I really need to get the new blog out there. I've been thinking about it. I think I'm ready to make the switch over. I just need to plan the party. Buy the ribbon, etc. Ya'll get excited - because I throw a damn good online ribbon cutting ceremony. Maybe this week or next week. Watch for your invite!
Also, speaking of 'your,' I've been really messing up the 'your,' and 'you're' lately and it's driving me CRAZY. Like, I have NO IDEA why I'm suddenly doing this. I've NEVER done it before. And all of a sudden - it's like I have no control over what I'm typing.
I guess that was kind of a disclaimer.
Anyways - I wanted to tell you about some exciting things that have happened recently!!
I got an iPhone! YEP. Yep! Finally. After a loonngggg time of waiting - it happened. I kept checking all the stores and nobody had ANY. Like, NOBODY had ANY. And then, one random night at Wal-Mart we were in the electronics and I just randomly asked the guy working there and he just happened to have the exact one I was looking for!! Weird - because just two days earlier, I had been in Wal-Mart and asked and they said, "nope, we don't have any and we have absolutely no idea when we're getting more." So - lucky me!!
Also LUCKY ME - because it was Tom who helped me out. And he was awesome and totally a cool guy.
He even posed for a picture with me after we had spent like 45 minutes bonding while he set up the new phone/transferred over the info from the old phone.

YEP!! Great guy. Tom. And Jesse also helped us out. Thanks, Tom and Jesse at Wal-Mart!! You guys RULE! (Tom wanted to pose with the price check gun, or whatever it was.. haha)
Awesome! So, I'm totally obsessed with the iPhone!! I didn't even have a smartphone before!!
One day last week, Kara and I had just hiked this mountain with my dad (pictures below), and we got to the top of the mountain and Kara was like,
KARA: Ok, I just checked-in at the top of this mountain, tagged you both, then I uploaded a photo to Facebook and posted it as my status. All from my phone!
JULIE: Well, I just checked the time with my phone...
It was PRETTY LAME. (Not PRETTY COOL, as if it were the Miley Cyrus talk show.)
But, it's PRETTY COOL now. Maybe even SUPER COOL. Yeah, definitely super cool. It's a white one. OOHHHH I LOVE IT.
And - it has a pretty sweet camera. I can take pictures wherever I go! But, who did I start taking pictures of first??

RUBY TUESDAY!!!! The cutest most sweetest thing on the planet!!!! She's the best!!
SO - like I just mentioned - my dad, Kara and I hiked up a mountain the other day!!! When my dad was visiting!!! He came in late Saturday night! And stayed until earrllyyyy Friday morning. It was so great!!!
And, one of the things we wanted to do was explore this mountain in North Berwick!! It's crazy! There's a mountain there! Like, a real one. And we explored this whole section on North Berwick that I never even knew existed!! It's like, you drive up a hill and all of a sudden it's these beautiful homes and beautiful views! There was this one "estate-like" house we passed and I said,
JULIE: WOW - that house is like a giant estate!!
:) Love my dad.
So, here are the pictures from the hike! It was a great day.

The (handsome) Old Man in the Mountain! :)
Yay! What a great hike on a beautiful day!!!
ALSO EXCITING:: bridal showers!
Kara's best friend Renee is getting married in June and her bridal shower was this past weekend! And since I love taking pictures with my new phone, I will show you the pictures from the shower.
First - the favors. Kara made them. CAKE POPS. Vanilla cake mixed with vanilla frosting, rolled into a ball and dipped in purple colored chocolate. Tied with a ribbon and stuck in a flower pot. DELISH.

They were the centerpieces on the tables!!! How PRETTY do they look?!?! Her colors are purple and mint green!

Shower! Derek is in the blue and Renee is sitting next to him! GREAT couple! So fun!
And, here's another adorable picture of Ruby Tuesday! You're welcome:

And here's an adorable picture of me and Brittany when we went out dancing the other night!
YAYYYYY friends again!!!! (Also:: note my lime green nailpolish::) Hotties!
SO - the week was full of some great times. OBVI.
Other than that - not too much going on. Feeling weird about something. Been listening to some great music which I will post for you at some point soon.
And - I will get on the new blog ribbon cutting. Are evening times better for everyone? Generally? You can let me know. If you really, really want to come to the ribbon cutting, but you have a certain time of a certain day that doesn't work - let me know! For serious!
OK! I hope everyone has a great night! We'll talk again soon! Have a great start to your weekend!!! I mean, week!!! Have a great start to the new week!!