quickly, because i am tired. it's not even 3am and i'm ready to sleep. went to bed around 4:45 saturday morning. that's late. and i've gone to bed at that time, i think 3 times this week.
ANYWAYS. today was a good day. a good, movie-watching day.
i woke up and me and my dad watched Star Trek.
then we got ready and had to go to Wal-Mart. yuck. i needed three trash cans. why? because i'm going to get better about recycling. before, i was just using big boxes inside a closet. and eventually the closet became the recycling box.
and so last night i went through the closet and recycled everything. from like, a long time ago. like, some things from summer, i think.
and so to help me get better about this, i thought i might get some trash cans. it might make me more neater. and all three cans fit in the closet! perf! and they're white and i'm going to paint them with the proper labels. such as, "paper!" or, "tin and glass!" or, "plastic!" i'm excited about this new project.
i also bought a cork board. because every time i go home i mean to bring mine back, and every time i forget. and it's been like, 14 months of forgetting. plus, there was a time that someone thought my cork board was a scratching post, and so a part of it is all clawed up. but now i have a new one!
and i have a large folder with all my cork board stuff in it. i remember packing it away during my last days at Hampshire. and on the folder i wrote, "cord board fanfare." it just seemed like the right thing to call it.
i'm pretty excited to hang everything again.
MORE EXCITING NEWS: i got our Crash Kings tickets in the mail today! ONE WEEK! oh man i cannot wait.
and the best part?! is that after the show is over, we won't have to be totally sad about not knowing the next time we'll see them - because we're seeing them again on thursday!
Crash Kings have this West Coast fan named Julie who has been to like, 12 of their shows or something. i discovered this on youtube tonight. she's awesome, because she'll like, fly from LA to san francisco to see them play. super fan! and - her name is Julie. (that's my name too)
and i saw this one video entitled, "tony from crash kings dedicates a song to me!" or something like that. and so i was like, "what is this all about!?" so, i watched the video, and he TOTALLY dedicates it to this girl named Julie! and he's like, "this one is for Julie...Julie came all the way from LA to see us tonight...Let's hear it for Julie!"
oh how i wished he was meaning me when he was saying those words. maybe one day he will...
SOMETHING EVEN MORE EXCITING:: tonight - 23 january 2010 - marks the SECOND TIME Darren from Phantom Planet and I have had a twitter conversation.
YES, THAT'S RIGHT. me and darren, chatting it up via tweets.
it went
then him
then me
then him
then me
WHOA! i know, right?!!?! he responded TWICE.
so, he was tweeting all this stuff about the show Lost - darren is a HUGE lost fan - and all his theories and all different articles about paranormal things related to Lost. specifically these articles about the lost city of Atlantis and it's possible connection to the Bermuda Triangle, and also to the pyramids in Egypt.
it was actually really interesting stuff. because, if you remember that entry where i found some of my journals from high school and i mapped out my life plan... one of the things on my "life check-list" was FIND ATLANTIS.
well, these articles suggested that there is a secret chamber hidden beneath the right paw of the Sphinx in Egypt that contains the Atlantis "Hall of Records."
but what they also suggested was that Atlantis lies waaaay beneath the Bermuda Triangle and continues to give off such a powerful energy source, and that's why there's so much strange activity above sea level.
it actually kind of makes a lot of sense. because i guess back in september there were some pictures taken of the water off the coast of Bimini and there were all these strange rock structures that they found, which they think is an old harbor, from when the water was a lower level. cool, right?
anyways - Darren thinks that Lost is all taking place in Atlantis. and so i asked him,
JULIE: Do you think that Lost is actually taking place in the Bermuda Triangle?
and he said,
DARREN: I couldn't say. But it doesn't seem too far off.
i know - wow. and so then i was reading more and more and thought about that Disney movie Atlantis, and how they thought it was over by Iceland. member, at first they thought it was iReland. but then realized the R was C.
and i thought, 'i wonder if darren ever saw Atlantis?' and then i thought, 'i could never ask him that because it's too embarrassing.' and then i thought, 'wait, what do i care? i don't even know him at all.'
JULIE: ever see that Disney movie 'Atlantis?'
and he said,
great, right?! and then i just said that it was fun and i would recommend it. and i didn't get a response, so i'm assuming he thinks i'm a total lame-o. do i care? actually, no.
i'm just so freaking excited that he answered me TWICE. that's awesome, right? RIGHT.
oh man. the best.
mix 'tweeting with darren' with the 'robert schwartzman is following you on twitter' email and it's like the perfect storm of online interacting with celebs. um, heck yeah it's been a good weekend.
and it's even cooler because Darren and Robert know each other!!!
oh man. too much. too many cute los angeles hipster musician boys for one weekend. what's that you say? you can never have too many cute los angeles hipster musician boys? oh, i suppose you're right.
oh man. i can't even talk about it. it's going to be so good. so much Tony and Mike. luvs it.
ANOTHER COOL THING: i bought nail polish today. it's called 'gunmetal.' YEP. super excited. it's a bit shimmery, which normally would be exactly what i want, but in the case of grey, i wanted a non-shimmery kind. but, we'll see. it might be totes the best.
oh man. Darren and Robert. i can't believe it. how amazing is Twitter? it's amazing. and it's even more amazing for connecting you to your favorite celebs!
Darren is good about responding to people. i've gotten responses from him, and a response from Coconut Records. those are the only two celeb responses. i've also tweeted Rooney and Crash Kings - and no response.
but YOU BET that i will tweet a song request for Crash Kings at the Boston show next week. and if they don't play it? well, then i will go up to Tony after the show and ask them to play it in Providence. yeah i will.
i tweeted a song request to Rooney before the boston show and they didn't play it. eh, whatevs.
Crash Kings are playing in Providence with this band called Violent Soho. from Queensland. i listened to their songs on their myspace. it was all loud guitar and screaming. i couldn't get through one song.
i feel that this might be a problem in future Crash Kings shows. they're not a "screamy" band, but they're a loud band. i remember during their set at The Middle East, you could feel the music in your chest. it was so loud. and ok, sometimes Tony can get screamy. but, it's a good screamy. not like, heavy metal screamy. like, 'screamy like a guy rocking out on the piano' screamy.
and even then, they can play a screamy song like '14 Arms' (which, is one of my favorites, actually), and then go and play a beautiful, romantic song like 'My Love.' (also one of my favorites)
ok, every song is my fave.
ok, i'm going to sleep now.
i told myself i would go to sleep at 3am. and it's not 3:32am. surprisingly, i'm not tired anymore. member i started this and i was like, "this is going to be quick because i'm really tired."
yeah, not anymore. but, i'm going to try and make myself go to sleep. i think i can. i'm tired, but my eyes aren't burning anymore. which makes me want to keep them open and not closed.
ANYWAYS. whatever,
man, i really want sushi. i've been really wanting sushi lately. i should buy it sometimes.
what was that place in downtown Northampton that had chinese and japanese food? Teapot? The Teapot? is that right? it was like, on the same side of the street at CVS, i think. but more by the Bueno y Sano end. i think that's right. maybe not.
man, i miss Amherst so much.
ok. 3:38am. now i have to go to sleep.
hope everybody has a wonderful weekend end.
oh, i just thought of more to tell you. it'll wait. and i won't forget.
ok! goodnight! have a great day!
23 January 2010
"can't waste time so give it a moment"
maybe this has been clear in recent postings. maybe it hasn't. but, i'm kind of interested in the idea of getting a tattoo.
andrew tried to get me to get one when he came to visit before christmas. and i said i would think about it.
now, i think this is totally crazy. ME. getting a TATTOO. is it totally crazy?
especially in the last few days, i've even been considering it more. earlier tonight i was even googling information about tattoos, designs, etc. and then i realized what i was doing and said, "wait, what?!" and then stopped.
but then, i was cleaning off my kitchen table and found a green envelope. i thought, "hm, what's inside here?" and i pulled out the piece of paper inside, and it was a $10 off any piercing, tattoo or tanning package from some local parlour.
and i remember getting it in the mail. and i thought, "why would i save this?" it was from a while ago. like, maybe early december. why would i save that? i've vowed never to get another piercing. and tanning is out of the question. i must have subconsciously known that in the near future i might seriously be considering getting a tattoo.
just now. like, ten minutes ago, i said, "oo i'll read my horoscope for today (saturday)!" and so i did.
AND THIS is what it says:
If you've been considering a major renovation to your look, now is the time to get that new hairstyle, tattoo or wardrobe upgrade. It may be superficial, but it does affect you at a deeper level as well.
FOR REALZ. now, when i was reading it, i read the first part "if you've been considering a major renovation to your look" and immediately thought, "actually, i have." and then they list 'tattoo' as one of the choices! and then i got butterflies in my stomach.
1. i just got a new haircut (my supercuts super cut.)
2. and i just got a wardrobe upgrade (red plaid shirt!)
so, the only one that really applies is tattoo. isn't that weird?
man. i think that's crazy.
but then i think about how freaking cool the tattoo would look with my red plaid shirt. am i right?! yes.
i wouldn't want the tattoo to be big. maybe like, a little bigger than a quarter. silver dollar? how big are those? maybe the size of a toonie. (canadian 2 dollar coin)
that's a good size for a compass.
man. this is some crazy internal debate going on right now. did i ever think i would be debating on whether or not to get a tattoo? NO.
pretty soon i'm going to start doing other things i promised myself i would never do.
like, swearing.
(although, sometimes i swear when i'm alone and then i feel bad about it. that's my confession for the day.)
sometimes, i wish i swore. because i think sometimes it sounds really good. but, mainly just good on other people. i don't think i would be a good swearer.
also, i can't swear about Ruby Tuesday because she's just a baby!
no. i will still try my hardest not to swear.
the tattoo is still an open discussion, though. what do you think?
MAN. it's just so permanent. like, i feel that nothing in my life has ever been as permanent as a tattoo would be. except for my piercing, i guess.
perhaps this is just my 'almost 4am' self talking.
maybe tomorrow i'll wake up and not even remember writing this blog post. like a few weeks ago when i pulled my all-nighter and totally didn't remember confessing my love for Tony in that blog post. i still think that's crazy.
so today, the Ben Folds song of the day has been 'Fred Jones, Part 2.' can't stop listening to it. that harmony at the end? yeah. son of a gun. so good.
and actually, i have been wondering about this. and thinking that maybe because i've been listening to Crash Kings so much, that somehow their piano rock music has reawakened my Folds love.
Tony always talks about how much he loved Ben Folds Five and that's why he wanted to start another piano rock trio. i guess it would make sense that i've been inspired to listen to Ben Folds again recently.
also - that band, Paper Tongues? yeah. they remind me of The Bravery. i only know one song by The Bravery. but, Paper Tongues reminds me of that one song.
hm. ok.
i signed up for the Google Mail Notifier, that does a little pop up every time you have a new email. and it makes a little 'ding' noise. and i JUST heard the ding and looked over at the little pop up telling me what my new email was....
"Robert Schwartzman is now following you on Twitter!"
for realz. that's the email i just got. at 4am. 1am los angeles time. um, wow. this is an amazing time in my life right now.
reading that email and seeing the names "julie evans" next to the name "robert schwartzman" is pretty much all i need to be happy. i've reached my life goal.
actually, remember when i shook robert's hand? yeah. and kara touched his chest. wow. that was a good night.
i should go to bed now before i start freaking out with excitement.

sorry. i just needed a visual. and heck, it's always good for your eyes to look at some Schwartzman. i believe that was recently proven by the American Medical Association. i think robert looks like jason in that picture.
OH OH!!! i have more exciting news!!!!!!!!
i painted my nails SILVER!!!! yes. silver. i feel like i'm in Star Trek. i don't think they had silver nails. but, they would.
one of the residents here let me borrow her silver nail polish after i was admiring it on her nails the other night. AWESOME, right? yeah.
i might buy this nail polish that supposed to be the "it color" right now. it's called Mint Candy Apple and it's from essie.com. i like the color a lot. it reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker's Academy Awards dress from last year.
i also decided that i want a "smoke" nail polish. like, dark grey. i'll make it happen, don't worry.
this spring might bring changes to my life. next time you see me, i could be walking around in a red plaid shirt, orange scarf, compass tattoo on my arm, with mint green nail polish, tweeting back and forth with robert schwartzman!
wow. that's like the ideal version of myself. just walking around like that...
aw man. ok. NOW i have to go to bed before i get too far into fantasy land. also known as: my head.
have a great saturday! go out and do something fun! treat yourself to some lovely.
my dad is with me again! so far, we're having fun. not sure what today will bring. we'll see where it goes.
when i woke up friday morning i never thought that by the end of the day r.schwartz would be following me on twitter. and now look!
ok. for realz.
good afternoon, good morning and good night!
andrew tried to get me to get one when he came to visit before christmas. and i said i would think about it.
now, i think this is totally crazy. ME. getting a TATTOO. is it totally crazy?
especially in the last few days, i've even been considering it more. earlier tonight i was even googling information about tattoos, designs, etc. and then i realized what i was doing and said, "wait, what?!" and then stopped.
but then, i was cleaning off my kitchen table and found a green envelope. i thought, "hm, what's inside here?" and i pulled out the piece of paper inside, and it was a $10 off any piercing, tattoo or tanning package from some local parlour.
and i remember getting it in the mail. and i thought, "why would i save this?" it was from a while ago. like, maybe early december. why would i save that? i've vowed never to get another piercing. and tanning is out of the question. i must have subconsciously known that in the near future i might seriously be considering getting a tattoo.
just now. like, ten minutes ago, i said, "oo i'll read my horoscope for today (saturday)!" and so i did.
AND THIS is what it says:
If you've been considering a major renovation to your look, now is the time to get that new hairstyle, tattoo or wardrobe upgrade. It may be superficial, but it does affect you at a deeper level as well.
FOR REALZ. now, when i was reading it, i read the first part "if you've been considering a major renovation to your look" and immediately thought, "actually, i have." and then they list 'tattoo' as one of the choices! and then i got butterflies in my stomach.
1. i just got a new haircut (my supercuts super cut.)
2. and i just got a wardrobe upgrade (red plaid shirt!)
so, the only one that really applies is tattoo. isn't that weird?
man. i think that's crazy.
but then i think about how freaking cool the tattoo would look with my red plaid shirt. am i right?! yes.
i wouldn't want the tattoo to be big. maybe like, a little bigger than a quarter. silver dollar? how big are those? maybe the size of a toonie. (canadian 2 dollar coin)
that's a good size for a compass.
man. this is some crazy internal debate going on right now. did i ever think i would be debating on whether or not to get a tattoo? NO.
pretty soon i'm going to start doing other things i promised myself i would never do.
like, swearing.
(although, sometimes i swear when i'm alone and then i feel bad about it. that's my confession for the day.)
sometimes, i wish i swore. because i think sometimes it sounds really good. but, mainly just good on other people. i don't think i would be a good swearer.
also, i can't swear about Ruby Tuesday because she's just a baby!
no. i will still try my hardest not to swear.
the tattoo is still an open discussion, though. what do you think?
MAN. it's just so permanent. like, i feel that nothing in my life has ever been as permanent as a tattoo would be. except for my piercing, i guess.
perhaps this is just my 'almost 4am' self talking.
maybe tomorrow i'll wake up and not even remember writing this blog post. like a few weeks ago when i pulled my all-nighter and totally didn't remember confessing my love for Tony in that blog post. i still think that's crazy.
so today, the Ben Folds song of the day has been 'Fred Jones, Part 2.' can't stop listening to it. that harmony at the end? yeah. son of a gun. so good.
and actually, i have been wondering about this. and thinking that maybe because i've been listening to Crash Kings so much, that somehow their piano rock music has reawakened my Folds love.
Tony always talks about how much he loved Ben Folds Five and that's why he wanted to start another piano rock trio. i guess it would make sense that i've been inspired to listen to Ben Folds again recently.
also - that band, Paper Tongues? yeah. they remind me of The Bravery. i only know one song by The Bravery. but, Paper Tongues reminds me of that one song.
hm. ok.
i signed up for the Google Mail Notifier, that does a little pop up every time you have a new email. and it makes a little 'ding' noise. and i JUST heard the ding and looked over at the little pop up telling me what my new email was....
"Robert Schwartzman is now following you on Twitter!"
for realz. that's the email i just got. at 4am. 1am los angeles time. um, wow. this is an amazing time in my life right now.
reading that email and seeing the names "julie evans" next to the name "robert schwartzman" is pretty much all i need to be happy. i've reached my life goal.
actually, remember when i shook robert's hand? yeah. and kara touched his chest. wow. that was a good night.
i should go to bed now before i start freaking out with excitement.
sorry. i just needed a visual. and heck, it's always good for your eyes to look at some Schwartzman. i believe that was recently proven by the American Medical Association. i think robert looks like jason in that picture.
OH OH!!! i have more exciting news!!!!!!!!
i painted my nails SILVER!!!! yes. silver. i feel like i'm in Star Trek. i don't think they had silver nails. but, they would.
one of the residents here let me borrow her silver nail polish after i was admiring it on her nails the other night. AWESOME, right? yeah.
i might buy this nail polish that supposed to be the "it color" right now. it's called Mint Candy Apple and it's from essie.com. i like the color a lot. it reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker's Academy Awards dress from last year.
i also decided that i want a "smoke" nail polish. like, dark grey. i'll make it happen, don't worry.
this spring might bring changes to my life. next time you see me, i could be walking around in a red plaid shirt, orange scarf, compass tattoo on my arm, with mint green nail polish, tweeting back and forth with robert schwartzman!
wow. that's like the ideal version of myself. just walking around like that...
aw man. ok. NOW i have to go to bed before i get too far into fantasy land. also known as: my head.
have a great saturday! go out and do something fun! treat yourself to some lovely.
my dad is with me again! so far, we're having fun. not sure what today will bring. we'll see where it goes.
when i woke up friday morning i never thought that by the end of the day r.schwartz would be following me on twitter. and now look!
ok. for realz.
good afternoon, good morning and good night!
22 January 2010
she would never say where she came from
Ruby Tuesday is.

(here she is wrapped in a blanket on my couch. she did this herself.)
Ruby Tuesday does this amazingly adorable act whenever she wants something. When she's hungry, when she wants to be picked up, when she wants to play, when she sees something out of her reach (ie. a bug on the ceiling). She stands on her back legs and makes a 'grabbing' motion with her little paws, much like she's begging.
I have caught this on video twice. I told my coworker Diane about this, and she (who has witnessed this great act once herself) told me to immediately put it on youtube.
Ruby Tuesday, 1
Ruby Tuesday, 2
the first is only 8 seconds, and the second is around 21 seconds. and you have to watch the first one like, 4 or 5 times for maximum cuteness.
now everyone can enjoy the cuteness of Tuesday.
Ruby Tuesday is.
(here she is wrapped in a blanket on my couch. she did this herself.)
Ruby Tuesday does this amazingly adorable act whenever she wants something. When she's hungry, when she wants to be picked up, when she wants to play, when she sees something out of her reach (ie. a bug on the ceiling). She stands on her back legs and makes a 'grabbing' motion with her little paws, much like she's begging.
I have caught this on video twice. I told my coworker Diane about this, and she (who has witnessed this great act once herself) told me to immediately put it on youtube.
Ruby Tuesday, 1
Ruby Tuesday, 2
the first is only 8 seconds, and the second is around 21 seconds. and you have to watch the first one like, 4 or 5 times for maximum cuteness.
now everyone can enjoy the cuteness of Tuesday.
21 January 2010
aliya was born today!!!
you're in minnesota right now, staying on a frozen lake and making beautiful stuffed animals!! i'm so excited for you! make sure kerianne takes pictures because she told me she would!!!
i hope you have a WONDERFUL AMAZING SUPER AWESOME birthday!!!! two years ago we were in florida celebrating!! have a blast with kerianne and sam! make sure not to break the ice with all the crazy dance parties.
you're in minnesota right now, staying on a frozen lake and making beautiful stuffed animals!! i'm so excited for you! make sure kerianne takes pictures because she told me she would!!!
i hope you have a WONDERFUL AMAZING SUPER AWESOME birthday!!!! two years ago we were in florida celebrating!! have a blast with kerianne and sam! make sure not to break the ice with all the crazy dance parties.
sweet sunshower
boy, was it sunny today or what?
that sounds like the opening of a late night talk show monologue. but, it's not. it's just the blog opening. i have no jokes to follow.
i wanted to THANK YOU all for your support around attending the Crash Kings show on 4 february, even after we are seeing them on the 31st. here's the update:
- i was downstairs at work, checking in with my boss. i kept debating on whether or not to ask for the night off. i was sooo torn. back and forth in my head for like, 15 minutes. and then finally, as she was putting on her coat and getting the dog on the leash, i blurted:
MY BOSS: What night of the week is that?
MY BOSS: Oh yeah, that's fine.
MY BOSS: Yeah, of course! You seem surprised!
JULIE: I am! I didn't think it would happen because it's kind of last minute!
MY BOSS: No, it's not last minute. Last minute would be the morning of.
ha! i got the night off. i immediately texted kara the good news and she's pretty freaking excited. this was her exact quote (via text message)
KARA: i'm excited to make out with them!
yep. she's my sister, all right. and i've taught her well. it was a proud moment for me.
and now i must show you a freaking crazy sexy insane picture of Tony playing the clav:

yeah. yeah, i know. no really - I KNOW. does it get much sexier? um, i'm doubt it. hott boy playing the piano? JV knows what i'm talking about...
AND, i'm going to continue my method of jamming Crash Kings music into your brain, and post these videos. i would strongly encourage you to view them. i posted them a little while ago with a link to a radio station's website that had them posted. but now they're on Youtube, and i'm posting those links.
it's Tony, solo, playing the hits:
CRASH KINGS, 'It's Only Wednesday'
CRASH KINGS, 'Mountain Man'
great songs. normally, i like 'it's only wednesday' better, but when i watch these videos, i like 'mountain man' better. (and ooooo he looks sooo great with his tattoo.)
AND, if you want to read a review of their most recent show (where i got the hott pic seen above) please read here:
There are 40 of us who can say, “I remember seeing Crash Kings in this small club…” Big things lie on the road ahead for this trio.
ok. and that was my music promotion for the day.
now i'm going to go eat supper because i'm very hungry. i hope tonight is much quieter than last night. our new intern is GREAT. i really like her. she seems like a very excited person.
alright. hope everyone had a wonderful day.
apparently it's hailing right now in LA, but that shouldn't keep you from going to THE SILVERLAKE LOUNGE for THE CALIFORNIAN debut!!!!!
(man, i actually did lots of music promotion today)
it's currently 11:15pm here, which means it's only 8:15 on the west coast. SO, if you're reading from there, you still have time to get to the show.
alright, NOW i'm really going to go eat some supper. and maybe watch the Nicolas Cage movie.
it's almost time for another birthday shout out.... GET READY.
have a great night!!! talk to you soon!
that sounds like the opening of a late night talk show monologue. but, it's not. it's just the blog opening. i have no jokes to follow.
i wanted to THANK YOU all for your support around attending the Crash Kings show on 4 february, even after we are seeing them on the 31st. here's the update:
- i was downstairs at work, checking in with my boss. i kept debating on whether or not to ask for the night off. i was sooo torn. back and forth in my head for like, 15 minutes. and then finally, as she was putting on her coat and getting the dog on the leash, i blurted:
MY BOSS: What night of the week is that?
MY BOSS: Oh yeah, that's fine.
MY BOSS: Yeah, of course! You seem surprised!
JULIE: I am! I didn't think it would happen because it's kind of last minute!
MY BOSS: No, it's not last minute. Last minute would be the morning of.
ha! i got the night off. i immediately texted kara the good news and she's pretty freaking excited. this was her exact quote (via text message)
KARA: i'm excited to make out with them!
yep. she's my sister, all right. and i've taught her well. it was a proud moment for me.
and now i must show you a freaking crazy sexy insane picture of Tony playing the clav:
yeah. yeah, i know. no really - I KNOW. does it get much sexier? um, i'm doubt it. hott boy playing the piano? JV knows what i'm talking about...
AND, i'm going to continue my method of jamming Crash Kings music into your brain, and post these videos. i would strongly encourage you to view them. i posted them a little while ago with a link to a radio station's website that had them posted. but now they're on Youtube, and i'm posting those links.
it's Tony, solo, playing the hits:
CRASH KINGS, 'It's Only Wednesday'
CRASH KINGS, 'Mountain Man'
great songs. normally, i like 'it's only wednesday' better, but when i watch these videos, i like 'mountain man' better. (and ooooo he looks sooo great with his tattoo.)
AND, if you want to read a review of their most recent show (where i got the hott pic seen above) please read here:
There are 40 of us who can say, “I remember seeing Crash Kings in this small club…” Big things lie on the road ahead for this trio.
ok. and that was my music promotion for the day.
now i'm going to go eat supper because i'm very hungry. i hope tonight is much quieter than last night. our new intern is GREAT. i really like her. she seems like a very excited person.
alright. hope everyone had a wonderful day.
apparently it's hailing right now in LA, but that shouldn't keep you from going to THE SILVERLAKE LOUNGE for THE CALIFORNIAN debut!!!!!
(man, i actually did lots of music promotion today)
it's currently 11:15pm here, which means it's only 8:15 on the west coast. SO, if you're reading from there, you still have time to get to the show.
alright, NOW i'm really going to go eat some supper. and maybe watch the Nicolas Cage movie.
it's almost time for another birthday shout out.... GET READY.
have a great night!!! talk to you soon!
or, anywhere in the Los Angeles area! THIS POST IS FOR YOU!!! i actually don't know if i have any readers in the Los Angeles area. do i? ok, it doesn't matter!!! if you are reading this and you live in the Los Angeles area - PAY ATTENTION!
this is very important.
the band THE CALIFORNIAN is playing their debut show tonight at the Silverlake Lounge!!!! YOU MUST GO!!! this is a great new band. DEBUT PERFORMANCE!!!! who would want to miss that!?!
if i were in los angeles tonight - you would find me there. they're that good.
take a listen to some of their songs on their myspace page. specifically, SPIN ROUND, because that is the best.
this is the band that DARREN is in. we all know about my strong love feelings for Darren. heck, Darren probably knows too. he's a great guitar player, and this is his great new band.
i know it's quite late. but it's worth it, i promise. they call themselves a "surf rock" band. cool, right? yeah. totes cool.
my sister KARA even managed to turn SPIN ROUND into her ringtone!!! that's how much she loved the song.
- 5 miles WEST of Los Angeles at 2906 Sunset Blvd.
- if you're coming from the 101 (which would be perf seeing as darren was in phantom planet) - then you want to take the Silverlake Blvd exit. turn onto PARKMAN street. drive until SUNSET BLVD. the lounge is at this intersection.
SEE HOW MUCH I WANT YOU TO GO!!?!!?!?!? i even posted directions to the place.
SON OF A GUN i wish i could go.
but YOU can go if you live in the Los Angeles area. or, even if you don't, there's probably still time to take a road trip.
ok. this now concludes the very important blog post of the day.
turns out i'm working tonight 3:30 to 10. or, 8am. courtney wanted the night off so i said, "sure!"
there's a new intern starting tonight. i hope she's as cool as jamie.
last night was a busy overnight. i was working from midnight to 2am. and then i was about to get into bed around 3:30, and the phone rang again. and i was up again from 3:30-4:15am.
and so i didn't get into bed until like, 4:45am. for the second night in a row!
also, i have come into a mild life crisis. i'm pretty torn on what to do.
here's the sitch:
everything cool happens at nighttime. and that's when i work. sometimes it's a bummer.
it came to my attention yesterday that Crash Kings are playing a show in PROVIDENCE on the 4th of february. that's just a few days after we are seeing them on the 31st.
1. kara lives in providence so it'd be a super easy trip
2. the show only costs $.95.
3. yes, you read that right. 95 CENTS. that's less than a dollar.
should i try and get the night off? UGH. so hard. i told kara and she was like, "well i might still go even if you can't, because that's really cheap."
UGH and if i know that Kara is seeing Crash Kings while I'M at work.... well, i might just go insane with jealousy.
OH i wish i had more time off.
ok. i guess i'll have to figure this out myself. is it creepy to see a band play twice in the same week?
no, i don't think so. for $.95. come on. it's some thing called "ultra cheap date night" that a radio station is putting on, i think. hey, if that includes a date with the band, i'm all set.
ok. i'm going to go eat some cereal before work. it's currently 2:49pm. i have not eaten or gotten dressed yet. what should i wear to work tonight?
ok, i should get going.
thanks for reading! AND GO TO THE SHOW TONIGHT IN SILVERLAKE!!!!!!! you won't regret it, i promise. if you go - let me know!
have a great night.
this is very important.
the band THE CALIFORNIAN is playing their debut show tonight at the Silverlake Lounge!!!! YOU MUST GO!!! this is a great new band. DEBUT PERFORMANCE!!!! who would want to miss that!?!
if i were in los angeles tonight - you would find me there. they're that good.
take a listen to some of their songs on their myspace page. specifically, SPIN ROUND, because that is the best.
this is the band that DARREN is in. we all know about my strong love feelings for Darren. heck, Darren probably knows too. he's a great guitar player, and this is his great new band.
i know it's quite late. but it's worth it, i promise. they call themselves a "surf rock" band. cool, right? yeah. totes cool.
my sister KARA even managed to turn SPIN ROUND into her ringtone!!! that's how much she loved the song.
- 5 miles WEST of Los Angeles at 2906 Sunset Blvd.
- if you're coming from the 101 (which would be perf seeing as darren was in phantom planet) - then you want to take the Silverlake Blvd exit. turn onto PARKMAN street. drive until SUNSET BLVD. the lounge is at this intersection.
SEE HOW MUCH I WANT YOU TO GO!!?!!?!?!? i even posted directions to the place.
SON OF A GUN i wish i could go.
but YOU can go if you live in the Los Angeles area. or, even if you don't, there's probably still time to take a road trip.
ok. this now concludes the very important blog post of the day.
turns out i'm working tonight 3:30 to 10. or, 8am. courtney wanted the night off so i said, "sure!"
there's a new intern starting tonight. i hope she's as cool as jamie.
last night was a busy overnight. i was working from midnight to 2am. and then i was about to get into bed around 3:30, and the phone rang again. and i was up again from 3:30-4:15am.
and so i didn't get into bed until like, 4:45am. for the second night in a row!
also, i have come into a mild life crisis. i'm pretty torn on what to do.
here's the sitch:
everything cool happens at nighttime. and that's when i work. sometimes it's a bummer.
it came to my attention yesterday that Crash Kings are playing a show in PROVIDENCE on the 4th of february. that's just a few days after we are seeing them on the 31st.
1. kara lives in providence so it'd be a super easy trip
2. the show only costs $.95.
3. yes, you read that right. 95 CENTS. that's less than a dollar.
should i try and get the night off? UGH. so hard. i told kara and she was like, "well i might still go even if you can't, because that's really cheap."
UGH and if i know that Kara is seeing Crash Kings while I'M at work.... well, i might just go insane with jealousy.
OH i wish i had more time off.
ok. i guess i'll have to figure this out myself. is it creepy to see a band play twice in the same week?
no, i don't think so. for $.95. come on. it's some thing called "ultra cheap date night" that a radio station is putting on, i think. hey, if that includes a date with the band, i'm all set.
ok. i'm going to go eat some cereal before work. it's currently 2:49pm. i have not eaten or gotten dressed yet. what should i wear to work tonight?
ok, i should get going.
thanks for reading! AND GO TO THE SHOW TONIGHT IN SILVERLAKE!!!!!!! you won't regret it, i promise. if you go - let me know!
have a great night.
20 January 2010
THIS is what i wanted to tell you.
i just finished writing the post below this one, and then REMEMBERED what i really wanted to talk to you about.
TWITTER + JOE JONAS = a very happy julie.
the other day i was on Twitter and there was a tweet from Crash Kings. this is what it said:
Thanks @joejonas! Let's jam soon...
and i saw this and said, "what the heck?!!" and immediately i did some investigating. i clicked on "@joejonas" and it brought me to his twitter. YES, JOE JONAS HAS HIS OWN TWITTER. and since i started following him my life has been considerably better.
and so i was reading his past tweets and saw that he had written this one:
Everyone check out @crashkings great guys. Rad musicccck.
and i thought, "whoa. joe jonas likes crash kings. that's really cool."
and then i was telling this to kara tonight on the phone and i said to her,
JULIE: I wonder how he heard about them!
KARA: Um, probably through Robert.
JULIE: OMG yes!!!
because Rooney was on tour with Crash Kings, and Robert Schwartzman and Joe Jonas are like, best friends for some creepy reason. so then it all made sense. and it was so great.
AND THEN!!!! i just checked twitter and @joejonas had tweeted again! and he said,
Wrote a steller jam with @rcschwartzman today.
YES!!! it's true. Robert was hanging out with Joe today. the proof is on twitter. that's just crazy to me. it's so weird to me that Robert writes songs for the JoBros.
anyways. that's my exciting celeb story for the day.
son of a gun. I WANT to jam with @crashkings @joejonas and @rcschwartzman.
currently in my apartment i have two acoustic guitars and a trombone. that must be worth something.... ???
ok. now i feel better because i wanted to tell you about joe. phew. i actually feel a weight lifted. i feel like i can't stop telling people that joe jonas has a twitter. i guess i've only told courtney and kara. and now you. but it feels like i'm always talking about it.
alright! now i can go to sleep. and you can too. have a great night! or, a great day!
i just finished writing the post below this one, and then REMEMBERED what i really wanted to talk to you about.
TWITTER + JOE JONAS = a very happy julie.
the other day i was on Twitter and there was a tweet from Crash Kings. this is what it said:
Thanks @joejonas! Let's jam soon...
and i saw this and said, "what the heck?!!" and immediately i did some investigating. i clicked on "@joejonas" and it brought me to his twitter. YES, JOE JONAS HAS HIS OWN TWITTER. and since i started following him my life has been considerably better.
and so i was reading his past tweets and saw that he had written this one:
Everyone check out @crashkings great guys. Rad musicccck.
and i thought, "whoa. joe jonas likes crash kings. that's really cool."
and then i was telling this to kara tonight on the phone and i said to her,
JULIE: I wonder how he heard about them!
KARA: Um, probably through Robert.
JULIE: OMG yes!!!
because Rooney was on tour with Crash Kings, and Robert Schwartzman and Joe Jonas are like, best friends for some creepy reason. so then it all made sense. and it was so great.
AND THEN!!!! i just checked twitter and @joejonas had tweeted again! and he said,
Wrote a steller jam with @rcschwartzman today.
YES!!! it's true. Robert was hanging out with Joe today. the proof is on twitter. that's just crazy to me. it's so weird to me that Robert writes songs for the JoBros.
anyways. that's my exciting celeb story for the day.
son of a gun. I WANT to jam with @crashkings @joejonas and @rcschwartzman.
currently in my apartment i have two acoustic guitars and a trombone. that must be worth something.... ???
ok. now i feel better because i wanted to tell you about joe. phew. i actually feel a weight lifted. i feel like i can't stop telling people that joe jonas has a twitter. i guess i've only told courtney and kara. and now you. but it feels like i'm always talking about it.
alright! now i can go to sleep. and you can too. have a great night! or, a great day!
19 January 2010
drop like flies from the bright sunny skies
i was making all these racy hip hop cds for one of the residents here. we all know how i feel about these songs. and then ALL OF A SUDDEN, i said to myself, "i want to listen to Not the Same." by Ben Folds, of course. and then i listened to it. and then i listened to it like, 6 more times.
so freaking good. i love that song! and i kind of just realized it tonight. so great. i love love love the beginning music before he starts singing.
anyways. awesome.
i wanted to tell you about this other band that i just found. Paper Tongues. i know, it sounds gross. but, they are the band who is playing with Crash Kings in Boston in two weeks. and i said to myself, "i hope they are good."
so, i went to their website and found out all about them. they are from Charlotte, NC. and this band is made up of SEVEN guys.
now, i immediately saw that and thought, "oh no." thinking, 'that will be a horrible mix with the Crash Kings!' who are a piano rock trio! like, yikes! right?
so, i listened to their song, 'Ride to California' and didn't like it at all. i only listened to it halfway through. and then i stopped listening to them and went and did something else.
and then i went back on their website and listened to it again. the whole way through. and surprisingly, i really liked it. and then i saw that it was a free download if you signed up for their mailing list. so i said, "ah what the heck." so, i got the free download. and in the meantime, started listening to their other three songs that were streaming from their website.
and the other three songs ended and i thought to myself, "wow, i really enjoyed that." and i listened to them all again. and still really enjoyed it. and even had one song already stuck in my head.
so, then i did the next natural thing: went to itunes. searched 'paper tongues.' saw that their EP was only $3.96. purchase! it's only a four song ep. but wow! all the songs are really good.
the song i have stuck in my head mostly is called 'Trinity.' i really love it. they're really good. and so now i'm following them on Twitter. and the most recent tweet is "happy 21st birthday danny!" who is a member of the band.
THEY ARE BABIES!!!! he's just turning 21!?!? whoa man! what a lucky kid. currently they're on tour with Switchfoot. now, i don't know any of their music, but they're a kind of big band, right? that's so great, right? and super cool.
i have no idea how old the rest of them are. but that's kind of funny how young that kid is. Danny. i don't know who he is or what he does for the band. but i thought that was pretty cool how young he is.
so, that's the new band for today - Paper Tongues. don't let their name, or the fact that there are seven of them turn you away.
they say on their website that they like, a rock band with eclectic hip hop beats. and i read that and was like, "what the heck does that mean?"
and, after listening to their music a lot, i still don't really understand what that means, but it kind of makes sense. if that makes sense.
anyways. i think they'll be a pretty good mix with Crash Kings.
kara and i were talking on the phone tonight and decided that we won't need to worry about parking in boston and taking all the crazy T lines, because we'll just be going home with the band. we were like, "we basically are BFF with their parents, so we'll just park at their house and then ride into town with them!"
carpooling, man. good for the environment.
OH! i wanted to give a SPECIAL SHOUT-OUT!!!
HI KERIANNE!! i know you're reading from work because we talked about it last night! hope your day is going well and that Chicago is sunny and lovely. miss you! <3
that was nice.
i feel like there was something else i have been meaning to tell you! oh!
i watched this movie - Sex and Lucia. have you seen it? i bet you've heard of it. it came out a while ago. like....2002, maybe? and i just watched it kind of randomly because i didn't change my Netflix queue in time.
but wow! what a good movie. the story was so curious. and the dialogue was beautiful. i'll try and explain it.
it was these three stories woven together:
1. Lucia and her boyfriend
2. Lucia's boyfriend and his one-night-stand which resulted in a daughter
3. his daughter's nanny and her relationship with Lucia's boyfriend
i guess it's kind of impossible to explain.
but it was like, you weren't ever sure what was real and what was fiction. and Lucia's boyfriend was a writer and they kept saying that once you got to the end of the story, there was a hole that you fell through that brought everything back to the middle.
i just thought that was so interesting. and everyone ended up on this floating island. oh, it was so beautiful. such a strange story. and there was lots of sex. but it wasn't like, overpowering the story.
i just love Spanish cinema. it's so raw and so brave. much like most foreign films.
(and now i can move Post Grad to the top of my queue....because i am really excited about that.)
OH! i went to Hollywood Video the other night. i know, i know. i had a weak moment. it was some strange force turning my car. i had no control.
i went there to rent The Hurt Locker. but, they were out of all the copies. so, instead i rented Leaving Las Vegas. have you seen this? i haven't watched it yet. but, there was a reference to it on Entourage and immediately i thought, "i have to see that movie." and then with all this Nicolas Cage dramz happening, i figured it would be worth it.
so, i rented that. and then the same strange force overcame me again and pulled my body towards the previously viewed movie section. do you know where this is going? yeah...
1. Star Trek
2. Away We Go
3. Paper Heart
that's what i ended up with. 3 for $25. pretty good deal! they were $14.99 each. but i got them all for $25. i can't help myself!!!! when there is a movie sale - i lose all self-control.
i watched Star Trek monday night. i totally forgot that Zoe Saldana was in it! there are so many famous people in that movie, it's crazy. Chris Pine is really funny. and so, so attractive. AND - there is a gag reel. really? yep. it's pretty good. it kind of reminded me of the gag reel on Titanic. except like, 10 minutes shorter.
it's not really a gag reel on Titanic. more like, a cast and crew reel. of them being funny. but not disrespectful.
so, i have nothing to do for the rest of the week! i'm not working at all.
oh, actually tomorrow (wednesday) i'm going to do these things:
1. help with TWO belly casts
2. get caught up on Heroes
3. grocery store (maybe)
the belly casts start at noon and go until 3:30. lots of intense plaster. i cut 6 huge rolls of plaster strips last week. it took like, an hour. don't worry, i brought down my ipod.
OH MAN. i am so psyched for the Crash Kings concert.
oh, i wanted to give a general message now.
so, i was reading my horoscope for this month (january) and it said that AFTER the 17th, one of my friends could introduce me to the love of my life.
so, it's now the 20th. so, you can all go ahead and introduce us now, thanks. it's really okay, you don't need to wait any longer.
hm. what else can i tell you?
it's been snowing a lot this week. but, we don't have a lot of snow on the ground.
i've been watching this HBO show, Tell Me You Love Me. i've only seen 4 episodes, but it's really good. very sexy. wait, have i told you about this? it kind of feels like i have. with Adam Scott and Penny from Lost? yeah, i think i have.
anyways, i'm totally in love with the girl who plays Jamie. she's soo pretty! and i love her brown purse. yeah, she's cool.
but tonight! in ONE episode, there was TWO people from Entourage! Billy Walsh, the crazy director of Queen's Boulevard and Medellin, and Josh Weinstein, Ari's former assistant and current rival agent. it was crazy! they didn't have any scenes together. but, it was funny to see them on not-entourage.
man, this afternoon i rewatched the end of season 5. MAN. i forgot how intense it gets! yikes!! but, i love Dana Gordon. i love when Ari answers the phone and says, "Dana Gordon, you're on speakerphone and my wife's in the car." and then Ari's wife just gives him this horrible look. oh, so great. totally love that show. if you didn't know.
the newspaper guy just drove by. i think the normal guy must have been on vacation that one week when it was the super loud car. because, it was only for like, a week and a half, and then not again. but, i still see him drive by all the time, and it's a quiet car. so, there must have been a replacement. but don't worry, things are back to normal.
and that's the update on the newspaper delivery guy.
my earring is still infected. it was bleeding a lot the other night. i am cleaning it with alcohol three times a day. boy, it's stings. and last night it hurt too much to sleep on my left side.
for real? yeah. when did i get it pierced? um, last March. yeah, that's almost a year ago. will i ever get another piercing? heck no.
but tonight on Tell Me You Love Me, Jamie (the girl i'm in love with) got a tattoo. and it was almost in the exact place where i would get a tattoo if i got one. and i thought to myself, "ooooo that's coooool."
if i ever got a tattoo, it would be on my left forearm and it would be a compass.
and why would i get a tattoo and not another piercing? i don't know. can tattoos get infected? because mine probably would.
OK. i think that's all for now.
i'm pretty distraught over these rumors about Leonardo and Bar getting back together. they went to a Lakers game together the other day. and they spent New Year's together in Mexico. thanks for all your kind words and support during this difficult time. somehow, i'm getting through.
did i tell you about this awesome nightshirt i bought? it's pink striped!!!! originally $42. on sale for $8!!!!! nice, right? i love love it. it's called a "boyfriend shirt." because apparently the style right now is to buy women's clothes, but pretend they belong to your boyfriend. i guess it makes sense. if my boyfriend had a pink striped nightshirt, i would probably steal it.
alright, friends. i hope you have excellent wednesdays. i'm in a good mood tonight. a "december good mood" if that makes sense. feeling good right now. i think i'll go to bed and have sweet dreams.
3:37am. a good time for bed.
OH OH!!!!!! TODAY IS JENN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! it's the 20th! i've already wished her a happy birthday on facebook!! but, everyone needs a blog shout-out on their birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENN!!!!! hope you have a wonderful day. next time we hang out, let's go to a fortune teller. or a palm reader. or tarot cards. and we still need to have a Titanic and Denny's night. SOON. <3
ok. now, 1000xgoodnight. be well. no worries. talk to you later. :)
so freaking good. i love that song! and i kind of just realized it tonight. so great. i love love love the beginning music before he starts singing.
anyways. awesome.
i wanted to tell you about this other band that i just found. Paper Tongues. i know, it sounds gross. but, they are the band who is playing with Crash Kings in Boston in two weeks. and i said to myself, "i hope they are good."
so, i went to their website and found out all about them. they are from Charlotte, NC. and this band is made up of SEVEN guys.
now, i immediately saw that and thought, "oh no." thinking, 'that will be a horrible mix with the Crash Kings!' who are a piano rock trio! like, yikes! right?
so, i listened to their song, 'Ride to California' and didn't like it at all. i only listened to it halfway through. and then i stopped listening to them and went and did something else.
and then i went back on their website and listened to it again. the whole way through. and surprisingly, i really liked it. and then i saw that it was a free download if you signed up for their mailing list. so i said, "ah what the heck." so, i got the free download. and in the meantime, started listening to their other three songs that were streaming from their website.
and the other three songs ended and i thought to myself, "wow, i really enjoyed that." and i listened to them all again. and still really enjoyed it. and even had one song already stuck in my head.
so, then i did the next natural thing: went to itunes. searched 'paper tongues.' saw that their EP was only $3.96. purchase! it's only a four song ep. but wow! all the songs are really good.
the song i have stuck in my head mostly is called 'Trinity.' i really love it. they're really good. and so now i'm following them on Twitter. and the most recent tweet is "happy 21st birthday danny!" who is a member of the band.
THEY ARE BABIES!!!! he's just turning 21!?!? whoa man! what a lucky kid. currently they're on tour with Switchfoot. now, i don't know any of their music, but they're a kind of big band, right? that's so great, right? and super cool.
i have no idea how old the rest of them are. but that's kind of funny how young that kid is. Danny. i don't know who he is or what he does for the band. but i thought that was pretty cool how young he is.
so, that's the new band for today - Paper Tongues. don't let their name, or the fact that there are seven of them turn you away.
they say on their website that they like, a rock band with eclectic hip hop beats. and i read that and was like, "what the heck does that mean?"
and, after listening to their music a lot, i still don't really understand what that means, but it kind of makes sense. if that makes sense.
anyways. i think they'll be a pretty good mix with Crash Kings.
kara and i were talking on the phone tonight and decided that we won't need to worry about parking in boston and taking all the crazy T lines, because we'll just be going home with the band. we were like, "we basically are BFF with their parents, so we'll just park at their house and then ride into town with them!"
carpooling, man. good for the environment.
OH! i wanted to give a SPECIAL SHOUT-OUT!!!
HI KERIANNE!! i know you're reading from work because we talked about it last night! hope your day is going well and that Chicago is sunny and lovely. miss you! <3
that was nice.
i feel like there was something else i have been meaning to tell you! oh!
i watched this movie - Sex and Lucia. have you seen it? i bet you've heard of it. it came out a while ago. like....2002, maybe? and i just watched it kind of randomly because i didn't change my Netflix queue in time.
but wow! what a good movie. the story was so curious. and the dialogue was beautiful. i'll try and explain it.
it was these three stories woven together:
1. Lucia and her boyfriend
2. Lucia's boyfriend and his one-night-stand which resulted in a daughter
3. his daughter's nanny and her relationship with Lucia's boyfriend
i guess it's kind of impossible to explain.
but it was like, you weren't ever sure what was real and what was fiction. and Lucia's boyfriend was a writer and they kept saying that once you got to the end of the story, there was a hole that you fell through that brought everything back to the middle.
i just thought that was so interesting. and everyone ended up on this floating island. oh, it was so beautiful. such a strange story. and there was lots of sex. but it wasn't like, overpowering the story.
i just love Spanish cinema. it's so raw and so brave. much like most foreign films.
(and now i can move Post Grad to the top of my queue....because i am really excited about that.)
OH! i went to Hollywood Video the other night. i know, i know. i had a weak moment. it was some strange force turning my car. i had no control.
i went there to rent The Hurt Locker. but, they were out of all the copies. so, instead i rented Leaving Las Vegas. have you seen this? i haven't watched it yet. but, there was a reference to it on Entourage and immediately i thought, "i have to see that movie." and then with all this Nicolas Cage dramz happening, i figured it would be worth it.
so, i rented that. and then the same strange force overcame me again and pulled my body towards the previously viewed movie section. do you know where this is going? yeah...
1. Star Trek
2. Away We Go
3. Paper Heart
that's what i ended up with. 3 for $25. pretty good deal! they were $14.99 each. but i got them all for $25. i can't help myself!!!! when there is a movie sale - i lose all self-control.
i watched Star Trek monday night. i totally forgot that Zoe Saldana was in it! there are so many famous people in that movie, it's crazy. Chris Pine is really funny. and so, so attractive. AND - there is a gag reel. really? yep. it's pretty good. it kind of reminded me of the gag reel on Titanic. except like, 10 minutes shorter.
it's not really a gag reel on Titanic. more like, a cast and crew reel. of them being funny. but not disrespectful.
so, i have nothing to do for the rest of the week! i'm not working at all.
oh, actually tomorrow (wednesday) i'm going to do these things:
1. help with TWO belly casts
2. get caught up on Heroes
3. grocery store (maybe)
the belly casts start at noon and go until 3:30. lots of intense plaster. i cut 6 huge rolls of plaster strips last week. it took like, an hour. don't worry, i brought down my ipod.
OH MAN. i am so psyched for the Crash Kings concert.
oh, i wanted to give a general message now.
so, i was reading my horoscope for this month (january) and it said that AFTER the 17th, one of my friends could introduce me to the love of my life.
so, it's now the 20th. so, you can all go ahead and introduce us now, thanks. it's really okay, you don't need to wait any longer.
hm. what else can i tell you?
it's been snowing a lot this week. but, we don't have a lot of snow on the ground.
i've been watching this HBO show, Tell Me You Love Me. i've only seen 4 episodes, but it's really good. very sexy. wait, have i told you about this? it kind of feels like i have. with Adam Scott and Penny from Lost? yeah, i think i have.
anyways, i'm totally in love with the girl who plays Jamie. she's soo pretty! and i love her brown purse. yeah, she's cool.
but tonight! in ONE episode, there was TWO people from Entourage! Billy Walsh, the crazy director of Queen's Boulevard and Medellin, and Josh Weinstein, Ari's former assistant and current rival agent. it was crazy! they didn't have any scenes together. but, it was funny to see them on not-entourage.
man, this afternoon i rewatched the end of season 5. MAN. i forgot how intense it gets! yikes!! but, i love Dana Gordon. i love when Ari answers the phone and says, "Dana Gordon, you're on speakerphone and my wife's in the car." and then Ari's wife just gives him this horrible look. oh, so great. totally love that show. if you didn't know.
the newspaper guy just drove by. i think the normal guy must have been on vacation that one week when it was the super loud car. because, it was only for like, a week and a half, and then not again. but, i still see him drive by all the time, and it's a quiet car. so, there must have been a replacement. but don't worry, things are back to normal.
and that's the update on the newspaper delivery guy.
my earring is still infected. it was bleeding a lot the other night. i am cleaning it with alcohol three times a day. boy, it's stings. and last night it hurt too much to sleep on my left side.
for real? yeah. when did i get it pierced? um, last March. yeah, that's almost a year ago. will i ever get another piercing? heck no.
but tonight on Tell Me You Love Me, Jamie (the girl i'm in love with) got a tattoo. and it was almost in the exact place where i would get a tattoo if i got one. and i thought to myself, "ooooo that's coooool."
if i ever got a tattoo, it would be on my left forearm and it would be a compass.
and why would i get a tattoo and not another piercing? i don't know. can tattoos get infected? because mine probably would.
OK. i think that's all for now.
i'm pretty distraught over these rumors about Leonardo and Bar getting back together. they went to a Lakers game together the other day. and they spent New Year's together in Mexico. thanks for all your kind words and support during this difficult time. somehow, i'm getting through.
did i tell you about this awesome nightshirt i bought? it's pink striped!!!! originally $42. on sale for $8!!!!! nice, right? i love love it. it's called a "boyfriend shirt." because apparently the style right now is to buy women's clothes, but pretend they belong to your boyfriend. i guess it makes sense. if my boyfriend had a pink striped nightshirt, i would probably steal it.
alright, friends. i hope you have excellent wednesdays. i'm in a good mood tonight. a "december good mood" if that makes sense. feeling good right now. i think i'll go to bed and have sweet dreams.
3:37am. a good time for bed.
OH OH!!!!!! TODAY IS JENN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! it's the 20th! i've already wished her a happy birthday on facebook!! but, everyone needs a blog shout-out on their birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENN!!!!! hope you have a wonderful day. next time we hang out, let's go to a fortune teller. or a palm reader. or tarot cards. and we still need to have a Titanic and Denny's night. SOON. <3
ok. now, 1000xgoodnight. be well. no worries. talk to you later. :)
18 January 2010
:: GOLDEN GLOBES 2010 ::
alright, friends.
our first award show together in the new blog. did everybody watch?!?
THE GOLDEN GLOBES. one of Hollywood's biggest parties. it's my third favorite day of the year. (1. my birthday, 2. academy awards)
let's get right down to celebrating!!!!
ENJOY, and as always, my photo comments will be below the photo. :)
(if you missed my recap of LAST YEAR'S Golden Globes and would like to re-live that first, please do so at this time.)
ok. let's get to the hotties.

ANNA KENDRICK. apparently she was in Twilight, although i have no memory of this. but this year - she's a total hit as George Clooney's sidekick in Up in the Air. great movie. she was great.
AND. guess what? it gets better. SHE'S FROM MAINE. maine, usa. PORTLAND, maine. yes, that's right. and she's my age. BASICALLY - we could have been best friends.
and then! it gets worse. she was in that movie The Marc Pease Experience where she got to make out with Jason Schwartzman. that SHOULD have been me.
whatever. i like her dress. she looked pretty. i am a fan of the creamy colored dressed with sparkly patterns on them. we saw it two years ago on Sienna Miller (who i named Best Dressed), and we saw it last year on Miley Cyrus. and i'm sure we've seen it a bunch of other times too.

WHOA, here are some hotties. when i saved this photo to my computer, i saved it as "leonardo unbuttoned." MAN. i just go crazy when men unbutton their jackets and there are vests underneath. and if it's on Leo, well, that pretty much closes the deal. super sexilicious. Marty looks great. Bobby DeNiro looks great.

ok, our first roadbump. CHLOE, let's discuss this dress. i'll go first. "WHAT?!?!" i just don't understand this dress at all. i mean, we all know and love Chloe for her craziness. but, really? and i know i sometimes get excited about ruffles. but this is overboard. i decided if it didn't have the ruffle along the top - it would be a fine dress. an elegant dress. but the ruffle around the top just makes it comical.
but! she was in the Coconut Records music video for 'Any Fun' SO, i can't hate on her too much. plus, she's on Big Love - and she won! which was very cool.

Juliana Margulies. she won the Globe and immediately the thought that went through my head was, "ER REUNION, ER REUNION, ER REUNION." and then sure enough, she stopped and kissed George Clooney. "YES!!!!" that was a great moment. her dress is a tad strange. it's the 'one-shoulder style.... 50 years in the future.' but, she looks pretty.

ok, i had never heard Leona Lewis speak until the Globes pre-show i was watching online. her speaking voice sounds like drunk girl from SNL. anyone else think this? she sounds like a drunk sorority girl. and why was she there? oh yeah, the song from Avatar.

hey! speaking of Avatar, it's Zoe Saldana. remember when she was in Center Stage? i do. and Crossroads? yep. anyways, now she's making the big bucks. i wonder if her and Sam Worthington have the same life-long, intimate friendship that Kate and Leo have. probs not.
and that joke that was made that was like, "if you haven't seen Avatar yet, then you're the only person who hasn't." yeah, that's me. i STILL haven't seen it. and i am embarrassed to admit that.

Will and Amy! hotties. Amy rocking the one-shoulder.

ok, I want to be married to Jeff Bridges. they are Robert and Susan Downey in 20 years. i love it. and i love their umbrella too.

TOM AND RITA!!!!! with a printed dress!!!! so great. they are another beautiful couple. really, who doesn't love Tom Hanks?

Jane Krakowski looking lovely in a purple, one-shoulder dress. this year was definitely about the one-shoulder revolution. (which, i believe kate winslet started at last year's Oscars)
so, the night before the Golden Globes, i had a dream that Jake Krakowski and Hunter Parrish (Silas on Weeds) were in this secret, passionate relationship. but, they had to keep it secret because of their jobs. weird? yeah.

Vera Farmiga. she looks like she has crazy eye. doesn't her eye makeup look insane!? and her general expression isn't helping. kind of like if a clown went to the Globes. eh, i'm not a fan of the mermaid dresses. but, she was really good in Up in the Air.

Toni Colette! again, with the creamy dress and the gold sparkly. i liked it. very similar to Jennifer Garner's dress. i was surprised she won, but i really want to see her show.

I always forget that William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman are married. and then i see them together and remember. and i think, "oh yeah! that's sweet." i just like them together. and i also really love her dress. i think it's a pretty style and color, with a little glam.

hey! it's Susan and Robert Downey. i feel like Susan is pretty much just as famous as Robert. they're just great. and! this year they look great. last year they both looked like hott messes. but this year they have glammed up. and i loved his speech. i think i would also like to be married to Robert Downey.

Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Meyer, maker of the famous "gold leaf necklace" that Leonardo gives to all his lady friends. overall - i like her dress. i like that it's a little shorter in front. i don't know the "style term" for that - but i think it's classy. and i think her and Tina Fey are wearing the same shoes. i guess i kind of wish her dress was plain on the top and didn't have the ruffley. if the ruffley had started at the skirt it would have been perf.

VINNIE!!!!! or, Adrian Grenier, as he's known in the civilian world. remember when Courtney told me that his last named means 'attic,' and since i live in an attic, clearly we're meant to be together? yeah, i still believe that.

not a fan of Kate Hudson's attire. she looks like a cake topper made out of fondant. but, it looks like the guy behind is kind of in love with her.

did everyone see those hott and racy pictures of Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem on the beach last week? yeah. sexy. and clearly that's why she's so tan. overall - i'm not really liking her dress. which disappointed me because i named her best dressed at the Academy Awards last year. i don't really like black against her skin tone.

REESE!!! she looked so beautiful. but when doesn't she? when Reese wears her hair down, straight and a tad wind-blown, i say "oooooo!" but when Jennifer Aniston does it, i say "uuugggghhhh." Reese can do no wrong. and apparently Jake is trying to win her back.

i guess maybe Tea Leoni thought the golden globes was also a business meeting? or, maybe she came from a business meeting and didn't have time to change? i can't really hate her because we have the same birthday. i feel like this outfit would have worked if David had also dressed down. maybe went without a tie. or, had on sneakers. he just looks too fancy, and she just looks too casual.

Cameron, MUCH BETTER than last year. she was also a hott mess last year. this year her and Amy Poehler went with the red and black theme. i think it workds. it's a cute dress. for once, i think she looks nice. but that did not stop me from hating on her because she was sitting next to Leo all night.

this is Jessalyn Gilsig. or, Terri from Glee. or, Claire's real mom from Heroes. i think her dress is pretty. again, with the color scheme. it looks a little uncomfortable at the top, which makes me wish it was either just plain strapless, or more of a "classy sweetheart" cut.

Charlie from Heroes!!! um, i mean, Jayma Mays. or, Emma from Glee! she's so cute and totally has the best wardrobe of anyone on television. i can't really figure out her dress. the bottom half doesn't really seem to go with the top half. but, i like the bottom, and i like the top. just maybe not together. aw, she's just so cute.
but i was thinking earlier tonight: what would have happened if Zachary Quinto had gone to the Globes?!? would he have been photographed with her?! Sylar and Charlie?!? yikes! that's just so scary to think about.

Gabourey Sidibe. why did i think her name was Gabrielle? i thought this until last night and i was like, "why is everyone struggling to say her name? it's so normal. didn't anyone see High School Musical?" and then i realized that her name was not Gabrielle.
anyways. i cried when i first saw the Precious trailer. i think it's looks so good. and it looks like her performance is completely deserving of all the attention.
love her green dress. and love the white accessories. she looks totally glam.

Taylor Lautner. hottie? eh. i'd choose R. Pattz.

So, i read something where Sandy was named one of the worst dressed. now, i wouldn't go that far. i thought her dress did look like something you would see at a high school prom, but i thought it was a pretty overall. i mean, i love prom dresses. just not for the golden globes.
and now it's totally between her and Meryl for Best Actress. i think it will be Meryl. i mean, come on, let's not forget about those 'All About Steve' previews.

Maggie Gyllenhaal! again, not a fan of the mermaid style. but i think she looks really pretty. and i actually like the dress a lot. yeah, she looks good.

TINA. FEY. i love it. just love it. she looks great. (same shoes as Jennifer Meyer?) i hope it was easy for her to sit down. but, love the short style. love the hoop. love her hair. and i think that pattern in another style dress would look too whimsical, but here it just rocks.

Nicole Kidman. she usually wears this color. eh, it works. pretty dress, i suppose. i thought she looked good on tv. but, maybe not so much in this photo.

i really liked Fergie's dress. i am not a fan of her tan or her hair. i guess i don't like the dress on her, but i like it overall. it would have looked better if she still had her lighter hair.

oh brother. Drew Barrymore. where did she find this dress with the sea creatures growing on it? i have no idea, but it looks illegal. i named her best dressed at the Globes last year. remember she wore that great blue dress? but here, this is just not working for me. but, i was really happy she won for Grey Gardens, because she did awesome and that was a great movie.

how beautiful does she look here? she looks so beautiful!

did she break the Globe record with her 7th win? is that right? i'm not surprised.

people love Meryl. people really love her. she's great. and she was great in Julie and Julia. AND ALSO, Fantastic Mr. Fox. ("if what i think is happening, is happening.... it better not be."
AANNNNDDD, back to the red carpet...

Marion Cotillard!!! i actually really like this dress. it's sexy and classy. and she looks beautiful in this color. now, i have no idea if this is right, but i'm guessing that her dress was designed by the same designed who did Kate Winslet's Oscar dress last year. remember? the style. the lace. yeah.

Lea Michele!! she looks beautiful! great dress. great hair. she's gorgeous. and i loved the part on Glee where Kurt said that her character "managed to dress like a toddler and a grandma at the same time." that made me laugh a lot. she's just so great.

Kristen Bell!!!! Veronica Mars!!!! Elle from Heroes!!! i think she looks totally beautiful. i have two pictures of her so that we could see both her full length look and her necklace. i think she's got a really pretty necklace on. it's glam, yet fun.

and the necklace totally works with the short dress. love it. (veronica mars movie all the way!!!)

HOTTIES!!!!! John Krasinski and Emily Blunt!!!! totes loving the navy blue suit next to the pink dress. they're great. and they're getting married soon! in Boston!?

Harrison Ford standing next to a skeleton!!

Heidi Klum and Seal. Seal looks great. but Heidi? eh, i say hott mess. the flimsy little sleeves. the messy hair. the ruffley mermaid. and the silver blue color. it just doesn't work. even on a super model.

KATE KATE KATE!!!!! she played it simple. and safe. i liked her black dress better last year. but she's beautiful. and she's my favorite. and she can do no wrong. and she killed during last year's award season, so she reigns supreme.

Amy Adams! LOVE her accessories. the brooch, the purse and the shoes. love it. it's like a sunset color against the green. it looks great. she fun and flirty!! and she sat next to Kate Winslet all night! i bet they talked about babies the whole night. and i really hope they're bff now.

Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin! Bill and Sookie! i don't like her dress, but they look really happy together. and he's a hottie.

Ginnifer Goodwin. love the blue and black. always a fan. not a fan of the bunchy, bubbly skirt. but, she looks cute.

AAHHHHHH HALLE BERRY!!!! you're so hott, WHY do you have to wear this dress?! it looks like something Beyonce would wear. Halle, you are classier than this dress. but i loved Ricky's comment about Catwoman having the power to wash herself all over. that was funny.

Carey Mulligan. this year's breakout star? maybe, i guess. she's currently dating Shia LaBeouf. i think her dress is okay. totes cute headband. overall: eh. but i really want to see An Education.
there was only ONE dress that i kept seeing in the pictures that every time i saw it i said, "oo i like that." and at first i kept searching for a better dress. and then i realized that if i kept thinking this about this dress, then i must name it the Best.
Congratulation, CAMILLA BELLE:

i love this look! i love the dress! i don't know why! but i think she looks great! so cute, so fun, so glam. it's perf. and the three tier pointy thing is awesome. love it. she's so pretty! and so not dating Joe Jonas anymore! which makes me like her ever more. :)

Jeff and Kate! they make a pretty gorgeous couple. it was very exciting when he won. it looked like the two of them shared a little moment on stage. great. she'll probably present him with Best Actor at the Oscars too. especially after his standing ovation. the people love him.

GLEE winning Best Musical or Comedy Series!!!!! probably for the first time ever, a tv series has fallen into the musical category. NICE!!! they look so happy. that makes me happy because that show is so great.

THE HANGOVER winning Best Musical or Comedy Feature. so, i saw the first half of this movie. didn't really care if i finished it or not. i don't get why it was so good. can someone tell me? it just seemed like every other stupid movie. except i found it pretty rude.

AVATAR winning Best Dramatic Feature. oh, James Cameron and Jon Landau. i hadn't seen Jon Landau since he was on stage accepting awards for Titanic! and good 'ol Jim Cameron. still seems like kind of a jerk. still seems pretty arrogant. but hey, i guess the guy's a genius. and i will always love him. duh.
i had a really hard time finding good after party pictures. or, finding any at all, actually. most of the parties looked pretty tame this year.

Alexander Skarsgard!!!! hottie! from True Blood. apparently he was making out with Kate Bosworth all night. ah well..

Robert and Sandy! love it! he won for Sherlock Holmes! really? okay, HFPA. they look like they're having fun together. what color nail polish is she wearing? smoke?

Mrs. Ari!!!! from Entourage. her real name is Perrey Reeves. and she's so great on Entourage. her and Jeremy Piven are the greatest. i liked her dress. sexy and teal. i'm all for it.
and now, i'd like to present a segment that i've never done before, and i'm not sure i'll ever do again. an interesting segment. a curious one. i'm not sure whether to blame the lighting guys, or the makeup guys. either way - it's crazy. enjoy.

Heidi Klum standing next to a green guy. i don't know who he is exactly, but he's got a green face. should we tell him? do you think he knows? ok, now it's awkward.

Jamie Presley has an orange face!!!! and she looks so evil! what's going on!? are her and green guy planning some sort of funny business!?
(end segment)

Cameron and Camilla!

Cameron and Kate Bosworth. Cam looks really old in both these pics, i think.

Jennifer Garner and Gerard Butler!!! why are they together? do they know each other?
and now, for another segment. i always like to do a funny little thing at the end of these posts, and when i saw these pictures, i knew this recap would be nothing different.... please enjoy

what are they doing behind that curtain?

what is happening here? wardrobe malfunction? Gerry seems pretty interested.

it's a laugh!

ok quick, now act sexy!

ok now act cute!!!

and somehow they managed to pull it together to present. now don't they look adorable?
(end segment)
so, as i'm sure you noticed, there were NO pictures of Kate and Leo making bad choices at wild parties together. i searched the internet pretty deep. nada. believe me, i'm as disappointed as you.
BUT! i did find a new picture of the two of them that i hadn't ever seen before. it's definitely from sometime last year when they were promoting Revolutionary Road.
Dear Kate and Leo, please get married now. Thanks.

AWESOME. so perfect. they are the hottest best friends ever. ok, i guess they can stay best friends. no married license needed.
but let's just remember how PERFECT they looked together at last years Globes.....

AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! hottness!!!! so much hottness. love them. oh so much. i can't help the freak out, i'm sorry. i try not to freak out when there is Kate and Leo, but it always happens.
AND THAT, my friends, was the 2010 Golden Globes. please see here for a complete list of the winners.
hope you enjoyed the recap of the fashion and the show. i enjoyed writing it.
and now we wait for the Academy Award nominations!!!!! 2 February!! 5:30am!!! so exciting.
ahhhh the wonder of Awards Season. my favorite time of year.
ok. it's 3:07am. tuesday morning. i guess i should be thinking about bed? i don't know. i got into bed last night at 3am and sat there for an hour. i couldn't even force myself to lie down. until like, 4:05am and then my eyes started itching and burning. and then i knew it was time for sleep.
alright! have a great day!!!! a great tuesday!!! a ruby tuesday. she's hungry and is getting mad that i'm not feeding her. i will, don't worry.
i feel like i have more to say, so i'll update again soon. until then! take care. drive safe. be well.
our first award show together in the new blog. did everybody watch?!?
THE GOLDEN GLOBES. one of Hollywood's biggest parties. it's my third favorite day of the year. (1. my birthday, 2. academy awards)
let's get right down to celebrating!!!!
ENJOY, and as always, my photo comments will be below the photo. :)
(if you missed my recap of LAST YEAR'S Golden Globes and would like to re-live that first, please do so at this time.)
ok. let's get to the hotties.
ANNA KENDRICK. apparently she was in Twilight, although i have no memory of this. but this year - she's a total hit as George Clooney's sidekick in Up in the Air. great movie. she was great.
AND. guess what? it gets better. SHE'S FROM MAINE. maine, usa. PORTLAND, maine. yes, that's right. and she's my age. BASICALLY - we could have been best friends.
and then! it gets worse. she was in that movie The Marc Pease Experience where she got to make out with Jason Schwartzman. that SHOULD have been me.
whatever. i like her dress. she looked pretty. i am a fan of the creamy colored dressed with sparkly patterns on them. we saw it two years ago on Sienna Miller (who i named Best Dressed), and we saw it last year on Miley Cyrus. and i'm sure we've seen it a bunch of other times too.
WHOA, here are some hotties. when i saved this photo to my computer, i saved it as "leonardo unbuttoned." MAN. i just go crazy when men unbutton their jackets and there are vests underneath. and if it's on Leo, well, that pretty much closes the deal. super sexilicious. Marty looks great. Bobby DeNiro looks great.
ok, our first roadbump. CHLOE, let's discuss this dress. i'll go first. "WHAT?!?!" i just don't understand this dress at all. i mean, we all know and love Chloe for her craziness. but, really? and i know i sometimes get excited about ruffles. but this is overboard. i decided if it didn't have the ruffle along the top - it would be a fine dress. an elegant dress. but the ruffle around the top just makes it comical.
but! she was in the Coconut Records music video for 'Any Fun' SO, i can't hate on her too much. plus, she's on Big Love - and she won! which was very cool.
Juliana Margulies. she won the Globe and immediately the thought that went through my head was, "ER REUNION, ER REUNION, ER REUNION." and then sure enough, she stopped and kissed George Clooney. "YES!!!!" that was a great moment. her dress is a tad strange. it's the 'one-shoulder style.... 50 years in the future.' but, she looks pretty.
ok, i had never heard Leona Lewis speak until the Globes pre-show i was watching online. her speaking voice sounds like drunk girl from SNL. anyone else think this? she sounds like a drunk sorority girl. and why was she there? oh yeah, the song from Avatar.
hey! speaking of Avatar, it's Zoe Saldana. remember when she was in Center Stage? i do. and Crossroads? yep. anyways, now she's making the big bucks. i wonder if her and Sam Worthington have the same life-long, intimate friendship that Kate and Leo have. probs not.
and that joke that was made that was like, "if you haven't seen Avatar yet, then you're the only person who hasn't." yeah, that's me. i STILL haven't seen it. and i am embarrassed to admit that.
Will and Amy! hotties. Amy rocking the one-shoulder.
ok, I want to be married to Jeff Bridges. they are Robert and Susan Downey in 20 years. i love it. and i love their umbrella too.
TOM AND RITA!!!!! with a printed dress!!!! so great. they are another beautiful couple. really, who doesn't love Tom Hanks?
Jane Krakowski looking lovely in a purple, one-shoulder dress. this year was definitely about the one-shoulder revolution. (which, i believe kate winslet started at last year's Oscars)
so, the night before the Golden Globes, i had a dream that Jake Krakowski and Hunter Parrish (Silas on Weeds) were in this secret, passionate relationship. but, they had to keep it secret because of their jobs. weird? yeah.
Vera Farmiga. she looks like she has crazy eye. doesn't her eye makeup look insane!? and her general expression isn't helping. kind of like if a clown went to the Globes. eh, i'm not a fan of the mermaid dresses. but, she was really good in Up in the Air.
Toni Colette! again, with the creamy dress and the gold sparkly. i liked it. very similar to Jennifer Garner's dress. i was surprised she won, but i really want to see her show.
I always forget that William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman are married. and then i see them together and remember. and i think, "oh yeah! that's sweet." i just like them together. and i also really love her dress. i think it's a pretty style and color, with a little glam.
hey! it's Susan and Robert Downey. i feel like Susan is pretty much just as famous as Robert. they're just great. and! this year they look great. last year they both looked like hott messes. but this year they have glammed up. and i loved his speech. i think i would also like to be married to Robert Downey.
Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Meyer, maker of the famous "gold leaf necklace" that Leonardo gives to all his lady friends. overall - i like her dress. i like that it's a little shorter in front. i don't know the "style term" for that - but i think it's classy. and i think her and Tina Fey are wearing the same shoes. i guess i kind of wish her dress was plain on the top and didn't have the ruffley. if the ruffley had started at the skirt it would have been perf.
VINNIE!!!!! or, Adrian Grenier, as he's known in the civilian world. remember when Courtney told me that his last named means 'attic,' and since i live in an attic, clearly we're meant to be together? yeah, i still believe that.
not a fan of Kate Hudson's attire. she looks like a cake topper made out of fondant. but, it looks like the guy behind is kind of in love with her.
did everyone see those hott and racy pictures of Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem on the beach last week? yeah. sexy. and clearly that's why she's so tan. overall - i'm not really liking her dress. which disappointed me because i named her best dressed at the Academy Awards last year. i don't really like black against her skin tone.
REESE!!! she looked so beautiful. but when doesn't she? when Reese wears her hair down, straight and a tad wind-blown, i say "oooooo!" but when Jennifer Aniston does it, i say "uuugggghhhh." Reese can do no wrong. and apparently Jake is trying to win her back.
i guess maybe Tea Leoni thought the golden globes was also a business meeting? or, maybe she came from a business meeting and didn't have time to change? i can't really hate her because we have the same birthday. i feel like this outfit would have worked if David had also dressed down. maybe went without a tie. or, had on sneakers. he just looks too fancy, and she just looks too casual.
Cameron, MUCH BETTER than last year. she was also a hott mess last year. this year her and Amy Poehler went with the red and black theme. i think it workds. it's a cute dress. for once, i think she looks nice. but that did not stop me from hating on her because she was sitting next to Leo all night.
this is Jessalyn Gilsig. or, Terri from Glee. or, Claire's real mom from Heroes. i think her dress is pretty. again, with the color scheme. it looks a little uncomfortable at the top, which makes me wish it was either just plain strapless, or more of a "classy sweetheart" cut.
Charlie from Heroes!!! um, i mean, Jayma Mays. or, Emma from Glee! she's so cute and totally has the best wardrobe of anyone on television. i can't really figure out her dress. the bottom half doesn't really seem to go with the top half. but, i like the bottom, and i like the top. just maybe not together. aw, she's just so cute.
but i was thinking earlier tonight: what would have happened if Zachary Quinto had gone to the Globes?!? would he have been photographed with her?! Sylar and Charlie?!? yikes! that's just so scary to think about.
Gabourey Sidibe. why did i think her name was Gabrielle? i thought this until last night and i was like, "why is everyone struggling to say her name? it's so normal. didn't anyone see High School Musical?" and then i realized that her name was not Gabrielle.
anyways. i cried when i first saw the Precious trailer. i think it's looks so good. and it looks like her performance is completely deserving of all the attention.
love her green dress. and love the white accessories. she looks totally glam.
Taylor Lautner. hottie? eh. i'd choose R. Pattz.
So, i read something where Sandy was named one of the worst dressed. now, i wouldn't go that far. i thought her dress did look like something you would see at a high school prom, but i thought it was a pretty overall. i mean, i love prom dresses. just not for the golden globes.
and now it's totally between her and Meryl for Best Actress. i think it will be Meryl. i mean, come on, let's not forget about those 'All About Steve' previews.
Maggie Gyllenhaal! again, not a fan of the mermaid style. but i think she looks really pretty. and i actually like the dress a lot. yeah, she looks good.
TINA. FEY. i love it. just love it. she looks great. (same shoes as Jennifer Meyer?) i hope it was easy for her to sit down. but, love the short style. love the hoop. love her hair. and i think that pattern in another style dress would look too whimsical, but here it just rocks.
Nicole Kidman. she usually wears this color. eh, it works. pretty dress, i suppose. i thought she looked good on tv. but, maybe not so much in this photo.
i really liked Fergie's dress. i am not a fan of her tan or her hair. i guess i don't like the dress on her, but i like it overall. it would have looked better if she still had her lighter hair.
oh brother. Drew Barrymore. where did she find this dress with the sea creatures growing on it? i have no idea, but it looks illegal. i named her best dressed at the Globes last year. remember she wore that great blue dress? but here, this is just not working for me. but, i was really happy she won for Grey Gardens, because she did awesome and that was a great movie.
how beautiful does she look here? she looks so beautiful!
did she break the Globe record with her 7th win? is that right? i'm not surprised.
people love Meryl. people really love her. she's great. and she was great in Julie and Julia. AND ALSO, Fantastic Mr. Fox. ("if what i think is happening, is happening.... it better not be."
AANNNNDDD, back to the red carpet...
Marion Cotillard!!! i actually really like this dress. it's sexy and classy. and she looks beautiful in this color. now, i have no idea if this is right, but i'm guessing that her dress was designed by the same designed who did Kate Winslet's Oscar dress last year. remember? the style. the lace. yeah.
Lea Michele!! she looks beautiful! great dress. great hair. she's gorgeous. and i loved the part on Glee where Kurt said that her character "managed to dress like a toddler and a grandma at the same time." that made me laugh a lot. she's just so great.
Kristen Bell!!!! Veronica Mars!!!! Elle from Heroes!!! i think she looks totally beautiful. i have two pictures of her so that we could see both her full length look and her necklace. i think she's got a really pretty necklace on. it's glam, yet fun.
and the necklace totally works with the short dress. love it. (veronica mars movie all the way!!!)
HOTTIES!!!!! John Krasinski and Emily Blunt!!!! totes loving the navy blue suit next to the pink dress. they're great. and they're getting married soon! in Boston!?
Harrison Ford standing next to a skeleton!!
Heidi Klum and Seal. Seal looks great. but Heidi? eh, i say hott mess. the flimsy little sleeves. the messy hair. the ruffley mermaid. and the silver blue color. it just doesn't work. even on a super model.
KATE KATE KATE!!!!! she played it simple. and safe. i liked her black dress better last year. but she's beautiful. and she's my favorite. and she can do no wrong. and she killed during last year's award season, so she reigns supreme.
Amy Adams! LOVE her accessories. the brooch, the purse and the shoes. love it. it's like a sunset color against the green. it looks great. she fun and flirty!! and she sat next to Kate Winslet all night! i bet they talked about babies the whole night. and i really hope they're bff now.
Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin! Bill and Sookie! i don't like her dress, but they look really happy together. and he's a hottie.
Ginnifer Goodwin. love the blue and black. always a fan. not a fan of the bunchy, bubbly skirt. but, she looks cute.
AAHHHHHH HALLE BERRY!!!! you're so hott, WHY do you have to wear this dress?! it looks like something Beyonce would wear. Halle, you are classier than this dress. but i loved Ricky's comment about Catwoman having the power to wash herself all over. that was funny.
Carey Mulligan. this year's breakout star? maybe, i guess. she's currently dating Shia LaBeouf. i think her dress is okay. totes cute headband. overall: eh. but i really want to see An Education.
there was only ONE dress that i kept seeing in the pictures that every time i saw it i said, "oo i like that." and at first i kept searching for a better dress. and then i realized that if i kept thinking this about this dress, then i must name it the Best.
Congratulation, CAMILLA BELLE:
i love this look! i love the dress! i don't know why! but i think she looks great! so cute, so fun, so glam. it's perf. and the three tier pointy thing is awesome. love it. she's so pretty! and so not dating Joe Jonas anymore! which makes me like her ever more. :)
Jeff and Kate! they make a pretty gorgeous couple. it was very exciting when he won. it looked like the two of them shared a little moment on stage. great. she'll probably present him with Best Actor at the Oscars too. especially after his standing ovation. the people love him.
GLEE winning Best Musical or Comedy Series!!!!! probably for the first time ever, a tv series has fallen into the musical category. NICE!!! they look so happy. that makes me happy because that show is so great.
THE HANGOVER winning Best Musical or Comedy Feature. so, i saw the first half of this movie. didn't really care if i finished it or not. i don't get why it was so good. can someone tell me? it just seemed like every other stupid movie. except i found it pretty rude.
AVATAR winning Best Dramatic Feature. oh, James Cameron and Jon Landau. i hadn't seen Jon Landau since he was on stage accepting awards for Titanic! and good 'ol Jim Cameron. still seems like kind of a jerk. still seems pretty arrogant. but hey, i guess the guy's a genius. and i will always love him. duh.
i had a really hard time finding good after party pictures. or, finding any at all, actually. most of the parties looked pretty tame this year.
Alexander Skarsgard!!!! hottie! from True Blood. apparently he was making out with Kate Bosworth all night. ah well..
Robert and Sandy! love it! he won for Sherlock Holmes! really? okay, HFPA. they look like they're having fun together. what color nail polish is she wearing? smoke?
Mrs. Ari!!!! from Entourage. her real name is Perrey Reeves. and she's so great on Entourage. her and Jeremy Piven are the greatest. i liked her dress. sexy and teal. i'm all for it.
and now, i'd like to present a segment that i've never done before, and i'm not sure i'll ever do again. an interesting segment. a curious one. i'm not sure whether to blame the lighting guys, or the makeup guys. either way - it's crazy. enjoy.
Heidi Klum standing next to a green guy. i don't know who he is exactly, but he's got a green face. should we tell him? do you think he knows? ok, now it's awkward.
Jamie Presley has an orange face!!!! and she looks so evil! what's going on!? are her and green guy planning some sort of funny business!?
(end segment)
Cameron and Camilla!
Cameron and Kate Bosworth. Cam looks really old in both these pics, i think.
Jennifer Garner and Gerard Butler!!! why are they together? do they know each other?
and now, for another segment. i always like to do a funny little thing at the end of these posts, and when i saw these pictures, i knew this recap would be nothing different.... please enjoy
what are they doing behind that curtain?
what is happening here? wardrobe malfunction? Gerry seems pretty interested.
it's a laugh!
ok quick, now act sexy!
ok now act cute!!!
and somehow they managed to pull it together to present. now don't they look adorable?
(end segment)
so, as i'm sure you noticed, there were NO pictures of Kate and Leo making bad choices at wild parties together. i searched the internet pretty deep. nada. believe me, i'm as disappointed as you.
BUT! i did find a new picture of the two of them that i hadn't ever seen before. it's definitely from sometime last year when they were promoting Revolutionary Road.
Dear Kate and Leo, please get married now. Thanks.
AWESOME. so perfect. they are the hottest best friends ever. ok, i guess they can stay best friends. no married license needed.
but let's just remember how PERFECT they looked together at last years Globes.....
AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! hottness!!!! so much hottness. love them. oh so much. i can't help the freak out, i'm sorry. i try not to freak out when there is Kate and Leo, but it always happens.
AND THAT, my friends, was the 2010 Golden Globes. please see here for a complete list of the winners.
hope you enjoyed the recap of the fashion and the show. i enjoyed writing it.
and now we wait for the Academy Award nominations!!!!! 2 February!! 5:30am!!! so exciting.
ahhhh the wonder of Awards Season. my favorite time of year.
ok. it's 3:07am. tuesday morning. i guess i should be thinking about bed? i don't know. i got into bed last night at 3am and sat there for an hour. i couldn't even force myself to lie down. until like, 4:05am and then my eyes started itching and burning. and then i knew it was time for sleep.
alright! have a great day!!!! a great tuesday!!! a ruby tuesday. she's hungry and is getting mad that i'm not feeding her. i will, don't worry.
i feel like i have more to say, so i'll update again soon. until then! take care. drive safe. be well.
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