"Iz you rollin'? Iz you rollin'? Iz you rollin'?"
"Bitch I might be. Bitch I might be. Bitch I might be."
That goes on for about 10 minutes.
I can't even... I just don't know what to say about this song.
Yesterday Courtney and I took the two residents to Six Flags. The part I was dreading the most was the car ride, because I knew all we'd be listening to was hardcore hip hop/rap. Lil' Wayne is a GOD in this house. Like, seriously. They might actually pray to him.
I can't tell you how much I now know about Lil' Wayne. So much. So much Lil' Wayne information is taking up my brain. It should be illegal.
So, this song 'Pillz' by Gucci Mane came on the mix about... Oh, I don't know. Maybe three times. Maybe only twice. I have no idea. All I know - is that I don't like it. It's like, WHAT? Does this man, Gucci Mane actually listen to his music? Does he know what it sounds like?
If I ever saw a Gucci Mane concert, I might have to go up to him and steal a line from Mercedes on Glee. The scene when Puck is talking to her at her locker and she says,
MERCEDES: I'm gonna have to stop you right there because I'm starting to get embarrassed for you.
Like, SERIOUSLY, Gucci Mane. Please stop. That's all I have to say.
The Six Flags trip was success. I was SO HAPPY that Courtney ended up coming or else I probably would have been miserable.
First of all: How badly did I want to get off exit 20 and stop in at Hampshire College? VERY BADLY. I probably could have convinced them that hanging out in the Airport Lounge all day would be just as fun as Six Flags.
So, we arrived at Six Flags around 11ish. The girls immediately split from us. They wanted to ride on all the rollercoasters. Courtney and I? Not so much. Our first stop?
Yep! They had an abundance to choose from. Lots of dolphins. But we decided we needed super hardcore ones.
I decided on this little beaut:

On my left forearm, which is where I want to get my real one. Though not of a skull... But, doesn't it ROCK?!?!! Ohhhh yeah, I really love it. I showed it to the residents and said, "NOW you guys will listen to me!" I'm totally hardcore now. Yep. Awesome.
Courtney got an awesome skull with like, a red devil horn. She got it on her upper arm, because she's starting a totally great new job this week and didn't think it would be the best first impression. Haha.
We were totally owning that amusement park yesterday.
We went on the:
- teacups (twice. once with the residents - which was the most crazy fun thing ever. they spun that cup SO FREAKING HARD. we must have looked like crazy people with all the laughing. it was awesome.)
- scrambler (ALSO AWESOME.)
- balloon race
- bumper cars
We got Italian ice! I got watermelon flavor. Yum! Courtney got cherry! We got fries! Yum!
There was also this Glee Karaoke stage. So, at the end of the day, when we were all exhausted and our feet hurt, we sat and watched terrible, terrible karaoke. It was awesome. I SO BADLY wanted us all to do a song, but nobody else wanted to do it with me. LAME! I think we totes could have rocked some Britney. Or MILEY.
But, the people singing were mostly horrible. I mean, I give them all the credit in the world for getting up there in front of a giant amusement park and singing. But, terrible. I think the highlight was when a girl got up to sing 'Get the Party Started,' the classic Pink song. But, turns out, she only wanted to dance to it, not sing. So, she totally got up there and very badly danced to just the karaoke music.
It ended up being a fun day. Though by the time I finally got home, I felt totally dead and had a bad headache.
I decided I wanted to get caught up on Private Practice, since I stopped watching it for some reason mid-season. Same with Grey's. I think I'll get caught up on that after. TAYE DIGGS. I would probably argue that he's one of the most beautiful men ever. In the world. And also one of the best-dressed. Yesss. And he's been with Idina Menzel since they met in the original cast of Rent back in 1996 and now they're married and have a beautiful baby boy. I just love them.
But, Private Practice. Man. It's crazyness. So much drama. The one where the parents had to choose which twin daughter to save with the cord blood of their new baby boy?? TEARS! Yikes. And then the sisters were together... OH MAN. MORE TEARS. It's so ridiculous, yet so dramatic and emotional.
That's basically how I spent today. Also, caught up on Jersey Shore. Talk about YIKES.
SAMMI - such an idiot. I can't stand her. I can't stand her face.
Love Vinny. Love JWOWW. Love Snooki. Kinda love The Situation too. I think he's gotten so funny! Can't wait to see him on Dancing with the Stars. Is he really a star? Um, I guess so? I read somewhere that he's going to make around 5 million dollars this year. I also read that he gets paid more money per episode of Jersey Shore than Anna Paquin gets paid for True Blood. Crazy? Yes.
I'm excited because I have a DAY OFF this week!! Like, a real day off. Not just 14 hours where I don't have to work. But a REAL DAY OFF. Like, over 24 hours. NICE. And! I'm going to see River City Extension!!!! OMG SO EXCITED. SO FREAKING EXCITED. We're going back to The Space, in Hamden, CT! Loved it there. Super cool venue.
Alright! I'll talk to everyone later. I'm going to go eat pizza now! There were like, 4 pizzas delivered to the house today from someone who frequently donates pizza, and NOBODY wanted it! So, I totally took one. Another staff took one too. Good pizza too. So, I'm going to eat some while watching Private Practice.
LAZY DAY! Loves it. I slept for 13.5 hours last night. True story! I went to sleep at 1am and woke up at 2:24pm. I had to get up twice:
1. To feed Ruby Tuesday at 5:34am
2. To let the 8am staff into the house at 8am
But, I fell back to sleep VERY QUICKLY after both of those times. Lots of driving + Six Flags + too much sunshine = sleepy Julie.
Alright! Hope everyone has a great start to their week! Can't believe it's like, mid-September already.
Ok! I'll talk to you all laterz. Take care. Be well. Enjoy!
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