for those of you who may be unfamiliar with the teal jacket saga, let me give you a brief recap:
i had this teal jacket from the Gap. it was the best jacket ever. not only was it the best jacket ever, but it was my absolute favorite thing i have ever owned in my life. i so freaking loved that jacket. notice how i am using past tense.
one day, i had the jacket draped over my bag and i was walking to my mom's car, parked at Hampshire College. 20 minutes later, once we have reached our destination, i get out of the car and the jacket is gone.
we back track to Hampshire College. search the parking lot. no jacket. no jacket in the lost and found at pub safety. no jacket anywhere.
i posted the lost jacket online to see if anyone picked it up. nothing. i went to pub safety every day asking them if anyone turned it in. nothing.
and i never saw the teal jacket again.
kerianne and i were watching Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium one night. starring Dusty Hoffman and Nat Port. Nat Port enters a scene, and what is she wearing.....MY TEAL JACKET.
i still hold this against her.
and then, just the other night, i was watching episode PLAN B of Veronica Mars, season 2. Veronica is sitting in class in the beginning of the episode wearing a familiar jacket. MY FAMILIAR JACKET!!!!!!
(so, here's the deal with these pictures...since my computer can no longer open any programs, i am (really) not able to play the dvd in the disc drive. so, i cannot get good quality screencaps. what i did instead, was play the dvd on my tv, and photograph it. i think veronica would agree that it was pretty good detective work.)

AND THEN! if wearing the teal jacket just wasn't enough, she HAD to go meet up with her ex-boyfriend, Leo. the one who i am in love with. the super gorgeous ex-police officer, current security guard.

they just had to meet for coffee. i guess if you want to make your ex-boyfriend jealous by wearing something super hott, the teal jacket is the way to go.

whoops, how did that one get in there......

she looks so innocent.
and there you have it. Veronica Mars stole my teal jacket. i'm still in shock.
and at the end of my 'nat port stole my teal jacket' entry, i posted some pictures of other things that Nat Port had stolen from me. they included Gael Garcia Bernal.
and now, i will post some pictures of other things Kristin Bell has stolen from me on tv shows.
yep. she got to make out with Zachary Quinto A LOT on Heroes. and it was super sexy. first the jacket, and then Zesty Queso.
but, how can you hate on KBell?? she's so cute and funny.
oh, i can't hate on KBell.
this whole thing really just makes me realize how freaking trendy i am. i mean, the teal jacket was featured in movies and on television. pretty much, this means that i am super stylish and should be famous asap.
wow. now i feel sad. those teal jacket pictures just brings back so many memories of the better days.
ok. i have to take a break. i am going out. it's currently 7:21pm. i never went to the post office today. i just wanted to sit around. is that so bad? i don't think so.
but, now i have things to do.
have a good night. i will try.
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