ok, i'm on this Blood Feathers kick tonight.
this has happened before. i'll see a band live but then it's not until much later that i really get into them.
it happened the night of the Rooney/Tally Hall/Crash Kings show.
- i was there to see Rooney
- Crash Kings blew my mind away
- i forgot how much i enjoyed Tally Hall until months later! and now i love Tally Hall!
and the Tally Hall Effect has happened again with Blood Feathers. ('effect' i don't think is the right word. and i think technically it would be the Crash Kings Effect. Tally Hall Scenario? i don't know. we'll stick with 'Effect' for now.)
here is what the lovely gentlemen of Blood Feathers look like:
cuties! i very strongly recommend that you purchase their record, Goodness Gracious.
BUT! after i wrote the blog post below this one, i was thinking more about merch for them. i don't know why. i don't know why at all.
but i was chopping up a tomato and thinking about Blood Feathers. i think because i had 'Sweet Tea' stuck in my head.
but! i guess i was pretending that i was actually the head of their Merch Street Team and i came up with a new shirt for them.
OKAY! not that different from the other one really...
so the other one was black with their design*

printed in red on the shirt and then their name in white lettering.
- light blue t-shirt
- white design
- red lettering
BRILLZ! because at first i might have thought their name was scary, but now i think it's beautiful. and i think the white bird feathery design against the light blue shirt would be 'airy' and beautiful. like, "aahhhh we have the word 'feather' in our name....."
"....but we also have the word 'blood!!!'" and that's where the red comes in.
BUT!!!!!! the band name will not be in the font that's on their record cover. it will be in
(the font that says Blood Feathers) i like the other font too, but yes, it's more of an album title and not a band name font.
DAVID!!!! can you name any of these fonts!??!
(that message was directed to one of my best friends David, who is a font designer.)
ANYWAYS! that's my new Blood Feathers t-shirt design. i'm still a little perplexed as to why i was thinking about this. i've never designed a t-shirt for a band in my head before.
and i would gladly move to Philadelphia! (the liberty bell!!! the walnut street theater!!!) i mean, if they wanted to make me Head of the Blood Feathers Merch Street Team. do they have a street team? i don't know! but they should start one! or, the fans should start one. i'm sure they have good fans. cause they play good music.
MAN. i wish i had had more than a one-second conversation with Ben at the bar of The Note that night because now i want to be best friends with them.
hm. i think they're like a 'vintage blues rock' band. i don't know. it's a very good sound.
like, sometimes, when i listen to JET, they have a kind of vintage sound. particularly my fave, 'Skin and Bones' which makes me think of The Rolling Stones... but i can't figure out which song.
and Blood Feathers has kind of the same vintage sound that JET has, but with more blues.
(i think.)
maybe i should stick to designing them t-shirts.
i also think they should embrace the feather design.
there's a nice one. THAT against a light blue shirt with red lettering would also be cool.
i don't know. i like the thought of light blue and red for this band. they have teal and red on their website, which i am also fine with, seeing as i am the #1 fan of teal in the world.
but....i still kind of think light blue.
hm. i like this.
i wonder who runs the Blood Feathers twitter. i hope it's the band. they only have 259 followers. ok - we need to get that number up, folks. and only 794 friends on facebook. that needs to come up too.
i like this band. i have a good feeling about them. they need to play more gigs. they need to come to Boston. i think Boston would really like this band.
OR!!!! Northampton. they need to play the Iron Horse. yep. that's it.
Blood Feathers - if you're reading, get your manager to book YOU HERE. the kids will love you. great town. i've seen Lisa Loeb and Ben Lee at that place and it rocks!
have i seen anyone else there? hm. i don't think so. although, i thought there was more.
anyways! yep. that's where Blood Feathers needs to play.
i feel like maybe Blood Feathers is the Paper Tongues of the blues-rock genre. and Paper Tongues would be like...an eclectic-rock band.
(i still really don't understand "eclectic rock," but it just kind of makes sense when talking about Paper Tongues.)
i feel like both of those bands are very different. i don't know why i compared them.
wow. i've done a lot of Blood Feathers promoting tonight. and i've been enjoying their record the whole time! it ended the first time around and i said out loud,
JULIE: What?! Nooo!!!
and i played it again. i think it's one of those records that you can listen to on repeat all day and not get tired of.
like Crash Kings.
ALRIGHT friends! it just started pouring out. i feel this appropriate for the Blood Feathers talk.
they're like, a 'so-humid-it-rains' band.
ooooo that's kind of perfect! whoa. it's like, warm, and sticky outside and then it starts to rain. YEP.
THAT'S Blood Feathers. wow. i'm really impressed with myself.
- the 'so-humid-it-rains' description of Blood Feathers
- the 'wink and a nudge' description of 'You Got Me' by Crash Kings
ooo i love it. their next record should be called 'Humid.'
AAAHHH i'm so excited!!
OK. it's currently 3:41am. saturday morning. i have to be awake by like....9am. i should leave here by....9:30? 9:45? maybe 9:45. no, maybe 9:30.
alright. i hope you are still having a good night. I AM!
talk to you later!!!!
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