I have decided on a date for the New Blog Unveiling Ribbon-Cutting Extravaganza Party of the Century!!!!! As it is now being called.
YES - that's right! There is a new blog out there, and it's coming to you SOON. Get the hell ready, cause it's gonna be amazeballs all over your face.
AND - I'm gonna do a video post as the first entry! So ya'll get to see the crazy stuff going on IN REAL LIFE. Except it won't actually be in real life cause it'll be prerecorded. It's probably much more work to do a live-blog chat sesh... although that sounds kinda fun. Maybe I'll look into it for future blog parties. But not the first one, cause I'll be too nervous already. Once I'm down with the video posts, maybe we'll do a live-blog.
SO - I will formally invite each and every one of you to the New Blog Unveiling Ribbon-Cutting Extravaganza Party of the Century via invitation posted IN THIS BLOG. I will most likely also create a Facebook Event for the party, because why the heck not?? Also, I like creating Facebook Events.
But I'm SO EXCITED to share the new blog with you. It's more representative of myself then this blog is. I feel. It's cooler. Sexier. More fun. Smarter. Classier. Braver. All those great things that make a blog (and a person) AWESOME.
What's happening this week? UM, EVERYTHING.
We did trivia on Monday night again at Fury's. Pretty much the same group as last week, minus Maria, plus Ian, Sam and Tim. It was way fun. Although, we did not come in second place. We came in like..... some place much more closer to last. Whatevs! Still a super fun night.
Tuesday I had to work! Lame! But then - TRIVIA AGAIN. That's right - two nights in a freaking row. This time it was at Shipyard Brew Pub in Eliot, which is a place that I pass on my way to work, and have never been to. Until now. And it's super nice! It was Kara, Kara's boyfriend's sister Leigh, and myself! AND WE CAME IN SECOND PLACE!! AND GOT A 10$ GIFTCARD!!!! It rocked.
And, I'm going to trivia again TOMORROW NIGHT with Matt and Meg and all those fine people. Yessssss.
Today was my sit-on-the-couch-and-so-absolutely-nothing-day. Ruby Tuesday sat with me the whole day. She's still sitting next to me right now.
Although I might go to the gym later. I went to the gym on Monday. I know what you're thinking, 'what a horrible way to start the week!' And you're right!
OK! I think that's all for now. Keep it tuned for the BIG INVITATION!!!! Coming soon. Just you wait. (I can't wait!!!)
Hope you all are having a great day! If it's not great by now, then go MAKE IT GREAT. I mean, what are you waiting for?!?!
Talk to you soon!!!