so, The O.C. was always famous for having really great music from less known artists blah blah whatever whatever.
in the Valentine's Day episode (which i LOVED) there was a really great cover of 'Wonderwall' by Oasis. and so i looked it up, and it was by RYAN ADAMS!!! who knew he did a cover of Wonderwall!? i didn't know.
so, i ended up downloaded that, AS WELL as a GREAT live version of the song sung by Noel Gallagher. i really love it.
i was just watched another episode and said, "omg i have to download this song too!!" so, after some "o.c. music research," discovered that the song is 'Something Pretty' by Patrick Park.
another great song! and it played during the part where Seth interrupts the kissing booth to proclaim his love for Summer. AWWWW. omg Seth. i need him. i love him so much. i need a Seth Cohen please.
i'm really loving The O.C. a lot. probably a lot more than i really should be. i had no idea it was so hilarious! all the scenes in the Cohen household crack me up. Seth and his parents are great comedy.
oh, here's the two new songs i got:
'SOMETHING PRETTY' by Patrick Park
'WONDERWALL' by Ryan Adams
check it out!
hm. that's pretty much all i did today. watch The O.C. oh, i went to the grocery store.
my horoscope for today kind of freaked me out....
The devil and the deep blue sea -- take your pick. Under most unusual circumstances, you may bump into someone today who seems to be a representative from both. Within days, oddly enough, they'll manage to find a place in your heart. Be ready. Be ready for their company, and be ready to feel the need to make a decision quickly. Good luck, no matter what you choose.
weird, right? i don't know. it gave me a very uneasy feeling when i read it. "the devil and the deep blue sea?" what does that mean!? it sounds like a Rolling Stones lyric. is it?
speaking of The Rolling Stones, i decided that most JET songs remind me of Rolling Stones songs. but, i can't figure out which ones. like, which Rolling Stones songs they sound like. JET definitely has a retro-throwback feel to them, i think. i think.
oh, i was also productive today in learning more about Crash Kings. i kept thinking about how one week ago Ryan and i were IN NEW JERSEY making awesome friends and seeing an awesome concert.
so, naturally, i went on Twitter and read through every single one of the Crash Kings tweets. it took a while. at first, i was not proud to be doing this. but then, it just became awesome. and i learned a lot about them.
i learned that Mike's birthday is 2 april. and Tony's birthday is 27 september. i had this feeling that Tony was a march baby. so, i was wrong about that. ah well.
and i found some really great pictures. they posted a picture from the time they went to a Jonas Brothers concert which made ME REALLY HAPPY. and i kind of can't believe that they went to a Jonas Brothers concert.
they also posted this picture of the three of them standing on a pier in front of the ocean. the picture is now currently my desktop background. "why?" you may ask. well, let me tell you.
Mike. is. wearing. a. cardigan.
1. Mike is wearing a cardigan
oh man. i can't look at the picture for very long because i start to lose my breath. for serious. it takes the wind right out of me. and then i get goosebumps.
shall we? we shall.
(prepare yourself... looking directly at this picture may cause burn damage to your eyes because IT IS SO HOTTTTTTT.)
oh wow. yep. there it is. BOY WEARING CARDIGAN. yeah. yep.
we all know how i feel about boys wearing cardigans. YEAH. they take my breath away and give me goosebumps.
WHOA. okay, we need to move on.
i also found this ridiculously adorable picture of Tony and Mike at a Dodger's game last summer. yeah. i really hope that picture is hanging in their parents living room.
and in THAT picture - Tony is wearing his glasses.
but, we can't get into that. or else i might go into some kind of sexy love shock.
SEXY LOVE SHOCK. that's what they need to call their next record. i'll have to remember that for when they are making their next record. i'll tweet it to them.
SON OF A GUN those boys are pretty.
okay. it's 3:14am. i need to be up again in 45 minutes. so, perhaps i will get some sleep before then. MAN, that daylight savings crap really jumped up on me. that sucked. i didn't think i would be that affected. but YEAH.
i was SO TIRED all morning. i have no idea what time i went to bed. but then i had to answer the phone at 7:15am, which was really 8:15am and i could barely talk to the person because i was soooo tired. i think i managed to do the entire thing with my eyes closed.
and then i had to go downstairs to let the day staff in at 8 am (really 9am) and again - i could barely keep my eyes open for 15 minutes. it was crazy. and then i slept until like 1pm. i think. i have no idea. maybe it was either noon or 2pm. i don't know. no, i don't think it was 2pm. i think it was 1pm.
ALSO - i set my phone alarm for 4:05am sunday morning. and i woke up at 5:45am and the alarm was going off - but there was no sound. LAME! i have no idea why the alarm on that phone sucks so much.
and then again, i had set it for 7:50am, and it just never went off at all. it just shuts itself off. it's so weird.
but! i made two new ringtones today online.
1. It's Only Wednesday
2. Skin and Bones
i'm currently using It's Only Wednesday. although it's going to be bad because someone called me today and i just totally didn't care about anything except singing along. the phone was in the other room and i didn't even get up to see who it was. i just rocked.
anyways. now it's 3:20am. i should get into bed for 40 minutes. should i? yeah, i should.
it's been raining all day. and it got really windy! i like it. although, the windows in my bedroom shake sooooo bad. it scared Ruby Tuesday multiple times last night.
i like the rain. except not when it creates mud. mud is gross. and we have a dirt driveway.
ok. now i'm really going to go to bed. 3:23am.
i still have to tell you about my car. i haven't done that yet. i'll post a picture. and i still have to post a picture of my old car reaching 100,000 miles. notice how i said, "my old car?" does that mean i got a new car?!?! maybe! maybe!! i won't give anything away.
tomorrow is sunday? or monday? i think it's sunday. no it's not - it's monday. because today was sunday because i had to get up to let in the day staff.
MONDAY! have a great monday. have a great beginning of the week. i have no plans! what a surprise!!!
ok. 3:27am. goodnight!!!!! good day!!!!! good everything!!!!!!
hey - know what's good? that picture of Mike wearing the cardigan. let's look at it again and have sweet dreams, shall we? yes. great idea, julie.
WOW. yep. i'm having good dreams already. and i'm still awake.
ok. this is getting out of my control. END. END IT JULIE.
ok!!!!! have a great day!!!! i'll write more later and try not to go crazy.
take care. be well.
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