(after saying that, i am now going to try very hard to be decent and respectful about this.)
i am shocked and very sad. they say it was mutual? hm. they say it happened earlier this year? hm. so, i'm guessing Sam wasn't at the Oscars with Kate? (you see, i didn't watch because i was rocking.)
i like Sam. i think he's a good guy. and he has a beard! you can't go wrong when a guy has a beard. but, maybe, i guess you can? hm.

photo taken from the 2009 Oscars. what went wrong, i wonder...
- hectic schedules?
- can a household with two oscar winning parents really work?
- the fact that Sam is directing the next Bond movie? (yeah, that might do it for me...)
- um...let's see....what else could break up a marriage........
- oh geeze, i can't stand it anymore....
- i tried really hard to not go here.
- but, i can't help it.
- i have to go here.....

- could it be the fact that Kate and Leo are in love with each other?? UM YES.
now, let me say again, that i am very sad about Kate and Sam splitting up. it's sad when anyone splits up. especially when there are little children involved.
BUT NOW!!!!!!! this will give Kate and Leo the rest of their lives to be together!!!!
and this news comes on the heels of the news that Leo and Bar might have split up again. i read that last week, i think. YEP. could it be? that both Kate and Leo are single at the exact same time?!?!?
oh, folks. this could be brilliant.
remember how i said that i better have a great second half of the year since the first half was kind of crappy? YEAH - THIS WOULD DO IT. this would make things great. Kate and Leo finally together!!!!!
i feel like i would sleep better at night. the air would smell better. the sun might even shine brighter. things would be RIGHT. maybe even peace on earth!? who knows what would happen when two powerhouse hotties get together!!?!
OMG. it is a sad day, but it is also a happy day.
also, how brillz is this blog subject title? 'heart (break) of the ocean.' does everyone get it? like, 'heart of the ocean' only with the added word - "break." totes brillz, right? i came up with that on the spot. like, in one second. genius happens with the prospect of Kate and Leo.
alright. it's 5pm on monday. 15 march. i managed to get 8 hours of sleep. although, all the hours were in the 5am - 3pm range. and they were not good hours. lots of interruptions.
ok. i haven't eaten anything yet, so i'm going to go do that. i bet the food is even going to taste better. just THE THOUGHT that now Kate and Leo could be together is all i need.
is it inevitable? are they really in love? the Kate and Leo message boards on IMDb are all over it.
"LEO STOP PLAYING AND GO GET KATE" was my favorite subject line. on the Leo board. the people love it.
let's start it now, people - PEER PRESSURE. sometimes, it's bad, but sometimes, it's also good. and this would be a good time.
take care, friends. have a great day.
(yep. now comes the time where i post a doctored-up version of Kate's acceptance speech at the Golden Globes last year.)
how can they deny it?!?!
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