OH HI!!!! i didn't see you there.
i know i've been super lame about blogging! i don't know why. it's not like i have anything going on in my life right now. i have some things to tell you about and to keep order, i will make a list. i think this worked well the last time i did it.
1. BUG
2. Buck
3. bathroom
4. sushi and cheese
5. mind crazy
ok. for the most part, they might be in that order. but, i'm not promising anything. let's get started, friend:
1. BUG. Remember a few weeks ago when i thought my apartment was going to explode because i thought i smelled a gas leak coming from my oven??? and remember how i kept waking up in the night thinking, "oh good, i'm still alive." but i also thought it might be a stink bug due to the quickness of the horrible smell happening. WELL. i can't believe i kept forgetting to tell you this. BUT. i went into my bedroom one night long after i stopped smelling the horrible smell, and i thought i saw something out of the corner of my eye. so i looked, and what was it!?! A FREAKING STINK BUG. yep. there he was. just sitting on a cord. i have never been so happy to see a stink bug. if it's between dying in a firey explosion or finding a stink bug - i would choose bug. i hope we all would. so, i figured i couldn't squish the bug because then he would start to smell again. so, i got some chemical filled bug killing spray and killed him. sorry all you bug enthusiasts. he had to go. an amazing end to the horrible smell story, no?
2. BUCK. i was talking to my mom on the phone the other day and she said,
MOM: I can't believe that Buck was on that guitar pick!
MOM: That's so weird!
JULIE: Don't you think it means we're supposed to be married?????
MOM: Well, I don't know about that....
she was even excited. i still can't believe it. BUCK. on the guitar pick. from MIKE. amazing.
3. BATHROOM. i woke up this morning, went online, read an article titled, "Turn Your Bathroom Into A Spa-Like Retreat" and immediately said to myself, "yep. that is what i'm doing today." and i did. i successfully turned my bathroom into a spa-like retreat.
here are the steps i took:
1. bought a set of plastic drawers for $7. turns out they fit perfectly in between my sink and tub.
2. got rid of my pink bathmat with a brown hair dye stain on it and bought an ORANGE bathmat that matches my orange porcelain tub and orange pipes on the ceiling.
3. bought some fake flowers
4. bought a tiny glass jar at a thrift store for $.50
5. came home
6. cleared off my bathroom floor. thoroughly swept. thoroughly mopped. put down the new bathmat and drawers.
7. cleared off/organized my bathroom shelves. putting most of it into the drawers. organized the shelves in my bathroom mirror
8. scrubbed the tub. scrubbed the sink. scrubbed the mirror. scrubbed the shelves.
9. arranged my new fake flowers in an old, glass, spaghetti sauce jar. put them on my nice clean shelf.
10. admired my new spa-like retreat!!!!
that's TEN STEPS!!! in just ten simple steps you too could have your own spa-like retreat. i love it. my bathroom looks probably 95% better than it used to. it's cleaner. more organized. and i think the orange accessories make it semi-hip. the bathroom walls are green. nice, right!? i was very proud of myself for doing this day project.
4. SUSHI AND CHEESE. so, last week all i wanted to eat was melted cheese. it didn't even matter what i was eating with it - as long as there was melted cheese. it was very weird. and i've had this sushi craving for a while now, but now that i've actually eaten sushi twice in the past week, it's in full force. so today, while i was out running my "spa bathroom" errands, i decided to stop at the grocery store to buy some sushi. i couldn't take it anymore! and so, that's what i'm having for supper tonight after i finish this blog. MAN. sushi and melted cheese. sooo freaking good. i haven't tried them together, and i probably won't. and i'll also make sure not to end up with mercury poisoning like Jeremy Piven did...
5. MIND CRAZY. i am going through a crisis right now. i'd like to say it's a minor crisis, but i think that would be downplaying it. it is MAJOR crisis. i think i am losing my mind. i don't know what's happening to me. let me explain:
- remember in my Crash Kings concert review from Providence i posted a link to a video from Providence that wasn't mine, but it was super good?? and i said it was from someone else who had a waaaaay better view? yeah. i don't know if you watched that video - but you really should.
- anyways.
- then i was on the Crash Kings main youtube page reading comments their fans have posted for them, and i noticed there was a comment from the person who posted that totally awesome video. and they were like, "i first saw you with Tally Hall at The Middle East, and then saw you at Great Scott last weekend, and then again in Providence....."
- and i was like, "holy crap, i've been at THREE shows with this person!" because I also first saw them with Tally Hall (although, i was there for Rooney), and then at Great Scott, and then in Providence. weird, right?!
- i posted a youtube comment on that video because i literally couldn't stop watching it. i'm smiling right now just thinking about that video. and then i just said that i had read the comment on their main page and that i was also at those three shows!
- so then she comments back to me all totally excited about the video and the Providence show in general and then she's like, "are you going to the next Boston show?! what about the shows on the 6th and 7th? i'm looking for people to carpool with!"
- so immediately i look at the tour dates and they'll be with JET all those dates in March. Clifton Park, NY on the 6th, Sayerville, NJ on the 7th, and then Boston on the 9th. and so, we're commenting back and forth for a little while and i'm just thinking, "how freaking awesome would it be to go on a roadtrip for a Crash Kings concert weekend?!?!?!?!" it'd be totally awesome, right!?
- BUT THEN, i thought, "holy crap - the Academy Awards are on the 7th." and then i immediately said to myself, "oh, well, you can't go."
- but THEN, i just kept thinking about how much FUN it would be to be at a concert, having met new friends! for a whole weekend! instead of sitting on the couch alone, watching tv.
- i'm feeling so torn about this. i mean, it's probably not even going to work out getting the nights off, because of the baby being due right around then. but could it hurt to
- i guess the mind craziness comes in me thinking that it would be okay to miss the Academy Awards. my SECOND favorite night of the year. i mean, what!?
- but then i also feel like i haven't really been excited about Awards Season this year. i mean, i've hardly seen any of the movies. i hardly know any of the buzz. and i can't explain it! WHY??!?! what's happening to me?!! thinking about getting a tattoo?? thinking about missing the Academy Awards?!?
- i mean, i wouldn't
miss them. i would have someone tape them for me so i could watch them at a later date. (how come they never came up with a fancy word for taping things onto VHS tapes?) but, i'm saying i would probably know the outcome before watching the show.
- I DON'T KNOW. talk me through this, friends. it's probably not going to happen because of the baby, and i have to keep reminding myself that.
- UGH but it'd be sooo awesome to go on a crash kings roadtrip weekend!!!!! with new friends!!!!!!! from my online stalking of other Crash Kings fans, it seems that many people have become friends while attending concerts, roadtripping, etc. and i want that too!!!!! how awesome is it to make a new friend? it's awesome. but if it's over Crash Kings it's automatically 100 times awesomer.
- and this is when i have thoughts that my job interferes with my life. and this is when i wished that i didn't work at nighttime and i had weekends off.
- maybe i could convince Crash Kings into doing matinee shows! then i could attend! everything cool and super fun happens at night. UGH.
- but then i think, "well you can't just leave your job because it's also where you live." and then i think, "oh yeah."
- so, i don't know what to do. i mean, i know there will be other times for Crash Kings. but what if they tour in Europe?! what if they become super famous next week and their tickets start costing $60?!!? (i mean, it's a give-in that they will become super famous) and i want NOW.
- yep. it's a crisis. MAJOR.
6. CLOCK. also today in the thrift store i bought A FLIP CLOCK. now, Maria had gotten me a 'rolling flip clock' a while back because i couldn't find one anywhere. and i love that clock. i've used it ever since she got it for me. it's currently sitting on top of my tv! rolling and flipping away! it's great! AND, it has a backlight! which my new one does not have. but this new one is an actual flip clock. where the numbers flip. and it's in super great condition. and i don't know where to put it, but i love it. it's currently in the kitchen. it might stay there. i thought i wanted it in my bedroom, but my outlet situation in my bedroom is quite depressing. anyways - GREAT purchase! $6!!!
(i'm adding a #7)
7. IT'S ONLY TUESDAY. (see what i did? i took a popular Crash Kings song ('it's only wednesday') and changed it so it applies to my cat, Ruby Tuesday, who's name also contains a day of the week!)
i would like to show you her new favorite place, which makes me a nervous wreck:

yes. that is the very top of the cabinets she is on. she has really been trying to get up there ever since she moved in, back in the summer. she will sit on top of the fridge and cry, cry, cry up at those top cabinets. she'll sit on the fridge and do "the paw thing" up at those cabinets - she wants it so bad. and then, one day, she decided to take the leap.

she was so excited. look how close she is to the ceiling!!!!
and then, tonight, just after i started this very blog entry, she was up there, and she got sleepy.....

and she fell asleep. on top of the cabinets. for like, 45 minutes. sleepy tuesday! she's so cute!!!! but i was so nervous she would stretch and roll over and fall off.
don't worry, i coaxed her down with a piece of cheese.
ALRIGHT. we've completed the list and then some. i'm kind of feeling lousy right now. not like, sick lousy. but like, just, eh. eh.
i'm going to go eat my sushi. and i think i'll make rice with that. and watch a movie.
have a great tuesday! a great morning! a great afternoon and night and everything in between!!!!!
i'll talk to you later :)