In this episode, our hero, Julie, has an uneventful, boring day. Stay tuned to find out what went on!
First, I woke up.
About an hour later, I decided I wanted to eat bruschetta and watch last night's episode of The Office and 30 Rock.
I went to get the 'bruschetta' bread and discovered it was moldy. I inspected the mold. Cool. Then I decided I would use my whole wheat multi-grain bread instead.
Still delish, although the bread turned out a little soggy.
Episode of 30 Rock was totes hilars. I laughed really hard when Liz is going on about how great Tracy's life with his family is and then she says, "Know what I have? A Sims family that keeps getting murdered." Yeah, I laughed for a while. Also appreciated the amount of the Che picture that Liz keeps tacked to her bulletin board.
Then I wasted some time.
Then I tried to rework my car insurance but the website kept getting errors and so finally after like, an hour, I gave up and was frustrated.
Then I decided to take my frustration out in the form of being crafty.
Here is the craftiness progression:

Voila!! A pretty pot of fake purple flowers.
Then, I made Kara an anklet. I call it, "Blue Sunrise." It's a repeating rainbow progression of color. I don't want to post a picture because I want it to be a surprise for Kara.
Then, I fiddled around and tried to make a pair of chandelier earrings, but I couldn't get a design I liked. At first I was imagining them crystal and silver beads. But then I thought about adding color. But then I kept thinking about the crystal and silver. Now I'm undecided.
Then, I restrung the "sister crystal" that me and Aliya have to hang in my new car. I added some extra beads and a real clasp and hung it in the car!!
The Sister Crystal keeps me safe while driving. I haven't had it in the new car, and maybe that's why I've been so uneasy about driving.
Then I called my mom.
Then I had a bowl of chocolate cheerios.
Then I did some intense research on the song I heard in Old Navy back in January and still can't figure out what it is. Still no luck. Although, there was a very close call with this band called Fanfarlo, which I might be interested in listening to more of.
Then I went and washed out my earring with alcohol. Why? Because it's infected. Again. I've had this piercing ONE YEAR. ONE YEAR THIS MONTH. And it's still getting infected like, every two weeks. Why do I put up with it? Why don't I just take it out forever? I DON'T KNOW. I can't explain it. I guess I kind of like it. But it drives me crazy.
Then I decided it was time to finish season 1 of The O.C. SO I DID. (I might have cried a little. Just a little...) (Like when Seth and Ryan were saying goodbye to each other.) ( :'( )
While painting my fingernails black.
And my toenails 'steel.'
Then I got a letter ready to mail to my new BFF Lindsay who works at Toyota of Portsmouth. I enclosed a note on teal paper. She sent me a note in the mail the other day and it was on lime green paper!!! And I said to myself, "if she can send me a note on lime green paper, then I can send her a note on teal paper!!" SO I DID. Clearly the exchanging of professional notes on awesomely colored paper means we're BFF.
Then I got a little sad because Crash Kings tweeted saying that Jason has a horrible case of food poisoning. :( Feel better Jason.
Then Ruby Tuesday was playing with her favorite toy and it was really cute:
(note: Huggies diapers, again, and my Coconut Records tote.)
Then I watched the video of Chris Cornell singing 'Imagine' on Conan O'Brien while Tony plays piano. This was back on 11 September 2009.
And then I decided to blog.
Do you realize that someone has a birthday coming up? Two very important birthdays are in our future.
Scratch that - FOUR very important birthdays are in our future.
2. Celine Dion
3. Ewan McGregor
Can you believe we've been here at Blogger for almost one year!? Seems like only yesterday that we were saying goodbye to the livejournal, where we made our home for so many years.... And I planned the first ever online ribbon cutting ceremony for the new blog. This blog.
Man, I don't mean to brag - but I totally rock at planning ribbon cutting ceremonies. I should be a professional ribbon cutting ceremony planner. I have experience in both real-life ceremonies, and online ones.
Ya know what? I feel like I'm pretty good at planning online parties too. Remember when we had Blog Reader Appreciation Week and I planned a different event for each night? YEAH. Um, that rocked.
I should be an online event planner. It's probably the way of the future. I feel like I could team up with Myspace. They seem to always be hosting online things.
Anyways. That was my day. And then some.
Currently it's 2:55am. Saturday morning. Once again, I'm alone in the big house. Last night I was really creeped out. The house phone rang at 4am and it freaked me out. And then I couldn't sleep. And then I had to go down to the staff office and log the phone call. And I don't like walking around the empty house at night time. It's shadowy and creaky. Two things that don't mesh.
Plan for Saturday? Nope. Nada. Nothing. None. There is no plan. Except try and be awake before the post office closes so I can go get the first disc of season 2 of The O.C.
I was thinking about Crash Kings performing at SXSW and how Ryan is going. And how Elizabeth lives in Austin. And I said,
JULIE: I have the weekend off!!! I could fly to Austin for a few nights!!! And stay with Elizabeth!!! And meet up with Ryan for the show!!!!!
And then I thought about how I now have car payments.... It was a bummer moment. If I had an 'unlimited checking account,' (which Kara and I constantly joke about having) then I would have gone.
I miss Elizabeth. I think about her every time I look at my 'I heart Poe' button that I have hanging on my fridge. I should write her a letter.
Maybe I will write letters as my plan for Saturday. Maybe I will go somewhere and write them. That could be a fun and fulfilling plan. I like it.
Okay. 3:06am now. I'm going to get into bed and try and go to sleep. I'm not sure if I'm tired.
Thanks for tuning in to Episode 367: Julie Has A Boring Day.
After writing this entry, I feel like maybe it wasn't so boring after all.....
this one sneaked up on me and made me smile.
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