omg! they are so beautiful together. and i just love them. and i'm listening to Rent right now in celebration of the news. man, they were both just babies when Rent opened. and now they're so freaking gorge. how could they hate Benny anyways?? he's such a feast of love.
anyways. so, also in celebration of this news, i thought to myself, "aw wow, what a great opportunity to get caught up on my Private Practice!" i was two episodes behind. oh, Taye Diggs is on Private Practice, fyi. (and he was just voted the sexiest man on TV. duh, no poll needed.)
so, i watch the first episode. great. dramz to the max. and then i watch the second episode - and Idina is a guest star!!!!!!! how awesome is that?!?! oh - i was thrilled. they didn't have any hott make out scenes, though. or actually, any scenes together. but i'm hoping her character is on for a few more episodes. it would totes make sense.
i'm so happy for them!!!!
in other news:
- creepy ghost-man living next door = very respected retired doctor from Dartmouth Hitchcock. sooo yeah....i guess i was wrong about that one.
- i suspect there are bedbugs in one of the rooms. you are the first person i'm telling. i got a call a little after midnight from one of the girls saying she has been up taking frantic showers and can't sleep because there are bugs crawling all over her. i told her i'd be down right away.
and i got a look at the little creeper. a cross between a lady-bug and a tick. instructed her to sleep elsewhere. took a mental picture of the bug. came back here and researched. and....i'm gonna say that i'm probably 85% sure they're bedbugs.
i felt bad because she seemed pretty shaken up. just like there had been bugs crawling all over her.
- i babysat the toddler today for an hour. OH - and when i put on my coat this morning to take her to daycare she said, "Julie, nice coat!" i love her! so, we had fun this afternoon. we searched through the animal book until we found the snake. and she had some doritos and she kept feeding all the animals in the book the doritos. the surprising part was they actually liked them!
- quite suddenly tonight i got this desire to eat white cake. and i needed to make some immediately. but, i don't have any baking pans, so i baked it in a frying pan! brillz, i know.
the very middle part isn't quite cooked. but it still tastes good. also, i burnt my wrist taking out the pan and it hurts pretty bad. some of the skin is peeling off. like a scrape.
- also, last night i thought i was getting an ear infection because i was getting these really, really sharp intense shooting pains in my right ear. and i was like, "aw crap i don't know where my health insurance cards are." (i mean, they're here somewhere, i just don't know right now." and i couldn't blow my nose, or tilt my head to the right, or yawn or cough or swallow. it was actually pretty bad.
this morning it was better. and then tonight i'm fine. so, that's good. but i was thinking, "man, what a perfect way to end March - with an ear infection!!" i've been sick the entire month. because i got the stomach floo the first week, then that super bad cold with a fever, then the kitties came to visit me and my allergies kicked right in.
my chest has been super tight all day. hard to breathe.
- i'm working again wednesday night 3:30-10pm. it's Big Chore Night. ugh. i hate big chore night. i still don't understand at all how chores work. they're on some sort of intricate rotation schedule. there's dinner chores, and then there are evening chores. and then on wednesdays there are even more chores, i think.
- clear dishes from dinner
- load the dishwasher
- unload the dishwasher
- bathrooms.
- kitchen.
- living room
- dining room
- lounge
- porch and vans
- floors
i don't get it. and i'll be like,
JULIE: Um, can you take out the trash in the kitchen?
GIRL: Unload takes out trash.
JULIE: What did you have?
GIRL: Kitchen.
JULIE: Who had unload?
GIRL: I don't know.
great. you'd think that the person who had kitchen would take out the kitchen trash. but no. it's unload's job. i don't get it. i just give out the minus if they do it wrong. or the plus if they do it right.
we're getting another resident on thursday! the one who slept over that other night and had the hair dying party. i'm working thursday night too, so that's good.
and i got a chance to hang out with our other new resident tonight. .she.is.a.tough.girl.
okay. i'm going to go to bed now and not be scared anymore of the man next door. all the girls were talking about how scared they were of him, and so my boss stepped up and told us who he was and everything and they she said,
CHARLENE: I lived in the third floor apartment for 18 months - I know his routine.
and i was like, "yes! so i'm not a creep!" it's normal that i know the routine of the family across the street. they are so cute. :)
alright! goodnight! i'll talk to you on wednesday!!!!!! have a lovely time until then.
a new lease -
you are my love.
since you've have this blog your entries have been longer and too long in between!