors, and they were eating dinner on their porch by candle light. it looked so beautiful.
maybe i'll do laundry tomorrow.
this morning, i was getting back in bed around 10:45am and i must have JUST fallen asleep and Ruby was sleeping under the blankets with me. and then the guy across the street starts hammering his porch steps. and both myself and Ruby got very scared and startled by this. because we both woke up. and Ruby couldn't even stay in the room. she had to go sit in the hallway until he stopped. it was weird how clearly we could hear the sounds. i seriously thought that someone was directly outside my window. on the third floor. weird how sound works.
and then he stopped and i immediately fell back to sleep. and Ruby slept on the red chair by the window like she always does.
ok. i think that's all i have to say. i'll end with the hammering story because i don't think i can do any better than that. it's a good one. they'll probably make it into a movie one day.
have a great day. it is Friday now, so enjoy it. most of you probably won't see your work mates until monday again. wish them well in your departure this afternoon. i will also wish you well. i hope you have the very best of times doing whatever you are doing in this moment, and the moment after we part. take care of yourself. drive safely. drink lots of water to stay hydrated. eat some leafy greens. brush your teeth often. keep your fire burning. stay positive. take a minute today to think about something new. and let me know what it is.
i have really enjoyed writing this entry tonight. i feel like i am in a good space right now. a good space with good people. i've got Bill Murray staring back at me from the dvd menu. what more can a girl want?
thank you for writing this entry today. it put me in a good space for my friday too. it's good to hear your voice via the internet and remember that lives are going on all around me even when i can't see them. that's a dumb thing to say, but it feels comforting for some reason.
ReplyDeletei love you julie!