Remember how last night I was going to challenge myself to cleaning my bedroom out with one full play of the River City Extension record??? Well, I did. It was awesome. And...
Bedroom was allll cleaned out and swept up by the middle of 'Waiting in the Airport.' I may have cheated a little bit, by playing 'Today, I Feel Like I'm Evolving' twice... but this is the new song that relates to my life, so I think it's okay.
So for the second half of 'Waiting in the Airport' I just sat on my empty bedroom floor. It seems so big and echoy. I decided last night while recounting this experience to Keith, that my bedroom has turned into a canyon.
Anyways. Apartment is still a mess. I think because I will work really hard for a while, and then take a 2 hour break to blog. Like I did last night. TONIGHT - I will get a lot done. After work.
I'm about to work my last evening shift!!! I start at 3:30pm, go straight until 8am, and then I'm done!! Yikes.
Alright. I should go. Be productive. And maybe get ready for work. I have to shower and hope that the water doesn't run out on me. That would suck. Again.
OK!!! Have a great day, everyone. I'll talk to you later :)
11 November 2010
10 November 2010
blog break
Having a blog is great for many reasons. One of them being procrastination. What was that great quote on Bored to Death recently?? I just got caught up on the most recent 2 episodes... it was like, "I don't procrastinate...I just like to do things later." Or something. Haha. That's funny. If that's the right quote.
Anyways. I've been packing and cleaning and gathering for a while now and I'm tired. Actually, I've been tired all day. I woke up to a lovely good morning text and then immediately wanted to fall back to sleep. For like, the next 4 hours. And then I had like, an hour where I was really motivated. But now I'm back to the wanting sleep. I sat on the kitchen floor for a while, and then decided to move into my bed. Or, my sleepover in the living room. It's really easy to feel tired when the only place to sit comfortably in your house is also your fake bed.
Ruby Tuesday loves the fake bed. She loves curling up in the sleeping bag and taking naps. mmmm so do I.
Anyways, I wanted to share with you a few pictures of things I found today. They are awesome.

THE CHE*ROLET!!!!! Everyone remember the che*rolet? From my senior year at Hampshire. Joe and Aliya went out one night shopping and came back with TONS of great stuff, including a silver remote control truck, Chevrolet brand.
I can't exactly remember what events occurred up to the truck being painted and decorated, but EVENTUALLY - it became the Che*Rolet.

See that? We just covered up the V in Chevrolet with a red star and it becomes the Che*Rolet! And in the top picture, that's a magnet in the shape of Che. Like, a finger puppet magnet. And he drives the Che*Rolet.
I guess I kind of got everyone excited about Che that year, since I was intensively studying the Cuban Revolution in my Div 3. Remember my Div 3? That made for some great blogging.
Anyways. I am very excited every time I see the Che*Rolet because it reminds me of how much fun I have with my friends. And how awesome they are.
I was cleaning out my bedroom and found some loose CD's. I turned them over to see what they were, and this is what I found:

My October Break mix and Thanksgiving mix both from 2007. What possessed me to write 'ya'll' after both titles??? I have no idea. But I thought it was kind of hilarious. And funny finding them together, right?
Even back then I loved making new playlists. I would make a new CD like, anytime I went anywhere. Every drive that was over like, 30 minutes deserved a mix CD. I think it kind of rocked. And then of course, I moved on to making virtual playlists on my iPod. But, my lame iPod car radio hookup would sometimes not work out in Western Massachusetts, therefore I needed a trusty CD.
However, now that my fancy car, Morgan, has a MP3 hookup, we're good to go. All the time, every time. "60% of the time, it works every time."
ANYWAYS. I just made a new playlist today. I texted Keith this morning to randomly let him know that I had that Eve 6 song 'Here's to the Night' stuck in my head. I have no idea why this song was stuck in my head, but it was. And then he texted back like, "that song used to play at the same time as such classics as 'Drops of Jupiter' and 'Yellow.'" And then I was like, OMG PLAYLIST HERE I COME!
So, I made a playlist of great songs from the 90's and early 2000's.
- here's to the night
- barely breathing
- black balloon
- two princes
- lovefool
- crazy for this girl
- wonderwall
- mmmbop (don't judge, you know i'm a Hanson fan)
- i'll be
- jumper
- sex and candy
- save tonight
Just to give you a quick selection. (Maybe there was also some Britney... maybe.) Anyways, it's been great. Love having a new playlist.
Also, I took out my bedroom air conditioner today. And ripped my leggings in the process. Yep. Ripping clothing left and right. I was bummed. But, they were like, 5 bucks at Wal-Mart, so I can easily replace them. And, I'm still wearing them right now, so it's not that bad.
One of the things I've been very worried about moving in the bass pick I have from Mike. Of Crash Kings. The one that Kara got for me at their show in Providence last February. (that's kind of a funny entry, I would suggest you re-read it.) (also, there are pictures of the pick.)
Anyways, so I wasn't sure how or where to pack the pick so as to ensure it's safety in the moving process. It's been on my kitchen counter ever since February so I can look at it every day. For real.
So then I decided to TAPE IT TO MY LAPTOP. Yep. And so I took a big piece of packing tape, and taped it on. Now I know it will stay safe and I'll know where it is at all times. I think it's brillz.
Ok. So now I've just been re-reading old post-Crash Kings concert reviews. I re-read the first time I ever talked to Tony and like, how it was super awkward and he totally made fun of me because I wanted them to play 'Carry On' twice in the same set. Hey, it's a GREAT song.
And like, thinking about that time, and then thinking about the time last weekend when he immediately gave me a hug while dressed as a woman - I mean, it's just so great. Like, it's just SO GREAT. Great man. Great music.
Alright. I've wasted enough time. I have to get back on track now. My plan is to go to bed EARLY tonight and then get up EARLY tomorrow morning and continue packing before I have to go to work MY LAST SHIFT. :(
I have to say goodbye to babies :( I'm not looking forward to that. Especially the one baby who I've known for like, 5 months.
So, my "early" bedtime tonight will be MIDNIGHT. And my "early" awake time tomorrow will be "9am." Or.... maybe "10am." Maybe I'll do bedtime at "1am" and awake time at "10am."
Wow, I just started putting everything in quotation marks there. Like, I just went crazy. No, I'm gonna try and stick to midnight. And 10am. That sounds nice.
Today, I was packing up some food items that I can take with me. Like, baking supplies and things. And, I put the bag of confectioners sugar in another bag and then continue to go though the cabinets.
And then I hear all this plastic being ripped and look over, and Ruby Tuesday is nose deep in confectioners sugar! She had ripped open the two bags and was licking the sugar. I was like, "No Ruby! What are you doing?!!" It was funny. So, now I have to throw away the sugar. Luckily I caught her pretty early on, I suspect there would have been a big mess.
Also, I meant to put this item on the blog list that I made yesterday when I couldn't remember everything to talk about. And, this is the one I forgot.
This is a pretty good story.
SO. The other night, I'm in the shower, taking a shower, like you do, and everything was normal. It was nice. And, I start washing my hair, when suddenly the water starts to lose pressure very quickly. Until... there's no water. And I'm like, "ummmmmm." So, I wait a little while. Still no water. Then, I turn off the water and then turn it back on again. Still no water.
JULIE: Great. I love living in a house with 4 teenage girls.
(that was sarcasm.)
So, I got out of the shower with shampoo hair. I wrapped it up in a towel. It seemed to be okay. I recounted this story to Keith on the phone immediately after, and then told him about the 'vomditioner' incident of 2009. Where I made my own conditioner out of bananas..... yeah. Gross. He was pretty grossed out too. And LUCKILY - everything in my life goes in the blog, and the vomditioner got it's own entry.
OK. This entry was seriously just supposed to be focused on those pictures and that was all. But of course, it turned into a production. A great one, though.
And NOW, I have to get back to being productive. I need to get in "packing mode," which I haven't actually been in at all ever.
Ohhhhhhh it was TORTURE this afternoon. I hated it SOOO MUCH. At this point, I literally just wish I had huge bags to throw things in and be done with it all.
I mean, I kind of do, they're called garbage bags. Maybe I'll just do that. My goal today was to have my bedroom all cleaned out. I'm like, kind of almost there.
Alright. Hope everyone is having a great night! This morning I woke up and one of the first things I thought was, "I can't believe it's only Wednesday." (lyrics from the Crash Kings song, 'It's Only Wednesday.')
OK FOR REAL. I'm going now. I promise.
I think I might River City Extension it up for the last of the bedroom cleaning. And by the end of their record - I WILL HAVE MY ROOM CLEAN.
Nice. Now I have a personal goal to work towards. I think that's what I need to do more. Personal goals. And then if I blog about them, so everyone knows, I think they're more important and I might actually work towards them. Like, a competition!!
Today I was cleaning out my kitchen drawer and found an old fortune from a fortune cookie that said, "You enjoy competitive sports." Immediately I laughed and said, "um, no." But perhaps I do!!! MIND SPORTS!!!
Competitive Mind Sports. That's what I'll call my personal goals. Ok, NOW I'm kind of excited.
I love blogging. All my best ideas come from the blog. Thanks, friends.
I'll let you know how the RCE/room cleaning goal goes. :)
Anyways. I've been packing and cleaning and gathering for a while now and I'm tired. Actually, I've been tired all day. I woke up to a lovely good morning text and then immediately wanted to fall back to sleep. For like, the next 4 hours. And then I had like, an hour where I was really motivated. But now I'm back to the wanting sleep. I sat on the kitchen floor for a while, and then decided to move into my bed. Or, my sleepover in the living room. It's really easy to feel tired when the only place to sit comfortably in your house is also your fake bed.
Ruby Tuesday loves the fake bed. She loves curling up in the sleeping bag and taking naps. mmmm so do I.
Anyways, I wanted to share with you a few pictures of things I found today. They are awesome.
THE CHE*ROLET!!!!! Everyone remember the che*rolet? From my senior year at Hampshire. Joe and Aliya went out one night shopping and came back with TONS of great stuff, including a silver remote control truck, Chevrolet brand.
I can't exactly remember what events occurred up to the truck being painted and decorated, but EVENTUALLY - it became the Che*Rolet.
See that? We just covered up the V in Chevrolet with a red star and it becomes the Che*Rolet! And in the top picture, that's a magnet in the shape of Che. Like, a finger puppet magnet. And he drives the Che*Rolet.
I guess I kind of got everyone excited about Che that year, since I was intensively studying the Cuban Revolution in my Div 3. Remember my Div 3? That made for some great blogging.
Anyways. I am very excited every time I see the Che*Rolet because it reminds me of how much fun I have with my friends. And how awesome they are.
I was cleaning out my bedroom and found some loose CD's. I turned them over to see what they were, and this is what I found:
My October Break mix and Thanksgiving mix both from 2007. What possessed me to write 'ya'll' after both titles??? I have no idea. But I thought it was kind of hilarious. And funny finding them together, right?
Even back then I loved making new playlists. I would make a new CD like, anytime I went anywhere. Every drive that was over like, 30 minutes deserved a mix CD. I think it kind of rocked. And then of course, I moved on to making virtual playlists on my iPod. But, my lame iPod car radio hookup would sometimes not work out in Western Massachusetts, therefore I needed a trusty CD.
However, now that my fancy car, Morgan, has a MP3 hookup, we're good to go. All the time, every time. "60% of the time, it works every time."
ANYWAYS. I just made a new playlist today. I texted Keith this morning to randomly let him know that I had that Eve 6 song 'Here's to the Night' stuck in my head. I have no idea why this song was stuck in my head, but it was. And then he texted back like, "that song used to play at the same time as such classics as 'Drops of Jupiter' and 'Yellow.'" And then I was like, OMG PLAYLIST HERE I COME!
So, I made a playlist of great songs from the 90's and early 2000's.
- here's to the night
- barely breathing
- black balloon
- two princes
- lovefool
- crazy for this girl
- wonderwall
- mmmbop (don't judge, you know i'm a Hanson fan)
- i'll be
- jumper
- sex and candy
- save tonight
Just to give you a quick selection. (Maybe there was also some Britney... maybe.) Anyways, it's been great. Love having a new playlist.
Also, I took out my bedroom air conditioner today. And ripped my leggings in the process. Yep. Ripping clothing left and right. I was bummed. But, they were like, 5 bucks at Wal-Mart, so I can easily replace them. And, I'm still wearing them right now, so it's not that bad.
One of the things I've been very worried about moving in the bass pick I have from Mike. Of Crash Kings. The one that Kara got for me at their show in Providence last February. (that's kind of a funny entry, I would suggest you re-read it.) (also, there are pictures of the pick.)
Anyways, so I wasn't sure how or where to pack the pick so as to ensure it's safety in the moving process. It's been on my kitchen counter ever since February so I can look at it every day. For real.
So then I decided to TAPE IT TO MY LAPTOP. Yep. And so I took a big piece of packing tape, and taped it on. Now I know it will stay safe and I'll know where it is at all times. I think it's brillz.
Ok. So now I've just been re-reading old post-Crash Kings concert reviews. I re-read the first time I ever talked to Tony and like, how it was super awkward and he totally made fun of me because I wanted them to play 'Carry On' twice in the same set. Hey, it's a GREAT song.
And like, thinking about that time, and then thinking about the time last weekend when he immediately gave me a hug while dressed as a woman - I mean, it's just so great. Like, it's just SO GREAT. Great man. Great music.
Alright. I've wasted enough time. I have to get back on track now. My plan is to go to bed EARLY tonight and then get up EARLY tomorrow morning and continue packing before I have to go to work MY LAST SHIFT. :(
I have to say goodbye to babies :( I'm not looking forward to that. Especially the one baby who I've known for like, 5 months.
So, my "early" bedtime tonight will be MIDNIGHT. And my "early" awake time tomorrow will be "9am." Or.... maybe "10am." Maybe I'll do bedtime at "1am" and awake time at "10am."
Wow, I just started putting everything in quotation marks there. Like, I just went crazy. No, I'm gonna try and stick to midnight. And 10am. That sounds nice.
Today, I was packing up some food items that I can take with me. Like, baking supplies and things. And, I put the bag of confectioners sugar in another bag and then continue to go though the cabinets.
And then I hear all this plastic being ripped and look over, and Ruby Tuesday is nose deep in confectioners sugar! She had ripped open the two bags and was licking the sugar. I was like, "No Ruby! What are you doing?!!" It was funny. So, now I have to throw away the sugar. Luckily I caught her pretty early on, I suspect there would have been a big mess.
Also, I meant to put this item on the blog list that I made yesterday when I couldn't remember everything to talk about. And, this is the one I forgot.
This is a pretty good story.
SO. The other night, I'm in the shower, taking a shower, like you do, and everything was normal. It was nice. And, I start washing my hair, when suddenly the water starts to lose pressure very quickly. Until... there's no water. And I'm like, "ummmmmm." So, I wait a little while. Still no water. Then, I turn off the water and then turn it back on again. Still no water.
JULIE: Great. I love living in a house with 4 teenage girls.
(that was sarcasm.)
So, I got out of the shower with shampoo hair. I wrapped it up in a towel. It seemed to be okay. I recounted this story to Keith on the phone immediately after, and then told him about the 'vomditioner' incident of 2009. Where I made my own conditioner out of bananas..... yeah. Gross. He was pretty grossed out too. And LUCKILY - everything in my life goes in the blog, and the vomditioner got it's own entry.
OK. This entry was seriously just supposed to be focused on those pictures and that was all. But of course, it turned into a production. A great one, though.
And NOW, I have to get back to being productive. I need to get in "packing mode," which I haven't actually been in at all ever.
Ohhhhhhh it was TORTURE this afternoon. I hated it SOOO MUCH. At this point, I literally just wish I had huge bags to throw things in and be done with it all.
I mean, I kind of do, they're called garbage bags. Maybe I'll just do that. My goal today was to have my bedroom all cleaned out. I'm like, kind of almost there.
Alright. Hope everyone is having a great night! This morning I woke up and one of the first things I thought was, "I can't believe it's only Wednesday." (lyrics from the Crash Kings song, 'It's Only Wednesday.')
OK FOR REAL. I'm going now. I promise.
I think I might River City Extension it up for the last of the bedroom cleaning. And by the end of their record - I WILL HAVE MY ROOM CLEAN.
Nice. Now I have a personal goal to work towards. I think that's what I need to do more. Personal goals. And then if I blog about them, so everyone knows, I think they're more important and I might actually work towards them. Like, a competition!!
Today I was cleaning out my kitchen drawer and found an old fortune from a fortune cookie that said, "You enjoy competitive sports." Immediately I laughed and said, "um, no." But perhaps I do!!! MIND SPORTS!!!
Competitive Mind Sports. That's what I'll call my personal goals. Ok, NOW I'm kind of excited.
I love blogging. All my best ideas come from the blog. Thanks, friends.
I'll let you know how the RCE/room cleaning goal goes. :)
09 November 2010
'taking two stairs at a time'
So, a while back, I had been listening to River City Extension in the car and 'South for the Winter' came on. I think it was a rainy day. I might have even blogged that RCE was great to listen to in the rain.
Anyways, I love that song. Like, I really love that song. I just think it's so beautiful. Also, it's kind of been my jam lately. Like, I'll listen to the song and think, "wow, this song gets me."
But the other day I was listening to River City Extension and 'Today, I Feel Like I'm Evolving' came on and I thought, "hold up, let me listen to this one again." And I stopped what I was doing and literally just sat and listened to the song. And now, I feel like this is the song that speaks to me. Because, I guess I feel like I'm evolving, in a way. Making changes in my life. And I just love listening to that song. And I just LOOOVVEEEE the lyric, 'I have been shaken by your sensitivity,' which maybe I have said before, but now I feel like it really relates.
OHHHHH music.
Anyways. There are a few things I've been meaning to talk about and this is the blog where I do it. SOOOO - let's make a list so I don't forget:
1. fake rips
2. burns
3. can't get enough
Yep. Sounds awesome, right?!!? Right. I'm probably not going to talk about them in that order. It's probs gonna be 3, 2, 1.
3. "can't get enough"
If you didn't know, Rooney was on George Lopez last night! They performed two songs, 'I Can't Get Enough' and 'Not in my House.' Ahhhh so awesome. Love me some Robert Schwartzman. Yess I do. Also - I'm seriously loving Taylor Locke's shorter hair. Also, Kara's boyfriend Brandon on bass. So, everyone should go watch them rock. I hope there's a winter Rooney tour :)
2. "burns"
So, last week I had a rough week. I was taking something out of the oven one night and I burnt the palm of my hand on the hottttt pan. I can't remember exactly how this happened, but it hurt. Really bad. Like, it was burning and stinging. And it left a mark. It even hurt the next day when I forgot about it, and then banged it or something. Yeah, it still hurt.
So the next night, I'm trying to use up things in my cupboards, so I decide to make brownies. And, since I don't own any useful size baking dishes, I make them in a 9x9 frying pan. I've done this before. Why don't more people use frying pans as baking dishes?!?! It's totes brillz!!
Although, this is probably why..
I take the brownies out of the oven and set them on the stove. I immediately get into "this is a frying pan" mode and forget the handle is also hott, because the entire thing was in the oven. AND - it totally burns my wrist on my right hand. Like, the side of my wrist. And so again, I found myself running my burning hand under cold water.
TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!!! Can you believe this?? Keith was like, "you gotta stop touching pans." So true.
So, again, I forget about the new burn because it doesn't hurt the next morning. Also, it's in a weird spot where I can't see it unless I turn my wrist around. A few days later, I'm looking in the mirror and I hold up my hand, and THERE'S A HUGE RED LINE across my wrist! Like, it turned into a bad burn!!!
AND NOW, it's like all scabbed over and gross. And I can't believe any of it. Crazy times over here.
1. "fake rips"
Do you remember how I ripped my jeans after coming back from the Crash Kings Adventure Weekend? I think it happened in DC. Lots of rocking there. WELL, I went out the next night to buy some new jeans. Nice, new non-ripped jeans. Well, turns out, you can't buy any jeans without fake rips in them! Nope. Not one pair in the style I wanted didn't have fake rips all over them.
Like, what?! Come on. I bought new jeans because mine were ripped and what did I buy... MORE RIPPED JEANS!!!! I don't understand it. Why do your jeans need to look like you've been in a fight? Or been attacked by a bear?
Kids. And their ripped jeans. Trying to look tough? No! Why does everyone need to look tough? Why can't we just all look nice?
So, next time you see me, I'll probs be wearing the ripped jeans. Just, don't make fun of me. Or try and start a fight.
Anywaysssss that's about all I have to say. I'm at work right now and it's super boring. They just watched 'Big Daddy' twice in a row. Like, for real. Twice in a row. I'm pretty hungry. Excited about eating something when I get upstairs.
Also maybe going to try and pack some more tonight. It's not as much packing as it is "gathering" everything. And then I need to seriously clean.
I can't believe I'm leaving here soon. Everyone is really excited for me. I'm excited for me too.
ALSO - we had cake and ice cream today in staff meeting because it was my last one, and it was the most delish cake ever. Like, chocolate cake with raspberry filling and then this other part that I don't even know what it was. Like, wow. It was so good. And then black raspberry chip ice cream. YES. Ohhhh man. So far it's been the only thing I've eaten today - and I have no problem with that. Sooooo good. And there's leftovers, which I will enjoy also.
I've been in a good mood today. Yeah.
OK. I have to go do some real work things now. LAME. But, important, I suppose. So, I'll talk to everyone again laterrrrr. Or, probs not later, but another time. Maybe tomorrow. Or, Thursday. Or, anytime really. IDK.
Now go have a great day!
Anyways, I love that song. Like, I really love that song. I just think it's so beautiful. Also, it's kind of been my jam lately. Like, I'll listen to the song and think, "wow, this song gets me."
But the other day I was listening to River City Extension and 'Today, I Feel Like I'm Evolving' came on and I thought, "hold up, let me listen to this one again." And I stopped what I was doing and literally just sat and listened to the song. And now, I feel like this is the song that speaks to me. Because, I guess I feel like I'm evolving, in a way. Making changes in my life. And I just love listening to that song. And I just LOOOVVEEEE the lyric, 'I have been shaken by your sensitivity,' which maybe I have said before, but now I feel like it really relates.
OHHHHH music.
Anyways. There are a few things I've been meaning to talk about and this is the blog where I do it. SOOOO - let's make a list so I don't forget:
1. fake rips
2. burns
3. can't get enough
Yep. Sounds awesome, right?!!? Right. I'm probably not going to talk about them in that order. It's probs gonna be 3, 2, 1.
3. "can't get enough"
If you didn't know, Rooney was on George Lopez last night! They performed two songs, 'I Can't Get Enough' and 'Not in my House.' Ahhhh so awesome. Love me some Robert Schwartzman. Yess I do. Also - I'm seriously loving Taylor Locke's shorter hair. Also, Kara's boyfriend Brandon on bass. So, everyone should go watch them rock. I hope there's a winter Rooney tour :)
2. "burns"
So, last week I had a rough week. I was taking something out of the oven one night and I burnt the palm of my hand on the hottttt pan. I can't remember exactly how this happened, but it hurt. Really bad. Like, it was burning and stinging. And it left a mark. It even hurt the next day when I forgot about it, and then banged it or something. Yeah, it still hurt.
So the next night, I'm trying to use up things in my cupboards, so I decide to make brownies. And, since I don't own any useful size baking dishes, I make them in a 9x9 frying pan. I've done this before. Why don't more people use frying pans as baking dishes?!?! It's totes brillz!!
Although, this is probably why..
I take the brownies out of the oven and set them on the stove. I immediately get into "this is a frying pan" mode and forget the handle is also hott, because the entire thing was in the oven. AND - it totally burns my wrist on my right hand. Like, the side of my wrist. And so again, I found myself running my burning hand under cold water.
TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!!! Can you believe this?? Keith was like, "you gotta stop touching pans." So true.
So, again, I forget about the new burn because it doesn't hurt the next morning. Also, it's in a weird spot where I can't see it unless I turn my wrist around. A few days later, I'm looking in the mirror and I hold up my hand, and THERE'S A HUGE RED LINE across my wrist! Like, it turned into a bad burn!!!
AND NOW, it's like all scabbed over and gross. And I can't believe any of it. Crazy times over here.
1. "fake rips"
Do you remember how I ripped my jeans after coming back from the Crash Kings Adventure Weekend? I think it happened in DC. Lots of rocking there. WELL, I went out the next night to buy some new jeans. Nice, new non-ripped jeans. Well, turns out, you can't buy any jeans without fake rips in them! Nope. Not one pair in the style I wanted didn't have fake rips all over them.
Like, what?! Come on. I bought new jeans because mine were ripped and what did I buy... MORE RIPPED JEANS!!!! I don't understand it. Why do your jeans need to look like you've been in a fight? Or been attacked by a bear?
Kids. And their ripped jeans. Trying to look tough? No! Why does everyone need to look tough? Why can't we just all look nice?
So, next time you see me, I'll probs be wearing the ripped jeans. Just, don't make fun of me. Or try and start a fight.
Anywaysssss that's about all I have to say. I'm at work right now and it's super boring. They just watched 'Big Daddy' twice in a row. Like, for real. Twice in a row. I'm pretty hungry. Excited about eating something when I get upstairs.
Also maybe going to try and pack some more tonight. It's not as much packing as it is "gathering" everything. And then I need to seriously clean.
I can't believe I'm leaving here soon. Everyone is really excited for me. I'm excited for me too.
ALSO - we had cake and ice cream today in staff meeting because it was my last one, and it was the most delish cake ever. Like, chocolate cake with raspberry filling and then this other part that I don't even know what it was. Like, wow. It was so good. And then black raspberry chip ice cream. YES. Ohhhh man. So far it's been the only thing I've eaten today - and I have no problem with that. Sooooo good. And there's leftovers, which I will enjoy also.
I've been in a good mood today. Yeah.
OK. I have to go do some real work things now. LAME. But, important, I suppose. So, I'll talk to everyone again laterrrrr. Or, probs not later, but another time. Maybe tomorrow. Or, Thursday. Or, anytime really. IDK.
Now go have a great day!
07 November 2010
Kara, Julie, and Kevin
Soooo today was a crazy day.
Today was the big move out day. (Mostly)
**also, SIDE NOTE... I'm having text conversations with THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE right now. Ummmm how popular am I?? (that's never happened before.)
OK. So, during this last week, I reserved a Uhaul truck online. There was much confusion because I wanted a 10 foot truck for Saturday, but they only had a 14 foot truck for Sunday. So, we had to go with that plan. BUT, since they didn't have the 10 foot truck that I wanted, they gave me the 14 foot one for the price of the 10 footer. Good deal, eh? Yeah, I made out pretty well with that one.
But, I had to call the Uhaul service line. Like, who even knew that this existed? I had no idea. I figured that each store had it's own line. BUT NO. There's this national Uhaul call center that I had to call. And they put me on hold! For like, 3 minutes! I mean, that's not a very long time, but I was just shocked because I didn't even know the Uhaul call service line existed. I guess a lot of people need to move stuff.
Anyways, then I had to rent a storage unit. Luckily, the cheapest one in the area is in Berwick, where I am moving back to. So, I called the guy, Dave, who has a lovely phone manor and seems like a great person. He said he had a unit in the size I needed and that I should call him Sunday to figure out a time to meet. Great!
So, on Saturday, my mom and Kara came up to help pack. I was feeling very overwhelmed with everything, even though I don't think anyone believed me. I found myself just going from room to room just taking things apart and then being like, "OMG THIS ROOM'S A MESS." I hate packing and kept having flashbacks to the very last day of college when Kerianne, Elizabeth and I hugged goodbye and then all just burst into tears.
That's a different story.
Anyways, so they were a huge help. Like HUGE. I am so lucky. PLUS - I had to go to work yesterday, so they were up here when I wasn't even here, and they were still helping me pack.
And my wonderful awesome sister Kara, had to work Friday night until 8pm. Then, she had to work in the bakery after, and had like, a million cake orders for people. She did this baby shower cake and it came out amazing. Like, amazing. I can't believe the work she does.
So, Kara got like, NO sleep on Friday night, and then came up here and was packing for me all day. She's seriously the best sister ever. And my mom is the best too. Because she washed all my pots and pans and did great packing. I love her.
I especially love them both for doing so much because I was having such a lousy time at it.
Anyways, so I was hard at work watching 'Tropic Thunder,' and they were upstairs doing the dirty work. (Ummm I didn't like Tropic Thunder. I kind of knew that I wouldn't like it. But I got talked into watching it. First of all, I missed like, the part where they explained what was going on. They were really in the jungle? Like, no film set?)
(Also, I'm finding that in my old age, I just don't appreciate films with too much swearing. I don't know what this is, but I've noticed it recently. Like, it just sounds fake, or something. Also, it just sounds gross. Whatevs.)
So, I come back upstairs after work, and my apartment is all packed up! Like, weird looking.
Kara and I took apart my bed on Saturday night. Um, easiest bed to take apart ever. Thanks, IKEA. There were like, 8 screws. So, we set up the mattress on the floor last night and slept there.
I was up until 3:30 packing all my clothes in suitcases and garbage bags. (Yeah, I 'Angelina'd it.') (Jersey Shore season 1, anyone??)
Then I was woken up at 6:15 by the phone. One of the residents thought she was waking me up at 7:15, which was when I said I'd be up, but she forgot to set the clock back. Sooo, I was up at 6:15 and then couldn't get back to sleep. It was really lame. I hated it, actually. Because I knew that I had to be awake ALLLLL day moving stuff and I wasn't excited about today at all, so I just wanted to sleep.
But no.
So, I was up again for real this time at 7:15am. Downstairs. To babysit. An 8 month old. He's a BIG guy. And trying to rock this baby at this hour in the morning on 3 hours of sleep was NOT easy.
I babysat from 7:25ish to 8am. We played with the new crawl mat. It plays the Sesame Street theme song in lullaby form when the baby crawls on it. And it's like a "garden crawl mat," with like, plastic flowers that are rattles that stick onto the edges. And little plastic bees that spin around. It's actually pretty cool. I wish adults had things to play on the floor with.
Although, I'm on the floor now. I guess adult toys are called 'laptops.'
At 8am, I went upstairs and started packing things again. I ate a lollipop for a tiny sugar rush. I was feeling pretty crappy, I think because I got so little sleep. I sometimes get temporary "not enough sleep" colds. That usually last only until I get enough sleep. So, I've like, been sneezing and coughing all day. Also, packing up my apartment is a dusty job, and I think it's making my allergies pretty bad. Yeah, I'm lame.
Anyways, At 10am Kara woke up and we got ready to go get the big truck. I was super nervous about this because it seemed like kind of a grown up thing to do. Like, go get a rental truck to move things. I don't know. First, we went to Dunkin Donuts to get coffees. Yum. Then, to the Uhaul place. I was kind of intimated in there and felt out of place.
Also, GEEZE, renting trucks is expensive.
So, Kara was pretty excited about the truck because apparently she's always to be a truck driver. So, today she was living the dream. She drove the thing all day. And loved it. And rocked it.
As soon as she pulled the truck up in front of the house, it all became clear....
JULIE: We should name the truck Kevin.
KEVIN!!!! Yep. That was the truck. The name fit him PERFECTLY. Like, he was such a Kevin, it was crazy. He just LOOKED like a Kevin! I loved it. Such a great name for a truck.
Then, came the horrible part. Moving everything out of the apartment. If ANYONE has been up to this apartment, you know it's the weirdest thing ever. Like, the super tiny hallways, the slanted ceilings, the crooked floors. Oddly placed doors. Small door frames. The most inconveniently placed door in the curved hallway, which is the only door suited for moving objects out, as the other door out of the apartment has a big brick fireplace column in front of it.
It's actually a great apartment. Very quirky and unique. Did you know I have a triangle window up here? Um, it's awesome.
So, moving the couch out was the trickiest. It took the most thought and puzzle-making..? Puzzle-ness? Puzzle-putting together? It was like a puzzle. Actually, it wasn't. Putting everything in the truck was a puzzle. Getting the couch out was like a slow motion car falling off a bridge. Like, slowly doing flips and turns every which way, over our heads and under our arms. It sounds beautiful, but it wasn't. We were pretty gross looking today, I'm not gonna lie.
Also, I'm on the third floor, so up and down and up and down was very tiring. And these are maybe the steepest stairs in western New Hampshire. At least top three.
All in all - it's like the worst apartment to move in and out of - but a great space overall.
AND - we moved everything out. Well, mostly everything. We made a huge checklist the night before of everything that needed to go in the truck. Bed. Couch. Arm chair. Footstool. Bureau. Red chair. Ruby's chair. Pretty mirror. Kitchen table and chairs. Microwave. Coffee maker. Yeah... I'm living on bare bones here.
So, in the middle of all this, I called Storage Dave and told him I wouldn't be able to meet him today, but MY AWESOME MOM, would be. Because she was in Berwick, and I was in Lebanon. (NH) So, my mom went to meet Storage Dave and sign the papers and get the storage unit. I was really excited to have a storage unit. I'm kind of thinking of it like a hotel. Or second apartment. Or like, if I was an important congresswoman who lived in Boston, but needed to travel to DC like, 4 out of 7 days in the week, it would be my "condo" that I would stay in. The DC condo.
I don't know. I really like the idea of having another place. Like, not my home, not my work, not anything really. Just like, a place. The Berwick condo. Where I'd bring my boyfriend-on-the-side. Or, mistress. Not mistress, but, what's the male version of mistress? Mister? haha. Where I'd bring my mister? I guess you'd need a real-life boyfriend in order to have a boyfriend on the side. Or, maybe not. I guess I could take a secret boyfriend to the storage unit.
Ok, did I mention I'm running on 3 hours sleep? I don't know what that last paragraph was about. Forget it - let's move on.
So, Kara and I drove Kevin to the storage unit, where we met up with my mom. Then, we ROCKED the unpacking. Like, it seriously took like five minutes. Classic assembly line format. Works all the time. Or, de-assembly line format. Whatever.
Then, we drove Kevin to the real Berwick house (not the Berwick condo) and unloaded everything that was staying there. And then Kara ROCKED backing Kevin out of the driveway.
We then drove to the Rochester, NH Uhaul place to drop off the truck. I chose the Rochester Uhaul place because it was $3 cheaper than the Dover Uhaul place. I'm pretty thrifty. (Not really, actually.) Then there was some confusion about where to park and how to drop off the key. And there was some sort of bomb/battery charger just charging in the middle of the parking lot. It was kind of sketch. And then these siren looking red lights were going off in the store. It was an after-hours drop off. I don't think we did anything illegal. It was kind of confusing.
And then... it was time to say goodbye to Kevin. He was such a great guy. He's one of those guys where, if you ask him to help you move, he'll always say yes.
JULIE: Hey Kevin, I'm moving out of my apartment on Sunday, any chance you could help?
KEVIN: Oh sure! I'm not doing anything. I'll be over around 11am.
JULIE: Sounds great!
KEVIN: I love helping people move!
That should be the new Uhaul slogan that they write on all their trucks. Um, shouldn't all their trucks have names anyways? Like the Peter Pan buses. YES. EXACTLY LIKE THAT. And then on the side of the truck it would say, "I love helping people move!" That'd be so much more friendly. I should run Uhaul. Teach 'em a thing or two about how to do business.
SO THEN - we had a mini-photoshoot. To remember Kevin.

Newest truck driver in America, Kara Evans!!!! Look how excited she is to be moving your belongings!!! Now imagine this picture as an ad in a magazine, with 'I love helping people move!'written on the side of the truck. SO MUCH BETTER, right??! I bet they'd see an increase in rentals. Or, maybe they don't need an increase, since I was on hold for like, THREE MINUTES.

Me and Kara inside the back of the truck. It had this thing called a "mom's attic," which was basically like a loft. The back of the truck was like a classy Manhattan loft apartment. I had this idea of just buying a truck and living in it. Cutting three windows on the sides of the truck. High up, so as not to feel too exposed. Put a mattress up in the loft. Make the whole truck electric, plug it in at night and run it on a generator!!! BRILLZ. I'm just like, throwing out ideas left and right. Also, notice how sick and tired and gross I look in that photos??? Yeah, I noticed too.
ANYWAYS. Then, my mom and Kara drove me BACK up to Lebanon. They are great, really. I'm excited to be moving back in with them. We were all in the car on the ride up and I said,
JULIE: When was the last time we were all in a car together?!?!
And nobody could remember! It's been so long. I think I need some family time after living and working here.
Holy crap it's 2am. WHAT?!?!?! I've been awake way too long. And done way too much heavy lifting. My back hurts. And my legs hurt too. I kind of can't wait to go to sleep. But, I really wanted to blog first.
Remember that I said that Kara made a totally awesome baby shower cake at work???? She sent me pictures specifically so I could post here!!! Because I really want you all to see them. Because my sister is a famous baker. An award-winning baker.
Take THAT, Cake Boss.

Kara said the order included cupcakes as well. Aren't they adorable and amazing?? YES. I love this cake. I think it's so pretty and sweet. Just like a baby.
You all should order cakes from Kara. But not at once, because she'll get too overworked. And please give her 48 hours notice. She's the best cake maker ever. Cake maker.
KARA EVANS, Cake maker
Anyways. I'm going to sleep now. I've been awake like, 20 hours. Too long. I'll talk to you all later!!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! And it's MONDAY!!!!! You know what I love to say about Mondays????
It's true, I say that a lot about Mondays. Mondays are like Januarys. Januaries? Januari? New beginnings. Love it.
Ok! Go have a great week!!!!
I just got really positive. And upbeat. Who can sleep now?!?!?!!? I probably can, actually. But, I'm suddenly in a great mood. See, I love getting you all excited because then it gets ME excited.
WOW. Know what this Monday brings for me???
My last week of work. This is officially the beginning of the end. Ummmm no I don't like that.
The Beginning of a new Beginning. Is that too lame? I don't know. Why do I keep talking?? It's so late and I'm so tired.
Yeah. I'm in a good mood now. I didn't get any positive energy text messages, so I must be creating this energy myself?? Self re-charging positivity??? If I ever write a self-help book, that's what it will be called.
Self Re-Charging Positivity
Julie Evans
Self Re-Charging Positivity and the Beginning of New Beginnings
Julie Evans
That could also be a very long band name. Like, I could be self re-charging positivity and you all could be the beginning of new beginnings. Because, you guys are my back up band. Nah, who am I kidding - you guys are the main attraction.
OK, seriously. I have to go to sleep now.
Alright. My POINT is - HAVE A GREAT WEEK. I'll either be blogging a lot because I'll be emotional, or not blogging very much because I'll be emotional. Either one could swing.
This is when I wish I had a "person." Like, someone to drive home with me. I mean, I have Ruby Tuesday. She hates being in the car, though. She'll cry the whole way.
Ok. Goodnight friends.
Today was the big move out day. (Mostly)
**also, SIDE NOTE... I'm having text conversations with THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE right now. Ummmm how popular am I?? (that's never happened before.)
OK. So, during this last week, I reserved a Uhaul truck online. There was much confusion because I wanted a 10 foot truck for Saturday, but they only had a 14 foot truck for Sunday. So, we had to go with that plan. BUT, since they didn't have the 10 foot truck that I wanted, they gave me the 14 foot one for the price of the 10 footer. Good deal, eh? Yeah, I made out pretty well with that one.
But, I had to call the Uhaul service line. Like, who even knew that this existed? I had no idea. I figured that each store had it's own line. BUT NO. There's this national Uhaul call center that I had to call. And they put me on hold! For like, 3 minutes! I mean, that's not a very long time, but I was just shocked because I didn't even know the Uhaul call service line existed. I guess a lot of people need to move stuff.
Anyways, then I had to rent a storage unit. Luckily, the cheapest one in the area is in Berwick, where I am moving back to. So, I called the guy, Dave, who has a lovely phone manor and seems like a great person. He said he had a unit in the size I needed and that I should call him Sunday to figure out a time to meet. Great!
So, on Saturday, my mom and Kara came up to help pack. I was feeling very overwhelmed with everything, even though I don't think anyone believed me. I found myself just going from room to room just taking things apart and then being like, "OMG THIS ROOM'S A MESS." I hate packing and kept having flashbacks to the very last day of college when Kerianne, Elizabeth and I hugged goodbye and then all just burst into tears.
That's a different story.
Anyways, so they were a huge help. Like HUGE. I am so lucky. PLUS - I had to go to work yesterday, so they were up here when I wasn't even here, and they were still helping me pack.
And my wonderful awesome sister Kara, had to work Friday night until 8pm. Then, she had to work in the bakery after, and had like, a million cake orders for people. She did this baby shower cake and it came out amazing. Like, amazing. I can't believe the work she does.
So, Kara got like, NO sleep on Friday night, and then came up here and was packing for me all day. She's seriously the best sister ever. And my mom is the best too. Because she washed all my pots and pans and did great packing. I love her.
I especially love them both for doing so much because I was having such a lousy time at it.
Anyways, so I was hard at work watching 'Tropic Thunder,' and they were upstairs doing the dirty work. (Ummm I didn't like Tropic Thunder. I kind of knew that I wouldn't like it. But I got talked into watching it. First of all, I missed like, the part where they explained what was going on. They were really in the jungle? Like, no film set?)
(Also, I'm finding that in my old age, I just don't appreciate films with too much swearing. I don't know what this is, but I've noticed it recently. Like, it just sounds fake, or something. Also, it just sounds gross. Whatevs.)
So, I come back upstairs after work, and my apartment is all packed up! Like, weird looking.
Kara and I took apart my bed on Saturday night. Um, easiest bed to take apart ever. Thanks, IKEA. There were like, 8 screws. So, we set up the mattress on the floor last night and slept there.
I was up until 3:30 packing all my clothes in suitcases and garbage bags. (Yeah, I 'Angelina'd it.') (Jersey Shore season 1, anyone??)
Then I was woken up at 6:15 by the phone. One of the residents thought she was waking me up at 7:15, which was when I said I'd be up, but she forgot to set the clock back. Sooo, I was up at 6:15 and then couldn't get back to sleep. It was really lame. I hated it, actually. Because I knew that I had to be awake ALLLLL day moving stuff and I wasn't excited about today at all, so I just wanted to sleep.
But no.
So, I was up again for real this time at 7:15am. Downstairs. To babysit. An 8 month old. He's a BIG guy. And trying to rock this baby at this hour in the morning on 3 hours of sleep was NOT easy.
I babysat from 7:25ish to 8am. We played with the new crawl mat. It plays the Sesame Street theme song in lullaby form when the baby crawls on it. And it's like a "garden crawl mat," with like, plastic flowers that are rattles that stick onto the edges. And little plastic bees that spin around. It's actually pretty cool. I wish adults had things to play on the floor with.
Although, I'm on the floor now. I guess adult toys are called 'laptops.'
At 8am, I went upstairs and started packing things again. I ate a lollipop for a tiny sugar rush. I was feeling pretty crappy, I think because I got so little sleep. I sometimes get temporary "not enough sleep" colds. That usually last only until I get enough sleep. So, I've like, been sneezing and coughing all day. Also, packing up my apartment is a dusty job, and I think it's making my allergies pretty bad. Yeah, I'm lame.
Anyways, At 10am Kara woke up and we got ready to go get the big truck. I was super nervous about this because it seemed like kind of a grown up thing to do. Like, go get a rental truck to move things. I don't know. First, we went to Dunkin Donuts to get coffees. Yum. Then, to the Uhaul place. I was kind of intimated in there and felt out of place.
Also, GEEZE, renting trucks is expensive.
So, Kara was pretty excited about the truck because apparently she's always to be a truck driver. So, today she was living the dream. She drove the thing all day. And loved it. And rocked it.
As soon as she pulled the truck up in front of the house, it all became clear....
JULIE: We should name the truck Kevin.
KEVIN!!!! Yep. That was the truck. The name fit him PERFECTLY. Like, he was such a Kevin, it was crazy. He just LOOKED like a Kevin! I loved it. Such a great name for a truck.
Then, came the horrible part. Moving everything out of the apartment. If ANYONE has been up to this apartment, you know it's the weirdest thing ever. Like, the super tiny hallways, the slanted ceilings, the crooked floors. Oddly placed doors. Small door frames. The most inconveniently placed door in the curved hallway, which is the only door suited for moving objects out, as the other door out of the apartment has a big brick fireplace column in front of it.
It's actually a great apartment. Very quirky and unique. Did you know I have a triangle window up here? Um, it's awesome.
So, moving the couch out was the trickiest. It took the most thought and puzzle-making..? Puzzle-ness? Puzzle-putting together? It was like a puzzle. Actually, it wasn't. Putting everything in the truck was a puzzle. Getting the couch out was like a slow motion car falling off a bridge. Like, slowly doing flips and turns every which way, over our heads and under our arms. It sounds beautiful, but it wasn't. We were pretty gross looking today, I'm not gonna lie.
Also, I'm on the third floor, so up and down and up and down was very tiring. And these are maybe the steepest stairs in western New Hampshire. At least top three.
All in all - it's like the worst apartment to move in and out of - but a great space overall.
AND - we moved everything out. Well, mostly everything. We made a huge checklist the night before of everything that needed to go in the truck. Bed. Couch. Arm chair. Footstool. Bureau. Red chair. Ruby's chair. Pretty mirror. Kitchen table and chairs. Microwave. Coffee maker. Yeah... I'm living on bare bones here.
So, in the middle of all this, I called Storage Dave and told him I wouldn't be able to meet him today, but MY AWESOME MOM, would be. Because she was in Berwick, and I was in Lebanon. (NH) So, my mom went to meet Storage Dave and sign the papers and get the storage unit. I was really excited to have a storage unit. I'm kind of thinking of it like a hotel. Or second apartment. Or like, if I was an important congresswoman who lived in Boston, but needed to travel to DC like, 4 out of 7 days in the week, it would be my "condo" that I would stay in. The DC condo.
I don't know. I really like the idea of having another place. Like, not my home, not my work, not anything really. Just like, a place. The Berwick condo. Where I'd bring my boyfriend-on-the-side. Or, mistress. Not mistress, but, what's the male version of mistress? Mister? haha. Where I'd bring my mister? I guess you'd need a real-life boyfriend in order to have a boyfriend on the side. Or, maybe not. I guess I could take a secret boyfriend to the storage unit.
Ok, did I mention I'm running on 3 hours sleep? I don't know what that last paragraph was about. Forget it - let's move on.
So, Kara and I drove Kevin to the storage unit, where we met up with my mom. Then, we ROCKED the unpacking. Like, it seriously took like five minutes. Classic assembly line format. Works all the time. Or, de-assembly line format. Whatever.
Then, we drove Kevin to the real Berwick house (not the Berwick condo) and unloaded everything that was staying there. And then Kara ROCKED backing Kevin out of the driveway.
We then drove to the Rochester, NH Uhaul place to drop off the truck. I chose the Rochester Uhaul place because it was $3 cheaper than the Dover Uhaul place. I'm pretty thrifty. (Not really, actually.) Then there was some confusion about where to park and how to drop off the key. And there was some sort of bomb/battery charger just charging in the middle of the parking lot. It was kind of sketch. And then these siren looking red lights were going off in the store. It was an after-hours drop off. I don't think we did anything illegal. It was kind of confusing.
And then... it was time to say goodbye to Kevin. He was such a great guy. He's one of those guys where, if you ask him to help you move, he'll always say yes.
JULIE: Hey Kevin, I'm moving out of my apartment on Sunday, any chance you could help?
KEVIN: Oh sure! I'm not doing anything. I'll be over around 11am.
JULIE: Sounds great!
KEVIN: I love helping people move!
That should be the new Uhaul slogan that they write on all their trucks. Um, shouldn't all their trucks have names anyways? Like the Peter Pan buses. YES. EXACTLY LIKE THAT. And then on the side of the truck it would say, "I love helping people move!" That'd be so much more friendly. I should run Uhaul. Teach 'em a thing or two about how to do business.
SO THEN - we had a mini-photoshoot. To remember Kevin.
Newest truck driver in America, Kara Evans!!!! Look how excited she is to be moving your belongings!!! Now imagine this picture as an ad in a magazine, with 'I love helping people move!'written on the side of the truck. SO MUCH BETTER, right??! I bet they'd see an increase in rentals. Or, maybe they don't need an increase, since I was on hold for like, THREE MINUTES.
Me and Kara inside the back of the truck. It had this thing called a "mom's attic," which was basically like a loft. The back of the truck was like a classy Manhattan loft apartment. I had this idea of just buying a truck and living in it. Cutting three windows on the sides of the truck. High up, so as not to feel too exposed. Put a mattress up in the loft. Make the whole truck electric, plug it in at night and run it on a generator!!! BRILLZ. I'm just like, throwing out ideas left and right. Also, notice how sick and tired and gross I look in that photos??? Yeah, I noticed too.
ANYWAYS. Then, my mom and Kara drove me BACK up to Lebanon. They are great, really. I'm excited to be moving back in with them. We were all in the car on the ride up and I said,
JULIE: When was the last time we were all in a car together?!?!
And nobody could remember! It's been so long. I think I need some family time after living and working here.
Holy crap it's 2am. WHAT?!?!?! I've been awake way too long. And done way too much heavy lifting. My back hurts. And my legs hurt too. I kind of can't wait to go to sleep. But, I really wanted to blog first.
Remember that I said that Kara made a totally awesome baby shower cake at work???? She sent me pictures specifically so I could post here!!! Because I really want you all to see them. Because my sister is a famous baker. An award-winning baker.
Take THAT, Cake Boss.
Kara said the order included cupcakes as well. Aren't they adorable and amazing?? YES. I love this cake. I think it's so pretty and sweet. Just like a baby.
You all should order cakes from Kara. But not at once, because she'll get too overworked. And please give her 48 hours notice. She's the best cake maker ever. Cake maker.
KARA EVANS, Cake maker
Anyways. I'm going to sleep now. I've been awake like, 20 hours. Too long. I'll talk to you all later!!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! And it's MONDAY!!!!! You know what I love to say about Mondays????
It's true, I say that a lot about Mondays. Mondays are like Januarys. Januaries? Januari? New beginnings. Love it.
Ok! Go have a great week!!!!
I just got really positive. And upbeat. Who can sleep now?!?!?!!? I probably can, actually. But, I'm suddenly in a great mood. See, I love getting you all excited because then it gets ME excited.
WOW. Know what this Monday brings for me???
My last week of work. This is officially the beginning of the end. Ummmm no I don't like that.
The Beginning of a new Beginning. Is that too lame? I don't know. Why do I keep talking?? It's so late and I'm so tired.
Yeah. I'm in a good mood now. I didn't get any positive energy text messages, so I must be creating this energy myself?? Self re-charging positivity??? If I ever write a self-help book, that's what it will be called.
Self Re-Charging Positivity
Julie Evans
Self Re-Charging Positivity and the Beginning of New Beginnings
Julie Evans
That could also be a very long band name. Like, I could be self re-charging positivity and you all could be the beginning of new beginnings. Because, you guys are my back up band. Nah, who am I kidding - you guys are the main attraction.
OK, seriously. I have to go to sleep now.
Alright. My POINT is - HAVE A GREAT WEEK. I'll either be blogging a lot because I'll be emotional, or not blogging very much because I'll be emotional. Either one could swing.
This is when I wish I had a "person." Like, someone to drive home with me. I mean, I have Ruby Tuesday. She hates being in the car, though. She'll cry the whole way.
Ok. Goodnight friends.
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