i don't know if you were made aware of this, but i am now the coolest person in the country. nay, the planet. i got a new cell phone on monday that totally blows all other cell phones out of the water. ok, maybe not. but it definitely blows my old cell phone out of the water. i'll do a photo comparison soon. maybe like, tomorrow. ish. but, i don't know if i told you that my old cell phone died? oh wait, i'm getting a memory. yes, i think i did tell you. so, anyways, got a new one, got a new phone number. i'll send it to you all eventually. i just added you all in my new phone tonight. perhaps i'll send text messages. those are lovely.
in other news, i am also the coolest person on the planet because i now have furniture in my apartment. repeat: FURNITURE in my APARTMENT. yes, i have had this apartment since November of 2008 and it is now June of 2009 and i finally have furniture. and it looks freaking amazing. it actually looks like an apartment as opposed to some rooms with stuff in them. i am very happy. and comfortable. because i no longer have to sit on the floor. although, the addition of the rocks made everything more comfortable. kitty is happy too. it makes reaching the moths on the ceiling a bit more closer.
my laptop crashed twice today. actually, twice in about 15 minutes. i turned it on, checked my email, left to go get some water, came back = CRASHED. reboot. CRASHES IMMEDIATELY. like, it wasn't even all the way turned on. i was scared at that point.
and also, my check engine light in my car came on yesterday. right after i had bought my super expensive new phone.
so, remember my joke about my phone, computer and car all dying in the same summer??? yeah. i wonder if there's a painting about that.
that was a Heroes reference. because there's a guy who can paint the future while he's using heroin. i think it'd be cooler if he didn't have to take heroin to paint the future. but, whatever. i'm not a writer on Heroes. or, any tv show, actually.
but, i started watching Heroes again. did you know i had watched it before? i guess you would know if you read my livejournal a few years back. it was my third year in college. this was also the year that i watched like, 2 entire seasons of Lost in like, 20 days, or something insane. where did i get all this time to watch tv shows? i was finishing div 2. ah well.
anyways, i had to stop watching Heroes at the very beginning of the second season because i was just getting too scared and it was too violent and too bloody. the last thing i remember is Peter Petrelli in a warehouse. was the warehouse on fire? i can't remember. maybe.
BUT ANYWAYS, i had Kara explain the rest of it to me last week after seeing Star Trek, and, i actually thought it kinda sounded good. (she also explained the rest of the season on Lost, but, i'm over it. i'm through with Lost. sorry, everybody.) and, this was brought about because the hottie from Star Trek is on Heroes. zachary quinto. the new mr. spock.
YEAH, he plays Sylar on Heroes. and he was definitely the reason that i STOPPED watching the show. because i was so scared of him. and i remember just absolutely freaking DREADING seeing him come onscreen. because he is so evil.
so evil. and i remember first seeing him on Heroes and being like, "wait a sec, who is this not-Jason Schwartzman guy?" because he looks a ton like J.Schwartz.
SO THEN, i saw him in Star Trek and was like, "wow, he looks a lot more nicer and approachable when he doesn't have people's brains coming out of his mouth." and then realized a bit later that he is, in fact, a super hottie. and he graduated from Carnegie Mellon which was where our three new friends from Ireland just graduated from, and also my prom date in high school.
SO, i decided to start rewatching Heroes. now, i do realize that i'm starting to watch it again for the exact reason why i stopped watching it. which, doesn't really make sense. but, now i have more of a character separation. whereas before, i could only think of Sylar. now i can also think of Mr. Spock.
so that's my story. that's what i've been doing since last night. starting heroes again. and, to prepare myself, i kind of re-read my livejournal to remember a little bit more about the plot. but all i got was my made up story-line where Mohinder and Sylar make out in the hotel room. i do remember them being kind of BFF and thinking that they were totally into each other.
anyways. enough about that.
OH, wait. one more thing. Matt Parkman. now, i must be in some frame of mind where i cannot remember where i've seen people in other things. like this guy. Matt Parkman. he's a Hero who can hear people's thoughts. and he comes onscreen and i'm like, "where have i seen this guy before?!!?" and then rereading my LJ tonight, i wrote something that was like, "...and the pilot from Lost is on Heroes!" and i was like, "RIGHT. that's it."
but, when we went to see Star Trek, it got really bad:
(during the film)
KARA: (whispers) Is that Winona Ryder?
JULIE: .....OMG you're right!!
(during the credits)
JULIE: Simon Pegg? Who was he?
KARA: What!? The funny guy....
JULIE: OOHHHHH yeah! Wait, he's the guy who jumps over the fence, right?
(because in the Hot Fuzz trailer, he jumps over all those fences.)
(after the film)
JULIE: Hey, who was that Russian kid? What else has he been in?
KARA: Did you recognize the guy from Lord of the Rings?
JULIE: What?? Who???
KARA: Kirk's friend....the doctor..
JULIE: He was from Lord of the Rings??
KARA: Yeah, he was Eowyn's brother....
(a minute passes)
JULIE: Hey, you know who I liked, was Captain Nero.
KARA: Yeah, Eric Bana.
KARA: OH MY GOD are you
kidding me????
it has never been that bad before. EVER. i don't know what was happening to me.
BUT - you can also see now that Star Trek had an all-star cast. it was out of this world. wow, great joke.
so, i'm going to end this now. i just want to remind you all that i am still the coolest person on the planet. even though i have referenced Star Trek, Heroes, Lost and Lord of the Rings. i still own the super cool amazing cell phone, and i still have furniture in my apartment. so = coolest.
i will talk to you all later. i am working wednesday 8:30 until we get back from the doctor's. maybe like, 11ish. i am taking a resident to her doctor's appointment. today i worked 12:30 - 2pm and then 3:30 - 10. we went to Wendy's tonight. it was only one girl and one baby. super quiet. i basically texted kara the entire night.
OK. it was nice talking to you. i have been wanting and wanting to update, but have been really tired the last few nights.
also, did i tell you that i have decided i want to become a celebrity? yeah. i decided that. watching Entourage makes me want to be famous.
okay!!! goodnight!!! have wonderful wednesdays.