Today is John Lennon's birthday! Everyone is making a huge deal about it, and it got me pretty excited. So I thought, "Hm, how can I celebrate John Lennon's birthday?" And then I remembered the time that I went to NYC for the day to visit Maria. We went to Central Park to Strawberry Fields and the Imagine memorial. And I had the brillz idea of lying on the ground and trying to get our picture with the word 'Imagine' in the background.
I feel like I post these pictures all the time, and I apologize for that - but I love these pictures. This was a great day. Even if it was like, January and we were totally FREEZING on the cement.
(This was when I had blonde hair, btw.)
It took us awhile to get our faces with the whole word, but EVENTUALLY, we did it. Again, good thing it was January, and nobody else was around. Seriously guys - it was freezing.
ANYWAYS! Happy Birthday, John Lennon.
Now, for the musical portion of the entry, let's all watch the Chris Cornell performance on Conan O'Brien last year, when he sang 'Imagine' and Tony from Crash Kings accompanied him on the piano.
It's really a beautiful video.
Tony's mom told me that this day was very exciting for the entire family :)
So, yeah! This concludes the John Lennon portion of the entry.
But not the Tony portion.
So, last night I was getting into bed and I suddenly had this URGE to listen to 'It's Only Wednesday.' Why? I don't know. I mean, duh, it's a great song and I love it. But why, at 4 in the morning, would I suddenly want to listen to it? IDK!
Luckily, I didn't even have to get out of bed, because I have this song downloaded to my phone. So, I sat in bed and listened to it. Wow - great song, right?
Many people think this song is about childbirth. Or, someone being pregnant. And when we asked Tony what it was about, he conveniently didn't want to talk about it. Saying no more than it was "about a girl, and New Zealand." Does Tony have any gorgeous, half-Kiwi babies? We may never know.
BUT! I must have somehow channeled these thoughts into my subconscious, because I had an interesting dream. And now I will tell you about it.
My mom and I were wandering through Andover, MA trying to find a good place to go skiing. (Crash Kings influenced dream much?)
And instead of finding a place to ski, we ran into Tony and Mike's parents. And their mom started telling us about her grandchildren, so I inquired further. She then told me that Tony had two little boys, Brandon, who was 4, and Marshall, who was 8 months.
Brandon and Marshall.
My mom mentioned something about a girlfriend.... and then I woke up. RANDOM. I woke up and was like, "What? Marshall? Really, Tony?"
Weird and strange - I KNOW. But! I feel like you can't blame me for dreams, but I have not yet acquired the ability to control them, therefore, it's totally out of my hands.
And, I kind of love that the two boys were named Brandon and Marshall. Even though I'm maybe not crazy about either of those names individually, together, as brother names, they seem to go well together.
Alright! That's it. This concludes the dream portion of the entry.
I'm at work now. Hanging out. I think we're about to watch the movie, 'Knowing' starring Nicholas Cage. I thought it was a scary movie, but the girls assure me it isn't.
I went out this afternoon to the grocery store. Bought some lettuce. Some tomatoes. Some turkey. Some...pasta sauce. Yep. And I went to the band. I mean, the bank. The band would have been way cooler. But no, it was the bank.
OK! I'm about done. I think this was a pretty good entry. I enjoyed writing it. And, it made me realize that I'm in a good mood today. I'm wearing a dress. And I'm in a good mood. I hope you're in a good mood too!
Take care, friends! Be well! I'll talk to you later :)
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one