But first, some song lyrics:
and now i just don't know what i should do,
i'm twisted all around like some cartoon, but i don't mind.
I forgot that this song is one of my favorites until it came on my iPod the other day and now I can't stop listening to it. PHANTOM PLANET, man. I miss those guys. And their hilarious blog videos.
Sooo I'm in bed now. Bed blogging, as I like to call it. Kinda got sad tonight. Stupid.
Ruby Tuesday has been keeping me company, though. She brought her toy up onto my bed and was playing with it. It was really cute.
Had to work in the coffee shop today. Made $11.50 in tips! Not bad for 6 hours. And - someone was nice to me! This guy comes in. He's cute. Got lots of tattoos. Ya know. And, a few minutes later his friend joins him and they order some food to go, and then I ring them out on the cash register on their way out. And the tattooed guy says to me,
TATTOO GUY: You know, I just have to say that I think you are the perfect person to work in a place like this.
JULIE: Wow!!
TATTOO GUY: You just have the absolute right personality.
JULIE: Aw, I really appreciate that. Thanks.
TATTOO GUY: So, I just felt like complementing you.
JULIE: That's really nice.
TATTOO GUY: Feel free to give me a complement now... (laughs)
JULIE: Well, I think that you are the perfect customer for a place like this!
And then we all laughed. It was so awesome. Like, AWESOME. And like, funny and random. And then I looked around to see if anybody else had seen this awesome encounter, but all my coworkers were in a deep discussion about onions, or something. LAME.
Actually, I just got hungry. But I already brushed my teeth so I'm not gonna get anything to eat. Also, I've been feeling generally sick this week. Upset stomachs and whatnot. I actually thought I was gonna need to call out of work on Tuesday because I thought I was gonna vom. Lovely, right? Yep.
Member when I blogged through having the stomach flu?!!?!? Good times!! Good memories!!
Ok. I have to tell you this story. And I keep forgetting. And I WISH I had pictures. It happened a few weeks ago. Get ready for drama, excitement and adventure...
I believe this happened on 20 July 2011. A few weeks ago. We were on our way to see Harry Potter 7.2 and we decided to get some Chinese food beforehand.
We pull into the parking lot and Kara suddenly yells,
KARA: Watch out for the injured mouse!
It ran directly in front of the car. So, I stopped. Kara and Maria are on the right side of the car to see the animal..
MARIA: Uuhhhhh.....
KARA: Oh my God I think it just died right in front of us... I think it's a baby mole...
So, I quickly parked the car and all three of us ran out in the middle of the lot to investigate the death scene. It was, in fact, a baby mole, and it had been running from the woods directly through the parking lot. Kara and Maria pointed out that moles are blind. ??? Really??
We could see that the mole was barely breathing. He wasn't dead! But, he seemed injured. So, I ran to the woods to get a stick.
(This made me happy because I thought we were gonna have to have a mole funeral. And, immediately I thought, "well, I blogged about the hornet funeral a few weeks ago, I'll have to blog about this, and all my readers will think I'm an animal killer." But, I'm not.)
Then, we coaxed the mole back to life while speaking to it (actually more like, "PLEASE GET OUT OF THE ROAD MOLE!!!!!!) and gently tapping it with the stick.
At one point, Maria got some napkins out of her purse and was prepared to pick up the mole and bring him over to the grass. But luckily, in our hesitance, the mole started running on his own!! Probably out of total fear of us, but whatever - he was running away from the cars and traffic!!!
And, in this time period, we had stayed surrounding the baby mole while cars drove around us. YEP. Risking our lives for the baby mole. We were heroes that day.
So, the baby mole got far enough out of the road that we were no longer worried. So, we went to eat some Chinese food, which was delish, while still maintaining a close eye on the parking lot.
We all left the restaurant prepared to see a squashed baby mole in the parking lot right where we left him. BUT NO!! There was no squashed mole. There was no mole anywhere, in fact, and we can only assume he made it home safely to his mole family!!!
In doing some further research after we got home, Kara and I came to the conclusion that we had found a star-nosed mole. He had all the little fingery things coming out of his nose. And, reading about it, it sounds like he does a pretty good job of defending himself. Also, at surviving in general. He probably would have been fine that day. BUT, it was semi-traumatizing in the moment to think that this little guy might be squashed at any instant. And I think it was nice of us to stay with him until he reached safety. It really says a lot about our character.
An oldie, but a goodie.
And, this wasn't the first time I saved a baby animal. Remember the time that Andrew and I saved the baby bird?? Which we affectionately named Gene and then we wrote a rap song about him. Which I performed on a CD that we made. The rap was called, 'Gene Fell From the Sky.' It was pretty hardcore.
Wow. Those were some good times. Me and Andrew had a fun summer that year.

Aw, I miss that guy. Haven't seen him in like forevs. Waay too long. We should all go out for Amy's birthday next week!!! LPD friends!!!! Meg! Amy! Andrew! Mike!!! The 'ol crew. That'd be really fun, actually. Let's make it on the haps.
I think I'm getting tired because I just abbreviated two words in that paragraph. And I've never used the statement, 'let's make it on the haps' before. I don't even think that makes sense.
So, the moral of the story is that I go around in my spare time saving baby animals from death. I moonlight as an amateur veterinarian, if you will.
And in the season finale of my still-to-come tv series, I will face the challenge of having to help a baby deer, or something. Since deer are one of my worst fears. It'll be like, the heroine faces a big obstacle and WILL SHE PULL THROUGH AND SAVE THE BABY DEER?!?!??!
Oh geeze, I don't even want to think about how horrible that would be. If I came face to face with a deer. UGH LET'S STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS OR ELSE I'LL HAVE DEER NIGHTMARES. Wouldn't be the first time.
No, actually I think I'm going to go to sleep. Right after I post this on Facebook!!! I need to make sure that my trusty Facebook readers are up to speed on all the haps of my life. (yep. the haps just happened again.) (should it be, 'happs?' with two p's???)
So! If you're reading on Facebook right now, know that this was the last thing I did before going to sleep. And that'll I'll probably dream about you. Yeah, you. Probably.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!! Anything fun and cool to do on Saturday night??!!? Want to invite me?!?!! Yessssss I think you do.. I have to work from 7a-8:30p tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll be up for a party afterwards. Great!
Oh how I would LOVE to have a blog party IRL (in real life.) Like, where we all meet up and dance and stuff. OMG. That'd be so fun. If I organized a blog event.. how many of you would show up? Cause now that's all I'm gonna be thinking about.
OK. I have to go to sleep now. I have to be awake in like five minutes to go to work. UGH I was gonna go to bed early tonight. UGH.
OK. Have a great day!!!! We'll talk again soon!!!!!!!!!!
PS: Remember how I said I was sad before?!?!?!! I'M NOT SAD ANYMORE!!!!! :)
If you had a blog party, I would DEFINITELY come!
ReplyDeleteMiss you, Julie!