Also, Florence and the Machine performed, and you all should watch that too. Lady looks like a red headed Cate Blanchett. Love that record sooooo much. Like, a lot. It's PRETTY COOL.
Sooooo I haven't updated in a while. Why? Well, I haven't been doing anything. Therefore nothing is exciting.
Just kidding. Everything is exciting. (Duh.) Our kitchen was repainted!!! I had to be awake early last week to let the paint guys into the house. Two guys, very nice. Kitchen looks great.
I also went stove shopping for like, three days with my mom. It was awesome. I pretend to hate "home stores" like Home Depot and Loew's, but then I really love them when I get there. I think because I love projects. And those stores are full of different projects to do.
This past Monday I dyed a scarf orange. Came out freaking awesome. I've had this scarf for a while now, and it was white. I bought it as a white scarf with the intent to dye it orange. This has been a work in progress for over a year now. Remember last winter when I set out to KNIT my own perfect orange scarf? But then I got like, halfway through and remembered that I'm a pretty bad knitter. And it just wasn't what I imagined the scarf to look like.
So! I ended up buying a white scarf for $6 at KMart and then dyed it orange on Monday. SO GREAT. I just love dying things! It's like, this fun, semi-suspenseful process where you just have to hope that the color takes to the fabric like you imagine in your head.
I should write a mystery novel about a lady who works in a dye store.
'Death at the Dye Store'
by Julie Evans
nice, right?!?! I just came up with that. It could be like, a Nancy Drew series. Just one book? OH NO!!! SERIES. A series of 'Death at the Dye Store' books. With some character with a sweet, innocent name. Something like, Carolina Blue, or something. I imagine there would need to be a color somewhere in her name, to make it even more cute that she works at a dye store.
What is a dye store, even? I think I also just made that up, because I don't know if they exist. Like, a store where you go if you want something dyed. That's sounds awesome. I want one.
Anna Grey? Violet James? Benjamin Yellow? Ha. Ben Yellow is kind of ridiculous. I've always liked Julie Blue. There's an album by Joe Purdy called Julie Blue.
River girl, she took me in
And I became her new best friend
She would laugh as she filled my glass with wine
She said "well, hold on boy cause we can't stay long
It's bittersweet, this river song",
So toast to you and I hope your journey's kind
Singing "goodbye river, I'll see you next time"
Those are the lyrics to the song, 'Julie Blue' off the record, Julie Blue. I discovered this last year when I discovered a baby name website that said the name "Julie" was totally OUT and old fashioned and LAME. They're like, "updated versions like, Julia and Juliet are a better choice," or some other CRAP.
So then I was feeling pretty down that the baby name website totally hated on my name. SO! I went in search of the best songs about Julie EVER WRITTEN. And I created an iTunes playlist called, "people love julie" and I will now share what is on that playlist.
- Hey Julie :: Fountains of Wayne
- Don't Wake Up, Julie :: The Dreamers
- Julie :: Jared Strock
- Julie :: Jens Lekman
- julie blue :: Joe Purdy
- Julie :: King's X
- Julie :: Mano Solo
- Julie :: Oliver Lukas
- Julie :: Pete Francis
- Julie :: Shane & Shane
- Julie :: We Shot the Moon
After making this playlist, I felt a lot better about myself. I've actually been listening to Julie songs a lot lately too. My faves from that playlist, which I totes recommend you listen to, are:
- Julie, by We Shot the Moon
- Julie, by Jens Lekman
- Julie, by Pete Francis (listen to this one right now.)
- Hey Julie, by Fountains of Wayne
AND THEN, the number one, best Julie song EVER, is of course:
- Don't Wake Up, Julie, by The Dreamers
Written for ME by Andrew :) What's better than a personalized song? Um, pretty much nothing. That's PRETTY COOL.
So, if you're ever in the mood for some great songs about Julie, please check those out. And, if you're ever feeling down about your name, I would recommend making your very own Name Playlist. "People Love (insert your name here.)" Because, it's probably true. People do love you, even if you were dealt a crappy, out of style name.
So THERE! Now go feel better about yourself.
I feel pretty good today. I'm currently freezing in my house. But, it's not really bothering me. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, it will bother me. And I might actually go turn up the heat now. Just don't tell my mom.
Aahhh, the house was a cool 59 degrees. YIKES. Too cool for comfort.
So last night, me and Keith ran into a crazy guy. We were hanging out together, and ran into a crazy guy, like you sometimes do. It was a crazy experience, to say the least.
This guy comes up to us and we're kind of like, "ohhh no." And at first, he asks if either of us have a light. No, we don't. Then he proceeds to tell us about like, all the deaths in his family, how his family owns this huge farm....? And now he's the only one left to take care of it...? Maybe? He was also pretty out of it, so we could barely understand what he was saying. At one point, he was talking about how his wife died 7 years ago from breast cancer, and I thought he was going to start crying. And then I ACTUALLY THOUGHT I was going to start crying. It got really heavy.
And, while he was standing there, rambling to us, I was reminded of all the other crazy guys I've met throughout my life. Including,
- drunk guy on the street in Ireland
- old guy in the store in Greensboro, NC
These are both guys who I have for some reason, started talking to, and didn't get another word in for like, 3 hours.
Drunk Guy on the Street in Ireland was pretty great. That night ended with us being kicked out of a bar, if I remember correctly. Or no! After that happened, we ditched Drunk Guy and me and Aliya ended up eating curry fries with Will and DAVE. Yessss Dave. That night was crazy.
Aliya was with me when we ran into Old Guy in the Store too. That guy told us about his entire family. Like, ENTIRE family.
And now there's Crazy Guy on the Beach to add to the mix. Awesome.
So tomorrow is Thanksgiving! I might do a special Thanksgiving Blog Episode, because I'll be alone for most of the day. Thanksgiving Blog Episode? Hm. I don't think that works. I think it either has to be, Thanksgiving Blog, or Thanksgiving Episode. Ah, what the heck, Thanksgiving Blog Episode sounds pretty awesome.
So yes, I'll be alone most of Thanksgiving. Which...I am thankful for..?? My mom has to work, and my sister has to work. I will be at home COOKING. Yessss, for the third time in my life, I am cooking the entire Thanksgiving dinner. (Except for the mashed potatoes. Because I am anti-mashed potatoes. Kara is making them.) I'm pretty excited to be alone and be cooking all day.
I like cooking if I'm alone. Same with cleaning. Generally, doing most things, I guess. But, those are the main things. I think I'm a pretty good cook if I actually care about it.
Ummmm maybe I should take that back. I'm good at cooking Thanksgiving dinner. And that's pretty much it.
On the fridge here at home, we've got one of my famous, "I love being awesome" magnets. And every time I see it, I just start laughing. I just think it's so awesome. Has everyone see this magnet?? Or, does everyone know about these magnets?? They actually exist in real life. Because I CREATED them.
One night I was very bored in college and decided to find all the free samples of things on the internet that I could find. As in, sign up for anything and everything free. I ended up with coffee, a sippy cup, something else that i can't remember, and these magnets.
This like, office supply online store was having these great deals where it was like, $4 shipping that you paid for, and then you could get like, 50 magnets of whatever you wanted, or like, a stamp, or business cards, or whatever. And you could personalize them.
That's a picture of the magnet in all it's glory on the fridge. I guess you could say, it's PRETTY COOL. And stuff like that.
It's so true, though. I DO love being awesome. It's so much better than being lame. Haha. I'm kidding. I'm sometimes lame. That's the next magnet.
I got Kara a fancy stamp that says:
Kara Evans: Certified Awesome Person
NO JOKE. She has a stamp that says that. Those personalized office supply online stores are dangerous, I tell ya. Anyways. I love those magnets. I have like, seriously, 50 of them. Never gets old.
Ohhhh. I'm in a great mood right now. Blogging was just what I needed today.
I'm going to admit something. Maybe you'll think it lame. Maybe you'll think it awesome. Maybe you'll agree. Maybe you'll hate me for it. Ok... here goes....
I like Pink. The singer. Her music is great for dancing. And rocking. And singing too. Her new song rocks a lot. 'Raise Your Glass.' Also though, all of her songs sound exactly the same, I think that's why I like them. Like, the progression of every song is the same. Kind of note for note, too. But hey, it works. I'm hooked. I like Pink. There. I said it. It's also really good music to listen to through headphones really loud.
PHEW. I've been holding that in a long time. It feels good to talk about.
TONIGHT!!!! I'm seeing Maria. MARIAAAAAAAA my bessttttttttt friend. We got the "best friends" award in the Senior yearbook. YEP. All you other best friends are just not as BEST as us. True that. Sorry if that was mean. I didn't mean it to be mean.
Anyways, I'm excited. We're going to see HARRY POTTER. I'mmmmm excited a lot. Likeeee a lot.
Today, I was thinking about nothing really, and then all of a sudden I thought, "I would really like to marry Leonardo DiCaprio." I'm not sure why he popped into my head. I mean, besides for the obvious reasons. Like, him being a hottie. I think maybe I was thinking about seeing Maria, and then thought about Titanic, and then that naturally progressed to thoughts of Leo. Mmmm nice thoughts. But yeah, I'd marry him. In like, five minutes.
ALSO WHO I'D MARRY IN FIVE MINUTES: Jesse Eisenberg. The kid from Zombieland and also The Social Network. Ummmmm what a CUTIE he is! Like, seriously adorable. I saw him on Conan last week and totally fell in love. He was so nervous! Talking nonstop about his cats! I'm like, "um, hello SOUL MATE."
Also talking about how he was called a geek all throughout high school and how like, he couldn't wait to leave high school so people wouldn't call him a geek anymore, and then recently Entertainment Weekly named him "Sexiest Geek Alive" or something and he was like, "why did they have to add in the geek part?! why couldn't it have just been, 'sexiest alive?'" It was super funny.
But also - Crash Kings had a song in Zombieland. So, there's that. "It's Only Wednesday," for those of you playing at home.
OKKKKK. Where is this going??? I should start a, 'Marry Him in Five Minutes' series. Like, blog series. Not a book series like, 'Death at the Dye Shop.'
New blog series, new book series, I think I'm good to go.
I think I'm going to go now, actually. My battery power icon just turned red, so that means it's time to plug in. I'm very satisfied with this entry, though. I think we've covered lots of important ground.
Alright! I hope everyone has a lovely night! I'll talk to you tomorrow, with the special Thanksgiving Day Blog Episode Madness. Yep, it turned into madness. Get ready. It probably won't be that mad, actually. Probably just a list of what I'm thankful for. Or something.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving?! Tell me!! I hope you're spending it with friends and family or other loved ones. Again, I will be alone, in the kitchen all day. Haha. Can my family ever have one normal holiday, please? Can my family ever not have jobs that require people to work on every holiday?? I guess not....
It's okay. I'll probably be here, with the cats, blasting the Pink. haha. It'll be PRETTY COOL. (are you sick of that yet?) (I'm not, so get used to it.)
ALRIGHT! Have a wonderful evening. :)
So toast to you and I hope your journey's kind
Singing "goodbye river, I'll see you next time"