instead i took a 2-hour bath.
then, i came back out and said, "DO IT DO IT DO IT" and i finished week 2!!!!
i totally, completely bombed an online quiz we had to take. but, that's okay. i thought a lot of the questions were confusing. plus, a quiz? hello! don't they know i went to Hampshire?
anyways, i took a lot of screencaps so you could enjoy the class with me again. wow, i can see your face - you're thrilled!!!!!!
so, at the end we had to play this game called Rags to Riches. i took various screencaps at different points in the game to give you the general idea. Let's Play!!!!

can you guess the answer?? if you guessed PARACETAMOL, then you're right!!!

if you guessed AMPHETAMINE, then you are $16,000 richer!!

can you guess the right answer!?!? well, if you guess, A VERY STRONG PAIN KILLER, then you're right!!!

for one million dollars. if you guessed, GO TO SLEEP, then you are right!!!!!

wow!!! you won too?? that's great. now we all have one million dollars. let's all meet up in Italy and get pizza and gelato.
so then, after winning one million dollars, i STILL had more work to do! can you believe it?! i went from rags to riches and they wanted me to do more.
then i had to take a 20 minute online training on the use of inhalants. this was a really good training. it was really easy to follow and understand.
but, they made it REALLY REALLY clear that they DID NOT want children to take this training. NOR DID THEY WANT parents to share with their children ANY information learned from this.
i found this pretty funny and odd. and, while i can totally see where they are coming from, i'm not sure i agree with this method of keeping children in the dark.
let's get trained on inhalant use. (i've added my own personal touches quite reminiscent of the style of Perez Hilton.)

"Congratulations on being proactive in protecting your family!" that's my favorite line.

now, this next segment was a picture of a house, dollhouse style, and when you moved your cursor over the different rooms, it would tell you the potentially hazardous materials in each room. i have shown you my favorite room, The Office.

what do you need lighter fluid in the office for?? shouldn't this be in the garage with your grill?
and then at the end, there was a survey type thing about the training. i kind of stumbled on question 2....

anyways. that was a quick version of my training today. i'm glad it's over.
last night i watched Yes Man. Jim Carrey. Zooey Deschanel. Bradley Cooper. geeze, that Bradley Cooper is becoming hott stuff. he's just everywhere. i thought it was really cute. i really didn't see what Zooey saw in Jim, because i thought he was kind of a jerk through the whole thing, but i think that's just his sense of humor. overall, i really liked it. great music by Eels. andrew would have liked that.
tonight i have The Great Buck Howard, which i am pretty excited about seeing. not only is it Colin AND Tom Hanks, but the guy's name is Buck! that's my turtle also. i don't know if he's ever met anybody with the same name as him. and lord knows it's impossible to find him name in gift shops on magnets, pens, keychains, etc. i'm kidding. i never look for Buck's name on things.
quickly (because i'm getting hungry for supper), i worked this morning from 8-8:30, and then my boss came in, and she was telling me about this substance abuse home in new hampshire that JUST closed this past week. and they only had two days notice, etc, and it was pretty dramatic. so then she goes,
BOSS: So, do you have a plan in case this place closes?
and she said it so casually!!! i was like,
then i said,
JULIE: I guess I would have to move out.
so, that would stink. but, if that happens, i think my plan is this:
- look in the RIDESHARES section on craigslist
- see where someone is going, or needs to go
- go with them!
sometimes you see ads like, "i'll give you $200 plus i'll pay for gas if you drive me to missouri." why not?? it's like online hitchhiking.
but, i'm not planning on that happening.
what a cool trip that would be though. to find people off craigslist. give them rides places. then in the new city, go on craigslist there and find someone else that needs to go someplace. and so on, and so on.
ok, that's what i'm gonna do. and i'm gonna blog about it while i do it. and then turn it into a book. and then in about 5 years they'll make it into a movie. Megan Fox can play me.
hahaha, that was a joke. the part about Megan Fox. haha.
but, think about how many different people you would meet. and how many places you would see. and, you wouldn't really need that much money, because other people would be paying for your gas. brillz. i can't wait.
and in even more exciting news::::
my mom is coming to visit tomorrow!!!!!! friday!!!!! i'm so excited.
i got four phone calls today on my mobile phone!!!!! that means i heard West Coast four times unexpectedly!!! it was great! two were from my mom, one was from my boss, one was from the Red Cross worker in Concord.
ok ok. i'm hungry now and ready to watch Buck Howard. i'll give you a full report.
have a great night!!! hope you learned some stuff about drugs!!! and also had fun. i know i did.
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