take back the freaking jacket. might i remind you of my Teal Jacket Saga? oh, such a painful time in my life.
it will be the three year anniversary this May of when i lost my precious teal jacket. my favorite item in the whole world. i had it one second, and then the next it was gone. i cried. multiple times over this jacket. OH THE PAIN. OH THE AGONY.
oh how i love my teal jacket,
my teal jacket i got for free.
and now that i'm lost without it,
i wonder, is it lost without me?
i found that in my old livejournal. yep. i wrote a poem about the jacket.
and as Josiah said to me when i told him i had lost the jacket,
JOSIAH: That jacket defined you. That jacket defined your generation.
it was a pretty important jacket.
TO THIS DAY, not a day goes by where i don't wish i had that jacket....
here i am after coming home from a shift in the Airport Lounge. we had a bad rainstorm that night, as is pretty obvious. one of the worst storms i've ever had to be outside in. i was soaked. but, at least i had my jacket. (and my hott Rooney poster in the background!)
driving in my car. hott sunglasses. hott jacket.

here are Kara and i at the Quabbin Reservoir. kara is wearing the jacket. note, the super trendy pins that i put on. anyone who wore that jacket was automatically the coolest person in the room.

seeing the jacket on Natalie Portman in the film, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. i came to the conclusion that Nat Port stole it. STOLE IT. she even stole my trendy pins. now, i am not a person to hold a grudge. but, i hold one against Nat Port.

Kristen Bell, starring here as Veronica Mars, is seen wearing the jacket. look how cute she looks. i decided i can't hate on K.Bell. CLEARLY, she got the jacket from Nat Port. so everybody can just hate on Nat Port.
here were constant reminders of my favorite thing which i had lost. i tried and tried and tried to supplement the teal jacket with other teal things in my life. lots of other things, actually. but they never quite filled the void. some came close. my teal purse is one that came very close. i even bought another teal jacket! but, i never wear it. it's not right. it's just not right. the implementation of the teal streaks in my hair was a BIG IMPROVEMENT.
but, i decided something last week. it was a simple decision. one that one quite clear, and quite obvious.
i needed to TAKE BACK THE JACKET. and so i devised a plan. so, so simple! why had it never come to me before?!? i don't understand this.
i had seen a white denim jacket for sale on oldnavy.com. now, my old jacket was corduroy, but i would settle for denim. it was the same style as my old teal jacket, at least. and, BONUS, it had pockets. something the old one did not.
1. buy the white denim jacket
2. dye it teal
SO SIMPLE!!!!!! why oh why had i never had this idea before??? i have dyed clothes before! created colorful things out of non colorful things!!!! i could do this!!!! i could CREATE another teal jacket!!!!!!!!
AND, i would photodocument the journey as to be more fulfilling for you and for me. :)
Old Navy white denim jacket.
wet jacket in the sink waiting to be dyed.
i couldn't have done it without these guys. i decided to buy two bottles. i tried to dye some shirts black over last summer and only used one packet of black dye. the shirts came out gray. this is what made me decide to get two bottles of teal dye. i wanted VIBRANT.
i had a little emergency once i put the jacket in the hot water on the stove. i needed to bail out some water because it was overflowing. hence, the second stainless steel pot.
teal jacket cooking away on the stove!!!!! i was getting REALLY EXCITED by this point. it looked like it was going to come out AWESOME.
it was by far the messiest dye job i've ever done. don't worry, it all came off very easily.
and the mess overflow. dye coming off my skin?? yeah, that's a different story. it's almost 1am and my hands are still teal.
wet jacket in the sink!!!!!!!! the buttons came out a funny shade of green, but i don't mind. the teal color is PERFECT.
all washed and dried and perfect and wonderful.
WIN. WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN. I WIN AGAIN!!!!!!!! i now have an awesome teal jacket. and i love it. and i took it out of the dryer and my heart was full again.
all the little pieces of the world come together so well.
it was a perfect moment. i might never take it off. i might just never let it out of my sight.
HOWEVER, seeing as i've been using my teal purse, i feel like that might be teal overload. is there such a thing? i fear there is. i'll have to decide about the purse.
but oh, oh, oh, i am so happy. so excited.
take back the jacket = success.
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