so, amazing things were happening on The O.C. last night. NOT ONLY is there more tension between Ryan and Marissa (brought on by Johnny, obviously!), but there were some SUPER HOTT moments that i had to share with you via screencaps.
oh boy, how i love the screencap function.
the first amazing moment pretty much right at the beginning of the episode.
OKAY, we're going to play a game. the game is called, "FIND THE HOTT THING" and i'll show you a picture and you have to find the hott thing in the picture.

this picture features Summer, Seth and Ryan walking down the halls of the Harbor School. is that the name? Harbor? Harborside? whatev. It's the three of them - and there's something hott jumping out......

UM, IT'S THE RED PLAID SHIRT. Seth Cohen is wearing a red plaid shirt!!!!! HOTTTTTT!! Seth is the character obsessed with bands like Ben Folds Five, Death Cab for Cutie, Rooney, Bright Eyes. i love him because he is soooo funny. like, he's kind of hilarious. and he's obsessed with going to Brown University in the fall.
sitting next to him on the couch is Summer Roberts. Seth and Summer are dating. and they are the best couple ever. AND, i think they dated in real life while the show was going on - which makes it 100 times better.
SO - FIRST AWESOME THING = red plaid shirt featured on The O.C.
The second awesome thing came right before the show ended. there's this new character, Matt, who is vice president of The Newport Group, which is the real estate empire that Kirsten's dad built. Kirsten didn't want to become president after her father died, but her husband Sandy did. and Sandy chose a vice president in a nice little guy called Matt. he's young and maybe not so reliable, as we found out in this episode. (he went to a strip club the night before the big presentation, therefore screwing up the presentations and losing the big sale. aw man.)
ANYWAYS. i never noticed - but he is a super hottie. during the part where he apologized to Sandy for screwing up the presentation, he walks into the office wearing (get ready)..... a V-NECK SHIRT.
now, i never knew how attracted i was to guy's wearing v-neck shirts UNTIL seeing him on screen.
let's take a look.....

WHOA. i rewatched this part and my body temperature jumped like, 80 degrees. INSANE. right!?! how sexy!
let's get a bit closer....

AAAHHHHHHHH MATT!!! who knew?!? ooooo yeah. i like that a lot.
such pretty boys on The O.C. i'm very happy i started watching. sometimes it gets super annoying and frustrating because of all the drama.
and it doesn't even seem like all this drama is even needed. it's all like, mis-communication issues. just really unnecessary stuff. ah well. such is life on Newport Beach.
i predict that Julie Cooper and Neil Roberts might have a little something....?? am i right!?
ok. it's tuesday. i slept for a reaallllyyy long time last night. AND i went to bed early. like, 2am.
ok, it was more like, 2:30am. i guess that's not very early.
OH: so here's the deal with my phone....within HOURS it deteriorated A LOT. so, i went to the ATT store yesterday afternoon.
i spoke with Jeff. he was a nice guy.
JULIE: Hi. So, I've had this phone almost a year and recently I haven't been very happy with the way the touch screen works. I can't get it to respond when I touch it.
JEFF: What have you tried to do to fix it?
JULIE: I've tried recalibrating it a bunch of times, but it doesn't even do anything when I try and do that.
JEFF: Have you tried taking out the battery?
JEFF: (goes into this long speech about how taking out the battery is this great reboot type thing and how basically, taking out the battery fixes everything.)
so we tried it. took out the battery. put it back in. turned the phone on. tried the touch screen.
JEFF: Wow...okay, I see what you mean.
JULIE: It didn't work?
JEFF:, this is really non-functional.
AND SO, ladies and gentlemen, ATT is sending me a new phone. for free. FOR FREE!!!! the same phone, which is a bummer because i didn't really like that phone to begin with, BUT HEY! now it makes the expensive price of buying the phone seem not so bad - because now i'm getting a new one for free!
i spoke with Marcel on the phone (actually, Jeff let me use his blackberry) for like 20 minutes figuring out the whole thing. he was asking me if there was water damage, etc... i had to do an inspection of the phone to make sure everything was in good condition and that it wasn't MY fault the phone was broken.
and it totally wasn't my fault.
so, i left the store happy. because i won't have to deal with the broken phone anyways.
SO HERE'S THE DEAL: until the phone comes, i can't really make any phone calls because i can't get into my contact section. IF I KNOW YOUR PHONE NUMBER OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD, i can make a phone call. but, that really only applies to my house and my work. and my mom and kara.
I CAN text message. sometimes. so, if you text me and don't get a response it may be because i can't get to the screen to make a response text.
I CAN answer phone calls. BUT, the phone has now decided when and when not to make sound, so i cannot guarantee that the phone will ring.
hopefully the new phone will be here by the weekend. and i will let everybody know.
i don't think i'll have to transfer phone numbers or anything. because it has that thing that saves everything. which my old phone didn't have, so i still don't understand how it works or what it is.
speaking of phone calls, i JUST got a voicemail saying that there is a UPS package downstairs for me!!!! and i have no idea what it is!!!! i didn't buy anything, i promise!!
ok. hope you all are having a great day!! it's a tab blustery here and i am enjoying that.
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