I got my feather extension!!! I got in touch with Gemma, my friend Brittany's sister, who works at Statix Salon and Spa in Dover and asked if I came in to see her tonight (this was Thursday), if she could do my extension.... and she said yes!!! So great.
So, I went in, picked out my feather (a teal bundle, obvi) and BAM! Super freaking cool.

(I also just took those pictures of myself after a long, bad day, so don't judge.) (especially the bangs...)
Anyways - I love it! It just feels like normal hair. If I could afford it, I'd get like, 10. I really want a neon one. Like, yellow or orange. YEAH!!!! I'm really into anything that's neon, fyi.
So, I totally recommend that anyone and everyone go get a feather extension. You won't regret it, and you can always take them out if you do.
So, I mentioned that I'm in a bad mood. I am. I kinda was yesterday and then today too. Being at work was super lame. Although, one of the managers, Jen, asked me to be on the "floorset team," which I was excited and happy about. That means that I'll get to help out with rearranging the store for the new fall setup. I'm excited because it means that I'll actually be DOING something, whereas most days, I feel like I'm just folding stuff.
But still, it's all very trivial in the grand scheme of everything. Or, even in the little scheme of everything, even. I kept thinking about that today as I walked around and around and around folding and folding and refolding and refolding. Like, "really? i've folded this sweater four times already and yep, i'm gonna do it again." Things get unfolded really quickly.
Anyways. That's my work rant. I am excited to learn more about visual marketing rather than verbal marketing. Because, I'm not really a supporter of the verbal stuff and I don't think anyone wants to hear it.
Like, most people are nice about it and everything. But a lot of people say, "i know you have to say that..." Like, when we're offering things to them that they clearly don't want.
Yeah, they're paying me money to ask you if you want to buy this. It's just all crap. Now I feel embarrassed that I'm working in this job where I clearly don't support the practices.
And then I'm like, "JULIE - just do it! Everyone has to work stupid retail jobs in their lives - just do it and stop complaining."
BUT I DON'T WANT TO. I don't like doing things that I don't want to do. That's why I went to Hampshire. So I could choose my own classes and create my own major. I don't want to fit into someone else's crappy job - I want to create my own!!!!!
wow i feel kinda good now. ranting is fun and sometimes very needed. I feel like I don't do it very often. I want ranting to myself all the way home from work, too.
I've kinda begun to look at Route 236 in a different light.... since it's so long and boring and terrible, it makes for some good solo conversation. Yep, I'm serious about this. I rant to myself a lot.
This afternoon on the way over, I worked out the script to a video blog post that might come in the near future. Nope, not kidding about this. Kinda weird, right? Blogging aloud while alone in the car. Whatevs.
It works out well for you fine folks because I REALLY do think I'm gonna video blog. For when I introduce the new and improved blog. Which I love because I think it's way more representative of myself in the now.
Kara saw the new blog and liked it more than this one. So, I'm thinking that I'll formally set a date and probs have a ribbon cutting ceremony. Pff, what do I mean 'probs??!?!' There will DEFINITELY be a ribbon cutting ceremony!!!
Ok now I'm excited.
See!! It's good for me to blog out my anger because then I just get talking about more exciting things and realize that it was lame of me to be in a bad mood in the first place!!!!! GREAT.
It's like that time I was having a hard time writing that paper in college, so I started writing it in the blog and then finished in no time!!!! It's just easier to write here. Although then all my professors in college started being like, "why can't Julie ever write seriously?!?!" UMMMM yeah cause that's boring.
OK. I have some more things to say and will continue this at a later time.
I'm off to start having a great night....
ReplyDeletei almost got a copper/gold tinsel hair extension while i was at camp, but then our etsy order didn't come in time... booo...