i was just reading Entertainment Weekly's list of the 25 Best Movie Tearjerkers. now, i'm not saying that Titanic needs to be number one on every "best" movie list ever created.....but, it at least needs to be higher than THE NOTEBOOK.
on this list, Titanic ranked #16, while the notebook was like, #11. COME ON. who cried during The Notebook? did you? i didn't. lame movie. although, Rachel McAdams has nice hair in that movie and also James Marsden is in it and he's a charmer.
Brokeback Mountain was in the top 5, i think. along with Bambi. both movies which i approve of. movie not on the list? A Little Princess. that's the only movie i am guaranteed to cry at every time. EVERYTIME.
in other, more exciting news, i got to hear an unborn baby's heartbeat for the first time today!! it was really awesome. like, really awesome. it's a little boy.
in re-watching heroes news, i decided that i like Nathan a lot better the second time around. and, as much as i really, really try to hate the cheerleader, she's just so freaking adorable.
but, i'm dreading watching the next episode because i think it's the homecoming one where she almost gets her head cut open. and then the bizarre love story between her and Peter begins. which, isn't really a love story, because, they're actually related, right?
i just remember that when i thought they should have been hooking up on the show, they were actually hooking up in real life. and yeah, i was a little sad when they broke up.
anyways. that's all for now. just a little update. it's very dark and blustery out today. i approve.
Ahhh....what i wouldn't give for some TimBits right now.....and an iced raspberry cappuccino.
And this is me, Kara and my dad in front of Lake Louise. taken while on our great canadian adventure. if i'm correct, that water is so blue because it's glacier fed.
man, that's a good looking canadian (and half canadian) family right there.
ALRIGHT. i just had a really nice phone conversation with my mom. on our new cell phones. it was exciting. i'm really excited for her because she's getting into the show House. i should let her borrow Sense and Sensibility so she can see some vintage Huge Laurie as Mr. Palmer.
alright. i have a glass of iced tea and a chocolate chip cookie to try and distract me from the scaryness that is about to be the next episode of Heroes. i can't tell if it will be more scary this time because i know it's coming, or less scary this time because i know it's coming.
i'll probably let you know.
have a great evening!!! so nice talking to you.
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