so, i finished season 2 of Veronica Mars this afternoon. WOW. oh man i cried a lot. first i cried because i was:
1. scared. really scared. and in major shock.
then i cried because i was:
2. sad. really sad. like, devastated.
then i cried because i was:
3. relieved. so, freaking, incredibly relieved. and happy.
it was a good progression of tears. they went through every extreme possible. for serious.
man. i was shocked at the ending. i can't believe it. i still can't believe it. did ANYONE see that coming?!!? if you saw that ending coming, then you deserve some sort of medal.
also, i was looking up Veronica Mars music today because there was a song in an episode that i really liked (Lost and Found by Adrienne Pierce) and i saw a fanvideo for Logan and Veronica. i didn't watch it, but it was called, LoVe. and, those are the two first letters of their names! and i wondered if that was done on purpose.
i really love Logan. he's so sarcastic and wonderful. i admit, i was rooting for Veronica and Duncan at the beginning. and now Duncan has that beautiful baby girl!
i keep thinking that it will be monday when i wake up in the morning. i have my days all mixed up. all day i was thinking it was sunday.
last night i slept for 10 hours! with no interruptions!!!! i needed it. oh, it was great. i didn't wake up once. when was the last time you did something for 10 hours straight with no interruptions!!?? i totes recommend. it.
it downpoured all day today. it was very pretty to watch. it was foggy in the mountains.
and i tried for a long time to fix my computer. i read this long article pretty much describing all the symptoms i am having. and then it said, "you probably have a Bagle infection." and i said, "hmm....that sounds strangely delicious." and then it said, "download this and it will help you out."
so, i downloaded this thing. and ran this HUGE scan. it took like, over an hour. probably close to two hours to complete. and in the end: nothing. no bagles. or bagels. you'll find no bagels here.
and then i did a "search for disc error" scan on a start-up of windows. nada. scan was clean! great! then why isn't anything working?!
and i went to the microsoft website and found an article that again, described all my computer symptoms pretty perfectly. and then it said, "you are probably infected with the Pretty Park virus."
so i said, "great! i'll google it!" so, i googled it and it turned out to be a virus you get by opening strange email attachments. which, i never do. so, it is not the Penny Park virus. or, Pretty Park virus. i keep wanting to call it Penny Park. but, i think it's Pretty Park. Penny Park is a cute name.
so my computer prob continues to be a mystery!!! a great halloween mystery story!!!!!!! this is one to tell your children.
but, something weird happened. i got an error message saying that Dr. Watson's Postmortem Debugger had crashed, and the computer was sorry about this. and i immediately thought, "great, i've got a virus and nothing to protect me from it." so, i googled it on my phone, because my computer immediately crashed. and it turns out that Dr. Watson's Postmortem Debugger is a REAL program invented by Microsoft to report back to them if your computer is having problems.
and also apparently, it very rarely, pretty much never, crashes unless something is really wrong. that's what the people said on all the nerd websites i visited. one website was like, "congratulations! you have managed to win a ticket to hell!" that wasn't too encouraging.
but, that was a fun piece of Microsoft trivia that i didn't know. i actually don't know much Microsoft trivia. any, actually.
oh! but, i do know that the PC guy is a friend of the REAL guy who Jason Schwartzman portrays on his tv show Bored to Death. so, J.Schwartz plays this guy Jonathan Ames on his tv show. and, Jonathan Ames is a real guy. he's a writer. and he created the show kind of based on himself. and, he's really friends with the PC guy, who had a guest appearance on the show.
good story, right?! so basically...
PC = Jason Schwartzman
Mac = still Justin Long
so now which one do i get?!?! i'm not a super huge fan of Justin Long, i don't think. what has he done besides get arrested for pot?
oh! looking at IMDb, he played George Harrison in Walk Hard. um, and who played Ringo Starr? um, J.Schwartz. yeah.
so, basically Mac and PC's are the same. except i'm still getting a Mac. when i have enough money. which will hopefully be in the next month.

and Jason is a Mac guy. even if i just said he was the PC guy. i don't know what i was talking about. i also love this picture. i like to think that he's so laid back, he records his Coconut Records songs in his pajamas. ooo so dreamy.
so, we're letting the baby schedule our night tonight. he's been eating more formula, more often. and he wasn't hungry at the scheduled feeding time. so, we're gonna wait until he wakes up.
tonight me and Courtney were hanging out with the three girls and one of them said,
RESIDENT 1: Ok, I'm going to say something specifically about Julie and Courtney. So, we all think that you guys are super cool, laid back and bubbly. BUT, I think that you guys would be SCARY if you got really mad. (and she started like, punching her fists together) I bet you guys could totally beat someone down if you wanted to.
JULIE: Do you mean physically beat down? Or, beat down with our verbal skills?
RESIDENT 1: Like, street fighting.
JULIE: I don't have much street cred.
COURTNEY: Yeah...not so much.
RESIDENT 1: Well, I would totally not want to get in a fight with either of you because I bet you have split-personality and would totally turn on someone.
me and Courtney were just laughing. and then another girl made me try this ice cream, milk, and strawberry Nesquik drink she invented. it was good.
it was fun hanging out with them.
but man, i wish i had more nights off. well, i do, actually. since i'm doing so much work overnight, i earn more nights off. but, i feel bad taking nights off because if i do, then that means that someone else will just have to do it. and i'd rather i do it than anyone else.
i can hear Ruby Tuesday eating her dry food in the kitchen! she must have just woken up. she was sleepers on my bed.
anyways. maybe i'll take some more nights off.
so, i'm redownloading iTunes again so i can use it. hopefully. because i really like that song from VM and i want it on my iPod. i also need to create a new playlist. i'm going insane. i have a great playlist right now, except it's missing this Rooney song that i really love. and i haven't been able to update it!!!
i tried tricking the computer and hooking up my ipod to see if that would make itunes open. but, nothing happened.
i Netflixed the Rooney dvd. Spit and Sweat. it was pretty good. it was a concert they did in LA a few years ago. but, the concert was at the very end of a 2-year headlining tour. and, you could totally tell that Robert was losing his voice. so that was a bummer. but, the behind the scenes stuff was awesome. they are so funny. can't wait to see Matt Winter live and in person. OH i love him.
Ruby is now sleeping on my lap.
2:49am. sunday morning.
i'm working today 3:30-10pm. aka 3:30pm-8am. and then i have monday offff!!!!!!!! 8am to 10pm is ALL MINE!!!! i hope it's an easy breezy day.
i think i'm going to buy new headphones. remember my headphone saga? the week after my speaker saga? well, i'm not very happy with the headphones i bought. i thought they were going to be cool, but they're not. they are not comfortable and they don't stay on my ears. and it irratates my earring.
ITUNES!!!!! YES!!!!!! we're in business for the time being. now if i never shut off my computer, itunes will always be open!!!!!! and if i also never shut off my computer, it will overheat and probably start a fire!!!!! so, i won't do that.
ok. i have purchased the required songs needed for my happiness. they included:
1. Lost and Found, Adrienne Pierce
2. I Hear the Bells, Mike Doughty
3. The Chain, Ingrid Michaelson
i think it's a good selection. and i will upload them to my ipod and it will be like nothing is even wrong!!!
please note:: 'i hear the bells' is DIFFERENT than 'i can hear the bells' from the musical Hairspray. although, that's a great song too.
the 'not-hairspray' version played during the "alterna-prom" on Veronica Mars. another perfect Veronica/Logan moment.
now Ruby is sleeping on the floor under my coffee table.
so, it's 4:08am. just got back from a baby feeding. he started crying in the middle of my new-playlist-making. it's a good playlist. i called it, "had any good scones lately?" i love naming playlists.
phew. ipod is updated.
ok. i think i might go to bed now. although, i'm pretty awake. not sure if i'll be able to sleep.
today David is flying to Mexico! i hope he has a lovely safe flight and a great week there.
ok. 4:17am. i guess it's time for bed.
goodnight room. goodnight moon. goodnight cow jumping over the moon. goodnight light and the red balloon. goodnight kittens. goodnight mittens. goodnight brush. goodnight iTunes. goodnight mush. goodnight old lady whispering 'hush.' goodnight stars. goodnight air. goodnight noises everywhere.
(abbreviated version.) i read that story twice the other day. followed by The Runaway Bunny. the best part of Goodnight Moon is the old lady whispering 'hush.' because, when i would say 'hush,' i would whisper it into the little girl's ear, and then she would whisper it too. it was super cute.
ok! 4:25am. go to bed julie!!!!!! this is another night where i have to force myself. oohhhh i'm going to be tired tomorrow afternoon for work.
ok. i'm really going to bed now. me and Ruby had a fight. i got mad at her for attacking my hand and my legs repeatedly. and then she got even more excited and mad. and i pushed her away and she rolled over and then left the room. i hate when she gets into these violent moods.
ok. for real now. goodnight friends. have a lovely sunday. i hope you are able to stay home all day and never get out of your pajamas.
love you!!!!